Continental Airlines Announces Third Quarter Results

HOUSTON, Oct. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) today reported a third quarter 2009 net loss of $18 million ($0.14 diluted loss per share). Excluding $20 million of previously announced special charges, Continental recorded net income of $2 million ($0.02 diluted earnings per share).

Third quarter results continued to be adversely affected by significant declines in high yield traffic as business travelers are flying less and purchasing lower yield economy tickets due to the global recession.

"We had record operational performance thanks to the hard work of my co-workers," said Larry Kellner, Continental's chairman and chief executive officer. "Their focus on customer service and running an on-time operation continued to set us apart from the competition. We are well-positioned to take full advantage of improvement in the economic environment."

Operating results for the third quarter improved $213 million year-over-year, primarily driven by a $926 million decline in fuel expense, which was largely offset by an $839 million decline in revenue compared to the same period last year.

Third Quarter Revenue and Capacity

Total revenue for the quarter was $3.3 billion, a decrease of 20.2 percent compared to the same period in 2008. Passenger revenue for the quarter fell 21.6 percent ($813 million) compared to the same period last year due to lower fares and passenger traffic declines.

Consolidated revenue passenger miles (RPMs) for the third quarter decreased 0.9 percent on a capacity (available seat mile, ASM) decrease of 4.5 percent year-over-year.

Consolidated load factor in the third quarter was a record 85.1 percent, 3.1 points higher than the third quarter of 2008. Consolidated yield for the quarter decreased 20.9 percent year-over-year. As a result, third quarter 2009 consolidated revenue per available seat mile (RASM) for the third quarter decreased 17.9 percent year-over-year.

Mainline RPMs in the third quarter of 2009 decreased 0.9 percent on a mainline capacity decrease of 4.1 percent year-over-year.

Mainline load factor in the third quarter was a record 85.8 percent, up 2.9 points year-over-year. Continental's mainline yield decreased 21.7 percent in the third quarter over the same period in 2008. As a result, third quarter 2009 mainline RASM was down 19.1 percent compared to the third quarter of 2008.

Passenger revenue for the third quarter of 2009 and period-to-period comparisons of related statistics by geographic region for the company's mainline operations and regional operations are as follows:

                            Passenger Percentage Increase (Decrease) in
                             Third Quarter 2009 vs. Third Quarter 2008
                      Revenue     Passenger
                   (in millions)   Revenue      ASMs      RASM      Yield
                    -----------    -------      ----      ----      -----

    Domestic           $1,177      (20.5)%     (5.8)%    (15.6)%    (19.5)%
    Trans-Atlantic        649      (29.2)%    (10.5)%    (21.0)%    (24.7)%
    Latin America         361      (22.4)%      2.4 %    (24.3)%    (24.1)%
    Pacific               255       (9.5)%     16.9 %    (22.6)%    (21.0)%
    Total Mainline     $2,442      (22.4)%     (4.1)%    (19.1)%    (21.7)%

    Regional             $505      (17.7)%     (7.7)%    (10.9)%    (16.8)%

    Consolidated       $2,947      (21.6)%     (4.5)%    (17.9)%    (20.9)%

Cargo revenue in the third quarter of 2009 decreased 28.7 percent ($37 million) compared to the same period in 2008, due to reduced freight volume and lower pricing.

Third Quarter Operations and Notable Accomplishments

During the quarter, employees earned $11 million in cash incentives for finishing first in on-time performance, as reported by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), among the major network carriers in August and September, and for finishing among the top three major network carriers in July. Continental recorded a DOT on-time arrival rate of 82.8 percent and a systemwide mainline segment completion factor of 99.7 percent during the third quarter. The company operated 32 days during the quarter without a single mainline flight cancellation.

"My co-workers ran a superb operation under record passenger loads," said Continental's president and chief operating officer Jeff Smisek. "While our financial results were disappointing, our operational results were stellar."

During the quarter, Continental set Oct. 27, 2009 as the date for joining Star Alliance. The company will end its participation in SkyTeam after its last scheduled flight on Oct. 24, 2009. Continental's participation in Star Alliance will provide significantly improved benefits to customers including access to the world's largest airline network and reciprocal frequent flier and airport lounge benefits with Star Alliance's 24 other member airlines around the world.

To enhance connectivity with Star Alliance member carriers, Continental will launch nonstop service between Houston and Frankfurt, Germany on Nov. 1, 2009. Also in connection with joining Star Alliance, the company announced service to several new destinations during the quarter, including nonstop service between Houston and Edmonton, Canada, and daily nonstop service from Houston and Cleveland to Washington Dulles International Airport, both beginning Nov. 1, 2009.

In addition, Continental announced new service from Guam and Honolulu to Nadi, Fiji starting Dec. 18, 2009, and new flights between Orange County and Honolulu starting March 7, 2010.

