Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 6-K
                        Report of Foreign Private Issuer
                        Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                           For the Month of March 2005


                        AMERICAN ISRAELI PAPER MILLS LTD.
                 (Translation of Registrant's Name into English)
                          P.O. Box 142, Hadera, Israel
                    (Address of Principal Corporate Offices)

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If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in
connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):   82-______________

         Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by reference is
the Registrant's press release dated March 10, 2005 with respect to the
Registrant's results of operations for the year ended December 31, 2004.

         Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and incorporated herein by reference is
the Registrant's Management Discussion with respect to the Registrant's results
of operations for the year ended December 31, 2004.

         Attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and incorporated herein by reference are
the Registrant's unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the
year ended December 31, 2004.

         Attached hereto as Exhibit 4 and incorporated herein by reference is
the Interim Report of Mondi Business Paper Hadera Ltd. with respect to the year
ended December 31, 2004.

         Attached hereto as Exhibit 5 and incorporated herein by reference are
the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements of
Hogla-Kimberly Ltd. and subsidiaries with respect to the year ended December 31,


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                      AMERICAN ISRAELI PAPER MILLS LTD.

                                      By:   /s/ Lea Katz                       
                                            Name:  Lea Katz
                                            Title: Corporate Secretary

Dated: March 10, 2005.

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

      Exhibit No.           Description
      -----------           -----------

             1.             Press release dated March 10, 2005.

             2.             Registrant's management discussion.

             3.             Registrant's unaudited condensed consolidated
                            financial statements.

             4.             Interim report of Mondi Business Paper Hadera

             5.             Unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial 
                            statements of Hogla-Kimberly Ltd. and subsidiaries.

                                                                       EXHIBIT 1


                                     Client:  AMERICAN ISRAELI
                                              PAPER MILLS LTD.

                                              Agency Contact:  PHILIP Y. SARDOFF

                                              For Release:     IMMEDIATE

                        American Israeli Paper Mills Ltd.
        Reports Financial Results of Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2004

Hadera, Israel, March 10, 2005 - American Israeli Paper Mills Ltd. (ASE:AIP)
(the "Company" or "AIPM") today reported financial results for the year ended
December 31,2004.

Pursuant to the directives of Standard No.12 of the Accounting Israeli Standards
Board ("Standard 12"), the Company began to report in nominal New Israeli
Shekels (NIS) as of January 1, 2004. In the past, the Company's reports were in
NIS, adjusted to changes in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the NIS.

The comparison figures with the corresponding periods of 2002 and 2003 are the
dollar figures, as reported in the past, multiplied by the exchange rate of the
US dollar as of December 31, 2003, the day of the transition to NIS-based
reporting pursuant to Standard 12 ($1 = NIS 4.379).

Since the Company's share in the earnings of associated companies constitutes a
material component in the Company's statement of income (primarily on account of
its share in the earnings of Mondi Business Paper Hadera (Mondi Hadera) and
Hogla-Kimberly (H-K) that were consolidated in the past, until the transfer of
control over these companies to the international strategic partners), the
Company also presents the aggregate data which include the results of all the
companies in the AIPM Group (including the associated companies whose results
appear in the financial statements under "earnings from associated companies"),
net of intercompany sales and irrespective of the percentage of holding.

Aggregate group sales in 2004 totaled NIS 2,626.2 million compared with NIS
2,357.1 million in 2003.

Aggregate operating profit in 2004 totaled NIS 143.5 million compared with NIS
162.8 million in 2003.

The consolidated data below does not include the results of operations of Mondi
Hadera, H-K, Carmel Container Systems and TMM Integrated Recycling industries,
which are included in the Company's share in results of associated companies.

Consolidated sales in 2004 totaled NIS 482.9 million compared with NIS 465.1 in

The Gross margin - as a proportion of sales - reached 22.1% during 2004, similar
to 2003. The Company managed to maintain the consolidated gross margin, despite
the rise in raw material prices (paper waste by 13%), energy prices (4%), and
water (5%). This was accomplished through growth in sales, higher sales prices
and the continued efficiency process in all sectors of operation.

Operating profit in 2004 totaled NIS 53.9 million compared with NIS 46.6 million
in 2003.

Profit after taxes and before the Company's share in the profits of associated
companies in the reported period amounted to NIS 37.7 million compared with NIS
24.5 million in 2003.

Net profit in 2004 totaled NIS 62.7 million, as compared with NIS 60.0 million
in 2003. Net profit in 2004 includes non recurring profits, which amounted to
NIS 14.4 million tax benefit in respect of the effects of the reduction of the
corporate tax rate (from 36% to 30% by 2007) on the deferred tax reserve (at the
Company, and our share in associated companies) along with a tax benefit on
account of the exercise of options by employees. Net profit in 2003 included
approximately NIS 2.7 million in net non-recurring capital gains and tax benefit
on account of the exercise of options by employees.

Earnings per share (EPS)in 2004 totaled NIS 15.44 compared with NIS 14.94 in

The inflation rate in 2004 was 1.2% as compared with negative inflation rate of
-1.9% last year.

The exchange rate of the NIS was revaluated against the U.S. dollar in 2004 by
approximately 1.6% as compared with a revaluation of 7.6% last year.

Mr. Yaacov Yerushalmi, Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors, said that a
turnaround took place in the Israeli economy since the beginning of 2004, as
growth recovered and the economy rebounded, following a severe recession that
lasted several years. The recovery was expressed by positive growth rates
(approximately 4% in 2004, up from 1.3% in 2003), higher demand and a more
optimistic outlook in the markets. Israel has also experienced a certain calm in
the security situation lately, which may positively affect the economy, although
this calm is not yet reflected in the financial statements.

The Company is exposed to competition in all its areas of operation, both from
locally-produced goods and from imports. The level of competition is constantly
escalating. Despite this competition, the Group is successfully preserving the
profitability of its Israeli operations, while recording continued growth in the
volume of operations.

The Company's share in the earnings of associated companies amounted to NIS 25.1
million in the reported year (including NIS 4.4 million as our share in a
non-recurring benefit recorded in respect of the change in the corporate tax
rate on the deferred earnings of the companies), as compared with NIS 35.5
million last year.


The following principal changes were recorded in the Company's share in the
earnings of associated companies (this year - not including the aforementioned
tax benefit), in relation to last year:

          - The Company's share in the net income of Mondi Hadera (49.9%)
     decreased by NIS 3.0 million. Most of the change in the earnings is
     associated with a decrease in operating profit over the two years, which
     originated primarily from lower margins in exports to Europe, coupled with
     elevated financial expenses this year as a result of the repayment of
     shareholder loans over the past two years, that led to an increase in Mondi
     Hadera's debt balance.

          - The Company's share in the net earnings of H-K Israel (49.9%)
     increased by approximately NIS 1.2 million, primarily due to the ongoing
     improvement in operating profit at H-K Israel, as compared with last year.
     This improvement was achieved primarily as a result of better prices and
     quantitative growth, coupled with the continuing efficiency measures, both
     in logistics and in production, and particularly as a result of the
     expanded production of Huggies diapers in Afula. The said increase was
     offset by lower financial revenues this year as compared with last year,
     due to the transition to reporting according to Standard 12 and the effects
     of revaluation differentials on the NIS in relation to the USD, on H-K's
     linkage balance sheet.

          - The Company's share in the net loss of Ovisan (Turkey) (49.9%)
     amounted to NIS 15.4 million in the reported year. Ovisan made considerable
     efforts to increase its volume of operations in the Turkish market during
     the past year, while tapping into Unilever's nationwide distribution
     network, which includes a wide logistic network that covers all of Turkey
     in wide national spread, as a necessary condition for the preparations for
     the continued development of Ovisan and the creation of a platform for
     introducing the Kimberly-Clark Group's international brands. In this
     capacity, a significant quantitative increase was recorded this year in the
     Ovisan sales - both to the domestic market and to export (up about 40%
     quantitatively) - accompanied by a significant increase in selling and
     advertising expenses. The Ovisan loss during the reported year was caused
     as a result of the said change in the Ovisan distribution and sales
     network, coupled with escalating competition in the Turkish market due to
     the arrival of additional competitors into the sector, which resulted in
     lower prices and a need to adjust the value of inventories to the market
     prices on the balance sheet date. The difficulties that were created in the
     assimilation of the new reporting system, which accompanied the change in
     the distribution system, resulted in delays in receiving the data and in
     difficulties in providing an immediate response to changing market
     conditions and in reducing the losses, as mentioned above.

          - The Company's share in the net profits of the Carmel Group (26.25%)
     increased by NIS 3.6 million, due to the continuing improvement in the
     operating profit. The improvement is attributed to the comprehensive
     efficiency measures being initiated by the company, coupled with the growth
     in the volume of operations.

          - The Company's share in the TMM earnings (41.6%) increased by NIS 1.3
     million. The improvement originates from a significant


     decrease in the company's elevated financial expenses during the reported
     year, in relation to last year. Among other factors, this is attributed to
     a decrease in the interest rate over the two periods, coupled with
     financial revenues from local municipalities (with which an agreement was
     reached) due to considerable arrears in their payments. TMM managed to
     preserve its operating margin during the reported year, despite the
     considerable increase in transportation costs, due to the significant
     increase in diesel prices (up by an average of 40% since last year), which
     was not compensated by selling prices since most of the company's
     agreements are linked to the consumer price index which rose during 2004 by
     only 1.2%.

A total of 28,379 shares were issued during the reported year (0.7% dilution),
as a result of the exercise of 64,140 option warrants as part of the Company's
employee stock option plans.

In August, the Company declared a dividend payment for 2004, in the amount of
approximately NIS 100 million (NIS 25.12 per share). The dividend was paid in
September 2004.

This report contains various forward-looking statements based upon the Board of
Directors' present expectations and estimates regarding the operations of the
Group and its business environment. The Company does not guarantee that the
future results of operations will coincide with the forward-looking statements
and these may in fact differ considerably from the present forecasts as a result
of factors that may change in the future, such as changes in costs and market
conditions, failure to achieve projected goals, failure to achieve anticipated
efficiencies and other factors which lie outside the control of the Company. The
Company undertakes no obligation for publicly updating the said forward-looking
statements, regardless of whether these updates originate from new information,
future events or any other reason.


                        AMERICAN ISRAELI PAPER MILLS LTD.
                               SUMMARY OF RESULTS
                               NIS IN THOUSANDS(1)
                            except per share amounts

                             2004                2003
                             ====                ====

Net sales                   482,854             465,092

Net earnings                 62,732(2)           60,047(2)

Earnings per share            1,544(2)            1,494(2)

(1)  New Israeli Shekel amounts are reported according to Accounting Standard
     No. 12 of the Israeli Accounting Standard Board (hereafter - Standard No.
     12) - "Discontinuance of Adjusting Financial Statements for Inflation". The
     reported NIS under Standard No. 12 are nominal NIS, for transactions made
     after January 1, 2004. The amounts of 2003 have been adjusted to reflect
     changes in the rate of exchange between the U.S. dollar and the New Israeli
     Shekel until the end of December 2003 (date of transition to Standard No.

     The representative exchange rate at December 31,2004 was NIS 4.308=$1.00
     and the representative exchange rate at December 31,2003 was NIS

(2)  The net earnings in 2004 include NIS 14.4 million, tax benefit (including
     the company's share in the tax benefit of the associated companies) - see

     The net earnings in 2003 include NIS 2.7 million, net capital gain and tax
     benefit - See above.



                                                                       EXHIBIT 2

                                                                March 10, 2005


We are honored to present the consolidated financial statements of the American
Israeli Paper Mills Ltd. Group ("AIPM") for the year 2004.


     1.   GENERAL

          AIPM deals in the manufacture and sale of paper, in the recycling of
          paper waste and in the marketing of office supplies - through
          subsidiaries. AIPM also holds interests in associated companies that
          deal in the manufacture and marketing of printing and writing paper,
          in the manufacture and marketing of household paper products, hygiene
          products, disposable diapers and complementary kitchen products,
          corrugated board containers, packaging for consumer goods and the
          handling of solid waste.

          The company's securities are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and
          on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX).


          A turnaround took place in the Israeli economy since the beginning of
          2004, as growth recovered and the economy rebounded, following a
          severe recession that lasted several years. The recovery was expressed
          by positive growth rates (approx. 4% in 2004, up from 1.3% in 2003),
          higher demand and a more optimistic outlook in the markets. Israel has
          also experienced a certain calm in the security situation lately,
          which may positively affect the economy, although this calm is not yet
          reflected in the financial statements.

          AIPM is exposed to competition in all its areas of operation, both
          from locally-produced goods and from imports. The level of competition
          is constantly escalating.

          Despite this competition, the Group is successfully preserving the
          profitability of its Israeli operations, while recording continued
          growth in the volume of operations.

          AIPM is preparing for the conversion of its energy-generation system
          to natural gas, once the transportation infrastructure of natural gas
          to Hadera is completed. This conversion is expected to enable savings
          in production costs, while further improving environmental compliance.


          AIPM made the transition to reporting in nominal New Israeli Shekels
          (NIS) in 2004, pursuant to the directives of Standard 12 of the
          Financial Accounting Standards Board in Israel. In the past AIPM's
          reports were in NIS, adjusted to changes in the exchange rate of the
          US dollar against the NIS. The comparison figures with the years 2003
          and 2002 are the dollar figures, as reported in the past, multiplied
          by the exchange rate of the US dollar as at December 31, 2003, the day
          of the transition to NIS-based reporting pursuant to Standard 12 ($1 =
          NIS 4.379).

          The exchange rate of the NIS in relation to the USD was revaluated by
          1.6% during the reported year (2004), as compared with a revaluation
          of 7.6% last year (2003).

          The inflation rate during the reported year amounted to 1.2%, as
          compared with a negative inflation rate of -1.9% last year.



          Since AIPM's share in the earnings of associated companies constitutes
          a material component in the company's statement of income (primarily
          on account of its share in the earnings of Mondi Business Paper Hadera
          Ltd. (hereinafter: "Mondi Hadera", formerly - Neusiedler Hadera Paper
          Ltd. and Hogla-Kimberly Ltd. that were consolidated in the past, until
          the transfer of control over these companies to the international
          strategic partners), the aggregate data is being presented and
          includes the results of all the companies in AIPM (including the
          associated companies whose results appear in the financial statements
          under "earnings from associated companies") and net of intercompany
          sales, without considering the rate of holding therein.

          The aggregate sales amounted to NIS 2,626.2 million during the
          reported year, as compared with NIS 2,357.1 million last year.

          The aggregate operating profit totaled NIS 143.5 million during the
          reported year, as compared with NIS 162.8 million last year.


          Excluding the results of operation of Mondi Hadera, Hogla-Kimberly,
          Carmel and TMM - which appear in AIPM's share in the earnings of
          associated companies.

          The sales amounted to NIS 482.9 million during the reported year, as
          compared with NIS 465.1 million last year.

          The operating profit this year amounted to NIS 53.9 million, as
          compared with NIS 46.6 million last year.


          The profit after taxes and before AIPM's share in the earnings of
          associated companies for the reported year, amounted to NIS 37.7
          million, as compared with NIS 24.5 million last year.


          The net profit amounted to NIS 62.7 million during the reported year,
          as compared with NIS 60.0 million last year. The net profit during the
          reported year includes extraordinary earnings on account of a NIS 14.4
          million tax benefit, originating from the influence of the lowering of
          the corporate tax rate on the reserve for deferred taxes at AIPM and
          at its associated companies (from 36% to 30% by 2007), along with a
          tax benefit on account of the exercise of options by employees. The
          net profit last year included NIS 2.7 million in non-recurring capital
          gains and in a tax benefit on account of the exercise of options by

          The Earnings Per Share in 2004 amounted to NIS 1,544 per NIS 1 par
          value ($3.58 per share), as compared with NIS 1,494 per NIS 1 par
          value ($3.41 per share) in 2003.

          The return on shareholders' equity amounted to 10.2% in 2004, as
          compared with 9.2% in 2003.


     The analysis set forth below is based on the consolidated data.

     1.   SALES

          The consolidated sales amounted to NIS 482.9 million during the
          reported year, as compared with NIS 465.1 million last year.

          The growth in sales is attributed to a quantitative increase in
          packaging paper and in the sale of paper waste to external entities,
          coupled with an improvement in the prices of fluting and paper waste
          and a change in the sales mix. On the other hand, the decrease in
          Graffiti sales served to offset part of this growth.

     2.   COST OF SALES

          The cost of sales amounted to NIS 375.9 million during the reported
          year, as compared with NIS 362.2 million last year.


          The gross margin - as a proportion of sales - reached 22.1% during the
          reported year and is similar to last year.

          AIPM managed to maintain a gross margin similar to last year, despite
          the rise in raw material prices (paper waste by 13%), energy prices
          (4%), and water (5%). This was accomplished through growth in sales,
          higher sales prices and the continued efficiency process in all
          sectors of operation.

          LABOR WAGES

          Wages as part of the cost of sales and in the selling, general and
          administrative expenses amounted to NIS 142.4 million in the reported
          year, as compared with NIS 137.0 million last year.

          However, since the figures last year were reported in accordance with
          the US dollar and due to the influence of changes in the exchange rate
          of the US dollar on the reporting last year with the transition to
          reporting according to Standard 12, the adjusted cost of wages last
          year, as presented above, was NIS 3.7 million lower than the nominal
          cost at the time that amounted to NIS 140.7 million. Most of the
          growth in relation to last year originated from an increase in wages
          by an average of 3%, that was mostly offset by a reduction in
          personnel and by differences in other payments - primarily bonuses.


          The selling, general and administrative expenses (including wages)
          amounted to NIS 53.0 million - or 11.0% of sales -in the reported
          year, as compared with NIS 56.3 million - or 12.1% of sales - last


          The operating profit amounted to NIS 53.9 million - or 11.2% of sales
          - in the reported year, as compared with NIS 46.6 million - or 10.0%
          of sales - last year.


          Financial expenses amounted to NIS 13.1 million during the reported
          year, as compared with NIS 16.0 million last year.

          AIPM's linkage bases includes a surplus of dollar-linked monetary
          assets on the one hand, and a surplus of NIS-denominated monetary
          liabilities, on the other hand (see linkage base report, below).

          The financial expenses last year were influenced by the sharp
          revaluation of the shekel against the dollar (7.6%), which caused a
          significant increase in the financial expenses during the said period,
          when financial reporting was adjusted to the dollar.


          In the reported year, with the transition to reporting in nominal
          shekels in accordance with Standard 12, AIPM's financial expenses grew
          slightly, as a result of the effects of the small revaluation this
          year (1.6%) on AIPM's surplus dollar assets.

          The average increase of NIS 60 million in net financial liabilities -
          in relation to the preceding year - resulted in an increase in
          financial expenses during the reported year. This growth was partially
          offset by the decrease in the average interest rate on short-term
          credit (5% in the reported year as compared with 7.9% last year).


          Taxes on income from current operations amounted to NIS 13.2 million
          in the reported period, as compared with NIS 8.8 million last year.

          The principal factors behind the growth in tax expenses in the
          reported year as compared with last year include the growth in
          earnings before taxes this year, as opposed to the tax benefit that
          was recorded last year on account of the sharp revaluation (erosion of
          the reserve), due to reporting adjusted to the changes in the exchange
          rate of the dollar.

          In June 2004 a law was passed in Israel, effective retroactively from
          January 1, 2004, that serves to lower the corporate tax rate (36%
          prior to the amendment) to 35% in 2004 and gradually down to 30% by
          2007. The effect of this change on AIPM's deferred taxes during the
          reported year (in the consolidated report) amounted to NIS 5.8 million
          (primarily due to future tax liabilities which were deferred in
          respect of timing differences in depreciation, which were calculated
          at an accelerated pace in the tax reports).

          Moreover, a tax benefit of NIS 4.2 million was recorded in the
          reported year, on account of the exercise of options by employees.

          In view of the above, the tax expenses during the reported year, as
          reported in the financial statements, amounted to NIS 3.2 million.


          The profit after taxes and before AIPM's share in the earnings of
          associated companies for the reported year, amounted to NIS 37.7
          million, as compared with NIS 24.5 million last year.


          The companies whose earnings are reported under this item (according
          to AIPM's holdings therein), include primarily: Mondi Hadera,
          Hogla-Kimberly, Carmel and TMM.


          AIPM's share in the earnings of associated companies amounted to NIS
          25.1 million in the reported year (including NIS 4.4 million as our
          share in a non-recurring benefit recorded in respect of the change in
          the corporate tax rate on the deferred earnings of the companies), as
          compared with NIS 35.5 million last year.

          The following principal changes were recorded in AIPM's share in the
          earnings of associated companies (this year - not including the
          aforementioned tax benefit), in relation to last year:

          -    AIPM's share in the net income of Mondi Hadera (49.9%) decreased
               by NIS 3.0 million. Most of the change in the earnings is
               associated with a decrease in operating profit over the years,
               that originated primarily from lower margins in exports to
               Europe, coupled with elevated financial expenses this year as a
               result of the repayment of shareholder loans over the past two
               years, that led to an increase in Mondi Hadera's debt balance.

          -    AIPM's share in the net earnings of Hogla-Kimberly Israel (49.9%)
               increased by approximately NIS 1.2 million, primarily due to the
               ongoing improvement in operating profit at Hogla-Kimberly Israel,
               as compared with last year. This improvement was achieved
               primarily as a result of better prices and quantitative growth,
               coupled with the continuing efficiency measures, both in
               logistics and in production, and particularly as a result of the
               expanded production of Huggies diapers in Afula. The said
               increase was offset by lower financial revenues this year as
               compared with last year, due to the transition to reporting
               according to Standard 12 and the effects of revaluation
               differentials on the NIS in relation to the USD, on Hogla's
               linkage balance sheet.

          -    AIPM's share in the net loss of Ovisan (Turkey) (49.9%) amounted
               to NIS 15.4 million in the reported year. Ovisan made
               considerable efforts to increase its volume of operations in the
               Turkish market during the past year, while tapping into
               Unilever's nationwide distribution network, which includes a wide
               logistic network that covers all of Turkey in a wide national
               spread, as a necessary condition for the preparations for the
               continued development of Ovisan and the creation of a platform
               for introducing the Kimberly-Clark Group's international brands.
               In this capacity, a significant quantitative increase was
               recorded this year in the Ovisan sales - both to the domestic
               market and to exports (up about 40% quantitatively) - accompanied
               by a significant increase in selling and advertising expenses.
               The Ovisan loss during the reported year was caused as a result
               of the said change in the Ovisan distribution and sales network,
               coupled with escalating competition in the Turkish market due to
               the arrival of additional competitors into the sector, which
               resulted in lower prices and a need to adjust the value of
               inventories to the market prices on the balance sheet date. The
               difficulties that were created in the assimilation of the new


               system, which accompanied the change in the distribution system,
               resulted in delays in receiving the data and in difficulties in
               providing an immediate response to changing market conditions in
               reducing the losses, as mentioned above.

          -    AIPM's share in the net profits of the Carmel Group (26.25%)
               increased by NIS 3.6 million, due to the continuing improvement
               in the operating profit. The improvement is attributed to the
               comprehensive efficiency measures being initiated by the company,
               coupled with the growth in the volume of operations.

          -    AIPM's share in the TMM earnings (41.6%) increased by NIS 1.3
               million. The improvement originates from a significant decrease
               in the company's elevated financial expenses during the reported
               year, in relation to last year. Among other factors, this is
               attributed to a decrease in the interest rate over the two
               periods, coupled with financial revenues from local
               municipalities (with which an agreement was reached) due to
               considerable arrears in their payments. TMM managed to preserve
               its operating margin during the reported year, despite the
               considerable increase in transportation costs, due to the
               significant increase in diesel prices (up by an average of 40%
               since last year) which was not compensated by selling prices
               since most of the company's agreements are linked to the consumer
               price index which rose during 2004 by only 1.2% .



          Accounts Receivable, as at December 31, 2004, amounted to NIS 143.3
          million, as compared with NIS 141.0 million at December 31, 2003. The
          increase in receivables originated primarily from the growth in the
          volume of operations. A certain decrease was recorded in the customer
          credit days.

     2.   CASH FLOWS

          The cash flows from operating activities amounted to NIS 47.1 million
          this year, as compared with NIS 36.3 million last year. (The NIS 36.3
          million in cash flows last year is prior to a NIS 16.4 million
          dividend received from an associated company. Together with the said
          dividend, the cash flows from operating activities amounted to NIS
          52.7 million last year). The improvement in the cash flows from
          operating activities during the reported year originated primarily
          from a smaller increase in the operating working capital during the
          reported year in relation to last year, despite the growth in
          operating volumes this year.



          Investments in fixed assets totaled NIS 31.0 million in the reported
          year, as compared with NIS 29.2 million last year and included current
          investments in production, marketing and transport processes as well
          as in the expansion of information security operations in Israel.


          The long-term liabilities (including current maturities) amounted to
          NIS 267.9 million as at December 31, 2004 as compared with NIS 275.0
          million as at December 31, 2003 The long-term liabilities include
          primarily two series of debentures: Series 1 - NIS 33.3 million, for
          repayment until 2009. Series 2 - NIS 201.8 million, for repayment
          between 2007 and 2013.

          The balance of short-term credit, as at December 31, 2004, amounted to
          NIS 112.7 million, as compared with NIS 144.6 million December 31,
          2003. The short-term credit balances decreased in relation to last
          year, primarily due to the positive cash flows from operating
          activities. Dividends of NIS 100 million were paid in September 2004.
          The dividend payment was financed by AIPM's deposits and assets.


     Due to its operations, the company is exposed to market risks, consisting
     primarily of changes in interest rates - on both short and long-term loans,
     changes in exchange rates and changes in raw material and energy prices.
     These changes possess an influence on the company's results. AIPM's Board
     of Directors determines the policy according to which financial instruments
     are employed and defines the objectives to be attained, taking into account
     the AIPM's linkage balance sheet and the impact of changes in various
     currencies and in the Consumer Price Index on AIPM's balance sheets and on
     its financial statements.

     Mr. Israel Eldar, AIPM's Controller, is in charge of the management of
     market risks. He conducts calculations of AIPM's exposure every month and
     examines the compliance with the policy determined by the Board of

     Furthermore, limited use is made of derivative financial instruments, which
     AIPM's employs for hedging the cash flows, originating from the existing
     assets and liabilities. Such transactions are conducted primarily through
     currency options and forward transactions opposite Israeli banking
     institutions. AIPM therefore believes that the inherent credit risk of
     these transactions is slight.

     AIPM possesses CPI-linked long-term loans (notes) in the total sum of about
     NIS 235 million, which the interest thereupon being no higher than the
     market interest rate. In the event that the inflation rate shall rise
     significantly, a loss may be recorded in AIPM's financial statements, due
     to the surplus of CPI-linked liabilities. In order to hedge this exposure,
     AIPM has entered into forward transactions, as at December 31, 2004 for
     hedging NIS 200 million against a rise in the CPI until December 2005.


     These transactions serve to replace hedging transactions in the same
     amount, that terminated in January 2005.


     Most of AIPM's sales are made in Israel to a large number of customers and
     the exposure to customer-related credit risks is consequently generally
     limited. AIPM regularly analyzes - through credit committees that operate
     within its various companies - the quality of the customers, their credit
     limits and the relevant collateral required, as the case may be. The
     financial statements include provisions for doubtful debts, based on the
     existing risks on the date of the statements.

     The cash, cash equivalents and fixed-term deposits are by and large
     deposited with large Israeli banking institutions.

     The following are the balance sheet items, according to linkage bases, as
     at December 31, 2004 (including comparison numbers for December 31, 2003):


IN NIS MILLIONS                                UNLINKED      CPI-LINKED   IN FOREIGN       NON-MONETARY     TOTAL
                                                                          CURRENCY, OR     ITEMS         
                                                                          LINKED THERETO                 
                                                                          (PRIMARILY US$)                

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                             3.3                           4.5                         7.8
SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS                               16.9         45.6                                         62.5
OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                           192.0          1.8             43.6           7.7         245.1
INVENTORIES                                                                                      83.2          83.2
INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATED COMPANIES                  49.3         11.2              8.6         362.7         431.8
DEFERRED TAXES ON INCOME                                                                          6.5           6.5
FIXED ASSETS, NET                                                                               324.4         324.4
DEFERRED EXPENSES, NET OF ACCRUED                                                                 1.1           1.1
TOTAL ASSETS                                        261.5         58.6             56.7         785.6       1,162.4
CREDIT FROM BANKS                                   110.5                           2.2                       112.7
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                                    142.8          1.0             10.1                       153.9
DEFERRED TAXES ON INCOME                                                                         52.6          52.6
NOTES                                                            235.1                                        235.1
OTHER LIABILITIES                                    32.8                                                      32.8
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                                            575.3         575.3
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                        286.1        236.1             12.3         627.9       1,162.4
SURPLUS FINANCIAL ASSETS (LIABILITIES) AS AT                                                             
DECEMBER 31, 2004                                  (24.6)      (177.5)             44.4       (157.7)             -
SURPLUS FINANCIAL ASSETS (LIABILITIES) AS AT                                                             
DECEMBER 31, 2003                                  (69.4)      (229.2)             65.2          94.6             -



     AIPM is exposed to various risks associated with operations in Turkey,
     where Hogla-Kimberly is active through its subsidiary, Ovisan. These risks
     originate from concerns regarding economic instability and elevated
     interest rates, that characterized the Turkish economy in the past and that
     may recur and harm the Ovisan operations.


     This report contains various forward-looking statements, based upon the
     Board of Directors' present expectations and estimates regarding the
     operations of AIPM and its business environment. AIPM does not guarantee
     that the future results of operations will coincide with the
     forward-looking statements and these may in fact considerably differ from
     the present forecasts as a result of factors that may change in the future,
     such as changes in costs and market conditions, failure to achieve
     projected goals, failure to achieve anticipated efficiencies and other
     factors which lie outside the control of the company. AIPM undertakes no
     obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements, regardless
     of whether these updates originate from new information, future events or
     any other reason.


     AIPM, within the framework of its business and social commitment, invests
     efforts and resources in community assistance and support, while focusing
     on providing help to the weaker echelons of Israeli society - and primarily
     teenagers - as part of a desire to build and contribute to shaping the
     human fabric of Israeli society. As part of this policy, AIPM makes
     contributions to various institutions, primarily those that are active in
     the said areas. These contributions amounted to an adjusted sum of NIS 150
     thousand in 2004, in the consolidated financial statements. Through its
     employees, AIPM also participates in volunteer activity in the community,
     for promoting these same objectives.

