Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
               Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. __ )

Filed by the  Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[X]    Preliminary Proxy Statement
[_]    Confidential, For Use of the Commission
          Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)).
[_]    Definitive Proxy Statement
[_]    Definitive Additional Materials
[_]    Soliciting Material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                   ENZON, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                             KEVIN T. COLLINS, ESQ.
                   (Name of Person(s) filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[_]  $500 per each  party  to the  controversy  pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule

[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(I)(4) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3)  Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:  Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined.


     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5)  Total fee paid.


[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount Previously Paid:


     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     3)   Filing Party:


     4)   Date Filed:


                                PRELIMINARY COPY

                               [LOGO] ENZON, INC.

                               20 Kingsbridge Road
                          Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
                                 (732) 980-4500

                           TO BE HELD DECEMBER 4, 2001

     To our Stockholders:

     You are hereby  notified  that the  annual  meeting  of  stockholders  (the
"Annual  Meeting")  of Enzon,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("Enzon"  or the
"Company")  will be held at the Embassy  Suites Hotel,  121  Centennial  Avenue,
Piscataway,  New Jersey on Tuesday,  December 4, 2001 at 10:00 a.m.  local time,
for the following purposes:

     1.   To elect three Class III directors,  each for a term of three years in
          accordance with the Company's Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws
          (Proposal No. 1);

     2.   To  vote  on  a  proposal  to  amend  the  Company's   Certificate  of
          Incorporation  to increase the number of  authorized  shares of Common
          Stock from sixty million  (60,000,000) to ninety million  (90,000,000)
          (Proposal No. 2);

     3.   To vote on a proposal to approve the Company's  2001  Incentive  Stock
          Plan (Proposal No. 3);

     4.   To ratify the  selection  of KPMG LLP,  independent  certified  public
          accountants,  to audit the  consolidated  financial  statements of the
          Company for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002 (Proposal No. 4); and

     5.   To transact  such other matters as may properly come before the Annual
          Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Only holders of record of the Company's  Common  Stock,  par value $.01 per
share, and Series A Cumulative  Convertible  Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per
share,  at the close of business on October 25, 2001 are  entitled to notice of,
and to vote at the Annual Meeting.

     We hope that as many  stockholders as possible will  personally  attend the
Annual Meeting. Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, your proxy
vote  is  important.  To  assure  your  representation  at the  meeting,  please
complete,  sign and date the  enclosed  proxy card and return it promptly in the
enclosed  envelope.  Sending in your proxy will not  prevent  you from voting in
person at the Annual Meeting.

                                         By order of the Board of Directors,

                                         Kenneth J. Zuerblis
                                         Corporate Secretary

Piscataway, New Jersey
October __, 2001

                                   ENZON, INC.


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     This Proxy Statement is furnished to stockholders of record of Enzon,  Inc.
("Enzon"  or the  "Company")  as of October 25,  2001,  in  connection  with the
solicitation  of proxies  for use at the annual  meeting  of  stockholders  (the
"Annual Meeting") to be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2001 and at any adjournment
thereof.  The  accompanying  proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of the
Company and is revocable  by the  stockholder  any time before it is voted.  For
more information concerning the procedure for revoking the proxy, see "General."
This Proxy Statement was first mailed to stockholders of the Company on or about
November [1], 2001,  accompanied by the Company's  Annual Report to Stockholders
for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001. The principal  executive offices of the
Company  are  located at 20  Kingsbridge  Road,  Piscataway,  New Jersey  08854,
telephone (732) 980-4500.


     Only holders of the Company's  common stock,  par value $.01 per share (the
"Common Stock" or "Common Shares") and Series A Cumulative Convertible Preferred
Stock,  $.01 per share (the  "Series A  Preferred  Stock" or "Series A Preferred
Shares")  outstanding  at the close of business on October 25, 2001 (the "Record
Date") are entitled to receive notice of and vote at the Annual  Meeting.  As of
the Record Date,  the number and class of shares of stock that were  outstanding
and will be entitled to vote at the meeting were [42,499,659]  Common Shares and
[7,000]  Series A Preferred  Shares.  Each  Common  Share and Series A Preferred
Share is entitled to one vote on all matters.  No other class of securities will
be  entitled  to vote at the  Annual  Meeting.  There are no  cumulative  voting

     To be elected,  a director  must  receive a  plurality  of the votes of the
Common Shares and Series A Preferred Shares,  voting together as a single class,
present in person or  represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting and entitled to
vote on the  election  of  directors.  The  affirmative  votes of at least (i) a
majority of the Common Shares and Series A Preferred  Shares  outstanding  as of
the Record Date, and entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class
and (ii) a majority of the Common Shares  outstanding  as of the Record Date and
entitled to vote  thereon,  voting  separately  as a class,  are  necessary  for
approval of Proposal No. 2. The  affirmative  vote of at least a majority of the
Common Shares and Series A Preferred Shares, present in person or represented by
proxy at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote thereon,  voting  together as a
single class,  is necessary for approval of Proposal No. 3 and Proposal No. 4. A
quorum is representation in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting of at least
one-third  of  the  combined  Common  Shares  and  Series  A  Preferred   Shares
outstanding as of the Record Date.

     Pursuant to the Delaware  General  Corporation Law, only votes cast "For" a
matter  constitute  affirmative  votes.  Proxy  cards which are voted by marking
"Withheld" or "Abstain" on a particular matter are counted as present for quorum
purposes and for purposes of determining  the outcome of such matter,  but since
they are not cast "For" a particular  matter,  they will have the same effect as
negative  votes or votes  cast  "Against"  a  particular  matter.  If a  validly
executed proxy card is not marked to indicate a vote on a particular  matter and
the proxy granted  thereby is not revoked  before it is voted,  it will be voted
"For" such matter.  Where brokers are prohibited from  exercising  discretionary
authority  for  beneficial  owners  who have not  provided  voting  instructions
(commonly  referred to as "broker  non-votes"),  such broker  non-votes  will be
treated as shares that are present for purposes of determining the presence of a
quorum; however, with respect to proposals which require the affirmative vote of
a percentage of shares present at the Annual  Meeting for approval,  such broker
non-votes will be treated as not present for purposes of determining the outcome
of any such matter. With respect to proposals which require the affirmative vote
of a  percentage  of the  outstanding  shares for  approval,  since such  broker
non-votes are not cast "For" a particular matter, they will have the same effect
as negative votes or votes cast "Against" such proposals.

                     PROPOSAL NO. 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Pursuant to the provisions of the Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation
and By-laws,  the Board of Directors is comprised of three classes of directors,
designated  Class I, Class II and Class III.  One class of  directors is elected
each year to hold  office for a  three-year  term and until  successors  of such
directors  are duly elected and  qualified.  Three Class III  directors  will be
elected at this year's Annual  Meeting.  The nominees for election to the office
of director,  and certain  information with respect to their backgrounds and the
backgrounds of non-nominee  directors,  are set forth below. It is the intention
of  the  persons  named  in  the  accompanying   proxy  card,  unless  otherwise
instructed,  to vote to elect the nominees  named herein as Class III directors.
Each of the nominees named herein presently serves as a director of the Company.
In the event any of the nominees  named herein is unable to serve as a director,
discretionary  authority  is  reserved to the Board of  Directors  to vote for a
substitute.  The Board of  Directors  has no reason to  believe  that any of the
nominees named herein will be unable to serve if elected.

                 Nominees for Election to the Office of Director
                           at the 2001 Annual Meeting

                                               Director       Position with
                   Nominee          Age         Since          the Company
                   -------          ---         -----          -----------
      David S. Barlow (1)(2)(3)     44           1999           Director
      Rolf A. Classon (1)(3)        56           1997           Director
      Robert LeBuhn (3)(4)(5)       69           1994           Director

                    Non-Nominee Directors Continuing to Serve
             in the Office of Director after the 2001 Annual Meeting

                                                       Director       Position with
                   Nominee                  Age         Since          the Company
                   -------                  ---         -----          -----------
      Arthur J. Higgins (4)(6)(7)            45         2001       President and Chief Executive Officer,
      Randy H. Thurman (1)(4)(8)             52         1993       Chairman of the Board
      Dr. Rosina B. Dixon (1)(2)(5)(6)       58         1994       Director
      Dr. David W. Golde (2)(5)(8)           61         1998       Director

(1)  Member of the Compensation Committee

(2)  Member of Scientific Advisory Committee

(3)  Member of the Finance and Audit Committee

(4)  Member of the Executive Committee

(5)  Member of Corporate Governance Committee

(6)  Class I director serving until the 2002 Annual Meeting

(7)  Mr.  Higgins  has been  elected  as  Chairman  of the  Board  of  Directors
     effective as of December 3, 2001

(8)  Class II director serving until the 2003 Annual Meeting



Nominee Class III Directors for Election at the 2001 Annual Meeting

     David S. Barlow,  has served as a director of the Company  since June 1999.
Mr.  Barlow  has  served  as  President  of Black  Diamond  Capital,  a  private
investment company,  since October 1999. From 1995 to September 1999, Mr. Barlow
was President of Pharmaceuticals at Sepracor, Inc. From 1993 to 1995, Mr. Barlow
served as the General  Manager of  Pharmaceuticals  at Sepracor,  Inc.  Prior to
1993, Mr. Barlow held several  senior level  positions at  Rhone-Poulenc  Rorer,
Inc., including Vice President, World Wide Marketing and Business Development at
Armor  Pharmaceutical  Company,  a subsidiary of Rhone-Poulenc  Rorer,  Inc. Mr.
Barlow also  serves on the Board of  Directors  of Pan Pacific  Pharmaceuticals,
Inc.,  Biostream,  Inc.,  Red Bird LLC and New  River  Pharmaceuticals.  He also
serves on the Board of Trustees of Bates College and McLean Hospital.

     Rolf A.  Classon,  has served as a director  of the Company  since  January
1997.  Since 1995 Mr. Classon has served as an Executive Vice President of Bayer
Corporation and President of Bayer  Diagnostics.  From 1991 to 1995, Mr. Classon
was an  Executive  Vice  President  in  charge of Bayer  Diagnostics'  Worldwide
Marketing,  Sales and Service  operations.  From 1990 to 1991,  Mr.  Classon was
President and Chief  Operating  Officer of Pharmacia  Biosystems  A.B.  Prior to
1991, Mr. Classon served as President of Pharmacia  Development Company Inc. and
Pharmacia A.B.'s Hospital Products Division.

     Robert  LeBuhn,  has served as a director of the Company since August 1994.
Mr. LeBuhn is a private investor and is a director of Cambrex Corporation and US
Airways  Group,  Inc.  He is Trustee  and  Chairman  of the  Geraldine  R. Dodge
Foundation,  a  Trustee  and  Treasurer  of All Kinds of  Minds,  a  Trustee  of
Executive Service Corp.,  director of The International  Research Foundation for
Children's Eyecare, Inc. and a member of the National Council of the Aspen Music
Festival and School.

     The Board of Directors  recommends a vote FOR Mr.  Barlow,  Mr. Classon and
Mr. LeBuhn as Class III Directors (Proposal No. 1 on the Proxy Card).

Non-Nominee Class I Directors Serving Until the 2002 Annual Meeting

     Arthur J. Higgins, has served as the Company's  President,  Chief Executive
Officer and a director of the Company since May 31, 2001.  Mr.  Higgins has been
elected as Chairman  of the Board  effective  as of  December 3, 2001.  Prior to
joining the Company,  Mr. Higgins had been with Abbott Laboratories for 14 years
and most recently served as Senior Vice President of  Pharmaceutical  Operations
since  1998.  He also held  various  other  positions  at  Abbott  Laboratories,
including  Vice  President  of  Pacific,  Asia and  Africa  Operations  and Vice
President of International Business Development.  Previously, Mr. Higgins worked
for  Bristol-Myers and Sandoz in the U.K. Mr. Higgins graduated from Strathclyde
University, Scotland and holds a B.S. degree in biochemistry.

     Dr.  Rosina B. Dixon,  has served as a director of the Company since August
1994. Dr. Dixon has been a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry since 1987.
Prior to such time she held senior  positions at Ciba-Geigy  Pharmaceuticals,  a
division  of  Ciba-Geigy  Corporation,   and  Schering-Plough  Corporation.  She
received her M.D. from Columbia  University,  College of Physicians and Surgeons
and is  certified by the National  Board of Medical  Examiners  and the American
Board of Internal Medicine.  She is a member of the American College of Clinical
Pharmacology,  American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics,  and
the  National  Association  of Corporate  Directors  and  currently  serves as a
director of Church & Dwight Co., Inc. and Cambrex Corporation.

Non-Nominee Class II Directors Serving until the 2003 Annual Meeting

     Randy H. Thurman,  has served as the Company's  Chairman of the Board since
April 1996 and as a director of the Company since April 1993. Mr. Thurman became
Chairman  of  the  Board,  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Viasys
Healthcare,  Inc. in 2001. Mr. Thurman was Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer
of Strategic  Reserves,  LLC from 1996 to 2001.  Mr.  Thurman is the founder and
Chairman of the Board of Health Care Strategies 2000, a global  consulting firm.
During 1996,  Mr. Thurman also served as a principal of Spencer Stuart Inc. From
1993 to


1995, Mr. Thurman served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Corning Life
Sciences.  From 1985 to 1993,  Mr.  Thurman  served as Corporate  Executive Vice
President  and  a  director  of  Rhone-Poulenc  Rorer,  Inc.  and  President  of
Rhone-Poulenc  Rorer  Pharmaceuticals,  Inc.  He also  serves  on the  Board  of
Directors of Closure Medical, Inc. and CuraGen Corporation.

     Dr.  David W. Golde,  has served as a director  of the Company  since March
1998.  Dr.  Golde has been the  Physician-In-Chief  at Memorial  Sloan-Kettering
Cancer  Center  since 1996.  From 1991 to 1996,  Dr. Golde served as Head of the
Division of  Hematologic  Oncology at Memorial  Sloan-Kettering  Cancer  Center.
Prior to 1991,  Dr.  Golde was a professor of medicine and Chief of the Division
of  Hematology  and  Oncology  at UCLA,  Director  of the UCLA AIDS  Center  and
Director of the UCLA Clinical Research Center.  Dr. Golde serves on the Board of
Overseers and Managers of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

                             DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION

Directors' Cash Compensation

     During the  fiscal  year ended June 30,  2001,  the  Company  paid Randy H.
Thurman  $125,000 in consideration  for serving as Chairman of the Board.  Under
the  Company's  1996   Independent   Directors'  Stock  Plan,  as  amended  (the
"Independent  Directors'  Stock  Plan")  non-executive  members  of the Board of
Directors ("Independent Directors") can elect at the end of the calendar year to
receive up to 50% of the fees payable  under the  Independent  Directors'  Stock
Plan in cash,  with the  remainder of the fees to be paid in Common  Stock.  The
Independent  Directors' Plan provides for compensation to Independent  Directors
of $2,500 per quarter  plus $500 for each  meeting  attended.  During the fiscal
year  ended June 30,  2001,  Dr.  David  Golde  elected  to  receive  50% of his
compensation  for the quarter  ended  December  31, 2000 under this plan in cash
which totaled  $1,759.  During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001,  the Company
did not pay cash compensation to its remaining directors for acting as directors
or as members of committees of the Board of Directors,  other than reimbursement
of  reasonable  expenses  incurred  by the  directors  in  attending  Board  and
committee meetings.

Directors' Stock Options

     In December  1993,  the Board of Directors  adopted,  and the  stockholders
approved,  an amendment to the Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan, as amended, (the
"Non-Qualified  Plan")  providing  for automatic  grants of options  ("Automatic
Grants") under a formula (the "Formula") to Independent Directors.  This formula
was amended by the Board of Directors and approved by the stockholders in 1999.

     Under the Formula, each of the Independent Directors automatically receives
an option to purchase  10,000 shares of Common Stock annually on January 2 which
vests one year after the grant (the "Regular  Grant").  Newly elected  directors
receive  an option to  purchase  10,000  shares of Common  Stock  (the  "Initial
Election Grant") on the date of each Independent  Director's initial election to
the Board. In addition,  each newly-elected  Independent Director  automatically
receives an option to purchase such Independent Director's pro rata share of the
Regular  Grant for the year in which such  Independent  Director  was  initially
elected to the Board,  which equals the product of 833  multiplied by the number
of whole months  remaining  in the year until the next  Regular  Grant (the "Pro
Rata Grant").  Those  options,  granted  pursuant to a Pro Rata Grant,  vest and
become  exercisable  on the January 1st following  such  Independent  Director's
initial  election to the Board.  Those  options  granted  pursuant to an Initial
Election Grant vest and become exercisable as to 5,000 shares one year after the
date of grant; and as to 5,000 shares two years after the date of grant. The per
share exercise price of options granted  pursuant to the Formula is equal to the
fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.

