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To the Stock Exchanges in
April 28, 2005
Copenhagen and New York
Release 8/2005

TDC adopts IFRS

Copenhagen, Denmark - TDC is changing accounting policies to comply with the requirements under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and its quarterly report for 1Q 2005 will be based on changed accounting policies. This stock exchange release explains the primary IFRS implications for TDC and presents comparative historical figures.

The primary changes resulting from the adoption of IFRS are:

goodwill is no longer amortized

recognition of pensions is changed

share-based compensations are expensed

indirect production costs related to development projects are expensed

presentation of financial data is changed.

TDC has decided to apply IFRS retroactively and to disclose adjusted comparative figures for the TDC Group for 2001-20041.

IFRS prohibits the amortization of goodwill. However, goodwill is subject to impairment reviews. Previously, goodwill was amortized on a straight-line basis over the estimated economic life2 and was subject to impairment reviews.

Goodwill amortizations are ceased with retroactive effect from January 1, 2002. Since this date, TDC has performed impairment reviews in accordance with US GAAP requirements3,4.


1 However, not with full retroactive effect for goodwill and pensions.
Amortization period not exceeding 20 years.

3 US GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles applicable in the United States.
TDC’s Annual Report includes reconciliation to US GAAP.


TDC A/S Internet:
Noerregade 21
DK-0900 Copenhagen C E-mail:
Tel. +45 33 43 76 80
Fax +45 33 43 76 78

TDC A/S CVR-nr. 14 77 39 08 Copenhagen

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Pension costs relating to defined benefit plans are calculated in accordance with IAS 195. Previously, such costs were calculated in accordance with US GAAP FAS Nos. 87-886. The previous and the new accounting policies are both based on the following fundamental principles: Pension costs for defined benefit plans are calculated on the basis of the development in the actuarially determined pension obligations and on the basis of the expected long-term yield on the pension funds’ assets. Differences between assumptions and actual events, and effects of changes in actuarial assumptions, i.e. actuarial gains and losses, are allocated over the expected average remaining service periods of employees, if the differences exceed a defined corridor. Actuarial gains and losses within the defined corridor are not recognized.

The previous accounting policy included recognition of a transition obligation7. Such recognition is not prescribed by IAS 19. The adoption of IAS 19 reduces pension costs compared with the previous accounting policy, as pension costs no longer include amortization of the FAS 87 transition obligation.

The recognition of pensions is changed with retroactive effect from January 1, 2004. In accordance with IFRS 1, unrecognized gains and losses as of that date are recognized directly in equity. Accordingly, total equity is negatively impacted due primarily to the recognition of actuarial gains and losses as well as recognition of the FAS 87 transition obligation.

Share-based compensation
The fair value of share-based compensation provided for employees in exchange for services received is considered an expense and is recognized as such over the vesting period. Previously, the statement of income was not impacted by the share compensation plans owing to hedging of the commitments by acquisition of treasury shares.

Indirect production costs related to development projects
Certain indirect production costs associated with developments projects, including computer software, are expensed. Previously, such costs were capitalized and amortized.


5 IAS 19: International Accounting Standard No. 19, ‘Employee benefits’.
6 US GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles applicable in the United States. FAS 87: Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 87.
7 The transition obligation is an off-balance-sheet liability created under the FAS 87 rules when the pension obligations exceed the fair value of pension plan assets as of the date at which the FAS 87 rules were adopted. This liability is amortized over the expected remaining service periods for the employees expected to receive benefits. The amortization is included in the pension expenses.

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Other minor changes
In accordance with IFRS, jubilee benefits provided for employees are recognized in the year in which the associated services are rendered by the employees. Previously, such costs were expensed as incurred.

Furthermore, the accounting for property sale and leaseback agreements with the pension funds8 related to TDC is changed. Gains from the sale of property and subsequent lease expenses resulting from such agreements are not recognized. The properties are included as assets and the amount payable to the pension funds as liabilities in the balance sheet. Previously, the resulting gains were recognized in the statement of income at the date of the sales agreement, and the lease payments were expensed.

Presentation of financial data
The primary changes to the presentation of the statement of income are:

‘Work performed for own purposes and capitalized’ is no longer included as revenues. The relevant cost items are reduced correspondingly.
A new item ‘Other income and expenses’ is now included. This item includes income, which was earlier included in ‘Other operating income’, as well as losses from e.g. the sale of property, plant and equipment, which were earlier included in ‘Other external charges’.
‘Income from associates’ is now shown net after corporate income taxes and now includes one-time items related to associates. Previously, income taxes in associates were classified as income taxes. Furthermore, one-time items related to associates were included in the separate item ‘One-time items’.