     In addition, a sum totaling NIS 90 thousand was granted for student
     scholarships and social projects this year through the Schenker Foundation,
     that was established by the company together with its Austrian strategic
     partner in Mondi Hadera.



     The minimum appropriate number of company directors possessing accounting
     and financial and skills was determined to be two for AIPM, in
     consideration of the nature of the accounting and financial issues that are
     raised in the preparation of AIPM's financial statements, in view of AIPM's
     areas of operation and in consideration of the composition of the board of
     directors as a whole, that includes individuals possessing business,
     management and professional experience that enables them to deal
     effectively with the tasks of managing the company, including reporting
     duties. The minimum number was also set while taking into account the close
     accounting counseling that is provided by the company's CPAs, including
     their participation in board meetings discussing accounting issues and
     their availability to answer any question put forth by the board of

     The members of AIPM's board of directors who possess accounting and
     financial qualifications and skills are:

       Nochi Dankner -      Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of IDB
                            Holding Corporation Ltd. Chairman of the Board of
                            Directors of IDB Development Company Ltd., Discount
                            Investments Ltd. and Clal Industries and Investments
                            Ltd. Serves or has served in the past as Chairman of
                            the Board of Directors and Director in
                            publicly-traded and privately-held companies in the
                            Ganden Group, IDB Group, and Bank Hapoalim, where he
                            served as Chairman of the Credit Committee of the
                            Board. Holds L.L.B in Law.

       Avi Yehezkel -       Holds a degree in economics. External director at
                            Bank Yahav. Served as a Knesset member between
                            1992-2003, during these years alternately, served as
                            Chairman of the Economics Committee, Chairman of the
                            Defense Budget Committee, Chairman of the Capital
                            Market Sub-Committee, Chairman of the Banking
                            Sub-Committee and member of the Finance Committee.

       Oren Lieder -        Holds B.A in economics and statistics. Serves as
                            Senior VP and CFO of Discount Investments Ltd.
                            Serves as director at various companies, including
                            publicly-traded companies. Formerly served as CFO of
                            Bezeq, the Israeli Telecom Company Ltd.

       Isaac Manor -        Holds an MBA. Serves as director at various
                            publicly-traded and privately-held companies within
                            the IDB Group; Chairman of companies in the David
                            Lubinsky Group Ltd.; member of the Accounts
                            Committee at Israel Union Bank Ltd.

       Amos Mar-Haim -      Holds a first degree in economics and an MBA.
                            Formerly served and currently serves as Chairman or
                            Deputy Chairman at publicly-traded or privately-held
                            companies. Member of the Israeli Accounting
                            Standards Board.



     1.   Auditor's Name:       Lenny Siegel 
          In the position since: 1996 
          Credentials:  CPA, CA Canadian

     2.   The Auditor is employed by AIPM.

     3.   Scope of employment: Full-time job as Auditor, plus an assistant.

     4.   The auditing program is based on a five-year program that covers
          numerous topics, in addition to current auditing requirements of the
          management and directives of the Audit Committee.

     5.   The Internal Auditing program includes auditing topics in corporations
          that constitute significant holdings by AIPM.

     6.   The Internal Auditor conducts the audit according to
          generally-accepted professional standards in Israel and worldwide.

     7.   The Internal Auditor is supervised by the Audit Committee and by the
          General Manager.

     8.   Audit reports were submitted and discussed at the following dates:

                             SUBMITTED                       DISCUSSED
                            -------------------------     ------------------
            Report I        March 4, 2004                 March 10, 2004
            Report II        May 5, 2004                  May 10, 2004
            Report III      August 8, 2004                August 11, 2004
            Report IV       November 7, 2004              November 10, 2004

     9.   The scope of employment of the Internal Auditor is determined
          according to a cycle that renders it possible to audit all the
          significant topics at AIPM, once every few years. This scope of
          activity, the nature, the continuity of operation and the work plan of
          the Internal Auditor - are reasonable - according to the estimation of
          AIPM's Audit Committee, while rendering it possible to realize the
          Internal Audit objectives of the organization. AIPM declares that it
          has granted the Internal Auditor free, constant and direct access to
          all the information that it possesses.


     o    In August 2004, AIPM announced the distribution of dividends for 2004,
          in the amount of NIS 100 million (NIS 25.12 per share). The dividend
          was paid in September 2004.


     o    28,379 shares were issued during the reported year (0.7% dilution), on
          account of the exercise of 64,140 option warrants as part of AIPM's
          employee option plans.

     o    Avi Brenner was appointed General Manager of AIPM on January 1, 2005.

-----------------------------------              -------------------------------
       Yaki. Yerushalmi                                      Avi Brenner 
Chairman of the Board of Directors                       General Manager

                                                                       EXHIBIT 3



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

REPORT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS                                          2
    Balance sheets                                                     3-4
    Statements of income                                                5
    Statements of changes in shareholders' equity                       6
    Statements of cash flows                                           7-8
    Notes to financial statements                                      9-40
    ASSOCIATED COMPANIES                                                41


                                AUDITORS' REPORT

To the shareholders of

We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of American Israeli Paper Mills
Limited (hereafter - the Company) and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2004
and 2003 and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in
shareholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 2004. These financial statements are the responsibility of
the Company's board of directors and management. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We did not audit the financial statements of certain associated companies, the
Company's interest in which as reflected in the balance sheets as of December
31, 2004 and 2003 is NIS 353.1 million and NIS 299.3 million, respectively, and
the Company's share in excess of profits over losses of which is a net amount of
NIS 25.0 million, NIS 28.2 million and NIS 10.2 million for the years ended
December 31, 2004, 2003 and 2002, respectively. The financial statements of
those companies were audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished
to us, and our opinion, insofar as it relates to amounts included for those
companies, is based solely on the reports of the other auditors.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in Israel and in the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
(United States), including those prescribed by the Israeli Auditors (Mode of
Performance) Regulations, 1973. Those standards require that we plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An
audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by the Company's board of directors and management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits and the reports of the other auditors provide a reasonable basis for our

In our opinion, based on our audits and the reports of the other auditors, the
financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the consolidated financial position of the Company and its subsidiaries as of
December 31, 2004 and 2003 and the consolidated results of operations, changes
in shareholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 2004, in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted ("GAAP") in Israel. Furthermore, in our opinion, the financial
statements referred to above have been prepared in accordance with the Israeli
Securities (Preparation of Annual Financial Statements) Regulations, 1993.

As explained in note 1b the financial statements, as of dates and for reporting
periods subsequent to December 31, 2003, are presented in New Israeli Shekels,
in conformity with accounting standards issued by the Israel Accounting
Standards Board. The financial statements as of dates and for reporting periods
ended prior to, or on the above date, are presented in values that have been
adjusted for the changes in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar, through that
date, in accordance with pronouncements of the Institute of Certified Public
Accountants in Israel.

Tel-Aviv, Israel
March 10 , 2005


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                                December 31
                                                                     Note                  2004               2003
                                                                     ----           ----------------  -----------------
                                                                                    NIS in thousands     (see note 1b.)
                             A s s e t s
      CURRENT ASSETS:                                                  8
          Cash and cash equivalents                                   1o                   7,813            158,706
          Short-term investments                                    10a;1f                62,464             20,000
          Accounts receivable:                                        10b
             Trade                                                                       143,275            140,996
             Other                                                                       101,840            128,246
          Inventories                                                 10c                 83,220             90,654
                                                                                       ---------          ---------
                 T o t a l  current assets                                               398,612            538,602
                                                                                       ---------          ---------
          Investments in associated companies                         2;8                431,752            383,879
          Deferred income taxes                                       7f                   6,511              3,885
                                                                                       ---------          ---------
                                                                                         438,263            387,764
                                                                                       ---------          ---------
      FIXED ASSETS:                                                    3
          Cost                                                                           974,462            953,656
          L e s s - accumulated depreciation                                             650,056            628,015
                                                                                       ---------          ---------
                                                                                         324,406            325,641
                                                                                       ---------          ---------
          net of accumulated amortization                             1i                   1,106              1,267
                                                                                       ---------          ---------
                 T o t a l  assets                                                     1,162,387          1,253,274
                                                                                       =========          =========

                                            ) Chairman of the
             Yaki Yerushalmi                ) Board of Directors

                Avi brener                  ) Chief Executive Officer

               Israel Eldar                 ) Controller

Date of approval of the financial statements: March 10, 2005.

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                                                                                               December 31
                                                                             Note          2004            2003
                                                                             ----    --------------  ---------------
                                                                                     NIS in thousands (see note 1b.)
                     Liabilities and shareholders' equity
      CURRENT LIABILITIES:                                                    8
          Credit from banks                                                  10d             112,684        144,989
          Current maturities of long-term notes                               4a               6,648          6,590
          Accounts payable and accruals:
             Trade                                                                            87,556         84,602
             Other                                                           10e              66,355         73,010
                                                                                           ---------      ---------
                 T o t a l  current liabilities                                              273,243        309,191
                                                                                           ---------      ---------
          Deferred income taxes                                               7f              52,562         61,801
          Loans and other liabilities
             (net of current maturities):                                    4;8
             Notes                                                                           228,499        233,039
             Other liabilities                                                                32,770         35,013
                                                                                           ---------      ---------
                 T o t a l  long-term liabilities                                            313,831        329,853
                                                                                           ---------      ---------
      COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                  9
                 T o t a l  liabilities                                                      587,074        639,044
                                                                                           ---------      ---------
      SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY:                                                   6
          Share capital (ordinary shares of NIS 0.01 par value:                              125,257        125,257
             authorized - 20,000,000 shares; issued and paid:
             December 31, 2004 and 2005 - 3,996,674 and
             3,968,295 shares, respectively)
          Capital surplus                                                                     90,060         90,060
          Currency adjustments in respect of financial statements
             of associated companies                                                          (2,807)        (1,122)
          Retained earnings                                                                  362,803        400,035
                                                                                             575,313        614,230
                                                                                           ---------      ---------
                 T o t a l  liabilities and shareholders' equity                           1,162,387      1,253,274
                                                                                           =========      =========

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                                                                           Note           2004            2003            2002
                                                                          ------         -------         -------         ------
                                                                                           NIS in thousands (see note 1b.)

SALES - net                                                               10f;14         482,854         465,092        455,775
COST OF SALES                                                               10g          375,904         362,185        363,771
                                                                                         -------         -------         ------
GROSS PROFIT                                                                             106,950         102,907         92,004
                                                                                         -------         -------         ------
    AND GENERAL EXPENSES:                                                   10h
    Selling and marketing                                                                 30,595          31,324         29,167
    Administrative and general                                                            22,425          24,999         26,382
                                                                                         -------         -------         ------
                                                                                          53,020          56,323         55,549
                                                                                         -------         -------         ------
INCOME FROM ORDINARY OPERATIONS                                                           53,930          46,584         36,455
FINANCIAL EXPENSES - net                                                    10i           13,118          15,989          2,988
OTHER  INCOME (EXPENSES)                                                    10j                            1,609         (2,942)
                                                                                         -------         -------         ------
INCOME BEFORE TAXES ON INCOME                                                             40,812          32,204         30,525
TAXES ON INCOME                                                              7             3,152           7,706          9,792
                                                                                         -------         -------         ------
    COMPANY AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES                                                          37,660          24,498         20,733
    COMPANIES - net                                                         2             25,072          35,549         16,727
                                                                                         -------         -------         ------
NET INCOME FOR THE YEAR                                                                   62,732          60,047         37,460
                                                                                         =======         =======         ======

    OF SHARES                                                               1p;11           1,544          1,494            947
                                                                                         =======         =======         ======

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                                                                                           in respect
                                                                                          of financial
                                                                                          statements of
                                                             Share            Capital      associated        Retained
                                                            Capital           surplus       companies        earnings      Total
                                                            -------           -------       ---------        --------      -----
                                                                                NIS in thousands (see note 1b.)

BALANCE AT JANUARY 1, 2002                                  125,256           90,060        (3,175)         422,332       634,473
    Net income                                                                                               37,460        37,460
    Dividend paid                                                                                           (20,676)      (20,676)
    Currency adjustments in respect of financial
       statements of associated companies                                                     (307)                          (307)
                                                            -------           ------        ------          -------       -------
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2002                                125,256           90,060        (3,482)         439,116       650,950
    Net income                                                                                               60,047        60,047
    Dividend paid                                                                                           (99,128)      (99,128)
    Exercise of employee options into shares                      1                                                             1
    Currency adjustments in respect of financial
       statements of associated companies                                                    2,360                          2,360
                                                            -------           ------        ------          -------       -------
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2003                                125,257           90,060        (1,122)         400,035       614,230
                                                            =======           ======        ======          =======       =======
    Net income                                                                                               62,732        62,732
    Dividend paid                                                                                           (99,964)      (99,964)
    Exercise of employee options into shares                       *                                                             *
    Currency adjustments in respect of financial
       statements of associated companies                                                   (1,685)                        (1,685)
                                                            -------           ------        ------          -------       -------
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2004                                 125,257          90,060        (2,807)         362,803       575,313
                                                            =======           ======        ======          =======       =======

                   *Represents an amount less than NIS 1,000.

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                                                                 (Continued) - 1


                                                                             2004          2003            2002
                                                                           -------        -------        -------
                                                                              NIS in thousands (see note 1b.)
    Net income for the year                                                 62,732         60,047         37,460
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to
       net cash provided by operating activities (*)                       (15,637)        (7,396)        39,718
                                                                           -------        -------        -------
    Net cash provided by operating activities                               47,095         52,651         77,178
                                                                           -------        -------        -------
    Purchase of fixed assets                                               (30,952)       (29,247)       (46,807)
    Short-term investments                                                 (42,000)       (20,000)
    Associated companies:
       Granting of loans                                                      (779)        (8,241)        (3,302)
       Collection of loans                                                  13,688         21,895
    Proceeds from sale of fixed assets                                       1,001          3,332          9,729
                                                                           -------        -------        -------
    Net cash used in investing activities                                  (59,042)       (32,261)       (40,380)
                                                                           -------        -------        -------
    Notes issuance, net of issuance expenses of NIS 800,000                               198,909
    Consideration in respect of the exercise of options by employees                            1
    Repayment of long-term loans from banks and others                        (383)          (762)        (1,038)
    Redemption of notes                                                     (6,666)        (6,770)        (5,960)
    Dividend paid                                                          (99,964)       (99,128)       (20,676)
    Short-term credit from banks - net                                     (31,933)        40,606         (7,219)
                                                                           -------        -------        -------
    Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                   (138,946)       132,856        (34,893)
                                                                           -------        -------        -------
    CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                      (150,893)       153,246          1,905
    BEGINNING OF YEAR                                                      158,706          5,460          3,555
                                                                           -------        -------        -------
    END OF YEAR                                                              7,813        158,706          5,460
                                                                           =======        =======        =======

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                                                                 (Concluded) - 2


                                                                                          2004          2003         2002
                                                                                        -------       -------       -------
                                                                                          NIS in thousands (see note 1b.)
(*)     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating
        activities: Income and expenses not involving cash flows:
          Share in profits of associated companies - net                                (25,072)      (35,549)      (16,727)
          Dividend received from associated company                                                    16,391        21,852
          Depreciation and amortization                                                  28,633        28,247        26,809
          Deferred income taxes - net                                                   (10,096)        3,471         3,703
          Capital losses (gains) on:
             Sale of fixed assets                                                           508        (2,054)         (137)
             Termination of activities and disposal of assets - net                                                   1,345
          Gains on short-term deposits and investments not yet realized                    (464)
          Linkage and exchange differences on principal of
            long-term loans from banks - net                                                (26)           79           (17)
          Linkage differences on (erosion of) principal of Notes                          2,184         3,110          (524)
          Erosion of (linkage differences on) principal of
             long-term loans to associated companies                                       (721)       (1,101)          153
          Appreciation (erosion) of a long-term capital note granted to
             an associated company                                                                      2,477        (2,202)
                                                                                        -------       -------       -------
                                                                                          5,054        15,071        34,255
                                                                                        -------       -------       -------
        Changes in operating asset and liability items:
          Increase in trade receivables                                                  (2,279)       (9,260)      (15,064)
          Decrease (increase) in other receivables
               (not include deferred income taxes)                                      (12,037)       (8,935)        3,394
          Decrease (increase) in inventories                                              7,434          (159)       22,060
          Increase (decrease) in trade payables                                           2,954       (14,653)       11,180
          Increase (decrease) in other payables and accruals                             (6,655)       10,540       (16,107)
                                                                                        -------       -------       -------
                                                                                        (10,583)      (22,467)        5,463
                                                                                        -------       -------       -------
                                                                                        (15,637)       (7,396)       39,718
                                                                                        =======       =======       =======
Supplementary cash flow information - cash paid during the year for:
    Taxes on income                                                                       3,242        11,553        26,711
                                                                                        =======       =======       =======
    Interest                                                                             20,697        11,335         9,839
                                                                                        =======       =======       =======

Information on activities not involving cash flows:

In 2004, equipment, which the company did not find suitable for its use, was
retired. The retirement was made against the cancellation of the loan made
available to the supplier in respect of said equipment. The retirement amounted
to NIS 1,079,000.

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.




     The significant accounting policies, which, except for the changes required
     by the transition to nominal financial reporting in 2004 - see b(1) and
     b(4) below, were applied on a consistent basis, are as follows:

     a.   General:

          1)   Activities of the Group

               American Israeli Paper Mills Limited (hereafter - the Company)
               and its subsidiaries and associated companies (hereafter - the
               Group) are engaged in the production and sale of paper and paper
               products, including paper recycling activities and handling solid
               waste. Certain companies are engaged in the marketing of office
               supplies and in the sale of products produced by others (some of
               which are not paper or paper products). Most of the Group's sales
               are made to the local market (Israel). As to information by
               operating segments, see note 14.

          2)   Use of estimates in the preparation of financial statements

               The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
               generally accepted accounting principles requires management to
               make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts
               of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets
               and liabilities at the dates of the financial statements and the
               reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting
               years. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

          3)   Definitions:

               Subsidiaries - companies over which the Company has control and
               over 50% of the ownership, the financial statements of which have
               been consolidated with the financial statements of the Company.

               Associated companies - investee companies, which are not
               subsidiaries, over whose financial and operational policy the
               Company exerts material influence, the investment in which is
               presented by the equity method. Material influence is deemed to
               exist when the percentage of holding in said company is 20% or
               more, unless there are circumstances that contradict this

               Interested parties - as defined in the Israeli Securities
               (Preparation of Annual Financial Statements) Regulations, 1993.




     b.   Basis of presentation of the financial statements

          The Company draws up and presents its financial statements in Israeli
          currency (hereafter - shekels or NIS).

          Commencing in 2004, the adjustment of financial statements in Israel
          for the changes in the exchange rate of the US dollar was
          discontinued, and transitory provisions for financial reporting on a
          nominal basis began being applied, as explained below; notwithstanding
          the above, the comparative figures included in these financial
          statements are based on the amounts adjusted for the changes in the
          exchange rate of the US dollar, as previously reported; in the case of
          the Company, these figures represented adjustment to inflation by way
          of adjustment of the amounts for the changes in the exchange rate of
          the US dollar (hereafter - the dollar), see (2) below.

          1)   Transition to nominal financial reporting in 2004

               With effect from January 1, 2004, the company has adopted the
               provisions of Israel Accounting Standard No. 12 -"Discontinuance
               of Adjusting Financial Statements for Inflation" - of the Israel
               Accounting Standards Board (hereafter -the IASB) and, pursuant
               thereto, the company has discontinued, from the aforesaid date,
               the adjustment of its financial statements for the changes in the
               exchange rate of the dollar against the shekel.

               The amounts adjusted for the changes in the exchange rate of the
               dollar against the shekel (see (2) below), presented in the
               financial statements as of December 31, 2003 (hereafter - "the
               transition date"), were used as the opening balances for the
               nominal financial reporting in the following periods. Additions
               made after the transition date have been included in the
               financial statements at their nominal values.

               Accordingly, the amounts reported in 2004 are composed as
               follows: amounts originating from the period that preceded the
               transition date are composed of their adjusted to December 2003
               shekel amount, with the addition of amounts in nominal values
               that were added after the transition date, and net of amounts
               that were deducted after the transition date (the retirement of
               such sums is effected at their adjusted values as of transition
               date, their nominal values, or a combination of the two,
               according to the circumstances). All the amounts originating from
               the period after the transition date are included in the
               financial statements at their nominal values.




          2)   Comparative figures - amounts adjusted to end of 2003

               Through December 31, 2003, the Company prepared its financial
               statements on the basis of historical cost adjusted for the
               changes in the exchange rate of the dollar, as permitted under
               Opinion 36 of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in
               Israel (hereafter - the Israeli Institute) for companies whose
               shares are traded on the stock exchange of a foreign country. The
               Company's shares are traded in the United States on the AMEX.

               The comparative figures included in these financial statements
               are based on the amounts included for the prior reporting
               periods, as adjusted for the changes in the exchange rate of the
               dollar, stated at the exchange rate at December 31, 2003 (the
               exchange rate in effect at the transition date).

               The components of the income statements were, for the most part,
               adjusted as follows: the components relating to transactions
               carried out during the reported period - sales, purchases, labor
               costs, etc. - were adjusted on the basis of the date in which the
               transaction was carried out, while those relating to non-monetary
               balance sheet items (mainly - changes in inventories and
               depreciation) were adjusted on the same basis as the related
               balance sheet item. The financing component represents financial
               income and expenses in real terms and the erosion of balances of
               monetary items during the year.

               The investment in some of the associated companies (whose
               operations constitute an integral part of the Company's
               operations) and the company's share in their operating results
               are recorded on the basis of the adjusted financial statements
               (in accordance with the provisions of Standard No. 12, as
               described above) of these companies. As to associated companies
               whose financial statements were adjusted until December 31, 2003
               on the basis of the changes in the CPI, see (4) below.

          3)   The amounts of non-monetary assets do not necessarily represent
               realization value or current economic value, but only the
               reported amounts of such assets, as described in (1) above. In
               these financial statements, the term "cost" signifies cost in
               reported amounts.

          4)   Associated companies whose financial statements are adjusted on
               the basis of the changes in the Israeli CPI

               For purposes of inclusion on the equity basis, until December 31,
               2003, the amounts included in the financial statements of the
               above associated companies operating independently were treated
               as follows:

               Balance sheet items at the end of the year and the results of
               operations for the year reflect the amounts presented in the
               financial statements of such companies. Balance sheet items at
               the beginning of the year and changes in shareholders' equity
               items during the year were adjusted on the basis of the changes
               in the exchange rate of the dollar at the beginning of the year
               or at the date of each change, respectively, through the end of
               the year. Any differences resulting from the treatment described
               above were carried to the adjusted shareholders' equity under a
               separate item ("currency adjustments in respect of financial
               statements of associated companies").




               As from January 1, 2004, no additional differences have been
               included in respect of said companies, in view of their
               transition to reporting under Standard 12, as also applied by the
               Company. The change in this equity item in 2004 is related to a
               subsidiary of an associated company, which has a currency other
               than NIS.

          c.   Principles of consolidation:

               1)   The consolidated financial statements include the accounts
                    of the Company and its subsidiaries. A list of the main
                    subsidiaries is presented in a schedule to the financial

               2)   Intercompany transactions and balances, as well as
                    intercompany profits on sales which have not yet been
                    realized outside the Group, have been eliminated.

          d.   Inventories

               Raw materials and supplies, finished goods, purchased products
               and maintenance and sundry stores are valued at the lower of cost
               or market (net of processing costs and after deduction of a
               provision for obsolescence, where appropriate); cost is
               determined on the moving average basis.

          e.   Investments in associated companies:

               1)   The investments in these companies are accounted for by the
                    equity method.

               2)   Profits on intercompany sales, not yet realized outside the
                    Group, have been eliminated according to the percentage of
                    the Company's holding in such companies.

               3)   With effect from the interim financial statements for the
                    3-month period ended March 31, 2003, the Company reviews
                    whether any events have occurred or changes in circumstances
                    have taken place, which might indicate that there has been
                    an impairment of its investments in associated companies -
                    see h. below.

               4)   The excess of cost of the investment in associated companies
                    over the equity in net assets at time of acquisition
                    ("excess of cost of investment") or the excess of equity in
                    net assets of associated companies at time of acquisition
                    over the cost of their acquisition ("negative excess of cost
                    of investment") represent the amounts attributed to specific
                    assets upon acquisition, at fair value. The excess of cost
                    of investment and the negative excess of cost of investment
                    are presented at their net amount and are amortized over the
                    remaining useful life of the assets. The average rate of
                    amortization is 10%.

          f.   Marketable securities

               These securities are stated at market prices.

               The changes in value of the above securities are carried to
               financial income or expense.




          g.   Fixed assets:

               1)   Fixed assets are stated at cost, net of related investment

               2)   Fixed assets of own manufacture are stated at cost, based on
                    the direct costs with the addition of an appropriate portion
                    of related production costs.

               3)   Borrowing costs in respect of credit applied to finance the
                    construction of the fixed assets - during the period until
                    construction is completed - are charged to cost of such

               4)   The assets are depreciated by the straight-line method on
                    basis of their estimated useful life, as follows:

                    Buildings                            10-50 (mainly 33)
                    Machinery and equipment              7-20 (mainly 10 and 20)
                    Vehicles                             5-7 (mainly 7)
                    Office furniture and equipment
                        (including computers)            3-17 (mainly 4)

          h.   Impairment of Assets

               In February 2003, Accounting Standard No. 15 of the Israeli
               Accounting Standard Board (hereafter - IASB) - "Impairment of
               Assets", became effective. This standard requires a periodic
               review to evaluate the need for a provision for the impairment of
               the company's and its subsidiary's non-monetary assets - mainly
               fixed assets as well as investments in associated companies.

               Accordingly, commencing with the interim financial statements for
               the 3-month period ended March 31, 2003, the Company assesses -
               at each balance sheet date - whether any events have occurred or
               changes in circumstances have taken place, which might indicate
               that there has been an impairment of one or more of the above
               assets. When such indicators of impairment are present, the
               Company evaluates whether the carrying value of the asset is
               recoverable from the cash flows expected from that asset.

               The recoverable value of an asset is determined according to the
               higher of the net selling price of the asset or its value in use
               to the Company. The value in use is determined according to the
               present value of anticipated cash flows from the continued use of
               the asset, including those expected at the time of its future
               retirement and disposal. When it is not possible to assess
               whether an impairment provision is required for a particular
               asset on its own, the need for such a provision is assessed in
               relation to the recoverable value of the cash generating unit to
               which that asset belongs.

               The adoption of this Standard has not had any effect on the
               Company and its subsidiaries.




          i.   Deferred charges

               The item represents notes issuance costs, which are amortized
               over the period of the notes (see note 4a).

          j.   Deferred income taxes:

               1)   Deferred taxes are computed in respect of differences
                    between the amounts presented in these statements and those
                    taken into account for tax purposes. As to the main factors
                    in respect of which deferred taxes have been included - see
                    note 7f. Deferred tax balances are computed at the tax rate
                    expected to be in effect at time of release to income from
                    the deferred tax accounts. The amount of deferred taxes
                    presented in the income statements reflects changes in the
                    above balances during the reporting years.

               2)   Taxes which would apply in the event of disposal of
                    investments in subsidiaries and associated companies have
                    not been taken into account in computing the deferred taxes,
                    as the Company intends to hold these investments, not to
                    realize them.

               3)   The Group may incur an additional tax liability in the event
                    of intercompany dividend distribution derived from "approved
                    enterprises" profits - see note 7a. No account was taken of
                    this additional tax, since it is the Group's policy not to
                    cause distribution of dividend which would involve an
                    additional tax liability to the Group in the foreseeable

          k.   Revenue recognition

               Revenue from sale of products to the local market, net of
               discounts granted, is recognized upon shipment to the customer
               (which represents the point at which the title transfers).
               Revenue from sale of products for export, net of discounts, is
               recognized as the products are delivered to the customer in the
               target country.

          l.   Shipping and handling fees costs

               Shipping and handling costs are classified as component of
               selling and marketing expenses.

          m.   Allowance for doubtful accounts

               The allowance is determined mainly in respect of specific debts
               doubtful of collection (see note 12b).

          n.   Derivative financial instruments

               Gains or losses from derivatives that are hedging existing assets
               or liabilities are recognized in income and cash flows statements
               commensurate with the results from those assets or liabilities.




          o.   Cash equivalents

               The Group considers all highly liquid investments, which include
               short-term bank deposits that are not restricted as to withdrawal
               or use, the period to maturity of which did not exceed three
               months at time of deposit, to be cash equivalents.

          p.   Net income per NIS 1 of par value of shares

               Net income per NIS 1 of par value of shares is computed in
               accordance with Opinion 55 of the Israeli Institute; as to the
               data used in the per share computation - see note 11.

          q.   Recently issued pronouncement

               In July 2004, the IASB issued Israel Accounting Standard No. 19 -
               "Taxes on Income", which is based on International Accounting
               Standard No. 12, that prescribes the accounting treatment
               (recognition criteria, measurement, presentation and disclosure)
               required for taxes on income. This accounting standard is to be
               applied to financial statements covering periods commencing on,
               or after, January 1, 2005.

