Chico's FAS, Inc.
(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.
Filed by the Registrant
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary
Proxy Statement
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
x Definitive
Proxy Statement
o Definitive
Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material under Rule 14a-12
Chicos FAS, Inc.
(Name of Registrant as specified
in its Charter)
(Name of person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
x |
No fee required.
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act
Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which
transaction applies:
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which
transaction applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of
transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
(set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as
provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the
filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously.
Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
11215 Metro Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33912
April 28, 2006
It is our pleasure to invite you to attend our 2006 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders, which will be held at the Hyatt Regency
Coconut Point Resort & Spa, 5001 Coconut Road, Bonita
Springs, Florida on June 20, 2006 at 2:00 P.M., local
time. The meeting will begin with a discussion and voting on the
matters described in the attached Proxy Statement and Notice of
Annual Meeting of Stockholders, followed by a report by several
of our officers on Chicos financial performance and
The attached Proxy Statement is a critical element of the
corporate governance process. Its purpose is to answer your
questions, and to provide you with information about
Chicos Board of Directors and executive officers and a
discussion of proposals that require your vote.
Please read these materials so that youll know what we
plan to do at the meeting. Also, please sign and return the
accompanying proxy card. This way, your shares will be voted as
you direct even if you cant attend the meeting.
On behalf of the management and directors of Chicos FAS,
Inc., we want to thank you for your continued support and
confidence in Chicos.
Marvin J. Gralnick
Chairman of the Board
Scott A.
President and Chief Executive Officer
11215 Metro Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33912
To the
Stockholders of Chicos FAS, Inc.:
2:00 P.M., Local Time, on
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Hyatt Regency Coconut Point
Resort & Spa
5001 Coconut Road
Bonita Springs, Florida 34134
1. To elect four Class I
directors, each to serve for a three-year term;
2. To ratify the appointment
of Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys independent
certified public accountants for the fiscal year ending
February 3, 2007 (fiscal 2006); and
3. To transact such other
business as may properly come before the meeting or any
adjournments or postponements thereof.
You can vote if you are a
stockholder of record on April 24, 2006.
Our 2005 Annual Report, which is
not a part of the proxy soliciting material, is enclosed.
It is important that your shares
be represented and voted at the Annual Meeting. Please vote by
dating, signing and mailing the enclosed proxy promptly in the
enclosed postage paid pre-addressed envelope. If you should be
present at the meeting and desire to vote in person, you may
withdraw your proxy.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
A. Alexander Rhodes
April 28, 2006
11215 Metro Parkway
Ft. Myers, Florida 33912
TO BE HELD JUNE 20, 2006
To the Stockholders of
Chicos FAS, Inc.:
April 28, 2006
These proxy materials are delivered in connection with the
solicitation by the Board of Directors of Chicos FAS, Inc.
(Chicos, the Company,
we, or us), a Florida corporation, of
proxies to be voted at our 2006 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
and at any adjournments or postponements thereof.
You are invited to attend our Annual Meeting of Stockholders on
June 20, 2006, beginning at 2:00 P.M., local time. The
Annual Meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point
Resort & Spa, Bonita Springs, Florida. Stockholders
will be admitted beginning at approximately 1:30 P.M. The
operation of cameras (including cellular phones with
photographic capabilities), recording devices and other
electronic devices will not be permitted at the meeting.
It is important that proxies be returned promptly to avoid
unnecessary expense to the Company. Therefore, regardless of
whether you plan to attend the Annual Meeting or the number of
shares of stock you own, please date, sign and return the
enclosed proxy promptly.
What is
the purpose of the meeting?
At the Annual Meeting, stockholders will act upon the matters
outlined in the accompanying notice of meeting, including the
election of directors and ratification of the Companys
independent certified public accountants. In addition, the
Companys management will report on the performance of the
Company during the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006 and
respond to questions from stockholders.
When are
these materials being mailed?
This proxy statement and the form of proxy are being mailed
starting on approximately May 2, 2006.
What is a
It is your legal designation of another person to vote the stock
you own. That other person is called a proxy. If you designate
someone as your proxy in a written document, that document also
is called a proxy or a proxy card. The form of proxy card
included with this proxy statement designates each of Scott A.
Edmonds, Charles J. Kleman and Patricia Murphy Kerstein as
proxies for the 2006 Annual Meeting.
What is a
proxy statement?
It is a document that the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) regulations require us to give you when we ask
you to sign a proxy card designating individuals as proxies to
vote on your behalf.
What is
the difference between a stockholder of record and a stockholder
who holds stock in street name?
If your shares are registered in your name, you are a
stockholder of record. Owners of record receive their proxy
materials from us. When you properly complete, sign and return
your proxy card, you are instructing the named proxies to vote
your shares in the manner you indicate on the proxy card.
If your shares are held in the name of your broker or other
financial institution, which is usually the case if you hold
your shares in a brokerage or similar account, your shares are
held in street name. Your broker or other financial
institution or its respective nominee is the stockholder of
record for your shares. As the holder of record, only your
broker, other institution or nominee is authorized to vote or
grant a proxy for your shares. Accordingly, if you wish to vote
your shares in person, you must contact your broker or
other institution to obtain the authority to do so. Street name
holders receive their proxy materials directly from their broker
or other institution, not from Chicos. When you properly
complete, sign and return your proxy card, you are giving your
broker, other financial institution or nominee instructions on
how to vote the shares they hold for you.
What is
the record date and what does it mean?
The record date for the 2006 Annual Meeting is April 24,
2006. The record date is established by the Board of Directors
as required by law and the Companys Articles of
Incorporation and By-laws. Owners of record of common stock at
the close of business on the record date are
entitled to:
(a) receive notice of the meeting, and
(b) vote at the meeting and any adjournments or
postponements of the meeting.
What are
abstentions and broker non-votes?
An abstention occurs when a stockholder of record (which may be
a broker or other nominee of a street name holder) is present at
a meeting (or deemed present) but fails to vote on a proposal,
indicates that the stockholder abstains from voting on the
proposal, or withholds authority from proxies to vote for
director nominees while failing to vote for other eligible
candidates in their place. A broker non-vote occurs when a
broker or other nominee who holds shares for another does not
vote on a particular item because the nominee does not have
discretionary voting authority for that item and has not
received instructions from the street name owner of the shares.
constitutes a quorum for the meeting?
At least a certain number of shares must be present or
represented by proxy at a meeting before any stockholder vote at
the meeting can be effective. A quorum is necessary to conduct
business at the meeting. For the Annual Meeting, the quorum
requirement will be satisfied if a majority of the outstanding
shares of common stock is present
represented by proxy. You are part of the quorum if you have
voted by proxy. Abstentions, broker non-votes and votes withheld
from director nominees count as shares present at
the meeting for purposes of determining a quorum. However,
abstentions and broker non-votes do not count in the voting
Who is
entitled to vote and how many votes do I have?
If you are a common stockholder of record at the close of
business on the record date, you can vote. For each matter
presented for vote, you have one vote for each share you own. If
you are a holder in street name at the close of business on the
record date, you generally will have the right to instruct your
broker or other financial institution how to vote your shares,
although specific procedures depend on the terms of your account
arrangement. As of the record date, there were 181,370,900
common shares outstanding. Each common share is entitled to one
vote on each matter properly brought before the Annual Meeting.
Shares of common stock, par value $.01 per share, are the
only outstanding voting securities of the Company.
How do I
vote my shares?
Stockholders of record can vote by:
returning a completed proxy card by mail to The Registrar and
Transfer Company, Attn: Proxy Department, P.O. Box 1159,
Cranford, New Jersey
delivering a completed proxy card to an inspector of election
prior to the Annual Meeting; or
completing a ballot and returning it to an inspector of election
during the Annual Meeting.
If you hold your shares in street name, you can vote by
submitting a voting instruction card to your broker or other
institution in accordance with the procedures and requirements
applicable to your account. If your shares are held in street
name and you wish to cast your vote in person at the Annual
Meeting, you must either (i) obtain a legal
proxy, executed in your favor, from the bank, broker, or
nominee, as the case may be, or (ii) obtain a proxy
direction form from the bank, broker, or nominee, as the case
may be, and follow the instructions on the form so as to provide
such bank, broker or nominee with your directions as to how you
want such shares to be voted.
Can I
vote by telephone or electronically?
The Company has not established procedures to allow telephone or
electronic voting by stockholders of record, but may do so for
future stockholder meetings if we determine that the added
convenience to our stockholders would justify the additional
costs to the Company associated with these voting methods.
Street name holders may vote by telephone or the Internet if
their bank or broker makes those methods available, in which
case your bank or broker will enclose the instructions with this
proxy statement.
Can I
change my vote?
You may revoke your proxy or change your voting instructions
before the time of voting at the meeting in several ways.
If you are a stockholder of record, you may revoke or change
your proxy instructions at any time prior to the vote at the
Annual Meeting. To do so:
mail a revised proxy card dated later than the prior one;
give us written notice of your change or revocation; or
attend the Annual Meeting and file with the Secretary of the
Company or an inspector of election either a notice of
revocation, a duly executed proxy bearing a later date, or a
duly executed ballot. The powers of the proxy holders will be
suspended if you attend the meeting in person and you so
request, although attendance at the meeting will not by itself
revoke a previously granted proxy.
If you hold your shares in street name, you may revoke or change
your proxy instructions at any time prior to the vote at the
Annual Meeting by submitting new voting instructions to your
broker or other institution in accordance with the procedures
and requirements applicable to your account.
If I
submit a proxy, how will my shares be voted?
If you submit a properly executed proxy card, the individuals
named on the card, as your proxies, will vote your shares in the
manner you indicate. If you sign and return the card without
indicating your instructions, your shares will be voted for the
election of the four nominees to serve three-year terms on our
Board of Directors, for ratification of the appointment of
Ernst & Young LLP as the Companys independent
certified public accountants for the fiscal year ending
February 3, 2007 (fiscal 2006), and otherwise as
recommended by the Board of Directors.
Your vote is important. Whether or not you plan to attend the
meeting, we encourage you to vote by proxy as soon as possible.
My shares
are held in street name. How are my shares voted if I do not
return voting instructions?
Your shares may be voted if they are held in the name of a
broker or other institution, even if you do not provide the
broker or other institution with voting instructions. Brokers
and certain other institutions have the authority, under the
rules of the New York Stock Exchange, to vote shares on certain
routine matters for which their customers do not
provide voting instructions by the tenth day before the meeting.
The election of directors and the ratification of the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent
registered public accounting firm of the Company are considered
routine matters and thus may be voted on the matters scheduled
to come before the meeting as your broker or other institution
may determine if you have not provided voting instructions
within the applicable time frame.
What are
the Boards recommendations?
The Boards recommendations regarding the proposals to be
considered at the Annual Meeting are set forth together with the
descriptions of the proposals in this proxy statement. In
summary, the Board recommends a vote:
for election of the nominees for the Class I
Director positions (see page 5).
for ratification of the appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as the Companys independent certified public
accountants for the fiscal year ending February 3, 2007
(fiscal 2006) (see page 15).
With respect to any other matter that properly comes before the
meeting, the proxy holders will vote as recommended by the Board
of Directors or, if no recommendation is given, in their own
discretion. At the date this proxy statement went to press, we
did not know of any other matter to be raised at the Annual
What vote
is required to approve each item?
Election of Directors. Directors shall be
elected by a plurality of the votes present in person or
represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote
on the election of directors. A properly executed proxy marked
WITHHOLD AUTHORITY with respect to the
election of one or more directors will not be voted with respect
to the director or directors indicated, even though it will be
counted for purposes of determining whether there is a quorum
present at the Annual Meeting.
Ratification of Appointment of
Accountants. The appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as the Companys independent certified public
accountants for the fiscal year ending February 3, 2007
will be ratified if the number of votes cast
FOR ratification of the appointment by
holders entitled to vote exceeds the number of votes cast
opposing the ratification of the appointment.
Other Items. If any other item requiring a
stockholder vote should come before the meeting, the item will
be approved if the number of shares voting for the item is
greater than the number of shares voting against the item.
Are votes
confidential? Who counts the votes?
The votes of all stockholders are held in confidence from
directors, officers and employees, except:
(a) as necessary to meet applicable legal requirements and
to assert or defend claims for or against the Company,
(b) in case of a contested proxy solicitation,
(c) if a stockholder makes a written comment on the proxy
card or otherwise communicates
his/her vote
to management, or
(d) to allow the independent inspectors of election to
certify the results of the vote.
All votes will be tabulated by employees of The Registrar and
Transfer Company, the Companys transfer agent for the
common stock, whose representatives will serve as one or more of
the inspectors of election.
How are
abstentions and broker non-votes counted when tabulating the
Abstentions (that is, a properly executed proxy marked
ABSTAIN with respect to a particular matter)
and broker non-votes with respect to a particular matter do not
count in any vote totals for or against any matter, even though
the shares associated with such abstentions and broker non-votes
are counted for purposes of determining whether there is a
quorum present at the Annual Meeting. Accordingly, for purposes
of any vote, abstentions and broker non-votes will have the same
effect as does a share that is not present or otherwise not
Who is
paying for the preparation and mailing of the proxy materials
and how will solicitations be made?
We will pay the expenses of soliciting proxies. Proxies may be
solicited on our behalf by directors, officers or employees in
person or by telephone, mail, electronic transmission, facsimile
transmission or telegram. The Company will request brokerage
houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to forward
soliciting material to stockholders and the Company will
reimburse such institutions for their
expenses incurred thereby. The Company has not engaged any
outside service provider to assist in the solicitation of
Does each
stockholder receive his or her own copy of the 2005 Annual
Report and this proxy statement?
In some cases we may send only one annual report and proxy
statement to an address shared by two or more stockholders,
unless we have received contrary instructions from one or more
stockholders at that address. This practice, known as
householding, is designed to reduce our printing and
postage costs. If you are a stockholder of record residing at
such an address and you wish to receive a separate copy of our
2005 Annual Report or this proxy statement, please contact
Sherry Terzian by phone at
(239) 274-4425
or in writing at 11215 Metro Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida
33912 and we will promptly send you separate copies. If we have
been sending only one annual report and proxy statement to your
household but you or another stockholder in the household wishes
to receive separate copies of annual reports
and/or proxy
statements in the future, please contact us in the same manner.
Please also contact us if your household receives multiple
copies of our annual report and proxy statement and you would
prefer that we send only one copy for the entire household.
Standing For Election
The full Board is currently comprised of eleven directors. The
Board is divided into three classes with Class I and III
each having four directors and Class II having three
directors. Directors are elected for three-year terms.
The term of the existing Class I directors, Scott A.
Edmonds, Charles J. Kleman, Ross E. Roeder, and Michael A.
Weiss, expires at the 2006 Annual Meeting.
The Class II directors, Helene B. Gralnick, Verna K.
Gibson, and Betsy S. Atkins, serve until the annual meeting of
stockholders in 2007 and the Class III directors, Marvin J.