The balance sheet categorization of assets and liabilities in non-current and current items, respectively, is changed. Net interest-bearing debt is impacted by the changed accounting for sale and leaseback agreements with TDC’s pension funds, cf. above.

In the cash flow statement the definition of ‘Cash and cash equivalents’ no longer includes marketable securities.


8 TDC made such agreements in 2001.

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Comparative figures
Adjusted historical figures, in accordance with the new accounting policies and the new presentation, are included in the following unaudited historical figures:

Table 1 Selected financial and operational data, 2001-2004
Table 2-5 Statements of Income, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow Statements and Statements of Capital expenditures for 2003 and the individual quarters in 2004
Table 6-7 Effect of IFRS for 1Q 2004 and 2004.

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Table 1: Selected financial and operational data, 2001-2004

TDC Group1
2001 2002 2003 2004

Statements of Income

Net revenues
42,008 42,011 41,413 43,570

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA)
9,393 10,591 11,550 12,446

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses
(6,687 ) (6,107 ) (6,241 ) (6,696 )

Operating income (EBIT), excluding one-time items
2,706 4,484 5,309 5,750

One-time items
(3,264 ) (346 ) (1,119 ) 385

Operating income (EBIT), including one-time items
(558 ) 4,138 4,190 6,135

Income from associates
525 1,295 779 5,643
Net financials
(563 ) 1,636 (565 ) (723 )

Income before income taxes
(596 ) 7,069 4,404 11,055

Total income taxes
(464 ) (1,217 ) (1,193 ) (1,145 )

Net income
(1,060 ) 5,852 3,211 9,910

Attributable to:

   - Shareholders of the Parent Company
(526 ) 6,079 3,203 9,912

   - Minority interests
(534 ) (227 ) 8 (2 )

Net income, excluding one-time items and fair value

Operating income (EBIT), excluding one-time items
2,706 4,484 5,309 5,750

Income from associates
371 1,540 1,340 577
Net financials
(1,186 ) (1,621 ) (1,152 ) (901 )

Income before income taxes
1,891 4,403 5,497 5,426

Total income taxes
(1,187 ) (1,074 ) (1,439 ) (1,483 )

Net income
704 3,329 4,058 3,943

Balance Sheets

Total assets
86.4 85.0 92.6 90.3
Net interest-bearing debt
33.1 26.0 28.8 20.1
Total equity
32.7 36.0 35.9 38.9

Shares outstanding2 (million)
216.5 216.5 216.5 204.6

Statements of Cash Flow

Operating activities
4,003 9,900 10,679 11,084
Investing activities
(18,025 ) (2,102 ) (12,618 ) 2,889
Financing activities
11,034 (6,771 ) 4,932 (12,573 )

Change in cash and cash equivalents
(2,988 ) 1,027 2,993 1,400

Capital expenditures

Excluding share acquisitions
9.3 6.3 5.5 5.2
Including share acquisitions
21.5 7.4 13.5 10.0

Key financial ratios

Reported EPS3
(4.9 ) 27.1 14.9 48.3
Adjusted EPS4
3.3 15.4 18.8 19.2
Dividend per share
11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5
EBITDA margin5
22.4 25.2 27.9 28.6
Capex-to-net revenues ratio6
22.1 14.9 13.2 11.9
Return on capital employed (ROCE)7
7.2 12.6 13.6 12.5

Subscriber base (end of year)

3,913 3,598 3,631 3,483
4,575 4,939 6,199 7,126
1,403 1,285 1,696 1,814
Cable TV
828 885 924 982

Total subscribers
10,719 10,707 12,450 13,405

Number of employees9
22,485 22,263 21,125 20,573



1 2001 includes goodwill amortization. Pension costs are recognized in accordance with US GAAP FAS Nos. 87/88 for 2001-2003 and in accordance with IAS 19 for 2004.
2 The number of shares in 2001-2003 has not been adjusted for treasury shares according to Danish practice as these amounted to less than 2% of the total number of shares outstanding.

3 Net income, including one-time items and fair value adjustments, divided by the average number of outstanding shares.

4 Net income, excluding one-time items and fair value adjustments, divided by the average number of outstanding shares.

5 Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization divided by net revenues. 6 Capital expenditures excluding share acquisitions.

7 ROCE is defined as EBIT excluding one-time items plus interest and other financial income excluding fair value adjustments plus income from associates after tax divided by total equity plus interest-bearing debt.