               For the most part, the provisions of this standard are the same
               as the accounting principles that are customarily applied at
               present (see j. above). The adoption of the standard is not
               expected to have a material effect on the company's financial
               statements in the forthcoming periods.


          a.   The Company has a number of investments in associated companies,
               which are held either directly or through associated companies.
               The financial statements of significant associated companies
               (Mondy Business Paper Hadera Ltd. - formerly Neusiedler Hadera
               Paper Ltd, NHP - and Hogla-Kimberly Ltd.) are attached to these
               financial statements.




          b.   Composed as follows:

                                                                                December 31
                                                                           2004            2003
                                                                          -------        -------
                                                                             NIS in thousands
                   Shares                                                  54,241         54,241
                   Excess of cost of investment - net                       2,086          2,086
                   L e s s - accumulated amortization                      (2,624)        (3,068)
               Gain on issuance of shares of an associated
                   company to a third party                                40,241         40,241
               Currency adjustments                                        (2,807)        (1,122)
               Share in profits accumulated since acquisition - net       271,492        246,864
                                                                          -------        -------
                                                                          362,629        339,242
               Long-term loans and capital notes *                         69,123         44,637
                                                                          -------        -------
                                                                          431,752        383,879
                                                                          =======        =======

               *    Classified by linkage terms, the total amounts of the loans
                    and capital notes are as follows:

                                                   Weighted average          December 31
                                                    interest rate      ----------------------
                                                   at December 31,      2004            2003
                                                        2004           ------          ------
                                                         %                NIS in thousands

               Linked to the dollar                                     8,616          21,897
               Linked to the Israeli CPI                0%-6%          11,220          10,553
               Loan and unlinked capital note           0%-5%          49,287          12,187
                                                                       ------          ------
                                                                       69,123          44,637
                                                                       ======          ======

               As of December 31, 2004, the repayment dates of the balance of
               the loans and capital notes have not yet been determined.




          c.   The changes in the investments during 2004 are as follows:

                                                                                            NIS in
               Balance at beginning of year                                                 383,879
               Changes during the year:
                   Share in profits of associated companies - net                            25,072
                   Currency adjustments                                                      (1,685)
                   Classifying long term balance                                             36,674
                   Decrease in balance of long-term loans and capital notes - net           (12,188)
               Balance at end of year                                                       431,752

          d.   Mondy Business Paper Hadera Ltd. (hereafter - Mondy Hadera;
               formerly - Neusiedler Hadera Paper Ltd- NHP):

               Mondy Hadera is held to the extent of 49.9% by the Company and
               also by Neusiedler AG (hereafter - Neusiedler), under an
               agreement dated November 21, 1999. According to said agreement,
               Mondy Hadera purchased the Group's activities in the field of
               printing and writing paper, and issued to Neusiedler 50.1% of its
               shares. As part of the said agreement, Neusiedler was granted an
               option to sell to the Company its holdings in Mondy Hadera, at a
               price which is 20% lower than the value (as defined in the
               agreement). The understanding between the parties is that the
               option would only be exercised under continued extraordinary
               circumstances that preclude the operation of Mondy Hadera in
               Israel. The Company believes that the likelihood of such
               circumstances is very remote.

          e.   Investment in Carmel Container Systems Limited (hereafter -

               The investment in shares includes, as of December 31, 2004 and
               2003, amounts to NIS 32,300,000 and NIS 29,475,000, respectively,
               which represents a holding of 26.25%. Carmel's shares are traded
               in the United States on the "AMEX" Stock Exchange. The market
               value of the Company's holding in these shares as of December 31,
               2004 and 2003 is NIS 15,741,000 and NIS 9,656,000, respectively.

               In November 2004, Carmel's board of directors decided to take
               measures to withdraw Carmel's shares from trade on the "AMEX"
               Stock Exchange in the United States and also to deregister with
               the SEC. Accordingly, trade in Carmel's shares on the "AMEX" was
               suspended from November 30, 2004 and the process of deregistering
               with the SEC is currently being attended to.




               The Company's management believes that the low market value of
               these shares is not representative of the economic value, as the
               trade in Carmel's shares is very weak as described above. At the
               beginning of 2003, the Company used the services of an outside
               appraiser in determining the value in use to the Company.

               The Company's management believes, based on the abovementioned
               and current developments in 2004, that the investment should not
               be written down.

               The financial statements of Carmel are drawn up in accordance
               with the provisions of Accounting Standard No. 12 of the IASB.
               Until December 31, 2003, the financial statements have been drawn
               up on the basis of cost, adjusted for the changes in the general
               purchasing power of Israeli currency measured on the basis of the
               Israeli CPI. For purposes of inclusion in the consolidated
               financial statements up to said date, Carmel's financial
               statements were adjusted on the basis of the changes in the
               exchange rate of the dollar.

          f.   Investment in T.M.M Integrated Recycling Industries Ltd.
               (hereafter - T.M.M.)

               As of December 31, 2004, the Company's share in T.M.M. (directly
               and through another associated company) is 41.6%.

               The excess of equity in net assets of T.M.M. shares, over the
               cost of investment therein - amounting to NIS 1,581,000 is
               amortized over a period of ten years.

               As of December 31, 2004 and 2003, the direct investment in the
               shares of T.M.M is NIS 15,726,000 and NIS 15,759,000,
               respectively. The market value of these shares as of December 31,
               2004 and 2003 is NIS 11,338,000 and NIS 13,713,000, respectively.

               The Company's management examined the value of its investment in
               T.M.M. for impairment which is not temporary in nature. At the
               beginning of 2003, the Company used the services of an outside
               appraiser in determining the value in use to the Company.

               The Company's management believes, based on the abovementioned
               and current business developments within T.M.M during 2004, that
               the investment should not be written down.



               NOTE 3 - FIXED ASSETS:

             a.   Composition of assets, grouped by major classifications, and
                  changes therein during 2004, are as follows:

                                     Balance at     Additions      Retirements     Balance at
                                     beginning         during         during         end of
                                      of year        the year        the year         year
                                      -------         ------          ------        -------
                                                          NIS in thousands
Land and buildings on the land        185,675          3,552                        189,227
Machinery and equipment               653,206         25,008           4,461        673,753
Vehicles                               31,860          3,772           5,678         29,954
Office furniture and equipment
   (including computers)               65,569          2,800               7         68,362
Payments on account of
   machinery and equipment             17,346         (4,180)                        13,166
                                      -------         ------          ------        -------
                                      953,656         30,952          10,146        974,462
                                      =======         ======          ======        =======

                                                       Accumulated depreciation                    Depreciated balance
                                      ----------------------------------------------------        ----------------------
                                     Balance at      Additions    Retirements    Balance at             December 31
                                     beginning        during         during        end of         ----------------------
                                      of year        the year       the year        year           2004           2003
                                      -------         ------          -----        -------        -------        -------
                                                           NIS in thousands                          NIS in thousands
Land and buildings on the land        104,237          3,348                       107,585         81,642         81,438
Machinery and equipment               449,526         19,469          1,168        467,827        205,926        203,680
Vehicles                               22,357          2,786          5,259         19,884         10,070          9,503
Office furniture and equipment
   (including computers)               51,895          2,869              4         54,760         13,602         13,674
Payments on account of
   machinery and equipment                                                                         13,166         17,346
                                      -------         ------          -----        -------        -------        -------
                                      628,015         28,472          6,431        650,056        324,406        325,641
                                      =======         ======          =====        =======        =======        =======



NOTE 3 - FIXED ASSETS (continued):

          b.   The item is net of investment grants in respect of investments in
               "approved enterprises" (see notes 7a and 9a).

          c.   The Group's real estate is partly owned and partly leased - to
               the extent of NIS 44.5 million, in respect of which lease fees of
               approximately NIS 25.8 million have been capitalized. The
               leasehold rights are for 49-year periods ending in the years 2008
               to 2059, with options to extend for an additional 49 years.

          d.   As of December 31, 2004 and 2003, the cost of fixed assets
               includes borrowing costs of NIS 1,007,000 capitalized to the cost
               of machinery and equipment.

          e.   Depreciation expenses amounted to NIS 28,472,000, NIS 28,165,000
               and NIS 26,726,000, for the years ended December 31, 2004, 2003
               and 2002, respectively.

          f.   As to pledges on assets - see note 9a.




          a.   Notes

               The item represents two series of notes issued to institutional
               investors as follows:

                                                                               December 31
                                                                      2004                      2003
                                                              -------------------       -------------------
                                                                             NIS in thousands
                                                             Series II    Series I     Series II    Series I
                                                              -------      ------       -------      ------
                Balance                                       201,807      33,340       200,000      39,629
                L e s s - current maturities                                6,648                     6,590
                                                              -------      ------       -------      ------
                                                              201,807      26,692       200,000      33,039
                                                              =======      ======       =======      ======

               (1)  Series I - May 1992

                    The balance of the notes as of December 31, 2004 is
                    redeemable in five installments, due in June of each of the
                    years 2005-2009, each installment amounting to 6.66% of the
                    original par value of the notes, which is NIS 99,819,000, in
                    December 2004 terms; the unpaid balance of the notes bears
                    annual interest of 3.8%, payable each June. The notes -
                    principal and interest - are linked to the Israeli CPI of
                    February 1992.

               (2)  Series II - December 2003

                    As of December 31, 2004, the unpaid balance of the notes is
                    payable in 7 annual installments at December of each of the
                    years 2007-2013; The unpaid balance of the notes bears
                    annual interest of 5.65%, payable in annual installments at
                    December of each year. The notes - principal and interest -
                    are linked to the Israeli CPI of November 2003.

          b.   Other liabilities:

                                                                   December 31
                                                               2004          2003
                                                              ------        ------
                                                                NIS in thousands
               Capital note to an associated company *        32,770        32,770
               Other liability                                               2,243
                                                              ------        ------
                                                              32,770        35,013
                                                              ======        ======

          *    The capital note is unlinked and interest free. No repayment date
               has been fixed, but the associated company does not intend to
               demand the repayment of the capital note before January 1, 2006.




          a.   Israeli labor laws and agreements require the company and its
               subsidiaries to pay severance pay to employees dismissed or
               leaving their employ under certain circumstances, computed on the
               basis of the number of years of service and, generally, the
               latest pay rate (one month's pay for each year of service) or a
               pension upon retirement.

               To cover the liability for employee rights upon retirement,
               pursuant to labor agreements in force and based on salary
               components which, in management's opinion, create entitlement to
               severance pay, deposits are made by the Company and its
               subsidiaries with various provident funds (including pension
               funds) or insurance policies for the benefit of employees.

               The severance pay and pension liability and the amounts funded as
               above are not reflected in the financial statements, as the
               pension and severance pay risks have been irrevocably transferred
               to the pension funds and the insurance companies, as allowed by
               the Severance Pay Law.

          b.   The expenses relating to employee rights upon retirement, which
               reflect the amounts that were deposited during the reported years
               with provident funds, pension funds and various insurance
               policies, are NIS 8,368,000, NIS 8,515,000 and NIS 5,786,000 in
               2004, 2003, and 2002, respectively.


          a.   Share capital

               Composed of ordinary registered shares of NIS 0.01 par value, as

                                                                  December 31
                                                             2004               2003
                                                          ---------         ---------
                                       Authorized                Issued and paid
                                       ----------         ---------------------------

               Number of shares        20,000,000         3,996,674         3,968,295
                                       ==========         =========         =========
               Amount in NIS              200,000            39,967            39,683
                                       ==========         =========         =========

               The shares are traded on stock exchanges in Tel-Aviv and in the
               U.S. The quoted prices per share, as of December 31, 2004 are NIS
               238.30 and $ 55.00 (NIS 236.94), respectively.

          b.   Employee stock option plans:

               1)   The 1998 plan for senior officers in the Group

                    On January 11, 1998, the board of directors approved a stock
                    option plan for senior officers in the Group ("the 1998 plan
                    for senior officers").




                    In 1998-2000, 155,498 options were granted under the 1998
                    plan for senior officers.

                    The number of shares resulted from exercise of the options
                    and the actual exercise price were fixed as follows: Upon
                    the receipt of an exercise request from an option holder, a
                    computation was made of the difference between the quoted
                    price of the Company's shares at the beginning of that
                    trading day and the exercise price; that difference was then
                    multiplied by the number of exercisable options (hereafter -
                    the benefit). The number of shares that the Company actually
                    issued to the option holder was the number of shares the
                    market value of which was equal to the amount of the benefit
                    computed as above. In consideration for the shares, the
                    option holder paid their par value only.

                    In 2000-2003, 154,000 options were exercised under the 1998
                    plan for senior officers. 92,832 shares of NIS 0.01 were
                    issued following the exercise. The unexercised balance of
                    1,498 options granted expired in 2003.

                    The ordinary shares issued upon exercise of the options
                    conferred upon their holders the same rights as all other
                    ordinary shares, upon issuance.

               2)   The 2001 plan for senior officers in the Group

                    On April 2, 2001, the Company's board of directors approved
                    a stock option plan for senior officers in the Group
                    (hereafter - the 2001 plan for senior officers). Under this
                    plan, 194,300 options were allotted on July 5, 2001 without
                    consideration. Each option is exercisable in purchase of one
                    ordinary share of NIS 0.01 par value of the Company. The
                    options will be exercisable in four equal annual batches.
                    The blocking period of the first batch is two years,
                    commencing on the date of grant; the blocking period of the
                    second batch is three years from the date of grant, and so
                    forth. Each batch is exercisable within two years from the
                    end of the blocking period.

                    The exercise price of the options granted as above was set
                    at NIS 217.00, linked to the CPI, on the basis of the CPI as
                    of April 2, 2001. The exercise price for each batch is
                    determined as the lesser of the aforementioned exercise
                    price or the average price of the Company's shares as quoted
                    on the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (hereafter - the Stock
                    Exchange) during thirty trading days preceding to the
                    effective date of each batch, less 10%. As stipulated by the
                    2001 plan for senior officers, the exercise price is to be
                    adjusted, following dividend distributions. Accordingly, the
                    exercise price as of December 31, 2004 is NIS 177.37 for the
                    first batch, NIS 68.77 for the second batch, NIS 125.18 for
                    the third batch and NIS 177.37 for the fourth batch.

                    The quoted price of the Company's shares on the Tel Aviv
                    Stock Exchange close to the time of the board of directors'
                    resolution to grant the options, was NIS 204.00. Prior to
                    the granting of the options, the price was NIS 185.8.




          b.   Employee stock option plans (continued):

               The fair value of each option - computed on the basis of the
               Black-Scholes option-pricing model - as prescribed by the
               regulations of the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange - was approximately
               NIS 56.69 on the date of grant.

               Notwithstanding the above, the number of shares resulting from
               exercise of the options and the actual exercise price will be
               determined as follows: when an exercise request is received from
               an option holder, a computation will be made of the difference
               between the quoted price of the Company's shares at the beginning
               of that trading day and the exercise price; that difference is to
               be multiplied by the number of exercisable options, as of the
               date of the exercise (hereafter - the benefit). The number of
               shares that the Company will actually issue to the option holder
               will be the number of shares the market value of which is equal
               to the amount of the benefit computed as above. In consideration
               for the shares, the option holder will pay their par value only.

               The ordinary shares issued upon exercise of the options will
               confer upon their holders the same rights as all other ordinary
               shares, upon issuance.

               In 2004 and 2003, 55,525 and 1,550 options, respectively, were
               exercised under the 2001 plan for senior officers, and 24,295 and
               227 shares of NIS 0.01, respectively, were issued following the
               exercise of options, as above. The unexercised balance of the
               options granted is 137,225.

               This plan is designed to be governed by the terms stipulated by
               Section 102 of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance. Inter alia,
               these terms provide that the company will be allowed to claim, as
               an expense for tax purposes, the amounts credited to the
               employees as a benefit in respect of shares or options granted
               under the plan.

               The amount allowed as an expense for tax purposes, at the time
               the employee utilizes such benefit, is limited to the amount of
               the benefit that is liable to tax as labor income, in the hands
               of the employee; all being subject to the restrictions specified
               in Section 102 of the Income Tax Ordinance.

               3)   The 2001 employee plan

                    On August 29, 2001, the Company's board of directors
                    approved a stock option plan for employees in the Group,
                    according to a specification (hereafter - the 2001 employee
                    plan). Under this plan, up to 125,000 options will be
                    allotted without consideration. Each option is exercisable
                    in purchase of one ordinary share of NIS 0.01 par value of
                    the Company. The blocking period of the options is two years
                    from the date of grant. Each option is exercisable within
                    three years from the end of the blocking period.

                    On November 4, 2001, 81,455 options were granted under the
                    2001 employee plan.




                    The exercise price of all the options granted as above was
                    set at NIS 160.99, linked to the CPI, on the basis of the
                    CPI as of August 29, 2001. This price represents the average
                    price of the Company's shares as quoted on the Tel-Aviv
                    Stock Exchange during thirty trading days prior to the date
                    of the board of directors' approval, less 10%. As stipulated
                    by the 2001 employee plan, the exercise price has been
                    adjusted, following a dividend distribution and it is NIS
                    113.57 as of December 31, 2004.

                    The quoted price of the Company's shares on the Tel Aviv
                    Stock Exchange close to the time of the board of directors'
                    resolution to grant the options, was NIS 171.20. Prior to
                    the granting of the options, the price was NIS 138.80.

                    The fair value of each option - computed on the basis of the
                    Black-Scholes option-pricing model - as prescribed by the
                    regulations of the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange - was
                    approximately NIS 64.11 on the date of grant.

                    Notwithstanding the above, the number of shares resulting
                    from exercise of the options and the actual exercise price
                    will be fixed as follows: when an exercise request is
                    received from an option holder, a computation will be made
                    of the difference between the quoted price of the Company's
                    shares at the beginning of that trading day and the exercise
                    price; that difference is to be multiplied by the number of
                    exercisable options, as of the date of the exercise
                    (hereafter - the benefit). The number of shares the that
                    Company will actually issue to the option holder will be the
                    number of shares the market value of which is equal to the
                    amount of the benefit computed as above. In consideration
                    for the shares, the option holder will pay their par value

                    The ordinary shares issued upon exercise of the options will
                    confer upon their holders the same rights as all other
                    ordinary shares, upon issuance.

                    In 2004 and 2003, 8,615 and 57,962 options, respectively,
                    were exercised under the 2001 employee plan. 4,084 and
                    20,665 shares of NIS 0.01, respectively, were issued
                    following the exercise of options, as above. The unexercised
                    balance of the options granted is 14,878.

                    This plan is designed to be governed by the terms stipulated
                    by Section 102 of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance. Inter
                    alia, these terms provide that the company will be allowed
                    to claim, as an expense for tax purposes, the amounts
                    credited to the employees as a benefit in respect of shares
                    or options granted under the plan.

                    The amount allowed as an expense for tax purposes, at the
                    time the employee utilizes such benefit, is limited to the
                    amount of the benefit that is liable to tax as labor income,
                    in the hands of the employee; all being subject to the
                    restrictions specified in Section 102 of the Income Tax




          a.   Tax benefits under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital
               Investments, 1959 (hereafter - the law)

               Under the law, by virtue of the "approved enterprise" status
               granted to certain of their production facilities, certain
               subsidiaries were entitled to various tax benefits (mainly
               reduced tax rates) until 2003.

               During the period of benefits - mainly 7 years commencing in the
               first year in which the companies earn taxable income from the
               approved enterprises, provided the maximum period to which it is
               restricted by law has not elapsed - reduced tax rates or
               exemption from tax apply, as follows:

               1)   Corporate tax rate of 25%, instead of the regular tax rate
                    (see d. below).

               2)   Tax exemption on income from certain approved enterprises in
                    respect of which the companies have elected the "alternative
                    benefits" (involving waiver of government guaranteed loans);
                    the length of the exemption period is 4 years, after which
                    the income from these enterprises is taxable at the rate of
                    25% for 3 years.

                    The part of the taxable income which is entitled to the tax
                    benefits is determined on the basis of the ratio of the
                    turnover attributed to the "approved enterprise" to the
                    total turnover of these companies, taking into account the
                    ratio of the "approved enterprise" assets to total assets of
                    these companies. The turnover that is attributed to the
                    "approved enterprise" is generally computed on the basis of
                    the ratio of the increase in turnover to the "basic"
                    turnover stipulated in the instrument of approval.

                    The period of benefits in respect of the "approved
                    enterprises" of these companies expired at the end of 2003.

                    The entitlement to the above benefits is conditional upon
                    the companies' fulfilling the conditions stipulated by the
                    law, regulations published thereunder and the instruments of
                    approval for the specific investments in "approved
                    enterprises". In the event of failure to comply with these
                    conditions, the benefits may be cancelled and the companies
                    may be required to refund the amount of the benefits, in
                    whole or in part, with the addition of linkage differences
                    to the CPI and interest.

          b.   Measurement of results for tax purposes under the Income Tax
               (Inflationary Adjustments) Law, 1985 (hereafter - the
               inflationary adjustments law)

               Under the inflationary adjustments law, results for tax purposes
               are measured in real terms, having regard to the changes in the
               Israeli CPI. The Israeli companies in the Group are taxed under
               this law.



NOTE 7 - TAXES ON INCOME (continued):

          c.   The Law for the Encouragement of Industry (Taxation), 1969

               The Company and certain subsidiaries are "industrial companies"
               as defined by this law. These companies claimed depreciation at
               accelerated rates on equipment used in industrial activity as
               stipulated by regulations published under the inflationary
               adjustments law.

               The Company also files consolidated tax returns with certain
               subsidiaries as permitted under this law.

          d.   Tax rates applicable to income not derived from "approved

               The income of the Company and its Israeli subsidiaries (other
               than income from "approved enterprises", see a. below) is taxed
               at the regular rate. Through to December 31, 2003, the corporate
               tax was 36%. In July 2004, an amendment to the Income Tax
               Ordinance was enacted. One of the provisions of this amendment is
               that the corporate tax rate is to be gradually reduced from 36%
               to 30%, in the following manner: the rate for 2004 will be 35%,
               in 2005 - 34%, in 2006 - 32%, and in 2007 and thereafter - 30%.
               The effect of the change in the tax rates in the coming years on
               the deferred tax balances on the effective date of the amendment
               to the law, is included under "taxes on income" in the statements
               of income (loss) - see g (1) below.

          e.   Carryforward tax losses

               Carryforward tax losses are NIS 20,399,000 and NIS 14,002,000 as
               of December 31, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Under the
               inflationary adjustments law, carryforward losses are linked to
               the Israeli CPI, and may be utilized indefinitely.



NOTE 7 - TAXES ON INCOME (continued):

          f.   Deferred income taxes

               The composition of the deferred taxes, and the changes therein
               during 2004 and 2003, are as follows:

                                                      Among          Among           Among           As a
                                                   non-current      current       non-current     non-current
                                                    assets (1)     assets (2)    liability (3)      Total
                                                     ------          ------          ------         -------
                                                                        NIS in thousands
               Balance at January 1, 2003           (10,948)                         58,266          47,318
               Changes in 2003:
                   Reclassification                   3,885          (3,885)
                   Amounts carried to income            (64)                          3,535           3,471
                                                     ------          ------          ------         -------
               Balance at December 31, 2003          (7,127)         (3,885)         61,801          50,789
               Changes in 2004:
                   Amounts carried to income          1,769          (2,626)         (9,239)        (10,096)
                                                     ------          ------          ------         -------
               Balance at December 31, 2004          (5,358)         (6,511)         52,562          40,693
                                                     ======          ======          ======         =======

                    (1)  In respect of inventories, provisions for doubtful
                         accounts, vacation and recreation pay, and
                         carry-forward tax losses.

                    (2)  In respect of carryforward tax losses.

                    (3)  Mainly in respect of depreciable fixed assets.

                    The deferred taxes are computed at the rate of 30%-34%.

          g.   Taxes on income included in the income statements:

                    1)   As follows:

                                                                   2004             2003          2002
                                                                  ------           -----          -----
                                                                            NIS in thousands
               For the reported year:
                   Current                                        13,248           4,235          4,702
                   Deferred, see f. above:
                      In respect of changes to tax rates,
                          see d. above                            (5,824)
                      In respect of the reporting period          (4,272)          3,471          3,703
                                                                  ------           -----          -----
                                                                   3,152           7,706          8,405
               For previous years - Current                                                       1,387
                                                                  ------           -----          -----
                                                                   3,152           7,706          9,792
                                                                  ======           =====          =====



NOTE 7 - TAXES ON INCOME (continued):

                    2)   Following is a reconciliation of the "theoretical" tax
                         expense, assuming all income is taxed at the regular
                         rate, as stated in d. above, and the actual tax

                                                          2004                      2003                       2002
                                                    -----------------         -----------------         -----------------
                                                               NIS in                    NIS in                    NIS in
                                                      %       thousands         %       thousands         %       thousands
                                                    -----      ------         -----      ------         -----      ------
Income before taxes on income, as reported
   in the statements of income                      100.0      40,812         100.0      32,204         100.0      30,525
                                                    =====      ======         =====      ======         =====      ======
Theoretical tax on the above amount                  35.0      14,284          36.0      11,593          36.0      10,989
Tax benefits arising from reduced tax rate
   for approved enterprises                                                    (1.5)       (487)         (1.0)       (305)
                                                    -----      ------         -----      ------         -----      ------
                                                     35.0      14,284          34.5      11,106          35.0      10,684
Decrease in taxes resulting from computation
   of deferred taxes at a rate which is
   different from the theoretical rate               (4.3)     (1,762)
Tax benefit resulting from
    changes in tax rates, see d. above              (14.3)     (5,824)

Tax deduction in respect of options
   exercised by employees according to
   section 102 of the Israeli
   Income Tax Ordinance                             (10.3)     (4,221)         (5.0)     (1,607)         (6.2)     (1,883)
Other - net                                           1.6         675          (5.6)     (1,793)         (1.3)       (396)
                                                    -----      ------         -----      ------         -----      ------
Taxes on income for the reported year                 7.7       3,152          23.9       7,706          27.5       8,405
                                                    =====      ======         =====      ======         =====      ======

          h.   Tax assessments

               The Company and most of its subsidiaries have received final tax
               assessments through the year ended December 31, 2000.




          a.   As follows:

                                                                              December 31, 2004
                                                                In, or linked
                                                                  to, foreign
                                                                   currency      Linked to the
                                                                (mainly dollar)   Israeli CPI       Unlinked
                                                                    ------           ------          -------
                                                                                NIS in thousands
    Current assets:
       Cash and cash equivalents                                     4,531                             3,282
       Short-term investments                                                        45,539           16,925
       Receivables                                                  43,600            1,799          192,071
    Investments in associated companies - long-term
       loans and capital notes                                       8,616           11,220           49,287
                                                                    ------          -------          -------
                                                                    56,747           58,558          261,565
                                                                    ======          =======          =======

    Current liabilities:
       Short-term credit from banks                                  2,238                           110,446
       Accounts payables and accruals                               10,100            1,013          142,798
    Long-term liabilities (including current maturities):
       Loans from banks
       Notes                                                                        235,147
       Other liabilities                                                                              32,770
                                                                    ------          -------          -------
                                                                    12,338          236,160          286,014
                                                                    ======          =======          =======

                                                                                  December 31, 2003
                                                               In, or linked
                                                                to, foreign
                                                                  currency       Linked to the
                                                               (mainly dollar)     Israeli CPI       Unlinked
                                                                    ------           ------          -------
                                                                              NIS in thousands
    Current assets:
       Cash and cash equivalents                                     8,561                           150,145
       Short-term investments                                                                         20,000
       Receivables                                                  48,457              215          210,560
    Investments in associated companies - long-term
       loans and capital notes                                      21,897           10,553           12,187
                                                                    ------          -------          -------
                                                                    78,915           10,768          392,892
                                                                    ======          =======          =======

    Current liabilities:
       Short-term credit from banks                                                                  144,617
       Accounts payables and accruals                               11,579                           146,033
    Long-term liabilities (including current maturities):
       Loans from banks                                                                 372
       Notes                                                                        239,629
       Other liabilities                                             2,243                            32,770
                                                                    ------          -------          -------
                                                                    13,822          240,001          323,420
                                                                    ======          =======          =======

As to exposures relating to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates and
the use of derivatives for hedging purposes - see note 12a.




          b.   Data regarding the exchange rate and the Israeli CPI:

                                                                  Exchange rate of
                                                                     one dollar             CPI*
                                                                     ----------             ----
                                                                        NIS                Points
                    At end of year:
                        2004                                            4.308              180.7
                        2003                                            4.379              178.6
                        2002                                            4.737              182.0
                    Change in the year:
                        2004                                           (1.6%)               1.2%
                        2003                                           (7.6%)              (1.9%)
                        2002                                            7.3%                6.5%

                       *  Based on the index for the month ending on each
                          balance sheet date, on the basis of 1993 average =


          a.   In respect of investment grants

               Under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments, 1959,
               certain subsidiaries and an associated company have received
               investment grants from the State of Israel. In the event of
               failure to comply with the terms attached to the receipt of the
               grants, the companies may be required to refund the amount of the
               grants, in whole or in part, with linkage differences and
               interest from the date of receipt.

               The abovementioned subsidiaries have registered floating charges
               on all their assets in favor of the State of Israel as security
               for compliance with the terms of the investment grants received.
               In respect of the grant received by the associated company, the
               Company has provided a guarantee, with another associated
               company, for the repayment of the grant. As of December 31, 2004,
               the guarantee amounts to NIS 181,000.

          b.   In 1996, an associated company received a grant amounting to NIS
               2,067,000 from the Fund for Preparation for Exposure of the
               Ministry of Industry and Trade. With respect to this grant, the
               Company has provided a bank guarantee of NIS 2,036,000 in favor
               of the State of Israel.

          c.   The Company has provided guarantees of NIS 2,154,000 in favor of
               an associated company, in connection with the latter's
               participation in a tender. If the associated company does not win
               the tender, the guarantee will become null and void.

          d.   A subsidiary has provided a guarantee of NIS 1,291,000 to a bank
               in respect of a loan extended to an associated company.

          e.   A subsidiary provided guarantees to various entities, in
               connection with tenders, in the aggregate amount of approximately
               NIS 1,700,000.




          f.   On May 7, 2001, the Company's board of directors resolved to
               carry out a plan, which was approved by the shareholders'
               meeting, to remunerate the Company's chairman of the board of
               directors. According to the plan, a remuneration will be granted,
               equal to the increase in the value of 50,000 shares of the
               Company in the period from May 7, 2001 (share price - NIS 194.37,
               linked to the terms of the plan) to May 7, 2008. The remuneration
               will be spread over the period commencing two years from the
               resolution of the board of directors, until the end of seven
               years from said resolution. In 2004, one quarter of the
               remuneration was exercised. As of December 31, 2004, another
               quarter is exercisable. A liability was included in the financial
               statements in respect of the above plan, under current

          g.   In accordance with the Companies Law, 1999, in 2004, the Company
               issued new letters of indemnity to its officers, pursuant to
               which the Company undertakes to indemnify the officers for any
               liability or expense, for which indemnification may be paid under
               the law, that may be incurred by the officers in connection with
               actions performed by them as part of their duties as officers in
               the Company, which are directly or indirectly related to the
               events specified in the addendum to the letters of indemnity,
               provided that the total amount of indemnification payable to the
               officers, shall not exceed 25% of the Company's shareholders'
               equity as per its latest financial statements published prior to
               the actual indemnification. The liability of officers in
               connection with the performance of their duties, as above, is
               partly covered by an insurance policy.