     An option granted to an Independent  Director  pursuant to the Formula will
not  become  exercisable  as to the  relevant  shares  unless  such  Independent
Director has served  continuously  on the Board of  Directors  during the period
commencing  on the date the option was granted and  terminating  on the date the
option is scheduled to vest; provided,  however, that if an Independent Director
does not fulfill such continuous  service  requirement  due to such  Independent
Director's death or disability all options granted under the Formula and held by
such Independent Director nonetheless vest and become exercisable as though such
Independent  Director  fulfilled the continuous


service  requirement.  An option granted to an Independent  Director pursuant to
the  Formula  remains  exercisable  for a period of ten  years  from the date of

Independent Directors' Stock Plan

     The Company's  Independent  Directors' Stock Plan provides for compensation
to Independent  Directors serving on the Board of Directors which is paid in the
form of the Company's Common Stock. Under the Independent Directors' Stock Plan,
each Independent  Director is entitled to compensation of $2,500 per quarter and
$500 for each  meeting  attended  by such  Independent  Director.  The number of
shares issued will be based on the last reported sale price of a share of Common
Stock on the Nasdaq National Market at the end of the quarter for which fees are
payable.  During  October  2000,  the  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board of
Directors  amended the  Independent  Directors'  Stock Plan to provide  that the
Independent Directors will be entitled to elect to receive up to 50% of the fees
payable under the Independent  Directors' Stock Plan in cash, with the remainder
of the fees to be paid in Common Stock.  Fees payable and shares  issuable under
the  Independent  Director's  Stock  Plan  are paid  annually  at the end of the
calendar year. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001, the Company paid cash
fees of $1,759 to Dr. David Golde.  All other directors  elected to receive 100%
of their  compensation  in Common  Stock.  During the fiscal year ended June 30,
2001,  the Company  recorded an aggregate of $87,600 in  Independent  Directors'
fees, a summary of which follows:

                                                          Value of
                    Randy H. Thurman                       $14,100
                    David S. Barlow                         13,600
                    Rolf A. Classon                         13,600
                    Dr. Rosina B. Dixon                     14,100
                    David W. Golde                          13,100
                    Robert LeBuhn                           14,100
                    A.M. "Don" MacKinnon(1)                  5,000

     (1)  A.M.  "Don"  MacKinnon  retired  from the  Board of  Directors  during
          December 2000.

     The Company expects to make stock grants to the Independent  Directors in a
manner similar to the Independent Directors' Stock Plan under the 2001 Incentive
Stock Plan and to cease stock grants under the Independent Directors' Stock Plan
commencing  January 1, 2002 if the 2001 Incentive  Stock Plan is approved by the
stockholders at the Annual Meeting.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Ownership of and  transactions  in the Company's  Common Stock by executive
officers and directors of the Company and owners of 10% or more of the Company's
outstanding  Common  Stock are  required to be reported  to the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  as amended.  Based  solely on the  Company's  review of such  reports and
written  representations from certain reporting persons,  during the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2001 all such reports were filed in a timely manner.

Directors' Stock Ownership Program

     During October 2000, the Board of Directors  implemented a director's stock
ownership  program which  requires  each of the  directors to own  beneficially,
outstanding Common Stock of the Company with a market value of at least $100,000
within  two  years  after  the  director  first  joins  the  Company's  Board of
Directors.  The  determination  of whether the shares  owned  beneficially  by a
director meet the $100,000 minimum market value requirement will be based on the
highest average  trading price of the Common Stock over any  consecutive  twenty
trading  days  during the two year  period  after the  director  first joins the
Company's  Board of  Directors  or the price  paid for the  Common  Stock by the
director. Shares of Common Stock underlying outstanding options will not be


counted  towards  satisfaction of this  requirement.  The Board of Directors may
waive this requirement under certain circumstances. All of the Company's current
directors,  except Mr.  Higgins who joined the Board of  Directors  in May 2001,
meet this  requirement.  Mr.  Higgins will have until May 2003 to meet the stock
ownership requirement.

                           AND COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD

     Eight  meetings of the  Company's  Board of Directors  were held during the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2001. Each incumbent  director  attended at least 75%
of the total number of meetings of the Board of Directors and  committees of the
Board of Directors,  of which such director was a member, held during the fiscal

     As of June 30, 2001,  the standing  committees  of the  Company's  Board of
Directors were the Finance and Audit Committee,  the Compensation Committee, the
Executive  Committee,  the  Scientific  Advisory  Committee  and  the  Corporate
Governance Committee.

     As of June 30,  2001,  the Finance and Audit  Committee  was  comprised  of
Robert LeBuhn,  chairman,  Rolf A. Classon and David S. Barlow.  David S. Barlow
replaced  A.M.  "Don"  MacKinnon  on the  Finance and Audit  Committee  upon Mr.
MacKinnon's  retirement  from the Board of Directors  during  December 2000. The
primary  purpose of the  Finance and Audit  Committee  is to assist the Board of
Directors in fulfilling its  responsibility to oversee  management's  conduct of
the  Company's  financial  reporting  process,  including  overview of financial
reports  and  other  financial  information  provided  by  the  Company  to  any
governmental  or  regulatory  body,  the  public  or other  users  thereof,  the
Company's  systems of internal  accounting  and financial  controls,  the annual
independent audit of the Company's financial  statements and the Company's legal
compliance  and ethics  programs,  as established by management and the Board of
Directors.  The Finance and Audit  Committee  adopted a written  charter  during
fiscal 2000.  The Finance and Audit  Committee  held three  meetings  during the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.

     As of June 30, 2001,  the  Compensation  Committee was comprised of Rolf A.
Classon,  chairman,  Dr. Rosina B. Dixon,  David S. Barlow and Randy H. Thurman.
The primary  functions  of the  Compensation  Committee  are to  administer  the
Company's  Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan,  determine the  compensation of the
Company's officers and senior management,  and review compensation policy. There
were three meetings of the  Compensation  Committee during the fiscal year ended
June 30, 2001.

     The  Scientific  Advisory  Committee  is  comprised  of Dr. David W. Golde,
chairman,  Dr.  Rosina B. Dixon and David S.  Barlow.  This  committee  provides
scientific input to the Board of Directors and serves as the liaison between the
Company's senior research and development management and the Board of Directors.
There were two meetings of the Scientific  Advisory  Committee during the fiscal
year ended June 30, 2001.

     The  Corporate  Governance  Committee is comprised of Dr.  Rosina B. Dixon,
chairperson,  Dr. David W. Golde and Robert LeBuhn.  This committee  reviews and
sets corporate governance policy and will be responsible for director and senior
management  succession  planning.  There  were  no  meetings  of  the  Corporate
Governance Committee during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.

     Given  the  relatively  small  size  of  the  Company's  current  Board  of
Directors, the Company determined that efficiencies were not being realized from
meetings of the Executive  Committee and therefore suspended regular meetings of
the  Executive  Committee  in  September  1994.  There were no  meetings  of the
Executive Committee during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.

     The  Company  has  not  yet  established  a  policy  with  respect  to  the
consideration of stockholder nominees to the Board of Directors.


                              INSIDER PARTICIPATION

     During the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2001,  the  members of the Board of
Directors  serving on the Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors were
Rolf A. Classon,  chairman,  Dr.  Rosina B. Dixon,  David S. Barlow and Randy H.
Thurman, none of whom are or have ever been employees of the Company. During the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2001, no executive  officer of the Company  served on
the  compensation  committee or board of directors of any other entity which had
an executive  officer who also served on the Compensation  Committee or Board of
Directors of the Company.

                           AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE

     During the fiscal  year ended June 30,  2001,  the  members of the Board of
Directors  serving on the Finance and Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors
were Robert LeBuhn,  David S. Barlow,  Rolf A. Classon and A.M. "Don" MacKinnon,
all of whom are considered  "independent  directors" as defined by Rule 4200 (a)
(15) of the National  Association of Securities Dealers listing  standards.  Mr.
MacKinnon resigned from the Finance and Audit Committee in December 2000 when he
retired from the Board of Directors and was replaced by Mr. Barlow.


     Set forth below is certain information  regarding the executive officers of
the Company who do not serve on the Board of Directors.

     Dr.  Jeffrey  McGuire,  50, has  served as the  Company's  Vice  President,
Research and  Development  and Chief  Scientific  Officer since 1997.  From 1995
until 1997, Dr. McGuire served as Enzon's Director,  Business Development.  From
1991 until 1997,  Dr.  McGuire was  responsible  for the Company's  Single Chain
Antibody licensing program and intellectual property portfolio.  From 1980 until
1991,  Dr.  McGuire was  employed by Genex  Corporation,  where he held  various
research,  business  development and management  positions.  Dr. McGuire holds a
B.S. in Life Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D.
in Life Sciences, with a concentration in molecular biology, from the University
of Delaware. He also conducted post-doctoral research at Harvard Medical School.

     Kenneth  J.  Zuerblis,  42,  has served as the  Company's  Chief  Financial
Officer  since  January 1996 and as Vice  President,  Finance  since April 1994.
During May 2000, Mr. Zuerblis was appointed Secretary of the Company.  From July
1991 to April  1994,  Mr.  Zuerblis  served as the  Company's  Controller.  From
January  1982 to July 1991,  Mr.  Zuerblis  was  employed by KPMG LLP in various
positions,  the  last  being  senior  manager.  He  became  a  certified  public
accountant in 1985.


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

     The following  table  provides a summary of cash and non-cash  compensation
for each of the last three fiscal years ended June 30, 2001,  2000 and 1999 with
respect  to the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and the  other  executive
officers  serving  during  the  fiscal  year  ended  June 30,  2001 (the  "Named
Executive Officers").

                                                  Annual Compensation                                Awards
                                                                                     Restricted     Securities
          Name and                                               Other Annual          Stock        Underlying        All Other
     Principal Position        Year    Salary($)   Bonus($)   Compensation($)(1)     Award(s)($)    Options(#)    Compensation($)(2)
     ------------------        ----    ---------   --------   ------------------     -----------    ----------    ------------------

Arthur J. Higgins(3)           2001       $23,077          --         $--        $1,562,500(4)       400,000(5)               --
 President and Chief
 Executive Officer

Peter G. Tombros(3)            2001       364,944    $140,625          --                --          100,000(6)           $6,865
 Former President and Chief    2000       348,834     112,000          --                --               --               7,622
 Executive Officer             1999       336,000     120,000          --                --           43,000(7)            6,152

Dr. Jeffrey McGuire            2001       217,849      74,250          --                --          100,000(8)            6,531
 Vice President, Research      2000       170,552      52,900          --                --               --               5,386
 and Development and Chief     1999       142,912      45,000          --                --           13,600(7)            3,524
 Scientific Officer

Kenneth J. Zuerblis            2001       238,500      90,000          --                --          100,000(8)            6,578
 Vice President, Finance,      2000       194,077      65,700          --                --               --               7,622
 Chief Financial Officer and   1999       165,119      60,000          --                --           17,000(7)            4,803
 Corporate Secretary

(1)  Excludes  perquisites and other personal  benefits that in the aggregate do
     not exceed 10% of the Named  Executive  Officer's  total annual  salary and

(2)  Consists of annual Company contributions to a 401(k) plan.

(3)  Mr.  Higgins  succeeded Mr.  Tombros as the  Company's  President and Chief
     Executive Officer on May 31, 2001.

(4)  Mr. Higgins was issued 25,000 shares of restricted Common Stock on June 29,
     2001, which shall vest as to 5,000 shares per year commencing May 31, 2002.
     The last reported  sale price of Enzon's  Common Stock on June 29, 2001 was
     $62.50 per share.  The aggregate  value of Mr. Higgins'  restricted  Common
     Stock as of June 30, 2001 was  $1,562,500.  Mr.  Higgins is entitled to any
     cash dividends  declared on the restricted  Common Stock;  however,  if the
     Company distributes a non-cash dividend prior to the date such shares vest,
     such  dividend  will be held by the  Secretary  of the  Company  until such
     shares  have  vested.  The  shares of  restricted  Common  Stock  will vest
     immediately  upon  (i) the  Company  terminating  Mr.  Higgins'  employment
     without "cause" (as defined in Mr. Higgins' employment agreement), (ii) Mr.
     Higgins  terminating  his  employment  for "good reason" (as defined in Mr.
     Higgins' employment agreement), or (iii) Mr. Higgins' death or "disability"
     (as defined in Mr. Higgins' employment agreement).

(5)  400,000  options  were  granted  during May 2001  pursuant to Mr.  Higgins'
     employment agreement. Of these options,  200,000 vested on May 31, 2001 and
     become  exercisable on November 30, 2001. Of the remaining 200,000 options,
     25% vest  and  become  exercisable  on May 31,  2002  and each  anniversary
     thereof,  ending on May 31, 2005.  The vesting and  exercisability  of such
     shares will  accelerate if (i) the last sale price of the Company's  Common
     Stock exceeds $100 per share for at least twenty  consecutive  trading days
     as  reported  by the  Nasdaq  National  Market  during a time in which  Mr.
     Higgins  is  employed  by the  Company,  (ii) Mr.  Higgins'  employment  is
     terminated  without  cause in  connection  with a "change in  control"  (as
     defined  in Mr.  Higgins'  employment  agreement),  or  (iii)  Mr.  Higgins
     terminates his  employment  for good reason in connection  with a change in

(6)  Mr. Tombros did not receive any options as part of his bonus for the fiscal
     years ended June 30, 2000 and 2001.  The  Compensation  Committee did grant
     Mr.  Tombros  long-term  incentive  options  during  August 2000 in lieu of
     options under the Company's  Performance Incentive Program. Mr. Tombros was
     granted an option to purchase  100,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock
     at an exercise  price of $50.625 per share on August 10,  2000,  as part of
     his new employment  agreement.  The option granted to Mr. Tombros will vest
     and become  exercisable  only if at any time on or before June 30, 2003 (A)
     the last sale price of the  Company's  Common Stock  exceeds $100 per share
     for at least  twenty  consecutive  trading  days as  reported by the Nasdaq
     National  Market,  or (B) a change in control  occurs in which the  Company
     liquidates,  sells at least 80% of its assets,  merges with another company
     and is not the surviving  corporation or merges with another company and is
     the surviving  corporation but a majority of the voting securities is owned
     by  persons  who  were  not  "beneficial  owners"  of  a  majority  of  the
     outstanding  voting  securities  prior  to the  merger  and  the  Company's
     shareholders  receive at least $100 per share in connection with the change
     in control.


(7)  Represents  stock  options  granted  during  July 1999,  which  represent a
     portion of the Named Executive  Officer's total bonus earned for the fiscal
     year ended June 30, 1999.

(8)  Dr.  McGuire and Mr.  Zuerblis did not receive any options as part of their
     bonus for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2000 and 2001.  The  Compensation
     Committee  did grant  Dr.  McGuire  and Mr.  Zuerblis  long-term  incentive
     options during July 2000 in lieu of options under the Company's Performance
     Incentive  Program.  The  Compensation  Committee  granted  to  each of Dr.
     McGuire  and Mr.  Zuerblis  an option  to  purchase  100,000  shares of the
     Company's Common Stock at an exercise price of $44.75 per share during July
     2000.  50,000 of the  shares  underlying  each  option  grant will vest and
     become  exercisable  over a five year period at a rate of 10,000 shares per
     year. The remaining  50,000 shares will vest and become  exercisable on the
     seventh  anniversary of the date of grant, if Dr. McGuire or Mr.  Zuerblis,
     as the case may be, is employed  by the  Company on such date.  The vesting
     and exercisability of such shares will accelerate if the last sale price of
     the  Company's  Common  Stock  exceeds  $100 per share for at least  twenty
     consecutive trading days as reported by the Nasdaq National Market during a
     time in which Dr. McGuire or Mr. Zuerblis,  as the case may be, is employed
     by the  Company.  In the event of a change in  control of the  Company  (as
     defined in Dr. McGuire's and Mr. Zuerblis' option agreement),  other than a
     liquidation,  a sale of at least  80% of the  assets of the  Company,  or a
     merger in which the Company is not the surviving  entity,  each option will
     vest and become exercisable  according to the terms of the option agreement
     as if the change in control had not occurred.  However, with respect to the
     50,000 shares which vest on the seventh  anniversary  of the date of grant,
     if a change in control in which the Company liquidates,  sells at least 80%
     of its assets,  or merges  with  another  company and is not the  surviving
     corporation  occurs prior to July 31, 2007, and the Company's  shareholders
     receive at least $100 per share in  connection  with the change in control,
     the  option  will vest upon the  change in  control  if Dr.  McGuire or Mr.
     Zuerblis,  as the case may be, is still  employed  by the  Company  on such
     date,  or, in the event that Dr. McGuire or Mr.  Zuerblis,  as the case may
     be, is not still employed by the Company on such date, if Dr.  McGuire's or
     Mr.  Zuerblis'  termination  was not  voluntary or was not for cause.  With
     respect to the shares which vest over a five year period, if a liquidation,
     a sale of at least 80% of the Company's  assets,  or, a merger in which the
     Company is not the  surviving  entity,  occurs prior to July 31, 2005,  the
     options  will  vest  upon the  change  in  control  if Dr.  McGuire  or Mr.
     Zuerblis,  as the case may be, is still  employed  by the  Company  on such
     date,  or, in the  event  that Dr.  McGuire  or Mr.  Zuerblis  is not still
     employed by the Company on such date,  if Dr.  McGuire's  or Mr.  Zuerblis'
     termination was not voluntary or was not for cause.


                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

     The following  table  contains  information  concerning  the grant of stock
options under the Non-Qualified  Plan to the Named Executive Officers during the
fiscal year ended June 30, 2001.

                                              Individual Grants
                             Number of       % of Total                                   Potential Realizable Value at
                            Securities         Options        Exercise                    Assumed Annual Rates of Stock
                            Underlying       Granted to       or Base                  Price Appreciation for Option Term(2)
                              Options       Employees in      Price      Expiration    ------------------------------------
           Name             Granted (1)      Fiscal Year     ($/Share)      Date        0%($)        5%($)           10%($)
           ----             -----------      -----------     ---------    ---------    ------       ------          -------
Arthur J. Higgins            400,000(3)         36.69%        $70.00       5/31/11         0     $ 8,804,525     $22,312,394

Peter G. Tombros             100,000(4)          9.17%         50.63       8/10/10         0       3,183,779       8,068,321

Jeffrey McGuire              100,000(5)          9.17%         44.75       7/31/10         0       1,407,152       3,565,999

Kenneth J. Zuerblis          100,000(5)          9.17%         44.75       7/31/10         0       1,407,152       3,565,999

(1)  All options were granted at an exercise  price that equaled or exceeded the
     fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant,  as  determined
     by the last sale price as reported on the Nasdaq National Market.

(2)  The amounts set forth in the three  columns  represent  hypothetical  gains
     that might be  achieved  by the  optionees  if the  respective  options are
     exercised at the end of their terms. These gains are based on assumed rates
     of stock price appreciation of 0%, 5% and 10% compounded  annually from the
     dates the respective  options were granted.  The 0% appreciation  column is
     included  because the options  were  granted  with  exercise  prices  which
     equaled or exceeded the market price of the underlying  Common Stock on the
     date of grant, and thus will have no value unless the Company's stock price
     increases above the exercise prices.

(3)  These  options  were  granted  during  May 2001  pursuant  to Mr.  Higgins'
     employment agreement. Of these options,  200,000 vested on May 31, 2001 and
     become  exercisable on November 30, 2001. Of the remaining 200,000 options,
     25% vest  and  become  exercisable  on May 31,  2002  and each  anniversary
     thereof,  ending on May 31, 2005.  The vesting and  exercisability  of such
     shares will  accelerate if (i) the last sale price of the Company's  Common
     Stock exceeds $100 per share for at least twenty  consecutive  trading days
     as  reported  by the  Nasdaq  National  Market  during a time in which  Mr.
     Higgins  is  employed  by the  Company,  (ii) Mr.  Higgins'  employment  is
     terminated   without  "cause"  (as  defined  in  Mr.  Higgins'   employment
     agreement)  in  connection  with a "change in  control"  (as defined in Mr.
     Higgins'  employment  agreement),  or  (iii)  Mr.  Higgins  terminates  his
     employment  for  "good  reason"  (as  defined  in Mr.  Higgins'  employment
     agreement) in connection with a change in control.

(4)  The Compensation  Committee granted Mr. Tombros long-term incentive options
     during  August  2000 in lieu of  options  under the  Company's  Performance
     Incentive  Program.  Mr. Tombros was granted an option to purchase  100,000
     shares of the  Company's  Common Stock at an exercise  price of $50.625 per
     share on August 10,  2000,  as part of his new  employment  agreement.  The
     option granted to Mr. Tombros will vest and become  exercisable  only if at
     any  time on or  before  June  30,  2003  (A) the  last  sale  price of the
     Company's  Common  Stock  exceeds  $100  per  share  for  at  least  twenty
     consecutive  trading days as reported by the Nasdaq National Market, or (B)
     a change in control occurs in which the Company liquidates,  sells at least
     80% of its assets,  merges with  another  company and is not the  surviving
     corporation or merges with another company and is the surviving corporation
     but a majority  of the voting  securities  is owned by persons who were not
     "beneficial  owners" of a majority  of the  outstanding  voting  securities
     prior to such merger and the Company's  shareholders  receive at least $100
     per share in connection with the change in control.

(5)  The Compensation  Committee granted Dr. McGuire and Mr. Zuerblis  long-term
     incentive  options  in July 2000 in lieu of  options  under  the  Company's
     Performance  Incentive Program. The Compensation  Committee granted to each
     of Dr. McGuire and Mr. Zuerblis an option to purchase 100,000 shares of the
     Company's Common Stock at an exercise price of $44.75 per share during July
     2000.  50,000 of the  shares  underlying  each  option  grant will vest and
     become  exercisable  over a five year period at a rate of 10,000 shares per
     year. The remaining  50,000 shares will vest and become  exercisable on the
     seventh  anniversary of the date of grant, if Dr. McGuire or Mr.  Zuerblis,
     as the case may be, is employed  by the  Company on such date.  The vesting
     and exercisability of such shares will accelerate if the last sale price of
     the  Company's  Common  Stock  exceeds  $100 per share for at least  twenty
     consecutive trading days as reported by the Nasdaq National Market during a
     time in which Dr. McGuire or Mr. Zuerblis,  as the case may be, is employed
     by the  Company.  In the event of a change in  control of the  Company  (as
     defined in Dr. McGuire's and Mr. Zuerblis' option agreement),  other than a
     liquidation,  a sale of at least  80% of the  assets of the  Company,  or a
     merger in which the Company is not the surviving  entity,  each option will


     and become exercisable according to the terms of the option agreement as if
     the change in control had not occurred. However, with respect to the 50,000
     shares  which vest on the seventh  anniversary  of the date of grant,  if a
     change in control in which the  Company  liquidates,  sells at least 80% of
     its  assets,  or  merges  with  another  company  and is not the  surviving
     corporation  occurs prior to July 31, 2007, and the Company's  shareholders
     receive at least $100 per share in  connection  with the change in control,
     the  option  will vest upon the  change in  control  if Dr.  McGuire or Mr.
     Zuerblis,  as the case may be, is still  employed  by the  Company  on such
     date,  or, in the event that Dr. McGuire or Mr.  Zuerblis,  as the case may
     be, is not still employed by the Company on such date, if Dr. McGuire's and
     Mr.  Zuerblis'  termination  was not  voluntary or was not for cause.  With
     respect to the shares which vest over a five year period, if a liquidation,
     a sale of at least 80% of the Company's  assets,  or, a merger in which the
     Company is not the  surviving  entity,  occurs prior to July 31, 2005,  the
     options  will  vest  upon the  change  in  control  if Dr.  McGuire  or Mr.
     Zuerblis,  as the case may be, is still  employed  by the  Company  on such
     date,  or, in the  event  that Dr.  McGuire  or Mr.  Zuerblis  is not still
     employed by the Company on such date,  if Dr.  McGuire's  or Mr.  Zuerblis'
     termination was not voluntary or was not for cause.



     The following  table sets forth the  information  with respect to the Named
Executive  Officers  concerning  the exercise of options  during the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2001 and unexercised options held as of June 30, 2001.

                                                            Number of Securities          Value of Unexercised
                                                           Underlying Unexercised         In-the-Money Options
                             Shares                        Options at FY-End (#)           at FY-End ($)(1)
                            Acquired       Value        ---------------------------    -----------------------------
          Name           On Exercise(#)  Realized($)     Exercisable   Unexercisable    Exercisable     Unexercisable
          ----           --------------  -----------     -----------   -------------    -----------     -------------
Arthur J. Higgins                 --             --             --       400,000                --              --

Peter G. Tombros             144,500     $9,052,756      1,013,250       132,250       $59,413,797      $2,483,547

Dr. Jeffrey McGuire           42,500      2,450,825         38,200       110,200         2,085,438       2,184,913

Kenneth J. Zuerblis          170,000      9,408,251         79,250       112,750         4,373,297       2,287,391

     (1)  Based  upon a market  value of $62.50 as  determined  by the last sale
          price as reported on the Nasdaq  National  Market on June 30, 2001. If
          the  exercise  price is equal to or greater than such last sale price,
          the option is deemed to have no value.



     The Company has entered into an employment agreement with its President and
Chief Executive Officer,  Arthur J. Higgins.  Under the employment agreement Mr.
Higgins  will receive a base salary of $500,000 per year and will be entitled to
participate in Enzon's bonus plan for management commencing with the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2002. The employment agreement may be terminated by either party
with twelve months written notice,  but not before May 31, 2005. Under the terms
of Mr. Higgins' employment agreement, he is entitled to a bonus of between 0 and
200% of his base  salary  with a target  of 100% of his base  salary  in  future
years.  Under the terms of the  agreement,  Mr.  Higgins is guaranteed a minimum
cash bonus in the amount of $750,000  for the fiscal year ending June 30,  2002.
On May 31, 2001 pursuant to the employment agreement, Mr. Higgins was granted an
option under Enzon's  Non-Qualified  Plan, to purchase 400,000 shares of Enzon's
Common Stock at the per share exercise  price of $70.00,  the last reported sale
price of a share of the Company's  Common Stock on the date of grant. The option
vested as to 200,000 shares on May 31, 2001; however, these shares do not become
exercisable  until  November  30,  2001.  The  remaining  shares vest and become
exercisable as to 50,000 shares on each of the first,  second,  third and fourth
anniversaries  of the date of grant.  Mr.  Higgins will be granted an additional
option to  purchase  400,000  shares of  Enzon's  Common  Stock at the per share
exercise  price equal to the last reported sale price of a share of Common Stock
on December 3, 2001,  the date the Board of Directors  elected to have him begin
serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors.  Such option will vest and become
exercisable  as to  100,000  shares  on the  first,  second,  third  and  fourth
anniversaries of such date.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, all unvested options
granted to Mr. Higgins shall immediately vest and become  exercisable if (i) the
last reported sale price of a share of Enzon's  Common Stock is at least $100.00
as  reported  on the  Nasdaq  National  Market for at least  twenty  consecutive
trading  days,  provided  that,  Mr.  Higgins  is then  employed  by  Enzon on a
full-time basis as its President and Chief Executive Officer,  (ii) Mr. Higgins'
employment is terminated without "cause" (as defined in Mr. Higgins'  employment
agreement) in connection  with a "change in control" (as defined in Mr. Higgins'
employment agreement),  or (iii) Mr. Higgins terminates his employment for "good
reason" (as defined in Mr. Higgins'  employment  agreement) in connection with a
change in control.  Pursuant  to the  employment  agreement,  Mr.  Higgins  also
received 25,000 shares of restricted Common Stock,  which shall vest as to 5,000
shares per year commencing on the first  anniversary of the  commencement of his
employment  (May 31,  2001).  The shares of  restricted  Common  Stock will vest
immediately  upon (i) the Company  terminating Mr. Higgins'  employment  without
cause, (ii) Mr. Higgins terminating his employment for good reason, or (iii) Mr.
Higgins'  death  or  "disability"   (as  defined  in  Mr.  Higgins'   employment

     In the event Mr.  Higgins'  employment is terminated by Enzon without cause
or by Mr.  Higgins for good reason,  prior to May 31, 2004,  Mr. Higgins will be
entitled  to: (i) cash payment  equal to the  remainder of his base salary until
May 31, 2005;  (ii) a cash payment  equal to the aggregate  target bonus,  which
would have been payable to Mr.  Higgins  (based on his salary at the time of his
termination)  for each fiscal  year until the fiscal year ending June 30,  2005;
(iii) reimbursement for any medical and dental coverage available to Mr. Higgins
and any family  member for a period of up to eighteen  months  commencing on the
date of termination;  (iv) cash payment equal to any unpaid base salary; (v) all
shares of restricted Common Stock shall vest; and (vi) all options that have not
vested at the time of termination will terminate;  provided, however, a prorated
portion of the tranche of unvested  options  that were  scheduled to vest on the
anniversary of the applicable grant date immediately  following the date of such
termination  shall vest. In the event Mr.  Higgins'  employment is terminated by
Enzon  without  cause or by Mr.  Higgins for good reason  subsequent  to May 31,
2004, Mr. Higgins will be entitled to receive a cash payment equal to his annual
base  salary,  his target  bonus and the pro rata amount of the target bonus for
the fiscal year in which he was terminated  and items (iii),  (iv), (v) and (vi)

     Mr.  Higgins'  employment  agreement  also  requires  him to  maintain  the
confidentiality of Enzon information and assign inventions  developed during the
term of the  agreement  and for a  six-month  period  following  termination  of
employment with Enzon. Mr. Higgins is precluded from competing with Enzon during
the term of his  employment  agreement and for two years after his employment is

     The Company has an  employment  agreement  with its former Chief  Executive
Officer,  Peter G. Tombros,  which,  terminates on June 30, 2003.  The agreement
provides  for Mr.  Tombros to remain a  full-time  employee  of the  Company and
receive his base  salary of $367,500  through  June 30,  2002.  In the event Mr.
Tombros is unable or unwilling to continue for any reason to provide services as
a full-time  employee of the Company  through  June 30, 2002,  Mr.  Tombros will
continue  to  receive  his base  salary of  $367,500  through  June 30,  2002 as
severance  payments.  Pursuant  to his  employment  agreement,  Mr.  Tombros was
granted an option under the  Company's  Non-Qualified  Plan to purchase  100,000
shares of the Company's  Common Stock at a per share  exercise price of $50.625,
the fair market value of the  Company's  Common Stock on the date of grant.  The
options will vest and become exercisable only if at any time on


or before June 30, 2003 (A) the last reported sale price of the Company's Common
Stock exceeds $100 for at least twenty  consecutive  trading days as reported by
the  Nasdaq  National  Market,  or (B) a change of  control  occurs in which the
Company  liquidates,  sells at least  80% of its  assets,  merges  with  another
company and is not the surviving corporation, or merges with another company and
is the surviving corporation but a majority of the voting securities is owned by
persons who were not "beneficial owners" of a majority of the outstanding voting
securities prior to such merger and the Company's  shareholders receive at least
$100 per  share in  connection  with  the  change  in  control.  The  employment
agreement also provides for Mr. Tombros to make himself available to the Company
as a part-time employee commencing on the date he ceases to perform his services
as a full-time employee through June 30, 2003. During such period of time as Mr.
Tombros  is  a  part-time  employee,  he  will  receive  $10,000  per  month  in
compensation.  Mr. Tombros' employment  agreement also requires him to maintain,
during  his  employment  and   thereafter,   the   confidentiality   of  Company
information.  Mr.  Tombros is precluded  from  competing with the Company during
such period of time as Mr.  Tombros  remains an  employee,  either  part-time or
full-time, of the Company.