8 The definition of active and inactive customers in TDC Switzerland was changed in 2004. Comparative figures from 2001 to 2003 have been changed accordingly.

9 The number denotes end-of-year full-time employee equivalents including permanent employees, trainees and temporary employees.

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Table 2: Statements of Income

TDC Group (DKKm)
1Q 2004
2Q 2004
3Q 2004
4Q 2004

Net revenues
TDC Solutions 18,585 4,587 4,552 4,462 4,988 18,590
         - domestic 17,297 4,278 4,241 4,175 4,366 17,061
TDC Mobile International 13,175 3,336 3,716 4,007 4,047 15,105
         - domestic 5,613 1,469 1,596 1,697 1,742 6,503
         - Talkline etc. 6,692 1,664 1,898 2,059 2,054 7,675
         - Bité 870 203 222 251 251 927
TDC Switzerland 9,471 2,409 2,408 2,440 2,435 9,692
TDC Cable TV 1,524 421 430 446 469 1,766
TDC Directories 1,463 213 370 394 459 1,436
Others1 (2,805 ) (707 ) (704 ) (727 ) (881 ) (3,019 )

Net revenues 41,413 10,259 10,772 11,022 11,517 43,570

Transmission costs and cost of goods sold (14,819 ) (3,725 ) (3,894 ) (4,060 ) (4,508 ) (16,187 )
Other external expenses (7,751 ) (2,030 ) (2,012 ) (1,934 ) (1,940 ) (7,916 )
Wages, salaries and pension costs (7,525 ) (1,741 ) (1,888 ) (1,769 ) (1,837 ) (7,235 )

Total operating expenses before depreciation etc. (30,095 ) (7,496 ) (7,794 ) (7,763 ) (8,285 ) (31,338 )

Other income and expenses 232 31 85 40 58 214

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA)
TDC Solutions 5,686 1,422 1,479 1,484 1,487 5,872
         - Domestic 5,752 1,422 1,478 1,491 1,488 5,879
TDC Mobile International 2,364 553 667 754 703 2,677
         - Domestic 1,662 440 546 563 486 2,035
         - Talkline etc. 513 65 78 125 183 451
         - Bité 189 48 43 66 34 191
TDC Switzerland 2,205 579 605 632 641 2,457
TDC Cable TV 170 63 88 90 110 351
TDC Directories 412 (7 ) 112 171 183 459
Others 1 713 184 112 168 166 630

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortization (EBITDA) 11,550 2,794 3,063 3,299 3,290 12,446

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses (6,241 ) (1,577 ) (1,627 ) (1,608 ) (1,884 ) (6,696 )

Operating income (EBIT), excluding one-time
items 5,309 1,217 1,436 1,691 1,406 5,750

One-time items (1,119 ) (558 ) - 943 - 385

Operating income (EBIT), including one-time
items 4,190 659 1,436 2,634 1,406 6,135

Income from associates 779 5,421 64 74 84 5,643
         - Income from associates, excluding one-time items 1,340 355 64 74 84 577
         - One-time items related to associates (561 ) 5,066 - - - 5,066
Net financials (565 ) (272 ) (181 ) (278 ) 8 (723 )
      - Fair value adjustments 594 12 22 (44 ) 188 178
      - Financial expenses, net (1,159 ) (284 ) (203 ) (234 ) (180 ) (901 )

Income before income taxes 4,404 5,808 1,319 2,430 1,498 11,055

Income taxes (1,193 ) (168 ) (343 ) (468 ) (166 ) (1,145 )
- Income taxes related to income, excluding one-time
(1,445 ) (333 ) (337 ) (471 ) (342 ) (1,483 )
items and fair value adjustments
   - Income taxes related to one-time items 306 167 - (10 ) 218 375
   - Income taxes related to fair value adjustments (54 ) (2 ) (6 ) 13 (42 ) (37 )

Net income 3,211 5,640 976 1,962 1,332 9,910

Attributable to:
Shareholders of the Parent Company 3,203 5,640 976 1,962 1,334 9,912
Minority interests 8 - - - (2 ) (2 )

Excluding one-time items and fair value adjustments

Operating income (EBIT), excluding one-time
items 5,309 1,217 1,436 1,691 1,406 5,750

Income from associates, excluding one-time items 1,340 355 64 74 84 577
Net financials (1,152 ) (284 ) (203 ) (234 ) (180 ) (901 )

Income before income taxes 5,497 1,288 1,297 1,531 1,310 5,426

Income taxes (1,439 ) (333 ) (337 ) (471 ) (342 ) (1,483 )

Net income 4,058 955 960 1,060 968 3,943



1) Includes TDC Services, TDC A/S and eliminations.