Gralnick, John W. Burden, III, Stewart P. Mitchell, and
David F. Walker, serve until the annual meeting of stockholders
in 2008.
The election of the four Class I directors will take place
at the 2006 Annual Meeting. At its meeting on February 27,
2006, the Board approved the recommendation of the Corporate
Governance Committee that the following persons stand for
election at the 2006 Annual Meeting:
Class I
Director Seats
Scott A. Edmonds
Charles J. Kleman
Ross E. Roeder
Michael A. Weiss
If elected, Scott A. Edmonds, Charles J. Kleman, Ross E. Roeder,
and Michael A. Weiss, will continue their service on the Board
beginning at the 2006 Annual Meeting and will serve on the Board
until the annual meeting in
2009, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
Unless otherwise directed, the persons named in the enclosed
form of proxy intend to vote such proxy FOR
the election of Scott A. Edmonds, Charles J. Kleman, Ross E.
Roeder, and Michael A. Weiss as Class I directors of the
Each of the proposed nominees for election as directors has
consented to serve if elected. If, as a result of circumstances
not now known or foreseen, any of the nominees becomes unable or
unwilling to serve as a director, proxies may be voted for the
election of such other person or persons as the Board of
Directors may select. The Board of Directors has no reason to
believe that any of the nominees will be unable or unwilling to
nominees that receive a plurality of the votes cast by the
shares entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting shall be elected
as the directors.
for election at this meeting to terms expiring in
Scott A. Edmonds, 48, has been a director since 2004 and
is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
Mr. Edmonds has been employed by the Company since
September 1993, when he was hired as Operations Manager. In
February 1994, he was elected to the position of Vice
President-Operations and, effective January 1, 1996, he was
promoted to the position of Senior Vice President-Operations. In
February 2000, Mr. Edmonds was further promoted to Chief
Operating Officer, in September 2001, Mr. Edmonds was
promoted to President, and in September 2003, Mr. Edmonds
was appointed to the additional office of Chief Executive
Officer. Prior to joining the Company in 1993, Mr. Edmonds
was employed by Ferguson Enterprises, Inc., a plumbing and
electrical wholesale company, since 1980. His last position with
Ferguson was President of the Fort Myers, Florida Division.
Charles J. Kleman, 55, has been a director since 1993 and
is Executive Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer and
Treasurer of the Company. Mr. Kleman has been employed by
the Company since January 1989, when he was hired as the
Companys Controller. In 1991, he was elected as Vice
President/Assistant Secretary. In 1992, Mr. Kleman was
designated as the Companys Chief Financial Officer. In
September 1993, he was elected to the additional position of
Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Kleman served as Secretary until
October 2004. He served as Senior Vice President-Finance from
January 1996 through November 1996, effective December 1996, was
promoted to the position of Executive Vice President-Finance,
and effective November 2003, was promoted to the additional
position of Chief Operating Officer and served in such capacity
until August 2005. Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Kleman
was an independent accounting consultant in 1988, and from 1986
to 1988, Mr. Kleman was employed by Electronic
Monitoring & Controls, Inc., a manufacturer and
distributor of energy management systems, as its Vice
President/Controller. Prior to 1986, Mr. Kleman was
employed by various public accounting firms, spending over four
years of that time with Arthur Andersen & Co.
Ross E. Roeder, 68, has been a director since 1997 and is
Chairman of Smart & Final, Inc., having held this
position since 1999 and having also served as a director of SFI
Corporation, the parent corporation of Smart & Final,
since 1984. From 1999 until 2004, Mr. Roeder also held the
position of Chief Executive Officer of Smart & Final,
Inc. From 1986 to 1998, Mr. Roeder served as a director of
Morgan-Kaufman Publishers, Inc., a publisher of computer science
text and reference books, and from 1993 to 1998 served as its
Chairman of the Board. From 1986 until February 1993,
Mr. Roeder was President and Chief Executive Officer of
Federal Construction Company. Mr. Roeder is also a director
of Mercantile Bank.
Michael A. Weiss, 65, is the retired President and Chief
Executive Officer of Express, a subsidiary of Limited Brands,
Inc. (Limited). He served in that capacity from 1997
to 2004. Mr. Weiss joined Limited in 1981 as merchandise
manager for Express and rose to the position of President of
Express, serving in that capacity from 1982 to 1993. He was
named Vice Chairman of Limited in 1993, and served in that post
until 1997. Mr. Weiss returned to Express in January 1997,
serving as President and Chief Executive Officer until his
retirement in 2004. Previously, he had been General Manager for
Trousers Up, a subsidiary of Apparel Industries, Inc., and
Merchandise Manager for Casual Corner Group, Inc. Mr. Weiss
began his career at Abraham & Straus, a subsidiary of
Federated Department Stores. He is currently a member of the
Board of Directors of Payless ShoeSource, Inc., Borders Group,
Inc., and Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc. Mr. Weiss
joined the Board in August 2005 to fill a
vacancy created by the Board, having been recommended for
service as a director by Verna Gibson, with approval by Betsy
Continuing in Office
whose present terms continue until 2007 (Class II
Helene B. Gralnick, 58, has been a director since 1983
and served as Senior Vice President-Design and Concept for the
Company from February 1995 until March 2004 when she stepped
down from her management positions. Since early March 2004,
Ms. Gralnick has been engaged by the Company on an at-will
basis to provide her assistance, guidance and direction, as
needed. Ms. Gralnick was a co-founder of the Company,
together with her husband, Marvin J. Gralnick, and has served
the Company in various senior executive capacities throughout
its history. She was first elected Vice President/Secretary in
1983. Ms. Gralnick was elected as Senior Vice
President-Merchandise Concept in 1992. In September 1993,
Ms. Gralnick stepped down from all officer positions with
the Company. In connection with the resignation of the then
current Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company in
November 1994, Ms. Gralnick returned to the Company on a
full time basis to head up merchandise design, marketing and
image for the Company and took on the position of Senior Vice
President-Design and Concept in February 1995.
Verna K. Gibson, 63, has been a director since 1993 and
presently is a retailing consultant. From 1985 to 1991,
Ms. Gibson was President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Limited Stores Division of The Limited, Inc., a retail apparel
specialty chain. From January 1991 through 1995, she served as
President of Outlook Consulting Int., Inc. and in January 1999,
she resumed the position of President of Outlook Consulting
Int., Inc. From December 1994 to July 1996, Ms. Gibson was
the Chairman of the Board of Petrie Retail, Inc. From 1993 to
fall 1999, Ms. Gibson was a partner of Retail Options,
Inc., a New York based retail consulting firm.
Betsy S. Atkins, 50, has been a director since 2004 and
is the Chief Executive Officer of Baja Ventures, an independent
venture capital firm focused on the technology and life sciences
industry since 1994. Prior to 1994 Ms. Atkins was Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer of NCI, Inc. a Functional
Food/Nutraceutical company from 1991 through 1993.
Ms. Atkins was a co-founder of Ascend Communications, Inc.
in 1989, a member of their Board of Directors, and served as its
Global Market, Sales, and International Executive Vice President
prior to its acquisition by Lucent Technologies in 1999.
Ms. Atkins also serves on the Boards of Directors of
Polycom, Inc., Reynolds American Inc., and SunPower Corporation.
Ms. Atkins publishes and keynote speaks on corporate board
governance best practices for the National Association of
Corporate Directors. Ms. Atkins was a
Presidential-appointee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation advisory committee, and is a Governor-appointed
member of the Florida International University Board of Trustees.
whose present terms continue until 2008 (Class III
Marvin J. Gralnick, 71, has been a director since 1983
and is Chairman of the Board of the Company. Mr. Gralnick,
together with his wife, Helene B. Gralnick, founded the Company
in December 1983. He served the Company as its Chief Executive
Officer until he stepped down in September 1993. In connection
with the resignation of the then current Chief Executive Officer
and President of the Company in November 1994, Mr. Gralnick
returned to the Company on a full time basis to head up
merchandise design, marketing and image for the Company. In
February 1995, Mr. Gralnick reassumed the role of Chief
Executive Officer and served in that position until September
2003, at which time Scott A. Edmonds was promoted to Chief
Executive Officer. In March 1997, Mr. Gralnick reassumed
the position of President and served in that position until
September 2001, at which time Mr. Edmonds was promoted to
the position of President. Mr. Gralnick also served as
President from the Companys founding until 1990 when he
became Chairman of the Board and was given the official title of
Chief Executive Officer. Mr. and Ms. Gralnicks
vision and creative talents led the development and evolution of
the Companys philosophy and the design and feel of
Chicos merchandise and Chicos stores through
September 1, 1993 and again from November 1994 through
September 2003. In addition to serving as Chairman, since early
March 2004, Mr. Gralnick has been engaged by the Company on
an at-will basis to provide his assistance, guidance and
direction, as needed.
John W. Burden, III, 69, has been a director since 1997
and is currently an independent retailing consultant, having
served as a consultant and partner in Retail Options, Inc. from
November 1993 to December 1997. From December 1990 to March
1993, Mr. Burdens principal occupation was as an
officer in Pelican Palms Realty Company, a real estate sales
company he owned. In 1990, he retired as the Chairman of both
Federated Department Stores, Inc., and Allied Department Stores,
Inc., following a 19 year career in various merchandising
positions in the Federated organization, including President of
Burdines and Chairman of the Abraham & Straus Division.
Prior to that time, he spent 12 years with Macys.
Stewart P. Mitchell, 56, has been a director since 2004.
Mr. Mitchell had a long career with Ferguson Enterprises,
Inc., the largest wholesale distributor of plumbing and related
products in the United States and a subsidiary of Wolseley plc.
His tenure with the Ferguson Enterprises finance group and his
association with Wolseley spanned 28 years. From 1998 to
2005, Mr. Mitchell served as the Chief Financial Officer
for Ferguson Enterprises, and from then until his recent
retirement in January 2006, he served as Senior Vice
President-Mergers and Acquisitions for Wolseleys North
American operations. Prior to joining Ferguson in 1978,
Mr. Mitchell was employed by Seidman & Seidman, a
national public accounting firm. He received a Bachelor of
Science in accounting from the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill.
David F. Walker, 52, is currently the Director of the
Accountancy Program at the University of South Florida in St.
Petersburg and leads the schools Program for Social
Responsibility and Corporate Governance. He has held these
positions since 2002. Mr. Walker also has been an
independent consultant with respect to accounting, auditing and
business issues since 2002. For approximately 27 years,
through 2002, Mr. Walker was with the accounting firm of
Arthur Andersen LLP, having served as a partner with the firm
from 1986 until 2002, and most recently until 2002 as partner in
charge of the firms assurance and business advisory
services practice in the Florida/Caribbean region.
Mr. Walker is a certified public accountant, certified
fraud examiner, and holds a Masters of Business Administration
degree from the University of Chicago Graduate School of
Business. He currently also serves on the Board of Directors of
First Advantage Corporation, Comm Vault Systems, Inc., and
Technology Research Corporation, Inc.
of the Company
Board of
The members of the Board of Directors on the date of this proxy
statement, and the committees of the Board on which they
currently serve, are identified below:
and Benefits
Marvin J. Gralnick
Helene B. Gralnick
Verna K. Gibson
Charles J. Kleman
Ross E. Roeder
John W. Burden, III
Betsy S. Atkins
Scott A. Edmonds
Stewart P. Mitchell
David F. Walker
Michael A. Weiss
Corporate governance is typically defined as the system that
allocates duties and authority among a companys
stockholders, board of directors, and management. The
stockholders elect the board and vote on extraordinary
matters. The board is the Companys governing body,
responsible for hiring, overseeing and evaluating management,
particularly the Chief Executive Officer; and management runs
the Companys
operations. Our Board of Directors currently consists of eleven
directors. The current Board members include seven independent
directors and four individuals who are or who recently were
members of the Companys senior management. If all of the
nominees for election are elected, the Board will continue to be
comprised of seven independent directors and four
non-independent directors.
The primary responsibilities of the Board of Directors are
oversight, counseling, and direction to the Companys
management in the long-term interests of Chicos and its
stockholders. To the extent appropriate under Florida law, the
Board, in carrying out its duties, also may consider the
interests of other constituencies, which include employees,
suppliers, customers and the communities in which it does
business, and the economy of the state of Florida and the United
States. The Boards detailed responsibilities include:
(a) selecting, regularly evaluating the performance of, and
approving the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer and
other senior executives; (b) planning for succession with
respect to the position of Chief Executive Officer and
monitoring managements succession planning for other
senior executives; (c) reviewing and, where appropriate,
approving Chicos major financial objectives, strategic and
operating plans and actions; (d) overseeing the conduct of
Chicos business to evaluate whether the business is being
properly managed and whether proper internal controls are in
place and effective; and (e) overseeing the processes for
maintaining Chicos integrity with regard to its financial
statements and other public disclosures and compliance with law
and ethics. The Board of Directors has delegated to the Chief
Executive Officer, working with Chicos other executive
officers, the authority and responsibility for managing the
Companys business in a manner consistent with the
Companys standards and practices, and in accordance with
any specific plans, instructions or directions of the Board. The
Chief Executive Officer and management are responsible for
seeking the advice and, in appropriate situations, the approval
of the Board
and/or its
various committees with respect to significant actions to be
undertaken by Chicos.
The Board and its committees meet throughout the year on a set
schedule, and also hold special meetings and act by written
consent from time to time as appropriate. The Board of Directors
held five meetings during the fiscal year ended January 28,
2006. During the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006, each
incumbent director attended at least 75% of the total number of
Board meetings and meetings of committees on which he or she
served and the average director attendance was over 94%.
During fiscal 2005, the non-employee directors of the Board met
without the Chief Executive Officer or other members of
management present during three of the five regularly scheduled
Board meetings.
In August 2003, the Board created a new position of lead
director, whose primary responsibility is to preside over
periodic executive sessions of the Board in which management
directors and other members of management do not participate.
Verna K. Gibson is serving in the position of lead director and
has been designated by the non-management members of the Board
to continue serving in this position until at least the
Companys 2006 annual meeting of stockholders.
In January 2004, the Board enhanced its corporate governance by
adopting Corporate Governance Guidelines
(Guidelines). The Guidelines have been updated from
time to time since their initial adoption. The Guidelines, as
adopted by the Board, meet the updated listing standards of the
New York Stock Exchange. The full text of the Guidelines can be
found under the Investors Relations portion of the
Companys website ( A copy
may also be obtained upon request from the Secretary of the
Pursuant to the Guidelines, the Board undertook a review of
director and director nominee independence in February 2006.
During this review, the Board considered transactions and
relationships between each director or nominee or any member of
his or her immediate family and the Company and its subsidiaries
and affiliates. The Board also examined transactions and
relationships between directors, nominees or their affiliates
and members of
the Companys senior management or their affiliates. As
provided in the Guidelines, the purpose of this review was to
determine whether any such relationships or transactions were
inconsistent with a determination that the director is
independent. A director is considered independent only if the
Board affirmatively determines that the director has no material
relationship with the Company, either directly or indirectly. In
accordance with the Guidelines and the NYSE standards, a
director is not independent if:
The director is or has been within the last three years an
employee of Chicos.