                                      AMERICAN ISRAELI PAPER MILLS LIMITED



              Balance sheets:

                                                                        Weighted average                December 31
                                                                        interest rate             -----------------------
                                                                        at December 31,             2004           2003
                                                                              2004                -------         -------
                                                                        ----------------              NIS in thousands
             a. Short-term investments:
                   Short term deposit - linked to the CPI                     4.0%                 45,539
                   Short-term deposit - unlinked                                                                   20,000
                   Marketable securities                                                           16,925
                                                                                                  -------         -------
                                                                                                   62,464          20,000
                                                                                                  =======         =======
             b.   Receivables:
                   1) Trade:
                         Open accounts                                                            128,699         128,021
                         Checks collectible                                                        14,576          12,975
                                                                                                  -------         -------
                                                                                                  143,275         140,996
                                                                                                  =======         =======
                         The item is:
                             Net of allowance for doubtful accounts                                16,148          13,696
                                                                                                  =======         =======
                             Includes associated companies                                         26,089          26,594
                                                                                                  =======         =======
                   2) Other:
                         Employees and employee institutions                                        4,072           3,060
                         Associated companies                                                      78,616          89,691
                         Prepaid expenses                                                           2,287           2,883
                         Advances to suppliers                                                      4,200           9,365
                         Deferred income taxes, see note 7f                                         5,358           7,127
                         Income tax authority                                                       1,733          12,005
                         Interest receivable                                                        1,579             257
                         Sundry                                                                     3,995           3,858
                                                                                                  -------         -------
                                                                                                  101,840         128,246
                                                                                                  =======         =======
             c.   Inventories:
                   For industrial activities:
                      Finished goods                                                               11,684          14,819
                      Raw materials and supplies                                                    8,725          10,426
                                                                                                  -------         -------
                                                                                                   20,409          25,245
                   For commercial activities - purchased products                                  16,972          18,817
                                                                                                  -------         -------
                                                                                                   37,381          44,062
                   Maintenance and sundry stores                                                   45,839          46,592
                                                                                                  -------         -------
                                                                                                   83,220          90,654
                                                                                                  =======         =======
             d.   Credit from banks:

                       Short-term credit - unlinked                           4.5%                110,446         144,617
                       Short-term credit - Swiss franc                        3.2%                                  2,238
                       Current maturities of long-term
                           Loans                                                                                      372
                                                                                                  -------         -------
                                                                                                  112,684         144,989
                                                                                                  =======         =======




          e.   Accounts payable and accruals - other:

                                                                December 31
                                                             2004        2003
                                                            ------      ------
                                                             NIS in thousands

               Payroll and related expenses                 34,904      37,324
               Institutions in respect of employees         10,551      12,944
               Customs and value added tax authorities       3,850         728
               Associated company                              511         521
               Accrued interest                              1,544       2,127
               Accrued expenses                              7,903       7,825
               Sundry                                        7,092      11,541
                                                            ------      ------
                                                            66,355      73,010
                                                            ======      ======

             Statements of income:

                                                                  2004         2003        2002
                                                                -------      -------      -------
                                                                        NIS in thousands

          f.   Sales - net (1):

               Industrial activities (2)                        363,489      326,825      310,628
               Commercial activities                            119,365      138,267      145,147
                                                                -------      -------      -------
                                                                482,854      465,092      455,775
                                                                =======      =======      =======
               (1) Including sales to associated companies      121,987      115,505      104,864
                                                                =======      =======      =======
               (2) Including sales to export                     42,232       44,175       40,645
                                                                =======      =======      =======

          g.   Cost of sales:
               Industrial activities:

                   Materials consumed                            83,533       72,292       61,649
                   Payroll and related expenses                  91,468       85,419       78,903
                   Depreciation                                  24,537       22,739       21,182
                   Other manufacturing costs                     82,991       80,709       77,765
                   Decrease (increase) in inventory of
                      finished goods                              3,135       (1,651)      12,585
                                                                -------      -------      -------
                                                                285,664      259,508      252,084
               Commercial activities - cost of products sold     90,240      102,677      111,687
                                                                -------      -------      -------
                                                                375,904      362,185      363,771
                                                                =======      =======      =======
               Including purchases from associated
                   Companies                                     22,793       26,374       29,423




                                                                               2004        2003        2002
                                                                              ------      ------      ------
                                                                                     NIS in thousands
          h.   Selling, marketing, administrative and
                 general expenses:
               Selling and marketing:
                   Payroll and related expenses                               14,311      15,225      14,692
                   Packaging, transport and shipping                           6,458       5,719       5,689
                   Commissions                                                 2,467       2,733       1,605
                   Depreciation                                                1,159       1,595       1,659
                   Other                                                       6,200       6,052       5,522
                                                                              ------      ------      ------
                                                                              30,595      31,324      29,167
                                                                              ======      ======      ======

               Administrative and general:
                   Payroll and related expenses                               36,649      36,360      31,927
                   Office supplies, rent and maintenance                       1,521       1,938       1,750
                   Professional fees                                           1,029      *1,663       1,010
                   Depreciation                                                2,776       2,814       3,884
                   Doubtful accounts and bad debts                             3,102         944       1,791
                   Other                                                       1,735      *4,681      10,148
                                                                              ------      ------      ------
                                                                              46,812      48,400      50,510
                   L e s s - rent and participation from
                      associated companies                                    24,387      23,401      24,128
                                                                              ------      ------      ------
                                                                              22,425      24,999      26,382
                                                                              ======      ======      ======

                                                         * Reclassified

          i.   Financial income (expenses) - net*: Expenses:

                   In respect of long-term loans - net                            26       1,607
                   In respect of notes - including amortization
                      of deferred charges                                     15,188       5,031       1,291
                   Erosion of operating monetary balances,
                      net of related hedges                                                            2,289
                   In respect of short-term balances - net
                      (2002 -net of borrowing costs capitalized to
                      the cost of fixed assets)                                6,547      16,917       1,506
                                                                              ------      ------      ------
                                                                              21,761      23,555       5,086
                                                                              ------      ------      ------
                   In respect of long-term loans - net                                                 2,098
                   In respect of increase in value of operating
                      monetary balances, net of related hedges                 1,901     **7,429
                   In respect of short-term balances - net                     6,742     **  137
                                                                              ------      ------      ------
                                                                               8,643       7,566       2,098
                                                                              ------      ------      ------
                                                                             (13,118)    (15,989)     (2,988)
                                                                              ======      ======      ======
               *   Including financial income (expenses) in respect
                   of loans to associated companies                              721      (1,376)      2,207
                                                                              ======      ======      ======

                                                         ** Reclassified




                                                             2003       2002
                                                            -----      ------
                                                             NIS in thousands

          j. Other income (expenses):

               From the sale of apartments (1)              1,609
               From termination of an activity and
                   disposal of assets(2)                               (2,942)
                                                            -----      ------
                                                            1,609      (2,942)
                                                            =====      ======

               1)   In 2003, the Company sold apartments that it previously held
                    for the use of its employees.

               2)   In 2002, the Company terminated operations at some of its
                    sites, as follows:

                    a)   At the Molett site in Nahariya, the operation of the
                         old household paper machine was terminated, following
                         the introduction of a new tissue machine by
                         Hogla-Kimberly Ltd., an associated company.
                         Subsequently, the old paper machine was sold to a third
                         party (overseas).

                    b)   In order to comply with the requirements of the
                         Ministry of Environment, the operation of the old paper
                         machines at the Shafir site in Tel-Aviv were
                         terminated. The termination included dismissal of
                         employees, sale of maintenance stores, sale of the
                         machines to a third party (overseas) and other related
                         costs (including closing inventories).

                    c)   The Company sold real estate that it owned in Ashdod.

                    The effects of the restructuring resulting from the
                    termination of the operations are as follows:

                                                                NIS in thousands

                          Severance pay expenses                     (2,334)
                          Other expenses, net of sale proceeds       (4,475)
                          Gain on sale of real estate in Ashdod       3,867


                    a.   The weighted average par value of shares used in
                         computation of per share data is as follows:

                     Year ended December 31:
                        2004                                     40,640
                        ====                                     ======
                        2003                                     40,197
                        ====                                     ======
                        2002                                     39,557
                        ====                                     ======

                    b.   In the reported years, plans for granting stock options
                         to employees in the Group were taken into account in
                         computing per share data, having regard to the quoted
                         price of the Company's share at the end of each year.




          a.   Derivative financial instruments

               The Company has limited involvement with derivative financial
               instruments. The Company uses these instruments as hedges. The
               Company utilizes derivatives, mainly forward exchange contracts
               and currency options, to protect its cash flows in respect of
               existing assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other
               than the functional currency of the Company or that are linked to
               the CPI. As the counter-parties to these derivatives are Israeli
               banks, the Company considers the inherent credit risks remote.

               In January 2004, the Company entered into a forward transaction
               for a period of one year, in order to hedge an amount of NIS 200
               million against increases in the Israeli CPI.

               At the end of 2004, the Company entered into a forward
               transaction for a period of one year, in order to hedge an amount
               of NIS 200 million against increases in the CPI, following the
               termination of the aforementioned transaction in January 2005.

          b.   Credit risks

               The Company and its subsidiaries' cash and cash equivalents and
               the short-term deposit as of December 31, 2004 are deposited
               mainly with major Israeli banks. The Company and its subsidiaries
               considers the credit risks in respect of these balances to be

               Most of these companies sales are made in Israel, to a large
               number of customers. The exposure to credit risks relating to
               trade receivables is limited due to the relatively large number
               of customers. The Group performs ongoing credit evaluations of
               its customers to determine the required amount of allowance for
               doubtful accounts. An appropriate allowance for doubtful accounts
               is included in the financial statements.

          c.   Fair value of financial instruments

               The fair value of the financial instruments included in working
               capital of the Group is usually identical or close to their
               carrying value. The fair value of loans and other liabilities
               also approximates the carrying value, since they bear interest at
               rates close to the prevailing market rates, except as described

               The Company does not disclose the fair value of long-term loans
               and capital notes included under investments in associated
               companies as of December 31, 2004, aggregating NIS 69,123,000
               (see note 2b) and of a capital note to an associated company in
               the amount of NIS 32,770,000 (see note 4b.), since their value
               cannot be reliably determined so long as they have no repayment




          a.   Transactions:

          1)   Income (expenses):

                                         2004          2003          2002
                                        ------        ------        ------
                                                NIS in thousands

               Sales                    45,278        38,715        36,030
                                        ======        ======        ======
               Costs and expenses       (9,247)       (7,009)       (6,038)
                                        ======        ======        ======

               The amounts presented above represent transactions that the
               Company carried out in the ordinary course of business with
               interested parties (companies which are held by the Company's
               principal shareholder), at terms and prices similar to those
               applicable to non-affiliated customers and suppliers.

          2)   Benefits to interested parties:

                                                           2004       2003       2002
                                                          ------     ------      -----
               Payroll to interested parties employed
                   By the Company - NIS  in thousands     *3,300     *3,364      2,000
                                                          ======     ======      =====
               Number of people to whom
                   the benefits relate                         2          2          1
                                                          ======     ======      =====
               Remuneration of directors who are not
                   employed by the Company -
                   NIS in thousands                          528        444        324
                                                          ======     ======      =====
               Number of people to whom
                   the benefits relate                        13         13          9
                                                          ======     ======      =====

                    *    In 2004 and 2003, the amounts include the salary of the
                         CEO who was appointed in April 2003 and ended his
                         office in April 2004, in addition to the salary of the
                         Chairman of the Board of Directors (who served earlier
                         as the CEO). The amount for 2004 includes a quarter of
                         the remuneration to the Chairman of the Board of
                         Directors, see note 9f.

               3)   In 2003, an interested party employed by the Company
                    exercised 15,999 options granted to him under the 1998 plan
                    for senior employees. 8,529 shares of NIS 0.01 par value
                    have been issued at par against the exercise of said

               4)   As to the plan for the remuneration of the Company's
                    Chairman of the Board of Directors - see note 9f.

          b.   Balances with interested parties:

                                                                  December 31
                                                                2004       2003
                                                               ------      ------
                                                                NIS in thousands
               Accounts receivable - commercial activity*      13,378      10,440
                                                               ======      ======
               Accounts payables and accruals                   3,563       2,430
                                                               ======      ======

* There were no significant changes in the balance during the year.




          a.   Activities of the Company and its subsidiaries:

               1)   Manufacturing and marketing of packaging paper, including
                    collection and recycling of paper waste. The manufacturing
                    of paper relies mainly on paper waste as raw material.

               2)   Marketing of office supplies and paper, mainly to

               Most of the Group's sales are to the local market (Israel) and
               most of its assets are located in Israel.




             b. Business segment data:

                                                             Paper and recycling            Marketing of office supplies
                                                       -------------------------------    --------------------------------
                                                        2004        2003        2002       2004          2003        2002
                                                       ------=    -------      -------    -------       -------    -------
                                                                                NIS in thousands
Sales - net(1)                                         367,391    332,124      314,636    115,463       132,968    141,139
           ==                                          =======    =======      =======    =======       =======    =======
Income (loss) from ordinary operations                  58,496     46,282       37,488     (4,566)          302     (1,033)
                                                       =======    =======      =======    =======       =======    =======
Financial expenses, net
Other income (expenses)

Income before taxes on income
Segment assets (at end of year)                        494,194    497,811      482,833     56,707        59,480     65,234
Unallocated assets (at end of year) (2)

Consolidated total assets (at end of year)

Segment liabilities (at end of year)                    66,564     58,906       66,325     20,992        25,696     32,930
Unallocated liabilities (at end of year)

Consolidated total liabilities (at end of year)

Depreciation and amortization                           26,671     25,523       24,422      1,962         2,724      2,387
                                                       =======    =======      =======    =======       =======    =======

                                                                    T o t a l
                                                          2004         2003        2002
                                                       ---------    ---------    ---------
                                                                 NIS in thousands
Sales - net(1)                                           482,854      465,092      455,775
                                                       =========    =========    =========
Income (loss) from ordinary operations                    53,930       46,584       36,455

Financial expenses, net                                   13,118       15,989        2,988
Other income (expenses)                                                 1,609       (2,942)
                                                       ---------    ---------    ---------
Income before taxes on income                             40,812       32,204       30,525
Segment assets (at end of year)                          550,901      557,291      548,067
Unallocated assets (at end of year) (2)                  611,486      695,983      504,056
                                                       ---------    ---------    ---------
Consolidated total assets (at end of year)             1,162,387    1,253,274    1,052,123
                                                       =========    =========    =========
Segment liabilities (at end of year)                      87,566       84,602       99,255
Unallocated liabilities (at end of year)                 499,518      554,442      301,918
                                                       ---------    ---------    ---------
Consolidated total liabilities (at end of year)          587,074      639,044      401,173
                                                       =========    =========    =========
Depreciation and amortization                             28,633       28,247       26,809
                                                       =========    =========    =========

(1)  Represents sales to external customers.

(2)  Including investments in associated companies.




                Details of Subsidiaries and Associated Companies
                              At December 31, 2004

                                                                                           Percentage of direct and
                                                                                          indirect holding in shares
                                                                                             conferring equity and
                                                                                                 voting rights
Main subsidiaries:
    Amnir Recycling Industries Limited                                                               100.00
    Graffiti Office Supplies and Paper Marketing Ltd.                                                100.00
    Attar Marketing Office Supplies Ltd.                                                             100.00
    American Israeli Paper Mills Paper Industry (1995) Ltd.                                          100.00

Main associated companies:
    Hogla-Kimberly Ltd.                                                                               49.90
    Subsidiaries of Hogla-Kimberly Ltd.:
       Hogla-Kimberly Marketing Limited                                                               49.90
       Molett Marketing Limited                                                                       49.90
       Shikma For Personal Comfort Ltd.                                                               49.90
       Ovisan Sihhi Bez Sanai Ve Ticavet A.S.                                                         49.90
       Hogla-Kimberly Holdings A.S.                                                                   49.90
       H-K Overseas (Holland) B.V.                                                                    49.90
    Mondy Business Paper Hadera Ltd.                                                                  49.90
    Subsidiaries of Mondy Business Paper Hadera Ltd.:
       Grafinir Paper Marketing Ltd.                                                                  49.90
       Yavnir (1999) Ltd.                                                                             49.90
       Mondy Business Paper Hadera Marketing Ltd.                                                     49.90
       Mitrani Paper Marketing 2000 (1998) Ltd.                                                       49.90
    Carmel Container Systems Limited                                                                  26.25
    C.D. Packaging Systems Limited*                                                                   63.20
    Barthelemi Holdings Ltd.                                                                          33.91
    T.M.M. Integrated Recycling Industries Ltd.**                                                     41.60

*    C.D. Packaging Systems Limited is partly held through Carmel Container
     Systems Limited (an associated company); the holding in voting shares of
     C.D. Packaging Systems Limited is 63.05%.

**   T.M.M Integrated Recycling Industries Ltd. is partly held directly and
     partly through Barthelemi Holdings Ltd.



Enclosed please find the financial reports of the following associated

     -    Mondi Business Paper Hadera Ltd.

     -    Hogla-Kimberly Ltd.

The financial report of the following associated companies are not included:

-    Carmel Containers Systems Ltd., according to section 44(c) of the
     Securities (Periodic and Immediate Reports) Regulations.

-    TMM Integrated Recycling Industries Ltd., a reporting corporation.

                                                                       EXHIBIT 4

                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2004

                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2004

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


    Independent Auditors' Report                                         1

    Financial Statements:

       Balance Sheets                                                    2

       Statements of Operations                                          3

       Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity                     4

       Statements of Cash Flows                                         5-6

       Notes to the Financial Statements                                7-32

                          Independent Auditors' Report
                             to the Shareholders of
                        Mondi Business Paper Hadera Ltd.
                    (formerly, Neusiedler Hadera Paper Ltd.)

We have audited the  accompanying  balance sheet of Mondi  Business Paper Hadera
Ltd. ("the Company") as of December 31, 2004, and the consolidated balance sheet
as  of  that  date,  and  the  related  statements  of  operations,  changes  in
shareholders' equity and cash flows - of the Company and on a consolidated basis
- for the year then ended. These financial  statements are the responsibility of
the  Company's  Board of Directors  and  management.  Our  responsibility  is to
express  an  opinion  on these  financial  statements  based on our  audit.  The
financial  statements of the Company and on a consolidated  basis as of December
31, 2003 and for each of the two years in the period then ended were  audited by
other  auditors  whose report,  dated March 10, 2004,  expressed an  unqualified
opinion on those financial statements.

We  conducted  our audit in  accordance  with  standards  of the Public  Company
Accounting  Oversight Board (United States) and with generally accepted auditing
standards  in  Israel,  including  those  prescribed  by the  Israeli  Auditors'
Regulations  (Mode of Performance),  1973. Those standards  require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of
internal  control  over  financial  reporting  as a basis  for  designing  audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of
expressing an opinion on the  effectiveness  of the Company's  internal  control
over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing the  accounting  principles
used and significant estimates made by the Board of Directors and management, as
well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that
our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position - of the Company and on
a  consolidated  basis - as of December 31, 2004 and the results of  operations,
changes  in  shareholders'  equity  and  cash  flows - of the  Company  and on a
consolidated  basis - for the year then  ended,  in  accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  in Israel.  In addition,  in our opinion,  the
financial  statements  referred  to above are  prepared in  accordance  with the
Israeli  Securities  Regulations  (Preparation of Annual Financial  Statements),

Accounting  principles  generally accepted in Israel vary in certain significant
respects from accounting  principles  generally accepted in the United States of
America.  The application of the latter would have affected the determination of
the  financial  position and results of  operations  as of the dates and for the
years presented.

As explained in Note 2A, the financial  statements as of dates and for reporting
period  commencing  January 1, 2004,  are  presented  at  reported  amounts,  in
accordance with accounting  standards of the Israeli Accounting Standards Board.
The financial  statements as of dates prior to January 1, 2004 and for reporting
periods  ended  through  December 31, 2003,  have been  prepared on the basis of
historical  cost adjusted for changes in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar in
relation to the NIS, in  accordance  with  pronouncements  of the  Institute  of
Certified Public Accountants in Israel.

Brightman Almagor & Co.
Certified Public Accountants
A Member Firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Tel Aviv, February 23, 2005


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                                     Consolidated                         Company
                                                               -------------------------          ------------------------
                                                                      December 31,                       December 31,
                                                               -------------------------          ------------------------
                                                                2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3           2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
                                                               Reported         Adjusted          Reported         Adjusted
                                                 Note         Amounts (1)      Amounts (2)       Amounts (1)      Amounts (2)
                                                 ---           -------           -------          -------          -------
Current Assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                       3            10,804            31,678            9,616           20,034
   Trade receivables                               4           157,815           147,748                -                -
   American Israeli Paper Mills
       Group, net                                                    -                -           178,289       (*)138,841
   Other receivables                               5             7,580            11,296            8,700           13,458
   Inventories                                     6            90,391            89,231           60,301           62,650
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
                                                               266,590           279,953          256,906          234,983
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
Long-Term Investments
   Investments in Subsidiaries                     7                 -                 -            1,933       (*)  4,340
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------

Fixed Assets                                       8
   Cost                                                        149,083           132,692          144,312          127,617
   Less - accumulated depreciation                              33,345            25,381           30,308           22,701
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
                                                               115,738           107,311          114,004          104,916
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
Other Assets - Goodwill                           7B             3,800             4,423                -                -
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
                                                               386,128           391,687          372,843          344,239
                                                               =======           =======          =======          =======
Current Liabilities
   Current maturities of long-term
      bank loans                                  11            15,125            15,108           15,125           15,108
   Trade payables                                  9           104,661           104,097           63,902           53,397
   American Israeli Paper Mills
      Group, net                                                65,033       (*)  48,786               -                -
   Subsidiaries                                                      -                 -           99,159           52,671
   Other payables and accrued expenses            10            23,132       (*)  16,864           16,480           16,231
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
                                                               207,951           184,855          194,666          137,407
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
Long-Term Liabilities
   Long-term bank loans                           11            36,248            51,725           36,248           51,725
   Capital notes to shareholders                  12            17,233            43,790           17,233           43,790
   Deferred taxes                                 21            25,422            29,247           25,422           29,247
   Accrued severance pay, net                     13                87               145               87              145
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
                                                                78,990           124,907           78,990          124,907
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
Commitments and Contingent Liabilities            14

Shareholders' Equity
   Share capital                                  15                 1                 1                1                1
   Premium                                                      43,352            43,352           43,352           43,352
   Retained earnings                                            55,834            38,572           55,834           38,572
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
                                                                99,187            81,925           99,187           81,925
                                                               -------           -------          -------          -------
                                                               386,128           391,687          372,843          344,239
                                                               =======           =======          =======          =======

(*)      Reclassified.
(1)      See Note 2A.
(2)      Adjusted  for  changes in the  exchange  rate of the U.S.  dollar as of
         December 31, 2003.

-----------------------          ---------------             ----------------
     E. Amar                        A. Solel                  Y. Yerushalmi
Chief Financial Officer          General Manager             Vice Chairman of
                                                          the Board of Directors

Approval date of the financial statements: February 23, 2005.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                    (NIS in thousands, except per share data)

                                                          Consolidated                                      Company
                                             ----------------------------------------      ----------------------------------------
                                                     Year ended December 31,                        Year ended December 31,
                                             ----------------------------------------      ----------------------------------------
                                             2 0 0 4        2 0 0 3         2 0 0 2        2 0 0 4        2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                             -------       -----------    -----------      -------     -----------       ----------
                                            Reported        Adjusted        Adjusted       Reported       Adjusted      Adjusted
                                    Note   Amounts (1)     Amounts (2)     Amounts (2)    Amounts (1)   Amounts (2)     Amounts (2)
                                    --       -------       -----------    -----------      -------     -----------       ----------
Net sales                           16       686,094       (*) 640,020    (*) 574,227      482,698         462,654        421,413

Cost of sales                       17       605,738           556,890    (*) 491,712      416,504         391,492       (*)360,879
                                             -------       -----------    -----------      -------     -----------       ----------
   Gross profit                               80,356            83,130         82,515       66,194          71,162           60,534

Selling expenses                    18        46,135            42,892    (*)  40,731       34,606          32,330       (*) 24,997
General and
  administrative expenses           19         7,803       (*)   8,425    (*)  10,212        6,442     (*)   5,945       (*)  4,274
                                             -------       -----------    -----------      -------     -----------       ----------
   Operating profit                           26,418            31,813         31,572       25,146          32,887           31,263

   Financing expenses, net          20        (8,438)      (*)  (2,561)   (*)  (3,852)      (7,643)         (2,713)          (4,387)

Other income (expenses), net                     100       (*)    (215)   (*)    (109)          47     (*)    (120)      (*)    (61)
                                             -------       -----------    -----------      -------     -----------       ----------
   Income before income taxes                 18,080            29,037         27,611       17,550          30,054           26,815

Income taxes                        21           818            10,518         11,534          359          10,275            9,800
                                             -------       -----------    -----------      -------     -----------       ----------
   Income after income taxes                  17,262            18,519         16,077       17,191          19,779           17,015

Equity in net earnings
          (losses) of Subsidiaries                 -                 -              -           71          (1,260)            (938)
                                             -------       -----------    -----------      -------     -----------       ----------
   Net income for the year                    17,262            18,519         16,077       17,262          18,519           16,077
                                             =======       ===========    ===========      =======     ===========       ==========

Earnings per share (in NIS)                   17,262            18,519         16,077       17,262          18,519           16,077
                                             =======       ===========    ===========      =======     ===========       ==========
Number of shares used
   In computation                              1,000            1,000           1,000        1,000             1,000        1,000
                                             =======       ===========    ===========      =======     ===========       ==========

(*)      Reclassified.
(1)      See Note 2A.
(2)      Adjusted  for  changes in the  exchange  rate of the U.S.  dollar as of
         December 31, 2003.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                          Share                            Retained
                                                         capital          Premium          earnings           Total
                                                         -------          -------          --------           -----
Balance - January 1, 2002
   (Adjusted Amounts (2))                                     1            43,352            3,976           47,329

Changes during 2002:

    Net income for the year                                   -                 -           16,077           16,077
                                                         -------          -------          --------          ------
Balance - December 31, 2002
   (Adjusted Amounts (2))                                     1            43,352           20,053           63,406

Changes during 2003:

    Net income for the year                                   -                 -           18,519           18,519
                                                         -------          -------          --------          ------
Balance - December 31, 2003
   (Adjusted Amounts (2))                                     1            43,352           38,572           81,925

Changes during 2004:

   Net income for the year                                    -                 -           17,262           17,262
                                                         -------          -------          --------          ------
Balance - December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts (1))                                     1            43,352           55,834           99,187
                                                         =======          =======          ========          ======

(1)      See Note 2A.

(2)      Adjusted  for  changes in the  exchange  rate of the U.S.  dollar as of
         December 31, 2003.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                        Consolidated                                      Company
                                          ---------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------
                                                  Year ended December 31,                         Year ended December 31,
                                          ---------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------
                                          2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3          2 0 0 2        2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3          2 0 0 2
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------
                                           Reported       Adjusted        Adjusted       Reported        Adjusted         Adjusted
                                         Amounts (1)     Amounts (2)    Amounts (2)     Amounts (1)     Amounts (2)      Amounts (2)
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------
Cash flows - operating activities
Net income for the year                    17,262          18,519          16,077          17,262          18,519          16,077
Adjustments to reconcile net
   income to net cash provided
   by operating activities
   (Appendix A)                            20,295          37,698          31,659          30,855          29,887          26,772
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------
Net cash provided by
   operating activities                    37,557          56,217          47,736          48,117          48,406          42,849
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------

Cash flows - investing activities
Acquisition of fixed assets               (16,235)         (9,339)        (16,305)        (16,235)         (9,339)        (16,086)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets            197             635             800              93             244             357
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------
Net cash used in investing
   activities                             (16,038)         (8,704)        (15,505)        (16,142)         (9,095)        (15,729)
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------

Cash flows - financing activities
Short-term bank credit, net                     -             (18)         (4,147)              -               -               -
Repayment of long-term loans              (15,265)        (21,116)         (7,266)        (15,265)        (21,116)         (7,266)
Repayment of long-term capital
   notes to shareholders                  (27,128)        (43,790)              -         (27,128)        (43,790)              -
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------
Net cash used in
   financing activities                   (42,393)        (64,924)        (11,413)        (42,393)        (64,906)         (7,266)
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------

Increase (decrease) in
   cash and cash equivalents              (20,874)        (17,411)         20,818         (10,418)        (25,595)         19,854
Cash and cash equivalents -
   beginning of year                       31,678          49,089          28,271          20,034          45,629          25,775
                                          -------         -------          ------         -------         -------          ------
Cash and cash equivalents -
   end of year                             10,804          31,678          49,089           9,616          20,034          45,629
                                          =======         =======          ======         =======         =======          ======

(1)      See Note 2A.

(2)      Adjusted  for  changes in the  exchange  rate of the U.S.  dollar as of
         December 31, 2003.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                          Consolidated                                 Company
                                                 ---------------------------------        ----------------------------------
                                                    Year ended December 31,                  Year ended December 31,
                                                 ---------------------------------        ----------------------------------
                                                2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2      2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                                 ------     ---------       ------        ------        ------        ------
                                                Reported    Adjusted      Adjusted      Reported       Adjusted      Adjusted
                                               Amounts (1) Amounts (2)   Amounts (2)   Amounts (1)    Amounts (2)   Amounts (2)
                                                 ------     ---------       ------        ------        ------        ------
A.   Adjustments  to  reconcile  net
     income to net cash  provided  by
     operating activities

     Income and expenses items
     not involving cash flows:
     Equity in net losses (earnings) of
        subsidiaries                                  -             -            -           (71)        1,260           938
     Depreciation and amortization                9,118         8,626        8,077         7,885         7,252         6,484
     Deferred taxes, net                            823        10,438       11,483           359        10,275         9,893
     Increase (decrease) in liability for
        severance pay, net                          (58)           14            5           (58)           49            19
     Capital loss (gain)
        from sale of fixed assets                  (100)          215           84           (47)          118            37
     Effect of exchange rate and linkage
        differences of long-term bank
        loans and long-term loan to
        subsidiary                                 (195)        1,460         (134)         (195)        1,307          (120)
     Effect of exchange rate
        differences of long-term
        capital notes to shareholders               571             -            -           571             -             -

     Changes in assets and liabilities:
     Decrease (increase)
        in trade receivables                    (10,067)        7,247         (696)            -         2,811        (2,455)
     Decrease (increase)
        in other receivables                       (932)          752        9,025           574          (328)        7,983
     Decrease (increase)
        in inventories                           (1,160)       (9,533)      13,010         2,349         1,945         5,744
     Increase (decrease) in trade
        payables                                   (220)       27,447        6,043         9,721         8,626         1,716
     Increase (decrease) in
        American Israeli Paper Mills
        Group, net                               16,247     (*)(1,612)  (*)(19,014)      (39,448)   (*)(63,995)   (*)(41,447)
     Increase in Subsidiaries                         -             -            -        48,966        61,486        33,473
     Increase (decrease) in other
        Payables and accrued expenses             6,268     (*)(7,356)  (*)  3,776           249    (*)   (919)   (*)  4,507
                                                 ------     ---------       ------        ------        ------        ------
                                                 20,295        37,698       31,659        30,855        29,887        26,772
                                                 ======     =========       ======        ======        ======        ======

B.   Non-cash activities Acquisition of fixed
        assets on credit                            784             -            -           784             -             -
                                                 ======     =========       ======        ======        ======        ======

(*)      Reclassified.

(1)      See Note 2A.

(2)      Adjusted  for  changes in the  exchange  rate of the U.S.  dollar as of
         December 31, 2003.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     A.   Description of Business

          Mondi Business Paper Hadera Ltd. ("the Company") was  incorporated and
          commenced   operations  on  January  1,  2000.  The  Company  and  its
          Subsidiaries  are engaged in the  production  and  marketing of paper,
          mainly in Israel.

          Within the  framework of a  comprehensive  decision of  Neusiedler  AG
          ("NAG" or the "Parent Company"),  wholly-owned by the Mondi Group, the
          Company and one of its  Subsidiaries  changed  their names in November
          2004 to Mondi  Business  Paper  Hadera Ltd. and Mondi  Business  Paper
          Hadera  Marketing Ltd. in replacement of Neusiedler  Hadera Paper Ltd.
          and Neusiedler Hadera Paper Marketing (1999) Ltd., respectively.

          In the  framework of a change in the  organizational  structure of the
          Group, effective January 1, 2003, all marketing and selling activities
          of  the  Group,   which  until  such  date  were   performed  by  four
          Subsidiaries,  were  centralized to one Subsidiary with three logistic

          The Company is  presently  owned by NAG  (50.1%) and  American-Israeli
          Paper Mills Ltd. ("AIPM") (49.9%).

     B.   Definitions:

          The Company                 -    Mondi Business Paper Hadera Ltd.

          The Group                   -    the  Company and its  Subsidiaries,  a list of which is
                                           provided in Note 7C.

          Subsidiaries                -    companies  in  which  the  Company  exercises  over 50%
                                           ownership  and  control,  directly or  indirectly,  and
                                           whose  financial   statements  are  fully  consolidated
                                           with those of the Company.

          Related Parties             -    as  defined  by  Opinion  No.  29 of the  Institute  of
                                           Certified Public Accountants in Israel.

          Interested Parties          -    as  defined  in  the  Israeli  Securities   Regulations
                                           (Presentation of Financial Statements), 1993.

          Controlling Shareholder     -    as  defined  in  the  Israeli  Securities   Regulations
                                           (Presentation  of  Transactions  between a  Corporation
                                           and  its  Controlling   Shareholder  in  the  Financial
                                           Statements), 1996.

          NIS                         -    New Israeli Shekel.

          CPI                         -    the Israeli consumer price index.

          Dollar                      -    the U.S. dollar.

          Euro                        -    the United European currency.

          Adjusted Amount             -    see Note 2A(1) below.

          Reported Amount             -    see Note 2A(1) below.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     C.   Use of Estimates

          The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity with generally
          accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
          and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets  and
          liabilities and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities as of
          the date of the  financial  statements,  and the  reported  amounts of
          revenues and expenses  during the reporting  periods.  Actual  results
          could differ from those estimates.


          The  following are the principal  accounting  policies  applied in the
          preparation of the financial  statements in a manner  consistent  with
          previous  years  with the  exception  of the  cessation  of  financial
          statement adjustment as described in paragraph A below.

          A.   Cessation  of  Financial  Statement   Adjustment  and  Change  to
               Reporting in Reported Amounts - Standard No. 12

               (1)  Definitions

                    Adjusted  Amount - historical  nominal  amount  adjusted for
                    changes  in the  exchange  rate  of the  U.S.  dollar  as of
                    December 31, 2003, in accordance  with Opinion No. 36 of the
                    Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel.

                    Reported  Amount - Adjusted  Amount plus  amounts in nominal
                    terms  added  subsequent  to  December  31,  2003,  and less
                    amounts subtracted after that date.

               (2)  General

                    In  January  2004,  Israeli   Accounting   Standard  No.  12
                    "Cessation  of Financial  Statements  Adjustment"  came into
                    effect. Following the initial implementation of Standard No.
                    12,  commencing  January  1,  2004,  the  Group  ceased  the
                    presentation  of its financial  statements  based on nominal
                    historical  cost  adjusted  for the changes in the  exchange
                    rate of the U.S.  dollar in relation  to the NIS.  Effective
                    with the interim  financial  statements as of March 31, 2004
                    and for the reporting periods thereafter, including the year
                    ended  December 31, 2004, the Group's  financial  statements
                    are prepared and presented in Reported Amounts.

                    Comparative  figures included in these financial  statements
                    relating to December  31, 2003 and for each of the two years
                    then ended, are presented in Adjusted Amounts.

                    The amounts at which  non-monetary  items are  presented  in
                    these  financial  statements  do not  necessarily  represent
                    their  realization value or economic value, but solely their
                    Reported Amount.

                    The  Company's  condensed  financial  statements  in nominal
                    values,  on the  basis  of  which  the  Company's  financial
                    statements  in Reported  amounts and  Adjusted  Amounts were
                    prepared, are presented in Note 24.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     A.   Cessation of Financial Statement Adjustment and Change to Reporting in
          Reported Amounts - Standard No. 12 (cont.)

          (3)  Principles of  Adjustment  applicable  for  financial  statements
               relating to reporting periods ended through December, 31 2003

               a.   Balance Sheet Items

                    Non-monetary  items (items whose balances reflect historical
                    value  at  acquisition  or  upon  establishment)  have  been
                    adjusted in accordance with the changes in the exchange rate
                    of    the     U.S.     dollar     from     the    date    of
                    acquisition/establishment through December 31, 2003.

                    Monetary  items (items whose balance  sheet amount  reflects
                    their  current  value or  realization  value at the  balance
                    sheet date) are  presented  in the December 31, 2003 balance
                    sheet at their nominal value as of that date.

                    Investments  in  Subsidiaries  were  presented  based on the
                    dollar adjusted financial statements of these companies.

               b.   Statement of Operations Items

                    Income  and  expenses  reflecting  transactions,  other than
                    financial income and expenses,  were adjusted for changes in
                    the  exchange  rate of the U.S.  dollar from the date of the
                    transaction through December 31, 2003.

                    Income and expenses deriving from non-monetary items (mainly
                    depreciation,  amortization,  deferred  taxes and changes in
                    inventory) were presented in a manner  corresponding  to the
                    adjustment of the related balance sheet items.

                    Financing income (expenses), net reflect income and expenses
                    in real terms and include exchange rate differences  derived
                    from monetary items.

                    The  Company's  share  in the  results  of  Subsidiaries  is
                    determined based on the dollar adjusted financial statements
                    of these companies.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     A.   Cessation of Financial Statement Adjustment and Change to Reporting in
          Reported Amounts - Standard No. 12 (cont.)

          (4)  Principles of  Adjustment  applicable  for  financial  statements
               relating to reporting periods ended through December, 31 2004

          a.   Balance Sheet Items

               Non-monetary items (items whose balances reflect historical value
               at  acquisition  or upon  establishment)  are  presented at their
               Adjusted Amounts plus additions and dispositions occurring during
               the reporting  period.  Additions made subsequent to December 31,
               2003 and dispositions of items added subsequent to such date, are
               presented at their  historical  nominal  value.  Dispositions  of
               items added on or prior to December  31,  2003 are  presented  at
               their Adjusted Amount.

               Monetary  items (items whose balance sheet amount  reflects their
               current value or realization value at the balance sheet date) are
               presented at their nominal value as of the balance sheet date.

               Investments in Subsidiaries  are presented based on the financial
               statements of these companies  prepared according to the guidance
               of Standard No. 12.

          b.   Statement of Operations Items

               Income and expenses reflecting transactions, and financial income
               and expenses, are presented at their nominal value.

               Income and expenses  deriving  from  non-monetary  items  (mainly
               depreciation,   amortization   and  changes  in  inventory)  were
               presented in a manner  corresponding  to the  presentation of the
               related non-monetary balance sheet item, as illustrated above.

               The Company's  share in the results of Subsidiaries is determined
               based on the  financial  statements of these  companies  prepared
               according to the guidance of Standard No. 12.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     B.   Principles of Consolidation

          The consolidated  financial  statements  include  consolidation of the
          financial  statements  of  all  Subsidiaries.  Material  inter-company
          balances and transactions of and between  Subsidiaries have been fully

          The data included in the consolidated financial statements is based on
          audited financial statements of the Subsidiaries included therein.

          For amortization  policy of an allocated goodwill  associated with the
          acquisition of a Subsidiary, see H below.

     C.   Cash and Cash Equivalents

          Cash  and  cash  equivalents  include  bank  deposits,  available  for
          immediate withdrawal, as well as unrestricted short-term deposits with
          maturities of less than three months from the date of deposit.

     D.   Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

          The  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts is  computed  on the  specific
          identification   basis   for   accounts   whose   collectibility,   on
          management's estimation, is uncertain.

     E.   Inventories

          Inventories  are stated at the lower of cost or market value.  Cost is
          determined  for  raw  materials,   auxiliary  materials  and  finished
          products on the basis of weighted moving average cost per unit.

     F.   Investments in Subsidiaries

          Investments  in  Subsidiaries  are  presented  using the equity method
          based on their audited  financial  statements.  For amortization of an
          excess cost of an investment  in a Subsidiary  over its net book value
          at the acquisition date, see H below.

     G.   Fixed Assets

          Fixed assets are presented at cost less  accumulated  depreciation and
          amortization.  Depreciation  is  calculated  using  the  straight-line
          method at rates  considered  adequate  to  depreciate  the assets over
          their estimated useful lives.  Amortization of leasehold  improvements
          is computed  over the shorter of the term of the lease,  including any
          option period,  where the Company intends to exercise such option,  or
          their useful life.

          The annual depreciation and amortization rates are: %

               Leasehold improvements                         10
               Machinery and equipment                       5-20 (mainly 5%)
               Motor vehicles                               15-20
               Office furniture and equipment                7-33


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     G.   Fixed Assets (cont.)

          Impairment of Long-Lived Assets

          Management  reviews  long-lived assets on a periodic basis, as well as
          when such a review is required based upon relevant  circumstances,  to
          determine whether events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
          carrying  amount of such assets may not be  recoverable.  According to
          the Israeli Accounting  Standards Board's Standard No. 15, "Impairment
          of Assets",  an asset's recoverable value is the higher of the asset's
          net selling price and the asset's value in use, the latter being equal
          to the asset's  discounted  expected  cash flows.  If  applicable,  an
          impairment loss is recorded at the amount in which the carrying amount
          of the asset exceeds its recoverable value.

     H.   Other Assets - Goodwill

          The unallocated  excess cost of an investment in a Subsidiary over its
          net book value at the acquisition date reflects goodwill. The goodwill
          is amortized over the expected estimated economic life of the goodwill
          (10 years) by the straight-line  method.  Impairment  examinations and
          recognition  are  performed  and  determined  based on the  accounting
          policy outlined in G above.

          In March 2004, the Israeli Accounting  Standards Board issued Standard
          No. 20 "The  amortization  Period of Goodwill".  Standard No. 20 calls
          for the  amortization  of goodwill  over its useful  life,  based on a
          systematic method that should reflect the estimated expected period in
          which  the  goodwill  is  to   contribute   economic   benefits.   The
          amortization  period  shall not exceed 20 years from the date on which
          the goodwill was  initially  recognized.  Standard No. 20 is in effect
          for reporting periods  commencing  January 1, 2004, and its provisions
          are to be  applied  on a  prospective  basis.  The  implementation  of
          Standard No. 20 did not,  and is not  expected to,  affect the Group's
          financial position and results of operations.

     I.   Supplier Discounts

          Ongoing discounts granted by suppliers, as well as year end discounts,
          in respect of which no  commitments to meet given targets are required
          by the  Group,  are  included  in the  financial  statements  upon the
          execution of purchases that grant the Group said  discounts.  Supplier
          discounts  contingent upon the Group's fulfillment of certain targets,
          such as meeting a minimal annual volume (in quantities or amount),  or
          an increase in purchases  over previous  periods,  are included in the
          financial statements in proportion to Group's purchases from suppliers
          during the reported period, which advance the Group towards the stated
          targets, only if it is expected that those targets will be reached and
          the discounts can reasonably be estimated. The estimate of meeting the
          targets  is  based,  inter-alia,  on  historical  experience,  Group's
          relationships  established with the suppliers and the estimated volume
          of purchases during the remaining reported period.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     J.   Deferred Income Taxes

          The Group records  deferred taxes in respect of temporary  differences
          between the carrying values of assets and liabilities in the financial
          statements and their values for tax purposes,  including  depreciation
          differences  on leased  property and fixed  assets.  The Group records
          deferred-tax  assets in respect of temporary  difference as well as in
          respect of  carry-forward  tax losses so long as it is  probable  that
          those assets will be realized in the foreseeable  future. The deferred
          taxes  are  computed  by the tax  rates  expected  to be in  effect at
          realization, as they are known at the balance sheet date.

          The  computation  of deferred  taxes has not taken into account  taxes
          that  would  have been  applicable  in case of future  realization  of
          investments in Subsidiaries, since the Group does not contemplate such
          realization in the foreseeable future.

     K.   Revenue Recognition

          Revenues are recognized upon shipment, when title has been transferred
          and collectibility is reasonably  assured.  Revenues are presented net
          of discounts granted.  The accrual for estimated  discounts granted is
          computed according to the provisions stipulated in the agreements, and
          is recorded when revenues are recognized.

     L.   Forward Transactions

          The gain or loss of currency forward transactions  designated to hedge
          long-term loans from banks against currency fluctuations, are included
          in operations as incurred.

     M.   Earnings Per Share

          Earnings per share are computed  based on the weighted  average number
          of paid up capital shares during the year.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     N.   Exchange Rates and Linkage Basis

          (1)  Balances in foreign  currency or linked  thereto are  included in
               the financial  statements  based on the  representative  exchange
               rates,  as published by the Bank of Israel,  that were prevailing
               at the balance sheet date.

          (2)  Following are the changes in the representative  exchange rate of
               the U.S. dollar and the Euro vis-a-vis the NIS and in the Israeli

                                              exchange rate           CPI
                                              of the Dollar      "in respect of"
                As of:                        (NIS per $1)         (in points)
                                              ------------         -----------
                December 31, 2004                  4.308            180.74
                December 31, 2003                  4.379            178.58
                December 31, 2002                  4.737            182.02

                Increase (decrease)
                during the year ended:               %                  %
                                                     -                  -
                December 31, 2004                  (1.6)               1.2
                December 31, 2003                  (7.6)              (1.9)
                December 31, 2002                   7.3                6.5

               (3)  Exchange-rate  differences  are  charged  to  operations  as

     O.   Reclassification

          Certain  amounts  in  prior  years'  financial  statements  have  been
          reclassified in order to conform to the 2004 presentation.

     P.   Recent Accounting Standards - Income Taxes

          In  July  2004,  the  Israeli  Accounting  Standards  Board  published
          Accounting  Standard  No. 19  "Income  Taxes"  (the  "Standard").  The
          Standard   established  the  guideline  for  recognizing,   measuring,
          presenting  and  disclosing  taxes on  income  taxes in the  financial
          statements.   The  Standard  is  effective  for  financial  statements
          relating to  reporting  periods  commencing  on, or after,  January 1,
          2005.  The initial  adoption of the Standard shall be accounted for by
          the  cumulative  effect  of  change  in  accounting  method,  for  the
          beginning of the period in which the  Standard is  initially  adopted.
          The Company  estimates that the  implementation of the new Standard is
          not  expected  to have an effect on the  Group's  financial  position,
          results of operations and cash flows.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                                                        Consolidated                         Company
                                                                  ------------------------            ----------------------
                                                                                         December 31,
                                                                 2 0 0 4           2 0 0 3           2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3
                                                                  ------            ------            -----           ------
                                                                Reported          Adjusted          Reported         Adjusted
                                                                 Amounts           Amounts           Amounts          Amounts
                                                                  ------            ------            -----           ------
                                                                      NIS in thousands                   NIS in thousands
              In NIS                                              10,215             7,186            9,616            7,138
              In foreign currencies (primarily the
                U.S. dollar)                                         589            24,492                -           12,896
                                                                  ------            ------            -----           ------
                                                                  10,804            31,678            9,616           20,034
                                                                  ======            ======            =====           ======


                                                                     December 31,
                                                             2 0 0 4              2 0 0 3
                                                             -------              -------
                                                            Reported              Adjusted
                                                             Amounts              Amounts
                                                             -------              -------
             Composition:                                         NIS in thousands
                Open accounts                                107,693               96,469
                Checks receivable                             29,943               35,952
                                                             -------              -------
                                                             137,636              132,421
                                                             -------              -------
                Open accounts                                    749                    -
                Related parties                               21,872               18,957
                                                             -------              -------
                                                              22,621               18,957
                                                             -------              -------
             Less - allowance for doubtful  accounts           2,442                3,630
                                                             -------              -------
                                                             157,815              147,748
                                                             =======              =======


                                                                        Consolidated                        Company
                                                                   -----------------------            ----------------------
                                                                                        December 31,
                                                                  2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3           2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3
                                                                   -----            ------            -----           ------
                                                                 Reported         Adjusted          Reported         Adjusted
                                                                  Amounts          Amounts           Amounts          Amounts
                                                                   -----            ------            -----           ------
              Composition:                                            NIS in thousands                   NIS in thousands
              Deferred taxes (Note 21D)                            3,952             8,600            2,928            7,112
              Prepaid expenses                                       842               990              620              329
              Advances to suppliers                                1,133               736              737              569
              Value added taxe                                         -                 -            3,636            4,922
              Income tax advances, net                               240               201                -                -
              Others                                               1,413               769              779              526
                                                                   -----            ------            -----           ------
                                                                   7,580            11,296            8,700           13,458
                                                                   =====            ======            =====           ======


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                                                        Consolidated                         Company
                                                                  ------------------------           -----------------------
                                                                                         December 31,
                                                                  2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3           2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3
                                                                  ------            ------           ------           ------
                                                                 Reported          Adjusted         Reported         Adjusted
                                                                  Amounts          Amounts           Amounts          Amounts
                                                                  ------            ------           ------           ------
                                                                       NIS in thousands                 NIS in thousands
              Raw and auxiliary materials                         30,098            31,389           30,098           31,389
              Finished products (1)                               60,293            57,842           30,203           31,261
                                                                  ------            ------           ------           ------
                                                                  90,391            89,231           60,301           62,650
                                                                  ======            ======           ======           ======

              (1)  Includes products in transit                    1,723                 -                -                -
                                                                  ======            ======           ======           ======
              The inventories are net of provision
                   for obsolescence                                1,302             1,347            1,200              971
                                                                  ======            ======           ======           ======


                                                                                                          December 31,
                                                                                                   2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3
                                                                                                    ------           ------
                                                                                                   Reported        Adjusted
                                                                                                   Amounts          Amounts
                                                                                                    ------           ------
             A. Composition NIS in thousands
                    Cost of shares                                                                   4,338            4,338
                    Accumulated losses since acquisition, net                                       (2,405)          (2,476)
                                                                                                    ------           ------
                                                                                                     1,933            1,862
                    Long-term loan (*)                                                                   -            2,478
                                                                                                    ------           ------
                                                                                                     1,933            4,340
                                                                                                    ======           ======

          (*)  The non-interest  bearing loan,  denominated in NIS and linked to
               the Israeli  Consumer  Price Index,  was  considered  part of the
               Company's  investments in the Subsidiary.  The loan was repaid at
               the end of 2004.

                                                                                                       December 31,
                                                                                                2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3
                                                                                                  -----            -----
                                                                                                Reported         Adjusted
                                                                                                Amounts          Amounts
                                                                                                  -----            -----
             B. Goodwill: NIS in thousands
                    Cost                                                                          6,232            6,232
                    Less - accumulated amortization                                               2,432            1,809
                                                                                                  -----            -----
                                                                                                  3,800            4,423
                                                                                                  =====            =====


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     C.   Consolidated Subsidiaries

          The consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2004, include
          the financial statements of the following Subsidiaries:

                                                                                                  Ownership and control
                                                                                                   As of December 31,
                                                                                                        2 0 0 4
                     Mondi Business Paper Hadera Marketing Ltd. (see Note 1A)                            100.00
                     Grafinir Paper Marketing Ltd.                                                       100.00
                     Yavnir (1999) Ltd.                                                                  100.00
                     Miterani Paper Marketing 2000 (1998) Ltd.                                           100.00


                                                         Machinery                          furniture
                                           Leasehold        and                Motor            and
                                          improvements   equipment           vehicles        equipment         Total
                                              -----     -----------            -----           -----          -------
Consolidated                                                            NIS in thousands
Balance - January 1, 2004
   (Adjusted Amounts)                         3,724     (*) 124,390            1,785            2,793         132,692
Changes during 2004:
   Additions                                      -          16,155              811               53          17,019
   Dispositions                                   -            (317)            (311)               -            (628)
                                              -----     -----------            -----            -----         -------
        Balance - December 31, 2004
             (Reported Amounts) (1)           3,724         140,228            2,285            2,846         149,083
                                              -----     -----------            -----            -----         -------

Accumulated depreciation:
Balance - January 1, 2004
   (Adjusted Amounts)                         1,427          21,703            1,215            1,036          25,381
Changes during 2004:
   Additions                                    389           7,329              367              410           8,495
   Dispositions                                   -            (277)            (254)               -            (531)
                                              -----     -----------            -----            -----         -------
Balance - December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                         1,816          28,755            1,328            1,446          33,345
                                              -----     -----------            -----            -----         -------

Net book value:
December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                         1,908         111,473              957            1,400         115,738
                                              =====     ===========            =====            =====         =======
December 31, 2003
   (Adjusted Amounts)                         2,297         102,687              570            1,757         107,311
                                              =====     ===========            =====            =====         =======

(*) Reclassified.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                                 Machinery                           furniture
                                   Leasehold        and                Motor            and
                                  improvements    equipment           vehicles       equipment         Total
                                  ------------    ---------           --------       ---------        ------
Company                                                          NIS in thousands
Balance - January 1, 2004
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 2,651      (*)123,066               71            1,829         127,617
Changes during 2004:
   Additions                              -          16,155              811               53          17,019
   Dispositions                           -            (317)              (7)               -            (324)
                                  ------------    ---------           --------       ---------        -------
Balance - December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts) (1)             2,651         138,904              875            1,882         144,312
                                  ------------    ---------           --------       ---------        -------

Accumulated depreciation:
Balance - January 1, 2004
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 1,040          21,033               38              590          22,701
Changes during 2004:
   Additions                            265           7,172              121              327           7,885
   Dispositions                           -            (277)              (1)               -            (278)
                                  ------------    ---------           --------       ---------        -------
Balance - December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                 1,305          27,928              158              917          30,308
                                  ------------    ---------           --------       ---------        -------

Net book value:
December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                 1,346         110,976              717              965         114,004
                                  -===========    =========           ========       =========        =======
December 31, 2003
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 1,611         102,033               33            1,239         104,916
                                  -===========    =========           ========       =========        =======

(*)  Reclassified.

(1)  Total cost as of December  31, 2004  includes  payments on account of fixed
     asset in the amount of NIS 5,326 thousand.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                                                      Consolidated                          Company
                                                                ------------------------            -----------------------
                                                                                       December 31,
                                                                2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3            2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3
                                                                -------          -------            ------           ------
                                                                Reported         Adjusted          Reported         Adjusted
                                                                Amounts          Amounts            Amounts         Amounts
                                                                -------          -------            ------           ------
                                                                    NIS in thousands                    NIS in thousands

               In Israeli currency                               22,484           19,981            20,561           16,163
              In foreign currency or linked thereto              82,177           84,116            43,341           37,234
                                                                -------          -------            ------           ------
                                                                104,661          104,097            63,902           53,397
                                                                =======          =======            ======           ======


                                                                      Consolidated                         Company
                                                                 -----------------------            -----------------------
                                                                                        December 31,
                                                                2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3             2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3
                                                                 ------        ---------            ------        ---------
                                                                Reported       Adjusted           Reported         Adjusted
                                                                Amounts         Amounts            Amounts         Amounts
                                                                 ------        ---------            ------        ---------
                                                                    NIS in thousands                    NIS in thousands
              Accrued payroll
                  and related expenses                           11,703        (*)11,900            11,703        (*)11,900
              Value Added Tax                                     3,366              368                 -                -
              Advances from customers                               862              258                 -                -
              NAG - Parent Company                                2,252              552                 -              552
              Interest payable                                    2,900            2,882             2,900            2,882
              Forward transaction                                 1,322                -             1,322                -
              Other                                                 727        (*)   904               555        (*)   897
                                                                 ------        ---------            ------        ---------
                                                                 23,132        (*)16,864            16,480        (*)16,231
                                                                 ======        =========            ======        =========

(*)  Reclassified.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                                                                                          and Company
                                                                                 Interest             ---------------------
                                                                                  rate                   December 31,
                                                                                 --------             ---------------------
                                                                                 % (*)              2 0 0 4        2 0 0 3
                                                                                                      ------         ------
                                                                                                     Reported       Adjusted
                                                                                                      Amounts        Amounts
                                                                                                      ------         ------
                A.Composition                                                                           NIS in thousands

                     In U.S. dollar (**)                                           3.06               31,946         44,755
                     In Israeli CPI                                                6.55               19,427         22,078
                                                                                                      ------         ------
                                                                                                      51,373         66,833
                     Less - current maturities                                                        15,125         15,108
                                                                                                      ------         ------
                                                                                                      36,248         51,725
                                                                                                      ======         ======

(*)  Annual average interest rate as of December 31, 2004.

(**) As of December 31, 2004,  NIS 25,484  thousand bear interest based on Libor
     plus + 0.5%-0.6%.

                                                                                            and Company
                                                                                            December 31,
                                                                                              2 0 0 4
              B. Maturities                                                              NIS in thousands

                    Second year - 2006                                                         15,327
                    Third year - 2007                                                          11,235
                    Fourth year - 2008                                                          3,688
                    Fifth year - 2009                                                           5,998
                    Sixth year - 2010 and thereafter                                                -

     C.   According  to the loan  agreements  with the banks,  the Company is to
          achieve, inter alia, financial ratio at the end of each audited fiscal
          year  of  total   shareholders   equity  including  capital  notes  to
          shareholders  to total  assets  to be no less  than  30%.  In case the
          Company  fails to fulfill these  covenants,  the banks are entitled to
          demand  early  repayment  of the  loans,  in whole  or in part.  As of
          December  31,  2004,  the  Company  was in full  compliance  with  the
          covenants  stipulated in the bank  agreements and this financial ratio
          amounted to 30.15%.

     D.   As to a "negative pledge  agreement"  signed by the Company,  see Note

     E.   In 2004 and 2003,  the Company and its  Subsidiaries  entered  into an
          agreement  for a bank credit  facility,  pursuant to which the Company
          and its  subsidiaries  may,  from time to time,  borrow  an  aggregate
          principal  amount of up to  adjusted  NIS 87,580  thousand.  Under the
          terms of the agreement,  the credit  facility has no time limit. As of
          the balance  sheet date,  the Group has not utilized any of the credit


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


          The capital notes to shareholders are linked to the dollar and bear no
          interest. According to the terms of the capital notes, the Company has
          the  ultimate  discretion  upon the dates of  repayment of the capital
          notes. As of December 31, 2004, the Company has not yet determined the
          future repayment dates.

          During 2004, the Company repaid the  shareholders  an aggregate of NIS
          27,128 thousand ($ 6,000 thousand) in respect of capital notes.


          Israeli law and labor  agreements  determine  the  obligations  of the
          Group  to  make  severance  payments  to  dismissed  employees  and to
          employees leaving  employment under certain other  circumstances.  The
          liability for severance pay benefits, as determined by Israeli Law, is
          based upon length of service and the  employee's  most recent  monthly
          salary.  The liability of the Group for severance pay to its permanent
          employees  is covered by current  deposits  to pension  and  severance
          funds.  Accumulated  amounts  so funded  are not under the  control or
          administration  of the Group, and  accordingly,  neither those amounts
          nor  the  corresponding   accruals  are  reflected  in  the  financial
          statements.  The amounts presented in the balance sheet as of December
          31, 2004  reflects the severance pay liability in respect of temporary


     A.   Commitments

          (1)  The Group is obligated to pay license fees to a shareholder - see
               Note 22B.

          (2)  The  Company  and  its   Subsidiaries   lease  certain  of  their
               facilities  under  operating  leases  for  varying  periods  with
               renewal options primarily from AIPM. Future minimum lease rentals
               as of December 31, 2004 are as follows:

                                                 Consolidated        Company
                                                 ------------        -------
                                                        Reported amounts
                                                        NIS in thousands

                           2005                       4,599             3,446
                           2006                       4,599             3,446
                           2007                       4,599             3,446
                           2008                       4,453             3,446
                                                     ------            ------
                                                     18,250            13,784
                                                     ======            ======

     B.   Liens

          To secure long-term bank loans and short-term bank credit (the balance
          of which as of December, 31 2004 is NIS 51,373 thousand),  the Company
          entered into a "negative  pledge" agreement under which the Company is
          committed  not to pledge any of its assets,  excluding  fixed  pledges
          relating  to assets  financed  by others,  prior to the consent of the


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     C.   Guarantees

          The  Company  from time to time and in the  framework  of its  ongoing
          operations provides guarantees, the amount of which as of December, 31
          2004 was NIS 4,058 thousand.