     The Company has an agreement  with Mr.  Zuerblis which provides for payment
of three years of Mr.  Zuerblis'  compensation  and benefits (as defined in such
agreement)  following  a change in control of the  Company  (as  defined in such
agreement),  including the provision for such payment in the event Mr. Zuerblis'
employment with the Company is terminated under certain circumstances. Following
such  change in control any  unvested  options,  except for the 100,000  options
granted to Mr.  Zuerblis in July 2000 which are not  subject to this  agreement,
held by Mr.  Zuerblis would vest and become  exercisable if his employment  with
the Company is terminated under certain  circumstances  following such change in
control.  The term of this  agreement is for three  years.  Prior to a change in
control of the Company,  the agreement  automatically  renews on each successive
anniversary for an additional three years, unless the Company gives Mr. Zuerblis
60 days notice prior to the anniversary date that it does not plan to renew such

     Jeffrey  McGuire  and  Kenneth  Zuerblis  were  each  granted  an option to
purchase  100,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock at an exercise price of
$44.75 per share in July 2000. Of the options granted to each of Dr. McGuire and
Mr. Zuerblis, 50,000 shares will vest and become exercisable at a rate of 10,000
shares per year.  The  remaining  50,000  shares  will each vest on the  seventh
anniversary of the date of grant if Dr. McGuire or Mr. Zuerblis, as the case may
be, is employed by the Company at such date.  Under the terms of options granted
to Dr. McGuire and Mr.  Zuerblis,  in the event of change in control (as defined
in Dr. McGuire's and Mr. Zuerblis' option agreement),  other than a liquidation,
a sale of at least 80% of the assets of the Company, or a merger in which of the
Company is not the surviving entity,  the 100,000 options granted to each of Dr.
McGuire and Mr. Zuerblis will vest and become exercisable according to the terms
of the option  agreement as if the change in control had not occurred.  However,
with respect to the 50,000 shares which vest on the seventh  anniversary  of the
date of grant, if a change in control in which the Company liquidates,  sells at
least 80% of its assets, or merges with another company and is not the surviving
corporation  occurs  prior  to July 31,  2007,  and the  Company's  shareholders
receive at least $100 per share in  connection  with the change in control,  the
option will vest upon the change in control if Dr. McGuire or Mr.  Zuerblis,  as
the case may be, is still employed by the Company on such date, or, in the event
that Dr. McGuire or Mr.  Zuerblis,  as the case may be, is not still employed by
the Company on such date, if Dr. McGuire's or Mr. Zuerblis'  termination was not
voluntary  or was not for cause.  With  respect to the shares  which vest over a
five year  period,  if a  liquidation,  a sale of at least 80% of the  Company's
assets,  or, a merger in which the Company is not the surviving  entity,  occurs
prior to July 31, 2005,  the options will vest upon the change in control if Dr.
McGuire or Mr. Zuerblis, as the case may be, is still employed by the Company on
such  date,  or, in the event  that Dr.  McGuire  or Mr.  Zuerblis  is not still
employed  by the  Company  on  such  date,  if Dr.  McGuire's  or Mr.  Zuerblis'
termination was not voluntary or was not for cause.

     After the hiring of Arthur J. Higgins as Chief Executive Officer on May 31,
2001, the Company  entered into employee  retention  agreements with several key
employees (the "Key  Employees")  including Dr.  McGuire and Mr.  Zuerblis which
provide such  individuals  with certain  compensation  and benefit  arrangements
under certain  circumstances for the purpose of assuring the continued  services
and  dedication of the Key Employees.  In the event that the Company  terminates
the  full-time  employment of a Key Employee for any reason on or before May 30,
2002, except if such employment is terminated (i) by the Company for "cause" (as
defined in the agreement),  or (ii) voluntarily by such Key Employee for reasons
other than for "good  reason" (as defined in the  agreement),  such Key Employee
shall be entitled to: (1) receive his base salary at the time of termination for
twelve months after such  termination;  (2) participate (on a prorated basis) in
the  Company's  bonus  plan for the year in which  termination  occurs;  and (3)
medical and dental  coverage for such Key Employee and his spouse and dependents
for one year  after  such  termination.  The  agreement  also  requires  the Key
Employees  to maintain the  confidentiality  of Company


information  and  assign  inventions  to the  Company.  The  Key  Employees  are
precluded  from  competing  with the Company for one year after  termination  of
full-time employment with the Company.


     During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001, the  Compensation  Committee of
the  Board  of  Directors   consisted  of  four  non-employee   directors.   The
Compensation  Committee  determines  all  compensation  paid or  awarded  to the
Company's  officers,  including  the Named  Executive  Officers  in the  Summary
Compensation Table.

Compensation Philosophy

     The  philosophy  of the Company's  compensation  programs is to enhance the
Company's  performance and stockholder value by aligning the financial interests
of the Company's senior managers with those of its  stockholders,  while keeping
the overall  compensation  package  competitive.  The  compensation  package for
officers  includes a number of  components.  The  package is  designed  to align
individual  compensation  with the short-term  and long-term  performance of the
Company and is based on the following principles:

     o    Pay for achievement of business and strategic objectives,  measured on
          the  Company's  financial  and operating  performance  and  individual
          strategic, management and development goals.

     o    Pay  competitively,  with compensation set at levels that will attract
          and retain key employees.  The Company regularly reviews  compensation
          surveys  of  companies  in the  biopharmaceutical  industry  and  sets
          compensation levels based on the results of these reviews.

     o    Align compensation with interests of stockholders through equity.

     The compensation  package for each of the named Executive  Officers as well
as other officers who are members of the Company's  executive  staff consists of
four  elements:  (1) base salary,  (2)  performance-based  incentive,  (3) stock
options,  and (4) various other benefits.  More specific  information on each of
these elements follows.

Base Salary

     The  Compensation  Committee  aims to set base  salaries at levels that are
competitive with those paid to senior executives with comparable qualifications,
experience and  responsibilities  at other companies in the  pharmaceutical  and
biotechnology  industries,  including  those  companies  making  up  the  Nasdaq
Biotechnology  Index line of the stock  performance  graph that  appears in this
proxy statement.  The Compensation  Committee believes that this is necessary to
attract and retain the executive talent required to lead the Company,  since the
Company  competes  with a large  number of  companies  in the  biopharmaceutical
industry,  including  large  pharmaceutical  companies,  for  executive  talent.
Salaries are reviewed annually and in connection with promotions. Industry, peer
group and national survey results are considered in making salary determinations
to align the Company's pay practices with other companies in the  pharmaceutical
and  biotechnology  industries.  In addition to survey  results,  individual job
performance is also considered in setting salaries.  The Chief Executive Officer
reviews  members  of  the  executive  staff  and  makes  recommendations  to the
Compensation  Committee  on salary,  including  salary  increases,  based on his
judgment of the individual's  performance.  The Compensation  Committee  reviews
these  recommendations  independently  and approves,  with any  modifications it
considers appropriate, the annual salary and salary increases.

Annual Incentive Compensation

     The Company maintains an incentive program that provides an opportunity for
officers and employees to earn an incentive  based upon the  performance of both
the  Company and the  individual  (the  "Performance  Incentive  Program").  The
incentive  potential is stated as a percentage of the officer's  base salary and
varies by position.  Financial and individual  performance  goals are set at the
start of the fiscal year and are based on business  criteria


specified in this program.  Actual  incentives  are calculated at the end of the
fiscal  year  based  on goal  performance.  All  executive  staff  had the  same
corporate  goals.  Other  goals  and  weightings  for each  participant  varied,
depending  on the  participant's  position and areas of  responsibility  and the
participant's effect on the Company's performance.

Stock Options

     The  Compensation  Committee  believes that stock options directly link the
amounts  earned by  officers  with the amount of  appreciation  realized  by the
Company's  stockholders.  Stock  options  also  serve  as a  critical  retention
incentive. Stock options have always been viewed as a major means to attract and
retain  highly  qualified  executives  and key  personnel and have always been a
major  component  of  the  compensation   package,   consistent  with  practices
throughout the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The Company's option
programs are  structured to encourage key employees to continue in the employ of
the Company and motivate  performance that will meet the long-term  expectations
of  stockholders.  In determining the size of any option award, the Compensation
Committee  considers  the  individual's  past  performance  and  potential,  the
position  held  by the  individual  and  the  individual's  annual  base  salary

     The  Compensation  Committee  considers and makes option grants to officers
and all other employees once a year.  Options may also be granted at other times
during the year in connection with promotions or for new hires. Option grants to
executive staff members are made under the Non-Qualified  Plan with the exercise
price equal to the last reported sale price of the Company's Common Stock on the
date of grant and expire up to ten years after the date of the grant. Vesting on
most options occurs  ratably over a four to five year period,  which is designed
to encourage retention.

     In lieu of a stock option grant as a bonus under the Company's  Performance
Incentive  Program  for  fiscal  years  2000  and  2001,  during  July  2000 the
Compensation  Committee  granted each of Dr.  McGuire and Mr.  Zuerblis  100,000
options to purchase the  Company's  Common Stock at an exercise  price of $44.75
per share.  50,000 of the shares  underlying  the  options  will vest and become
exercisable  over a five year  period at a rate of 10,000  shares per year.  The
remaining  50,000 shares will vest on the seventh  anniversary of the grant date
if Dr.  McGuire or Mr.  Zuerblis,  as the case may be, is still  employed at the
Company.  The vesting and  exercisability  of such shares will accelerate if the
last sale price of the  Company's  Common  Stock  exceeds  $100 per share for at
least twenty consecutive  trading days as reported by the Nasdaq National Market
during a time in which  Dr.  McGuire  or Mr.  Zuerblis,  as the case may be,  is
employed by the Company.

Other Benefits

     Executive  staff members  participate  in various  medical,  dental,  life,
disability  and  benefit  programs  that are  generally  made  available  to all
salaried employees.

CEO Compensation

     Arthur J.  Higgins  became  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company  in May  2001.  His  employment  agreement  calls  for a base  salary of
$500,000.  While Mr.  Higgins was not  eligible  for a bonus for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2001, his contract does provide for a bonus of between 0 and 200%
of his base salary with a target of 100% of his base salary in future years. Mr.
Higgins'  contract calls for a minimum bonus of $750,000 for fiscal 2002.  These
compensation  levels were based on Mr. Higgins  extensive prior  experience as a
senior  executive  in a  major  multinational  pharmaceutical  company  and  the
compensation  paid to chief  executive  officers with similar  credentials.  Mr.
Higgins was granted an option to purchase  400,000  shares of Common  Stock at a
per share  exercise  price of  $70.00  under the  Non-Qualified  Plan,  of which
200,000  shares vested on May 31, 2001 and the remaining  shares vest and become
exercisable  as to  50,000  shares  on  the  first,  second,  third  and  fourth
anniversary of May 31, 2001. In addition, Mr. Higgins will receive an additional
option to purchase  400,000 shares of Common Stock on December 3, 2001,  when he
assumes the  position of Chairman of the Board of  Directors.  Such option vests
and becomes  exercisable as to 100,000 shares on December 3, 2002 and the first,
second and third anniversaries of such date.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, all
unvested  options  granted  to Mr.  Higgins  shall  immediately  vest and become
exercisable when the last reported sale price of a share of Enzon's Common Stock
is at least  $100.00  as  reported  on the Nasdaq  National  Market for at least
twenty consecutive  trading days,  provided that Mr. Higgins is then employed by
Enzon on a full-time  basis as its President and Chief  Executive  Officer.  All
options under Mr. Higgins' employment  agreement were granted or will be granted


the last  reported  sales  price of the  Company's  Common  Stock on the date of
grant. In addition,  Mr. Higgins was granted 25,000 shares of restricted  Common
Stock,  which  will vest as to 5,000  shares  per year over the next five  years
beginning on May 31, 2002.

     The annual salary of $367,500 and the bonus awarded to the Company's former
President and Chief  Executive  Officer,  Peter G. Tombros,  for the fiscal year
ended June 30, 2001 were based on Mr. Tombros'  extensive prior  experience as a
senior  executive  of  a  major   multinational   pharmaceutical  firm  and  the
compensation  paid to chief  executive  officers  with  similar  credentials  at
comparable biotech companies.  The bonus paid to Mr. Tombros under the Company's
Performance Incentive Program was based on many factors including increasing the
awareness of the Company in the financial  community,  the  strengthening of the
Company's  financial  position,  as well as the progress made by the Company and
its partners on products in the Company's development pipeline.

     During August 2000 the  Compensation  Committee  granted Mr.  Tombros,  the
Company's  former  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  as  part of a new
employment agreement, an option to purchase 100,000 shares of Common Stock at an
exercise  price of  $50.625  per  share.  These  options  will  vest and  become
exercisable  only if at any time on or before  June 30,  2003 the last  reported
sale price of the  Company's  Common  Stock  exceeds $100 per share for at least
twenty  consecutive  trading days as reported by the Nasdaq  National  Market or
upon certain  change in control  events (as defined in Mr.  Tombros'  employment

                                              THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                                              Rolf A. Classon, Chairman
                                              David S. Barlow
                                              Dr. Rosina B. Dixon
                                              Randy H. Thurman

                             THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     The Company's  Finance and Audit  Committee  consists of three  independent
members of the Board of Directors as defined in Rule 4200(a)(15) of the National
Association of Securities  Dealers'  listing  standards.  The Board of Directors
adopted  a  written  charter  for the  Audit  Committee  on June 7, 2000 and the
Finance and Audit Committee reviewed and reassessed the adequacy of such charter
on September 25, 2001 and determined that the charter is adequate.

     The primary  purpose of the Finance  and Audit  Committee  is to assist the
Board of Directors in  fulfilling  its  responsibility  to oversee  management's
conduct of the Company's financial reporting process,  including overviewing the
financial reports and other financial information provided by the Company to any
governmental  or  regulatory  body,  the  public  or other  users  thereof,  the
Company's  systems of internal  accounting  and financial  controls,  the annual
independent audit of the Company's financial  statements and the Company's legal
compliance  and ethics  programs as  established  by management and the Board of

     The Finance and Audit  Committee  has  reviewed and  discussed  the audited
financial  statements  for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001 with  management.
Furthermore,  the Finance and Audit  Committee has discussed  with the Company's
independent auditors,  KPMG LLP, the matters required to be discussed by SAS 61.
Also, the Finance and Audit  Committee has received the written  disclosures and
letter from KPMG required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 and has
discussed with KPMG such auditing  firm's  independence.  Based on these reviews
and  discussions the Finance and Audit  Committee  recommended  that the audited
financial statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for
the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001, the last fiscal year for filing such annual
report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                         THE FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE
                                         Robert LeBuhn, Chairman
                                         David S. Barlow
                                         Rolf A. Classon



     The graph below summarizes the total cumulative  return  experienced by the
Company's stockholders from June 30, 1996 through June 30, 2001, compared to the
Nasdaq National  Market-US Index and the Company's Peer Group index,  the Nasdaq
Biotechnology  Index.  The changes for the periods  shown in the graph and table
below are based on the  assumption  that $100 had been invested in the Company's
Common Stock and in each index below on June 30, 1996.


                                                 Cumulative Total Return
                               6/96       6/97        6/98       6/99       6/00         6/01
                              ------     ------      ------     ------    --------     --------
ENZON, INC.                   100.00      64.29      182.14     591.07    1,214.29     1,785.71
NASDAQ STOCK MARKET (U.S.)    100.00     121.60      160.06     230.22      340.37       184.51
NASDAQ BIOTECHNOLOGY          100.00     104.93      107.64     172.13      412.90       343.89


                          SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

     The following  table sets forth certain  information as of October 25, 2001
concerning  stock  ownership  of  all  persons  known  by  the  Company  to  own
beneficially 5% or more of the outstanding shares of the Company's voting stock,
each director,  each executive officer named in the Summary  Compensation  Table
and all executive officers and directors of the Company as a group:

                                                                   Percentage of
              Directors, Officers or            Number of          Voting Stock
                5% Stockholders(1)              Shares(2)         Outstanding(3)
                ------------------              ---------         --------------
Arthur J. Higgins                             [225,000](4)              *
Randy H. Thurman                              [126,378](5)              *
Rolf A. Classon                                [46,659](6)              *
David S. Barlow                                [41,476](7)              *
Dr. Rosina B. Dixon                           [153,672](8)              *
Dr. David W. Golde                             [84,592](9)              *
Robert LeBuhn                                 [113,335](10)             *
Dr. Jeffrey McGuire                            [54,074](11)             *
Kenneth J. Zuerblis                           [100,794](12)             *
Janus Capital Corporation                   [4,761,410](13)           [10.1%]
Thomas Bailey
  100 Fillmore Street
  Denver, Colorado  80206
Putnam Investment Management, Inc.          [2,870,668](14)            [6.3%]
  One Post Office Square
  Boston, MA  02109
All Executive Officers and Directors          [945,980](15)            [2.2%]
      as a group (nine persons)

*    Less than one percent.

(1)  The address of all current executive officers and directors listed above is
     in the care of the Company.

(2)  All shares  listed are Common  Stock.  Except as discussed  below,  none of
     these  shares are  subject to rights to acquire  beneficial  ownership,  as
     specified in Rule 13d-3(d)(1) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
     amended,  and the beneficial  owner has sole voting and  investment  power,
     subject to community property laws where applicable.

(3)  Gives effect to  [42,499,659]  shares of Common Stock and [7,000] shares of
     Series A Preferred  Stock which were issued and  outstanding  as of October
     25,  2001.  Generally,  the Series A Preferred  Stock and Common Stock will
     vote as one class of stock.  Each  share of Common  Stock and each share of
     Series A Preferred  Stock is entitled to one vote. The percentage of voting
     stock  outstanding  for each  stockholder is calculated by dividing (i) the
     number of shares of Common  Stock  deemed to be  beneficially  held by such
     stockholder  as of  October  25,  2001 by (ii) the sum of (A) the number of
     shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  as of October  25,  2001 plus (B) the
     number of shares of Series A Preferred Stock  outstanding as of October 25,
     2001 plus (C) the number of shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon exercise
     of options held by such  stockholder  which were  exercisable as of October
     25, 2001 or which will become  exercisable within 60 days after October 25,

(4)  Includes  200,000  shares  subject to options which were  exercisable as of
     October  25,  2001 or which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25, 2001 and 25,000 shares of restricted Common Stock which vest as
     to 5,000 shares per year commencing May 31, 2002.


(5)  Includes  [110,000]  shares subject to options which were exercisable as of
     October  25,  2001 or which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25, 2001.

(6)  Includes  [40,000]  shares subject to options which were  exercisable as of
     October  25,  2001 or which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25, 2001.

(7)  Includes  [29,996]  shares subject to options which were  exercisable as of
     October  25,  2001 or which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25, 2001.

(8)  Includes  [126,664]  shares subject to options which were exercisable as of
     October  25,  2001 or which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25,  2001,  500 shares held by Dr.  Dixon's  husband and 100 shares
     held by Dr.  Dixon's son. Dr. Dixon  disclaims  beneficial  ownership as to
     shares held by her husband and son.

(9)  Includes  [45,320]  shares subject to options which were  exercisable as of
     October  25,  2001 or which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25, 2001,  32,500 shares held by a retirement trust for Dr. Golde's
     benefit,  2,600 shares held by a separate trust for Dr.  Golde's  daughter,
     3,000 shares held by a trust for the benefit of Dr. Golde, and 1,000 shares
     beneficially owned by Dr. Golde's wife.

(10) Includes  [96,664]  shares subject to options which were  exercisable as of
     October  25,  2001 or which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25, 2001.

(11) Includes  [51,600]  shares subject to options which were  exercisable as of
     October 25,  2001,  or which will become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25, 2001 and 2,072 shares held through Dr. McGuire's 401k account.

(12) Includes  [93,500]  shares subject to options which were  exercisable as of
     October  25,  2001 or which will  become  exercisable  within 60 days after
     October 25, 2001,  600 shares owned by Mr.  Zuerblis'  IRA and 4,094 shares
     held through Mr. Zuerblis' 401k account.

(13) The  information  concerning  the  stock  ownership  of the  Janus  Capital
     Corporation  and Thomas  Bailey was obtained from a Schedule 13G filed with
     the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  on July 11, 2001.  Janus Capital
     Corporation has sole voting and dispositive  power over 4,761,410 shares of
     Common Stock.  Thomas Bailey,  President and Chairman of the Board of Janus
     Capital  Corporation,  owns approximately 6.2% of Janus Capital Corporation
     and  therefore  he may be  deemed  to  exercise  control  of Janus  Capital

(14) The  information  concerning  the  stock  ownership  of  Putnam  Investment
     Management, Inc. was obtained from a Schedule 13F filed with the Securities
     and Exchange Commission for the period ended June 30, 2001.

(15) Includes all shares  owned  beneficially  by the  directors  and  executive
     officers named in the Summary Compensation Table.


                          PROPOSAL NO. 2 - APPROVAL OF

     At present the Company is authorized to issue  60,000,000  shares of Common
Stock,  $.01 par value per share and 3,000,000 shares of Preferred  Stock,  $.01
par value per share.  As of [October  12],  2001,  there were [7,000]  shares of
Preferred Stock designated as Series A Preferred Stock  outstanding.  Also as of
that date,  there  were  [42,499,659]  shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  and
[2,760,867] shares reserved for issuance pursuant to various outstanding options
to purchase Common Stock, [930,995] shares reserved for additional options which
may be granted  under the  Non-Qualified  Plan,  [30,255]  shares  reserved  for
issuance  upon  conversion  of the Series A  Preferred  Stock  outstanding,  and
[5,635,390]  shares  reserved for issuance upon conversion of the Company's 4.5%
Convertible  Subordinated  Notes due  2008.  Thus,  as of  [October  12],  2001,
[8,142,834] shares of Common Stock were available for issuance.

     The Board of  Directors  believes  that it is in the best  interest  of the
Company  to  increase  the  authorized  number of shares  of Common  Stock  from
60,000,000 to  90,000,000.  The Company may need to issue  additional  shares of
Common  Stock  to  consummate  strategic  acquisitions,  technology  or  product
licensing  agreements,  implement  additional  management or employee  incentive
programs or obtain  additional  financing.  On September  7, 2001,  the Board of
Directors  voted  to  submit  to a vote  of  stockholders  an  amendment  to the
Certificate of Incorporation increasing the authorized Common Stock. The Company
has no  present  agreement,  commitment,  plan or  intent  to  issue  any of the
additional shares provided for in this Proposal.

     If this Proposal is approved the additional authorized Common Stock as well
as the  currently  authorized  but unissued  Common Stock would be available for
issuance in the future for such  corporate  purposes  as the Board of  Directors
deems  advisable from time to time without  further action by the  stockholders,
unless such action is required by applicable law or by the rules of Nasdaq or of
any stock exchange upon which the Company's shares may then be listed.

     The  Company's  Common  Stock is  currently  quoted on the Nasdaq  National
Market.  One of the  non-quantitative  maintenance  criteria for National Market
System securities requires stockholder approval for the establishment of certain
plans or arrangements by the Company or the issuance of designated securities by
the Company.  This criterion  provides that, for so long as the Company's Common
Stock is included in Nasdaq,  stockholder  approval will be required for (i) the
establishment  of a stock  option or  purchase  plan or other  arrangement  made
pursuant to which stock may be  acquired  by officers or  directors,  except for
warrants  or rights  issued  generally  to  security  holders of the  Company or
broadly based plans or arrangements  including other  employees,  and certain de
minimus  issuances  thereunder  or  issuances  to  induce  individuals  to enter
employment  contracts;  (ii) the issuance of  securities  which will result in a
change of control of the issuer;  (iii) the issuance of securities in connection
with the  acquisition  of the  stock or  assets of  another  company  (a) if any
director,  officer or substantial stockholder of the Company has a 5% or greater
interest (or such persons collectively have a 10% or greater interest), directly
or indirectly,  in the company or assets to be acquired or in the  consideration
to be paid in the transaction or series of related  transactions and the present
or  potential  issuance  of  Common  Stock  or  securities  convertible  into or
exercisable for Common Stock,  could result in an increase in outstanding Common
Shares or voting  power of 5% or more,  or (b) where the  present  or  potential
issuance of Common Stock,  or securities  convertible  into or  exercisable  for
Common Stock, other than a public offering for cash, if the Common Stock has, or
will have upon issuance, voting power equal to or in excess of 20% of the voting
power outstanding before the issuance of stock or securities convertible into or
exercisable  for Common  Stock,  or the  number of shares of Common  Stock to be
issued  is or will be equal to or in  excess  of 20% of the  number of shares of
Common Stock outstanding before the issuance of stock or securities;  or (iv) in
connection with a transaction,  other than a public offering,  involving (x) the
issuance of Common Stock,  or securities  convertible  into or  exercisable  for
Common Stock,  at a price less than the greater of book or market  value,  which
together with sales by officers,  directors or substantial  stockholders  of the
Company, equals  20% or more of the  Common  Stock or 20% or more of the  voting
power  outstanding  before  the  issuance,  or (y) the sale or  issuance  by the
Company of Common  Stock (or  securities  convertible  into or  exercisable  for
Common  Stock)  equal to 20% or more of the  Common  Stock or 20% or more of the
voting power  outstanding  before the issuance for less than the greater of book
or market value of the stock.


     The  additional  authorized  shares of  Common  Stock  resulting  from this
Proposal  would  be the  same  as the  existing  shares  of  Common  Stock.  All
outstanding Common Stock would continue to have one vote per share. Stockholders
of the Company do not presently have preemptive rights nor will they as a result
of the Proposal.

     Authorized  shares of Common  Stock in excess of those  shares  outstanding
(including,  if  authorized,  the  additional  Common Stock provided for in this
Proposal) will remain available for general corporate purposes, may be privately
placed  and  can be used  to  make a  change  in  control  of the  Company  more
difficult.  Under  certain  circumstances,  the Board of Directors  could create
impediments to, or frustrate persons seeking to effect a takeover or transfer in
control  of the  Company  by  causing  such  shares  to be issued to a holder or
holders who might side with the Board of  Directors  in opposing a takeover  bid
that the  Board of  Directors  determines  is not in the best  interests  of the
Company and its stockholders, but in which unaffiliated stockholders may wish to
participate.   In  these  circumstances  the  Board  of  Directors  could  issue
authorized  shares  of Common  Stock to a holder or  holders  which  when  voted
together  with the  shares  held by members  of the Board of  Directors  and the
executive officers and their families could prevent the 66-2/3% stockholder vote
required  by  the  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  eliminate  the
Company's  classified  or  "staggered"  Board  of  Directors.  Furthermore,  the
existence of such shares might have the effect of discouraging  any attempt by a
person,  through the  acquisition  of a  substantial  number of shares of Common
Stock,  to acquire  control of the  Company,  since the  issuance of such shares
could dilute the Company's  book value per share and the Common Stock  ownership
of such person.  One of the effects of the  Proposal,  if approved,  might be to
render  the  accomplishment  of a  tender  offer  more  difficult.  This  may be
beneficial  to  management  in a hostile  tender  offer,  thus having an adverse
impact on stockholders who may want to participate in such tender offer.

     It should be noted that subject to the limitations  discussed above, all of
the types of Board action described in the preceding  paragraph can currently be
taken and that the power of the Board of Directors  to take such  actions  would
not be enhanced by this  Proposal,  although  this Proposal  would  increase the
number of shares of Common Stock that are subject to such action.

     This Proposal,  the Company's  authorized but unissued Preferred Stock, the
Company's  classified  Board of Directors,  the change in control  agreement the
Company  has  with one of its  executive  officers  and the  change  in  control
provisions in the  employment  agreement of the  Companny's  President and Chief
Executive  Officer may generally be classified as  "anti-takeover"  measures and
may each, or in conjunction with each other,  discourage  attempted takeovers of
the Company which are not approved by the Board of  Directors.  The Company does
not believe that any other provision of its current Certificate of Incorporation
or By-Laws are intended or would have the effect of  discouraging or making more
difficult the acquisition of control of the Company.

     If the Proposal is approved and the Amendment becomes effective,  the first
sentence of Article 4 of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation,  which sets
forth the Company's presently  authorized capital stock, will be amended to read
in its entirety as follows:

     "The total number of shares of capital  stock which the  Corporation  shall
have authority to issue is 93,000,000  shares,  of which 90,000,000 shares shall
be Common  Stock,  par value  $.01 per  share,  and  3,000,000  shares  shall be
Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share."

     The Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote FOR approval of an amendment to
the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation to increase the authorized shares of
Common Stock from 60,000,000 to 90,000,000 (Proposal No. 2 on the proxy card).


                             PROPOSAL NO. 3 APPROVAL
                        OF THE 2001 INCENTIVE STOCK PLAN


     In September and October 2001, the Board of Directors and the  Compensation
Committee  adopted  the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan (the "2001  Incentive  Stock
Plan"),  subject to stockholder approval. The 2001 Incentive Stock Plan provides
for the grant of stock  options  and  other  stock-based  awards  to  employees,
officers, consultants,  independent contractors and directors providing services
to Enzon and its  subsidiaries  as  determined by the Board of Directors or by a
committee of directors  designated by the Board of Directors to  administer  the
2001  Incentive  Stock  Plan.  If the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan is approved by
stockholders,  Enzon  intends to continue to grant  options  under the  existing
Non-Qualified  Plan until all shares reserved under such plan have been granted.
This includes grants to Independent  Directors pursuant to the formula set forth
in the  Non-Qualified  Plan.  In the future,  when all the shares  reserved  for
issuance under the Non-Qualified Plan have been granted,  Enzon intends to issue
options  to  Independent   Directors   under  the  2001  Incentive  Stock  Plan.
Additionally,  if the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan is approved by stockholders,  as
of  January  1,  2002,  Enzon  will no longer  grant  shares of Common  Stock to
Independent  Directors under the Independent  Directors' Stock Plan. Instead the
Independent  Directors  will receive  grants of shares of Common Stock under the
2001 Incentive  Stock Plan.  Enzon intends to file a  registration  statement on
Form S-8 covering the  securities  to be issued under the 2001  Incentive  Stock

     The following  summary of the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan is qualified in its
entirety by reference to the full text of the 2001 Incentive  Stock Plan,  which
is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A.

Summary of the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan

     Purpose.  The  purpose of the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan is to promote the
interests  of Enzon and its  stockholders  by  aiding  Enzon in  attracting  and
retaining  employees,   officers,   consultants,   independent  contractors  and
non-employee  directors  capable of contributing to the future success of Enzon,
to offer such persons incentives to put forth maximum efforts for the success of
Enzon's  business  and to  afford  such  persons  an  opportunity  to  acquire a
proprietary  interest in Enzon. The Compensation  Committee  believes that stock
based compensation directly links the amount earned by employees with the amount
of appreciation realized by the Company's stockholders.

     Administration. The Compensation Committee has been designated by the Board
of Directors to  administer  the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan.  The  Compensation
Committee  will have full  power and  authority  to  determine  when and to whom
awards will be granted and the type, amount, form of payment and other terms and
conditions of each award,  consistent  with the provisions of the 2001 Incentive
Stock Plan.  Subject to the  provisions of the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan,  the
Compensation  Committee  may  amend or waive  the  terms  and  conditions  of an
outstanding  award.  The  Compensation  Committee  will have full  authority  to
interpret the 2001 Incentive  Stock Plan and establish rules and regulations for
the administration of the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan. The Compensation  Committee
may delegate to one or more  directors or officers,  or a committee of directors
or  officers,  or  the  Board  of  Directors  may  exercise,   the  Compensation
Committee's powers and duties under the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan.

     Eligibility. Any employee, officer,  consultant,  independent contractor or
director providing services to Enzon and its subsidiaries will be eligible to be
selected  by the  Compensation  Committee  to  receive  awards  under  the  2001
Incentive  Stock Plan. As of October 25, 2001,  there were  approximately  [106]
persons  who  were  eligible  as a  class  to be  selected  by the  Compensation
Committee to receive awards under the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan.

     Number of Shares.  The 2001 Incentive  Stock Plan provides for the issuance
of up to 2,000,000 shares of Common Stock, subject to adjustment in the event of
a stock dividend or other distribution,  recapitalization,  stock split, reverse
stock  split,  reorganization,   merger,   consolidation,   split-up,  spin-off,
combination,  issuance of warrants or other rights to purchase  shares of Common
Stock or other  securities  of Enzon to all  holders  of  Common  Stock pro rata
whether as a dividend or otherwise  or other  similar  changes in the  corporate
structure or stock of Enzon.  Shares of Common Stock subject to awards under the
2001 Incentive Stock Plan which are not used or are forfeited  because the terms
and  conditions  of the awards  are not met,  or  because  the award  terminates
without  delivery  of any  shares,  may  again be used for  awards  (other  than
Incentive Stock Options) under the 2001 Incentive  Stock Plan.  Shares of Common
Stock used by a participant as


full or partial  payment to Enzon of the purchase price relating to an award, or
in connection with the  satisfaction  of tax  obligations  relating to an award,
will also be  available  for awards  under the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan.  The
shares  of  Common  Stock  issued  under the 2001  Incentive  Stock  Plan may be
authorized  but  unissued  shares  or  shares  acquired  on the open  market  or
otherwise.  The last reported sale price of Enzon's  Common Stock as reported by
Nasdaq National Market on October [12], 2001, was [$59.12].

     No participant may be granted stock options and any other award,  the value
of which is based  solely on an  increase in the price of the Common  Stock,  of
more than 1,000,000 shares in the aggregate in any calendar year.

     Types of Awards and Certain Terms and Conditions.  The types of awards that
may be granted  under the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan are stock  options,  stock
appreciation  rights,  restricted  stock,  restricted  stock units,  performance
awards,  dividend equivalents,  other stock grants, other stock-based awards and
any combination  thereof. The 2001 Incentive Stock Plan provides that all awards
are to be evidenced by written agreements containing the terms and conditions of
the  awards.  The  Compensation  Committee  may not  amend  or  discontinue  any
outstanding  award without the consent of the holder of the award if such action
would adversely affect the rights of the holder.  Except as provided by the 2001
Incentive Stock Plan,  awards (other than Other Stock Grants,  as defined in the
2001  Incentive  Stock Plan) will not be  transferable  other than to (1) family
members (as determined by the Compensation Committee), (2) by will or (3) by the
laws of descent and distribution. During the lifetime of a participant, an award
may be  exercised  only by the  participant  to whom such  award is granted or a
permitted  assignee.  Awards may be granted for no cash consideration or for any
cash or other  consideration as may be determined by the Compensation  Committee
or required by law. Generally, the consideration to be received by Enzon for the
grant of awards under the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan will be the  participant's
past, present or expected future contributions to Enzon.

     Stock Options.  Incentive stock options meeting the requirements of Section
422 of the Internal Revenue Code ("Incentive  Stock Options") and  non-qualified
options may be granted under the 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan.  The  Compensation
Committee will determine the exercise price of any option granted under the 2001
Incentive Stock Plan,  provided  however that the exercise price of options will
not be less than the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of grant.
The term of the option will be determined  by the  Compensation  Committee,  but
shall in no event  exceed  10 years  from  the  date on which  such  option  was
granted.  Stock options will be  exercisable  at such times as the  Compensation
Committee  determines.  Stock  options may be  exercised  in whole or in part by
payment  in  full  of  the  exercise  price  in  cash  or  such  other  form  of
consideration as the Compensation  Committee may specify,  including delivery of
shares of Common Stock having a fair market value on the date of exercise  equal
to the exercise price. The Compensation  Committee may grant reload options when
a participant  pays the exercise  price or tax  withholding  upon exercise of an
option by using  shares of Common  Stock.  The reload  option  would be for that
number of shares surrendered or withheld.

     Stock  Appreciation  Rights.  The  Compensation  Committee  may grant stock
appreciation  rights exercisable at such times and subject to such conditions or
restrictions  as the  Compensation  Committee may determine.  Upon exercise of a
stock  appreciation  right by a holder,  the holder is  entitled  to receive the
excess of the fair  market  value of one  share of  Common  Stock on the date of
exercise  over the fair market value of one share of Common Stock on the date of
grant.  The payment may be made in cash or shares of Common Stock, or other form
of payment, as determined by the Compensation Committee.

     Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units. The Compensation Committee may
grant shares of  restricted  stock and  restricted  stock units  subject to such
restrictions and terms and conditions as the Compensation  Committee may impose.
Shares of restricted  stock granted under the 2001 Incentive  Stock Plan will be
evidenced  by  stock  certificates,  which  will  be  held  by  Enzon,  and  the
Compensation Committee may, in its discretion,  grant voting and dividend rights
with  respect to such  shares.  No shares of stock will be issued at the time of
award of restricted stock units. A restricted stock unit will have a value equal
to the fair market  value of one share of Common  Stock and may  include,  if so
determined by the  Compensation  Committee,  the value of any dividends or other
rights  or  property  received  by  stockholders  after the date of grant of the
restricted  stock unit.  The  Compensation  Committee has the right to waive any
vesting  requirements  or to  accelerate  the  vesting  of  restricted  stock or
restricted stock units.

     Dividend  Equivalents.   The  Compensation  Committee  may  grant  dividend
equivalents under which a holder shall be entitled to receive payments, in cash,
Common Stock,  other  securities or other property,  equivalent to the


amount of cash dividend paid by Enzon to holders of Common Stock with respect to
a number of shares of Common Stock determined by the Compensation Committee. The
Compensation  Committee will determine the terms and conditions of such dividend

     Performance  Awards. A performance award will entitle the holder to receive
payments upon the achievement of specified  performance  goals. The Compensation
Committee  will  determine  the terms and  conditions  of a  performance  award,
including the performance  goals to be achieved  during the performance  period,
the length of the  performance  period and the amount and form of payment of the
performance  award.  A performance  award may be denominated or payable in cash,
shares of stock or other securities, or other awards or property.

     Other Stock Grants.  The Compensation  Committee may otherwise grant shares
of Common Stock as are deemed by the  Compensation  Committee  to be  consistent
with the purpose of the 2001 Incentive  Stock Plan. The  Compensation  Committee
will determine the terms and conditions of such other stock grant.

     Other Stock-Based Awards. The Compensation Committee may grant other awards
denominated  or payable in,  valued by reference  to, or  otherwise  based on or
related to shares of Common Stock as are deemed by the Compensation Committee to
be  consistent   with  the  purpose  of  the  2001  Incentive  Stock  Plan.  The
Compensation  Committee  will  determine the terms and  conditions of such other
stock-based  award,  including the consideration to be paid for shares of Common
Stock or other securities  delivered  pursuant to a purchase right granted under
such award.  The value of such  consideration  shall be the fair market value of
such shares or other securities as of the date such purchase right is granted.

     Duration,   Termination  and  Amendment.  Unless  earlier  discontinued  or
terminated  by the Board of  Directors,  no awards may be granted under the 2001
Incentive  Stock Plan ten years after the effective  date of the 2001  Incentive
Stock Plan.  The 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan  permits the Board of  Directors to
amend, alter, suspend, discontinue or terminate the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan at
any time,  except  that prior  stockholder  approval  will be  required  for any
amendment to the 2001 Incentive  Stock Plan that requires  stockholder  approval
under the rules or  regulations  of the Nasdaq Stock  Marketsm or any securities
exchange that are applicable to Enzon.

Federal Tax Consequences

     The following is a summary of the principal federal income tax consequences
generally applicable to awards under the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan.

     Stock  Options  and Stock  Appreciation  Rights.  The grant of an option or
stock appreciation right is not expected to result in any taxable income for the
recipient.  The  holder of an  Incentive  Stock  Option  generally  will have no
taxable  income upon  exercising  the  Incentive  Stock  Option  (except  that a
liability may arise pursuant to the alternative minimum tax), and Enzon will not
be entitled to a tax deduction when an Incentive Stock Option is exercised. Upon
exercising a non-qualified  stock option,  the optionee must recognize  ordinary
income  equal to the  excess of the fair  market  value of the  shares of Common
Stock acquired on the date of exercise over the exercise  price,  and Enzon will
be entitled at that time to a tax deduction for the same amount. Upon exercising
a stock appreciation  right, the amount of any cash received and the fair market
value on the exercise date of any shares of Common Stock received are taxable to
the recipient as ordinary income and deductible by Enzon. The tax consequence to
an optionee upon a  disposition  of shares  acquired  through the exercise of an
option will depend on how long the shares have been held and upon  whether  such
shares were acquired by exercising an Incentive  Stock Option or by exercising a
non-qualified stock option or stock appreciation right. Generally, there will be
no tax  consequence to Enzon in connection  with  disposition of shares acquired
under an option,  except that Enzon may be entitled  to a tax  deduction  in the
case of a disposition of shares  acquired under an Incentive Stock Option before
the applicable  Incentive Stock Option holding periods set forth in the Internal
Revenue Code have been satisfied.

     Other Awards. With respect to other awards granted under the 2001 Incentive
Stock Plan that are  payable  either in cash or shares of Common  Stock that are
either transferable or not subject to substantial risk of forfeiture, the holder
of such an award must recognize  ordinary  income equal to the excess of (a) the
cash or the fair market value of the shares


of Common Stock  received  (determined  as of the date of such receipt) over (b)
the  amount (if any) paid for such  shares of Common  Stock by the holder of the
award,  and Enzon  will be  entitled  at that time to a  deduction  for the same
amount.  With respect to an award that is payable in shares of Common Stock that
are  restricted  as to  transferability  and  subject  to  substantial  risk  of
forfeiture,  unless a special  election is made pursuant to the Internal Revenue
Code, the holder of the award must recognize ordinary income equal to the excess
of (i) the fair market value of the shares of Common Stock received  (determined
as of  the  first  time  the  shares  become  transferable  or  not  subject  to
substantial  risk of forfeiture,  whichever occurs earlier) over (ii) the amount
(if any) paid for such shares of Common  Stock by the holder,  and Enzon will be
entitled at that time to a tax deduction for the same amount.

     Satisfaction of Tax  Obligations.  Under the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan, the
Compensation  Committee may permit participants  receiving or exercising awards,
subject to the discretion of the Compensation  Committee and upon such terms and
conditions as it may impose,  to surrender shares of Common Stock (either shares
received upon the receipt or exercise of the award or shares previously owned by
the  participant)  to Enzon to satisfy  federal  and state tax  obligations.  In
addition,  the Compensation  Committee may grant,  subject to its discretion,  a
cash bonus to a participant in order to provide funds to pay all or a portion of
federal and state taxes due as a result of the  exercise or receipt of (or lapse
of  restrictions  relating  to) an award.  The  amount of any such bonus will be
taxable  to  the  participant  as  ordinary  income,   and  Enzon  will  have  a
corresponding  deduction  equal  to such  amount  (subject  to the  usual  rules
concerning reasonable compensation).

     Section  162(m)  Requirements.  The  2001  Incentive  Stock  Plan  has been
designed to meet the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code
regarding the deductibility of executive compensation.

     The Board of Directors  recommends a vote FOR the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan
as proposed. (Proposal No. 3 on the proxy card).


     On  September  6, 2001,  the  Finance and Audit  Committee  of the Board of
Directors, pursuant to authority granted by the Board of Directors, approved the
retention of KPMG LLP ("KPMG"),  independent  certified public  accountants,  to
audit the consolidated  financial  statements of the Company for the fiscal year
ending  June 30,  2002.  KPMG  served as auditor of the  consolidated  financial
statements  of the Company for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2001,  2000,  and
1999.  Representatives  of KPMG are expected to be present at the Annual Meeting
and will have the  opportunity to make a statement  should they desire to do so.
Such representatives are also expected to be available to respond to questions.

Audit Fees

     The  aggregate  fees  billed  by KPMG in  connection  with its audit of the
Company's annual financial statements for the fiscal year 2001 and its review of
the financial statements included in the Company's Form 10-Qs during fiscal year
2001 was $60,400.

Financial Information Systems Design and Implementation Fees

     The  Company  did not  engage  KPMG to  provide  services  for the  Company
regarding financial  information systems design and implementation during fiscal
year 2001.

All Other Fees

     KPMG billed the  Company  fees  totaling  $165,582  for all other  services
performed   during  fiscal  year  2001  which  related  to  tax  consulting  and
compliance;  the  Company's  June 2001  offering  of 4 1/2%  convertible  notes;
services  related to selection of a new financial  reporting  system and various
technical  accounting   consultations.  The  Finance  and  Audit  Committee  has
considered  whether the  provision of all other  services by KPMG is  compatible
with maintaining KPMG's independence and concluded that KPMG is "independent".


     The Board of Directors  recommends a vote FOR ratification of the selection
of KPMG,  independent  certified public  accountants,  to audit the consolidated
financial  statements  of the  Company  for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002
(Proposal No. 4 on the Proxy Card).


                          ANNUAL REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERS

     The Company's  Annual Report to Stockholders for the fiscal year ended June
30, 2001 accompanies this Proxy Statement.

                             STOCKHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

     It is  anticipated  that  the  Company's  fiscal  2002  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  will  be  held  on  or  about  December  3,  2002.   Proposals  of
stockholders  intended for  inclusion in the proxy  statement to be furnished to
all stockholders  entitled to vote at the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of
the Company must be received at the Company's  principal  executive  offices (i)
not later  than  July 6,  2002 or (ii) in the event the date of the 2002  Annual
Meeting  changes by more than 30 days from  December 3, 2002, a reasonable  time
before the Company mails its proxy materials for the 2002 Annual  Meeting.  Such
proposals  must meet the other  requirements  established  by the Securities and
Exchange Commission for stockholder  proposals.  If the Company does not receive
notice of any matter that is to come before the  stockholders at the 2002 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders on or before (i) September 17, 2002,  which  corresponds
to forty-five  days before the date on which the Company first mailed this proxy
statement,  or (ii) in the event the date of the 2002 Annual Meeting  changes by
more than 30 days from  December 3, 2002, a  reasonable  time before the Company
mails its proxy  materials for the 2002 Annual  meeting,  the proxy for the 2002
Annual Meeting of Stockholders may, pursuant to Rule 14a-4(c) of the Proxy Rules
under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  confer  discretionary  authority to
vote on the matters presented.


     The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company. In addition to
mailing,  proxies  may  be  solicited  by  personal  interview,   telephone  and
telegraph,  and by  directors,  officers  and regular  employees of the Company,
without special compensation  therefor.  The Company expects to reimburse banks,
brokers  and  other  persons  for their  reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses  in
handling proxy materials for beneficial owners of the Company's Common Stock.

     Unless contrary instructions are indicated on the proxy card, all shares of
Common Stock or Series A Preferred Stock  represented by valid proxies  received
pursuant to this  solicitation  (and not revoked  before they are voted) will be
voted FOR the  election  of the  nominees  for  directors  named  herein and FOR
Proposal No. 2, Proposal No. 3 and Proposal No. 4.

     Any proxy given pursuant to this  solicitation may be revoked by the person
giving it at any time before it is voted.  Proxies may be revoked by filing with
the Secretary of the Company  written notice of revocation  bearing a later date
than the proxy, by duly executing a subsequent proxy relating to the same shares
of Common Stock or Series A Preferred  Stock or by attending the Annual  Meeting
and voting in person. Attendance at the Annual Meeting will not in and of itself
constitute  revocation of a proxy unless the stockholder votes his or her shares
of Common Stock or Series A Preferred Stock in person at the Annual Meeting. Any
notice revoking a proxy should be sent to the Secretary of the Company,  Kenneth
J. Zuerblis, at Enzon, Inc., 20 Kingsbridge Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854.

     The Board of Directors knows of no business other than that set forth above
to be  transacted at the meeting,  but if other matters  requiring a vote of the
stockholders  arise,  the persons  designated as proxies will vote the shares of
Common  Stock  or  Series  A  Preferred  Stock  represented  by the  proxies  in
accordance  with their  judgment on such matters.  If a stockholder  specifies a
different  choice on the proxy,  his or her  shares of Common  Stock or Series A
Preferred Stock will be voted in accordance with the specification so made.

     Please complete,  sign and date the enclosed proxy card, which is revocable
as described herein, and mail it promptly in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.



                                       By order of the Board of Directors,

                                       Kenneth J. Zuerblis, Corporate Secretary

Piscataway, New Jersey
October __, 2001


                                    Exhibit A

                                   ENZON, INC.

Section 1. Purpose

     The purpose of the Plan is to promote the  interests of the Company and its
shareholders  by aiding  the  Company in  attracting  and  retaining  employees,
officers,  consultants,   independent  contractors  and  Non-Employee  Directors
capable of  contributing  to the future  success of the  Company,  to offer such
persons incentives to put forth maximum efforts for the success of the Company's
business  and to afford such  persons an  opportunity  to acquire a  proprietary
interest in the Company.

Section 2. Definitions

     As used in the Plan, the following  terms shall have the meanings set forth

     1.  "Affiliate"  shall mean (i) any entity  that,  directly  or  indirectly
     through one or more  intermediaries,  is controlled by the Company and (ii)
     any entity in which the Company has a significant equity interest,  in each
     case as determined by the Committee.

     2. "Award"  shall mean any Option,  Stock  Appreciation  Right,  Restricted
     Stock, Restricted Stock Unit, Performance Award, Dividend Equivalent, Other
     Stock Grant or Other Stock-Based Award granted under the Plan.

     3. "Award  Agreement" shall mean any written  agreement,  contract or other
     instrument or document  evidencing  any Award granted under the Plan.  Each
     Award Agreement shall be subject to the applicable  terms and conditions of
     the Plan and any other  terms and  conditions  (not  inconsistent  with the
     Plan) determined by the Committee.

     4. "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

     5. "Code"  shall mean the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended from
     time to time, and any regulations promulgated thereunder.

     6. "Committee" shall mean a committee of Directors  designated by the Board
     to administer the Plan.  The Committee  shall be comprised of not less than
     such number of  Directors  as shall be required  to permit  Awards  granted
     under the Plan by the  Committee  to  qualify  under Rule  16b-3,  and each
     member of the  Committee  shall be a  "Non-Employee  Director"  within  the
     meaning  of Rule 16b-3 and an  "outside  director"  within  the  meaning of
     Section  162(m)  of  the  Code.  The  Company  expects  to  have  the  Plan
     administered  in  accordance  with  the   requirements  for  the  award  of
     "qualified  performance-based  compensation"  within the meaning of Section
     162(m) of the Code.

     7.  "Company"  shall mean  Enzon,  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation,  and any
     successor corporation.

     8.  "Director"  shall  mean a member of the Board,  including  Non-Employee

     9. "Dividend Equivalent" shall mean any right granted under Section 6(E) of
     the Plan.

     10.  "Eligible  Person"  shall  mean  any  employee,  officer,  consultant,
     independent  contractor or Director  (including any Non-Employee  Director)
     providing  services  to the  Company or any  Affiliate  whom the  Committee
     determines to be an Eligible Person.

     11.  "Exchange  Act" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as


     12.  "Fair  Market  Value"  shall  mean,   with  respect  to  any  property
     (including,  without limitation, any Shares or other securities),  the fair
     market value of such  property  determined by such methods or procedures as
     shall be established  from time to time by the  Committee.  Notwithstanding
     the  foregoing,  unless  otherwise  determined by the  Committee,  the Fair
     Market Value of a Share as of a given date shall be, if the Shares are then
     traded on the Nasdaq National  Market,  the last reported sale price of one
     Share as  reported  on the Nasdaq  National  Market on such date or, if the
     Nasdaq  National  Market is not open for trading on such date,  on the most
     recent preceding date when it is open for trading.

     13.  "Family  Members"  shall be those persons  related to a participant as
     determined by the Committee.

     14.  "Incentive Stock Option" shall mean an option granted under Section 6A
     of the Plan that is intended to meet the requirements of Section 422 of the
     Code or any successor provision.

     15.  "Non-Employee  Director" shall have the meaning ascribed in Rule 16b-3
     promulgated under the Exchange Act or any successor provision.

     16. "Non-Qualified Stock Option" shall mean an option granted under Section
     6A of the Plan that is not intended to be an Incentive Stock Option.

     17. "Option" shall mean an Incentive Stock Option or a Non-Qualified  Stock

     18.  "Other Stock Grant" shall mean any right  granted  under Section 6F of
     the Plan.

     19. "Other Stock-Based Award" shall mean any right granted under Section 6G
     of the Plan.

     20. "Participant" shall mean an Eligible Person designated to be granted an
     Award under the Plan.

     21.  "Performance  Award" shall mean any right  granted under Section 6D of
     the Plan.

     22.   "Person"  shall  mean  any  individual,   corporation,   partnership,
     association or trust.

     23. "Plan" shall mean the Enzon, Inc. 2001 Incentive Stock Plan, as amended
     from time to time, the provisions of which are set forth herein.

     24. "Plan Year" shall mean a consecutive 12-month period ending on December
     31 of each year.

     25.  "Reload  Option" shall mean any Option  granted under Section 6A(5) of
     the Plan.

     26.  "Restricted  Stock" shall mean any Shares  granted under Section 6C of
     the Plan.

     27. "Restricted Stock Unit" shall mean any unit granted under Section 6C of
     the Plan  evidencing  the right to receive a Share (or a cash payment equal
     to the Fair Market Value of a Share) at some future date.

     28. "Rule 16b-3" shall mean Rule 16b-3  promulgated  by the  Securities and
     Exchange  Commission  under  the  Exchange  Act or any  successor  rule  or


     29. "Share" or "Shares" shall mean shares of common stock,  $0.01 par value
     per share,  of the  Company or such other  securities  or  property  as may
     become subject to Awards pursuant to an adjustment made under Section 4C of
     the Plan.

     30. "Stock  Appreciation  Right" shall mean any right granted under Section
     6B of the Plan.

Section 3. Administration

     A. Power and Authority of the Committee.  The Plan shall be administered by
the Committee.  Subject to the express  provisions of the Plan and to applicable
law,  the  Committee  shall have full  power and  authority  to:  (i)  designate
Participants;  (ii)  determine the type or types of Awards to be granted to each
Participant  under the Plan;  (iii) determine the number of Shares to be covered
by (or the method by which  payments,  or other rights are to be  calculated  in
connection  with) each Award;  (iv)  determine  the terms and  conditions of any
Award or Award  Agreement;  (v) amend the terms and  conditions  of any Award or
Award Agreement and accelerate the  exercisability  of any Award or the lapse of
restrictions  relating to any Award; (vi) determine whether,  to what extent and
under what  circumstances  Awards may be exercised in cash,  Shares,  promissory
notes, other securities,  other Awards or other property, or canceled, forfeited
or  suspended;   (vii)  determine  whether,   to  what  extent  and  under  what
circumstances  cash, Shares,  promissory notes, other securities,  other Awards,
other property and other amounts payable with respect to an Award under the Plan
shall be deferred either  automatically or at the election of the holder thereof
or the Committee; (viii) interpret and administer the Plan and any instrument or
agreement,  including an Award Agreement,  relating to the Plan; (ix) establish,
amend, suspend or waive such rules and regulations and appoint such agents as it
shall deem appropriate for the proper  administration  of the Plan; and (x) make
any other  determination  and take any other  action  that the  Committee  deems
necessary or desirable  for the  administration  of the Plan.  Unless  otherwise
expressly   provided   in   the   Plan,   all   designations,    determinations,
interpretations  and other  decisions  under or with  respect to the Plan or any
Award shall be within the sole  discretion of the Committee,  may be made at any
time and shall be final, conclusive and binding upon any Participant, any holder
or beneficiary of any Award and any employee of the Company or any Affiliate.

     B.  Delegation.  The Committee may delegate its powers and duties under the
Plan to one or more  Directors or officers of the Company,  or to a committee of
Directors or officers,  subject to such terms, conditions and limitations as the
Committee  may establish in its sole  discretion,  provided,  however,  that the
Committee  shall not  delegate  its powers  and  duties  under the Plan (i) with
regard to officers or directors of the Company or any  Affiliate who are subject
to Section 16 of the  Exchange  Act or (ii) in such a manner as would  cause the
Plan not to comply with the requirements of Section 162(m) of the Code.

     C.  Power and  Authority  of the  Board.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the
contrary  contained  herein,  the Board may,  at any time and from time to time,
without any further action of the  Committee,  exercise the powers and duties of
the Committee under the Plan.

Section 4. Shares Available for Awards

     A. Shares Available. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 4C of the
Plan,  the aggregate  number of Shares that may be issued under all Awards under
the Plan shall be  2,000,000;  provided  that,  any Shares with respect to which
Awards may be issued, but are not issued,  under the Plan in any Plan Year shall
be carried  forward and shall be available to be covered by Awards issued in any
subsequent Plan Year in which Awards may be issued under the Plan.  Shares to be
issued under the Plan may be either  authorized  but  unissued  Shares or Shares
acquired  in the  open  market  or  otherwise.  Any  Shares  that  are used by a
Participant  as full or partial  payment to the  Company of the  purchase  price
relating to an Award, or in connection with the  satisfaction of tax obligations
relating to an Award,  shall again be available for granting  Awards (other than
Incentive  Stock Options) under the Plan. In addition,  if any Shares covered by
an Award or to which an Award relates are not purchased or are forfeited,  or if
an Award otherwise terminates without delivery of any Shares, then the number of
Shares counted against the aggregate  number of Shares  available under the Plan
with respect to such Award, to the extent of any such forfeiture or termination,
shall again be available for granting Awards under the Plan. Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  the number of Shares available for granting  Incentive Stock Options
under the Plan shall not  exceed  2,000,000  shares  subject  to


adjustment as provided in the Plan and subject to the  provisions of Section 422
or 424 of the Code or any successor provision.

     B.  Accounting  for Awards.  For  purposes  of this  Section 4, if an Award
entitles the holder thereof to receive or purchase Shares,  the number of Shares
covered by such Award or to which  such  Award  relates  shall be counted on the
date of grant of such Award against the aggregate number of Shares available for
granting Awards under the Plan.

     C.  Adjustments.  In the event that the Committee  shall determine that any
dividend  or other  distribution  (whether  in the form of cash,  Shares,  other
securities  or other  property),  recapitalization,  stock split,  reverse stock
split, reorganization,  merger, consolidation,  split-up, spin-off, combination,
issuance of warrants or other rights to purchase  Shares or other  securities of
the  Company to all  holders of common  stock pro rata  whether as a dividend or
otherwise or other  similar  corporate  transaction  or event affects the Shares
such that an adjustment is  determined  by the  Committee to be  appropriate  in
order to prevent  dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential  benefits
intended to be made available under the Plan, then the Committee  shall, in such
manner as it may deem equitable, adjust any or all of (i) the number and type of
Shares (or other  securities or other  property) that thereafter may be made the
subject of Awards,  (ii) the number and type of Shares (or other  securities  or
other property) subject to outstanding Awards and (iii) the purchase or exercise
price with respect to any Award;  provided,  however,  that the number of Shares
covered  by any Award or to which  such Award  relates  shall  always be a whole

     D. Award  Limitations Under the Plan. No Eligible Person may be granted any
Award or  Awards  under the  Plan,  the value of which  Award or Awards is based
solely on an increase in the value of the Shares after the date of grant of such
Award or Awards,  for more than  1,000,000  Shares  (subject  to  adjustment  as
provided  for in Section  4(c) of the Plan),  in the  aggregate  in any calendar
year. The foregoing  annual  limitation  specifically  includes the grant of any
Award or Awards representing "qualified  performance-based  compensation" within
the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code.

Section 5. Eligibility.

     Any Eligible  Person shall be eligible to be designated a  Participant.  In
determining  which Eligible  Persons shall receive an Award and the terms of any
Award,  the Committee may take into account the nature of the services  rendered
by the respective Eligible Persons, their present and potential contributions to
the  success  of the  Company or such other  factors  as the  Committee,  in its
discretion,  shall deem relevant.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  an Incentive
Stock Option may only be granted to full or part-time  employees  (which term as
used herein includes,  without  limitation,  officers and Directors who are also
employees), and an Incentive Stock Option shall not be granted to an employee of
an Affiliate  unless such  Affiliate is also a "subsidiary  corporation"  of the
Company  within  the  meaning  of  Section  424(f) of the Code or any  successor

Section 6. Awards

     A.   Options.  The  Committee  is hereby  authorized  to grant  Options  to
          Eligible Persons with the following terms and conditions and with such
          additional terms and conditions not  inconsistent  with the provisions
          of the Plan as the Committee shall determine:

          1. Exercise Price. The purchase price per Share  purchasable  under an
          Option shall be determined by the Committee;  provided,  however, that
          such  purchase  price  shall not be less than 100% of the Fair  Market
          Value of a Share on the date of grant of such Option.

          2.  Option  Term.  The  term of each  Option  shall  be  fixed  by the
          Committee,  but,  shall in no event  exceed 10 years  from the date on
          which such Option is granted.

          3. Time and Method of Exercise. The Committee shall determine the time
          or times at which an Option may be  exercised  in whole or in part and
          the  method or  methods  by which,  and the form


          or forms (including,  without  limitation,  cash,  Shares,  promissory
          notes,  other  securities,  other  Awards  or other  property,  or any
          combination  thereof,  having a Fair Market Value on the exercise date
          equal to the  applicable  exercise  price)  in which,  payment  of the
          exercise price with respect thereto may be made or deemed to have been

          4. Incentive  Stock Options.  Notwithstanding  anything in the Plan to
          the contrary,  the following additional  provisions shall apply to the
          grant of stock  options  which are  intended  to qualify as  Incentive
          Stock Options:

          (a)  The aggregate  Fair Market Value  (determined  as of the time the
               option is granted) of the Shares with respect to which  Incentive
               Stock  Options  are   exercisable  for  the  first  time  by  any
               Participant  during any  calendar  year  (under this Plan and all
               other plans of the Company and its  Affiliates)  shall not exceed

          (b)  All Incentive Stock Options must be granted within ten years from
               the  earlier  of the date on which  this Plan was  adopted by the
               Board or the date this Plan was approved by the  shareholders  of
               the Company.

          (c)  Unless sooner exercised, all Incentive Stock Options shall expire
               and no longer be  exercisable  no later  than 10 years  after the
               date of grant; provided,  however, that in the case of a grant of
               an Incentive Stock Option to a Participant  who, at the time such
               Option is granted, owns (within the meaning of Section 422 of the
               Code) stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting
               power of all classes of stock of the Company or of its Affiliate,
               such  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall  expire  and no  longer  be
               exercisable no later than 5 years from the date of grant.

          (d)  The purchase price per Share for an Incentive  Stock Option shall
               be not less than 100% of the Fair Market  Value of a Share on the
               date of grant of the Incentive Stock Option;  provided,  however,
               that, in the case of the grant of an Incentive  Stock Option to a
               Participant who, at the time such Option is granted, owns (within
               the  meaning of Section 422 of the Code)  stock  possessing  more
               than 10% of the total  combined  voting  power of all  classes of
               stock of the Company or of its Affiliate,  the purchase price per
               Share  purchasable  under an Incentive  Stock Option shall be not
               less than 110% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of
               grant of the Inventive Stock Option.

          (e)  Any  Incentive  Stock  Option  authorized  under  the Plan  shall
               contain  such  other  provisions  as  the  Committee  shall  deem
               advisable, but shall in all events be consistent with and contain
               all  provisions  required  in order to  qualify  the Option as an
               Incentive Stock Option.

          5. Reload Options. The Committee may grant Reload Options,  separately
          or together  with another  Option,  pursuant to which,  subject to the
          terms and conditions  established by the  Committee,  the  Participant
          would be granted a new Option when the payment of the  exercise  price
          of a previously granted option is made by the delivery of Shares owned
          by the  Participant  pursuant to Section  6A(3) hereof or the relevant
          provisions  of another  plan of the  Company,  and/or  when Shares are
          tendered or  withheld  as payment of the amount to be  withheld  under
          applicable  income  tax laws in  connection  with the  exercise  of an
          Option,  which new Option would be an Option to purchase the number of
          Shares not  exceeding  the sum of (A) the number of Shares so provided
          as consideration upon the exercise of the previously granted option to
          which such Reload Option relates and (B) the number of Shares, if any,
          tendered or  withheld  as payment of the amount to be  withheld  under
          applicable  tax laws in connection  with the exercise of the option to
          which such


          Reload Option relates pursuant to the relevant  provisions of the plan
          or agreement  relating to such option.  Reload  Options may be granted
          with respect to Options previously granted under the Plan or any other
          stock option plan of the Company or may be granted in connection  with
          any Option  granted  under the Plan or any other stock  option plan of
          the Company at the time of such grant.  Such Reload Options shall have
          a per share exercise price equal to the Fair Market Value of one Share
          as of the date of grant of the new Option.  Any Reload Option shall be
          subject to availability of sufficient Shares for grant under the Plan.
          Shares  surrendered as part or all of the exercise price of the Option
          to which it relates that have been owned by the optionee less than six
          months will not be counted for purposes of  determining  the number of
          Shares that may be purchased pursuant to a Reload Option.

          B. Stock  Appreciation  Rights.  The Committee is hereby authorized to
          grant Stock  Appreciation  Rights to Eligible  Persons  subject to the
          terms  of the  Plan  and  any  applicable  Award  Agreement.  A  Stock
          Appreciation  Right  granted under the Plan shall confer on the holder
          thereof a right to receive upon exercise thereof the excess of (i) the
          Fair  Market  Value of one Share on the date of  exercise  (or, if the
          Committee  shall so determine,  at any time during a specified  period
          before or after the date of exercise) over (ii) the grant price of the
          Stock  Appreciation  Right as specified by the Committee,  which price
          shall not be less than 100% of the Fair  Market  Value of one Share on
          the date of grant of the  Stock  Appreciation  Right.  Subject  to the
          terms of the Plan and any applicable Award Agreement, the grant price,
          term,  methods of exercise,  dates of exercise,  methods of settlement
          and any other terms and  conditions  of any Stock  Appreciation  Right
          shall be as determined by the Committee. The Committee may impose such
          conditions or restrictions  on the exercise of any Stock  Appreciation
          Right as it may deem appropriate.

          C.  Restricted  Stock and  Restricted  Stock Units.  The  Committee is
          hereby authorized to grant Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units
          to Eligible  Persons with the following  terms and conditions and with
          such  additional  terms  and  conditions  not  inconsistent  with  the
          provisions of the Plan as the Committee shall determine:

          1.   Restrictions.  Shares of Restricted  Stock and  Restricted  Stock
               Units shall be subject to such  restrictions as the Committee may
               impose   (including,   without   limitation,   a  waiver  by  the
               Participant  of the right to vote or to receive  any  dividend or
               other right or property with respect thereto), which restrictions
               may lapse  separately or in combination at such time or times, in
               such   installments  or  otherwise  as  the  Committee  may  deem

          2.   Stock  Certificates.  Any Restricted Stock granted under the Plan
               shall be registered in the name of the Participant and shall bear
               an  appropriate  legend  referring to the terms,  conditions  and
               restrictions applicable to such Restricted Stock.

          3.   Forfeiture. Except as otherwise determined by the Committee, upon
               a  Participant's  termination of employment (as determined  under
               criteria  established  by the  Committee)  during the  applicable
               restriction period, all Shares of Restricted Stock and Restricted
               Stock  Units  held by the  Participant  at  such  time  shall  be
               forfeited and reacquired by the Company; provided,  however, that
               the  Committee  may,  when it finds that a waiver would be in the
               best  interest of the  Company,  waive in whole or in part any or
               all remaining  restrictions  with respect to Shares of Restricted
               Stock or Restricted Stock Units.

          D.  Performance  Awards.  The Committee is hereby  authorized to grant
          Performance  Awards to  Eligible  Persons  subject to the terms of the
          Plan and any applicable Award Agreement.  A Performance  Award granted
          under  the Plan (i) may be  denominated  or  payable  in cash,  Shares
          (including, without


          limitation,  Restricted  Stock  and  Restricted  Stock  Units),  other
          securities,  other  Awards or other  property and (ii) shall confer on
          the holder thereof the right to receive payments, in whole or in part,
          upon the achievement of such performance goals during such performance
          periods as the Committee shall establish.  Subject to the terms of the
          Plan and any applicable Award Agreement,  the performance  goals to be
          achieved during any performance  period, the length of any performance
          period, the amount of any Performance Award granted, the amount of any
          payment or transfer to be made pursuant to any  Performance  Award and
          any other  terms and  conditions  of any  Performance  Award  shall be
          determined by the Committee.

          E. Dividend  Equivalents.  The Committee is hereby authorized to grant
          Dividend  Equivalents to Eligible  Persons under which the Participant
          shall  be  entitled  to  receive  payments  (in  cash,  Shares,  other
          securities,  other  Awards  or other  property  as  determined  in the
          discretion  of  the  Committee)  equivalent  to  the  amount  of  cash
          dividends  paid by the Company to holders of Shares with  respect to a
          number of Shares determined by the Committee.  Subject to the terms of
          the Plan and any applicable Award Agreement, such Dividend Equivalents
          may have such terms and conditions as the Committee shall determine.

          F. Other Stock Grants. The Committee is hereby authorized,  subject to
          the terms of the Plan and any applicable Award Agreements, to grant to
          Eligible Persons Shares without  restrictions thereon as are deemed by
          the Committee to be consistent with the purpose of the Plan.

          G. Other  Stock-Based  Awards.  The Committee is hereby  authorized to
          grant to  Eligible  Persons,  subject to the terms of the Plan and any
          applicable Award Agreements, such other Awards that are denominated or
          payable in,  valued in whole or in part by reference  to, or otherwise
          based  on  or  related  to,  Shares  (including,  without  limitation,
          securities convertible into Shares), as are deemed by the Committee to
          be consistent with the purpose of the Plan. Shares or other securities
          delivered pursuant to a purchase right granted under this Section 6(G)
          shall be purchased for such  consideration,  which may be paid by such
          method  or  methods  and in such  form or  forms  (including,  without
          limitation,  cash, Shares,  promissory notes, other securities,  other
          Awards or other property or any combination thereof), as the Committee
          shall determine,  the value of which consideration,  as established by
          the Committee, shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of
          such Shares or other  securities as of the date such purchase right is

          H. General

          1.   Consideration  for  Awards.  Awards  shall be granted for no cash
               consideration  or for any cash or other  consideration  as may be
               determined by the Committee or required by applicable law.

          2.   Awards May Be Granted Separately or Together.  Awards may, in the
               discretion  of the  Committee,  be  granted  either  alone  or in
               addition  to, in tandem  with or in  substitution,  for any other
               Award or any award  granted  under any plan of the Company or any
               Affiliate  other than the Plan.  Awards granted in addition to or
               in tandem  with other  Awards or in addition to or in tandem with
               awards  granted  under any such other plan of the  Company or any
               Affiliate  may be  granted  either  at the  same  time as or at a
               different time from the grant of such other Awards or awards.

          3.   Forms of Payment under  Awards.  Subject to the terms of the Plan
               and of any applicable Award  Agreement,  payments or transfers to
               be made by the Company or an Affiliate  upon the grant,  exercise
               or  payment  of an Award may be made in such form or forms as the
               Committee shall determine (including,  without limitation,  cash,
               Shares, promissory notes, other securities, other Awards or other
               property or any combination thereof), and may be made in a single
               payment or transfer,  in  installments or on a deferred basis, in
               each case in accordance with rules and procedures  established by
               the Committee.  Such rules and  procedures  may include,  without
               limitation, provisions for the payment or crediting of


               reasonable  interest on installment  or deferred  payments or the
               grant or  crediting  of  Dividend  Equivalents  with  respect  to
               installment or deferred payments.

          4.   Limits on  Transfer of Awards.  No Award  (other than Other Stock
               Grants) and no right  under any such Award shall be  transferable
               by a Participant otherwise than by will or by the laws of descent
               and  distribution  and  the  Company  shall  not be  required  to
               recognize  any  attempted   assignment  of  such  rights  by  any
               Participant;  provided,  however,  that,  if so determined by the
               Committee,  a Participant  may, in the manner  established by the
               Committee,  (a)  designate  a  beneficiary  or  beneficiaries  to
               exercise the rights of the  Participant  and receive any property
               distributable  with  respect  to any Award  upon the death of the
               Participant  and (b)  transfer  Awards,  except in the case of an
               Incentive  Stock  Option,  to Family  Members  pursuant  to terms
               determined by the Committee. Except as otherwise provided in this
               Plan or in any applicable  Award  Agreement or amendment  thereto
               (other than an Award  Agreement  relating to an  Incentive  Stock
               Option),  pursuant to terms  determined  by the  Committee,  each
               Award or right  under any Award shall be  exercisable  during the
               Participant's lifetime only by the Participant or, if permissible
               under  applicable  law,  by the  Participant's  guardian or legal
               representative.  Except as otherwise  provided in this Plan or in
               any applicable  Award Agreement or amendment  thereto (other than
               an Award  Agreement  relating to an Incentive  Stock Option),  no
               Award or right  under any such Award may be  pledged,  alienated,
               attached  or  otherwise  encumbered,  and any  purported  pledge,
               alienation,  attachment or encumbrance  thereof shall be void and
               unenforceable against the Company or any Affiliate.

          5.   Term of Awards.  The term of each Award  shall be for such period
               as may be determined by the Committee; provided, however, that in
               the case of an  Incentive  Stock  Option such Option shall not be
               exercisable  after the  expiration of 10 years from the date such
               Option is granted.

          6.   Restrictions;  Securities  Exchange Listing.  All Shares or other
               securities  delivered under the Plan pursuant to any Award or the
               exercise  thereof  shall be subject to such  restrictions  as the
               Committee may deem advisable under the Plan,  applicable  federal
               or state  securities  laws and regulatory  requirements,  and the
               Committee may cause appropriate  entries to be made or legends to
               be placed on the certificates for such Shares or other securities
               to reflect such  restrictions.  If the Shares or other securities
               of the Company are traded on a securities  exchange,  the Company
               shall not be required  to deliver any Shares or other  securities
               covered  by an  Award  unless  and  until  such  Shares  or other
               securities  have been  admitted  for  trading on such  securities

Section 7. Amendment and Termination; Adjustments

     A. Amendments to the Plan. The Board may amend, alter, suspend, discontinue
or terminate the Plan at any time; provided,  however, that, notwithstanding any
other provision of the Plan or any Award Agreement,  without the approval of the
shareholders  of  the  Company,  no  such  amendment,  alteration,   suspension,
discontinuation  or termination  shall be made that,  absent such approval would
violate  the rules or  regulations  of the Nasdaq  National  Market or any other
securities exchange that is applicable to the Company.

     B.  Amendments  to Awards.  The  Committee  may waive any  conditions of or
rights  of  the  Company  under  any   outstanding   Award,   prospectively   or
retroactively. Except as otherwise provided herein or in an Award Agreement, the
Committee  may  not  amend,  alter,   suspend,   discontinue  or  terminate  any
outstanding  Award,  prospectively  or  retroactively,   if  such  action  would
adversely affect the rights of the holder of such Award,  without the consent of
the Participant or holder or beneficiary thereof.


     C. Correction of Defects, Omissions and Inconsistencies.  The Committee may
correct any defect,  supply any omission or reconcile any  inconsistency  in the
Plan or any Award in the manner and to the  extent it shall  deem  desirable  to
carry the Plan into effect.

Section 8. Income Tax Withholding

     In order to comply with all applicable  national,  federal,  state or local
income tax laws or  regulations,  the  Company  may take such action as it deems
appropriate  to ensure that all  applicable  national,  federal,  state or local
payroll,  withholding,  income or other  taxes,  which are the sole and absolute
responsibility   of  a   Participant,   are  withheld  or  collected  from  such
Participant.  In order to assist a Participant in paying all or a portion of the
national,  federal,  state and local  taxes to be  withheld  or  collected  upon
exercise or receipt of (or the lapse of restrictions  relating to) an Award, the
Committee, in its discretion and subject to such additional terms and conditions
as it may adopt,  may permit the  Participant  to satisfy such tax obligation by
(i) electing to have the Company  withhold a portion of the Shares  otherwise to
be delivered upon exercise or receipt of (or the lapse of restrictions  relating
to) such Award  with a Fair  Market  Value  equal to the amount of such taxes or
(ii)  delivering to the Company Shares other than Shares  issuable upon exercise
or receipt of (or the lapse of restrictions  relating to) such Award with a Fair
Market Value equal to the amount of such taxes.  The  election,  if any, must be
made on or before the date that the amount of tax to be withheld is determined.

Section 9. General Provisions

     A. No Rights to Awards.  No Eligible  Person,  Participant  or other Person
shall have any claim to be  granted  any Award  under the Plan,  and there is no
obligation  for  uniformity of treatment of Eligible  Persons,  Participants  or
holders or  beneficiaries  of Awards under the Plan. The terms and conditions of
Awards need not be the same with respect to any  Participant  or with respect to
different Participants.

     B. Plan  Provisions  Control.  In the event that any  provision of an Award
Agreement conflicts with or is inconsistent in any respect with the terms of the
Plan as set forth herein or  subsequently  amended,  the terms of the Plan shall

     C. No Rights of  Shareholders.  Except with respect to Shares of Restricted
Stock as to which the Participant has been granted the right to vote,  neither a
Participant nor the Participant's legal  representative shall be, or have any of
the rights and  privileges  of, a stockholder of the Company with respect to any
Shares issuable to such  Participant  upon the exercise or payment of any Award,
in whole or in part,  unless and until such  Shares have been issued in the name
of  such  Participant  or  such  Participant's  legal   representative   without
restrictions thereto.

     D. No Limit on Other  Compensation  Arrangements.  Nothing contained in the
Plan shall prevent the Company or any  Affiliate  from adopting or continuing in
effect other or additional compensation arrangements,  and such arrangements may
be either generally applicable or applicable only in specific cases.

     E. No Right to Employment.  The grant of an Award shall not be construed as
giving a  Participant  the right to be  retained in the employ of the Company or
any  Affiliate,  nor will it affect in any way the  right of the  Company  or an
Affiliate to terminate such  employment at any time,  with or without cause.  In
addition, the Company or an Affiliate may at any time dismiss a Participant from
employment  free from any  liability  or any claim  under the Plan or any Award,
unless  otherwise  expressly  provided  in the Plan or in any  Award  Agreement.
Nothing in this Plan shall  confer on any  person any legal or  equitable  right
against the Company or any Affiliate,  directly or  indirectly,  or give rise to
any cause of action at law or in equity against the Company or an Affiliate. The
Awards granted  hereunder  shall not form any part of the wages or salary of any
Eligible  Person for  purposes  of  severance  pay


or  termination  indemnities,  irrespective  of the  reason for  termination  of
employment. Under no circumstances shall any person ceasing to be an employee of
the Company or any Affiliate be entitled to any compensation for any loss of any
right or benefit under the Plan which such employee might otherwise have enjoyed
but for termination of employment,  whether such  compensation is claimed by way
of damages for wrongful or unfair dismissal, breach of contract or otherwise. By
participating in the Plan, each Participant shall be deemed to have accepted all
the  conditions  of the Plan and the  terms  and  conditions  of any  rules  and
regulations adopted by the Committee and shall be fully bound thereby.

     F. Governing Law. The validity,  construction and effect of the Plan or any
Award, and any rules and regulations relating to the Plan or any Award, shall be
determined in accordance  with the internal  laws, and not the law of conflicts,
of the State of Delaware.

     G. Severability. If any provision of the Plan or any Award is or becomes or
is deemed to be invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable in any jurisdiction or would
disqualify  the  Plan or any  Award  under  any  law  deemed  applicable  by the
Committee,  such  provision  shall be construed or deemed  amended to conform to
applicable laws, or if it cannot be so construed or deemed amended  without,  in
the determination of the Committee, materially altering the purpose or intent of
the Plan or the Award,  such provision shall be stricken as to such jurisdiction
or Award,  and the  remainder of the Plan or any such Award shall remain in full
force and effect.

     H. No Trust or Fund Created. Neither the Plan nor any Award shall create or
be  construed  to  create a trust or  separate  fund of any kind or a  fiduciary
relationship between the Company or any Affiliate and a Participant or any other
Person.  To the extent that any Person acquires a right to receive payments from
the  Company or any  Affiliate  pursuant  to an Award,  such  right  shall be no
greater than the right of any unsecured  general  creditor of the Company or any

     I. Other Benefits. No compensation or benefit awarded to or realized by any
Participant  under the Plan shall be included for the purpose of computing  such
Participant's compensation under any compensation-based retirement,  disability,
or similar plan of the Company unless  required by law or otherwise  provided by
such other plan.

     J. No Fractional  Shares. No fractional Shares shall be issued or delivered
pursuant to the Plan or any Award,  and the Committee  shall  determine  whether
cash shall be paid in lieu of any fractional  Shares or whether such  fractional
Shares  or any  rights  thereto  shall  be  canceled,  terminated  or  otherwise

     K. Headings. Headings are given to the Sections and subsections of the Plan
solely as a convenience  to  facilitate  reference.  Such headings  shall not be
deemed in any way material or relevant to the construction or  interpretation of
the Plan or any provision thereof.

Section 10. Effective Date of the Plan

     The Plan shall be  effective on December 4, 2001 subject to approval by the
shareholders of the Company on such date.

Section 11. Term of the Plan

     No Award shall be granted under the Plan ten years after the effective date
or any earlier date of  discontinuation or termination  established  pursuant to
Section 7A of the Plan. However, unless otherwise expressly provided in the Plan
or in an applicable Award Agreement,  any Award  theretofore  granted may extend
beyond such date, and the authority of the Committee provided for hereunder with
respect to the Plan and any Awards,  and the authority of the Board to amend the
Plan, shall extend beyond the termination of the Plan.


Proxy Card

                                   ENZON, INC.

                 Annual Meeting of Stockholders December 4, 2001
           This Proxy Is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors

     Arthur J.  Higgins and Kenneth J.  Zuerblis  and each of them,  as proxies,
with full  power of  substitution  in each of them,  are  hereby  authorized  to
represent  and to vote,  as  designated  below and on the reverse  side,  on all
proposals  and in the  discretion  of the  proxies on such other  matters as may
properly  come before the annual  meeting of  stockholders  of Enzon,  Inc. (the
"Company")   to  be   held  on   December   4,   2001  or  any   adjournment(s),
postponement(s), or other delay(s) thereof (the "Annual Meeting"), all shares of
stock of the Company to which the  undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual


(1)  Election of the following  nominees as Class III Directors to serve in such
     capacities until their successors are duly elected and qualified:

             Rolf A. Classon           David S. Barlow            Robert LeBuhn

(Authority  to vote for any  nominee(s)  may be withheld  by lining  through the
name(s) of any such nominee(s).)

        /  / FOR all nominees                  /  / WITHHOLD authority for all

(2)  Proposal  to  approve  the  amendment  to  the  Company's   Certificate  of
     Incorporation  to  increase  the  authorized  shares of Common  Stock  from
     60,000,000 to 90,000,000.

               /  / FOR         /  / AGAINST          /  / ABSTAIN

(3)  Proposal to approve the Company's 2001  Incentive  Stock Plan, as set forth
     in the Company's Proxy Statement dated October __, 2001.

               /  / FOR         /  / AGAINST          /  / ABSTAIN

(4)  Ratification  of the  selection  of  KPMG  LLP to  audit  the  consolidated
     financial  statements  of the  Company  for the fiscal year ending June 30,

                /  / FOR         /  / AGAINST          /  / ABSTAIN

/ / Please check this box if you expect to attend the Annual Meeting in person.

                                        (Please  sign exactly as name appears to
                                        the left, date and return. If shares are
                                        held by joint tenants, both should sign.
                                        When  signing  as  attorney,   executor,
                                        administrator,   trustees  or  guardian,
                                        please  give  full  title as such.  If a
                                        corporation,   please   sign   in   full
                                        corporate  name by  president  or  other
                                        authorized  officer.  If a  partnership,
                                        please  sign  in  partnership   name  by
                                        authorized person.)

                                        Date:  _________________________________

                                                      Sign Here

                                             Signature (if held jointly)

                                        Capacity (Title or Authority, i.e.
                                        Executor, Trustee)

                                        PLEASE SIGN, DATE AND MAIL YOUR PROXY