An immediate family member of the director is or has been within
the last three years an executive officer of Chicos.
The director has received more than $100,000 in direct
compensation from Chicos during any twelve-month period
within the last three years. This excludes director and
committee fees or other forms of deferred compensation for prior
An immediate family member of the director who is an executive
officer of Chicos has received more than $100,000 in
direct compensation from Chicos during any twelve-month
period within the last three years.
The director or an immediate family member of the director is a
current partner of Chicos internal or external auditor.
The director is a current employee of Chicos internal or
external auditor.
An immediate family member of the director is a current employee
of Chicos internal or external auditor and works in the
auditors audit, assurance, or tax compliance practice.
Within the last three years, the director or immediate family
member of the director was a partner or employee of Chicos
internal or external auditor and personally worked on
Chicos audit.
The director or immediate family member of the director is, or
has been within the last three years, employed as an executive
officer of another company where any of Chicos present
executive officers at the same time serves or served on the
other companys compensation committee.
The director is a current employee, or an immediate family
member of the director is a current executive officer, of a
company that has made payment to, or received payments from,
Chicos for property or services in an amount which, in any
of the last three fiscal years, exceeds the greater of
$1,000,000 or 2% of the other companys consolidated gross
As a result of this review, and based on information furnished
by all members of the Board regarding their relationships with
the Company and research conducted by management with respect to
outside affiliations, the Board affirmatively determined that
seven of the eleven current directors, Ms. Gibson,
Mr. Roeder, Mr. Burden, Ms. Atkins,
Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Walker and Mr. Weiss are
independent of the Company and its management under the
independence standards set forth in the Guidelines, under the
NYSE independence standards and under the independence standards
set forth in
Rule 10A-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. As a result of this
review and this process, the Board also affirmatively determined
that the Audit, Compensation and Benefits, and Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committees are all comprised entirely
of independent directors. In addition, members of the
Compensation and Benefits Committee meet the additional
standards applicable to outside directors under
Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) and qualify as
non-employee directors as defined in
Rule 16b-3
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Messrs. Edmonds
and Kleman are considered inside directors because of their
continued employment as senior executives of the Company.
Mr. Gralnick and Ms. Gralnick are considered inside
directors both because of their prior employment as senior
executives of the Company and because of their continuation as
at-will employees from and after early March 2004.
Code of
The Company has a Code of Ethics, which is applicable to all
employees of the Company, including the principal executive
officer, the principal financial officer and the principal
accounting officer, and to all the directors. The Code of Ethics
is available under the Investor Relations portion of the
Companys website ( The
Company intends to post amendments to or waivers from its Code
of Ethics (to the extent
applicable to the Companys chief executive officer,
principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or its
directors) at this location on its website. No waivers have been
granted under the Code of Ethics.
to Non-Management Directors
Stockholders and other parties interested in communicating with
the lead director or with the other non-management directors as
a group may do so by writing to Lead Director, Chicos FAS,
Inc., 11215 Metro Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida 33912.
Letters addressed to the lead director or any of the other
non-management directors will be routed to the Secretary who
will review all such correspondence, will keep a file with
copies of such correspondence (including a log thereof), will
regularly forward such correspondence that, in the opinion of
the Secretary, deals with the functions of the Board or
committees thereof or that he otherwise determines requires
their attention and may also provide each of the board members
with summaries of all such correspondence. Directors may at any
time review the file of such correspondence or the log of such
correspondence and may request copies of any such correspondence.
A separate process has been established for dealing with
concerns relating to accounting, internal controls or auditing
matters. Stockholders and other parties interested in
communicating about any of these particular matters may
alternatively submit such communications by calling in such
report to a third party hotline that has been established by the
Board of Directors (1-888-361-5813) and such reports will
immediately be brought directly to the attention of the chair of
the Companys Audit Committee and separately to the head of
the Companys internal audit department. If instead a
communication relating to accounting, internal controls or
auditing matters is received in writing by the Company, the
Secretary will promptly forward such written correspondence to
the chair of the Companys Audit Committee and separately
to the head of the Companys internal audit department.
These particular reports, whether received through the hotline
or in writing, will be handled in accordance with procedures
established by the Companys Audit Committee.
Attendance at Annual Meeting
The Company has no policy with regard to Board members
attendance at stockholders annual meetings; however, it
has been the custom for Chicos directors to attend the
annual meeting of stockholders. Seven of the nine then Directors
attended the annual meeting in June 2005.
of the Board
The Board of Directors has a standing Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee, Audit Committee, Compensation and Benefits
Committee, and Executive Committee. The current charters of the
Corporate Governance and Nominating, Audit, and Compensation and
Benefits Committees, as well as Chicos Corporate
Governance Guidelines and Code of Ethics are available under the
Investor Relations portion of the Companys website
( Chicos stockholders may
obtain printed copies of these documents by writing to
Chicos FAS, Inc. Corporate Governance, 11215 Metro
Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida 33912.
Governance and Nominating Committee
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee held two
meetings during the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006. The
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for
developing and implementing policies and practices relating to
corporate governance, including reviewing and monitoring
implementation of the Companys Corporate Governance
Guidelines. In addition, its principal responsibilities from the
perspective of its role as a nominating committee are to
interview, evaluate, nominate, and recommend individuals for
membership on the Companys Board of Directors and
committees thereof, and to evaluate and provide input with
respect to individuals to be elected as officers of the Company
by the Board of Directors. The Committee also prepares and
supervises the Boards annual review of director
independence and the Boards performance self-evaluation.
On June 20, 2005, the Board voted to amend the charter of
this Committee. The charter of the Corporate Governance and
Nominating Committee is available under the Investors Relations
portion of the Companys website
All of the members of the Corporate Governance and Nominating
Committee have been determined to be independent within the
meaning of the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange
and the Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines.
The Audit Committee held six meetings during the fiscal year
ended January 28, 2006. The Audit Committees
principal responsibilities are to assist the Board in its
general oversight of Chicos financial reporting, internal
controls, ethics compliance, and audit functions. The Committee
is directly responsible for the appointment, compensation, and
oversight of the work of the Companys independent
certified public accountants, reviews the annual financial
results and the annual audit of the Companys financial
statements and approves the
Form 10-K,
reviews the Companys quarterly financial results and
approves the
Form 10-Q,
and meets with the independent accountants and the director of
the Companys internal audit department from time to time
in order to review the Companys internal controls and
financial management practices. During each fiscal year, at
least one (and usually more) of the meetings between the Audit
Committee and the independent accountants is held separately
without management present. The Audit Committee has established
policies and procedures for the engagement of the independent
accountants to provide permissible non-audit services, which
includes pre-approval of all permissible non-audit services to
be provided by the independent accountants. The Audit Committee
has the authority to hire its own outside legal and other
advisors. In June 2005, the Board of Directors voted to amend
the charter of this Committee. A copy of the amended charter is
included as Appendix A to this proxy statement, and is available
under the Investors Relations portion of the Companys
website (
All members of the Audit Committee have been determined to be
independent within the meaning of the listing standards of the
New York Stock Exchange and the Companys Corporate
Governance Guidelines. Federal regulations require the Board to
determine if a member of its Audit Committee is an Audit
Committee Financial Expert. According to these
regulations, an audit committee member can be designated an
Audit Committee Financial Expert only when the audit committee
member satisfies five specified qualification requirements,
including experience in (or experience actively
supervising others engaged in) preparing, auditing,
analyzing, or evaluating financial statements presenting a level
of accounting complexity comparable to what is encountered in
connection with the Companys financial statements. The
regulations further require such qualifications to have been
acquired through specified means of experience or education. The
Board has determined that Mr. Walker, the chair of the
Audit Committee, and Mr. Mitchell, are each qualified as an
Audit Committee Financial Expert within the meaning of the SEC
regulations, and that each of them has accounting and related
financial management expertise within the meaning of the listing
standards of the New York Stock Exchange. Although the Board of
Directors has determined that these individuals have the
requisite attributes defined under the rules of the SEC, their
responsibilities are generally the same as those of the other
Audit Committee members. The Audit Committee members are not
auditors or accountants for the Company, do not perform
field work and are not full-time employees of any
audit firm. The SEC has determined that an audit committee
member who is designated as an audit committee financial expert
will not be deemed to be an expert for any purpose
as a result of being identified as an audit committee financial
expert. See the Audit Committee Report on page 17 for
further information.
and Benefits Committee
The Compensation and Benefits Committee held two meetings during
the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006 and regularly acts
by written consent. The principal responsibilities of the
Compensation and Benefits Committee are to review and make
recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning the
compensation of all officers of the Company; to review and make
recommendations with respect to the Companys existing and
proposed compensation and bonus plans, and to serve as the
committee responsible for administering the Companys 1993
Stock Option Plan, Amended and Restated 2002 Employee Stock
Purchase Plan, 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan, Deferred
Compensation Plan and the 2005 Cash Bonus Incentive Plan. In
June 2005, the Board voted to amend the charter of this
Committee. The charter of the Compensation and Benefits
Committee is available under the Investors Relations portion of
the Companys website (
All of the members of the Compensation and Benefits Committee
have been determined to be independent within the meaning of the
listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange and the
Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines. See the
Compensation and Benefits Committee Report on page 19 for
further information.
The Executive Committee serves primarily as a means for taking
action requiring Board approval between regularly scheduled
meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee is authorized to
act for the full Board on matters other than those specifically
reserved by Florida law to the Board. In practice, the
Committees actions are generally limited to more routine
matters such as the authorization of ordinary-course corporate
credit facilities and borrowings. The Executive Committee held
one meeting during the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006
and may, from time to time, act by written consent.
and Evaluating Nominees for the Director Positions
for Selection of Director Candidates
The Board is responsible for selecting director candidates. The
Board has delegated the screening process to the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee, with the expectation that
other members of the Board and executives will be asked to take
part in the process as appropriate. Candidates recommended by
the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee are subject to
approval by the Board.
The policy of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
is to consider written recommendations from stockholders for
positions on the Board of Directors. A stockholder who wishes to
recommend a prospective nominee for the Board should notify the
Secretary of the Company or any member of the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee in writing with whatever
supporting material the stockholder considers appropriate,
including the nominees name and qualifications for Board
membership. In evaluating such nominations, the Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee seeks to address the
criteria set forth under Director Criteria and
Director Obligations below. The Corporate Governance
and Nominating Committee will also consider whether to nominate
any person nominated by a stockholder pursuant to the provisions
set forth in the Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
of the Company relating to stockholder nominations.
See Stockholder Proposals for
Presentation at the 2007 Annual Meeting on page 37
for further information. The Company received no stockholder
nominations in 2005.
and Evaluating Nominees for Director Positions
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee utilizes a
variety of methods for identifying and evaluating nominees for
director positions. The Committee regularly assesses the
appropriate size of the Board, and whether any vacancies on the
Board are expected due to retirement or otherwise. In the event
that vacancies are anticipated, or otherwise arise, the
Committee considers various potential candidates for the
director positions. Candidates may come to the attention of the
Committee through current Board members, current management,
professional search firms, stockholders (as described above) or
other persons. Once the Committee has identified a prospective
nominee, it will make an initial determination as to whether to
conduct a full evaluation of the candidate. This initial
determination is based on whatever information is provided to
the Committee with the recommendation of the prospective
candidate, as well as the Committees own knowledge of the
prospective candidate, which may be supplemented by inquiries to
the person making the recommendation or others. The preliminary
determination is based primarily on the need for additional
Board members to fill vacancies or expand the size of the Board
and the likelihood that the prospective nominee can satisfy the
applicable criteria for directors.
If the Committee determines, in consultation with the Chairman
of the Board and other Board members, as appropriate, that
additional consideration is warranted, it may ask Board members
or engage third parties to gather additional information about
the prospective nominees background and experience and to
report the findings to the Committee. The Committee then
evaluates the prospective nominee against the criteria set out
in the Companys
Corporate Governance Guidelines. The Committee also considers
such other relevant factors as it deems appropriate, including
the backgrounds, qualifications and skills of existing Board
members, the balance of management and independent directors,
the need for Audit Committee expertise, and the Committees
evaluation of other prospective nominees.
In connection with this evaluation, the Committee determines
whether to interview the prospective nominee, and if warranted,
the Chair of the Committee, one of the other independent
directors, as well as the Chief Executive Officer, and others as
appropriate, interview prospective nominees in person or by
telephone. After completing these evaluations and interviews,
the Committee deliberates and makes a recommendation to the full
Board as to the persons who should be nominated by the Board,
and the Board determines the nominees after considering the
recommendation and report of the Committee.
The Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines, which are
available under the Investors Relations portion of the
Companys website (, set forth
the criteria that apply to Board candidates. The Corporate
Governance and Nominating Committee is responsible for reviewing
with the Board the requisite skills and characteristics of new
Board candidates in the context of the then current composition
of the Board. This assessment includes experience in industry,
finance, administration, operations and marketing, as well as
diversity. Director candidates should be able to provide
insights and practical wisdom based on their experience and
expertise. Service on other boards and other commitments are
considered by the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
when reviewing Board candidates.
Directors are expected to prepare for, attend and participate in
Board meetings and meetings of the committees of the Board of
Directors on which they serve, to ask direct questions and
require straight answers, and to spend the time needed and meet
as frequently as necessary to properly discharge their
responsibilities and duties as directors. Each Board member is
expected to ensure that other existing and planned future
commitments do not materially interfere with the members
service as a director.
of Directors
Base Compensation and Benefits. Each
non-management director receives an annual retainer of $40,000,
and an additional $1,000 for each board and committee meeting
attended, whether in person or by telephone. Each non-management
director who serves as a committee chair for the Audit and
Compensation and Benefits Committees receives an additional
annual retainer of $20,000, all other Committee chairs receive
an additional annual retainer of $10,000, and the lead director
receives an additional annual retainer of $20,000. Since
March 1, 2004, Mr. Gralnick and Ms. Gralnick have
been counted as being within the group of non-management
directors as a result of their retirement as officers of the
Company. All directors are also entitled to reimbursement of
their reasonable
expenses for attendance at board and committee meetings.
Non-employee directors may also elect to participate in the
Companys health insurance program with coverage provided
for the director and his or her dependents and with the cost
thereof paid by the Company. During the last fiscal year,
Ms. Gibson and Ms. Atkins participated in this program.
Stock Options and Restricted Stock. Each year
following the annual meeting of stockholders, each continuing
non-employee director receives an automatic grant of stock
options to purchase 10,000 shares of common stock. In the
fiscal year ended January 28, 2006, Ms. Gibson,
Ms. Atkins, Mr. Burden, Mr. Roeder,
Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Gralnick and Ms. Gralnick each
received automatic grants under the Companys 2002 Omnibus
Stock and Incentive Plan for 10,000 shares. Each such
option grant, which vested in full on December 21, 2005,
has a ten-year term, and permits the holder to purchase shares
at their fair market value on the date of grant, which in the
case of these particular stock options was $35.16.
Each new non-employee director receives 10,000 options upon
election or appointment. Messrs. Walker and Weiss, upon
their appointment to the Board of Directors each received a
grant of 10,000 options under the
Companys 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan.
Mr. Walkers stock options vest in full on the date of
the Companys 2006 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and
Mr. Weiss stock options vest in full on the date of
the Companys 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, and each
has a ten-year term and permits the holder to purchase shares at
the fair market value on their date of grant, which in the case
of Mr. Walkers stock options was $34.75 and in the
case of Mr. Weiss stock options was $37.90.
Ms. Gibson, Ms. Atkins, Mr. Burden,
Mr. Roeder, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Walker,
Mr. Weiss, Mr. Gralnick and Ms. Gralnick may
occasionally receive additional option grants or restricted
stock awards at the discretion of the Board of Directors under
the Companys 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan. On
January 31, 2005, each of Mr. Gralnick,
Ms. Gralnick, Ms. Gibson, Ms. Atkins,
Mr. Burden, Mr. Roeder and Mr. Mitchell were
granted 2,500 shares of restricted stock, which award
vested 1/3 on January 31, 2006 and is scheduled for further
1/3 vesting on each of January 31, 2007 and
January 31, 2008. As a result of the Companys 2 for 1
stock split distributed in February 2005, the number of shares
represented by each such restricted stock award increased to
5,000 shares, with no change in the overall vesting
Director Compensation Table
The following table provides information on the compensation for
non-employee directors for the fiscal year ended
January 28, 2006.
Board /
Annual Cash
All Other
Cash Fees
Marvin J. Gralnick
Helene B. Gralnick
Verna K. Gibson
Ross E. Roeder
John W. Burden, III
Betsy S. Atkins
Stewart P. Mitchell
David F. Walker
Michael A. Weiss
(1) |
Does not include compensation paid as consulting employees of
the Company. |
(2) |
Comprised of Company-paid premiums for health insurance coverage. |
Indemnification. We indemnify our directors
and certain of our officers to the fullest extent permitted by
law so that they will serve free from undue concern that they
will not be indemnified. This is authorized under our By-laws,
and accordingly we have signed agreements with each of those
individuals contractually obligating us to provide this
indemnification to them.
Proposed for Ratification
Based on the recommendation of the Companys Audit
Committee, the Company has selected Ernst & Young LLP
(E&Y) as its independent certified public
accountants for the current fiscal year ending February 3,
2007 (fiscal 2006), subject to ratification of such appointment
by the stockholders. Ratification of the Companys
independent certified public accountants is not required by the
Companys By-Laws or otherwise, but the Board of Directors
has decided to seek such ratification as a matter of good
corporate practice. E&Y has audited the accounts of the
Company since first being engaged by the Company effective
July 1, 2002. Representatives of E&Y are
expected to be present at the Annual Meeting. They will have the
opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and are
expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions by
We have been advised by E&Y that neither the firm, nor any
member of the firm, has any financial interest, direct or
indirect, in any capacity in the Company or its subsidiaries.
The persons named in the enclosed form of proxy intend, unless
otherwise directed, to vote such proxy FOR
ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as
independent certified public accountants for the period
specified. If the stockholders do not ratify this appointment,
other certified public accountants will be considered by the
directors upon recommendations of the Audit Committee.
SPECIFIED. The appointment will be ratified if the number of
votes cast FOR ratification of the
appointment by holders entitled to vote exceeds the number of
votes cast opposing the ratification of the appointment.
Fees to
Independent Accountants
The following table presents fees for professional services
rendered by E&Y for the audit of the Companys annual
financial statements for fiscal 2005 (ended January 28,
2006) and fiscal 2004 (ended January 29,
2005) and fees billed for audit-related services, tax
services and all other services rendered by E&Y for fiscal
2005 and fiscal 2004.
Fiscal 2005
Fiscal 2004
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Fees for audit services include fees associated with the annual
audits, the reviews of the Companys quarterly reports on
Form 10-Q
and other SEC filings and audit consultations and the
Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 attestation.
Fees for audit-related services in fiscal 2005 principally
relate to fees incurred for due diligence. For fiscal 2004, such
fees principally related to the audit of The White House
Employee Savings and Retirement Plan.
Fees for tax services in fiscal 2005 principally related to
transfer pricing services and review of the Companys
federal and state income tax returns. For fiscal 2004, fees for
tax services include fees associated with tax compliance
preparation services and tax advice and planning, including tax
planning for federal taxes and state and local taxes.
All audit-related services, tax services and other services in
fiscal 2005 were pre-approved by the Audit Committee, which
concluded that the provision of such services by E&Y was
compatible with the maintenance of that firms independence
in the conduct of its auditing functions. The Audit
Committees outside auditor independence policy provides
for pre-approval of audit, audit-related and tax services
specifically described by the Audit Committee on an annual basis
and, in addition, individual engagements anticipated to exceed
pre-established thresholds must be separately approved. The
policy authorizes the Committee to delegate to one or more of
its members pre-approval authority with respect to permitted
The following report of the Audit Committee does not
constitute soliciting material and should not be deemed filed or
incorporated by reference into any other Company filing under
the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, except to the extent the Company specifically incorporates
this report by reference therein.
The Audit Committee consists of four directors and operates
under a written charter adopted by the Board of Directors. The
Audit Committees charter was revised in fiscal 2005 and
the full text of the revised charter is attached to this proxy
statement as Appendix A and is also available under the
Investor Relations portion of the Companys website
( The current members of the Audit
Committee are David F. Walker (Chair), Stewart P. Mitchell,
Verna K. Gibson, and Michael A. Weiss. Each member of the Audit
Committee is independent in the judgment of the Companys
Board of Directors, as required by the listing standards of The
New York Stock Exchange and as set forth in the Companys
Corporate Governance Guidelines. The Audit Committee is
responsible for selecting, engaging and negotiating fee
arrangements with the Companys independent accountants
with input from the Companys Board and management.
Management is responsible for the Companys internal
controls and the financial reporting process. The independent
accountants are responsible for performing an independent audit
of the Companys consolidated financial statements in
accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the
United States and for expressing an opinion thereon. The Audit
Committees responsibility is to monitor and oversee these
processes. In this context, the Audit Committee has met and held
discussions with management, the internal auditors and the
independent registered public accountants.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and regulations issued thereunder
added a number of provisions to federal law to strengthen the
authority of, and increase the responsibility of, corporate
audit committees. Related rules concerning audit committee
structure, membership, authority and responsibility have been
promulgated by The New York Stock Exchange.
The Audit Committee members are not professional accountants or
auditors, and their functions are not intended to duplicate or
to certify the activities of management and the independent
registered public accountants, nor can the Audit Committee
certify that the independent registered public accountants are
independent under applicable rules. The Audit
Committee serves a board-level oversight role, in which it
provides advice, counsel and direction to management, internal
auditors, and the independent registered public accountants on
the basis of several factors, including the information it
receives, discussions with management, internal auditors, and
the independent registered public accountants, and the
experience of the Audit Committees members in business,
financial and accounting matters.
As part of its oversight of the Companys financial
statements, the Audit Committee reviews and discusses with both
management and the Companys independent registered public
accountants all annual and quarterly financial statements prior
to their issuance. The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed
the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company as
of and for the year ended January 28, 2006, with
management, the internal auditor and the Companys
independent registered public accountants. With respect to
fiscal 2005, management advised the Audit Committee that each
set of the Companys consolidated financial statements
reviewed had been prepared in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States, and reviewed
significant accounting and disclosure issues with the Audit
Committee. Discussions regarding the Companys audited
financial statements included the independent registered public
accountants judgments about the quality, not just the
acceptability, of the Companys accounting principles and
underlying estimates used in the Companys financial
statements, as well as other matters, as required by Statement
on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 61 (Communication with
Audit Committees), as amended by SAS No. 90 (Audit
Committee Communications) and by the Audit Committees
charter. The Companys independent registered public
accountants also provided to the Committee the written
disclosures and the letter required by Independence Standards
Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees), and the Committee discussed with the independent
registered public accountants that firms independence and
satisfied itself as to that firms independence.
In addition, the Audit Committee reviewed key initiatives and
programs aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the
Companys internal and disclosure control structure. As
part of this process, the Audit Committee continued to monitor
the scope and adequacy of the Companys internal auditing
program, reviewing staffing levels and steps taken to implement
recommended improvements in internal procedures and control.
Based upon the Audit Committees discussion with
management, the internal auditor, and the independent registered
public accountants, the Audit Committees review of the
representations of management, and the report of the independent
registered public accountants to the Audit Committee, and
subject to the limitations on the role and responsibilities of
the Audit Committee described above and in the Committees
charter, the Audit Committee recommended that the Board of
Directors approve the inclusion of the Companys audited
consolidated financial statements in the Companys annual
report on
Form 10-K
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission as of and for
the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006.
David F. Walker, Chair
Verna K. Gibson
Stewart P. Mitchell
Michael A. Weiss
The following report of the Compensation and Benefits
Committee does not constitute soliciting material and should not
be deemed filed or incorporated by reference into any other
Company filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the extent the
Company specifically incorporates this report by reference
and Philosophy
The Compensation and Benefits Committee is currently composed of
four members, each of whom is an independent director of the
Company. The Committee provides overall guidance on the
Companys compensation and benefits philosophy. In
addition, the Committee approves and monitors the Companys
executive compensation and benefits programs
executive employment agreements
stock option and stock incentive plans
401(k) plan with optional profit sharing feature
stock purchase plan for employees
deferred compensation plan
The primary objectives of the Committee are to ensure that the
Companys executive compensation and benefits program
reflects the Companys unique, entrepreneurial,
customer-focused orientation
is competitive with other profitable, growing specialty retail
safeguards the interests of the Company and its stockholders
is effective in driving performance to achieve financial goals
and create stockholder value
fosters teamwork on the part of management
is cost-effective and fair to employees, management, and
is well communicated and understood by program participants
The Companys executive compensation policies are designed
to attract, motivate, and retain highly qualified executive
officers, in an increasingly competitive environment who can
enhance stockholder value, and to support a performance-oriented
environment that rewards achievement of the Companys
planned financial goals. The Committee meets periodically during
each fiscal year to review the Companys existing
compensation and benefits programs and to consider modifications
that seek to provide a direct relationship between executive
compensation and sustained corporate performance.
The Company compensates its executive officers through three
principal types of compensation: annual base salary, semi-annual
incentive bonuses, and long-term incentive awards through stock
options or restricted stock, or both. The Company, as a matter
of policy, places substantial emphasis on incentive bonuses and
long-term stock-based awards since these two forms of
compensation are viewed as very effective at correlating
executive officer compensation with corporate performance and
increases in stockholder value.
In addition to the three types of compensation just mentioned,
executive officers are eligible to participate in the
Companys Employee Stock Purchase Plan and Deferred
Compensation Plan.
The annual base salary of each executive officer is based on the
scope of his or her responsibility and accountability within the
Company, as well as on performance and experience criteria. In
addition, the Committee
considers salary and other compensation arrangements of other
specialty retailers of similar size and similar growth to
determine appropriate levels required to attract, motivate, and
retain the most qualified management personnel.
The Committee believes that the Companys most direct
competitors for executive talent are not necessarily all of the
companies that would be included in a peer group established to
compare stockholder returns. Thus, the compensation peer group
is not the same as the peer group index in the Comparison
of Cumulative Total Return graph included in this proxy
The Committee, upon the recommendation of the Chief Executive
Officer, determines and makes final decisions regarding base
salary of executives on an annual basis. The Committee
recognizes that, to some degree, the determination of an
executive officers base salary involves subjective
The Committee sets the Chief Executive Officers salary. In
doing so, the Committee retains outside, independent consultants
to benchmark CEO compensation against certain comparative
companies. The Committee works with these consultants and the
Companys Senior Vice President Human
Resources to determine the appropriate base salary.
A significant component of an executive officers total
cash compensation consists of an incentive bonus, which is
intended to make the executives compensation dependent on
the Companys performance and to provide executive officers
with incentives to achieve Company goals, increase stockholder
value, and work as a team.
In January 2005, the Committee took two steps with respect to
the Companys cash incentive bonus program for its
management personnel. First, a more formal Cash Bonus Incentive
Plan was adopted. Second, in addition to setting forth a more
formal description of the Companys historic incentive
bonus program based on achieving specified earnings per share
goals, the Plan added the potential for a supplemental cash
bonus for all of the Companys executive officers and other
key officers based on the Companys achieving objectives in
excess of the planned objectives.
In fiscal 2005, bonuses were generally determined pursuant to
the Cash Bonus Incentive Plan, with the base bonuses based on
the Companys earnings per share performance measured
against a targeted earnings per share goal, which goal is part
of the Companys overall plan. The supplemental bonuses
were based on achieving predetermined increases above the
overall plan with respect to the consolidated Companys or
the Companys subsidiaries (as applicable) operating
margins and comparable same store sales percentages for the
fiscal year. The targeted earnings per share goal and the
targeted increases to operating margins and comparable same
store sales percentages, as well as the overall plan, was
reviewed and approved by the Committee in the early part of
fiscal 2005. To encourage high levels of performance, the
targeted earnings per share goal was established at a level
which was intended to encourage, among other things, an
aggressive growth in operating margin, sales and comparable
store sales percentages.
Under the bonus program that was in effect in fiscal 2005, each
executive had a bonus target expressed as a percentage of his or
her base salary. Maximum bonus targets for the executive
officers ranged from 60% to 200% of base salary. Bonuses were
awarded midway through the fiscal year and at year end. Based on
the earnings per share level that was achieved in fiscal 2005
coupled with the achievement of the other performance measures
that served as a basis for determining the supplemental bonus,
the Companys executive officers were awarded a total of
approximately $9.1 million in bonuses for the fiscal year.
This represented achievement of earnings per share performance
in excess of the targeted earnings per share goal and increases
to operating margins and comparable same store sales percentages
in excess of those contained in the overall plan approved for
the year.
In fiscal 2006, bonuses will generally be determined pursuant to
the Cash Bonus Incentive Plan, with the bonuses based on
multiple performance measures depending on an executives
functional responsibilities as well as performance measures
which are a part of the Companys overall financial plan.
The targeted performance measures for each executive, as well as
the overall financial plan, are reviewed and approved by the
Committee prior to or promptly following the start of each
fiscal year, with further mid-year reviews if and when
determined necessary. To encourage high levels of performance,
the performance measures are focused, in part, on areas that
each executive can influence as well as the overall plan and are
established at a level which stimulates, among other
things, growth in sales, comparable store sales percentages,
gross margin, operating margin, and earnings per share and
aligns the executives bonus compensation with the
stockholders interests. Each executive is to have an
assigned bonus target expressed as a percentage of his or her
base salary. Maximum bonus targets for executive officers are
intended to range from 85% to 240% of base salary. Actual bonus
awards can range from 0% to 240% of target, depending on
performance against the pre-established performance measures.
Thus, if the Company were unable to achieve its minimum
performance measures, then no bonuses would be awarded.
Compensation Plan
The Company has adopted an unfunded, nonqualified plan that
permits executive officers to defer current compensation for
retirement savings. Pursuant to the deferred compensation plan,
participants may defer all or a portion of qualifying
remuneration payable by the Company. A book account is then
maintained for each such executive officer in which there is an
accounting of such deferred compensation and deemed earnings
thereon based upon selection of deemed investment options by the
executive officer. In accordance with the terms of the plan, the
deferral must be placed in a rabbi trust. This trust
arrangement offers a degree of assurance for ultimate payment of
benefits without causing constructive receipt of the deferral or
earnings thereon for income tax purposes. The assets in the
trust remain subject to the claims of creditors of the Company
and are not the property of the executive officer.
Long Term
Stock Based Compensation
The Committee believes that providing key employees, including
executive officers, with the opportunity to acquire stock
ownership and the potential to realize growth in stock value
over time is the most desirable way to align their interests
with those of the Companys stockholders. Stock options and
restricted stock awarded under the Companys 1993 Stock
Option Plan and the 2002 Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan,
provide an incentive that focuses the attention of executive
officers on managing the Company from the perspective of an
owner with an equity interest in the business. In addition,
stock based compensation has been and continues to be a key part
of the Companys program for motivating and rewarding
managers over the long term. The Company currently intends to
continue to have stock based compensation serve as an important
part of the compensation program for key employees. Stock based
compensation that has been and that may in the future be granted
to key employees, including stock options and restricted stock
previously issued and awards that may be granted under the 2002
Omnibus Stock and Incentive Plan, is tied to future performance
of the Companys common stock and will provide increased
value as the price of the Companys common stock increases.
The Committee, upon the recommendation by the Chief Executive
Officer, has in the past determined and made, and expects to
continue to determine and make, final decisions regarding stock
based awards. Such factors as performance and responsibilities
of individual managers and the management team as a whole, as
well as general industry practices, play an integral role in the
determination of the number of stock options, number of shares
of restricted stock
number of restricted stock units awarded to a particular senior
executive. In determining the size of the individual award of
stock options, restricted stock
restricted stock units, the Compensation Committee also
considers the amount of stock based awards outstanding and
previously granted, the amount of stock based awards remaining
available for grant under the Stock Plans, the aggregate amount
of current awards, and the amount necessary to retain qualified
In accordance with its business strategy and compensation
philosophy, in fiscal 2005, as in years past, the Company
granted stock options to a significant number of employees in
managerial positions to afford them an opportunity to
participate in the Companys future growth and to focus
them on the contributions which are necessary for the financial
success and business growth of the Company and, thereby, the
creation of value for its stockholders. In the fiscal year ended
January 28, 2006, (i) a total of 1,639,680 stock
options were granted to employees including 812,500 stock
options that were awarded to senior executives and (ii) a
total of 94,800 shares of restricted stock were awarded to
senior executives.
Stock options have typically been awarded each year based on an
assessment of each recipients ongoing contribution to
overall corporate performance. In fiscal 2005, the Company
decided on a going forward basis to award restricted stock or a
combination of restricted stock and stock options, again based
in such assessment of such
recipients contribution. Thus, it is contemplated that
stock options, restricted stock and other stock based awards
will continue to be awarded on a similar basis and following a
similar process. As a means to encourage the recipient of a
stock based award to remain in service with the Company, stock
based awards vest over time. Most stock options granted to key
employees in the past vest in equal amounts over a period of
three years from the date of grant. All stock options have
exercise prices at least equal to the market value of the
Companys stock on the date of grant. The restricted stock
granted to senior executives as part of the fiscal 2005
compensation vests 100% at the end of three years from the date
of grant. In early fiscal 2006, the Company decided to change
the vesting for future restricted stock awards such that the
restricted stock vests in equal amounts over a period of three
years from the date of grant.
Plan and Stock Purchase Plan for Employees
In 1992, the Company adopted a profit sharing plan to provide a
means for all eligible employees at all levels of the Company to
share in the Companys profits and accumulate retirement
savings. Effective January 1, 1999, the Company
incorporated a 401(k) feature into its profit sharing plan as a
further means for all eligible employees at all levels of the
Company to accumulate retirement savings. Under the 401(k)
aspect of the plan, eligible employees can elect to defer up to
50% of their respective compensation and have it contributed to
the plan. The Company is obligated to match a portion of the
deferral and can elect to make additional contributions over and
above the mandatory match, based on the amount it deems
appropriate in light of the results of the Companys
operations for the respective year. During the fiscal year ended
January 28, 2006, the Companys aggregate matching
contributions, including both mandatory and additional matching
contributions, were approximately $1.8 million.
In 2002, the Company adopted a new stock purchase plan
(replacing its 1993 stock purchase plan) to continue to provide
all eligible employees at all levels an opportunity to become
stockholders of the Company. This plan is viewed as an effective
way to help align the interest of all employees with those of
the Companys stockholders. As an inducement, eligible
employees may purchase shares of stock in the Company during
each exercise period at a 15% discount to the value of the
stock. This plan was amended and restated in 2004 to address
certain technical amendments.
for the Chief Executive Officer for the Fiscal Year Ended
January 28, 2006
The general policies described above for the compensation of the
executive officers also apply to the compensation approved by
the Committee with respect to the compensation for
Mr. Edmonds, who has served as the Companys Chief
Executive Officer since September 3, 2003.
Under a new employment agreement that was effective September
2003 commensurate with his appointment to the position of Chief
Executive Officer and that currently extends through
March 1, 2007, Mr. Edmonds annualized base
salary was increased to $1,000,000 for fiscal 2005. For the
fiscal year ended January 28, 2006, Mr. Edmonds also
was awarded an aggregate bonus of $2,400,000, as a result of the
Company having reached certain targeted performance incentive
goals. The Compensation Committee awarded him 187,500 stock
options in fiscal 2005 to recognize his leadership efforts and
the Companys very strong financial performance. For fiscal
2005, in keeping with the Committees change in philosophy
relative to equity based compensation, the Committee also
awarded him 21,000 shares of restricted stock, again in
recognition of his continued leadership efforts and the
Companys continued strong financial performance.
The compensation for Mr. Edmonds was based on industry
comparisons as well as on the Companys performance over
the most recent years, as reflected in the Companys Annual
Report to Stockholders that accompanies this proxy statement.
Under the leadership of Mr. Edmonds and the rest of the
management team, total revenues for Chicos increased from
approximately $378 million in fiscal 2001 to approximately
$1.4 billion for the fiscal year ended January 28,
2006. Between fiscal 2001 and the fiscal year ended
January 28, 2006, income before income taxes grew from
approximately $68 million to approximately
$307 million, and net income grew from approximately
$42 million to approximately $194 million.
with Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m)
The Committee has reviewed the applicability of
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the Code), which disallows a tax deduction
for certain compensation in excess of $1 million in any one
year paid by a public corporation to its chief executive officer
or to any of its four other highest paid executive officers,
unless certain specified and detailed criteria are satisfied.
Nevertheless, the Committee has reserved the right to pay
compensation to Company executives in amounts it deems
appropriate regardless of whether such compensation is
deductible for federal income tax purposes. The Committee
believes providing the compensation it deems appropriate is more
important to the Company than the potential loss of related
compensation deductions.
During the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006, the
compensation earned by each of the executive officers of the
Company whose compensation is subject to Section 162(m)
exceeded this threshold, although the extent of this excess was
reduced because these executives elected to defer some of their
respective earned compensation pursuant to and consistent with
the Companys deferred compensation plan. In future years,
depending of course on the Companys performance, the
compensation earned by executive officers of the Company whose
compensation is subject to Section 162(m) again can be
expected to exceed this threshold. The Committee intends to
periodically make a further review of the consequences of
Section 162(m) and, depending upon the extent of
applicability of this provision to the Companys
compensation arrangements and the specific amounts involved, may
elect to structure certain performance-based portions of its
executive officer compensation in a manner so as to comply with
exemptions provided for in Section 162(m).
This report has been provided by the Compensation and Benefits
Ross E. Roeder, Chair
John W. Burden, III
Stewart P. Mitchell
Michael A. Weiss
The following graph compares the cumulative total return on the
Companys common stock with the cumulative total return of
the companies in the Standard & Poors 500 Index
and the Standard & Poors 500 Apparel Retail
Index. Cumulative total return for each of the periods shown in
the Performance Graph is measured assuming an initial investment
of $100 on February 3, 2001 and the reinvestment of
of Cumulative Total Return
Chicos FAS, Inc.
S&P 500 Index
S&P 500 Apparel Retail Index
The following table sets forth certain information regarding the
Companys executive officers.
Years with
Executive Officers
Scott A. Edmonds
President, Chief Executive Officer
and Director
Charles J. Kleman
Executive Vice
President - Finance, Chief Financial Officer,
Treasurer and Director
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Executive Vice
President - Chief Merchandising Officer
Mori C. MacKenzie
Executive Vice
President - Chief Stores Officer
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr.
Executive Vice
President - Chief Operating Officer
Gary A. King
Executive Vice
President - Chief Information Officer
Patricia Darrow-Smith
Senior Vice
President - General Merchandise
Manager - White House
Michael J. Leedy
Senior Vice
President - Chief Marketing Officer
Barry I. Shapiro
Senior Vice
President - Distribution and Logistics
A. Alexander Rhodes
Senior Vice
President - General Counsel and Secretary
Michael J. Kincaid
Senior Vice
President - Finance, Chief Accounting Officer and
Assistant Secretary
* |
Joined the Company in April 2006 |
Executive Officers
Patricia Murphy Kerstein is Executive Vice President-Chief
Merchandising Officer for the Company. Ms. Murphy Kerstein
has been with the Company since September 1997, when she was
hired as the Senior Merchant. In April 1998, she was promoted to
the position of General Merchandise Manager, in June 1999, she
was promoted to Vice President -General Merchandise Manager, in
August 2000, she was promoted to Senior Vice President - General
Merchandise Manager, and in January 2003, Ms. Murphy
Kerstein was promoted to Executive Vice President - Chief
Merchandising Officer. From February 1987 until September 1997,
Ms. Murphy Kerstein was Vice President of Merchandising and
Director of Fashion for Doncaster and from October 1985 until
February 1987 was Merchandiser and National Sales Manager for
Caribou Sportswear. From 1981 until 1985, she held various
positions including Divisional Merchandise Manager and Director
of Fashion Coordination for Lane Bryant, a division of the
Mori C. MacKenzie is Executive Vice President - Chief Stores
Officer for the Company. Ms. MacKenzie has been with the
Company since October 1995, when she was hired as the Director
of Stores. From June 1999 until October 2001, she served as Vice
President - Director of Stores. In October 2001,
Ms. MacKenzie was promoted to Senior Vice President -
Stores, and effective February 2004 she was promoted to the
position of Executive Vice President-Chief Stores Officer. From
January 1995 until October 1995, Ms. MacKenzie was the Vice
President of Store Operations for Canadians Corporation. From
August 1994 until December 1994, she was the Vice President of
Store Development for Goodys Family Clothing. From April
1992 until August 1994, Ms. MacKenzie was the Vice
President of Stores for United Retail Group (URG)
and from August 1991 until April 1992 she was employed by
Conston Corporation, a predecessor of URG. In addition,
Ms. MacKenzie was Vice President-Stores for Park Lane from
November 1987 until July 1991, and was Regional Director of
Stores for the Limited, Inc. from June 1976 until October 1987.
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr. is Executive Vice President - Chief
Operating Officer for the Company. Mr. Nesbit has been with
the Company since August 2004, when he was hired as Senior Vice
President-Strategic Planning and Business Development. He was
promoted to Executive Vice President-Operations in April 2005
and to the
additional title of Chief Operating Officer in August 2005.
Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Nesbit spent twenty years
at the Sara Lee Corporation where he most recently served as a
corporate vice president and Chief Supply Chain Officer for the
corporations U.S. and Canada apparel operations. He served
as President and Chief Executive Officer of Sara Lee Intimate
Apparel, the largest intimate apparel company in the United
States and Canada, from 1999 to 2003, and President and Chief
Executive Officer of the Bali Company from 1996 to 1999.
Gary A. King is Executive Vice President-Chief Information
Officer for the Company. Mr. King joined the Company in
October 2004 after five years at Barnes & Noble, Inc.
where he most recently served as Vice President, Chief
Information Officer. From 1988 to 1999, Mr. King held
various positions with Avon Products, Inc. including Vice
President, Global Information Technology. From 1982 to 1987,
Mr. King held various system management positions with
Unisys Corporation and Burroughs Corporation.
Patricia Darrow-Smith is Senior Vice President-General
Merchandise Manager-White House for the Company and President of
White House|Black Market, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of
the Company. Ms. Darrow-Smith joined the Company in
September 2003 as Senior Vice President-Merchandising of The
White House, Inc. as a result of the acquisition of The White
House, Inc. by the Company. In April 2004, she was appointed
Senior Vice President-General Merchandise Manager-White House
for the Company. From 1986 to September 2003
Ms. Darrow-Smith served as the most senior merchandising
executive of The White House, Inc., most recently as Executive
Vice President, Merchandising. Ms. Darrow-Smith previously
worked for the Hyatt Hotels Corporation.
Michael J. Leedy is Senior Vice President-Chief Marketing
Officer for the Company. Mr. Leedy joined the Company in
April 2006 after over ten years with American Eagle Outfitters,
Inc., where he most recently served as Executive Vice President
and Chief Marketing Officer. From 1993 to 1995, Mr. Leedy
served as President of Method, Inc., a retail brand strategy
firm providing consulting services to other retailers. From 1991
to 1993, Mr. Leedy held various positions with The Limited,
Barry I. Shapiro is Senior Vice President-Distribution and
Logistics for the Company. Mr. Shapiro joined the Company
in February 2001, as its Vice President-Outlet Strategies. From
August 2002 until January 2004, Mr. Shapiro served as
Senior Vice President - Pazo. His title was changed to Senior
Vice President - Distribution and Logistics in January 2004.
From 1997 to 2001, Mr. Shapiro was employed by Off Fifth
Saks-Fifth Avenue Outlet as Senior Vice President-Stores and
Operations. From 1990 to 1997, he held various positions with
Ann Taylor Stores Corporation including Executive Vice President
of Ann Taylor Loft and several other Senior Vice President
positions with Ann Taylor. From 1989 to 1990, Mr. Shapiro
was Store Manager-Operations with Abraham & Straus
Department Stores, and from 1978 to 1989, Mr. Shapiro held
various positions with Lord and Taylor Department Stores and
with Macys.
A. Alexander Rhodes is Senior Vice President-General Counsel and
Secretary for the Company. Mr. Rhodes joined the Company in
January 2003 as its Intellectual Property Counsel, expanding his
oversight of legal matters for the Company into several other
areas until October 2004, when he was promoted to Vice President
- Corporate Counsel and Secretary. In April 2006,
Mr. Rhodes was promoted to Senior Vice President-General
Counsel and Secretary. Mr. Rhodes graduated from the
Stetson University College of Law in 1994. From 1997 through
December 2002, Mr. Rhodes practiced law with the Annis
Mitchell Cockey Edwards & Roehn and Carlton Fields law
firms working primarily in the areas of commercial litigation
and intellectual property.
Michael J. Kincaid is Senior Vice President-Finance, Chief
Accounting Officer and Assistant Secretary for the Company.
Mr. Kincaid has been with the Company since August 1999
when he was hired as Controller and Director of Finance. In
October 2001, Mr. Kincaid was promoted to Vice President -
Finance, in November 2003, Mr. Kincaid was promoted to the
additional position of Chief Accounting Officer, in December
2004, Mr. Kincaid was elected to the additional position of
Assistant Secretary, and in March 2005, was promoted to Senior
Vice President-Finance. From 1991 to 1999, Mr. Kincaid was
employed by Tractor Supply Company, most recently as Vice
President-Controller, Treasurer and Secretary. From 1981 to
1991, he held various management and accounting positions with
Cole National Corporation, Revco D.S., Inc. and Price Waterhouse.
Marvin J. Gralnick and Helene B. Gralnick are husband and wife.
None of the other executive officers or directors are related to
one another. There are no arrangements or understandings
pursuant to which any officer was elected to office. Executive
officers are elected by and serve at the discretion of the Board
of Directors.
Compensation Table
The following table provides information concerning the annual
compensation of each of the named executive officers of the
Company, as defined under the applicable Securities and Exchange
Commission Rule, for services rendered to the Company in each of
the Companys last three fiscal years.
Long Term
Annual Compensation(1)
Compensation Awards
Fiscal Year
Annual Com-
All Other Com-
Name and Principal
Scott A. Edmonds,
President and Chief
Executive Officer
Charles J. Kleman,
Executive Vice
President - Finance,
Chief Financial Officer
and Treasurer
Patricia Murphy Kerstein,
Executive Vice
President - Chief
Merchandising Officer
Mori C. MacKenzie,
Executive Vice
President - Chief
Stores Officer
James P. Frain,
Executive Vice
President - Chief
Marketing Officer(7)
(1) |
Includes amounts that have been deferred at the election of the
named executive officer. |
(2) |
Amounts in this column consist of certain bonuses including
bonuses earned under the Cash Bonus Incentive Plan and the
supplemental cash bonus incentive plan, which are linked to the
Companys performance. Amounts earned with respect to a
particular fiscal year are accrued as expenses in such fiscal
year. In addition, of the amounts shown for Mr. Frain for
fiscal 2004, $500,000 represents a one time special bonus paid
in May 2004 to recognize his special efforts and to secure an
extended commitment to the Company into 2005. |
(3) |
In accordance with SEC rules, amounts totaling less than
$50,000, if any, have been omitted. |
(4) |
Amounts in this column reflect the effects of any stock splits
occurring after the date of grant. |
(5) |
The value of the restricted stock included in the Summary
Compensation Table is based on the fair market value on the date
of grant. Each restricted stock award disclosed in the Summary
Compensation Table vests entirely on the third anniversary from
the date of grant, which is January 31, 2008 and
conveys to the holder the rights of a stockholder, including the
right to vote and receive dividends declared, if any. Based on
the closing price of $42.20 of Chicos FAS, Inc. common
stock on the New York Stock Exchange on January 28, 2006,
the value of the restricted stock as of the end of the most
recently completed fiscal year for: Mr. Edmonds was
$886,200; Mr. Kleman was $354,480; Ms. Murphy Kerstein
was $633,000; Ms. MacKenzie was $354,480; and Mr. Frain was
$354,480. |
The table below provides information related to restricted stock
awards granted during fiscal 2005 (which awards are reflected
under this column):
Number of
Restricted Shares
Date of Grant
Vesting Schedule
Scott A. Edmonds
Vests in full on January 31, 2008
Charles J. Kleman
Vests in full on January 31, 2008
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Vests in full on January 31, 2008
Mori C. MacKenzie
Vests in full on January 31, 2008
James P. Frain
Vests in full on January 31, 2008
(6) |
This category includes the Companys contributions to the
401(k) Plan. |
(7) |
Mr. Frain resigned his position as Executive Vice
President - Chief Marketing Officer effective
March 11, 2006, pursuant to an employment transition,
resignation and release agreement entered into by Mr. Frain
and the Company dated February 28, 2006. |
Grants Table
The following table shows all options to purchase common stock
of the Company granted to each of our named executive officers
during the fiscal year ended January 28, 2006 and the
potential value of such grants at stock price appreciation rates
of 5% and 10%, compounded annually over the maximum ten-year
term of the options. The 5% and 10% rates of appreciation are
required to be disclosed by SEC rules and are not intended to
forecast possible future appreciation, if any, in our stock
Individual Grants
Number of
% of Total
Potential Realizable Value
at Assumed Annual Rates of
Granted to
or Base
Stock Price Appreciation for
Employees in
Option Term
Fiscal Year
Scott A. Edmonds
Charles J. Kleman
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Mori C. MacKenzie
James P. Frain
(1) |
The grants of options were made in January 2005 and vest
annually at a rate of
on each anniversary date of the grant, beginning on the first
anniversary. |
Exercises and Year-End Value Table
The following table shows information concerning aggregated
stock option exercises during the fiscal year ended
January 28, 2006 and values as of the end of such fiscal
Number of Securities
Underlying Unexercised
Value of Unexercised
Options at Fiscal
Acquired on
at Fiscal Year-End ($)
Exercise (#)
Realized ($)(1)
Scott A. Edmonds
/ 470,834
/ $10,269,266
Charles J. Kleman
429,999 / 175,001
$15,288,758 / $ 3,871,863
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
76,666 / 213,334
$ 2,166,044 / $ 4,582,156
Mori C. MacKenzie
/ 141,667
/ $ 2,890,048
James P. Frain
/ 128,334
/ $ 2,576,256
(1) |
Represents the excess of the fair market value of the
Companys common stock as of the date of exercise above the
exercise price of the options. |
(2) |
Represents the excess of the fair market value of the
Companys common stock of $42.20 per share as of
January 28, 2006, above the split adjusted exercise price
of the options. |
Scott A. Edmonds. Mr. Edmonds serves as
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company pursuant to
an employment agreement originally entered into effective
September 3, 2003, as amended on June 22, 2004, which
provides for an annual base salary and certain other benefits.
Pursuant to the employment agreement and certain further actions
of the Board of Directors, Mr. Edmonds current base salary
is $1,070,000 and is subject to further increases as established
from time to time by the Board of Directors. Mr. Edmonds is
also eligible for an annual bonus under the Companys Cash
Bonus Incentive Plan, with a minimum target bonus, if earned,
equal to 80% of his base salary and a maximum target bonus equal
to 200% of his base salary and to be considered in the future
for additional awards of stock options or other stock-based
compensation of the Company. Under the terms of
Mr. Edmonds employment agreement, the Company
contracted to employ Mr. Edmonds for a period which
currently extends through March 1, 2007, and which period,
by the terms of the agreement, is automatically extended for
additional one year periods until the employment agreement is
terminated by the Company or Mr. Edmonds with appropriate
In addition, in the event of termination of
Mr. Edmonds employment by the Company without good
cause, termination by him for good reason as
described below, or notice of non-renewal given by the Company
to Mr. Edmonds, Mr. Edmonds is entitled to receive
(a) all then accrued compensation, (b) a lump sum
equal to two times the sum of (i) his then current base
salary and (ii) his then current target bonus, (c) a
pro rata bonus for the year in which such termination occurs,
(d) continued health benefits for two years,
(e) accelerated vesting of all of his outstanding stock
options and restricted stock, and (f) outplacement
assistance. If Mr. Edmonds employment is terminated
as a result of death or permanent disability, Mr. Edmonds
or his estate will be entitled to receive a continuation of his
salary for an additional twelve months, an additional monthly
amount equal to the greater of the target bonus or the highest
annual bonus during the three preceding years divided by twelve,
payable for twelve months, accelerated vesting of all of his
outstanding stock options and restricted stock, and continued
health benefits for his dependents for two years.
Mr. Edmonds has the right to terminate the agreement for
good reason in the event he is not elected or
retained as a director of the Company or in the event the
Company acts to reduce or diminish his titles, positions, duties
or responsibilities, materially breaches the agreement,
relocates its executive offices by more than 50 miles
following a change in control of the company or a successor to
the Company fails to expressly assume in writing the agreement.
If a change in control occurs and within 18 months
thereafter Mr. Edmonds employment is terminated by
the Company for other than good cause or by Mr. Edmonds for
good reason or such termination occurred in
contemplation of the change in control, then Mr. Edmonds
would be entitled to receive (a) all then accrued
compensation, (b) a lump sum equal to three times the sum
of (i) his then current base salary and (ii) his then
current target bonus, (c) a pro rata bonus for the year in
which such termination occurs, (d) continued health
benefits for three years, (e) accelerated vesting of all of
his outstanding stock options and restricted stock, and
(f) outplacement assistance.
If Mr. Edmonds exercises his right to terminate his
employment agreement other than for good reason or
if the Company terminates his employment for cause, as defined
in the agreement, the Companys only obligation is to pay
any earned but unpaid salary and accrued benefits.
If any payments to or benefits under Mr. Edmonds
employment agreement would be subject to excise tax as
excess parachute payment under federal income tax
rules, he will receive a gross up payment to adjust
for the incremental tax costs to Mr. Edmonds of such
Mr. Edmonds employment agreement also contains
certain non-competition provisions that are limited to specialty
retail in womens apparel and intimates, which continue for
two years following termination of employment. The Company also
appointed Mr. Edmonds to the Board on January 23,
2004, consistent with the Companys obligation set forth
under the terms of his employment agreement.
Patricia Murphy Kerstein. On April 3,
2006, the Company entered into a new employment agreement with
Ms. Murphy Kerstein. The new employment agreement
supersedes an employment agreement that was effective
August 21, 2000 and that was in effect throughout fiscal
year 2005. Pursuant to the new employment agreement,
Ms. Murphy Kersteins current base salary is $700,000
for the first year of the initial period of the employment
agreement and will be $800,000 for the second year of the
initial period of the agreement. Under the terms of
Ms. Murphy Kersteins new employment agreement, the
Company contracted to employ Ms. Murphy Kerstein for an
initial period which currently extends through March 31,
2008. After March 31, 2008, the Company shall continue to
employ Ms. Murphy Kerstein in a consulting capacity for
three additional years, commencing on April 1, 2008 and
ending on March 31, 2011 (the Consulting
Period), at a reducing annual rate of compensation. During
the Consulting Period, Ms. Murphy Kersteins
employment may be terminated at any time by way of appropriate
advance notice by the Company or Ms. Murphy Kerstein.
Under the new employment agreement, Ms. Murphy Kerstein
continues in her position as Executive Vice President and Chief
Merchandising Officer throughout the initial period which is
scheduled to continue until March 2008. During the Consulting
Period which is scheduled to follow, Ms. Murphy Kerstein would
serve as a non-officer consulting employee handling such
responsibilities as shall be determined by the Chief Executive
Officer or the Board.
The new employment agreement for Ms. Murphy Kerstein
provides that, during the initial period, the Company shall pay
Ms. Murphy Kerstein semi annual bonuses based upon her
performance and computed in accordance with the Companys
Cash Bonus Incentive Plan which is adopted each year by the
Companys Board of Directors. During the Consulting Period,
she would not be entitled to any further bonuses. The employment
agreement also provides that Ms. Murphy Kerstein is
entitled to certain severance benefits in the event that her
employment is terminated by the Company without good
cause or by her within a specified period following
certain change of control events (as set forth in the employment
agreement). If Ms. Murphy Kerstein is terminated
without good cause during the initial term, she
would be entitled to continue to receive her salary and other
compensation (including bonuses) for the remainder of the then
effective employment term. If she is terminated without
good cause during the Consulting Period, she would be
entitled to certain lump sum payments. If Ms. Murphy
Kersteins employment is terminated within the specified
period following a specified change of control event, she would
be entitled to continue to receive her compensation and benefits
that she otherwise would have been entitled to receive had the
employment continued through the end of both the initial period
and the Consulting Period. The employment agreement is also
subject to termination in the event of disability, death or
voluntary retirement by the individual or her termination for
cause. The employment agreement provides for a covenant not to
compete which is to continue for two years following any
Charles J. Kleman, and Mori C.
MacKenzie. Effective April 1, 1993, the
Company entered into an employment agreement with
Mr. Kleman which provides for an annual base salary and
certain other benefits. This employment agreement was amended
effective as of August 21, 2000. Pursuant to the amended
employment agreement and certain further actions of the Board of
Directors, Mr. Klemans current base salary is $550,000 and
is subject to annual increases as set from time to time by the
Board of Directors. Under the terms of the amended employment
agreement, the Company contracted to employ Mr. Kleman for
a period which currently extends through December 31, 2007,
and which period, by the terms of the agreement is automatically
extended on a rolling basis to add an additional year to the
term on each December 31st until the employment agreement
is terminated by way of appropriate advance notice by the
Company or Mr. Kleman.
Effective September 26, 1995, the Company entered into an
employment agreement with Ms. MacKenzie which provides for
an annual base salary and certain other benefits. This
employment agreement was amended effective as of August 21,
2000. Pursuant to the amended employment agreement and certain
further actions of the Board of Directors,
Ms. MacKenzies current base salary is $500,000 and is
subject to annual increases as set from time to time by the
Board of Directors. Under the terms of Ms. MacKenzies
amended employment agreement, the Company contracted to employ
Ms. MacKenzie for a period which currently extends through
September 30, 2007, and which period, by the terms of the
agreement, is automatically extended on a rolling basis to add
an additional year to the term on each September 30th until
the employment agreement is terminated by way of appropriate
advance notice by the Company or Ms. MacKenzie.
The employment agreements for Mr. Kleman and
Ms. MacKenzie provide that the Company shall pay semi
annual bonuses to such executives based upon such
executives performance and computed in accordance with the
Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan which is adopted each
year by the Companys Board of Directors. The employment
agreements also provide that such executives are entitled to
certain severance benefits in the event that their employment is
terminated by the Company without good cause or by
such executive within a specified period following a
change of control (both as defined in the employment
agreements). If the executive is terminated without good
cause, the executive would be entitled to continue to
receive his or her salary and other compensation (including
bonuses) for the remainder of the then effective employment term
(or, if longer, for 12 months). If the executives
employment is terminated within the specified period following a
change of control, the executive would be entitled
to receive an amount equal to 36 months of the
executives then applicable base salary plus three times
his or her most recently set annual target bonus. Each
employment agreement is also subject to termination in the event
of disability, death or voluntary retirement by the individual
or his or her termination for cause. Each employment agreement
provides for a covenant not to compete which is to continue for
two years following any termination.