     A.   As of  December  31,  2004 and 2003,  share  capital  is  composed  of
          ordinary  shares  of NIS  1.00 par  value  each.  Authorized  - 38,000
          shares; issued and paid up - 1,000 shares.

     B.   Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to participate  equally in the
          payment  of  cash   dividends   and  bonus  share   (stock   dividend)
          distributions and, in the event of the liquidation of the Company,  in
          the  distribution  of assets  after  satisfaction  of  liabilities  to
          creditors. See also Note 1A.


                                                        Consolidated                                     Company
                                            --------------------------------------        -------------------------------------
                                                   Year ended December 31,                       Year ended December 31,
                                            -------     -----------    -----------        -------        -------        -------
                                            2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2          2 0 0 4        2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                            -------     -----------    -----------        -------        -------        -------
                                            Reported     Adjusted        Adjusted        Reported        Adjusted       Adjusted
                                            Amounts       Amounts        Amounts          Amounts        Amounts        Amounts
                                            -------     -----------    -----------        -------        -------        -------
                                                     NIS in thousands                               NIS in thousands
Industrial operations                       471,190     (*) 453,807    (*) 422,885        482,698        462,654        421,413
Commercial operations                       214,904         186,213    (*) 151,342              -              -              -
                                            -------     -----------    -----------        -------        -------        -------
                                            686,094     (*) 640,020    (*) 574,227        482,698        462,654        421,413
                                            =======     ===========    ===========        =======        =======        =======

(*) Reclassified.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                                 Consolidated                                     Company
                                      ----------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
                                             Year ended December 31,                      Year ended December 31,
                                      ----------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
                                      2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3           2 0 0 2        2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                      -------      ---------        ----------       -------      ---------    ----------
                                      Reported     Adjusted          Adjusted       Reported      Adjusted      Adjusted
                                      Amounts       Amounts           Amounts        Amounts       Amounts       Amounts
                                      -------      ---------        ----------       -------      ---------    ----------
                                               NIS in thousands                               NIS in thousands
Purchases (**)                        188,013        177,176           122,125             -              -             -
Materials consumed                    297,006        271,334           251,070       297,006        271,334       251,070
Salaries and related expenses          32,576         30,482        (*) 27,358        32,576         30,482    (*) 27,358
Subcontracting                          5,066      (*) 4,388        (*)  2,951          5,06      (*) 4,388    (*) 2,951
Energy costs                           45,991         43,166            36,539        45,991         43,166        36,539
Depreciation                            7,896          7,243             6,464         7,897          7,243         6,464
Other manufacturing costs
  and expenses (including rent)        31,124      (*)30,370        (*) 26,230        30,335      (*)29,584    (*) 24,788
                                      -------      ---------        ----------       -------      ---------    ----------
                                      607,672        564,159           472,737       418,871        386,197       349,170
Change in finished goods and
  goods in process                     (1,934)        (7,269)           18,975        (2,367)         5,295        11,709
                                      -------      ---------        ----------       -------      ---------    ----------
                                      605,738        556,890        (*)491,712       416,504        391,492    (*)360,879
                                      =======      =========        ==========       =======      =========    ==========

(*)  Reclassified.

(**) The  purchases  of  the  Group  are  related   principally   to  commercial


                                                 Consolidated                                     Company
                                      ----------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
                                             Year ended December 31,                      Year ended December 31,
                                      ----------------------------------------       ------------------------------------
                                      2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3           2 0 0 2        2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                      -------      ---------        ----------       -------      ---------    ----------
                                      Reported     Adjusted          Adjusted       Reported      Adjusted      Adjusted
                                      Amounts       Amounts           Amounts        Amounts       Amounts       Amounts
                                      -------      ---------        ----------       -------      ---------    ----------
                                               NIS in thousands                               NIS in thousands

Salaries and related expenses          17,169        16,913          (*)16,440       17,169          16,913     (*) 10,284
Packaging and shipping to  customers   16,235     (*)14,368          (*)14,460       15,464       (*)13,756     (*) 13,058
Maintenance and rent                    7,973     (*) 7,641          (*) 7,195          313       (*)   429     (*)  1,204
Transportation expenses                 1,256         1,178              1,427        1,137             399            315
Advertising                                 -           180                153            -             180            116
Commissions and license fees
   to a shareholder                     2,912         1,865                176            -               -              -
Depreciation                              552           670                880          523       (*)   653             20
Other                                      38     (*)    77          (*)     -            -       (*)     -     (*)      -
                                      -------      ---------        ----------       ------       ---------    -----------
                                       46,135        42,892          (*)40,731       34,606          32,330     (*) 24,997
                                      =======      =========        ==========       ======       =========    ===========

(*)  Reclassified.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


                                                        Consolidated                                 Company
                                              ----------------------------------        ------------------------------------
                                                 Year ended December 31,                    Year ended December 31,
                                              ----------------------------------        ------------------------------------
                                             2 0 0 4     2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2        2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                              -----     ---------      ---------        -----       ---------      ---------
                                            Reported     Adjusted      Adjusted      Reported      Adjusted       Adjusted
                                             Amounts     Amounts        Amounts       Amounts       Amounts        Amounts
                                              -----     ---------      ---------        -----       ---------      ---------
                                                     NIS in thousands                           NIS in thousands

Salaries and related expenses                 3,811         3,821          3,310        3,811            3,821         2,090
Office maintenance                              187     (*)   232      (*)   696            -       (*)     -      (*)     -
Professional and
   management fees                            2,217         1,594          2,227        1,555           1,152          1,549
Depreciation                                     47     (*)    28      (*)   110           40       (*)    31      (*)     -
Amortization of goodwill                        623     (*)   623      (*)   623            -               -              -
Bad and doubtful debts                         (311)          679          1,475            -               -              -
Other                                         1,229     (*) 1,448      (*) 1,771        1,036       (*)   941      (*)   635
                                              -----     ---------      ---------        -----       ---------      ---------
                                              7,803     (*) 8,425      (*)10,212        6,442       (*) 5,945      (*) 4,274
                                              =====     =========      =========        =====       =========      =========

(*) Reclassified.


                                                    Consolidated                                 Company
                                         ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
                                              Year ended December 31,                     Year ended December 31,
                                         ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
                                           2 0 0 4  (*)2 0 0 3    (*)2 0 0 2        2 0 0 4    (*)2 0 0 3      (*)2 0 0 2
                                         -----         -----         ------          -----        ------          -----
                                        Reported      Adjusted      Adjusted       Reported      Adjusted       Adjusted
                                        Amounts       Amounts       Amounts         Amounts       Amounts        Amounts
                                         -----         -----         ------          -----        ------          -----
                                                 NIS in thousands                            NIS in thousands
Interest on long-term bank loans         2,573         3,254          4,208          2,573         3,254          4,208
                                         =====         =====         ======          =====        ======          =====
Erosion of monetary assets and
   liabilities, net                      2,070          (783)        (1,210)         1,293        (2,112)          (664)
                                         =====         =====         ======          =====        ======          =====

Forward transaction                      1,322             -              -          1,322             -              -
                                         =====         =====         ======          =====        ======          =====

(*)  Reclassified.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     A.   The Company and its Subsidiaries are taxed according to the provisions
          of The Income  Tax  Ordinance  and the  Income  Tax Law  (Inflationary
          Adjustments), 1985. The Company is an industrial company in conformity
          with the Law for the  Encouragement  of Industry  (Taxes),  1969.  The
          major   benefits  the  Company  is  entitled  to  under  this  law  is
          accelerated depreciation rates.

                                                     Consolidated                                 Company
                                         ------------------------------------        -------------------------------------
                                               Year ended December 31,                   Year ended December 31,
                                         ------------------------------------        -------------------------------------
                                         2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2        2 0 0 4        2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                         -------       -------        -------        -------        -------        -------
                                        Reported      Adjusted       Adjusted       Reported       Adjusted       Adjusted
                                         Amounts       Amounts        Amounts        Amounts        Amounts        Amounts
                                         -------       -------        -------        -------        -------        -------
B. Composition                                   NIS in thousands                              NIS in thousands
Current taxes                               81              80             51              -              -              -
Taxes in respect of prior years            (86)              -              -              -              -            (93)
Deferred taxes (E. below)                  823          10,438         11,483            359         10,275          9,893
                                           ---          ------         ------            ---         ------          -----
                                           818          10,518         11,534            359         10,275          9,800
                                           ===          ======         ======            ===         ======          =====

 C. Reconciliation of the Statutory Tax Rate to the Effective Tax Rate

                                                        Consolidated                                       Company
                                           --------------------------------------          --------------------------------------
                                                   Year ended December 31,                        Year ended December 31,
                                           --------------------------------------          --------------------------------------
                                           2 0 0 4      (*)2 0 0 3      (*)2 0 0 2        2 0 0 4       (*)2 0 0 3      (*)2 0 0 2
                                           ------          ------          ------          ------          ------          ------
                                          Reported        Adjusted        Adjusted        Reported       Adjusted        Adjusted
                                           Amounts        Amounts         Amounts          Amounts        Amounts         Amounts
                                           ------          ------          ------          ------          ------          ------
                                                     NIS in thousands                                 NIS in thousands

Income before income taxes                 18,080          29,037          27,611          17,550          30,054          26,815
                                           ======          ======          ======          ======          ======          ======

Tax computed by
  statutory tax rate
  (35%-36% - see E. below)                  6,328          10,453           9,940           6,143          10,819           9,653

Tax increments (savings)
  due to:
Non-deductible expenses                       211             226             239               -              33               -
Non-taxable income                            (40)              -             (94)            (21)            (15)            (94)
Reduction in corporate tax rates -
  (E. below)                               (4,397)              -               -          (4,479)              -               -
Differences arising from
  basis of measurement (**)                (1,198)           (161)          1,449          (1,284)           (562)            334
Prior years income taxes                      (86)              -               -               -               -             (93)
                                           ------          ------          ------          ------          ------          ------
                                              818          10,518          11,534             359          10,275           9,800
                                           ======          ======          ======          ======          ======          ======

(*)  Reclassified.
(**) For  2004  -  Reported  Amounts  (NIS)  for  financial  reporting  purposes
     vis-a-vis the consumer  price index for tax  purposes;  For 2003 and 2002 -
     U.S. dollar for financial  reporting  purposes vis-a-vis the Consumer Price
     Index for tax purposes.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

NOTE 21 - INCOME TAXES (cont.)

 D.  Deferred Taxes

                                                     Consolidated                                      Company
                                       ---------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------
                                                Year ended December 31,                       Year ended December 31,
                                       ---------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------
                                       2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3         2 0 0 2         2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3         2 0 0 2
                                       -------         -------         -------         -------         -------         -------
                                      Reported        Adjusted         Adjusted       Reported        Adjusted        Adjusted
                                       Amounts         Amounts         Amounts         Amounts         Amounts         Amounts
                                       -------         -------         -------         -------         -------         -------
                                                  NIS in thousands                                NIS in thousands
Balance as of beginning of year        (20,647)        (10,209)          1,274         (22,135)        (11,860)         (1,967)
Changes during the year                 (5,220)        (10,438)        (11,483)         (4,838)        (10,275)         (9,893)
Adjustment due to
  change in income tax rates             4,397               -               -           4,479               -               -
                                       -------         -------         -------         -------         -------         -------
  Balance as of end of year            (21,470)        (20,647)        (10,209)        (22,494)        (22,135)        (11,860)
                                       =======         =======         =======         =======         =======         =======

                                                         Consolidated                      Company
                                                   -----------------------         -----------------------
                                                                         December 31,
                                                   2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3         2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3
                                                   -------         -------         -------         -------
                                                   Reported       Adjusted        Reported         Adjusted
                                                   Amounts         Amounts         Amounts         Amounts
                                                   -------         -------         -------         -------
                                                       NIS in thousands                NIS in thousands
Deferred taxes are presented in the
balance sheets as follows:
Long-term liabilities:
   Depreciable fixed assets                        (25,448)        (29,299)        (25,448)        (29,299)
   Accrued severance pay, net                           26              52              26              52
                                                   -------         -------         -------         -------
                                                   (25,422)        (29,247)        (25,422)        (29,247)
                                                   -------         -------         -------         -------
Other receivables and prepayments (Note 5):
   Inventories                                           -             544               -             364
   Allowance for doubtful accounts                     831           1,308               -               -
   Vacation and recreation pay                       1,564           1,518           1,564           1,518
   Carry forward tax losses                          1,557           5,230           1,364           5,230
                                                   -------         -------         -------         -------
                                                     3,952           8,600           2,928           7,112
                                                   -------         -------         -------         -------
                                                   (21,470)        (20,647)        (22,494)        (22,135)
                                                   =======         =======         =======         =======

     For 2004 - Deferred taxes were computed at rates between 30%-34%, primarily
     - 30%.

     For 2003 - Deferred taxes were computed at 36%.

E.   Reduction of Corporate Tax Rates

     In June 2004, the Israeli  Knesset  passed  Amendment No. 140 to the Income
     Tax Ordinance,  according to which the corporate  income-tax  rate would be
     gradually  reduced from 36% to 30% by 2007 (2004-35%,  2005-34%,  2006-32%,


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

NOTE 21 - INCOME TAXES (cont.)

F.   Carryforward tax losses of the Group and the Company are NIS 4,362 thousand
     and NIS 4,010 thousand as of December 31, 2004, respectively.

G.   The Company and its  Subsidiaries  have tax assessments that are considered
     final through the 2000 tax year.


A.    Balances with Related Parties and Subsidiaries

                                                                          Consolidated                    Company
                                                                       ---------------------        ----------------------
                                                                                          December 31,
                                                                       2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3         2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3
                                                                       ------      ---------        -------     ----------
                                                                      Reported     Adjusted        Reported       Adjusted
                                                                       Amounts      Amounts         Amounts       Amounts
                                                                       ------      ---------        -------     ----------
                                                                          NIS in thousands             NIS in thousands
      Trade receivables - AIPM                                              -              -        178,289     (*)138,841
                                                                       ======      =========        =======     ==========
      Trade receivables - related parties                              21,872         18,957              -              -
                                                                       ======      =========        =======     ==========
      Long-term loan to Subsidiary                                          -              -              -          2,478
                                                                       ======      =========        =======     ==========
      Trade payables - AIPM                                            65,033      (*)48,786              -              -
                                                                       ======      =========        =======     ==========
      Trade payables - related parties                                  9,009      (*) 9,536        103,671     (*) 54,094
                                                                       ======      =========        =======     ==========
      Other payables and accrued expenses - AIPM                        2,478      (*) 2,298          2,478     (*)  2,298
                                                                       ======      =========        =======     ==========
      Other payables and accrued expenses - related
           parties                                                      2,252      (*)   552              -     (*)    552
                                                                       ======      =========        =======     ==========
      Capital notes to shareholders                                    17,233         43,790         17,233         43,790
                                                                       ======      =========        =======     ==========

      (*) Reclassified.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


B.   Transactions with Related Parties and Subsidiaries

                                                  Consolidated                               Company
                                        -----------------------------------      ---------------------------------
                                             Year ended December 31,                 Year ended December 31,
                                        -------    ----------    ----------      ------   ----------     ---------
                                        2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3      2 0 0 2      2 0 0 4     2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                        -------    ----------    ----------      ------   ----------     ---------
                                       Reported      Adjusted     Adjusted      Reported   Adjusted      Adjusted
                                        Amounts      Amounts      Amounts        Amounts   Amounts        Amounts
                                        -------    ----------    ----------      ------   ----------     ---------
                                                  NIS in thousands                      NIS in thousands
Sales to related parties                165,596       171,131       155,599           -            -             -
                                        =======    ==========    ==========     =======   ==========     =========
Sales to Subsidiaries                         -             -             -     482,698      462,654       421,413
                                        =======    ==========    ==========     =======   ==========     =========
Cost of sales                           106,546    (*) 88,613    (*) 75,716      78,400   (*) 73,024     (*)66,035
                                        =======    ==========    ==========     =======   ==========     =========

Selling expenses, net
  (Participation in selling
  expenses, net)                          9,875    (*) 6,428     (*)      -       1,796   (*) (1,909)    (*)(3,643)
                                        =======    ==========    ==========     =======   ==========     =========
General and administrative expenses       1,837    (*) 1,410     (*)  1,756       1,480   (*)  1,086     (*) 1,432
                                        =======    ==========    ==========     =======   ==========     =========
Financing expenses (income), net          1,939       13,759         (3,722)      2,268          858          (298)
                                        =======    ==========    ==========     =======   ==========     =========

(*)  Reclassified.

(**) The  transactions as above are in the ordinary course of business at market
     prices and customary credit terms.

C.   (1)  The  Company  leases  its  premises  from  AIPM  and  render  services
          (including electricity,  water, maintenance and professional services)
          under agreements, which are renewed every year.

     (2)  The Group is obligated to pay commissions and license fees to NAG.


     A.   Credit Risk

          The  revenues  of the  Group's  are  derive  from a  large  number  of
          customers  mainly  in  Israel  and  in  Europe.  Management  regularly
          monitors the balance of trade receivables and the financial statements
          include an  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts  based on  management's
          estimation. Taking the aforementioned into consideration, the exposure
          to credit risk from trade receivables is immaterial.

          Cash and cash equivalents  (including amounts in foreign currency) are
          deposited with major commercial banks in Israel.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


     B.   Fair Value of Financial Instruments

          The  financial   instruments   of  the  Group  consist   primarily  of
          non-derivative  assets and liabilities.  Non-derivative assets include
          cash and cash  equivalents,  receivables,  other  current  assets  and
          long-term  loans  given.   Non-derivative  liabilities  include  trade
          payables,  other current  liabilities,  long-term loans from banks and
          capital notes to  shareholders.  Due to the nature of these  financial
          instruments, their fair value, generally, is identical or close to the
          value at which they are presented in the financial statements,  unless
          stated otherwise.

          The fair value of the  long-term  loans  approximates  their  carrying
          value,  since  they bear  interest  at rates  close to the  prevailing
          market rates.

          The  terms  of the  Capital  Notes  to  shareholders  do  not  include
          determined  payment  dates.  Therefore,  fair  value  based on present
          values cannot be established  and  accordingly is not disclosed in the
          financial statements.

          The Group maintains enters from time to time, into  off-balance  sheet
          financial  instruments for hedging against currency and  interest-rate


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


               A.  Balance Sheets

                                                                                           December 31,
                                                                                     2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3
                                                                                     -------     -----------
                                                                                         NIS in thousands
                   Current Assets
                     Cash and cash equivalents                                         9,616          20,034
                     American Israeli Paper Mills Group, net                         178,289     (*) 138,841
                     Other receivables                                                 5,772           6,328
                     Inventories                                                      60,301          63,651
                                                                                     -------     -----------
                                                                                     253,978         228,854
                                                                                     -------     -----------
                   Long-Term Investments
                   Investments in Subsidiaries
                                                                                         648     (*)   2,854
                                                                                     =======     ===========
                   Fixed Assets, net                                                 111,066         101,815
                                                                                     -------     -----------
                                                                                     365,692         333,523
                                                                                     =======     ===========

                   Current Liabilities
                     Current maturities of long-term bank loans                       15,125          15,108
                     Trade payables                                                   63,902          53,397
                     Subsidiaries                                                     99,159          52,671
                     Other payables and accrued expenses                              16,480     (*)  16,231
                                                                                     -------     -----------
                                                                                     194,666         137,407
                                                                                     -------     -----------

                   Long term liabilities
                   Long term-bank loans                                               36,248          51,725
                   Capital notes to shareholders                                      17,233          43,790
                   Accrued severance pay, net                                             87             145
                                                                                     -------     -----------
                                                                                      53,568          95,660
                                                                                     -------     -----------
                   Shareholders' Equity                                              117,458         100,456
                                                                                     -------     -----------
                                                                                     365,692         333,523
                                                                                     =======     ===========


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


B.     Statement of Operations

                                                            Year ended December 31,
                                                      2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                                      -------      ---------    ----------
                                                               NIS in thousands

Net sales                                             482,698        480,764       452,986

Cost of sales                                         417,831        406,930    (*)380,830
                                                      -------      ---------    ----------

    Gross profit                                       64,867         73,834        72,156

Selling expenses                                       34,598         33,455    (*) 26,929

General and administrative expenses                     6,444      (*) 9,080    (*)  4,629
                                                      -------      ---------    ----------

    Operating profit                                   23,825         31,299        40,598

Financing (expenses) income, net                       (7,143)         3,152       (11,957)

Other income (expenses), net                               48      (*)   (93)   (*)    (10)
                                                      -------      ---------    ----------

    Income before income taxes                         16,730         34,358        28,631

Income taxes                                                -              -             -
                                                      -------      ---------    ----------
    Income after income taxes                          16,730         34,358        28,631

Equity in net earnings (losses) of Subsidiaries           272            (34)         (385)
                                                      -------      ---------    ----------

    Net income for the year                            17,002         34,324        28,246

(*)  Reclassified.


                        MONDI BUSINESS PAPER HADERA LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


C.     Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

                                                        Share                        Retained
                                                      Capital         Premium         earnings         Total
                                                      -------          ------          ------         -------
                                                                         NIS in thousands
         Balance - January 1, 2002                          1          41,125          (3,240)         37,886
                                                      -------          ------          ------         -------
         Changes during 2002:
         Net income for the year                            -               -          28,246          28,246
                                                      -------          ------          ------         -------
         Balance - December 31, 2002                        1          41,125          25,006          66,132
                                                      -------          ------          ------         -------
         Changes during 2003:
         Net income for the year                            -               -          34,324          34,324
                                                      -------          ------          ------         -------
         Balance - December 31, 2003                        1          41,125          59,330         100,456
                                                      -------          ------          ------         -------
         Changes during 2004:
         Net income for the year                            -               -          17,002          17,002
                                                      -------          ------          ------         -------
         Balance - December 31, 2004                        1          41,125          76,332         117,458
                                                      =======          ======          ======         =======


                                                                       EXHIBIT 5

                               HOGLA-KIMBERLY LTD.
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2004

                               HOGLA-KIMBERLY LTD.
                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                             AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2004

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


    Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm           1

    Financial Statements:

       Balance Sheets                                                 2

       Statements of Operations                                       3

       Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity                  4

       Statements of Cash Flows                                     5-6

       Notes to the Financial Statements                           7-31


To the Shareholders of
Hogla-Kimberly Ltd.

We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Hogla-Kimberly Ltd. ("the
Company") as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, and the consolidated balance sheets
as of those dates, and the related statements of operations, changes in
shareholders' equity and cash flows - of the Company and on a consolidated basis
- for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2004. These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's Board of Directors
and management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audit in accordance with standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States) and with generally accepted auditing
standards in Israel, including those prescribed by the Israeli Auditors'
Regulations (Mode of Performance), 1973. Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of
internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of
expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control
over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by the Board of Directors and management, as
well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

 In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
 fairly, in all material respects, the financial position - of the Company and
 on a consolidated basis - as of December 31, 2004 and 2003, and the results of
 operations, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows - of the Company and
 on a consolidated basis - for each of the three years in the period ended
 December 31, 2004, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
 in Israel. In addition, in our opinion, the financial statements referred to
 above are prepared in accordance with the Israeli Securities Regulations
 (Preparation of Annual Financial Statements), 1993.

As explained in Note 2A, the financial statements as of dates and for reporting
period commencing January 1, 2004, are presented at reported amounts, in
accordance with accounting standards of the Israeli Accounting Standards Board.
The financial statements as of dates prior to January 1, 2004 and for reporting
periods ended through December 31, 2003, have been prepared on the basis of
historical cost adjusted for changes in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar in
relation to the NIS, in accordance with pronouncements of the Institute of
Certified Public Accountants in Israel.

Brightman Almagor & Co.
Certified Public Accountants
A Member Firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

Tel Aviv, March 7, 2005


                               HOGLA-KIMBERLY LTD.
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                                           Consolidated                        Company
                                                                       ----------------------           -----------------------
                                                                            December 31,                      December 31,
                                                                       ----------------------           -----------------------
                                                        Note           2 0 0 4        2 0 0 3           2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3
                                                        ----           -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                      Reported      Adjusted           Reported        Adjusted
                                                                     Amounts (1)   Amounts (3)        Amounts (1)     Amounts (3)
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
Current Assets
   Cash and cash equivalents                              3            117,364         37,340           109,717          31,645
   Current maturities of long-term bank deposits          7                 -           7,882                 -           7,882
   Trade receivables                                      4            214,389        229,979           113,448          74,668
   Other receivables                                      5             35,725         14,222            13,855           7,879
   Inventories                                            6            142,551         92,664            71,185          58,539
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                       510,029        382,087           308,205         180,613
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
Long-Term Investments
   Long-term bank deposits                                7             68,928         70,064                 -               -
   Capital note of shareholder                            8             32,770         32,770            32,770          32,770
   Investments in Subsidiaries                            9                 -               -           176,400         196,037
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                       101,698        102,834           209,170         228,807
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
Fixed Assets                                             10
   Cost                                                                507,175        479,744           406,271         380,774
   Less - accumulated depreciation                                     222,256        210,176           174,306         164,163
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                       284,919        269,568           231,965         216,611
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
Other Assets
   Goodwill                                              9B             25,878         29,073                 -               -
   Deferred taxes                                        22             15,108              -                 -               -
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                        40,986          29,073                -                -
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                       937,632        783,562           749,340         626,031
                                                                       =======        =======           =======         =======
Current Liabilities
   Short-term bank credit                                                   -           1,087                 -           1,087
   Current maturities of
      long-term bank loans                               13             68,747         15,147                 -               -
   Trade payables                                        11            219,902        139,555           265,546         174,580
   Other payables and accrued expenses                   12             38,720         37,632            12,249          10,645
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                       327,369        193,421           277,795         186,312
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
Long-Term Liabilities
   Long-term bank loans                                  13             81,851         96,338                 -               -
   Deferred taxes                                        22             37,388         29,428            35,013          26,738
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                       119,239        125,766            35,013          26,738
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
Commitments and Contingent Liabilities                   15
Minority Interest                                                       54,492         51,394                 -               -
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
Shareholders' Equity
   Share capital                                         16             29,038         28,788            29,038          28,788
   Capital reserves                                                    180,414        156,799           180,414         156,799
    Translation adjustments relating to
       foreign held autonomous Subsidiary (2)                          (3,377)              -           (3,377)               -
   Retained earnings                                                   230,457        227,394           230,457         227,394
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                       436,532        412,981           436,532         412,981
                                                                       -------        -------           -------         -------
                                                                       937,632        783,562           749,340         626,031
                                                                       =======        =======           =======         =======

(1)  See Note 2A(1).
(2)  See Note 2B.
(3)  Adjusted for changes in the exchange rate of the U.S dollar as of December
     31, 2003.

  --------                -------------            --------         ----------
  T. Davis                Y. Yerushalmi            O. Argov         A. Brenner
Chairman of the        Vice-Chairman of the     Chief Financial  Chief Executive
Board of Directors      Board of Directors         Officer             Officer

Approval date of the financial statements: March 7, 2005.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                               HOGLA-KIMBERLY LTD.
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                              Consolidated                                   Company
                                               ----------------------------------------     ----------------------------------------
                                                        Year ended December 31,                     Year ended December 31,
                                               ----------------------------------------     ----------------------------------------
                                    Note        2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2       2 0 0 4          2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                    ----       ---------       ---------      ---------     ---------        ---------     ---------
                                               Reported        Adjusted        Adjusted      Reported        Adjusted      Adjusted
                                              Amounts (1)     Amounts (2)     Amounts (2)   Amounts (1)     Amounts (2)  Amounts (2)
                                               ---------       ---------      ---------     ---------        ---------     ---------
Net sales                            17          995,569        868,671        766,549        479,320         377,117       285,442

Cost of sales                        18          719,982        621,014        554,763        393,903         322,558       233,096
                                               ---------       ---------      ---------     ---------        ---------     ---------
    Gross profit                                 275,587        247,657        211,786         85,417          54,559        52,346

Selling expenses                     19          193,701        130,670        123,955         15,286           7,538         5,373

General and
   administrative expenses           20           41,029         39,046         29,941          4,985           4,381         5,368
                                               ---------       ---------      ---------     ---------        ---------     ---------
    Operating profit                              40,857         77,941         57,890         65,146          42,640        41,605

Financing income
   (expenses), net                   21          (1,490)          5,517        (13,425)       (4,536)         (12,268)       (4,622)

Other income, net                                    903            496             78            205             238           714
                                               ---------       ---------      ---------     ---------        ---------     ---------
    Income before income taxes                    40,270         83,954         44,543         60,815          30,610        37,697

Income taxes                         22           10,244         20,566         19,232         17,627          11,775        16,076
                                               ---------       ---------      ---------     ---------        ---------     ---------
    Income after income

      taxes                                       30,026         63,388         25,311         43,188          18,835        21,621

Equity in net earnings (losses)
   of Subsidiaries                                    -               -              -       (16,260)          37,418         1,091

Minority interest in
   earnings of Subsidiary                        (3,098)         (7,135)        (2,599)             -                -            -
                                               ---------       ---------      ---------     ---------        ---------     ---------
    Net income for the year                       26,928         56,253         22,712         26,928          56,253        22,712
                                               =========       =========      =========     =========        =========     =========

Earnings per share (in NIS) (*)                     3.16           6.61           2.67           3.16            6.61          2.67
                                               =========       =========      =========     =========        =========     =========
Number of shares used in
   computation (*)                             8,513,473       8,513,473      8,513,473     8,513,473        8,513,473     8,513,473
                                               =========       =========      =========     =========        =========     =========

(1)  See Note 2A(1).
(2)  Adjusted for changes in the exchange rate of the U.S dollar as of December
     31, 2003.