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Table 3: Balance Sheets

TDC Group (DKKm)
1Q 2004
2Q 2004
3Q 2004
4Q 2004

Intangible assets 30,514 30,590 31,463 30,673 33,495
Property, plant and equipment 25,297 25,320 24,678 24,295 26,252
Pension assets 6,509 4,882 4,955 5,345 5,435
Other non-current assets 10,809 4,579 4,417 4,762 5,126
Total non-current assets 73,129 65,371 65,513 65,075 70,308
Trade and other receivables 10,492 8,846 8,628 8,355 8,374
Marketable securities 2,028 2,024 2,718 2,703 3,412
Cash and cash equivalents 5,430 16,382 11,238 10,702 6,838
Other current assets 1,527 1,402 1,176 1,221 1,332
Total current assets 19,477 28,654 23,760 22,981 19,956

Total assets 92,606 94,025 89,273 88,056 90,264
   - of which interest-bearing receivables 148 126 107 81 83

Equity and liabilities
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company 35,929 37,745 35,528 37,388 38,823
Minority interests 2 2 1 1 27
Total equity 35,931 37,747 35,529 37,389 38,850
Long-term debt 33,110 32,432 32,317 29,086 29,142
Deferred tax liabilities 4,885 4,531 4,373 4,503 4,677
Deferred income 968 973 980 974 1,052
Pension liabilities 152 258 254 252 264
Other non-current liabilities 515 977 1,222 912 1,651
Total non-current liabilities 39,630 39,171 39,146 35,727 36,786
Current maturities of long-term debt 2,792 1,941 1,938 2,079 609
Short-term bank loans 533 331 519 448 728
Trade and other payables 10,436 9,286 8,635 9,046 9,535
Deferred income 2,286 2,452 2,449 2,368 2,573
Other current liabilities 998 3,097 1,057 999 1,183
Total current liabilities 17,045 17,107 14,598 14,940 14,628

Total liabilities 56,675 56,278 53,744 50,667 51,414

Total equity and liabilities 92,606 94,025 89,273 88,056 90,264

Net interest-bearing debt 28,829 16,172 20,711 18,127 20,146


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Table 4: Statements of Cash Flow

TDC Group (DKKm)
1Q 2004
2Q 2004
3Q 2004
4Q 2004

EBITDA 11,550 2,794 3,063 3,299 3,290 12,446
Change in working capital 525 401 (1,128 ) (246 ) (117 ) (1,090 )
Other 125 (456 ) 1,136 245 388 1,313

Cash flow from operating activities before net financials 12,200 2,739 3,071 3,298 3,561 12,669

Interest paid, net (826 ) (475 ) (707 ) (80 ) 22 (1,240 )
Realized currency adjustments (151 ) 13 67 (40 ) 68 108

Cash flow from operating activities before tax 11,223 2,277 2,431 3,178 3,651 11,537

Corporate income tax paid (544 ) (274 ) (9 ) (238 ) 68 (453 )

Cash flow from operating activities 10,679 2,003 2,422 2,940 3,719 11,084

Investments in subsidiaries (7,904 ) (179 ) (10 ) (5 ) (4,567 ) (4,761 )
Investments in property, plant and equipment (4,132 ) (1,137 ) (964 ) (905 ) (1,437 ) (4,443 )
Investments in intangible assets (820 ) (129 ) (266 ) (275 ) (268 ) (938 )
Investments in other non-current assets (556 ) (3 ) (25 ) (51 ) (34 ) (113 )
Investments in marketable securities (2,049 ) 0 (707 ) 0 (1,734 ) (2,441 )
Divestments of subsidiaries (30 ) 0 0 1,152 0 1,152
Sale of property, plant and equipment 268 55 72 (53 ) 46 120
Sale of intangible assets and other investments 1,220 842 27 81 812 1,762
Divestments of marketable securities 962 3 6 9 1,008 1,026
Dividends received from associates 423 11,416 108 1 0 11,525

Cash flow from investing activities (12,618 ) 10,868 (1,759 ) (46 ) (6,174 ) 2,889

Proceeds from long-term loans 9,860 3 26 (2 ) 28 55
Repayments of long-term debt (1,400 ) (1,639 ) (22 ) (3,359 ) (1,687 ) (6,707 )
Change in short-term bank loans (704 ) (201 ) 187 (71 ) 236 151
Change in minorty interests 0 0 0 0 14 14
Dividends paid (2,453 ) 0 (2,555 ) 0 0 (2,555 )
Acquisition of treasury shares, net (371 ) (126 ) (3,407 ) 2 0 (3,531 )

Cash flow from financing activities 4,932 (1,963 ) (5,771 ) (3,430 ) (1,409 ) (12,573 )

Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 2,993 10,908 (5,108 ) (536 ) (3,864 ) 1,400

Cash and cash equivalents, end of period 5,430 16,382 11,238 10,702 6,838 6,838


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Table 5: Capital expenditures, excluding share acquisitions

TDC Group (DKKm)
1Q 2004
2Q 2004
3Q 2004
4Q 2004

TDC Solutions 2,412 557 639 564 687 2,447
   - of which domestic 2,327 544 624 553 593 2,314
TDC Mobile International 934 200 193 262 368 1,023
   - domestic 669 171 125 186 265 747
   - Talkline etc. 61 7 26 38 41 112
   - Bité 204 22 42 38 62 164
TDC Switzerland 1,675 230 314 362 290 1,196
TDC Cable TV 275 52 59 43 69 223
TDC Directories 35 7 7 15 25 54
Others 1 120 22 36 21 171 250

Capex 5,451 1,068 1,248 1,267 1,610 5,193


1 Includes TDC Services, TDC A/S and eliminations.

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Table 6: 1Q 2004 – effect of changes

1Q 2004
1Q 2004

   Goodwill amortization     -
   Pensions     32
   Indirect production costs     (14 )
   Share-based compensation     (11 )
   Other minor changes     4
Net income, excluding one-time items and    
fair value adjustments 602  
  353 955
   Goodwill amortization     349
   Pensions     24
   Indirect production costs     0
   Share-based compensation     (23 )
   Divestments of enterprises2     0
   Other minor changes     3
Net income 5,626  
  14 5,640
   Goodwill amortization  
   Indirect production costs  
   Share-based compensation  
  (23 )
   Divestments of enterprises2  
  (379 )
   Other minor changes  
Total equity 36,033  
  1,712 37,747
   Goodwill amortization     3,013
   Pensions     (1,077 )
   Indirect production costs     (77 )
   Share-based compensation     27
   Other minor changes     (174 )
Net interest-bearing debt 16,028  
  144 16,172
   Sale and lease back agreements  
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 10,905  
  0 10,908


1Reclassifications due to changed presentation.
Indirect effect of the other changes.

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Table 7: 2004 – effect of changes

1Q 2004

   Goodwill amortization   -
   Pensions   128
   Indirect production costs   (61 )
   Share-based compensation   (52 )
   Other minor changes   17
Net income, excluding one-time items and  
fair value adjustments 2,411   (2 ) 1,534 3,943
   Goodwill amortization   1,507
   Pensions   92
   Indirect production costs   (5 )
   Share-based compensation   (62 )
   Divestments of enterprises2   (9 )
   Other minor changes   11
Net income 8,742   (2 ) 1,170 9,910
   Goodwill amortization   1,507
   Pensions   130
   Indirect production costs   (5 )
   Share-based compensation   (62 )
   Divestments of enterprises2   (413 )
   Other minor changes   13
Total equity 35,963   27 2,860 38,850
   Goodwill amortization   4,082
   Pensions   (1,009 )
   Indirect production costs   (78 )
   Share-based compensation   31
   Other minor changes   (166 )
Net interest-bearing debt 20,010   0 136 20,146
   Sale and lease back agreements   136
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 2,815   (1,415 ) 0 1,400


1Reclassifications due to changed presentation.
Indirect effect of the other changes.

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For further information please contact TDC Investor Relations at +45 3343 7680.

TDC is a Danish-based provider of communications solutions with significant presence in selected markets in Northern and Central Europe. TDC has six main business lines; TDC Solutions, TDC Mobile International, TDC Switzerland, TDC Cable TV, TDC Directories and TDC Services. TDC was partly privatized in 1994 and fully privatized in 1998. The shares are primarily held by institutional investors and private individuals in Europe and the USA.

TDC listings

Shares: Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Reuters TDC.CO

Bloomberg TDC DC
Nominal value DKK 5
ISIN DK0010 253335
Sedol 5698790

Shares: New York Stock Exchange
Reuters TLD.N

Bloomberg TLD US
One ADS represent one half common share
ISIN US8723 6N1028
Sedol 2883094




    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

    TDC A/S

April 28, 2005
Ole Soeberg
Senior Vice President, Investor Relations