Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) November 8, 2001

                                   ENZON, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Delaware                   0-12957                22-2372868
(State or other jurisdiction of      (Commission            (IRS Employer
         incorporation)              File Number)           Identification)

                20 Kingsbridge Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (732) 980-4500

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report

Item 5.  Other Events


     Enzon,  Inc.  announced  today its financial  results for the quarter ended
September 30, 2001,  the first quarter of Enzon's fiscal year (FY) 2002. For the
quarter,  the Company reported net earnings of $4.2 million or $0.10 per diluted
share,  as compared to $583,000 or $0.01 per diluted share,  for the same period
in FY 2001.

     The increase in quarterly  earnings for the quarter was  principally due to
increased royalties from marketed products utilizing Enzon's PEG technology. The
royalties  earned on sales of these  products  grew to $7.0  million  during the
first  quarter of FY 2002,  as compared  to  $332,000  for the same period in FY
2001.  This  increase  in  royalties  was  the  result  of  increased  sales  of
PEG-INTRONTM by the Company's  marketing partner,  Schering-Plough  Corporation.
Combined sales of the Company's other two FDA approved products, ONCASPAR(R) and
ADAGEN(R),  increased by 11 percent to $5.1  million in the first  quarter of FY
2002,  as  compared  to $4.6  million  for the  same  period  in FY 2001  due to
increased  sales of ONCASPAR.

     Research  and  development  expenses  for  the  first  quarter  of FY  2002
increased by $861,000 or 33 percent to $3.5 million, as compared to $2.6 million
for the first  quarter of FY 2001.  The increase was due  primarily to increased
research  and  development  expenditures  related to  preclinical  and  clinical
activities for PROTHECAN(R)  (PEG-camptothecin),  PEG-paclitaxel,  and other PEG
products in preclinical development. Recently, Enzon initiated patient dosing in
a Phase II clinical trial for PROTHECAN in patients with pancreatic  cancer.  In
May 2001,  Enzon began Phase I clinical  trials for  PEG-paclitaxel  and in July
2001, Enzon  inititiated Phase II clinical trials for PROTHECAN in patients with
small-cell  lung cancer.  The Company expects to inititate  additional  Phase II
trials for PROTHECAN in other cancers, both as a single agent and in combination
with other  oncolytics.  Research  and  development  expenses  are  expected  to
continue to increase  significantly as PROTHECAN and PEG-paclitaxel  continue to
advance in clinical  development and additional compounds enter clinical trials.

     Selling,  general and  administrative  expenses for the first quarter of FY
2002 increased by $1.0 million or 34 percent to $4.1 million as compared to $3.1
million for the first  quarter of FY 2001.  This  increase was  primarily due to
approximately  $700,000 in costs related to the initiation of certain activities
focused on the identification and review of potential strategic  acquisitions of
technologies,  products, and companies.

     Other income/expense  decreased to $1.2 million for the first quarter of FY
2002, as compared to $2.1 million for the first quarter of FY 2001. The decrease
was  attributable to an increase in interest expense due to the issuance of $400
million of 4.5% convertible subordinated notes during June 2001.

     As of  September  30,  2001,  Enzon  had  total  cash and  interest-bearing
investments of $522 million as compared to $516 million as of June 30, 2001.

     PEG-INTRON  is a modified  form of  Schering-Plough's  INTRON(R)A  that was
developed using Enzon's PEG technology to have longer-acting properties. Enzon's
PEG  technology  involves  chemically  attaching  PEG  (polyethylene  glycol) to
therapeutic proteins or small molecules for the purpose of enhancing therapeutic
value. Under its licensing agreement with Schering-Plough,  Enzon is entitled to
royalties on worldwide sales of PEG-INTRON.

     In February 2001  Schering-Plough  launched PEG-INTRON in the United States
as a once-weekly  monotherapy for the treatment of hepatitis C and in March 2001
the European Union granted PEG-INTRON  marketing  authorization as a combination
therapy with  REBETOL(R)  for the  treatment  of chronic  hepatitis C. In August
2001,  the U.S.  Food and Drug  Administration  approved  PEG-INTRON  for use in
combination  therapy  with  REBETOL(R)  Capsules  for the  treatment  of chronic
hepatitis C. The PEG-INTRON and REBETOL  treatment regimen is the first and only
pegylated interferon-based combination therapy approved in the United States. In
October  2001,  Schering-Plough  announced  the U.S.  launch of  PEG-INTRON  and
REBETOL combination therapy for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C.

     Except for the historical information herein, the matters discussed in this
Form 8-K include  forward-looking  statements that may involve a number of risks
and uncertainties.  Actual results may vary significantly based upon a number of
factors,  which are described in the Company's  Form 10-K,  Form 10-Q's and Form
8-K's on file with the SEC, including without limitation, risks in obtaining and
maintaining regulatory approval for indications and expanded indications, market
acceptance  of and  continuing  demand for  Enzon's  products  and the impact of
competitive products and pricing.

                                      # # #
                        (Financial statements to follow)

                          ENZON, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                 Three Months ended September 30, 2001 and 2000


                                                                             September 30,           September 30,
                                                                                  2001                    2000
                                                                      ------------------------- -------------------------
  Net sales                                                                  $  5,106,490            $  4,615,102
  Royalties                                                                     6,987,313                 332,166
  Contract revenue                                                                 49,899                 226,346
                                                                             ------------            ------------
    Total revenues                                                             12,143,702               5,173,614
                                                                             ------------            ------------
Costs and expenses:
  Cost of sales                                                                 1,390,861               1,001,188
  Research and development expenses                                             3,497,157               2,636,597
  Selling, general and administrative expenses                                  4,122,111               3,074,227
                                                                             ------------            ------------
      Total costs and expenses                                                  9,010,129               6,712,012
                                                                             ------------            ------------
      Operating income (loss)                                                   3,133,573              (1,538,398)
                                                                             ------------            ------------
Other income (expense):
  Interest and dividend income                                                  6,178,299               2,109,213
  Interest expense                                                             (4,994,129)                     --
  Other                                                                            (1,192)                 11,891
                                                                             ------------            ------------
                                                                                1,182,978               2,121,104
                                                                             ------------            ------------

Net earnings before taxes                                                       4,316,551                 582,706
Tax provision                                                                      86,331                      --
                                                                             ------------            ------------
Net income                                                                   $  4,230,220            $    582,706
                                                                             ============            ============
Basic earnings per common share                                              $       0.10            $       0.01
                                                                             ============            ============
Diluted earnings per common share                                            $       0.10            $       0.01
                                                                             ============            ============
Weighted average number of common shares
  issued and outstanding                                                       42,122,284              41,101,289
                                                                             ============            ============
Weighted average number of common shares
  issued and outstanding and dilutive potential
  common shares                                                                43,922,829              43,658,659
                                                                             ============            ============


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Dated:      November 8, 2001

                                                ENZON, INC

                               By:  /s/ KENNETH J. ZUERBLIS
                                    Kenneth J. Zuerblis
                                    Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial