EnPro Industries, Inc.
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.
Filed by the Registrant
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant
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Proxy Statement |
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
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Proxy Statement
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Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12
EnPro Industries, Inc.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if
other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
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Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act
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transaction applies:
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which
transaction applies:
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of
transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11
(set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined):
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as
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(1) |
Amount Previously Paid:
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Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
5605 Carnegie Boulevard, Suite 500
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209
March 29, 2005
To our Shareholders:
On behalf of the Board of Directors and management of EnPro
Industries, Inc., I cordially invite you to our annual
meeting of shareholders. The meeting will be held at the Hyatt
Charlotte at SouthPark, 5501 Carnegie Boulevard, Charlotte,
North Carolina on Tuesday, May 10, 2005, at 11:00 a.m.
The matters to be acted upon by the shareholders at this meeting
are set forth in the enclosed Notice to Shareholders, and the
enclosed proxy statement contains information regarding these
matters. We intend to post the voting results from the meeting
on our website, www.enproindustries.com, by May 16,
It is important that your shares be represented at this meeting.
Even if you plan to attend, we encourage you to promptly sign,
date and return your proxy in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
We hope that you can join us at this important meeting.
Sincerely, |
Ernest F. Schaub |
President and Chief Executive Officer |
5605 Carnegie Boulevard, Suite 500
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209
North Carolina corporation (the Company), will be
held at the Hyatt Charlotte at SouthPark, 5501 Carnegie Blvd.,
Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 on May 10, 2005, at
11:00 a.m. to:
1. |
Elect seven directors to hold office until the next Annual
Meeting of Shareholders or until their respective successors are
elected and qualified; |
2. |
Ratify the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
independent auditors for 2005; |
3. |
Consider and act upon a proposal to amend and restate the
Companys Amended and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation
Plan; and |
4. |
Transact such other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof. |
Information with respect to these matters is contained in the
proxy statement attached to this Notice.
The Board of Directors of the Company has fixed March 15,
2005, as the record date for determining shareholders entitled
to notice of and to vote at the meeting. Only those who were
shareholders of record at the close of business on that date are
entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting or any
adjournment thereof. A list of those shareholders may be
examined at our principal executive offices at 5605 Carnegie
Boulevard, Suite 500, Charlotte, North Carolina 28209, from
March 29 through the end of the meeting. The list will also
be available for inspection at the meeting.
The Board of Directors hereby solicits a proxy for use at the
meeting, in the form accompanying this Notice, from each holder
of the Companys common stock. Shareholders may withdraw
their proxies at the meeting if they desire to vote their shares
in person, and they may revoke their proxies for any reason at
any time prior to the voting of the proxies at the meeting.
It is important that every shareholder be represented at the
meeting regardless of the number of shares owned. To help us
minimize the expense associated with collecting proxies, we ask
that you please execute and return your proxy promptly. No
postage is required if the proxy is mailed in the United
By Order of the Board of Directors, |
Richard L. Magee |
Secretary |
Dated March 29, 2005
Page | |
| |
General Information
1 |
Vote Required for Approval
2 |
Proposal 1 Election of Directors
2 |
Nominees for Election
2 |
Holdings of Company Equity Securities By Directors and Executive
4 |
Beneficial Ownership of Securities
5 |
Equity Compensation Plan
5 |
Legal Proceedings
6 |
Compensation and Human Resources Committee Report on Executive
6 |
Executive Compensation
10 |
New Plan Benefits
12 |
Cumulative Total Return Performance Graph
15 |
Governance of the Company
16 |
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
21 |
Proposal 2 Ratification of Auditors
21 |
Audit Committee Report
21 |
Independent Auditors
22 |
Proposal 3 Approval of Amendment and
Restatement of Amended and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan
23 |
Other Matters
29 |
Shareholder Proposals
29 |
Appendix A
A-1 |
This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of EnPro
Industries, Inc., a North Carolina corporation (the
Company or we or us), from
the holders of our common stock, par value $0.01 per share
(the Common Stock), for use at the 2005 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held at the Hyatt
Charlotte at SouthPark, 5501 Carnegie Boulevard, Charlotte,
North Carolina 28209, at 11:00 a.m., local time, on
May 10, 2005, or any adjournments or postponements of that
There were 20,926,667 shares of Common Stock outstanding on
March 15, 2005, of which 20,687,160 shares are entitled to
one vote each. The remaining 239,507 shares of Common Stock
are held by our wholly-owned subsidiary Coltec Industries Inc
and therefore are not entitled to vote. There are no cumulative
voting rights. All of the shares represented by proxies timely
submitted by shareholders (other than Coltec), and not revoked
by them, will be voted on all matters presented for a vote.
Shareholders have a choice of voting at the meeting, over the
Internet, by calling a toll-free telephone number, or by
completing a proxy card and mailing it in the enclosed
postage-paid envelope. Please refer to your proxy card or the
information forwarded by your bank, broker or other holder of
record to see which options are available to you. Please be
aware that if you vote over the Internet, you may incur costs
such as telephone and Internet access charges for which you will
be responsible. The Internet and telephone voting facilities for
shareholders of record will close at 12:00 noon E.D.T. on
May 9, 2005.
Proxies will also be considered to be voting instructions to the
applicable plan trustee with respect to shares held in accounts
under the EnPro Industries, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan for
Salaried Employees and the EnPro Industries, Inc. Retirement
Savings Plan for Hourly Employees. If a participant in any of
these plans is a shareholder of record, and the plan account
information is the same as the information we have on record
with our transfer agent, the participant will receive a single
proxy, representing all shares held, both within the plan and
outside it. If the account information is different from the
information on record with the transfer agent, then the
participant will receive separate proxies, one for the shares
held in the plan and one for shares held outside the plan.
You can revoke your proxy at any time before it is exercised by
providing written notice to the Companys Secretary, by
timely delivering a properly executed, later-dated proxy
(including an Internet or telephone vote), or by voting by
ballot at the meeting. If your shares are held in the name of a
bank, broker or other holder of record, in order to be able to
vote at the meeting you must obtain a proxy, executed in your
favor, from the holder of record.
We will pay the expense of soliciting these proxies. In addition
to using the mail, the officers, directors and employees of the
Company may solicit proxies personally, by telephone, by
facsimile, or via the Internet. We have retained The Proxy
Advisory Group of Strategic Stock Surveillance, LLC, 331 Madison
Avenue, New York, New York 10017 to assist us in soliciting
proxies from shareholders, including brokers, custodians,
nominees and fiduciaries, and will pay that firm fees estimated
at $7,500 for its services, plus its expenses and disbursements.
We will reimburse brokers and others holding shares in their
names, or in the names of nominees, for their expenses in
sending proxy material to the beneficial owners of such shares
and obtaining their proxies.
We are mailing our 2004 Annual Report, including financial
statements, with this proxy statement to each shareholder of
record. We will furnish an additional copy to any shareholder
upon request. We will begin mailing this proxy statement and the
accompanying proxy to shareholders on or about March 29,
This proxy statement and our 2004 Annual Report are available on
our Internet site at www.enproindustries.com. If you are
a shareholder of record, you can choose to view these documents
over the Internet in the future by checking the appropriate box
on your proxy card or by following the instructions provided if
you vote over the Internet or by telephone. If your shares are
held through a bank, broker or other holder of record, check the
information provided by that entity for instructions on how to
elect to view future proxy statements and annual reports over
the Internet. If you are a shareholder of record and choose to
view future proxy statements and annual reports over the
Internet, you will receive a proxy card in the mail next year
with instructions containing the Internet address to access
those documents.
Our principal executive offices are located at 5605 Carnegie
Boulevard, Suite 500, Charlotte, North Carolina 28209, and
the telephone number is (704) 731-1500.
The presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of a
majority of the shares entitled to vote at the meeting on a
particular matter is necessary to constitute a quorum for that
matter. Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted as present
and entitled to vote for purposes of constituting a quorum. A
broker non-vote occurs when a broker or other nominee holding
shares for a beneficial owner does not vote on a particular
proposal because the nominee does not have discretionary voting
power for that particular item and has not received voting
instructions from the beneficial owner.
The seven nominees for director receiving a plurality of the
votes cast at the meeting in person or by proxy will be elected.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will not count as votes cast
and therefore will have no effect on this proposal. The
ratification of independent auditors will be approved if the
votes cast for approval exceed the votes cast opposing it.
Abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on
ratification. The amendment and restatement of our Amended and
Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan will be approved if the
votes cast for approval exceed the votes cast opposing it, so
long as the votes cast represent more than 50% of the shares of
Common Stock entitled to vote. Because abstentions and broker
non-votes will not count as votes cast, they may have a negative
effect on this proposal.
One of the purposes of the meeting is the election of seven
directors to hold office until the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders in 2006 or until their respective successors are
elected and qualified. The Board of Directors has nominated the
seven persons named on the following pages, all of whom are now
directors and whose terms would otherwise expire at the
conclusion of the meeting. Properly executed proxies that do not
contain voting instructions will be voted for the election of
each of these nominees.
All nominees have indicated that they are willing to serve as
directors if elected. If any nominee should become unable or
unwilling to serve, the proxies will be voted for the election
of such person as the Board of Directors may designate to
replace such nominee.
The Board recommends that you vote FOR the election of
each of these nominees for director.
Mr. Holland has served as a director of the Company since
May 21, 2002, and as Non-Executive Chairman since
May 31, 2002. He was Chairman from 1987 through 2001, and
Chief Executive Officer from 1986 to 2000, of United Dominion
Industries Limited, a diversified manufacturing company.
Mr. Holland is
also a director of Goodrich Corporation and Lance, Inc., both
publicly traded companies, and Crowder Construction Company, a
privately-owned corporation. In addition, Mr. Holland
serves as a corporate member of the Jupiter Florida Medical
Center and on the Advisory Board of the Walker School of
Business of Appalachian State University.
Mr. Schaub has served as a director of the Company since
January 11, 2002, and as Chief Executive Officer since
May 31, 2002. From 1999 until joining the Company, he was
Executive Vice President of Goodrich Corporation and President
and Chief Operating Officer of Goodrich Corporations
Engineered Industrial Products Segment. Mr. Schaub was
Group President, Landing Systems of Goodrich Corporation from
1990 to 1999. He is also a director of Manufacturers Alliance/
MAPI, Junior Achievement of Central Carolinas, and Discovery
Place Museum.
J. P. BOLDUC, 65
Mr. Bolduc has served as a director of the Company since
May 21, 2002. He has been Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of JPB Enterprises, Inc., a merchant banking,
venture capital and real estate investment holding company,
since 1995. Mr. Bolduc served as acting Chief Executive
Officer of J. A. Jones, Inc. from April 2003 to
September 2004. He was President and Chief Executive Officer of
W.R. Grace & Co. from 1990 to 1995.
Mr. Bolduc is a trustee of the William E. Simon Graduate
School of Business at the University of Rochester and a member
of the Advisory Council for Graduate Studies and Research at the
University of Notre Dame. He is also a director of Unisys
Corporation, Management Consulting Group PLC, and J. A. Jones,
Mr. Browning has served as a director of the Company since
May 21, 2002. He has been the Dean of the McColl School of
Business at Queens University in Charlotte, North Carolina since
March 1, 2002, and, since September 2000, he has been
Non-Executive Chairman of Nucor Corporation, a steel
manufacturer. From 1998 to 2000, Mr. Browning was President
and Chief Executive Officer, and from 1995 to 1998, President
and Chief Operating Officer, of Sonoco Products Company, a
manufacturer of industrial and consumer packaging. In addition
to the Company and Nucor, he is a director of Wachovia
Corporation, Acuity Brands, Inc., Lowes Companies, Inc.,
and The Phoenix Companies.
Mr. Ford has served as a director of the Company since
May 21, 2002. He has been Chairman of ALLTEL Corporation, a
provider of telecommunications, since 1991, and he was Chief
Executive Officer of ALLTEL Corporation from 1991 until 2002. In
addition to the Company and ALLTEL, Mr. Ford is a director
of Textron, Inc. and Stephens Group, Inc.
Mr. Hance has served as a director of the Company since
May 21, 2002. He was Vice Chairman of Bank of America
Corporation, a financial services holding company, from 1994 to
January 2005, and served as its Chief Financial Officer from
1988 to 2004. Mr. Hance is also a director of Cousins
Properties Incorporated, Rayonier Inc. and Sprint Corporation.
Mr. Harnett has served as a director of the Company since
May 21, 2002. He is President, Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer of Brush Engineered Materials Inc., a
provider of metal-related products and engineered material
systems, and he has held these positions or similar positions at
Brush Wellman, Inc. (a subsidiary of Brush Engineered Materials)
since January 1991. In addition to Brush Engineered Materials
and the Company, Mr. Harnett is a director of The Lubrizol
Corporation and PolyOne Corporation.
The following table contains information with respect to the
number of shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by our
directors and executive officers as of March 15, 2005.
Except as otherwise noted in the footnotes below, each of these
persons had sole voting and investment power with respect to the
Common Stock beneficially owned by him.
Amount and Nature | |
Directors | |
Directors | |
of Beneficial | |
Phantom | |
Stock | |
Percent of | |
Name of Beneficial Owner |
Ownership(1) | |
Shares(2) | |
Units(3) | |
Class(4) | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
William R. Holland
41,250 |
12,285 |
* |
Ernest F. Schaub
426,023 |
0.2 |
% |
J. P. Bolduc
1,000 |
12,285 |
680 |
* |
Peter C. Browning
4,340 |
12,285 |
* |
Joe T. Ford
10,000 |
12,285 |
2,366 |
* |
James H. Hance, Jr.
20,000 |
12,285 |
* |
Gordon D. Harnett
2,060 |
12,285 |
2,366 |
* |
William Dries
111,918 |
* |
Richard C. Driscoll
102,934 |
* |
Richard L. Magee
93,914 |
* |
Robert D. Rehley
21,513 |
* |
12 directors and executive officers as a group
840,023 |
73,710 |
5,412 |
0.4 |
% |
(1) |
Includes the following shares that may be acquired within
60 days after March 15, 2005 through the exercise of
stock options: Mr. Schaub, 353,900 shares;
Mr. Dries, 90,350 shares; Mr. Driscoll,
78,025 shares; Mr. Magee, 78,900 shares;
Mr. Rehley, 15,850 shares; and all directors and
executive officers as a group, 622,000 shares. Also
includes shares held in the EnPro Industries, Inc. Retirement
Savings Plan for Salaried Employees allocated as follows:
Mr. Dries, 68 shares; Mr. Magee, 14 shares;
and Mr. Rehley, 3 shares. All other ownership is
direct, except that Messrs. Schaub and Dries indirectly own
6,000 shares and 500 shares, respectively, which are
owned by family members. |
(2) |
Includes the phantom shares awarded under the Outside
Directors Phantom Share Plan for which the directors will
receive cash, and the phantom shares awarded under the Amended
and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan for which the
directors will receive shares of Common Stock. See
Governance of the Company Compensation of
Directors. The latter awards are subject to shareholder
approval of the amendment and restatement. Because the phantom
shares are not actual shares of our Common Stock, the directors
have neither voting nor investment authority with respect to
these phantom shares. |
(3) |
Indicates the number of stock units credited to those directors
who elect to defer all or a part of the cash portion of their
annual retainer and meeting fees pursuant to the Deferred
Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors. See
Governance of the Company Compensation of
Directors. Because the stock units are not actual shares
of our Common Stock, the directors have neither voting nor
investment authority with respect to these stock units. |
(4) |
Does not include the directors phantom shares or stock
units described in Notes 2 and 3. Applicable percentage
ownership is based on 20,926,667 shares of Common Stock
outstanding at March 15, 2005. |
The following table contains information known to us with
respect to persons who beneficially own more than 5% of our
Common Stock as of March 15, 2004.
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner |
Amount | |
Percent of Class(1) | |
| |
| |
Barclays Global Investors, N.A.(2)
1,822,539 |
8.7 |
% |
45 Fremont Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 |
Steel Partners II, L.P.(3)
1,564,300 |
7.5 |
% |
590 Madison Avenue, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10022 |
Kestrel Investment Management Corporation(4)
1,557,760 |
7.4 |
% |
411 Borel Avenue, Suite 403, San Mateo, CA 94402 |
Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC(5)
1,512,128 |
7.2 |
% |
90 Hudson Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302 |
(1) |
Applicable percentage ownership is based on
20,926,667 shares of Common Stock outstanding at
March 15, 2005. |
(2) |
This information is based on a Schedule 13G dated
February 14, 2005 filed by Barclays Global Investors, N.A.
with the Securities and Exchange Commission reporting beneficial
ownership as of December 31, 2004. The reporting persons
have sole voting power with respect to 1,695,912 shares,
and sole dispositive power with respect to 1,822,539 shares. |
(3) |
This information is based on a Schedule 13D dated
August 4, 2004 filed jointly by Steel Partners II,
L.P., Steel Partners, L.L.C. and Warren G. Lichenstein with the
Securities and Exchange Commission reporting beneficial
ownership as of the filing date. The reporting persons have sole
voting power and sole dispositive power with respect to
(4) |
This information is based on a Schedule 13G amendment dated
February 14, 2005 filed by Kestrel Investment Management
Corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission
reporting beneficial ownership as of December 31, 2004. The
reporting persons have sole voting power with respect to
1,499,880 shares, and sole dispositive power with respect
to 1,557,760 shares. |
(5) |
This information is based on a Schedule 13G dated
February 2, 2005 filed by Lord, Abbett & Co LLC
with the Securities and Exchange Commission reporting beneficial
ownership as of December 31, 2004. The reporting persons
have sole voting power with respect to 1,512,128 shares,
and sole dispositive power with respect to 1,512,128 shares. |
The table below contains information as of March 15, 2005
about our Amended and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan,
the only compensation plan or arrangement (other than our
tax-qualified plans) under which we have equity securities
authorized for issuance.
Number of Securities | |
Remaining Available for | |
Number of Securities | |
Future Issuance Under | |
to be Issued Upon | |
Weighted-Average Exercise | |
Equity Compensation | |
Exercise of Outstanding | |
Price of Outstanding | |
Plans (Excluding | |
Options, Warrants and | |
Options, Warrants and | |
Securities Reflected in | |
Plan Category |
Rights | |
Rights | |
Column (a)) | |
| |
| |
| |
(a) | |
(b) | |
(c) | |
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
1,715,333 |
$4.88 |
1,543,177 |
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
-0- |
-0- |
-0- |
1,715,333 |
$4.88 |
1,543,177 |
In February 2003, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
SEC) and Mr. Bolduc settled public
administrative and cease-and-desist proceedings. Without
admitting or denying the SECs findings, Mr. Bolduc
consented to the entry of a cease-and-desist order in which the
SEC found that, between 1991 and 1995, while Mr. Bolduc was
president and either chief operating officer or chief executive
officer of W. R. Grace & Co.
(Grace) and a member of its board of directors,
Grace fraudulently used reserves to defer income earned by a
subsidiary, primarily to smooth earnings of its health care
segment, in violation of the antifraud provisions of the federal
securities laws, as well as the provisions that require public
companies to keep accurate books and records, maintain
appropriate internal accounting controls and file accurate
annual and quarterly reports. The order generally finds that
Mr. Bolduc, through his actions or omissions, was a cause
of these violations. The order also notes that, during the
period in question, Mr. Bolduc did not sell any of the
substantial number of Grace shares that he owned. The SEC
ordered Mr. Bolduc to cease and desist from committing or
causing any violation or future violation of the antifraud and
reporting requirements of the federal securities laws. It did
not impose any fines on Mr. Bolduc, nor did it prohibit
Mr. Bolduc from continuing to serve in any capacity on
public company boards of directors.
Mr. Bolduc was reelected to the Board in May 2003 and 2004,
and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and the
full Board support the nomination of Mr. Bolduc for
reelection to the Board in 2005.
Three independent directors comprise the Companys
Compensation and Human Resources Committee (the
Compensation Committee). No Compensation Committee
member is a current or former employee of the Company or any of
its subsidiaries. The Compensation Committee is directly
responsible for the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer
(the CEO), and for the approval of the compensation
with respect to the other named executive officers,
those included in the summary compensation table in this proxy
statement. The Compensation Committee must approve all
compensation arrangements that apply to the named executive
officers, including major provisions in compensation plans that
must be updated from time to time (e.g., participation,
performance criteria, performance goals, award opportunities,
and the like). In its deliberations, the Compensation Committee
may consider the recommendations of management and such other
advice as it may feel appropriate, including compensation
information provided by an independent compensation consultant.
The Compensation Committee considers all elements of executive
compensation, including salary, annual bonus and long-term
incentive award opportunities, stock option values, retirement
programs (including the Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan),
perquisites, and possible payments resulting from a change
in control of the Company.
Compensation Philosophy
The Compensation Committees philosophy is that executive
compensation plans should be designed and administered to
attract, motivate and retain highly qualified executives, and
include incentives linked closely to the Companys
financial performance and enhanced shareholder value. The
Company maintains a strong pay-for-performance culture, where a
significant portion of executive compensation is linked to
Overview of the Compensation Program
The management compensation program includes the following
In determining base salaries, the Compensation Committee
identifies a median market salary for comparable executive
positions in a group of similarly sized diversified
manufacturing companies. Officer salaries are generally set
within a reasonable range around that median based on individual
performance and
experience. Annual salary increases are determined based on a
variety of factors including individual performance, the
competitiveness of the officers salary, the Companys
financial condition, and other variable components of
The Compensation Committee recommends to the Board of Directors
the base salary for the CEO. The CEO establishes the annual base
salary for other Company officers subject to review and approval
by the Compensation Committee.
Incentive compensation is intended to attract, motivate and
retain qualified individuals who have the opportunity to
influence Company results and enhance shareholder value. Annual
bonuses are determined based on performance achievements in
designated key areas of performance emphasis. Award
opportunities are configured to be competitive with the median
of similarly sized diversified manufacturing companies when
targets specified in the Companys business plan are
achieved, with the opportunity to be competitive in the top
quartile when outstanding performance is achieved, and below
market median when performance is below targets.
In 2004, the named executive officers (including the CEO, but
excluding Mr. Rehley) participated in the Senior Executive
Annual Performance Plan. Mr. Rehley participated in the
Companys Management Annual Performance Plan, which is
identical in all material respects to the Senior Executive
Annual Performance Plan except as to the identity of the
participants. An individuals annual cash bonus target
under the Senior Executive Annual Performance Plan is expressed
as a percentage of his or her salary, with the percentages of
salary increasing with the level of the job. Incentive payments
can range from 50% to 200% of target, based on the level of
performance against specified financial objectives. The Senior
Executive Annual Performance Plan requires that any award be
based upon an objective formula established at the beginning of
the year.
For 2004, the performance factors and weightings under this plan
for awards to the CEO and the other named executive officers
were as follows:
Measures |
Weightings | |
| |
Company Free Cash Flow
45 |
% |
Net Income
30 |
% |
Net Cash Outflow for Asbestos and Trailing Liabilities
25 |
% |
Long-Term Incentive Compensation |
The Compensation Committee used the same market data in
determining target long-term incentive compensation awards as
was used in setting base salary levels and target award bonus
opportunities. For 2004, the Compensation Committee determined
that one-half of the long-term opportunity would be through
long-term incentive program cash awards and the other one-half
would be through performance share awards, all awarded under the
Companys Long-Term Incentive Plan.
The CEO and the other named executive officers participate in
the Long-Term Incentive Plan (the LTIP). The
Compensation Committee considers the recommendation of the CEO
in determining the level of awards of long-term incentive
compensation, along with its own evaluation of the participants
and their performance. In 2004, the Compensation Committee
granted LTIP award opportunities to 21 executives, including the
CEO and the other named executive officers.
Guidelines establish a total target award opportunity with the
initial aggregate market value based upon the individuals
position level within the Company. The determination of whether
to make an award is dependent upon the individuals past
performance and expectations of future performance.
The Compensation Committee may make an award in any year, based
on overlapping three-year performance goals. At the beginning of
each multi-year cycle, the Compensation Committee establishes the
performance goals. Goals are established in view of the
Companys business environment, competitive position, and
such other considerations that may have a material effect on
performance outcomes and the associated level of performance
For the 2004-2006 LTIP awards, grants were denominated one-half
in cash and one-half in performance shares for each participant.
The performance factors and weightings for the cash awards for
the CEO and the other named executive officers were as follows:
Measures |
Weightings | |
| |
Company Free Cash Flow
50 |
% |
Company Return on Capital
30 |
% |
Net Cash Outflow for Asbestos and Trailing Liabilities
20 |
% |
Participants will be entitled to a payout of the cash awards at
the end of the plan cycle only if the threshold performance
standard is met. The payout to be received will range from 0% to
200% of the cash award.
The performance factors and weightings for the performance share
awards for the CEO and the other named executive officers were
as follows:
Measures |
Weightings | |
| |
Company Return on Capital
60 |
% |
Company Free Cash Flow
40 |
% |
Participants will be entitled to a payout of the performance
share account (including shares credited through dividend
equivalents) only if the threshold performance standard is met.
The payout to be received will range from 50% to 150% of the
performance share award. Actual awards of performance shares
will be distributed one share of Common Stock for each
performance share. Shares of the Companys Common Stock
awarded pursuant to the LTIP reduce the number of shares
available under the Companys Amended and Restated 2002
Equity Compensation Plan.
The Compensation Committee also administers the Amended and
Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan. This plan provides that
stock options may not be granted at less than 100% of fair
market value and that stock options may not be repriced. While
stock options were granted in 2002 and 2003, the Compensation
Committee determined to grant performance share awards in 2004
rather than stock options because of its desire to tie awards to
performance criteria. The Compensation Committee has established
target award guidelines for the CEO and the other named
executive officers based upon their ability to influence Company
In February 2005, the Compensation Committee recommended to the
Board that the Amended and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation
Plan be amended to permit the granting of stock-settled stock
appreciation rights, or SARs, to key employees. The Compensation
Committee believes the flexibility to grant SARs would provide
it with a beneficial long-term compensation tool.
Stock Ownership Guidelines
The Compensation Committee has established stock ownership
guidelines to be achieved by the CEO and the other named
executive officers at a multiple of their base salary within a
five-year timeframe after becoming an executive officer. The
multiple varies from 1.5 to 3 times salary, with the multiple
increasing with ones level of responsibility within the
Company. Thus, the guideline for the CEO is 3 times base salary.
Tax Deductibility of Compensation
Compensation decisions for the CEO and the other named executive
officers are made with full consideration of Internal Revenue
Code Section 162(m) implications. Section 162(m)
limits the deductibility
of compensation paid to the CEO and the other named executive
officers in excess of $1.0 million, but excludes
performance-based compensation from this limit.
Amounts awarded under the Senior Executive Annual Performance
Plan and the LTIP are intended to constitute
performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m). Likewise, compensation realized by the CEO
and the other named executive officers through the exercise of
stock options should be fully deductible to the Corporation as
performance-based compensation under
Section 162(m).
Chief Executive Officer
In approving Mr. Schaubs base salary for 2004, the
Compensation Committee reviewed salary data from other similar
diversified manufacturing companies, and concluded that
Mr. Schaubs salary approximated the 50th percentile
as compared with the base salaries of other chief executive
officers in the group. As a result, Mr. Schaub did not
receive a salary increase in 2004.
Mr. Schaubs target annual incentive award and
financial objectives under the Senior Executive Annual
Performance Plan were established based on the criteria
discussed above. The Company met these financial objectives,
which resulted in a payment to Mr. Schaub of $373,500 under
the Senior Executive Annual Performance Plan. The Company also
met the financial objectives for an award under the 2003-2004
LTIP performance cycle. This resulted in a payment to
Mr. Schaub of $725,777 under the LTIP. Because the Senior
Executive Annual Performance Plan and the LTIP did not take into
account a large insurance payment received in early 2005 as a
result of a 2004 settlement, the Compensation Committee
determined to provide to Mr. Schaub an ex gratia
bonus in the amount of $250,115.
In 2004, Mr. Schaub was granted a cash target award
opportunity of $600,000 and a performance share target award
opportunity of 32,400 shares under the 2004-2006 LTIP
performance cycle. The performance guidelines for awards to the
CEO are the same as the performance targets for the other named
executive officers. The Compensation Committee and the Board of
Directors used the same factors to make these awards as it did
in determining the other elements of Mr. Schaubs
Compensation and Human Resources Committee |
J.P. Bolduc, Chairman |
Peter C. Browning |
William R. Holland |
February 15, 2005
Summary Compensation Table
Long Term Compensation | |
| |
Annual Compensation | |
Awards | |
Payouts | |
| |
| |
| |
Restricted | |
Securities | |
Other Annual | |
Stock | |
Underlying | |
All Other | |
Salary(1) | |
Bonus(2) | |
Compensation(3) | |
Awards | |
Options/SARS | |
LTIP | |
Compensation(4) | |
Name and Principal Position |
Year | |
($) | |
($) | |
($) | |
($) | |
(#) | |
Payouts | |
($) | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Ernest F. Schaub
2004 |
600,000 |
575,460 |
90,054 |
-0- |
-0- |
773,932 |
36,000 |
President and Chief |
2003 |
596,635 |
879,827 |
64,557 |
-0- |
170,000 |
-0- |
61,207 |
Executive Officer
2002 |
401,539 |
423,487 |
50,281 |
-0- |
242,400 |
-0- |
24,092 |
William Dries
2004 |
310,000 |
218,035 |
40,708 |
-0- |
-0- |
317,193 |
18,600 |
Senior Vice President and |
2003 |
308,654 |
333,781 |
-0- |
42,500 |
-0- |
28,241 |
Chief Financial Officer |
2002 |
173,077 |
162,030 |
-0- |
60,600 |
-0- |
2,585 |
Richard L. Magee
2004 |
280,000 |
179,032 |
31,389 |
-0- |
-0- |
277,544 |
16,800 |
Senior Vice President, |
2003 |
277,981 |
273,283 |
-0- |
37,000 |
-0- |
24,486 |
General Counsel and
2002 |
152,886 |
130,115 |
-0- |
53,000 |
-0- |
9,173 |
Richard C. Driscoll
2004 |
270,000 |
172,638 |
42,157 |
-0- |
-0- |
277,544 |
16,200 |
Senior Vice President, |
2003 |
269,327 |
264,775 |
-0- |
37,000 |
-0- |
23,967 |
Human Resources and
2002 |
152,886 |
130,115 |
-0- |
53,000 |
-0- |
9,173 |
Robert D. Rehley
2004 |
151,653 |
70,750 |
16,740 |
-0- |
-0- |
55,008 |
9,099 |
Vice President and |
2003 |
148,000 |
101,849 |
-0- |
7,500 |
-0- |
12,605 |
2002 |
80,769 |
48,118 |
70,701 |
-0- |
10,600 |
-0- |
4,846 |
(1) |
For 2002, the amount shown includes amounts received from the
Company for the seven month period from June 1, 2002, the
first day after the Company was spun off from Goodrich
Corporation. |
(2) |
Bonuses were awarded in February of the following year for
performance in each year shown in the table. For each of the
named executive officers, except Mr. Rehley, these bonuses
were awarded under our Senior Executive Annual Performance Plan.
The bonuses for Mr. Rehley were awarded under our
Management Annual Performance Plan. |
(3) |
For Mr. Schaub, includes payments by the Company for an
automobile allowance, financial counseling, security system and
related tax gross-up of $33,799, and personal use of
Company-provided aircraft of $22,257 in 2004; payments by the
Company for an automobile allowance and related tax gross-up of
$30,000, and for personal financial counseling services of
$29,066 in 2003; and payments by the Company for an automobile
allowance and related tax gross-up of $27,735, and personal use
of Company provided aircraft of $13,247 in 2002. For
Mr. Rehley, includes $64,436 for relocation expenses and
related tax gross-up in 2002. For the other named executive
officers, no disclosure was provided for 2003 or 2002 because
the aggregate dollar value of their other annual compensation
did not exceed the threshold specified in Item 402 of
Regulation S-K of $50,000 or 10% of the total of their
annual salary and bonus. For 2004, the aggregate dollar value of
other annual compensation is provided regardless of any
applicable threshold. |
(4) |
Includes matching contributions in 2004 by the Company under our
Retirement Savings Plan for Salaried Employees, a tax qualified
defined contribution plan, as follows: Mr. Schaub, $12,300;
Mr. Dries, $12,300; Mr. Magee, $12,300;
Mr. Driscoll, $12,300; and Mr. Rehley, $9,099. Also
includes matching contributions in 2004 by the Company under our
Deferred Compensation Plan, a non-qualified plan, as follows:
Mr. Schaub, $23,000; Mr. Dries, $3,900;
Mr. Magee, $4,500; and Mr. Driscoll, $3,900. Amounts
shown for 2003 and 2002 consist of matching contributions by the
Company under these same two plans. |
Option Grants In Last Fiscal Year
We did not issue any stock options to the named executive
officers in 2004.
Aggregated Option Exercises In Last Fiscal Year And FY-End
Option Values
Number of Securities | |
Underlying Unexercised | |
Value of Unexercised | |
Options at Fiscal | |
In-the-Money Options at | |
Shares Acquired | |
Year-End(#) | |
Fiscal Year-End($) | |
Name |
on Exercise(#) | |
Value Realized($) | |
Exercisable/Unexercisable | |
Exercisable/Unexercisable | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Ernest F. Schaub
7,500 |
159,225 |
221,680/183,220 |
5,410,865/4,558,482 |
William Dries
-0- |
-0- |
57,295/45,805 |
1,397,773/1,139,645 |
Richard L. Magee
-0- |
-0- |
50,050/39,950 |
1,220,961/993,909 |
Richard C. Driscoll
875 |
19,040 |
49,175/39,950 |
1,199,935/993,909 |
Robert D. Rehley
-0- |
-0- |
10,045/8,055 |
245,083/200,435 |
Long Term Incentive Plan Awards in 2004
Estimated Future Payouts Under | |
Number of | |
Performance or | |
Non-Stock Price-Based Plans(1) | |
Shares, Units | |
Other Period Until | |
| |
or Other | |
Maturation or | |
Threshold | |
Target | |
Maximum | |
Name |
Rights(#) | |
Payout | |
(Shares/$) | |
(Shares/$) | |
(Shares/$) | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Ernest F. Schaub
32,400 |
2004-2006 |
$120,000 |
$600,000 |
$1,200,000 |
William Dries
10,800 |
2004-2006 |
$40,000 |
$200,000 |
$400,000 |
Richard L. Magee
9,500 |
2004-2006 |
$35,000 |
$175,000 |
$350,000 |
Richard C. Driscoll
9,500 |
2004-2006 |
$35,000 |
$175,000 |
$350,000 |
Robert D. Rehley
2,000 |
2004-2006 |
$7,000 |
$35,000 |
$70,000 |
(1) |
Awards granted for the 2004-2006 performance cycle. The actual
cash awards range from 0% to 200% of target depending on
achievement of pre-established objective performance goals
during the three-year performance period. Performance at 80% of
performance goals will result in a payout of 20% of the target
cash awards; performance at 130% of performance goals will
result in a payout of 200% of the target cash awards. For each
of the cash awards indicated, 50% of the award will be based on
free cash flow before asbestos; 30% on return on capital; and
20% on net cash outflow for asbestos and trailing liabilities.
The actual performance share awards range from 0% to 150% of
target depending on achievement of pre-established objective
performance goals during the three-year performance period.
Performance at 80% of performance goals will result in a payout
of 50% of the target share awards; performance at 130% of
performance goals will result in a payout of 150% of the target
share awards. For each of the share awards indicated, 60% of the
award will be based on return on capital; and 40% on free cash
flow before asbestos. |
The following table provides information about awards in 2005
under the Amended and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan.
For more information about this plan, see
Proposal 3 Approval of Amendment and
Restatement of Amended and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation
Amended and Restated 2002 | |
Equity Compensation Plan(1) | |
| |
Dollar | |
Number of | |
Name and Principal Position |
Value($) | |
Units | |
| |
| |
Ernest F. Schaub
600,000 |
21,220 |
William Dries
200,000 |
7,075 |
Richard L. Magee
175,000 |
6,190 |
Richard C. Driscoll
175,000 |
6,190 |
Robert D. Rehley
35,000 |
1,240 |
All current executive officers as a group
1,220,000 |
43,155 |
All current directors who are not executive officers, as a
150,000 |
5,304 |
All employees, as a group
2,135,000 |
139,015 |
(1) |
For executive officers and employees, the dollar values and
numbers of units shown represent the dollar value as of the
grant date of, and the number of, performance shares that make
up the target equity awards that are a portion of the awards
granted under our Long-Term Incentive Plan for meeting 100% of
pre-established performance goals over the performance period of
January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007. The number and
value will be adjusted up or down based on the Companys
actual performance. These awards of performance shares are in
addition to the cash award granted under the Long-Term Incentive
Plan. On the grant date, the value of a share of Common Stock
was $28.28. If earned, the Performance Shares vest on
February 15, 2008. |
(2) |
For current directors who are not executive officers, units
shown are phantom shares that correspond to shares of Common
Stock. The number of units shown corresponds to the number of
phantom shares that will be issued under our 2002 Equity
Compensation Plan if the shareholders approve the amendment and
restatement to the plan described below under
Proposal 3 Approval of an Amendment and
Restatement of our Amended and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation
Plan. On the grant date, the value of a share of Common
Stock was $28.28. The phantom shares will be fully vested upon
granting, and will be paid in shares of Common Stock as soon as
administratively practicable after a director terminates service
as a member of the Board of Directors. |
Retirement Plans
We have in effect the Retirement Program for EnPro Industries,
Inc. and Affiliated Companies (the Pension Plan), a
tax-qualified defined benefit pension plan for salaried
employees that provides a pension benefit payable at retirement
to each eligible employee. The Pension Plan makes available a
pension that is paid from funds provided through contributions
by the Company. The Pension Plan is not available to
non-employee directors.
We also maintain the EnPro Industries, Inc. Defined Benefit
Restoration Plan (the Restoration Plan). Benefits
otherwise payable from time to time under the Pension Plan may
be limited for certain participants or their beneficiaries as a
result of limitations of Sections 401(a)(17) and 415(b) of
the Internal Revenue Code. In addition, certain participants in
the Pension Plan, including each of the named executive
officers, have deferred portions of their compensation pursuant
to the EnPro Industries, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan (the
Deferred Compensation Plan), a non-qualified
deferred compensation plan sponsored by the Company.
Participants in the Deferred Compensation Plan may elect to
reduce their current compensation by deferring up to 25% of
their eligible earnings and up to 50% of their eligible
incentive awards on a pre-tax basis. They also elect how these
funds will be invested by choosing among the investment options
(excluding the option of investing in Common Stock) available
under the EnPro Industries, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
for Salaried Employees, a tax-qualified defined contribution
plan. Such deferred compensation is not taken into account for
purposes of determining the amount of benefits under the Pension
Plan. The Restoration Plan provides the participants and their
beneficiaries with the benefits that would have been provided
under the Pension Plan but for the limitations described above
and taking into account any deferred compensation that would
have been included in compensation for purposes of determining
benefits under the Pension Plan had it not been deferred.
The following table shows the estimated combined annual pension
benefits payable at normal retirement to a participant under our
Pension Plan and Restoration Plan:
Years of Credited Service | |
| |
Average Final Compensation |
5 | |
10 | |
15 | |
20 | |
30 | |
40 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
$ 200,000
15,260 |
30,520 |
45,790 |
61,050 |
91,570 |
117,830 |
$ 250,000
19,510 |
39,020 |
58,540 |
78,050 |
117,070 |
150,330 |
$ 300,000
23,760 |
47,520 |
71,290 |
95,050 |
142,570 |
182,830 |
$ 400,000
32,260 |
64,520 |
96,790 |
129,050 |
193,570 |
247,830 |
$ 500,000
40,760 |
81,520 |
122,290 |
163,050 |
244,570 |
312,830 |
$ 750,000
62,010 |
124,020 |
186,040 |
248,050 |
372,070 |
475,330 |
83,260 |
166,520 |
249,790 |
333,050 |
499,570 |
637,830 |
104,510 |
209,020 |
313,540 |
418,050 |
627,070 |
800,330 |
125,760 |
251,520 |
377,290 |
503,050 |
754,570 |
962,830 |
The amount of a participants pension depends on a number
of factors, including average final compensation and years of
credited service to the Company. A participants
average final compensation means the average of the
60 highest consecutive months of salary and bonus out of the
last 120 months of employment. Salary and
bonus for this purpose are the same as the salary
and bonuses disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table. The
table describes benefits payable in the form of a single life
annuity beginning at normal retirement age, which is the later
of age 65 or the fifth anniversary of participation in the
plans. A participant who retires before normal retirement age
may be entitled to reduced benefits under the plans depending on
the participants age and years of service.
As of December 31, 2004, the named executive officers had
the following amounts of average final compensation and years of
credited service: Mr. Schaub, $1,096,100 and
2.58 years; Mr. Dries, $471,500 and 3 years;
Mr. Driscoll, $420,800 and 2.58 years; Mr. Magee,
$407,100 and 3 years; and Mr. Rehley, $198,500 and
2.92 years. The years of service for Messrs. Dries,
Magee, and Rehley include periods of participation in the
Pension Plan prior to the spin-off from Goodrich.
Messrs. Schaub and Driscoll began participation in the
Pension Plan at the time of the spin-off.
The table above does not include amounts payable to the named
executive officers under a non-qualified Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan (the SERP). Under the SERP, the
executive earns an additional benefit equal to the combined
benefit under our Pension Plan and Restoration Plan for the
first 15 years of service. The SERP takes into account
service only for periods beginning on or after June 1, 2002
for this purpose. As of December 31, 2004, the estimated
annual benefits payable under the SERP as a single life annuity
commencing at normal retirement for the named executive officers
were as follows: Mr. Schaub, $47,063; Mr. Dries,
$20,544; Mr. Driscoll, $17,492; and Mr. Magee,
$17,526. Mr. Rehley does not participate in the SERP.
Death Benefits Agreements
The named executive officers (with the exception of
Mr. Rehley) are eligible for certain pre-retirement death
benefits in accordance with death benefit agreements with the
Company. Under the agreements, an executives beneficiary
will receive certain death benefits if the executive dies while
employed by the Company. These death benefits are in lieu of any
death benefits otherwise payable by reason of the
executives participation in the Restoration Plan and the
SERP. The death benefits will be paid to the executives
beneficiary in the form of a lump sum cash payment within sixty
days following the executives death. As of
December 31, 2004, the pre-retirement death benefits
payable under these agreements for the named executive officers
were as follows: Mr. Schaub, $5,100,000; Mr. Dries,
$4,000,000; Mr. Driscoll, $1,400,000; and Mr. Magee,
In order to satisfy its obligations under the death benefits
agreements, we have purchased life insurance policies on the
executives covered by such agreements. As of December 31,
2004, these policies had a total cash surrender value of
$10,517,334. Upon an executives death, the proceeds from
the policies will be paid to the Company to reimburse it for the
premiums, and the remainder will be available to pay the amount
due to the executives beneficiary.
Management Continuity Agreements
We are party to management continuity agreements (the
Continuity Agreements) with certain employees,
including all of the executive officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table. Presently there are six Continuity
Agreements in effect.
The purpose of the Continuity Agreements is to encourage the
individuals to carry out their duties in the event of the
possibility of a change in control of the Company. The
Continuity Agreements are not ordinary employment agreements and
do not provide any assurance of continued employment unless
there is a change in control. They provide for a
period of employment commencing upon a change in control that
generally is deemed to have occurred if:
any person, entity or group becomes the beneficial owner of 20%
or more of the Common Stock or combined voting power of our
outstanding securities (subject to certain exceptions), |
there has been a change in the majority of the Companys
directors that has not otherwise been approved by the directors, |
a corporate reorganization occurs where the existing
shareholders do not retain more than 70% of the outstanding
common stock and combined voting power of the surviving entity
in substantially the same proportions as their prior
ownership, or |
the Company is liquidated or dissolved, or substantially all of
its assets are sold (other than to a company more than 70% of
the outstanding common stock and combined voting power of which
is held by the shareholders of the Company, in substantially the
same proportions as their holdings of Company securities prior
to the sale). |
The Continuity Agreements generally provide for the continuation
of employment of the individuals in the same positions and with
the same responsibilities and authorities that they possessed
immediately prior to the change in control and generally with
the same benefits and level of compensation, including average
annual increases.
If we or our successor terminate the individuals
employment for reasons other than cause or the
individual voluntarily terminates his or her employment for a
good reason (in each case as defined in the
Continuity Agreements), the individual would be entitled to:
a lump sum cash payment equal to the continuation of the
individuals annual base salary in effect immediately prior
to termination for a period of time. For the named executive
officers, the time periods, which we refer to the as the
Payment Periods, are: Mr. Schaub,
Mr. Dries and Mr. Magee, 3 years;
Mr. Driscoll,
21/2 years;
and Mr. Rehley,
years; |
a lump sum cash payment equal to the individuals pro rata
target bonus for the year of termination; |
a lump sum cash payment equal to the pro rata portion of the
calculated market value of any performance shares
awarded to the individual under the LTIP for each incomplete
performance period; |
a lump sum cash payment intended to approximate continuation of
annual bonuses for the Payment Period. This payment will be
equal to the greatest of (i) the individuals most
recent annual bonus, (ii) the individuals target
annual bonus for the year of termination or (iii) the
individuals target |
annual bonus for the year in which the change in control occurs,
multiplied by the number of years in the individuals
Payment Period; |
a lump sum cash payment equal to the value of foregone LTIP
awards for the Payment Period; |
continuation of all health and welfare benefit plans and
programs and all fringe benefit programs, perquisites and
similar arrangements during the Payment Period; and |
in addition to the benefits to which the individual is entitled
under the retirement plans or programs in which he or she
participates, a lump sum cash payment at retirement in an amount
equal to the actuarial equivalent of the retirement pension to
which the individual would have been entitled under the terms of
such retirement plans or programs had the individual accumulated
additional years of continuous service under such plans equal in
length to the Payment Period. |
The Continuity Agreements provide for a tax gross-up for any
excise tax due under the Internal Revenue Code as a result of
these payments. An individual who reaches age 65 before the
end of his Payment Period will not be entitled to payments or
benefits under the Continuity Agreement for any time after the
month in which the individual reaches age 65.
Set forth below is a line graph showing the yearly percentage
change in the cumulative total shareholder return for the Common
Stock as compared to similar returns for the Russell 2000®
Stock Index and a group of our peers consisting of Flowserve
Corporation, Robbins & Myers, Inc., Gardner Denver,
Inc., Circor International, Inc., IDEX Corporation and The
Gormann-Rupp Company. These manufacturing companies were chosen
because they are all similarly situated to the Company in terms
of size and markets served. Each of the returns is calculated
assuming the investment of $100 in each of the securities on
May 24, 2002 (the date on which the Common Stock began
trading) and reinvestment of dividends into additional shares of
the respective equity securities when paid. The graph plots the
respective values beginning on May 24, 2002 and continuing
through December 31, 2004. Past performance is not
necessarily indicative of future performance.
| |
5/24/02 | |
12/31/02 | |
6/30/03 | |
12/31/03 | |
6/30/04 | |
12/31/04 | |
| |
100.00 |
47.34 |
126.51 |
165.09 |
271.95 |
349.94 |
100.00 |
67.76 |
77.73 |
88.16 |
102.70 |
118.74 |
100.00 |
78.59 |
91.98 |
114.25 |
121.87 |
134.24 |
Both the Board of Directors and management at the Company firmly
embrace good and accountable corporate governance and believe
that an attentive, performing Board is a tangible competitive
advantage. Members of the Board are kept informed of our
business through discussions with the Chairman and the officers,
by reviewing materials provided to them, and by participating in
meetings of the Board and its committees. The Board held four
meetings in 2004. All directors attended at least 75% of the
aggregate total number of Board meetings held in 2004 and the
Board committees on which they serve. At least once per quarter,
the non-management directors meet in executive session without
members of management present. These sessions are presided over
by the Chairman, William R. Holland. All of the directors
attended the Companys 2004 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Board Committees
The Board of Directors has four committees: an Executive
Committee, an Audit and Risk Management Committee, a
Compensation and Human Resources Committee, and a Nominating and
Corporate Governance Committee. Each of these committees
operates in accordance with a written charter that has been
approved by the Board of Directors.
Executive Committee. The members of the Executive
Committee as of the date of this proxy statement are Ernest F.
Schaub (Chairman), J. P. Bolduc, James H.
Hance, Jr., and William R. Holland. This committee did not
meet during 2004. The primary function of this committee is to
exercise any of the powers of the Board as and when directed by
the Board or when the Board is not in session, except those
powers which, under the North Carolina Business Corporations
Act, a committee of directors has no authority to exercise.
Audit and Risk Management Committee. The members of the
Audit and Risk Management Committee (the Audit
Committee) as of the date of this proxy statement are
James H. Hance, Jr. (Chairman), Joe T. Ford and Gordon D.
Harnett. This committee, which consists entirely of independent
directors, held four meetings in 2004. This committee is
appointed by the Board to assist in monitoring the integrity of
the financial statements of the Company; the compliance by the
Company with legal and regulatory requirements; the
Companys management of its insurance, pension, asbestos,
environmental, litigation and other significant risk areas; and
the qualifications, independence and performance of the
Companys internal and external auditors. This committee
has the authority to appoint or replace the external auditors
and to approve all fees of the external auditors.
Compensation and Human Resources Committee. The members
of the Compensation and Human Resources Committee (the
Compensation Committee) as of the date of this proxy
statement are J. P. Bolduc (Chairman), Peter C.
Browning and William R. Holland. This committee, which consists
entirely of independent directors, held three meetings in 2004.
The primary function of this committee is to assist the Board
and management in fulfilling their responsibilities for
exercising oversight concerning the appropriateness and cost of
the Companys compensation and benefit programs,
particularly for executives of the Company.
Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. The
members of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee
(the Nominating Committee) as of the date of this
proxy statement are William R. Holland (Chairman), J.P. Bolduc,
Peter C. Browning, Joe T. Ford, James H. Hance, Jr. and
Gordon D. Harnett. This committee, which consists entirely of
independent directors, held three meetings in 2004. The primary
function of this committee is to assist the Board and management
in fulfilling their responsibilities to exercise sound corporate
governance in the operation of the Company by identifying and
nominating individuals who are qualified to become members of
the Board, assessing the effectiveness of the Board and its
committees, and recommending Board committee assignments. This
committee also reviews various corporate governance issues
affecting the Company, including those items discussed below.
Governance Activities
The Board of Directors has undertaken substantial efforts to
ensure the highest standards for corporate governance in its
operation and processes. The Board has adopted Corporate
Governance Guidelines that take into account recent rules
promulgated by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
and the SEC. Among other things, these guidelines specify that:
normally only the Chief Executive Officer should be an employee
director; |
a substantial majority of the members of the Board should be
independent directors; |
regularly scheduled executive sessions of the Board are held
without management present; |
Board members are expected to attend the Companys Annual
Meeting of Shareholders; and |
the performance and contributions of the Board and its
committees should be assessed annually. |
The Board has also adopted a Code of Business Conduct covering,
among other things, conflicts of interest, corporate
opportunities, confidentiality, protection and proper use of the
Companys assets, fair dealing, compliance with laws
(including insider trading laws), accuracy and reliability of
the Companys books and records, and reporting of illegal
or unethical behavior. This Code applies to all directors,
officers and other employees of the Company, including the
Companys principal executive officer, principal financial
officer and principal accounting officer. All members of the
Board and all officers of the Company have read and certified
their compliance with the Code without exception.
The Board has established other policies and procedures relating
to corporate governance matters that are described elsewhere in
this proxy statement, including its determination of the
independence of each of the Companys directors, its
determination as to which of the Audit Committee members
qualifies as an Audit Committee Financial Expert,
the basis on which the Nominating Committee will consider
director candidates, the process by which the Nominating
Committee identifies and evaluates nominees for director, and
the process by which shareholders may communicate directly with
the Board.
The Board and management believe that the foregoing measures
place the Company in compliance with current NYSE listing
standards, as well as with provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002 and the related rules of the SEC. Copies of the
Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines, Code of Business
Conduct and Board committee charters are available on the
Companys website at www.enproindustries.com.
Determinations with Respect to Independence of Directors
The Board of Directors made a determination as to the
independence of each of its members at its February 2005
meeting. The Board made these determinations based upon, among
other things, the definition of an independent
director set forth in the NYSE listing standards and the
categorical standards of independence set forth in the
Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines. Under those
guidelines, a director will be independent only if the director
has no material relationship with the Company (either as a
director or as a partner, shareholder or officer of an
organization that has a relationship with the Company). For
purposes of such determination, a director will not fail to be
deemed independent solely as a result of a
relationship between the Company or its subsidiaries, on the one
hand, and an organization with which the director is affiliated
by reason of being a director, partner, shareholder or officer
thereof, on the other, provided that (i) the relationship
is in the ordinary course of business of the Company and is on
substantially the same terms as those generally prevailing at
the time for comparable transactions with non-affiliated
persons, and (ii) with respect to a relationship involving
extensions of credit to the Company or its subsidiaries, the
extensions of credit have been made in compliance with all
applicable laws and no event of default has occurred with
respect thereto.
In addition, under the Companys Corporate Governance
Guidelines, the Board cannot conclude that a director is
independent if he or she falls into one of the following
the director is, or has been within the last three years, an
employee of the Company, or an immediate family member is, or
has been within the last three years, an executive officer of
the Company; |
the director has received more than $100,000 during any 12-month
period within the last three years in direct compensation from
the Company, other than director and committee fees and pension
or other forms of deferred compensation for prior service; |
the director or an immediate family member is a current partner
of the Companys auditor; the director is a current
employee of the Companys auditor; the director has an
immediate family member who is a current employee of the
Companys auditor and who participates in the firms
audit or tax compliance practice; or the director or an
immediate family member was within the last three years a
partner or employee of the Companys auditor and personally
worked on the Companys audit within that time; |
the director or an immediate family member is, or has been in
the past three years, part of an interlocking directorate in
which an executive officer of the Company serves on the
compensation committee of another company that concurrently
employs the director; |
the director is a current employee, or an immediate family
member is a current executive officer of a company that does
business with the Company and the sales by that company to the
Company or purchases by that company from the Company in any of
the last three fiscal years exceed the greater of $500,000 or 1%
of such other companys annual revenues; or |
the director or the directors spouse serves as an officer,
director or trustee of a charitable organization, and the
Companys discretionary charitable contributions to such
organization exceed the greater of $500,000 or 1% of the other
organizations annual revenues. |
To assist in the Boards determinations, each director
completed a questionnaire designed to identify any relationships
that could affect the directors independence. On the basis
of the questionnaires and the standards described above, the
Board determined that each of J. P. Bolduc, Peter C. Browning,
Joe T. Ford, Gordon D. Harnett, James H. Hance, Jr. and
William R. Holland is independent. The Board determined that
each of these individuals is independent because each satisfies
the categorical standards for independence set forth in the
Corporate Governance Guidelines, and because no relationship
with the Company was identified that in the view of the Board is
material. Mr. Schaubs role as Chief Executive Officer
automatically disqualifies him from being an independent
The Board made a further determination that each of the Audit
Committee, the Compensation Committee and the Nominating
Committee is composed entirely of independent directors under
the applicable NYSE listing standards.
Determination with Respect to Audit Committee Financial
The Board of Directors has determined that Mr. Hance is an
Audit Committee Financial Expert as that term is
defined in Item 401(h) of Regulation S-K. At a Board
meeting held on February 16, 2005, the Board determined
that Mr. Hance, through his education and experience as a
public accountant, his experience as a CPA, and his experience
as the principal financial officer of Bank of America
Corporation, has all of the following attributes:
an understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and
financial statements; |
the ability to assess the general application of such principles
in connection with the accounting for estimates, accruals and
reserves; |
experience in preparing, auditing, analyzing or evaluating
financial statements that present a breadth and level of
complexity of accounting issues that are generally comparable to
the breadth and complexity of issues that can reasonably be
expected to be raised by the Companys financial
statements, or experience actively supervising persons engaged
in such activities; |
an understanding of internal controls and procedures for
financial reporting; and |
an understanding of audit committee functions. |
Director Candidate Qualifications
When considering candidates for director, the Nominating
Committee takes into account a number of factors, including
whether the candidate is independent from management and the
Company, whether the candidate has relevant business experience,
the size and composition of the existing Board, and whether the
candidate has existing commitments to other businesses. In
addition, all candidates must meet the requirements set forth in
the Companys Corporate Governance Guidelines, which
include the following:
Candidates should possess broad training and experience at the
policy-making level in business, government, education,
technology or philanthropy. |
Candidates should possess expertise that is useful to the
Company and complementary to the background and experience of
other Board members, so that an optimum balance in Board
membership can be achieved and maintained. |
Candidates should be of the highest integrity, possess strength
of character and the mature judgment essential to effective
decision-making. |
Candidates should be willing to devote the required amount of
time to the work of the Board and one or more of its committees.
Candidates should be willing to serve on the Board over a period
of several years to allow for the development of sound knowledge
of the Company and its principal operations. |
Candidates should be without any significant conflict of
interest or legal impediment. |
Candidates must be between 18 and 70 years of age. |
The Nominating Committee will consider recommending for
nomination director candidates recommended by shareholders.
Shareholders wishing to suggest a candidate for director for
nomination by the Board should send a written statement to the
Companys Secretary at 5605 Carnegie Boulevard,
Suite 500, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28209 in accordance
with the timeline and procedures set forth in the Companys
bylaws for shareholders to nominate directors themselves. See
Shareholder Proposals for a description of the
requirements to be followed in submitting a candidate and the
content of the required statements.
Nomination Process
Before recommending a sitting director for re-election at the
Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee considers whether the
directors re-election would be consistent with the
criteria for board membership set forth in the Companys
Corporate Governance Guidelines and applicable rules and
requirements of the SEC and NYSE. This process includes a review
on behalf of the Nominating Committee of director questionnaires
that are completed by each director on an annual basis.
When seeking candidates for director, the Nominating Committee
may solicit suggestions from incumbent directors, management or
others. The Nominating Committee may also engage the services of
a third party to identify and evaluate candidates. After
conducting an initial evaluation of a candidate, the Nominating
Committee will interview that candidate if it believes the
candidate might be suitable to be a director. The Nominating
Committee may also ask the candidate to meet with management. If
the Nominating Committee concludes that a candidate would be a
valuable addition to the Board and that the candidate meets all
of the requirements for Board membership, it will recommend to
the full Board that candidates nomination for election.
Shareholder Communications with the Board
Shareholders can send communications to the Board anonymously
and confidentially by means of the EnTegrity Assistance Line.
Instructions for using the EnTegrity Assistance Line are set
forth on the Companys website at
www.enproindustries.com. The EnTegrity Assistance Line is
staffed by an independent third party with instructions that any
report addressed to the Board of Directors be forwarded
immediately to the chairman of the Audit Committee. Reports not
addressed to the Board of Directors are forwarded to the
Companys Director of Internal Audit, who reports directly
to the Audit Committee. The
Director of Internal Audit sends a summary of all reports of
alleged misconduct (financial or otherwise) and all other
concerns communicated through the EnTegrity Assistance Line
directly to the Audit Committee, and periodically updates the
Audit Committee regarding the investigation and resolution of
all incident reports.
Shareholders may also send written correspondence to the Board
c/o the Companys Secretary at 5605 Carnegie
Boulevard, Suite 500, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28209.
Depending on the subject matter, management will forward it to
the director or directors to whom it is addressed, attempt to
handle the inquiry directly (for example, where it is a request
for information about the Company or it is a stock-related
matter), or not forward the communication if it is primarily
commercial in nature or if it relates to an improper or
irrelevant topic. Communications not forwarded to the Board are
available for review by any director and are summarized for the
Board periodically.
In addition, security holders who attend the Companys
Annual Meeting of Shareholders will have an opportunity to
communicate directly with the Board.
Compensation of Directors
During 2004, each non-employee director received a retainer fee
of $58,000 for serving as a director. Of this annual retainer
fee, $20,000 was paid in phantom shares pursuant to the
Companys Outside Directors Phantom Share Plan and
the remaining $38,000 was paid in cash in quarterly
installments. Directors also received $1,500 for each board
meeting attended and $1,000 for each committee meeting attended,
with the exception of the Audit Committee where each member
received $2,000 for each Audit Committee meeting attended. Each
non-employee director who served as a committee chairman
received an additional $4,000. William R. Holland received an
additional monthly fee of $15,000 as compensation for his
services as non-executive chairman of the Board.
Under the Outside Directors Phantom Share Plan, each
non-employee director receives a grant of phantom shares equal
in value to $20,000 as part of the directors annual
retainer fee. The phantom shares are granted at the first
meeting of the Board of Directors each year, or, if earlier, the
date on which stock options are granted to the Companys
management. In 2004, each non-employee director received a grant
of 1,078 phantom shares, based on the value of the Common Stock
on February 10, 2004, which was $18.55 per share. Each
non-employee director receives annual grants from the year
following his or her election to the Board through the tenth
year of service as a director. When a director retires from the
Board, the Company will pay to the director, in cash, the fair
market value of all phantom shares credited to the director,
subject to applicable withholding taxes, in 12 monthly
If the shareholders approve Proposal 3
Approval of Amendment and Restatement of the Amended and
Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan, then all phantom
shares awarded to directors beginning in 2005 will be awarded
under that plan, and no further awards will be made under the
Outside Directors Phantom Share Plan. When a director
retires from the Board, these phantom shares will be paid out in
the form of one share of the Companys Common Stock for
each phantom share and the value of any fractional phantom
shares will be paid in cash.
Non-employee directors may also participate in our Deferred
Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors. Under this plan,
non-employee directors may elect to defer receipt of all or part
of the cash portion of the annual retainer fee and meeting fees.
Participants choose between two investment alternatives, a cash
account and a stock account. Beginning July 1, 2003,
deferred fees in a cash account are credited with an investment
return based on the directors selection from the same menu
of investment options available under our management
non-qualified deferred compensation plan. (Prior to
July 1, 2003, deferred amounts received an investment
return substantially equal to the ask yield of the most recent
auction of 10-year Treasury bonds.) Deferred fees in a stock
account are credited with stock units that each have a value on
a given date equal to the fair market value of one share of the
Companys Common Stock on such date. Deferred compensation
is payable upon retirement from the Board. The following
non-employee directors have deferred compensation under the
plan: Mr. Bolduc, 680 stock units; Mr. Browning,
$113,748; Mr. Ford, 2,366 stock units; and
Mr. Harnett, $108,649 and 2,366 stock units.
In order to motivate directors to attend all board committee
meetings, including committees on which a director does not
serve, to enhance director stock ownership and to simplify the
administration of director compensation, the following fee
structure became effective as of January 1, 2005: the cash
retainer remains at $38,000 annually; the stock retainer
increases from $20,000 to $25,000 annually; and the fee for all
board and committee meetings (including telephonic meetings)
decreases from $1,500 to $1,000 per meeting. Meeting fees
are paid to any non-employee director who attends a committee
meeting, even if the director does not serve on the committee.
Each non-employee director who serves as a committee chairman
continues to receive an additional $4,000 annually and the
non-executive chairman of the board continues to receive an
additional monthly fee of $15,000.
Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires
our directors and executive officers and persons who own more
than ten percent of our Common Stock to file reports of
ownership and changes in ownership with the SEC. To our
knowledge, all required reports for the 2004 fiscal year were
timely filed.
At a meeting held on February 15, 2005, the Audit Committee
reappointed PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Companys
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2005. The Board of Directors
concurs with this decision. If the shareholders do not ratify
this appointment, the Audit Committee will consider other
certified public accountants.
The Board recommends that you vote FOR the ratification
of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Companys independent
The Audit Committee oversees the quality and integrity of the
Companys financial reporting processes and its systems of
internal accounting controls. Management is responsible for
preparing the Companys financial statements and for
establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over
financial reporting. The independent accountants are responsible
for performing an independent audit of those financial
statements and for issuing an attestation report on
managements assessment of the Companys internal
control over financial reporting. The Audit Committee operates
under a written charter that has been adopted by the
Companys Board of Directors.
The Audit Committee has met and held discussions with management
and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC), the
Companys independent registered public accounting firm for
2004, regarding the Companys audited 2004 consolidated
financial statements and its internal control over financial
reporting. Management represented to the Audit Committee that
the Companys consolidated financial statements were
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles and that its internal control over financial
reporting was effective. The Audit Committee has reviewed and
discussed the consolidated financial statements and the
Companys system of internal control over financial
reporting with management and PwC.
The Audit Committee has discussed with PwC the matters required
to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61
(Codification of Statements on Accounting Standards), as
amended. In addition, the Audit Committee has received the
written disclosures and the letter from PwC relating to the
independence of that firm as required by Independence Standards
Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit
Committees), and has discussed with PwC that firms
independence from the Company.
The Audit Committee has also discussed with the Companys
internal auditors and PwC the overall scope and plans for their
respective audits. The Audit Committee meets with the internal
auditors and PwC, with and without management present, to
discuss the results of their examinations, the evaluations of the
Companys internal control over financial reporting, and
the overall quality of the Companys financial reporting.
In reliance upon the Audit Committees discussions with
management and PwC and the Audit Committees review of the
representation of management and the report of PwC to the Audit
Committee, the Audit Committee recommended that the Board of
Directors include the audited consolidated financial statements
in the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 2004 to be filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.
Audit and Risk Management Committee |
James H. Hance, Jr., Chairman |
Joe T. Ford |
Gordon D. Harnett |
February 15, 2005
Ernst & Young LLP (E&Y) served as our
independent auditor for the years ended December 31, 2003
and 2002. The Audit Committee appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP (PwC) to serve as our independent registered
public accounting firm for periods beginning on and after
January 1, 2004. We understand that representatives of PwC
will be present at the Annual Meeting. They will have the
opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so, and
will be available to respond to appropriate questions from
E&Ys report on the consolidated financial statements
of the Company for the years ended December 31, 2003 and
2002 did not contain an adverse opinion or a disclaimer of
opinion, and was not qualified or modified as to uncertainty,
audit scope, or accounting principles. In connection with the
audits of the consolidated financial statements of the Company
for the years ended December 31, 2003 and 2002, and during
any subsequent interim period, there were no disagreements
between us and E&Y on any matter of accounting principles or
practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or
procedure, which disagreements, if not resolved to
E&Ys satisfaction, would have caused E&Y to make a
reference to the subject matter of the disagreement in
connection with its reports. During the years ended
December 31, 2003 and 2002, and during any subsequent
interim period, there have been no reportable events, as defined
in Item 304(a)(l)(v) of Regulation S-K. During those
same periods, we did not consult with PWC regarding any of the
matters or events set forth in Item 304(a)(2)(i) and
(ii) of Regulation S-K.
The Audit Committee has a policy that outlines procedures
intended to ensure that it pre-approves all audit and non-audit
services provided to the Company by our independent auditors.
The policy provides for pre-approval of a budget that sets forth
the fees for all audit services to be performed during the
upcoming fiscal year. The policy also mandates pre-approval of
amounts for separate non-audit and tax compliance, planning and
advisory services, as well as proposed services exceeding
pre-approved cost levels. In addition, the policy allows the
Audit Committee to delegate pre-approval authority to one or
more of its members (except pre-approval authority for certain
internal control-related services). On an annual basis, the
Audit Committee reviews and pre-approves a dollar amount for
specific services that may be provided by our independent
auditors without requiring further approval from the Audit
Committee. A copy of the pre-approval policy is available on the
Companys website at www.enproindustries.com.
Before approving services to be performed by the independent
auditors, the Audit Committee considers whether the services to
be performed are consistent with the SECs rules on auditor
independence. The Audit Committee also considers whether the
independent auditors may be best positioned to provide the most
effective and efficient service, for reasons such as their
familiarity with the Companys business, people, culture,
accounting systems, risk profile and other factors, and whether
the service might enhance the
Companys ability to manage or control risk or improve
audit quality. All such factors are considered as a whole, and
no one factor is necessarily determinative.
Fees Paid to Independent Auditors
The following table sets forth the aggregate fees that PwC
billed us for fiscal year 2004 and that E&Y billed us for
fiscal year 2003:
2004 | |
2003 | |
| |
| |
Audit Fees(1)
$ |
1,833,000 |
$ |
1,306,200 |
Audit-Related Fees(2)
79,500 |
94,900 |
Tax Fees(3)
0 |
299,700 |
All Other Fees
0 |
0 |
$ |
1,912,500 |
$ |
1,700,800 |
(1) |
Audit fees consisted of audit work performed in the preparation
of financial statements, as well as work generally only the
independent auditor can reasonably be expected to provide, such
as statutory audits or accounting consultation. The increase in
audit fees during 2004 was due primarily to PwCs audit of
our internal control over financial reporting as required by
Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which added
$849,000 to the audit fees. |
(2) |
Audit-related fees consisted principally of services with
respect to the audits of benefit plans. |
(3) |
Tax fees consisted of fees for services related to tax
compliance and reporting and tax consulting. |
All audit, audit-related, and tax services performed by PwC
during 2004 and by E&Y during 2003 were approved in
accordance with our pre-approval policy.
The Board is submitting a proposal for approval by the
shareholders of a new amendment and restatement of our Amended
and Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan (as so amended and
restated, the Plan), which was originally amended
and restated in 2003. The proposed amendment and restatement
does not increase the number of shares already available under
the Plan. The purposes of this new amendment and restatement are:
To permit outside directors to receive awards of phantom stock
under the Plan; |
To permit the granting of stock appreciation rights, or SARs,
that will be settled in shares of Common Stock; and |
To make other changes required in order for the Plan to comply
with new IRS rules on non-qualified deferred compensation. |
The following general discussion of the Plan, including the
changes reflected in the proposed amendment and restatement, is
qualified by reference to the copy of the Plan that is attached
to this proxy statement as Appendix A. The Board approved
the Plan, subject to shareholder approval, at its February 2005
Changes Effected by the 2005 Amendment and Restatement
Phantom Stock Awards to Outside Directors |
The Board believes that providing outside directors some portion
of their annual directors compensation in the form of
equity is an important factor in aligning their long-term
interests with those of our shareholders. Accordingly, the Board
proposes to issue these directors phantom shares for which they
will receive shares of Common Stock under the Plan.
Prior to 2005, each outside director received an annual grant of
phantom shares equal in value to $20,000 under our Outside
Directors Phantom Share Plan. Upon retirement from the
Board, a director will receive cash equal to the fair market
value of all phantom shares awarded to the director under that
plan. If the shareholders approve this proposal, then all
phantom shares awarded to directors beginning in 2005 will be
awarded under the Plan and no further awards will be made under
the Outside Directors Phantom Share Plan.
Under the proposed amendment and restatement, each outside
director will receive an annual grant of phantom shares of
Common Stock equal in value to $25,000, based on the fair market
value of the Common Stock as of the grant date. The awards are
called phantom shares because the directors will not
receive actual shares of Common Stock, restricted or otherwise,
in connection with each annual grant. Instead, they will receive
only the right to receive the corresponding number of shares in
the future, when they retire from the Board, and the value of
this right will go up or down over time as and to the same
extent as our Common Stock appreciates or depreciates.
Each outside director will receive his or her first annual grant
of phantom shares in the year following his or her election to
the Board and will continue receiving annual grants for ten
years. In addition, each outside director first elected to the
Board after the effective date of this amendment and restatement
will receive upon election a one-time grant of phantom shares
equal in value to $30,000, based on the fair market value of our
Common Stock on the election date.
The Plan defines an outside director as any director
who is not and has not been within the previous 5 years an
employee of the Company or any of our subsidiaries. The members
of the Compensation Committee, which administers the Plan, will
all be outside directors and will be eligible to receive awards
under the Plan.
Phantom shares granted to outside directors will be fully vested
upon grant. Each time a dividend is declared and paid on our
Common Stock, each outside director will receive a number of
additional phantom shares equal to the aggregate amount of
dividends the director would receive if the directors
phantom shares were actual shares of Common Stock, divided by
the Common Stocks then current fair market value. These
dividend equivalent phantom shares will also be vested upon
When an outside director leaves the Board, we will issue to the
director one share of our Common Stock for each whole phantom
share awarded to the director under the Plan, plus cash for any
fractional phantom share based on the then current fair market
value of the Common Stock.
Stock-Settled Stock Appreciation Rights |
The Board also believes that the flexibility to grant SARs under
the Plan would be beneficial in light of their accounting
treatment, which under new accounting rules will be equivalent
to the treatment of stock options, and their slower rate of
dilution. Accordingly, the Board proposes to add to the Plan the
ability to grant SARs.
All SARs granted under the Plan must have an exercise price that
is not less than the fair market value of the Common Stock on
the date immediately preceding the date of grant. Upon exercise,
each SAR will be settled in shares of the Common Stock. This
means that upon the exercise of a SAR, the exercising
participant will receive shares of Common Stock equal in value
to the excess of the fair market value of the Common Stock on
the date of exercise over the exercise price of the SAR. The
Compensation Committee will have the discretion to set other
terms and conditions of SARs granted under the Plan.
Amendments Resulting from New Deferred Compensation
Rules |
Under a new federal law enacted in 2004, plans and arrangements
for the deferral of certain types of compensation payable to an
entitys directors, employees and independent contractors
must adhere to specified rules in order for the recipients to
avoid burdensome tax requirements. The additional changes to the
Plan reflected in the proposed amendment and restatement are
intended to bring it into compliance with the new deferred
compensation rules.
In general, these changes limit the amount of discretion the
Compensation Committee can exercise under the Plan:
Awards granted under the Plan to employees in units or phantom
stock, the value of which is based in whole or in part on the
value of the Common Stock, must comply with the new rules to the
extent the new rules apply; |
The Compensation Committee will no longer have the ability to
permit the further deferral of awards under the Plan, or to
permit participants to receive or accrue dividends and other
distributions with respect to outstanding awards, in each case
except in accordance with the new rules to the extent they apply; |
The Committees discretion with respect to the effect on
outstanding awards of a participants termination of
employment, leave of absence or other change in employment
status may only be exercised in accordance with the new rules,
to the extent they apply; and |
In the event of a change in control, all options will still vest
immediately, but the Committees discretion to make other
changes with respect to outstanding awards under the Plan may
only be exercised in accordance with the new rules, to the
extent they apply. |
Other General Provisions of the Plan
Awards under the Plan may be made to any salaried, full-time
employee of the Company or any of its majority-owned
subsidiaries. Ninety full-time employees, including all of our
executive officers, received awards under the Plan in 2004. In
addition, as described above, if our shareholders approve the
amendment and restatement, phantom shares will be awarded to our
outside directors. We currently have six outside directors on
the Board.
The Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee. The
Compensation Committee is comprised of three directors who the
Board has determined are independent directors, as
that term is defined by the listing standards of the New York
Stock Exchange. The Committee has full power and authority to
interpret and administer the Plan, and its decisions and
interpretations are conclusive and binding.
The Committee may delegate to senior officers the authority to
make awards with respect to not more than 10% of the shares
authorized under the Plan, except that only the Committee may
make awards to Plan participants who are subject to
Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act.
A maximum of 3,600,000 shares of Common Stock are
authorized for delivery under the Plan. As of March 15,
2005, 1,715,333 shares have been issued under the Plan and
1,543,177 shares remain available for delivery. The maximum
number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued as incentive
stock options is 1,000,000; the maximum number of shares of
Common Stock that may be issued as restricted awards is 150,000;
and the maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be
issued as performance share awards and other awards is
1,000,000. No individual may receive awards for more than
500,000 shares in any calendar year.
For purposes of calculating the number of shares of Common Stock
available for delivery, the following rules apply:
The grant of a performance share award or other unit or phantom
share award is deemed to be equal to the maximum number of
shares of Common Stock issuable under the award; |
If the value of an award is variable on the date it is granted,
the value is deemed to be the maximum possible under the award; |
If a participant pays the exercise price of any stock option
granted under the Plan by tendering shares of Common Stock to
the Company, only the number of shares issued net of the number
tendered is deemed delivered; and |
Any shares of Common Stock that are not issued or are returned
to the Company, for example because awards have been forfeited,
expired, canceled, or withheld to satisfy tax withholding
obligations, are again available for awards under the Plan. |
Under the Plan, the Compensation Committee may grant options to
purchase Common Stock at not less than fair market value on the
date immediately preceding the date of grant. For purposes of
the Plan, the fair market value of a share of Common
Stock is the mean of the high and low prices as of
4:00 p.m. (New York, New York Time), as reported on the New
York Stock Exchange. These options may or may not qualify as
incentive stock options under the Internal Revenue Code. The
federal income tax treatment of incentive stock options is
generally more favorable to optionees than the treatment
accorded other options. At the same time, it is less favorable
to the Company because the Company generally will not receive a
tax deduction with respect to these options. (See
Federal Income Tax Treatment below.)
Under current law, the maximum amount of incentive stock options
that may be granted to an individual that are exercisable for
the first time during any calendar year may not exceed $100,000
in aggregate fair market value.
The Plan provides that, subject to certain limitations with
respect to the price and term of stock options and rights upon
termination of employment, discussed below, the Compensation
Committee will have the authority in its discretion to specify
all other terms and conditions relating to options granted under
the Plan. The Compensation Committee may, in its discretion,
grant options to the officers and other salaried, full-time
employees of the Company or its subsidiaries (including
directors who are also officers or employees, but not
non-employee directors). The Compensation Committee may also
determine at the time of the grant the term of each option,
which may not exceed seven years from the date of grant, and may
permit payment upon exercise to be made in Common Stock owned by
the optionee, valued at the fair market value on the date of
exercise, or other acceptable form of consideration equal in
value to the option price.
The Compensation Committee may award performance shares under
the Plan that are contingent upon the attainment of performance
objectives. The Plan provides that the criteria for which
performance objectives may be set are net income, pre-tax
income, consolidated operating income, segment operating income,
return on equity, operating income return on net capital
employed, return on assets, cash flow (with or without regard to
asbestos), working capital, share appreciation, total
shareholder return, total business return (calculated utilizing
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
and cash flow) and earnings per share of common stock.
Performance share awards can be made in the form of phantom
shares or Common Stock, as the Compensation Committee determines.
The Compensation Committee may award restricted shares under the
Plan, subject to conditions, if any, established by the
Compensation Committee. These conditions may include continued
service with the Company or its subsidiaries. The Plan provides
that restricted share awards that are conditioned upon continued
employment should generally require continued employment for a
minimum period of three years following the award.
Other Awards to Employees |
The Plan permits the Compensation Committee to make other types
of awards to employees, the value of which are based in whole or
in part on the value of Common Stock, in lieu of making such
awards in Common Stock. These potential awards include stock
units, phantom shares and SARs. The Compensation Committee may
provide for these awards to be paid in cash, in Common Stock, or
in a combination of both cash and
Common Stock (except that SARs may be paid only in Common
Stock), and may establish the other terms and conditions of
these awards.
No awards may be granted under the Plan after May 22, 2012.
The Compensation Committee has discretion to make any provisions
it deems appropriate regarding the effect a participants
termination of employment will have on the participants
outstanding awards under the Plan, and to make such rules and
determinations as it deems appropriate in connection with a
participants leave of absence or other change in
employment status.
The Compensation Committee may require that any federal, state
or local withholding tax requirements be satisfied by
withholding shares of Common Stock.
Options and other awards granted under the Plan will not be
transferable other than by will or the laws of descent and
distribution, or as the Compensation Committee approves.
The Plan does not permit repricing of stock options
except in the case of a change in corporate capitalization. If
there is a change in the Companys capitalization, such as
a stock split, merger or spin-off, the Compensation Committee
may adjust the number, kind and option price of shares subject
to outstanding options and stock appreciation rights and the
number and kind of shares subject to other awards, or may make
other appropriate adjustments or substitutions, in each case to
preserve to the participants the value of outstanding awards.
In the event of a change in control of the Company, all stock
options will become immediately exercisable, and will remain
exercisable for two years (or, if sooner, until such time as the
options expire by their terms). In addition, the Compensation
Committee may make such other provisions with respect to
outstanding Plan awards as it deems appropriate. A change
in control generally is deemed to have occurred if:
any person, entity or group becomes the beneficial owner of 20%
or more of either the Common Stock or the combined voting power
of our outstanding securities (subject to certain exceptions); |
there has been a change in the majority of the Companys
directors that has not otherwise been approved by the directors; |
a corporate reorganization occurs where our existing
shareholders do not retain more than 70% of the outstanding
common stock and combined voting power of the surviving entity
in substantially the same proportions as their prior
ownership; or |
the Company is liquidated or dissolved, or substantially all of
its assets are sold (other than to a company more than 70% of
the outstanding common stock and combined voting power of which
is held by the shareholders of the Company, in substantially the
same proportions as their holdings of Company securities prior
to the sale). |
The Board may amend the Plan in its discretion, except that no
amendment that increases the number of shares of stock subject
to the Plan may be made without the approval of our
shareholders. In addition, no amendment may adversely affect any
rights or obligations with respect to awards previously made
unless the action is taken in order to comply with applicable
law, stock exchange rules or accounting rules.
Federal Income Tax Treatment |
The following is a general summary of the current federal income
tax consequences of the granting and exercise of stock options
and of awards of Common Stock (including both performance shares
and restricted stock), phantom stock, stock units and SARs under
the Plan. It does not attempt to describe all possible federal
or other tax consequences of participation in the Plan.
Furthermore, the tax consequences of awards
made under the Plan are complex and subject to change, and some
variation of the described rules may be applicable to any
particular participants tax situation. The summary assumes
in each case that there will no violation of the new deferred
compensation rules mentioned above, which would subject the
affected participants to immediate taxation and penalties on
unvested awards.
Incentive Stock Options. An employee who is granted an
incentive stock option under the Plan will not be subject to
federal income tax upon the grant or exercise of the option.
However, upon the exercise of an incentive stock option, the
difference between the exercise price for the option and its
fair market value on the date of exercise, which is commonly
referred to as the spread, is a tax preference item that must be
taken into account in determining the employees
alternative minimum tax. If the employee disposes of the shares
in the same year the option was exercised, there are no
alternative minimum tax implications. Generally, the employee
can recover any alternative minimum tax liability paid as a
credit against ordinary income taxes owed in future years.
In the event of a sale of the shares received upon exercise of
an incentive stock option after two years from the date of grant
and one year after the date of exercise (which we refer to as
the Holding Period), any appreciation of the shares
received above the exercise price should be a capital gain. The
current tax rate applicable to long-term capital gains is
20 percent. If the shares acquired are held for more than
five years, however, the long-term capital gains rate drops to
The Company will not be entitled to a tax deduction with respect
to the grant or exercise of an incentive stock option, or with
respect to any disposition of such shares after the Holding
Period. However, if shares acquired pursuant to the exercise of
an incentive stock option are sold by the employee before the
end of the Holding Period, any gain on the sale will be ordinary
income for the taxable year in which the sale occurs. Income
will be realized only to the extent the amount received upon
sale exceeds the employees adjusted basis for the stock.
The Company will be entitled to a tax deduction in the amount of
the ordinary income realized by the employee.
Non-incentive Stock Options. An employee who is granted a
stock option under the Plan that is not an incentive stock
option will not be subject to federal income tax upon the grant
of the option and the Company will not be entitled to a tax
deduction by reason of such grant. Upon exercise of a
non-incentive stock option, the spread or excess of the fair
market value of the shares on the exercise date over the option
price, will be considered compensation taxable as ordinary
income to the employee. Because it is treated as compensation,
the spread is subject to withholding of applicable payroll
taxes. The Company may claim a tax deduction in the amount of
the taxable compensation realized by the employee.
Common Stock Awards. Common Stock awards made without
restrictions are subject to federal tax to the recipient and are
deductible to the Company. Stock awards with restrictions
(including both performance shares and restricted stock) will
not be subject to federal tax upon grant and the Company will
not be entitled to a tax deduction upon grant. When the
restrictions lapse, the fair market value of shares free of
restrictions will be considered compensation taxable as ordinary
income to the employee and the Company may claim a tax deduction
at the same time in the same amount.
Phantom Stock, Stock Unit Awards and SARs. A director or
employee who is granted a phantom share, stock unit or SAR award
under the Plan will not be subject to federal tax upon the grant
of the award and the Company will not be entitled to a tax
deduction by reason of such grant. However, when Common Stock or
cash is delivered to the participant pursuant to such an award,
the participant will recognize ordinary income equal to the fair
market value of the shares or cash delivered under the award,
and the Company may claim a tax deduction at the same time in
the same amount.
Vote Required
The proposed amendment and restatement of the Amended and
Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan will be approved if more
votes are cast for approval than are cast
against it at the Annual Meeting, so long as the
number of votes cast represents greater than 50% of the number
of all shares entitled to vote on the
proposal. Abstentions and broker non-votes will not be cast
for or against approval of the Plan and
therefore may have a negative effect on the vote.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR
approval of the amendment and restatement of our Amended and
Restated 2002 Equity Compensation Plan.
The Board knows of no other matters that may properly be
presented to the meeting, but if other matters do properly come
before the meeting, it is intended that the persons named in the
proxy will vote according to their best judgment.
Under our bylaws, any shareholder entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders may nominate a person for election to
our Board of Directors or bring other business before the
meeting if the shareholder provides written notice to, and such
notice is received by, the Secretary of the Company generally
not less than 90 nor more than 120 days prior to the first
anniversary of the preceding years annual meeting. If the
date of the meeting is moved up by more than 30 days or
delayed by more than 60 days from the anniversary date,
however, notice is timely provided if it is delivered not
earlier than the 120th day prior to the date of the meeting and
not later than the close of business on the 90th day prior to
the meeting, or the tenth day after the day on which the meeting
is first publicly announced, whichever is later.
In accordance with the Companys bylaws, if any shareholder
wished to make a nomination to the Board or bring other business
before this meeting, the notice must have been received between
January 6, 2005 and February 5, 2005.
We have not been timely notified of any additional business to
be presented at this meeting. This notice requirement applies to
matters being brought before the meeting for a vote.
Shareholders may ask appropriate questions at the meeting
without having to comply with the notice provisions.
Any shareholder who intends to present a proposal for
consideration at our 2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders must
ensure that the proposal is received by the Secretary of the
Company not later than February 9, 2006 (unless we move the
meeting up by more than 30 days or delay it by more than
60 days from May 10, 2006). Each notice must
a brief description of each proposed matter of business and the
reasons for conducting such business at the annual meeting; |
the name and address of the shareholder proposing such business
as well as any other shareholders believed to be supporting such
proposal; |
the number of shares of each class of the Company stock owned by
such shareholders; and |
any material interest of such shareholders in such proposal. |
If the notice contains a nomination to the Board of Directors,
it must also contain the following information:
The name and address of the person or persons to be nominated; |
A representation that the shareholder intends to appear in
person or by proxy at the meeting to nominate the person or
persons specified in the notice; |
a description of all arrangements or understandings to make the
nomination between the shareholder and each nominee and any
other person or persons (naming such person or persons); |
all other information regarding each nominee that would be
required to be included in a proxy statement if the nominee had
been nominated by the Board; and |
the written consent of each nominee to serve as a director if
elected. |
In addition, any shareholder proposal intended to be included in
the Companys proxy statement for the 2006 Annual Meeting
of Shareholders must be received at the Companys offices
at 5605 Carnegie Boulevard, Suite 500, Charlotte, North
Carolina 28209, Attention: Secretary, on or before
November 29, 2005. Applicable rules of the SEC govern the
submission of shareholder proposals and the Companys
consideration of them for inclusion in the proxy statement and
form of proxy for the 2006 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
We suggest that notice of all shareholder proposals be sent by
certified mail, return receipt requested.
By Order of the Board of Directors |
Richard L. Magee |
Secretary |
Dated March 29, 2005
1. Purpose. The purpose of this Plan is to promote
the interests of the shareholders by providing stock-based
incentives to selected employees and non-management directors to
align their interests with shareholders and to motivate them to
put forth maximum efforts toward the continued growth,
profitability and success of EnPro Industries, Inc. (the
Company). In furtherance of this objective, stock
options, performance shares, restricted shares, phantom shares,
common stock of the Company (Common Stock), and/or
other incentive awards may be granted to selected employees in
accordance with the provisions of this Plan.
This amendment and restatement of the Plan also provides for
awards to members of the Board of Directors of the Company and
any subsidiary corporation of which more than 50% of the voting
stock is owned by the Company, excluding directors who are
employees or former employees of the Company or its subsidiaries
within five years after their termination of employment
(Outside Directors). The awards to Outside Directors
are in the form of phantom shares to be settled in shares of
Common Stock. The awards of phantom shares to Outside Directors
under this amendment and restatement of the Plan replace awards
that would have otherwise been granted under the EnPro
Industries, Inc. Outside Directors Phantom Shares Plan
(the Phantom Shares Plan), and upon this amendment
and restatement of the Plan becoming effective, no further
awards shall be made under the Phantom Shares Plan (although any
outstanding awards under the Phantom Shares Plan shall continue
to be administered and paid in accordance with, and subject to,
the terms and conditions of the Phantom Shares Plan).
This amendment and restatement of the Plan is subject to the
approval of the shareholders of the Company, and shall be
effective as of the date on which it is approved by the
shareholders of the Company.
2. Administration. This Plan is to be administered
by the Compensation and Human Resources Committee or any
successor committee (the Committee) of the Board of
Directors of the Company (the Board). The Committee
shall consist of at least three members who shall qualify as
independent directors, as that term is defined under
the listing standards of any national securities exchange or
securities market on which the Common Stock is then listed or
traded. The Committee shall have full power and authority to
construe, interpret and administer this Plan. All decisions,
actions or interpretations of the Committee shall be final,
conclusive and binding on all parties.
The Committee may delegate to the Chief Executive Officer and to
other senior officers of the Company the authority to make
awards under this Plan with respect to not more than ten percent
of the shares authorized under this Plan, pursuant to such
conditions and limitations as the Committee may establish,
except that only the Committee may make awards to participants
who are subject to Section 16 of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act).
3. Shares Available For This Plan. Subject to
Section 17 hereof, the maximum number of shares of Common
Stock that shall be available for delivery pursuant to the
provisions of this Plan shall be equal to 3,600,000 shares
of Common Stock.
For purposes of calculating the number of shares of Common Stock
available for delivery under this Plan, (i) the grant of a
Performance Share Award (as defined in Section 8) or other
unit or phantom share award shall be deemed to be equal to the
maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may be issued
under the award and (ii) where the value of an award is
variable on the date it is granted, the value shall be deemed to
be the maximum limitation of the award. Awards payable solely in
cash will not reduce the number of shares of Common Stock
available for awards granted under this Plan.
If the exercise price of any stock option granted under this
Plan is satisfied by tendering shares of Common Stock to the
Company (by either actual delivery or by attestation), only the
number of shares of
Common Stock issued net of the shares of Common Stock tendered
shall be deemed delivered for purposes of determining the
maximum number of shares of Common Stock available for delivery
under this Plan.
Any shares awarded under this Plan that are not issued or
otherwise are returned to the Company, whether because awards
have been forfeited, lapsed, expired, been canceled, withheld to
satisfy withholding tax obligations or otherwise, shall again be
available for other awards under this Plan.
4. Limitation on Awards. Subject to Section 17
hereof, (a) no individual employee may receive awards under
this Plan with respect to more than 500,000 shares in any
calendar year, (b) the maximum number of shares of Common
Stock that may be issued pursuant to options designated as
Incentive Stock Options (as defined in Section 7) shall be
1,000,000 shares, (c) the maximum number of shares of
Common Stock that may be issued pursuant to Performance Share
Awards (as defined in Section 8) and Other Awards (as
defined in Section 11) shall be 1,000,000 shares, and
(d) the maximum number of shares of Common Stock that may
be issued pursuant to Restricted Share Awards (as defined in
Section 10) shall be 150,000 shares.
5. Term. No awards may be granted under this Plan
after May 22, 2012.
6. Eligibility. Awards under this Plan may be made
to any salaried, full-time employee of the Company or any
subsidiary corporation of which more than 50% of the voting
stock is owned by the Company, and to Outside Directors, as
provided in Section 12. Except as provided in
Section 12, directors who are not full-time employees are
not eligible to participate.
7. Stock Options. The Committee may, in its
discretion, from time to time grant to eligible employees
options to purchase Common Stock, at a price not less than 100%
of the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date
immediately preceding the date of grant (the option
price), subject to the conditions set forth in this Plan.
Notwithstanding Section 28 hereof, in no event may the
Committee reduce the option price of any stock option grant
after it is made, except in connection with a Corporate
Reorganization (as defined in Section 17), nor may the
Committee agree to exchange a new lower priced option for an
outstanding higher priced option.
The Committee, at the time of granting to any employee an option
to purchase shares under this Plan, shall fix the terms and
conditions upon which such option may be exercised, and may
designate options as incentive stock options (Incentive
Stock Options) pursuant to Section 422 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Internal
Revenue Code) or any other statutory stock option that may
be permitted under the Internal Revenue Code from time to time,
provided, however that (i) the date on which such options
shall expire, if not exercised, may not be later than ten years
after the date of grant of the option, (ii) the terms and
conditions of Incentive Stock Options must be in accordance with
the qualification requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and
(iii) the provisions of any other statutory stock option
permitted under the Internal Revenue Code must be consistent
with applicable Internal Revenue Code requirements.
Within the foregoing limitations, the Committee shall have the
authority in its discretion to specify all other terms and
conditions relating to stock options, including but not limited
to provisions for the exercise of options in installments, the
time limits during which options may be exercised, and in lieu
of payment in cash, the exercise in whole or in part of options
by tendering Common Stock owned by the employee, valued at the
fair market value on the date of exercise or other acceptable
forms of consideration equal in value to the option price. The
Committee may, in its discretion, issue rules or conditions with
respect to utilization of Common Stock for all or part of the
option price, including limitations on the pyramiding of shares.
8. Performance Share Awards. The Committee may make
awards (Performance Share Awards) in Common Stock or
phantom shares subject to conditions established by the
Committee that may include attainment of specific Performance
Objectives (as defined below). Performance Share Awards may
include the awarding of additional shares upon attainment of the
specified Performance Objectives. Any Restricted Share Award
which is conditioned upon attainment of specific Performance
Objectives shall have a minimum performance period of one year,
except in the case of death, disability or retirement and except
as otherwise provided pursuant to Section 26.
9. Performance Objectives. Performance objectives
that may be used under this Plan include Net Income, Pretax
Income, Consolidated Operating Income, Segment Operating Income,
Return on Equity, Operating Income Return on Net Capital
Employed, Return on Assets, Cash Flow (with or without regard to
asbestos), Working Capital, Share Appreciation, Total
Shareholder Return, Total Business Return (calculated utilizing
Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization
and cash flow) and Earnings Per Share of Common Stock of the
Company (the Performance Objectives).
10. Restricted Shares. The Committee may make awards
in Common Stock subject to conditions, if any, established by
the Committee which may include continued service with the
Company or its subsidiaries (Restricted Share
Awards). Any Restricted Share Award which is conditioned
upon continued employment shall be conditioned upon continued
employment for a minimum period of three years following the
award, except in the case of death, disability or retirement and
except as otherwise provided pursuant to Section 26.
11. Other Awards. The Committee may make awards to
employees authorized under this Plan in units, phantom shares or
stock appreciation rights, the value of which is based, in whole
or in part, on the value of Common Stock, in lieu of making such
awards in Common Stock (Other Awards). The Committee
may provide for Other Awards to be paid in cash, in Common
Stock, or in a combination of both cash and Common Stock, and
may establish such other terms and conditions as in its
discretion it deems appropriate, provided that (i) each
stock appreciation right must have an exercise price at least
equal to the fair market value of a share of Common Stock on the
date preceding the date of grant, (ii) each stock
appreciation right may be settled only in Common Stock, and
(iii) no such terms and conditions may cause this Plan or
any Other Award to fail to meet the requirements of Internal
Revenue Code § 409A(a)(2), (3) or (4) or to
violate § 409A(b).
12. Awards of Phantom Shares to Outside Directors.
(a) Annual Awards. Outside Directors shall receive
an annual grant of phantom shares on each Grant Date
(as defined below) equal in value to $25,000 (based on the fair
market value of the Companys Common Stock as of the date
immediately preceding the applicable Grant Date). Such grants
shall take place at the first meeting of the Board of Directors
each year or, if earlier, the date in each year when stock
options or Performance Share Awards are granted to the
Companys management (the Grant Date). Outside
Directors shall receive annual grants commencing in the year
following their election to the Board and continue through their
tenth year of service as a Director. For Outside Directors first
elected to the Board of Directors following the effective date
of this amended and restated Plan, such Outside Directors shall
also receive upon their initial election to the Board of
Directors a one-time grant of Phantom Shares equal in value to
$30,000 (based on the fair market value of the Companys
Common Stock as of such date of initial election to the Board of
(b) Dividend Equivalents on Awards. Dividend
equivalents will be accrued on all phantom shares granted under
this Section 12. Upon the payment date of each dividend
declared on the Companys Common Stock, that number of
additional phantom shares will be credited to each Outside
Directors award which has an equivalent fair market value
to the aggregate amount of dividends which would be paid if the
number of the Outside Directors phantom shares were actual
shares of the Common Stock. Dividend equivalents shall be vested
at the time the dividend is paid.
(c) Vesting. Phantom shares granted under this
Section 12 shall be fully vested upon granting.
(d) Payment. Upon termination of service of an
Outside Director as a member of the Board of Directors (the
termination date), the Company shall pay to the
Outside Director all Phantom Shares credited to the Outside
Director on the termination date in the form of one share of
Common Stock for each whole phantom share, with cash for any
fractional phantom share based on the fair market value of the
Common Stock on the applicable date. The shares of Common Stock
shall be paid and delivered as soon as administratively
practicable after the termination date.
13. Deferred Awards. The Committee may permit
recipients of awards to elect to defer receipt of such awards,
either in cash or in Common Stock, under such terms and
conditions that the Committee may
prescribe; provided, however, that the Committee may permit
recipients to elect to defer receipt of awards hereunder only to
the extent that such deferral would not cause this Plan or such
awards to fail to meet the requirements of Internal Revenue Code
§ 409A(a)(2), (3) or (4), to the extent
applicable. The Committee may authorize the Company to establish
various trusts or make other arrangements, in each case located
in the United States, with respect to any deferred awards,
provided that no such trust or arrangement may provide for
assets to become restricted to the provision of deferred awards
in connection with a change in the financial health of the
Company or any of its subsidiaries.
14. Fair Market Value. For all purposes of this Plan
the fair market value of a share of Common Stock shall be the
mean of the high and low prices of Common Stock on the relevant
date (as of 4:00 P.M. New York, New York Time) as reported
on the New York Stock Exchange Composite
Transactions listing (or similar report), or, if no sale was
made on such date, then on the next preceding day on which such
a sale was made.
15. Termination of Employment. The Committee may
make such provisions as it, in its sole discretion, may deem
appropriate with respect to the effect, if any, the termination
of employment will have on any grants or awards under this Plan;
provided, however, that no such provisions may cause this Plan
or any grants or awards hereunder to fail to meet the
requirements of Internal Revenue Code § 409A(a)(2),
(3) or (4) or to violate § 409A(b), to the
extent applicable.
16. Assignability. Options and other awards granted
under this Plan shall not be transferable by the grantee other
than by will or the laws of descent and distribution or by such
other means as the Committee may approve from time to time.
17. Corporate Reorganization. In the event of any
change in corporate capitalization (including, but not limited
to, a change in the number of shares of Common Stock
outstanding), such as a stock split or a corporate transaction,
such as any merger, consolidation, separation, including a
spin-off, or other distribution of stock or property of the
Company, any reorganization (whether or not such reorganization
comes within the definition of such term in Section 368 of
the Internal Revenue Code) or any partial or complete
liquidation of the Company (a Corporate
Reorganization), the Committee or the Board may make such
substitution or adjustments in the aggregate number and kind of
shares reserved for issuance under this Plan, and the maximum
limitation on the number of awards that may be granted to any
participant, in the number, kind and option price of shares
subject to outstanding stock options or in the number and kind
of shares subject to other outstanding awards granted under this
Plan, and/or such other equitable substitution or adjustments as
it may determine to be appropriate in its sole discretion, for
the purpose of preserving to the participants the value of
grants or awards previously made under this Plan; provided,
however, that the number of shares subject to any award shall
always be a whole number.
18. Committees Determination. The
Committees determinations under this Plan including
without limitation, determinations of the employees to receive
awards or grants, the form, amount and timing of such awards or
grants, the terms and provisions of such awards or grants and
the agreements evidencing same, and the establishment of
Performance Objectives need not be uniform and may be made by
the Committee selectively among employees who receive, or are
eligible to receive awards or grants under this Plan whether or
not such employees are similarly situated. The Committee may,
with the consent of the participant, modify any determination it
previously made.
19. Leave of Absence or Other Change in Employment
Status. The Committee shall be entitled to determine whether
any leave of absence taken by an employee or other change in
employment status, such as a change from full time employment to
a consulting relationship, shall constitute a termination of
employment within the meaning of this Plan and shall further be
entitled to make such rules, regulations and determinations as
it deems appropriate under this Plan in respect of any such
leave of absence or other change in employment status relative
to any grant or award. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such
determination, rule or regulation by the Committee may cause
this Plan or any grant or award hereunder to fail to meet the
requirements of Internal Revenue Code §409A(a)(2),
(3) or (4) or to violate §409A(b), to the extent
20. Withholding Taxes. The Committee or its designee
shall have the right to determine the amount of any Federal,
state or local required withholding tax, and may require that
any such required withholding tax be satisfied by withholding
shares of Common Stock or other amounts which would otherwise be
payable under this Plan.
21. Retention of Shares. If shares of Common Stock
are awarded subject to attainment of Performance Objectives,
continued service with the Company or other conditions, the
shares may be registered in the employees names when
initially awarded, but possession of certificates for the shares
shall be retained by the Secretary of the Company for the
benefit of the employees, or shares may be registered in book
entry form only, in both cases subject to the terms of this Plan
and the conditions of the particular awards.
22. Dividends and Voting. Subject to
Section 12(b), the Committee may permit each participant to
receive or accrue dividends and other distributions made with
respect to awards under this Plan under such terms and
conditions as in its discretion it deems appropriate, provided
that such receipt or accrual does not cause this Plan or any
award hereunder to fail to meet the requirements of Internal
Revenue Code § 409A(a)(2), (3) or (4), to the
extent applicable. With respect to shares actually issued, the
Committee under such terms and conditions as in its discretion
it deems appropriate, may permit the participant to vote or
execute proxies with respect to such registered shares.
23. Forfeiture of Awards. Any awards or parts
thereof made under this Plan which are subject to Performance
Objectives or other conditions which are not satisfied, shall be
24. Continued Employment. Nothing in this Plan or in
any agreement entered into pursuant to this Plan shall confer
upon any employee the right to continue in the employment of the
Company or affect any right which the Company may have to
terminate the employment of such employee.
25. Change in Control. For purposes of this Plan, a
Change in Control shall mean:
(i) The acquisition by any individual, entity or group
(within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the
Exchange Act), of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of
Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of 20% or
more of either (A) the then outstanding shares of Common
Stock (the Outstanding Company Common Stock) or
(B) the combined voting power of the then outstanding
voting securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in
the election of directors (the Outstanding Company Voting
Securities); provided, however, that the following
acquisitions shall not constitute a Change in Control:
(A) any acquisition directly from the Company (other than
by exercise of a conversion privilege), (B) any acquisition
by the Company or any of its subsidiaries, (C) any
acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust)
sponsored or maintained by the Company or any of its
subsidiaries or (D) any acquisition by any company with
respect to which, following such acquisition, more than 70% of,
respectively, the then outstanding shares of common stock of
such company and the combined voting power of the then
outstanding voting securities of such company entitled to vote
generally in the election of directors is then beneficially
owned, directly or indirectly, by all or substantially all of
the individuals and entities who were the beneficial owners,
respectively, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and
Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such
acquisition in substantially the same proportions as their
ownership, solely in their capacity as shareholders of the
Company, immediately prior to such acquisition, of the
Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting
Securities, as the case may be; or |
(ii) individuals who, as of the Effective Date, constitute
the Board (the Incumbent Board), cease for any
reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided,
however, that any individual becoming a director subsequent to
the Effective Date whose election, or nomination for election by
the Companys shareholders, was approved by a vote of at
least a majority of the directors then comprising the Incumbent
Board shall be considered as though such individual were a
member of the Incumbent Board, but excluding, for this purpose,
any such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as
a result of either an actual or threatened election
contest; or |
(iii) consummation of a reorganization, merger or
consolidation, in each case, with respect to which all or
substantially all of the individuals and entities who were the
beneficial owners, respectively, of the |
Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting
Securities immediately prior to such reorganization, merger or
consolidation, do not, following such reorganization, merger or
consolidation, beneficially own, directly or indirectly, solely
in their capacity as shareholders of the Company, more than 70%
of, respectively, the then outstanding shares of common stock
and the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting
securities entitled to vote generally in the election of
directors, as the case may be, of the company resulting from
such reorganization, merger or consolidation in substantially
the same proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to
such reorganization, merger or consolidation of the Outstanding
Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities,
as the case may be; or |
(iv) consummation of (A) a complete liquidation or
dissolution of the Company or (B) a sale or other
disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Company, other than to a company, with respect to which
following such sale or other disposition, more than 70% of,
respectively, the then outstanding shares of common stock of
such company and the combined voting power of the then
outstanding voting securities of such company to vote generally
in the election of directors is then beneficially owned,
directly or indirectly, by all or substantially all of the
individuals and entities, solely in their capacity as
shareholders of the Company, who were the beneficial owners,
respectively, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and
Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such
sale or other disposition in substantially the same proportion
as their ownership, immediately prior to such sale or other
disposition, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and
Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case may be. |
26. Effect of Change in Control. In the event of a
Change in Control, options that are not then exercisable shall
become immediately exercisable, and, notwithstanding any other
provisions of this Plan or any award agreement, shall remain
exercisable for no less than the shorter of (i) two years
or (ii) the remainder of the full term of the option. The
Committee may make such provision with respect to other awards
under this Plan as it deems appropriate in its discretion,
provided that no such provision may cause this Plan or any award
hereunder to fail to meet the requirements of Internal Revenue
Code § 409A(a)(2), (3) or (4) or to violate
§ 409A(b), to the extent applicable.
27. Compliance with Laws and Regulations.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Plan, the issuance
or delivery of any shares may be postponed for such period as
may be required to comply with any applicable requirements of
any national securities exchange or any requirements under any
other law or regulation applicable to the issuance or delivery
of such shares, and the Company shall not be obligated to issue
or deliver any such shares if the issuance or delivery thereof
shall constitute a violation of any provision of any law or any
regulation of any governmental authority, whether foreign or
domestic, or any national securities exchange.
28. Amendment. The Board of Directors of the Company
may alter or amend this Plan, in whole or in part, from time to
time, or terminate this Plan at any time; provided, however,
that no such action shall adversely affect any rights or
obligations with respect to awards previously made under this
Plan unless the action is taken in order to comply with
applicable law, stock exchange rules or accounting rules; and,
provided, further, that no amendment which has the effect of
increasing the number of shares subject to this Plan (other than
in connection with a Corporate Reorganization) shall be made
without the approval of the Companys shareholders.
Annual Meeting of
Tuesday, May 10, 2005, 11:00 a.m.
Hyatt Charlotte at South Park
5501 Carnegie Blvd.
Charlotte, North Carolina
You can submit your proxy by mail, by telephone or through the internet.
Please use only one of the three response methods.
Mark, sign and date your
proxy card and return it in
the enclosed envelope to:
Wachovia Bank, N.A.
Attn: Proxy Tabulation
NC-1153 P.O. Box 217950
Charlotte, NC 28254-3555
(Available only until 12:00 pm EDST
on May 9, 2005)
Call toll free 1-866-252-6916 on
any touch-tone telephone to authorize
the voting of your shares. You may
call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You will be prompted to follow
simple instructions.
(Available only until 12:00 pm EDST
on May 9, 2005)
Access the website at
to authorize the voting of your shares. You
may access the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week. You will be prompted to follow
simple instructions. |
If you vote by telephone or by internet, please DO NOT mail back this proxy card.
Please mark your
votes as in this
example. |
This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted as directed by the undersigned shareholder(s). If no direction is made, this proxy
will be voted FOR the nominees listed
below, and FOR proposals 2 and 3, or if the card constitutes voting instructions to a savings plan trustee, the trustee will vote as
described in the proxy statement.
The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the nominees listed below and FOR proposals 2 and 3.
1. Election of Directors:
(01) William R. Holland
2. |
Ratify the selection of
o |
(02) Ernest F. Schaub
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our |
(03) J.P. Bolduc
independent auditors for 2005 |
(04) Peter C. Browning |
*Except vote withheld from the
(05) Joe T. Ford
3. |
Consider and act upon a proposal to
o |
following nominee(s):
(06) James H. Hance, Jr.
amend the Companys Amended
and |
(07) Gordon D. Harnett |
Restated 2002 Equity Compensation
Plan |
Change of Address/ |
comments on reverse |
side o |
Please sign exactly as name(s) appear on the reverse side. Joint
owners should each sign. When signing as attorney, executor,
administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such. |
Annual Meeting
Hyatt Charlotte at South Park
5501 Carnegie Blvd.
Charlotte, North Carolina
Proxy Solicited on
Behalf of the Board of Directors for Annual Meeting of Shareholders
May 10, 2005
The undersigned hereby appoint(s) Ernest F. Schaub and Richard L. Magee, and each of them singularly, attorneys with full power of
substitution and revocation to each,
for and in the name of the undersigned with all the powers the undersigned would possess if personally present, to vote the shares of
the undersigned in EnPro Industries,
Inc. Common Stock as indicated on the proposals referred to on the reverse side hereof at the annual meeting of its shareholders to
be held May 10, 2005, and at any
adjournments thereof, and in their or his discretion upon any other matter which may properly come before said meeting.
This card also constitutes your voting instructions for any and all shares held by Wachovia Bank, N.A. for your account and will be
considered to be voting instructions
to the plan trustee(s) with respect to shares held in accounts under the plans listed on page 1 of the proxy statement. If you are a participant under any of these plans, please vote your shares electronically or return your
proxy no later than Thursday, May 5, 2005.
(Change of Address/Comments) |
(If you have written in the above space, please mark the
corresponding box on the reverse side of this card.) |