USA Made Organic Dog Treats & 100% Natural Food With Antioxidants Launched

PawFoods, a company that specializes in creating fresh food and organic treats for dogs made from all-natural, human-grade ingredients, launched a new range of organic food and treats.

Made from 100% fresh ingredients and gluten-free and grain-free recipes, PawFoods’ new USA-made dog food provides complete, chemical, and preservative-free meals that support optimal health. With several flavors to choose from, the recipes combine premium, nourishing components to promote vitality and longevity for dogs of all sizes - from extra-small (under 15 lbs) to extra-large (75-100 lbs).

More details can be found at

Switching to all-natural dog food and treats can lead to improved allergies and skin health, a stronger immune system, better weight management, fresher breath, and softer, shinier coats, explains PawFoods.

Alongside striving to create healthy dog food, PawFoods aims to improve the feeding experience for both pets and their owners. They highlight how their pure ingredients are gently cooked in small batches through steaming to preserve optimal nutrients, maximize absorption, and enhance the taste of the food. Customers have reported more mealtime satisfaction in their dogs and fussy eaters who now look forward to meals. For owners, the company has designed mess-free packaging to make serving quick and easy.

“From the moment you open our packaging, you can see each fresh and real ingredient and smell the freshness of our meals,” said a spokesperson. “And when your dog eagerly devours their food, you can be sure that they are getting the best possible nutrition.”

In PawFoods’ online store, customers can choose between wild-caught salmon and white fish, chicken, or a high-protein recipe made with sirloin steak. Natural vitamins and superfoods are included such as antioxidant-rich organic chia seeds, eggs, butternut squash, and blueberries. Crafted in limited quantities and served in a patty, the components are clear and easily recognizable. A choice of treats can be added to the order to improve doggy breath, shiny coat and immune system.

The company’s USA-made natural dog treats include Fruity, Minty, and Salmon Paws fortified with omega 3 and 6 from 100% pure salmon oil. With only 5 calories per treat, the snacks provide tasty rewards that support daily nutrition.

CEO and dog owner Terry Gardner conducted extensive research, and testing, and collaborated with formulators and veterinarians to develop PawFood’s premium, homemade-style products, in line with AAFCO standards.

“My dog, who is typically quite picky about his food, absolutely loves PawFoods,” said a satisfied customer. “He eagerly devours every meal, and his energy levels have noticeably increased. His coat is also shinier and healthier than ever before.”

Interested parties can find more information about the USA-made organic dog food and treats at

Contact Info:
Name: Terry Gardner
Email: Send Email
Organization: PawFoods
Address: 2691 Richter Ave #115, Irvine, California 92606, United States
Phone: +1-949-877-2750

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 89133245

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