Charles L. Nesbit, Jr. Effective
August 4, 2004, the Company entered into an employment
agreement with Mr. Nesbit which provides for an annual base
salary and certain other benefits. Pursuant to the employment
agreement and certain further actions of the Board of Directors,
Mr. Nesbits current base salary is $525,000 and is
subject to annual increases as set from time to time by the
Board of Directors. Mr. Nesbit is also eligible for an
annual bonus under the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan,
with a minimum target bonus, if earned, equal to 70% of his base
salary and a maximum target bonus equal to 170% of his base
salary. He is eligible to be considered for additional awards of
stock options or other stock-based compensation of the Company
consistent with the equity award practices applicable to other
senior officers. Under the terms of the employment agreement,
the Company contracted to employ Mr. Nesbit for a period
which currently extends through August 3, 2006, and which
period, by the terms of the agreement is automatically extended
year by year until the employment agreement is terminated by way
of appropriate advance notice by the Company or Mr. Nesbit.
In addition, the employment agreement for Mr. Nesbit
provides for certain severance benefits in the event that his
employment is terminated by the Company without good
cause or by Mr. Nesbit within a specified period
following a change of control (both as defined in
the employment agreement). If Mr. Nesbit is terminated
without good cause, he would be entitled to continue
to receive his salary and other compensation (including bonuses)
for the remainder of the then effective employment term (or, if
longer, for 12 months), accelerated vesting of all of his
outstanding stock options, and outplacement assistance. If his
employment is terminated within the specified period following a
change of control, Mr. Nesbit would be entitled
to receive an amount equal to 24 months of his then
applicable base salary plus two times the bonus he had received
over the preceding 12 month
period (measured from the then most recently ended fiscal
quarter) and accelerated vesting of all of his outstanding stock
options. The employment agreement is also subject to termination
in the event of disability, death or voluntary retirement by
Mr. Nesbit or his termination for cause. The employment
agreement provides for a limited covenant not to compete which
is to continue for one year following any termination and a
covenant not to solicit non-clerical employees which is to
continue for two years following any termination.
Michael J. Leedy. Effective April 3,
2006, the Company engaged Mr. Leedy pursuant to a letter
agreement which provides for an annual base salary and certain
other benefits. He is engaged as Senior Vice President and Chief
Marketing Officer. Pursuant to the letter agreement,
Mr. Leedys current base salary is $525,000 and is
subject to annual increases as set from time to time by the
Board of Directors and, upon commencement of employment,
Mr. Leedy was awarded 35,000 of nonqualified stock options
and 5,000 shares of restricted stock. Mr. Leedy is
also eligible for an annual bonus under the Companys Cash
Bonus Incentive Plan, with a minimum target bonus, if earned,
equal to 60% of his base salary and a maximum target bonus equal
to 120% of his base salary. In the future, he is eligible to be
considered for additional awards of stock options or other
stock-based compensation of the Company consistent with the
equity award practices applicable to other senior officers.
Under the terms of the letter agreement, the Company contracted
to employ Mr. Leedy for no specified employment term, but
included a 12 month continuation of base salary if
employment is terminated without good cause, with such severance
arrangement subject to override if the Company were to adopt a
severance plan applicable to all officers.
In addition, the letter agreement for Mr. Leedy provides
for certain severance benefits in the event that his employment
is terminated by Mr. Leedy within specified periods
following certain change of control events or within the first
year of employment if certain management changes were to occur
during that initial year (all as set forth more specifically in
the letter agreement). If Mr. Leedys employment is
terminated within the respective specified period following a
specified change of control event or a specified change in
management event, he would be entitled to receive a lump sum
equal to his annual salary, with such severance arrangement
subject to override if the Company were to adopt a severance
plan applicable to all officers. The letter agreement provides
for moving and relocation benefits including, in addition to
customary moving expenses for similarly situated executives, the
Companys purchase of his home where he is moving from,
temporary housing and storage in the Fort Myers area,
travel expenses for certain return trips and gross up of any
taxable relocation expenses.
James P. Frain. Effective May 2004, the
Company and Mr. Frain entered into an employment agreement
in connection with Mr. Frains then position as
Executive Vice President-Chief Marketing Officer of the Company.
The employment agreement, which was scheduled to extend through
April 30, 2006, was fully superseded by an employment
transition, resignation and release agreement entered into by
Mr. Frain and the Company, dated August 1, 2005 and
then further fully superseded by an updated employment
transition, resignation and release agreement entered into by
Mr. Frain and the Company, dated March 10, 2006. Under
both the employment agreement and the employment transition,
resignation and release agreements, Mr. Frain continued in
his position as Executive Vice President-Chief Marketing Officer
throughout 2005 and into 2006. Pursuant to the express terms of
the March 2006 employment transition, resignation and release
agreement, Mr. Frain resigned his position as Executive
Vice President-Chief Marketing Officer effective March 11,
2006, thereafter continuing as a non-officer consulting employee
handling only such marketing projects as are assigned to him and
in order to assist the Company with a transition of his
Under the May 2004 employment agreement, Mr. Frains
annual base salary was $450,000. This same annual base salary
continued under the employment transition, resignation and
release agreements, but only through March 10, 2006. For
the employment period from March 11, 2006 through
February 28, 2007, Mr. Frain is entitled to a monthly
basic salary equal to $15,000. In addition, he is entitled to
continuation of the standard executive fringe benefits (but
excluding any car allowance) and his outstanding options
continue to vest in accordance with their respective terms.
At the time the employment agreement was executed in May 2004,
and in consideration for Mr. Frains particularly
successful and innovative efforts in developing and marketing
the brands and merchandise of the Company and for purposes of
then securing his continued association with the Company,
Mr. Frain was granted and paid a special one time cash
bonus of $500,000. Under the May 2004 employment agreement,
Mr. Frain also was eligible for bonuses under the
Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan. Under the terms of
each of the employment
transition, resignation and release agreements, the eligibility
for bonuses under the Companys Cash Bonus Incentive Plan
continued with respect to the balance of the 2005 fiscal year.
Although Mr. Frains employment with the Company has
continued following the end of the 2005 fiscal year and is
scheduled to continue until February 28, 2007, he is not
entitled to any further bonuses; nevertheless, the Company, in
its sole discretion, may award him a discretionary bonus based
on his performance. Mr. Frain also received no award of,
nor was he eligible for or entitled to any award of, stock
options or restricted stock in January 2006, when such awards
were generally given to the various executive officers of the
The March 2006 employment transition, resignation and release
agreement for Mr. Frain provides that Mr. Frain is
entitled to certain severance benefits in the event that his
employment is terminated by the Company without cause after
March 10, 2006 but prior to February 28, 2007. In
particular, if Mr. Frain is terminated without cause after
March 10, 2006 but prior to February 28, 2007, he
would be entitled to receive the remaining total amount that he
would have received through February 28, 2007 under that
agreement. Although the employment transition, resignation and
release agreement provides for a covenant not to solicit
employees for a period of six months following any termination,
the agreement does not contain any specific covenant not to
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
The current members of the Companys Compensation and
Benefits Committee are Ross E. Roeder, John W. Burden, III,
Stewart P. Mitchell, and Michael A. Weiss. None of the members
of the Compensation and Benefits Committee have at any time been
an officer or employee of the Company.
Director John Burdens
Adam Hinds, serves as the Director-Corporate Services for the
Company, with responsibility for overseeing and directing all
facilities management activities at the Companys
headquarters facility as well as all non-merchandise purchasing.
Mr. Hinds received an aggregate salary (including an
allowance and payments of deferred compensation) of $126,624 for
his services with the Company during fiscal 2005, received a
bonus of $37,820 with respect to fiscal 2005 and exercised an
aggregate of 22,667 stock options in fiscal 2005 with exercise
prices ranging from $9.2525 to $18.96 for a total gain of
To the Companys knowledge, based solely on a review of the
forms, reports and certificates filed with the Company by the
Companys directors and officers and the holders of more
than 10% of the Companys common stock, all
Section 16(a) filing requirements were complied with by
such persons during or with respect to the fiscal year ended
January 28, 2006.
The following tables sets forth, as of April 3, 2006, the
number of shares of the Companys common stock beneficially
owned by (1) each of its directors and nominees to become a
director, (2) each named executive officer as defined under
applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules,
(3) all directors and executive officers as a group and
(4) each person known to the Company as having beneficial
ownership of more than 5% of the Companys common stock
together with such persons address.
Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers
Subject to
of Class
Scott A. Edmonds
Charles J. Kleman
Patricia Murphy Kerstein
Mori C. MacKenzie
Marvin J. Gralnick
Helene B. Gralnick
Verna K. Gibson
Ross E. Roeder
John W. Burden, III
Betsy S. Atkins
Stewart P. Mitchell
David F. Walker
Michael A. Weiss
All Directors and Executive
Officers as a Group
(20 persons)
* |
Less than one percent |
(1) |
Beneficial ownership of shares, as determined in accordance with
applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules, includes
shares as to which a person has or shares voting power
investment power. Except as otherwise indicated, all shares are
held with sole voting and investment power. |
(2) |
Represents shares that may be acquired currently or within sixty
days after April 3, 2006 through the exercise of stock
options. The exercise price of options is the market price of
Chicos common stock on the date of grant and is not
discounted. Directors and officers realize value from options
only when exercised and only to the extent that the price of
Chicos common stock on the exercise date exceeds the price
of the common stock on the grant date. |
(3) |
Includes 1,200 shares owned by Mr. Edmonds
spouse, 4,896 shares owned by Mr. Edmonds two
daughters and 77,900 shares owned by a limited partnership
whose general partner interests and limited partner interests
are indirectly owned by Mr. Edmonds and
Mr. Edmonds spouse. In addition, includes
21,000 shares owned directly as restricted stock which
vests 100% on January 31, 2008 and 30,000 shares owned
directly as restricted stock which vests in equal one third
portions over three years beginning January 31, 2007. |
(4) |
Includes 12,670 shares owned by Mr. Klemans
stepdaughter and 4,750 shares owned by
Mr. Klemans spouse. In addition, includes
8,400 shares owned directly as restricted stock which vests
100% on January 31, 2008 and 8,333 shares owned
directly as restricted stock which vests in equal one third
portions over three years beginning January 31, 2007. |
(5) |
Includes 15,000 shares owned directly as restricted stock
which vests 100% on January 31, 2008 and 10,000 shares
owned directly as restricted stock which vests in equal one
third portions over three years beginning January 31, 2007. |
(6) |
Includes 1,000 shares owned by Ms. MacKenzies
husband, 8,400 shares owned directly as restricted stock
which vests 100% on January 31, 2008 and 6,667 shares
owned directly as restricted stock which vests in equal one
third portions over three years beginning January 31, 2007. |
(7) |
Marvin J. Gralnick and Helene B. Gralnick are husband and wife.
The number of shares shown for Mr. Gralnick and the number
of shares shown for Ms. Gralnick each includes the
aggregate of all shares held by Rodin, Ltd., a Texas Limited
Partnership. A limited liability company established by
Mr. Gralnick and Ms. Gralnick and of which
Mr. Gralnick and Ms. Gralnick are the sole members, is
the sole general partner of Rodin, Ltd., owning an aggregate of
1% of the partnership interests. Mr. Gralnick owns limited
partnership interests representing approximately 49.5% of the
partnership interests and Ms. Gralnick owns separate
limited partnership interests representing approximately 49.5%
of the partnership interests. In addition, the number of shares
shown for Mr. Gralnick and the number of shares shown for
Ms. Gralnick each includes 5,000 shares owned directly
by Mr. Gralnick and originally issued as restricted stock
(1,667 shares of which have vested and are owned without
restriction and 3,333 shares which vest 50% on
January 31, 2007 and 50% on January 31, 2008),
2,500 shares owned directly as restricted stock by
Mr. Gralnick which vests in equal one third portions over
three years beginning February 27, 2007, 5,000 shares
owned directly by Ms. Gralnick and originally issued as
restricted stock (1,667 shares of which have vested and are
owned without restriction and 3,333 shares which vest 50%
on January 31, 2007 and 50% on January 31, 2008), and
2,500 shares owned directly as restricted stock by
Ms. Gralnick which vests in equal one third portions over
three years beginning February 27, 2007. |
(8) |
Includes 100,000 shares owned by a profit sharing trust,
238,280 shares owned by Ms. Gibsons grantor
trusts, 37,189 shares owned by a separate grantor trust of
Ms. Gibsons, 236,450 shares owned by the grantor
trusts of Ms. Gibsons husband and 37,189 owned by a
separate grantor trust of Ms. Gibsons husband. In
addition, includes 5,000 shares owned directly and
originally issued as restricted stock (1,667 shares of
which have vested and are owned without restriction and
3,333 shares which vest 50% on January 31, 2007 and
50% on January 31, 2008) and 2,500 shares owned
directly as restricted stock which vests in equal one third
portions over three years beginning February 27, 2007. Also
includes 6,000 shares held by a trust for the benefit of
one grandchild of which Ms. Gibsons husband is the
trustee, 6,000 shares held by a separate trust for the
benefit of another grandchild of which Ms. Gibsons
husband is the trustee and 4,000 shares held by
Ms. Gibsons husband as custodian for another
grandchild in a Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
(UTMA) account. Ms. Gibson disclaims beneficial
ownership of the aggregate 16,000 shares held in these
trusts for the grandchildren and in the UTMA account. |
(9) |
Includes 18,000 shares owned by an Individual Retirement
Account and 5,000 shares owned directly and originally
issued as restricted stock (1,667 shares of which have
vested and are owned without restriction and 3,333 shares
which vest 50% on January 31, 2007 and 50% on
January 31, 2008) and 2,500 shares owned directly
as restricted stock which vests in equal one third portions over
three years beginning February 27, 2007. |
(10) |
Includes 5,000 shares owned directly and originally issued
as restricted stock (1,667 shares of which have vested and
are owned without restriction and 3,333 shares which vest
50% on January 31, 2007 and 50% on January 31,
2008) and 2,500 shares owned directly as restricted
stock which vests in equal one third portions over three years
beginning February 27, 2007. |
(11) |
Includes 5,000 shares owned directly and originally issued
as restricted stock (1,667 shares of which have vested and
are owned without restriction and 3,333 shares which vest
50% on January 31, 2007 and 50% on January 31,
2008) and 2,500 shares owned directly as restricted
stock which vests in equal one third portions over three years
beginning February 27, 2007. |
(12) |
Includes 5,000 shares owned directly and originally issued
as restricted stock (1,667 shares of which have vested and
are owned without restriction and 3,333 shares which vest
50% on January 31, 2007 and 50% on January 31,
2008) and 2,500 shares owned directly as restricted
stock which vests in equal one third portions over three years
beginning February 27, 2007. |
(13) |
Includes 2,500 shares owned directly as restricted stock
which vests in equal one third portions over three years
beginning February 27, 2007. |
(14) |
Includes 2,500 shares owned directly as restricted stock
which vests in equal one third portions over three years
beginning February 27, 2007. |
(15) |
Pursuant to applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules,
the 502,752 shares of common stock owned by Rodin, Ltd.,
which are deemed to be beneficially owned by each of Marvin J.