(*)  Retroactively adjusted for the effect of bonus share distribution.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

                               HOGLA-KIMBERLY LTD.
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                                        Translation                      Dividend
                                                                        adjustments                      declared
                                                                        relating to                        after
                                                                        foreign held                      balance
                                            Share         Capital        autonomous       Retained         sheet
                                           capital       reserves        Subsidiary       earnings         date         Total
                                            ------        -------          ------         -------        --------      -------
   Balance - January 1, 2002
     (Adjusted Amounts (3))                 28,788        156,799                 -       181,272              -      366,859

Changes during 2002:

   Dividend declared
        after balance-sheet date                                                          (32,843)        32,843             -
   Net income for the year                                                                 22,712                       22,712
                                            ------        -------          --------       -------        --------      -------
   Balance - December 31, 2002              28,788        156,799                                         32,843       389,571

     (Adjusted Amounts (3))                                                       -       171,141

Changes during 2003:

   Dividend paid                                                                                         (32,843)     (32,843)
   Net income for the year                                                                 56,253                       56,253
                                            ------        -------          --------       -------        --------      -------
   Balance - December 31, 2003

     (Adjusted Amounts (3))                 28,788        156,799                 -       227,394               -      412,981

Changes during 2004:

    Distribution of bonus shares               250         23,615                        (23,865)                            -
     Translation adjustments
         relating to foreign held
      autonomous Subsidiary (2)                                            (3,377)                                      (3,377)
   Net income for the year                                                                 26,928                       26,928
                                            ------        -------          --------       -------        --------      -------
   Balance - December 31, 2004
    (Reported Amounts (1))                  29,038        180,414          (3,377)        230,457               -      436,532
                                            ------        -------          --------       -------        --------      -------

(1)  See Note 2A(1).
(2)  See Note 2B.
(3)  Adjusted for changes in the exchange rate of the U.S dollar as of December
     31, 2003.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                               HOGLA-KIMBERLY LTD.
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                                Consolidated                               Company
                                                      ---------------------------------      ----------------------------------
                                                           Year ended December 31,                Year ended December 31,
                                                      ---------------------------------      ----------------------------------
                                                      2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3      2 0 0 2      2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                                      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------
                                                      Reported     Adjusted     Adjusted     Reported      Adjusted      Adjusted
                                                     Amounts (1)  Amounts (3)  Amounts (3)  Amounts (1)   Amounts (3)  Amounts (3)
                                                      -------      -------      -------      -------       -------      -------
Cash flows - operating activities
Net income                                              26,928      56,253       22,712        26,928       56,253       22,712
Adjustments to reconcile net
  income to net cash provided by
  operating activities
  (Appendix A)                                          30,683       4,190       14,324        60,934        7,188       80,535
                                                      --------     -------      -------      --------      -------      -------
   Net cash provided by
     operating activities                               57,611      60,443       37,036        87,862       63,441      103,247
                                                      --------     -------      -------      --------      -------      -------

Cash flows - investing activities

Withdrawal of short-term bank deposit                        -           -       57,069             -            -            -
Withdrawal of long-term bank deposits                    8,138       9,195        8,759        8,138        9,195         8,759
Acquisition of fixed assets                           (25,191)     (26,953)     (76,523)     (17,490)      (20,351)     (66,375)
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets                       1,827       1,092          456           649          284          161
                                                      --------     -------      -------      --------      -------      -------
   Net cash used in investing activities              (15,226)     (16,666)     (10,239)      (8,703)      (10,872)     (57,455)
                                                      --------     -------      -------      --------      -------      -------

Cash flows - financing activities
Dividend paid                                                -     (32,843)     (43,790)            -      (32,843)     (43,790)
Long-term loans received                                57,672      28,949       11,386             -            -            -
Repayment of long-term loans                          (15,162)     (24,960)           -             -            -            -
Short-term bank credit                                 (1,087)       1,087            -       (1,087)        1,087            -
                                                      --------     -------      -------      --------      -------      -------
   Net cash provided by
     (used in) financing activities                     41,423     (27,767)     (32,404)      (1,087)      (31,756)     (43,790)
                                                      --------     -------      -------      --------      -------      -------

Translation adjustments of cash
  and cash equivalents of foreign
  held autonomous Subsidiary (2)                       (3,784)          -            -              -            -            -
                                                      --------     -------      -------      --------      -------      -------
Increase (decrease) in cash and

   cash equivalents                                     80,024      16,010       (5,607)       78,072       20,813        2,002
Cash and cash equivalents -
   beginning of year                                    37,340      21,330       26,937        31,645       10,832        8,830
                                                      --------     -------      -------      --------      -------      -------
Cash and cash equivalents -
   end of year                                         117,364      37,340       21,330       109,717       31,645       10,832
                                                      ========     =======      =======      ========      =======      =======

(1)  See Note 2A(1).
(2)  See Note 2B.
(3)  Adjusted for changes in the exchange rate of the U.S dollar as of December
     31, 2003.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                               HOGLA-KIMBERLY LTD.
                               (NIS in thousands)

                                                         Consolidated                                Company
                                             ----------------------------------        ----------------------------------
                                                   Year ended December 31,                  Year ended December 31,
                                             ----------------------------------        ----------------------------------
                                             2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3      2 0 0 2       2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                             ------         -----        ------        ------         -----        ------
                                            Reported      Adjusted     Adjusted      Reported      Adjusted      Adjusted
                                           Amounts (1)   Amounts (2)  Amounts (2)   Amounts (1)   Amounts (2)    Amounts (2)
                                             ------         -----        ------        ------         -----        ------
A.   Adjustments to reconcile
     net income to net cash provided
     by operating activities

     Income and expenses items
       not involving cash flows:

            Minority interest in
              earnings of
          Subsidiary                          3,098         7,135         2,599             -             -             -
        Equity in net losses
          (earnings) of
          Subsidiaries                            -             -             -        16,260       (37,418)       (1,091)
        Depreciation and
        amortization                         23,468        25,213        22,086        14,702        14,789        12,093
        Deferred taxes, net                  (5,011)        8,251         1,072         8,512        10,417         1,046
        Loss (gain) from sale of fixed
          assets                             (1,162)         (482)           81          (205)         (208)          (29)
        Effect of exchange rate
          differences, net                   (1,901)       (2,266)        2,202          (258)       (2,476)        2,202

Changes in assets and liabilities:

    Decrease (increase) in trade
     receivables                             15,763       (47,933)      (14,411)        1,799        (4,930)         (455)
   Decrease (increase) in other
     receivables                            (20,938)       (2,115)        4,860        (6,211)       (1,431        (1,395)
   Increase in inventories                  (46,919)       (6,237)      (16,362)      (12,646)      (16,247)      (10,406)
   Increase in trade payables                49,624        27,544        18,343         8,392        13,628        15,495
   Net change in balances with
      related parties                        13,591       (10,050)        7,731        28,985        42,067        71,830
   Increase (decrease) in other
      payables and accrued expenses           1,070         5,130       (13,877)        1,604       (11,003)       (8,755)
                                             ------        ------        ------         -----        ------        ------
                                             30,683         4,190        14,324        60,934         7,188        80,535
                                             ------        ------        ------         -----        ------        ------

B. Non-cash activities

   Acquisition of fixed assets on credit     18,470         8,661        13,707        11,619         8,460        13,707

(1)  See Note 2A(1).
(2)  Adjusted for changes in the exchange rate of the U.S dollar as of December
     31, 2003.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                               HOGLA-KIMBERLY LTD.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

NOTE 1      -  GENERAL

A.   Description

     Hogla Kimberly Ltd. ("the Company") and its Subsidiaries are engaged
     principally in the production and marketing of paper and hygienic products.
     The Company's results of operations are affected by transactions with
     shareholders and affiliated companies (see Note 23).

     The Company is presently owned by Kimberly Clark Corp. ("KC" or the "Parent
     Company") (50.1%) and American-Israeli Paper Mills Ltd. ("AIPM") (49.9%).

B.   Definitions:

     The  Company -        Hogla-Kimberly Ltd.

     The  Group -          the Company and its Subsidiaries, a list of which is
                           provided in Note 9D.

     Subsidiaries -        companies in which the Company exercises over 50%
                           ownership and control, directly or indirectly, and
                           whose financial statements are fully consolidated
                           with those of the Company.

     Related Parties -     as defined by Opinion No. 29 of the Institute of
                           Certified Public Accountants in Israel.


     Interested Parties -  as defined by the Israeli Securities Regulations
                           (Presentation of Financial Statements), 1993.

     Controlling Shareholder as defined by the Israeli Securities Regulations
                             (Presentation of Transactions between a Corporation
                             and its Controlling Shareholder in the Financial
                             Statements), 1996.

                  NIS      - New Israeli Shekel.

                  CPI      - the Israeli consumer price index.

                  Dollar   - the U.S. dollar.

                  Adjusted Amount - see Note 2A(1) below.

                  Reported Amount - see Note 2A(1) below.

C.       Use of Estimates

         The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
         accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
         and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
         liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities as of
         the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of
         revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results
         could differ from those estimates.

D.       The financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with
         the Israeli Securities Regulations (Preparation of Annual Financial
         Statements), 1993.



         The following are the principal accounting policies applied in the
         preparation of the financial statements in a manner consistent with
         previous years with the exception of the cessation of financial
         statement adjustment as described in paragraph A below and Translation
         of Foreign Operations as described in paragraph B below.

         A.       Cessation of Financial Statements Adjustment and Change to
                  Reporting in Reported Amounts - Standard No. 12

                  (1)      Definitions

                           Adjusted Amount - historical nominal amount adjusted
                           for changes in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar
                           as of December 31, 2003, in accordance with Opinion
                           No. 36 of the Institute of Certified Public
                           Accountants in Israel.

                           Reported Amount - Adjusted Amount plus amounts in
                           nominal terms added subsequent to December 31, 2003,
                           and less amounts subtracted after that date.

                  (2)      General

                           In January 2004, Israeli Accounting Standard No. 12
                           "Cessation of Financial Statements Adjustment" came
                           into effect. Following the initial implementation of
                           Standard No. 12, commencing January 1, 2004, the
                           Group ceased the presentation of its financial
                           statements based on nominal historical cost adjusted
                           for the changes in the exchange rate of the U.S.
                           Dollar in relation to the NIS. Effective with the
                           interim financial statements as of March 31, 2004 and
                           for the reporting periods thereafter, including the
                           year ended December 31, 2004, the Group's financial
                           statements are prepared and presented in Reported

                           Comparative figures included in these financial
                           statements relating to December 31, 2003 and for each
                           of the two years then ended, are presented in
                           Adjusted Amounts.

                           The amounts at which non-monetary items are presented
                           in these financial statements do not necessarily
                           represent their realization value or economic value,
                           but solely their Reported Amount.

                           The Company's condensed financial information in
                           nominal values, on the basis of which the Company's
                           financial statements in Reported Amounts and Adjusted
                           Amounts were prepared, are presented in Note 25.

                  (3)      Basis of presentation

                           a.       Balance Sheet Items

                                    Non-monetary items (items whose balances
                                    reflect historical value at acquisition or
                                    upon establishment) are presented at their
                                    Adjusted Amounts plus additions and
                                    dispositions occurring during the reporting
                                    period. Additions made subsequent to
                                    December 31, 2003 and dispositions of items
                                    added subsequent to such date, are presented
                                    at their historical nominal value.
                                    Dispositions of items added on or prior to
                                    December 31, 2003 are presented at their
                                    Adjusted Amount.



         A.       Cessation of Financial Statements Adjustment and Change to
                  Reporting in Reported Amounts - Standard No. 12 (cont.)

                  (3)      Basis of presentation (cont.)

                           a.       Balance Sheet Items (cont.)

                                    Monetary items (items whose balance sheet
                                    amount reflects their current value or
                                    realization value at the balance sheet date)
                                    are presented at their nominal value as of
                                    the balance sheet date.

                                    Investments in Subsidiaries and minority
                                    interest are presented based on the
                                    financial statements of these companies
                                    prepared according to the guidance of
                                    Standard No. 12.

                           b.       Statement of Operations Items

                                    Income and expenses reflecting transactions,
                                    and financial income and expenses, are
                                    presented at their nominal value.

                                    Income and expenses deriving from
                                    non-monetary items (mainly depreciation and
                                    amortization) were presented in a manner
                                    corresponding to the presentation of the
                                    related non-monetary balance sheet item, as
                                    illustrated above.

                                    The Company's share and minority interest in
                                    the results of Subsidiaries are determined
                                    based on the financial statements of these
                                    companies prepared according to the guidance
                                    of Standard No. 12.

                  (4)      Principles of Adjustment through December 31, 2003

                           a.       Balance Sheet Items

                                    Non-monetary items (items whose balances
                                    reflect historical value at acquisition or
                                    upon establishment) have been adjusted in
                                    accordance with the changes in the exchange
                                    rate of the U.S. dollar from the date of
                                    acquisition/establishment through December
                                    31, 2003.

                                    Investments in Subsidiaries and minority
                                    interest were determined based on the dollar
                                    adjusted financial statements of these



                                    Monetary items (items whose balance sheet
                                    amounts represent current or realization
                                    value at the balance sheet date) are
                                    presented in the December 31, 2003 balance
                                    sheet at their nominal value as of that

                           b.       Statement of Operations Items

                                    Income and expenses reflecting transactions,
                                    other than financial income and expenses,
                                    were adjusted for changes in the exchange
                                    rate of the U.S. dollar from the date of the
                                    transaction to the balance sheet date.

                                    Income and expenses arising from
                                    non-monetary items (mainly depreciation,
                                    amortization, deferred taxes and changes in
                                    inventory) were adjusted in a manner
                                    corresponding to the adjustment of the
                                    related balance sheet items.

                  (4)      Principles of Adjustment through December 31, 2003

                           b.       Statement of Operations Items (cont.)

                                    Financing income (expenses), net reflect
                                    income and expenses in real terms and
                                    include exchange rate differences derived
                                    from monetary items.

                                    The Company's share and the minority
                                    interest in the results of Subsidiaries were
                                    determined based on the dollar adjusted
                                    financial statements of these companies.

                           c.       Adjustment and Translation of Foreign
                                    Subsidiaries Financial Statements

                                    The financial statements of Subsidiaries
                                    operating abroad, which act as an integral
                                    operation of the Group, were prepared in
                                    U.S. dollars and translated into NIS based
                                    on the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar on
                                    the balance sheet date.

         B.       Translation of Foreign Operations' Financial Statements -
                  Standard No. 13

                           (a)      In January 2004, Israeli Accounting Standard
                                    No. 13 "Effect of Changes in Foreign
                                    Exchange Rates" came into effect. This
                                    Standard addresses the translation of
                                    transactions denominated in foreign
                                    currency, as well as the translation of
                                    financial statements of a foreign entity,
                                    for inclusion in the financial statements of
                                    the reporting company. Standard No. 13
                                    supersedes Clarifications No. 8 and 9 to
                                    Opinion No. 36 of the Institute of Certified
                                    Public Accountants in Israel, which were
                                    nullified on the date on which Accounting
                                    Standard No. 12 came into effect, as
                                    described in A above.



                           (b)      A Foreign Entity Classified as a Foreign
                                    Held Autonomous Subsidiary

                                    o        Following the implementation of
                                             Standard No. 13, commencing January
                                             2004 goodwill derived from an
                                             investment made in another entity
                                             is to be treated as one of that
                                             entity's assets. Accordingly, the
                                             goodwill associated with the
                                             Group's investment in Ovisan (a
                                             Subsidiary located in Turkey) is
                                             translated to NIS at the closing
                                             rate, rather than at the exchange
                                             rate at the date in which said
                                             investment was made, as was
                                             previously required under the
                                             applicable accounting literature in
                                             effect through December 31, 2003.

                                    o        Monetary and non-monetary assets
                                             and liabilities of the foreign
                                             entity are translated at the
                                             closing rate.

                                    o        Statement of operations items and
                                             cash flow items of the foreign
                                             entity are translated, in general,
                                             by the average exchange rate for
                                             the reporting period, rather than
                                             by the closing rate as was
                                             previously required under the
                                             applicable accounting literature
                                             prior to the date in which Standard
                                             No. 13 came into effect (January 1,

                                    o        All differences resulting from the
                                             translation of the foreign entity's
                                             financial statements by the method
                                             described above, are included in a
                                             separate component of shareholders'
                                             equity as "Translation adjustments
                                             relating to foreign held autonomous



         C.       Principles of Consolidation

                  The consolidated financial statements include consolidation of
                  the financial statements of all Subsidiaries. Material
                  inter-company balances and transactions of and between
                  Subsidiaries and the Company have been fully eliminated.

                  The data included in the consolidated financial statements is
                  based on audited financial statements of the Subsidiaries
                  included therein.

                  The excess cost of an investment in a Subsidiary in Turkey
                  over the net book value upon acquisition of that Subsidiary is
                  allocated to fixed assets and is amortized at the rate
                  applicable to those assets, or upon their realization. The
                  unallocated excess cost reflects goodwill, which is presented
                  in the consolidated balance sheet as "other assets" and
                  amortized by the straight-line method over 15 years due to the
                  unique economic conditions relating to that Subsidiary and the
                  expected economic benefit period from its acquisition. See
                  also I below.

         D.       Cash and Cash Equivalents

                  Cash and cash equivalents include bank deposits, available for
                  immediate withdrawal, as well as unrestricted short-term
                  deposits with maturities of less than three months from the
                  date of deposit.

         E.       Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

                  The allowance for doubtful accounts is generally computed as
                  percentage from the relevant balances, on the basis of
                  historical experience, with the addition of a specific
                  provision in respect of accounts, which on management estimate
                  are doubtful of collection.

         F.       Inventories

                  Inventories are presented at the lower of cost or market
                  value, with cost determined as follows:

                  Finished products  -    Based on actual production cost.
                  Raw, auxiliary
                  materials and      -    Based on moving-average basis.

         G.       Investments in Subsidiaries

                  Investments in Subsidiaries are presented using the equity
                  method based on their audited financial statements. In
                  relation to excess cost of investment in Subsidiary in Turkey,
                  see C above.



         H.       Fixed Assets

                  Fixed assets are presented at cost less accumulated
                  depreciation and amortization. Depreciation is calculated
                  using the straight-line method at rates considered adequate to
                  depreciate the assets over their estimated useful lives.
                  Amortization of leasehold improvements is computed over the
                  shorter of the term of the lease, including any option period,
                  where the Company intends to exercise such option, or their
                  useful life.

                  The annual depreciation and amortization rates are:   %

                        Buildings                                       2-4
                        Leasehold improvements                        10-25
                        Machinery and equipment                        5-20
                        Motor vehicles                                15-20
                        Office furniture and equipment                10-33

                  Impairment of Long-Lived Assets

                  Management reviews long-lived assets on a periodic basis, as
                  well as when such a review is required based upon relevant
                  circumstances, to determine whether events or changes in
                  circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of such assets
                  may not be recoverable. According to Standard No.15 of the
                  Israeli Accounting Standards Board, "Impairment of Assets", an
                  asset's recoverable value is the higher of the asset's net
                  selling price and the asset's value in use, the latter being
                  equal to the asset's discounted expected cash flows. If
                  applicable, an impairment loss is recorded at the amount in
                  which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable

         I.       Other Assets - Goodwill

                  Goodwill derived from the acquisition of Subsidiary in Turkey
                  is amortized based on the straight line method over 15 years
                  (see also C above). Impairment examinations and recognition
                  are performed and determined based on the accounting policy
                  outlined in H above. In March 2004, the Israeli Accounting
                  Standard Board issued Standard No. 20 "The Amortization Period
                  of Goodwill". Standard No. 20 calls for the amortization of
                  goodwill over its useful life, based on a systematic method
                  that should reflect the estimated expected period in which the
                  goodwill is to contribute economic benefits. The amortization
                  period shall not exceed 20 years from the date on which the
                  goodwill was initially recognized. Standard No. 20 is in
                  effect for reporting periods commencing January 1, 2004, and
                  its provisions are to be applied on a prospective basis. The
                  implementation of Standard No. 20 did not, and is not expected
                  to, affect the Group's financial position and results of

         J.       Supplier Discounts

                  Ongoing discounts granted by suppliers, as well as year end
                  discounts, in respect of which no commitments to meet given
                  targets are required by the Group, are included in the
                  financial statements upon the execution of purchases that
                  grant the Group said discounts. Supplier discounts contingent
                  upon the Group's fulfillment of certain targets, such as
                  meeting a minimal annual volume (in quantities or amount), or
                  an increase in purchases over previous periods, are included
                  in the financial statements in proportion to the Group's
                  purchases from suppliers during the reported period, which
                  advance the Group towards the stated targets, only if it is
                  expected that those targets will be reached and the discounts
                  can reasonably be estimated. The estimate of meeting the
                  targets is based, inter-alia, on historical experience,
                  Group's relationships established with the suppliers and the
                  estimated volume of purchases during the remaining reported



         K.       Deferred Income Taxes

                  The Group records deferred taxes in respect of temporary
                  differences between the carrying values of assets and
                  liabilities in the financial statements and their values for
                  tax purposes, including depreciation differences on leased
                  property and fixed assets. The Group records deferred-tax
                  assets in respect of temporary differences as well as in
                  respect of carry-forward tax losses so long as it is probable
                  that those assets will be realized in the foreseeable future.
                  The deferred taxes are computed by the tax rates expected to
                  be in effect at realization, as they are known at the approval
                  date of the financial statements.

                  The computation of deferred taxes has not taken into account
                  taxes that would have been applicable in case of future
                  realization of investments in Subsidiaries, since the Group
                  does not contemplate such realization in the foreseeable
                  future. Moreover, the computation also excludes deferred taxes
                  in respect of dividend distributions within the Group for
                  cases in which such dividend distributions are expected to be

         L.       Dividends

                  Dividends proposed or declared subsequent to the balance-sheet
                  date, but prior to the financial statements approval date, are
                  presented as a separate component of shareholders' equity.

         M.       Revenue Recognition

                  Revenues are recognized upon shipment, when title has been
                  transferred and collectibility is reasonably assured.

                  Revenues are presented net of sales incentives, primarily:
                  bonuses granted to chains as a percentage of their purchases
                  (target bonus); volume discounts; and coupons distributed to
                  customers entitling price discounts.

                  An accrual for estimated returns and sales incentives,
                  computed primarily on the basis of historical experience, is
                  recorded at the time revenues are recognized and deducted from

         N.       Earnings Per Share

                  Earnings per share are computed based on the number of paid up
                  capital shares during the year.

         O.       Exchange Rates and Linkage Basis

                  (1)      Balances in foreign currency or linked thereto are
                           included in the financial statements based on the
                           representative exchange rates, as published by the
                           Bank of Israel, that were prevailing at the balance
                           sheet date.



         O.       Exchange Rates and Linkage Basis (cont.)

                  (2)      Following are the changes in the representative
                           exchange rate of the U.S. dollar vis-a-vis the NIS
                           and the Turkish Lira, and in the CPI:

                                                                      exchange        Turkish Lira exchange         CPI
                                                                    rate of the         rate with the U.S.     "in respect
                                                                       Dollar                 dollar                of"
                         As of:                                     (NIS per $1)          (TL'000 per $1)      (in points)
                                                                    ------------          ---------------      -----------
                         December 31, 2004                             4.308                   1,352              180.74
                         December 31, 2003                             4.379                   1,393              178.58
                         December 31, 2002                             4.737                   1,640              182.02
                         Increase (decrease)
                         during the year ended:                          %                      %                   %
                                                                    ------------          ---------------      -----------
                         December 31, 2004                             (1.6)                  (2.9)                1.2
                         December 31, 2003                              (7.6)                 (15.0)              (1.9)
                         December 31, 2002                               7.3                   13.3                6.5

                  (3)      Exchange-rate differences are charged to operations
                           as incurred.

         P.       Reclassification

                  Certain amounts in prior years' financial statements have been
                  reclassified in order to conform to the 2004 presentation.

         Q.       Recent Accounting Standards - Income Taxes

                  In July 2004, the Israeli Accounting Standard Board published
                  Accounting Standard No. 19 "Income Taxes" (the "Standard").
                  The Standard established the guidelines for recognizing,
                  measuring, presenting and disclosing income taxes in the
                  financial statements. The Standard is effective for financial
                  statements relating to reporting periods commencing on, or
                  after, January 1, 2005. The initial adoption of the Standard
                  shall be accounted for by the cumulative effect of a change in
                  accounting method, for the beginning of the period in which
                  the Standard is initially adopted. The implementation of
                  Standard No. 19 is not expected to affect the Group's
                  financial position and results of operations.


                                                             Consolidated                  Company
                                                         --------------------        -------------------
                                                                           December 31,
                                                         2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3       2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3
                                                         -------       ------        -------      ------
                                                        Reported       Adjusted      Reported     Adjusted
                                                         Amounts       Amounts       Amounts      Amounts
                                                         -------       ------        -------      ------
                                                           NIS in thousands            NIS in thousands
               In NIS                                        875          527            589         520
               In foreign currencies
                 (primarily the U.S. dollar)             116,489       36,813        109,128      31,125
                                                         -------       ------        -------      ------
                                                         117,364       37,340        109,717      31,645
                                                         =======       ======        =======      ======



                                                                         Consolidated                  Company
                                                                     --------------------        -------------------
                                                                                      December 31,
                                                                     2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3        2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3
                                                                     -------      -------        -------      ------
                                                                    Reported     Adjusted      Reported       Adjusted
                                                                    Amounts       Amounts       Amounts       Amounts
                                                                     -------      -------        -------      ------
                                                                       NIS in thousands           NIS in thousands
               Domestic   -  Open accounts                           159,693      154,617           -            -
                             Checks receivable                        33,013       34,421           -            -
                             Related parties                             598          348         91,023      60,820
                                                                     -------      -------        -------      ------
                                                                     193,304      189,386         91,023      60,820

               Foreign    -  Open accounts                            25,971       47,697          3,900       5,699
                             Related parties                             775          206         18,567       8,191
                                                                     -------      -------        -------      ------
                                                                     220,050      237,289        113,490      74,710
               Less - allowance for doubtful accounts                  5,661        7,310             42          42
                                                                     -------      -------        -------      ------
                                                                     214,389      229,979        113,448      74,668
                                                                     =======      =======        =======      ======

The Company's products are marketed principally by its Subsidiaries.


                                                                          Consolidated                  Company
                                                                      -------------------         ------------------
                                                                                        December 31,
                                                                      2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3        2 0 0 4    2 0 0 3
                                                                      ------       ------         ------     -------
                                                                     Reported      Adjusted      Reported    Adjusted
                                                                      Amount       Amounts        Amounts     Amounts
                                                                      ------       ------         ------     -------
                                                                        NIS in thousands           NIS in thousands
               Deferred taxes (Note 22D)                               4,611        5,518          1,532       1,769
               Prepaid expenses                                        2,175        2,908          1,429       1,570
               Advances to suppliers                                     615        3,074            411       2,128

               Value added taxes                                      15,970          236             -      (*) 924
               Income tax advances, net                               10,973        1,467         10,134         878
               Loans to employees                                        600          477            232         262
               Other                                                     781          542            117     (*) 348
                                                                      ------       ------         ------     -------
                                                                      35,725       14,222         13,855       7,879
                                                                      ======       ======         ======     =======
               (*)   Reclassified.


                                                                          Consolidated                  Company
                                                                      -------------------         ------------------
                                                                                        December 31,
                                                                      2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3        2 0 0 4    2 0 0 3
                                                                      ------       ------         ------     -------
                                                                     Reported      Adjusted      Reported    Adjusted
                                                                      Amount       Amounts        Amounts     Amounts
                                                                      ------       ------         ------     -------
                                                                        NIS in thousands           NIS in thousands
              Raw and auxiliary materials                              67,765      48,482         37,710       34,293
              Finished goods                                           56,872      29,087         18,729       10,969
              Spare parts and other                                    17,914      15,095         14,746       13,277
                                                                      -------      ------         ------     --------
                                                                      142,551      92,664         71,185       58,539
                                                                      =======      ======         ======     ========



                                                                            Consolidated                 Company
                                                        Interest        -------------------       -----------------------
                                                          rate                            December 31,
                                                        --------         ------------------------------------------------
                                                         % (*)           2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3       2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3
                                                                        Reported      Adjusted      Reported      Adjusted
                                                                         Amounts      Amounts       Amounts       Amounts
                                                                         ------       ------       -------         -----
                                                                           NIS in thousands           NIS in thousands
              A.     Composition

                     Linked   to   the   U.S.
                     dollar                               1.75           68,928       77,946             -         7,882
                     Less      -      current
                     maturities                                              -         7,882             -         7,882
                                                                         ------       ------       -------         -----
                                                                         68,928       70,064             -             -

         (*)      Annual interest rate as of December 31, 2004.

B.       The deposit is held as collateral for long-term loan received by
         Subsidiary (see Note 15C).

C.       The deposit is subject to re-deposit every two years.


         The capital note of AIPM, denominated in NIS, is not linked and does
         not bear interest. Repayment date will be mutually agreed upon. The
         erosion or increase in value of the capital note was charged to capital
         reserves until March 31, 2000 (the date on which AIPM ceased to be the
         controlling shareholder).


                                                                                                         December 31,
                                                                                                    2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3
                                                                                                    -------      -------
                                                                                                    Reported      Adjusted
                                                                                                    Amounts       Amounts
                                                                                                    -------      -------
              A. Composition                                                                          NIS in thousands
                     Cost of shares                                                                     972          972
                     Equity in post-acquisition earnings, net                                       174,600      190,860
                     Translation adjustments relating to
                       foreign held autonomous Subsidiary                                           (3,377)            -
                     Capital notes (*)                                                                4,205        4,205
                                                                                                    -------      -------
                                                                                                    176,400      196,037
                                                                                                    =======      =======

                     (*)    The non-interest bearing capital notes, denominated
                            in U.S. dollar, are considered part of the Company's
                            investments in the Subsidiaries. Repayment dates
                            have not yet been determined.



                                                                                                         December 31,
                                                                                                     2 0 0 4     2 0 0 3
                                                                                                     ------       ------
                                                                                                    Reported      Adjusted
                                                                                                     Amounts       Amounts
                                                                                                     ------       ------
              B. Goodwill (see Note 2C above) NIS in thousands
                     Cost                                                                            40,859       41,532
                     Less - accumulated amortization                                                 14,981       12,459
                                                                                                     ------       ------
                                                                                                     25,878       29,073
                                                                                                     ======       ======
              C.     Investment in Ovisan

                     As of December 31, 2004, the Group's investment in the
                     Turkish Subsidiary amounted to NIS 28,001 thousand
                     (including goodwill in the net amount of NIS 25,878

              D.     Consolidated Subsidiaries

                     The consolidated financial statements as of December 31,
                     2004, include the financial statements of the following

                                                                                                     Ownership and
                                                                                                     control as of
                                                                                                      December 31,

                    Rakefet Marketing and Trade Services Ltd. ("Rakefet")                              (*)  79.7
                        Subsidiaries of Rakefet:
                            Hogla-Kimberly Marketing Ltd.                                             (**)  99.5
                            Shikma Ltd. ("Shikma")                                                    (**)  99.0

                    Mollet Marketing Ltd. ("Mollet")                                                       100.0

                    H-K Overseas (Holland) B.V.                                                            100.0
                        Subsidiaries of H-K Overseas (Holland) B.V.:

                            Ovisan Sihhi Bez Sanai ve Ticaret Anonim                                       100.0
                            Sirketi ("Ovisan")
                            Hogla-Kimberly Holding Anonim Sirketi                                          100.0

                    (*)    The remaining ownership and control of Rakefet are
                           held by AIPM group (10.1%) and by KC (10.2%).

                    (**)   The remaining ownership and control of Marketing and
                           Shikma are held by the Company.



                                                                    Machinery                          furniture
                                                     Leasehold         and              Motor             and
CONSOLIDATED                        Buildings (1)   improvements    equipment         vehicles         equipment       Total (2)
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------
Cost:                                                                     NIS in thousands
Balance - January 1, 2004
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 54,869           9,268         384,618           19,048           11,941          479,744
Changes during 2004:
   Additions                           1,184             111          33,679              334              840           36,148
   Dispositions                            -               -          (4,477)          (5,111)            (395)          (9,983)
   Foreign currency
     translation adjustments             305               -             829               71               61            1,266
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------
Balance - December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                 56,358           9,379         414,649           14,342           12,447          507,175
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------

Accumulated depreciation:
Balance - January 1, 2004
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 15,385           5,097         166,491           14,983            8,220          210,176
Changes during 2004:
   Additions                             614             841          15,911            1,968            1,302           20,636
   Dispositions                            -               -          (3,946)          (4,985)            (387)          (9,318)
   Foreign currency
     translation adjustments             112               -             519               63               68              762
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------
Balance - December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                 16,111           5,938         178,975           12,029            9,203          222,256
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------

Net book value:
December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                 40,247           3,441         235,674            2,313            3,244          284,919
                                      ======           =====         =======           ======            =====          =======
December 31, 2003
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 39,484           4,171         218,127            4,065            3,721          269,568
                                      ======           =====         =======           ======            =====          =======
Balance - January 1, 2004
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 25,209           6,112         343,089            3,159            3,205          380,774
Changes during 2004:
   Additions                             116             111          29,816              334              123           30,500
   Dispositions                            -               -          (4,125)            (878)               -           (5,003)
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------
Balance - December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                 25,325           6,223         368,780            2,615            3,328          406,271
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------

Accumulated depreciation:
Balance - January 1, 2004
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 11,812           3,733         142,932            3,076            2,610          164,163
Changes during 2004:
   Additions                               -             589          13,876               18              219           14,702
   Dispositions                            -               -          (3,681)            (878)               -           (4,559)
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------
Balance - December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                 11,812           4,322         153,127            2,216            2,829          174,306
                                      ------           -----         -------           ------            -----          -------

Net book value:
December 31, 2004
   (Reported Amounts)                 13,513           1,901         215,653              399              499          231,965
                                      ======           =====         =======           ======            =====          =======
December 31, 2003
   (Adjusted Amounts)                 13,397           2,379         200,157               83              595          216,611
                                      ======           =====         =======           ======            =====          =======

(1)      Buildings include industrial buildings on lands leased by the Company
         from AIPM (until 2005).
(2)      The majority of the Group's fixed assets are located in Israel.



                                                                       Consolidated                     Company
                                                                  ---------------------          ---------------------
                                                                                      December 31,
                                                                  2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3          2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3
                                                                  -------       -------          -------       -------
                                                                 Reported       Adjusted        Reported       Adjusted
                                                                  Amounts        Amounts        Amounts         Amounts
                                                                  -------       -------          -------       -------
                                                                     NIS in thousands              NIS in thousands
              In Israeli currency
                  Open accounts                                   112,932        78,509           57,371        34,206
                  Related parties                                  23,124        13,682          184,476       114,455
              In foreign currency
                  Open accounts                                    67,915        37,294           19,041        20,804
                  Related parties                                  15,931        10,070            4,658         5,115
                                                                  -------       -------          -------       -------
                                                                  219,902       139,555          265,546       174,580
                                                                  =======       =======          =======       =======


                                                                       Consolidated                     Company
                                                                  ---------------------          ---------------------
                                                                                      December 31,
                                                                  2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3          2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3
                                                                  -------       -------          -------       -------
                                                                 Reported       Adjusted        Reported       Adjusted
                                                                  Amounts        Amounts        Amounts         Amounts
                                                                  -------       -------          -------       -------
                                                                     NIS in thousands              NIS in thousands
               Accrued income taxes,
                   net of advances                                10,464         8,663              -              -
               Accrued payroll and related expenses               22,195        20,531          10,796        10,474
               Value Added Tax                                     2,695         4,779           1,269             -
               Advances from customers                               726         1,085              -             32
               Other                                               2,640         2,574             184           139
                                                                  ------        ------          ------        ------
                                                                  38,720        37,632          12,249        10,645
                                                                  ======        ======          ======        ======


                                                                         Interest                 Consolidated
                                                                           rate                    December 31,
                                                                         --------              ------        ------
                                                                         % (*)               2 0 0 4        2 0 0 3
                                                                                               ------        ------
                                                                                             Reported       Adjusted
                                                                                              Amounts       Amounts
                                                                                               ------        ------
              A.    Composition                                                                  NIS in thousands
                    In U.S. dollar                                   Libor +1.22-1.63         150,598       108,858
                    In Euro                                                                        -          2,627
                    Less - current maturities                                                  68,747        15,147
                                                                                               ------        ------
                                                                                               81,851        96,338
                                                                                               ======        ======
                    (*) Annual interest rate as of December 31, 2004.

              B.    Maturities (NIS in thousands)

                    2005 - current maturities                                                  68,747
                    2006                                                                       12,923
                    Thereafter - see C below                                                   68,928

               C.   Subject to renewal every two years - see Note 7C.

               D.   Liens - see Note 15C.



         Obligations of the Group for severance pay to its employees are covered
         by current payments to pension and severance funds. Accumulated amounts
         in the pension and severance funds are not under the control or
         administration of the Group, and accordingly, neither those amounts nor
         the corresponding accruals are reflected in the financial statements.


         A.       Commitments

                  (1)      The Group is obligated to pay royalties to a
                           shareholder - see Note 23B.

                  (2)      The Company and its Subsidiaries lease certain of
                           their facilities under operating leases for varying
                           periods with renewal options. Future minimum lease
                           rentals as of December 31, 2004 are as follows:

                                                    Consolidated         Company
                                                    ------------         -------
                                                            NIS in thousands

                         2005                           13,966            5,763
                         2006                            7,178               -
                         2007                            7,178               -
                         2008                            7,178               -
                         2009 and thereafter            25,122               -
                                                        60,622            5,763

         B.       Guarantees

                  (1)      The Company is contingently liable in respect of a
                           guarantee securing bank loans provided to a
                           Subsidiary, the balance of which as of December 31,
                           2004 amounted to NIS 81,670 thousand.

                  (2)      As part of their normal course of business, the
                           Subsidiaries provided third parties with bank
                           guarantees for contract performance, the balance of
                           which as of December 31, 2004 amounted to NIS 295

         C.       Liens

                  As a collateral for long-term loans given to Subsidiary, the
                  Group recorded a lien on its bank deposits, in the amount of
                  NIS 68,928 thousand as of December 31, 2004.

         D.       Legal proceedings

                  (1)      The Company received on December 7, 2003 a claim and
                           a petition that was filed in Tel-Aviv district court
                           for the approval of a class action against the
                           Company. According to the petition the Company has
                           reduced the number of units of diapers in a package
                           and thus misled the public according to the Israeli
                           Consumer Protection Act. The plaintiffs estimate the
                           scope of the class action to be NIS 18 million. The
                           Company rejects the claim and intends to defend
                           itself against the action. Based on the opinion of
                           the Company's legal counsel for this matter,
                           management is unable, at this stage, to estimate the
                           possible outcome of the lawsuit. However, based on
                           the legal counsels, management estimates that the
                           Company has valid arguments to oppose the lawsuit and
                           reasonable basis for denying it from being recognized
                           as a class action. Therefore, no provision was
                           recorded in the financial statements relating to this



         D.       Legal proceedings (cont.)

                  (2)      In February 2004, a former customer filed a lawsuit
                           against the Company. This lawsuit is a part of
                           multi-suppliers lawsuit, filed by the customer and
                           asking for one billion NIS from the Company and each
                           other supplier for alleged damages. The customer
                           asked for discharge from legal fee and the request
                           was denied. Due to the preliminary stage of the
                           proceedings, management is unable to estimate the
                           possible outcome of the lawsuit. However, based on
                           the Company's legal counsels, management estimates
                           that the Company has valid arguments to oppose the
                           lawsuit. Therefore, no provision was recorded in the
                           financial statements relating to this matter.


         A.       Composition of Share Capital in Nominal NIS

                                                        As of December 31,                As of December 31,
                                                   --------------------------        --------------------------
                                                               2004                              2003
                                                   --------------------------        --------------------------
                                                                    Issued and                        Issued and
                                                   Authorized     fully paid up      Authorized     fully paid up
                                                   ----------       ---------        ----------       ---------
                  Ordinary Shares of
                     Nis 1.00 par value            11,000,000       8,513,473        11,000,000       8,263,473
                                                   ----------       ---------        ----------       ---------

         B.       In connection with the Company's approved enterprise program,
                  in September 2004, the Company's Board of Directors decided to
                  issue to the Company's shareholders 250,000 bonus shares with
                  a premium of NIS 94.46 for each share.

         C.       Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to participate equally
                  in the payment of cash dividends and bonus share (stock
                  dividend) distributions and, in the event of the liquidation
                  of the Company, in the distribution of assets after
                  satisfaction of liabilities to creditors. Each ordinary share
                  is entitled to one vote on all matters to be voted on by


                                                                                      Year ended December 31,
                                                                              2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                                                              -------         -------        -------
                                                                                 %               %              %
                                                                              -------         -------        -------
               A.    Sales to major customers (as percentage from total net
                     Customer A                                                 9.9             8.9          11.1
                     Customer B                                                11.0            10.1          11.8

                                                                                         NIS in thousands
                                                                             Reported        Adjusted       Adjusted
                                                                              Amounts         Amounts        Amounts
                                                                              -------         -------        -------
               B. Sales from commercial operations                            238,989         376,974        311,360
               C. Foreign sales (principally Turkey)                          108,102         106,935         80,184
                                                                              =======         =======         ======



                                                         Consolidated                                 Company
                                              -----------------------------------         --------------------------------
                                                    Year ended December 31,                   Year ended December 31,
                                              -------       -------       -------         -------     -------      -------
                                              2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2         2 0 0 4    2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                              -------       -------       -------         -------     -------      -------
                                             Reported      Adjusted       Adjusted       Reported    Adjusted      Adjusted
                                              Amounts       Amounts       Amounts         Amounts     Amounts      Amounts
                                              -------       -------       -------         -------     -------      -------
                                                       NIS in thousands                         NIS in thousands
Purchases (*)                                 558,155       446,008       425,365         239,402     178,339      122,861
Salaries and related expenses                  85,167        67,516        55,999          62,870      56,812       46,389
Manufacturing expenses                         87,201        79,810        55,834          84,717      73,281       51,229
Depreciation                                   17,244        18,221        14,207          14,674      15,309       11,423
                                              -------       -------       -------         -------     -------      -------
                                              747,767       611,555       551,405         401,663     323,741      231,902
Change in finished
   goods inventory                           (27,785)          9,459        3,358         (7,760)      (1,183)       1,194
                                              -------       -------       -------         -------     -------      -------
                                              719,982       621,014       554,763         393,903     322,558      233,096
                                              =======       =======       =======         =======     =======      =======

(*)      The purchases of the Company are related to manufacturing operations.
         Consolidated purchases in excess of Company purchases relate
         principally to commercial operations.


                                                         Consolidated                                 Company
                                             -------------------------------------      ----------------------------------
                                                    Year ended December 31,                   Year ended December 31,
                                             -------------------------------------      ----------------------------------
                                             2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3          2 0 0 2      2 0 0 4     2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                             -------      -------          -------      -------     -------        -------
                                             Reported     Adjusted        Adjusted     Reported    Adjusted       Adjusted
                                             Amounts      Amounts          Amounts      Amounts     Amounts        Amounts
                                             -------      -------          -------      -------     -------        -------
                                                       NIS in thousands                         NIS in thousands
Salaries and related expenses                 57,003        46,887          39,656           -            -             16
Maintenance and
  transportation expenses                     42,283       26,596           24,332        7,206       5,810          3,868
Advertising and sales     promotion           60,114       30,371           38,591        6,373          86             46
Commissions to distributors                    5,130        4,571            2,007           -            -            453
Royalties to a shareholder                    20,468       15,642           12,220        1,679       1,500            673
Depreciation                                   3,687        3,778            4,188           28         142            317
Other                                          5,016        2,825            2,961           -            -              -
                                             -------      -------          -------      -------     -------        -------
                                             193,701      130,670          123,955       15,286       7,538          5,373
                                             =======      =======          =======      =======     =======        =======



                                                         Consolidated                                Company
                                               ----------------------------------         -------------------------------
                                                    Year ended December 31,                  Year ended December 31,
                                               ----------------------------------         -------------------------------
                                              2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2       2 0 0 4     2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                               ------       ------         ------         -----       -----         -----
                                              Reported      Adjusted     Adjusted       Reported   Adjusted       Adjusted
                                              Amounts       Amounts       Amounts        Amounts    Amounts        Amounts
                                               ------       ------         ------         -----       -----         -----
                                                       NIS in thousands                         NIS in thousands
Salaries and related expenses                  15,837       18,283         13,481         2,387       2,567         2,423
Administrative and computer
   services                                    10,150        6,287         6,210          1,640       1,190         1,188
Services provided by
   Shareholder                                  1,188        1,161         1,161            238         215           736
Office maintenance                              4,632        5,376         2,990            230         207           228
Depreciation                                      522          718           588             -            2             4
Goodwill amortization                           2,832        2,768         2,768             -            -              -
Provision for doubtful accounts                 2,144         1,562          215             -            -             -
Other                                           3,724         2,891        2,528            490         200           789
                                               ------       ------         ------         -----       -----         -----
                                               41,029       39,046         29,941         4,985       4,381         5,368
                                               ======       ======         ======         =====       =====         =====


                                                       Consolidated                                Company
                                           ------------------------------------      -----------------------------------
                                                 Year ended December 31,                   Year ended December 31,
                                           ------------------------------------      -----------------------------------
                                           2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2       2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3      2 0 0 2
                                           --------      --------      --------      --------     --------      --------
                                           Reported      Adjusted      Adjusted      Reported     Adjusted      Adjusted
                                           Amounts       Amounts       Amounts       Amounts       Amounts      Amounts
                                           --------      --------      --------      --------     --------      --------
                                                     NIS in thousands                         NIS in thousands

Interest on long-term bank loans           (2,673)       (2,111)       (2,794)              -            -             - 
                                           ======        ======        ======        ========     ========       ======= 
Exchange rate differences                                                                                                
   derived from capital note                    -         2,476        (2,202)              -        2,476        (2,202)
                                           ======        ======        ======        ========     ========       ======= 
Interest from long-term and                                                                                              
  short-term bank deposits                  1,464         1,357         1,804             463          486            31 
                                           ======        ======        ======        ========     ========       ======= 

The majority of the remaining balances of the consolidated financial income
(expenses) for each of the periods presented are comprised of exchange rate



                                               Consolidated                                     Company
                                 --------------------------------------         --------------------------------------
                                          Year ended December 31,                       Year ended December 31,
                                 --------------------------------------         --------------------------------------
                                 2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2         2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                 -------         -------        -------         -------         -------        -------
                                 Reported       Adjusted       Adjusted        Reported        Adjusted       Adjusted
                                 Amounts         Amounts        Amounts         Amounts         Amounts        Amounts
                                 -------         -------        -------         -------         -------        -------
 A. Composition                                 NIS in thousands                          NIS in thousands
Current taxes                     18,045          10,878         18,904           9,952               -         15,774
Taxes in
  respect of prior
  years                           (1,003)          1,437           (744)           (837)          1,358           (744)
Deferred taxes - D. below         (6,798)          8,251          1,072           8,512          10,417          1,046
                                 -------         -------        -------         -------         -------        -------
                                  10,244          20,566         19,232          17,627          11,775         16,076
                                 =======         =======        =======         =======         =======        =======

B.       The Company and its Israeli Subsidiaries are subject to the Income Tax
         Ordinance and the Income Tax Law (Inflationary Adjustments), 1985.
         Non-Israeli Subsidiaries are subject to income tax provisions of their
         home country. The Company is an industrial company in conformity with
         the Law for the Encouragement of Industry (Taxes), 1969. The principal
         benefit that the Company is entitled to under this law is accelerated
         depreciation rates and reduced tax rates.

         During 2002, the Company's program for the establishment of a new
         facility for manufacturing paper was granted Approved Enterprise status
         in accordance with the Law for the Encouragement of Capital
         Investments, 1959, under "alternative benefits" track. The approval
         program is for total investments of approximately NIS 80 million.
         According to the terms of the program, income derived from the Approved
         Enterprise will be tax-exempt for a period of 10 years commencing in
         the year in which the program was substantially completed. Distribution
         of dividends from tax exempt profits of the Approved Enterprise will be
         subject to income tax at a rate equal to the income tax rate of the
         Approved Enterprise had the Company not elected the alternative
         benefits track. The Company completed the investments relating to the
         new facility and commenced its operations during 2003.


NOTE 22     -  INCOME TAXES (cont.)

C. Reconciliation of the statutory tax rate to the effective tax rate:

                                              Consolidated                                Company
                                   ----------------------------------        ----------------------------------
                                         Year ended December 31,                  Year ended December 31,
                                   ----------------------------------        ----------------------------------
                                   2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2      2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3        2 0 0 2
                                   ------        ------        ------        ------        ------        ------
                                  Reported      Adjusted      Adjusted      Reported      Adjusted      Adjusted
                                   Amounts       Amounts       Amounts       Amounts       Amounts       Amounts
                                   ------        ------        ------        ------        ------        ------
                                            NIS in thousands                           NIS in thousands
Income before
  income taxes                     40,270        83,954        44,543        60,815        30,610        37,697
                                   ------        ------        ------        ------        ------        ------
Tax computed by
  statutory tax rate
  (35%-36% - see E. below)         14,095        30,223        16,035        21,285        11,020        13,570

Tax increments
  (savings) due to:
Reduced tax rate                     (161)       (1,185)       (1,397)       (2,433)         (918)       (1,397)
Non-deductible expenses             1,454         1,874         1,840             6           434           248
Non-taxable income                   (455)          (65)       (2,198)          (87)            -             -
Unrecorded deferred
  taxes in connection
  with tax loss carry
  forward                               -             -         1,074             -             -             -
Utilization of prior
  years unrecorded
  deferred taxes in
  connection with tax loss
  carry forward                         -        (3,471)            -             -             -             -
Unrecorded deferred
   taxes in connection
   with submitting
   consolidated tax
   returns                              -             -             -             -         2,053             -
Reduction in corporate tax
   rates (E. below)                (1,594)            -             -        (1,573)            -             -
Differences arising from

  basis of measurement (*)         (2,821)       (7,629)        3,883           537        (1,753)        3,737
Income taxes for prior years       (1,003)        1,437          (744)         (837)        1,358          (744)
Other differences, net                729          (618)          739           729          (419)          662
                                   ------        ------        ------        ------        ------        ------
                                   10,244        20,566        19,232        17,627        11,775        16,076
                                   ======        ======        ======        ======        ======        ======

(*)      For 2004 - In Israel, Reported Amounts (NIS) for financial reporting
         purposes vis-a-vis the consumer price index for tax purposes; In Turkey
         - U.S. dollar for financial reporting purposes vis-a-vis the Turkish
         Lira for tax purposes.

         For 2003 and 2002 - U.S. dollar for financial reporting purposes
         vis-a-vis the Consumer Price Index in Israel and the Turkish Lira for
         tax purposes.


NOTE 22     -  INCOME TAXES (cont.)

D.  Deferred Taxes

                                            Consolidated                              Company
                                 ---------------------------------       ---------------------------------
                                      Year ended December 31,                Year ended December 31,
                                 ---------------------------------       ---------------------------------
                                 2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3      2 0 0 2      2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                 ------        ------       ------       ------        ------       ------
                                Reported      Adjusted     Adjusted     Reported      Adjusted     Adjusted
                                Amounts       Amounts      Amounts      Amounts       Amounts      Amounts
                                 ------        ------       ------       ------        ------       ------
                                          NIS in thousands                       NIS in thousands
Balance as of
  beginning of year              23,910        15,659       14,587       24,969        14,552       13,506
Changes during the year          (3,417)        8,251        1,072       10,085        10,417        1,046
Adjustment due to
   change in income
   rates                         (1,594)            -            -       (1,573)            -            -
Foreign currency
   translation adjustments       (1,230)            -            -            -             -            -
                                 ------        ------       ------       ------        ------       ------
Balance as of end
  of year                        17,669        23,910       15,659       33,481        24,969       14,552

                                                   Consolidated                  Company
                                               --------------------        --------------------
                                                                 December 31,
                                               2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3       2 0 0 4       2 0 0 3
                                               ------        ------        ------        ------
                                               Reported      Adjusted      Reported      Adjusted
                                               Amounts       Amounts       Amounts       Amounts
                                               ------        ------        ------        ------
                                                 NIS in thousands            NIS in thousands
Deferred taxes are presented in the
  balance sheets as follows:

    Long-term liabilities (in respect of
      depreciable assets)                      37,388        29,428        35,013        26,738
    Other receivables (in respect of
      temporary differences) - Note 5          (4,611)       (5,518)       (1,532)       (1,769)
    Other Assets                              (15,108)            -             -             -
                                               ------        ------        ------        ------
                                               17,669        23,910        33,481        24,969
                                               ======        ======        ======        ======

         For 2004 - Deferred taxes were computed at rates between 30%-34%,
         primarily - 30%. For 2003 - Deferred taxes were computed at rates
         between 32%-36%, primarily - 30%.

E.       Reduction of Corporate Tax Rates

         In June 2004, the Israeli Knesset passed Amendment No. 140 to the
         Income Tax Ordinance, according to which the corporate income-tax rate
         would be gradually reduced from 36% to 30% by 2007 (2004-35%, 2005-34%,
         2006-32%, 2007-30%).

F.       The Company and one of its subsidiaries are "Industrial Companies" as
         defined in the Israeli Law for the Encouragement of Industry
         (Taxes)-1969. Based on this Law, the Company and that subsidiary file
         consolidated tax returns.

G.       The Company and its Israeli Subsidiaries possess final tax assessments
         through 2001.



A.       Balances with Related Parties

                                     Consolidated               Company
                                  ------------------      ------------------
                                                 December 31,
                                  2 0 0 4     2 0 0 3     2 0 0 4     2 0 0 3
                                  ------      ------      ------      ------
                                  Reported    Adjusted    Reported    Adjusted
                                  Amounts     Amounts     Amounts     Amounts
                                  ------      ------      ------      ------
                                   NIS in thousands        NIS in thousands

Trade receivables (*)              1,373         554      18,731       8,354
                                  ======      ======      ======      ======
Capital note - shareholder        32,770      32,770      32,770      32,770
                                  ======      ======      ======      ======
Capital notes - Subsidiaries           -           -       4,205       4,205
                                  ======      ======      ======      ======
Trade payables (*)                39,055      23,752      31,251      24,097
                                  ======      ======      ======      ======

(*)      Company - excludes Subsidiaries in Israel. See also Notes 4 and 11.

B.       Transactions with Related Parties and Subsidiaries

                                         Consolidated                              Company
                               ---------------------------------       --------------------------------
                                     Year ended December 31,              Year ended December 31,
                               ---------------------------------       --------------------------------
                               2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3      2 0 0 2       2 0 0 4      2 0 0 3      2 0 0 2
                               -------      -------      -------       ------       ------       ------
                               Reported     Adjusted     Adjusted      Reported     Adjusted     Adjusted
                               Amounts      Amounts      Amounts       Amounts      Amounts      Amounts
                               -------      -------      -------       ------       ------       ------
                                       NIS in thousands                        NIS in thousands
Sales to related parties        12,565        6,103       17,646        9,903        4,169       15,247
                               =======      =======      =======      =======      =======      =======
Sales to Subsidiaries                -            -            -      454,289      358,767      266,614
                               =======      =======      =======      =======      =======      =======
Cost of sales                  162,096      169,469      224,682       58,254       61,703       63,723
                               =======      =======      =======      =======      =======      =======
Royalties                       20,468       15,642       12,220        1,679        1,500          673
                               =======      =======      =======      =======      =======      =======
Other selling expenses (*)           -            -        2,413            -            -          451
                               =======      =======      =======      =======      =======      =======
General and
     expenses (*)                8,969        8,201        7,380        1,878        1,428        2,167
                               =======      =======      =======      =======      =======      =======
Financing income, net (*)            -        3,314        2,076        2,784        2,526        1,381
                               =======      =======      =======      =======      =======      =======

(*)      Company - excludes Subsidiaries in Israel.



         A.       Credit Risk

                  The revenues of the Group's principal Subsidiaries are derived
                  from two major customers and a large number of smaller
                  customers. Management regularly monitors the balance of trade
                  receivables and the financial statements include an allowance
                  for doubtful accounts based on management's estimation. Taking
                  the aforementioned into consideration, the exposure to credit
                  risk from trade receivables is immaterial.

                  Cash and cash equivalents and long-term deposits (including
                  amounts in foreign currency) are deposited with major banks in
                  Israel and abroad. Therefore, it is not expected that such
                  banks will fail to meet their obligations.

         B.       Fair Value of Financial Instruments

                  The financial instruments of the Group consist primarily of
                  non-derivative assets and liabilities. Non-derivative assets
                  include cash and cash equivalents, deposits, receivables and
                  other current assets. Non-derivative liabilities include trade
                  payables and other current liabilities. Due to the nature of
                  these financial instruments, their fair value, generally, is
                  identical or close to the value at which they are presented in
                  the financial statements, unless stated otherwise.

                  Due to the fact that as of December 31, 2004, the terms of the
                  capital note of shareholder do not include determined payment
                  dates, fair value based on present values cannot be
                  established. Accordingly, the fair value of the capital note
                  is not disclosed in the financial statements.



         A.       Balance Sheets

                                                                                             December 31,
                                                                                       2 0 0 4        2 0 0 3
                                                                                       -------        -------
                                                                                          NIS in thousands
                   Current Assets
                     Cash and cash equivalents                                         109,717         31,645
                     Current maturities of long-term bank deposits                          -           7,882
                     Trade receivables                                                 113,448         74,668
                     Other receivables                                                  12,360          6,139
                     Inventories                                                        71,185         58,539
                                                                                       -------        -------
                                                                                       306,710        178,873
                   Long-Term Investments
                     Capital note of shareholder                                        32,770         32,770
                     Investments in Subsidiaries                                       169,303        189,340
                                                                                       -------        -------
                                                                                       202,073        222,110

                   Fixed Assets, net                                                   220,520        203,572
                                                                                       -------        -------
                                                                                       729,303        604,555
                   Current Liabilities
                     Short-term bank credit                                                 -           1,087
                     Trade payables                                                    265,546        174,580
                     Other payables and accrued expenses                                12,249         10,645
                                                                                       -------        -------
                                                                                       277,795        186,312
                                                                                       -------        -------

                   Shareholders' Equity                                                451,508        418,243
                                                                                       -------        -------
                                                                                       729,303        604,555
                                                                                       =======        =======


            PURPOSES (cont.)

B.       Statement of Operations

                                                  Year ended December 31,
                                          2 0 0 4         2 0 0 3       2 0 0 2
                                          -------        -------        -------
                                                     NIS in thousands

Net sales                                 479,320        387,019        308,566

Cost of sales                             392,376        334,764        245,936
                                          -------        -------        -------

    Gross profit                           86,944         52,255         62,630

Selling expenses                           15,283          7,827          6,038

General and administrative expenses         4,985          4,327          5,762
                                          -------        -------        -------
    Operating profit                       66,676         40,101         50,830

Financing income (expenses), net           (4,541)        (5,995)         3,676

Other income, net                             282            255            254
                                          -------        -------        -------
    Income before income taxes             62,417         34,361         54,760

Income taxes                                9,115          1,428         16,344
                                          -------        -------        -------
    Income after income taxes              53,302         32,933         38,416

Equity in net earnings
   of Subsidiaries                         16,660         29,682          8,881
                                          -------        -------        -------
    Net income for the year                36,642         62,615         47,297
                                          =======        =======        =======


            PURPOSES (cont.)

C.       Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

                                                                          adjustments                     Dividend
                                                                           relating to                    declared
                                                                          foreign held                     after
                                                  Share      Capital       autonomous      Retained        balance
                                                 capital     reserves       Subsidiary     earnings       sheet date    Total
                                                  -----      -------         ------         -------      -----------   -------
                                                                             NIS in thousands

       Balance - January 1, 2002                  8,263      132,127              -        206,977             -       347,367

       Changes during 2002:

       Dividend declared after
            balance-sheet date                                                             (35,528)       35,528
       Exchange rate differences of
          prior year declared dividend                                                      (2,537)                     (2,537)
       Net income for the year                                                              47,297                      47,297
                                                  -----      -------         ------        -------       -------       -------
       Balance - December 31, 2002                8,263      132,127              -        216,209        35,528       392,127

       Changes during 2003:
       Dividend paid                                                                                     (35,528)      (35,528)
       Exchange rate differences of
          prior year declared dividend                                                        (971)                       (971)
       Net income for the year                                                              62,615                      62,615
                                                  -----      -------         ------        -------       -------       -------
       Balance - December 31, 2003                8,263      132,127              -        277,853             -       418,243

       Changes during 2004:
       Dividend paid
           Distribution of bonus                    250       23,615                       (23,865)                         -
       Translation adjustments
          relating to foreign held
          autonomous Subsidiary                                              (3,377)                                    (3,377)
       Net income for the year                                                              36,642                      36,642
                                                  -----      -------         ------        -------       -------       -------
       Balance - December 31, 2004                8,513      155,742         (3,377)       290,630             -       451,508
                                                  =====      =======         ======        =======                     =======