Gralnick and Helene B. Gralnick, are counted only once for
purposes of this calculation. |
Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
Amount and Nature
of Beneficial
Name of Beneficial
of Class
Jennison Associates LLC
466 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017
(1) |
Beneficial ownership of shares, as determined in accordance with
applicable Securities and Exchange Commission rules, includes
shares as to which a person has or shares voting power
investment power. Except as otherwise indicated, all shares are
held with sole voting and investment power. |
(2) |
Based on information contained in Amendment No. 3 to
Schedule 13G filed as of February 14, 2006 filed by
Jennison Associates LLC, Jennison Associates has sole power to
vote or to direct the voting of 11,755,594 shares and
shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition of
16,069,031 shares. These shares are held by investment
companies, insurance separate accounts, and institutional
clients (Managed Portfolios) advised by Jennison
Associates. As a result of Jennison Associates role as
investment adviser of the Managed Portfolios, Jennison
Associates may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of the
shares held by such Managed Portfolios. Prudential Financial,
Inc. indirectly owns 100% of equity interest of Jennison
Associates. As a result, Prudential may be deemed to have the
power to exercise or to direct the exercise of such voting
dispositive power that Jennison Associates has with respect to
the shares held by the Managed Portfolios. |
Trading Plans
We permit our officers and directors to adopt trading plans
Rule 10b5-1
promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which
allows stockholders to establish prearranged written plans to
buy or sell shares or exercise stock options in accordance with
predetermined formulas.
Rule 10b5-1
plans allow stockholders to buy or sell shares of the
Companys common stock according to their plan on a regular
basis (for example, weekly or monthly or in accordance with
another predetermined formula), regardless of any subsequent
nonpublic information they receive. As of April 28, 2006,
none of the Companys stockholders, officers or directors
were known by the Company to have adopted and have in effect a
Rule 10b5-1
trading plan. However, directors and officers have effectuated
and carried out such plans in the past and may adopt such plans
in the future.
Ownership Guidelines
The Companys Board of Directors adopted the Chicos
FAS, Inc. Stock Ownership Guidelines on October 1, 2005 to
align the interests of its directors and executives with the
long-term interests of stockholders and to further promote the
Companys commitment to sound corporate governance.
Pursuant to the guidelines, the stock ownership for the
Companys officers, and officers of its subsidiary
operating companies, is determined as a multiple of the
officers base salary and is dependent on the ranking of
the officer. The chief executive officers guideline is set
at three times annual base salary, each executive vice
presidents guideline is set at two times annual base
salary, each senior vice presidents guideline is set at
one and one-half times annual base salary, and each vice
presidents guidelines is set at one times annual base
The stock ownership guidelines for officers must be met within
three years of the person becoming an officer or within three
years of being promoted to a position requiring a higher
ownership level, or by October 1, 2008, whichever date is
Non-officer directors are required to hold shares of the
Companys common stock with a value equal to three times
the amount of the annual retainer (including supplemental
retainers for Board and Committee chairmanships
and lead director) paid to directors. The value of the shares is
calculated using the annual retainer amount on the date the
director is elected, or for directors who were serving at the
time of the adoption of the guidelines, the annual retainer as
of October 1, 2005.
Non-officer directors must meet the stock ownership guidelines
within three years of being elected, or October 1, 2008,
whichever is later.
The Companys Stock Ownership Guidelines, which are
available under the Investors Relations portion of the
Companys website (, set forth
which shares and share interests are counted towards
satisfaction of the guidelines, the penalties for
non-compliance, exceptions to the guidelines and reporting
Pursuant to the General Rules under the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, proposals of stockholders intended to be presented at
the 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and in the proxy
statement for that meeting must be received by management of the
Company at its executive offices on or before December 30,
The Companys Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation also require certain advance notice to the Company
of any stockholder proposal and of any nominations by
stockholders of persons to stand for election as directors at a
stockholders meeting. Notice of stockholder proposals and
of director nominations must be timely given in writing to the
Secretary of the Company prior to the meeting at which the
directors are to be elected. To be timely, notice must be
received at the principal executive offices of the Company not
less than 60 days prior to the meeting of stockholders;
provided, however, that in the event that less than
70 days notice or prior to public disclosure of the
date of the meeting is given or made to the stockholders, notice
by the stockholder, in order to be timely, must be so delivered
or received not later than the close of business on the tenth
day following the day on which such notice of the date of the
annual meeting was mailed or public disclosure of the date of
the annual meeting was made, whichever first occurs.
A stockholders notice with respect to a proposal to be
brought before the annual meeting must set forth in addition to
the matters required to be set forth by the General Rules under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 the following: (a) a
brief description of the proposal and the reasons for conducting
such business at the annual meeting, (b) the name and
address, as they appear on the Companys books, of the
stockholder proposing such business and any other stockholders
known by such stockholder to be supporting such proposal,
(c) the class and number of shares of the Company which are
beneficially owned by such stockholder on the date of such
stockholder notice and by any other stockholders known by such
stockholder to be supporting such proposal on the date of such
stockholder notice, and (d) any financial interest of the
stockholder in such proposal.
A stockholders notice with respect to a director
nomination must set forth (i) the name, age, business
address and residence address of the person, (ii) the
principal occupation or employment of the person, (iii) the
class and number of shares of the Company which are beneficially
owned by such person, and (iv) all information that would
be required to be included in a proxy statement soliciting
proxies for the election of the nominee director (including such
persons written consent to serve as a director if so
elected). As to the stockholder providing such notice, such
stockholder must set forth (1) the name and address, as
they appear on the Companys books, of the stockholder and
(2) the class and number of shares of the Company which are
beneficially owned by such stockholder on the date of such
stockholder notice.
The complete Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation
provisions governing these requirements are available to any
stockholder without charge upon request from the Secretary of
the Company.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
A. Alexander Rhodes
Dated: April 28, 2006
The Audit Committee (the Committee) is established
to assist the Board of Directors (the Board) in
fulfilling its oversight responsibilities relating to the
integrity of financial statements, the financial reporting
process, systems of internal accounting and financial controls,
the internal audit function, the annual independent audit of the
Companys financial statements, including independent
auditor qualifications, performance, and independence, and legal
and regulatory compliance programs. The Committee is also
established to assist in the preparation of an Audit Committee
report, as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), for inclusion in the annual proxy statement.
The Committee shall be composed of at least three directors, all
of whom must qualify as independent directors under the rules of
the SEC, the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE), and any other applicable regulatory
requirements, all as the Board interprets in its business
All members of the Committee shall have a sufficient level of
financial literacy, or must become sufficiently financially
literate within a reasonable time after appointment to the
Committee. In addition, the Board shall designate at least one
member of the Committee as the audit committee financial
expert, as defined by SEC rules. The Board shall use its
business judgment in determining the qualifications of Committee
The members shall be elected to one-year terms by the Board at
the annual meeting of the Board and shall serve until their
resignation, retirement, or until their successors are appointed
or elected and qualified. The Board may also remove a member by
a majority vote of the independent Directors then in office. The
Board shall designate a Committee Chair who shall be responsible
for reporting the Committees activities and decisions to
the Board.
and Procedures
The Committee shall meet at least once each fiscal quarter and
may meet more frequently as circumstances require. The Chair of
the Committee, or a majority of Committee members may call a
special Committee meeting. If necessary, any meeting may be held
telephonically or by video or web conference.
A majority of the total number of members of this Committee
constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority
vote at a meeting where a quorum is present constitutes action
of the Committee.
and Duties
The Committee shall have the following principal duties and
1. The Committee shall be directly and solely responsible
for the appointment, retention, termination, compensation, and
oversight of the work of the independent auditors, including
resolution of disagreements between management and the auditors.
The independent auditors shall report directly to the Committee.
The Committee shall pre-approve the audit and non-audit services
performed by the independent auditor in accordance with the
policy the Committee has previously adopted and as it may
update, revise or restate from time to time.
2. The Committee shall meet with the independent auditors
and financial management of the Company to review the scope and
plans for the proposed audit of the current year, to ensure the
audit approach covers all financial statement areas where there
is a risk of material misstatement and, following the audit,
shall review the audit in regular and executive sessions,
including any comments or recommendations of the independent
3. The Committee shall review with the independent
auditors, the internal auditor, and with Company management the
adequacy and effectiveness of internal auditing, accounting and
financial controls of the Company, including the Companys
policies and procedures to assess, monitor, control, and manage
business risk, and legal and ethical compliance programs, and
elicit any recommendations they may have for the improvement of
internal control procedures or areas where new or more detailed
controls or procedures are desirable.
4. The Committee shall review with the independent auditors
and with management the annual audited and quarterly financial
statements, including the disclosures contained in the
Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operation and the earnings press
releases. The Committee shall review with management the
financial information and earnings guidance provided to analysts
and rating agencies.
5. The Committee shall review with the independent auditors
and with management (a) major issues regarding accounting
principles and financial statements presentations, including any
significant changes in the Companys selection or
application of accounting principles; (b) any analyses
prepared by management or the independent auditors setting forth
significant financial reporting issues and judgments made in
connection with the preparation of financial statements,
including analyses of the effects of alternative GAAP methods on
the Companys financial statements; and (c) the effect
of regulatory and accounting initiatives, as well as off-balance
sheet structures, on the Companys financial statements.
6. At least once each year, the Committee shall meet with
the independent auditors without members of management present.
Discussion items in such meetings shall include the independent
auditors evaluation of the Companys financial,
accounting and auditing personnel; any audit problems or
difficulties and managements response thereto, the level
of cooperation the independent auditors received during the
course of their audit; and any matters which might reasonably be
expected to affect the autonomy of the independent auditors. In
particular, the Committee should review with the independent
auditors (a) any accounting adjustments that the
independent auditors noted or proposed that management rejected
(as immaterial or otherwise); (b) any communications
between the audit team and the independent auditors
national office respecting auditing or accounting issues
presented by the engagement; and (c) any
management or internal control letter
the independent auditors issued, or propose to issue, to the
7. Annually the Committee shall obtain and review a report
by the independent auditor describing the independent
auditors internal quality-control procedures; any material
issues raised by (a) the most recent internal
quality-control review; (b) a peer review; or (c) any
governmental or professional authoritys inquiry or
investigation, within the preceding 5 years, regarding any
independent audit the firm conducted and any steps taken to deal
with any such issues. The Committee shall also annually assess
all relationships between the independent auditor and the
Company in order to assess the auditors independence. The
Committee shall seek to resolve disagreements between management
and the auditor about financial reporting.
8. Periodically, the Committee shall meet separately with
management and with the internal auditor or other personnel
responsible for internal audit functions.
9. The Committee shall establish a mechanism for receiving,
retaining, handling, and responding to complaints regarding
accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters,
including procedures for confidential, anonymous submission of
concerns to the Audit Committee.
10. The Committee shall establish clear policies for the
Companys hiring of employees or former employees of the
independent auditor.
11. In discharging its oversight role, the Committee may
investigate any financial or audit related matter brought to its
attention, with full access to all books, records, facilities,
and personnel of the Company, and the Committee has the sole
authority to engage independent counsel and other advisers as it
determines necessary to carry out its duties including the
approval of fees and other retention terms for such independent
counsel and advisers.
12. The Committee shall report regularly to the Board with
respect to its oversight responsibilities and findings.
13. The Committee shall assist the Board with the
Boards annual performance evaluation of the Committee.
14. The Committee shall review this charter at least
annually and recommend any changes to the Board.
The Committee serves a board-level oversight role, in which it
provides advice, counsel and direction to management, internal
audit, and the independent registered public accountants based
on the information it receives and the discussions it has with
management, internal audit, and the independent registered
public accountants. The Committee is not responsible for
planning or conducting audits of the Companys financial
statements. Furthermore, the Committee members are not
professional accountants or auditors, and their functions are
not intended to duplicate or to certify the activities of
management and the independent registered public accountants.
HELD ON JUNE 20, 2006
The undersigned, a stockholder of CHICOS FAS, INC. (the Company), hereby appoints Scott A. Edmonds,
Charles J. Kleman and Patricia Murphy Kerstein, and each of them, attorney and proxy of the
undersigned, each with full powers of substitution, for and on behalf of the undersigned, to represent
the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held at the Hyatt Regency
Coconut Point Resort & Spa, Bonita Springs, Florida at 2:00 P.M., local time, on June 20, 2006 and any
adjournments or postponements thereof (the Annual Meeting), and to vote at the Annual Meeting all
the shares of Common Stock of the Company that the undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting, with the same effect as if the undersigned were personally present at the Annual Meeting, all
as described in the Companys Proxy Statement dated April 28, 2006 relating to the Annual Meeting, and
the undersigned hereby authorizes and instructs the above named proxies to vote as specified herein.
Please be sure to sign and date this
Date: |
Proxy in the space provided. |
Stockholder sign above ---------- Co-holder (if any) sign above |
The Board of Directors recommends voting FOR the following nominees and proposals:
Withhold |
For All
Authority |
For All |
Nominees for Class I Directors:
For All |
Except |
Scott A. Edmonds, Charles J. Kleman, |
Ross E. Roeder and Michael A. Weiss
o |
INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee or nominees, mark For All
Except and write the name(s) of the nominee(s) in the space provided below.
Abstain |
o |
3. |
OTHER MATTERS: Unless a line is stricken through this sentence, the proxies herein named may in
their discretion vote the shares represented by this Proxy upon such other matters as may properly come
before the Annual Meeting. |
The shares represented by this Proxy will be voted in the manner directed herein only if this Proxy is
properly executed and timely returned. If the undersigned does not specify a choice, the shares will be
voted FOR all nominees for director listed on this Proxy, FOR ratification of the appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as independent certified public accountants, and in the discretion of the proxies for other
matters that may properly come before the Annual Meeting.
Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage paid envelope provided.
The stockholder signing this Proxy acknowledges receipt of (1) the Companys 2005 Annual Report to Stockholders and (2) the Companys Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement dated April 28, 2006 relating to the Annual
Meeting. The stockholder signing above does hereby revoke any proxy previously given with respect to the shares represented by this Proxy. |
NOTE: Your signature should appear as your name appears hereon. As to shares held in joint names, each joint owner should sign. If the signer is a corporation, please sign full corporate name by a duly authorized officer.
If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by an authorized person. If signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, or in other representative capacity, please give full title as such. |