Continental continued to install DIRECTV® on its aircraft during the quarter, with the new service now offered on 30 aircraft. DIRECTV® gives customers the choice of 77 channels of live television programming -- more channels than any other carrier -- including live sports, news, weather and children's shows. The company expects to complete installation of DIRECTV® on its fleet of Boeing 737 Next-Generation and Boeing 757-300 aircraft by the end of the first quarter of 2011.

During the third quarter, Continental contributed $40 million to its defined benefit pension plans. Continental contributed an additional $36 million to its plans in October, bringing its total year-to-date contribution to its defined benefit pension plans to $176 million.

Third Quarter Costs

Due primarily to significantly lower jet fuel costs, Continental's mainline cost per available seat mile (CASM) decreased 21.1 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period last year. The average mainline price of a gallon of fuel dropped 48.4 percent year-over-year and mainline fuel consumption fell by 5.1 percent. Holding fuel rate constant and excluding special items, third quarter 2009 mainline CASM increased 1.0 percent compared to the third quarter of 2008, on a mainline ASM decline of 4.1 percent.

"Companywide, everyone has been doing an impressive job managing costs and looking for additional ways to increase revenue," said Zane Rowe, Continental's executive vice president and chief financial officer.

Fuel expense for the quarter declined $926 million (51.2 percent) compared to the same period last year as a result of a decrease in fuel prices and lower volumes.

Fleet Changes Continue to Improve Efficiency

Continental continued to improve fuel efficiency during the quarter by retiring older aircraft and adding modern, fuel-efficient aircraft. During the quarter, Continental took delivery of six new Boeing 737-900ERs and removed from service 13 Boeing 737-300s and six Boeing 737-500s.

Having received certification from the Federal Aviation Administration for the world's first blended 757-300 winglet, Continental began installing winglets on its entire 757-300 fleet. The move is estimated to save approximately $7 million in fuel costs on an annual run-rate basis for its fleet of 757-300 aircraft at current fuel prices. All of the company's 737-500s, 700s, 800s, 900s and 757-200s have winglets. The company expects to complete installation of winglets on its entire narrowbody fleet by the end of the second quarter of 2010.

Cash and Liquidity

Continental ended the third quarter with $2.54 billion in unrestricted cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments.

During the quarter, Continental completed a public offering of 14.4 million shares of its common stock, raising net proceeds of $158 million.

On July 1, 2009, Continental completed the sale of $390 million of Pass Through Certificates to be secured by a total of 17 owned aircraft. During the third quarter of 2009, the company received from this sale proceeds of $249 million for general corporate purposes and $113 million to finance the purchase of four new Boeing 737-900ER aircraft delivered in the third quarter. One remaining new Boeing 737-900ER aircraft will be financed through this issuance when delivered in the fourth quarter of 2009.

In addition, Continental obtained financing for two new Boeing 737-900ER aircraft, both of which were delivered and financed in July 2009. The company has financing commitments for all of its new aircraft deliveries this year and has backstop financing available for all of its new aircraft deliveries in 2010.

Corporate Background

Continental Airlines is the world's fifth largest airline. Continental, together with Continental Express and Continental Connection, has more than 2,500 daily departures throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, serving 133 domestic and 134 international destinations. With more than 41,000 employees, Continental has hubs serving New York, Houston, Cleveland and Guam, and together with its regional partners, carries approximately 63 million passengers per year. For more company information, go to

Continental Airlines will conduct a regular quarterly telephone briefing today to discuss these results and the company's financial and operating outlook with the financial community and news media at 9:30 a.m. CT/10:30 a.m. ET. To listen to a live broadcast of this briefing, go to Continental/Investor Relations.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are not limited to historical facts, but reflect the company's current beliefs, expectations or intentions regarding future events. All forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. For examples of such risks and uncertainties, please see the risk factors set forth in the company's 2008 Form 10-K and its other securities filings, including any amendments thereto, which identify important matters such as the significant volatility in the cost of aircraft fuel, the company's transition to a new global alliance, the consequences of its high leverage and other significant capital commitments, its high labor and pension costs, delays in scheduled aircraft deliveries, service interruptions at one of its hub airports, disruptions to the operations of its regional operators, disruptions in its computer systems, and industry conditions, including the recession in the U.S. and global economies, the airline pricing environment, terrorist attacks, regulatory matters, excessive taxation, industry consolidation, the availability and cost of insurance, public health threats and the seasonal nature of the airline business. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this press release, except as required by applicable law.


        (In millions, except per share data) (Unaudited)

                         Three Months                Nine Months
                            Ended            %         Ended           %
                         September 30,   Increase/  September 30,   Increase/
                         2009    2008   (Decrease)  2009    2008   (Decrease)
                         ----    ----    --------   ----    ----    --------
                              (Adjusted)                 (Adjusted)
    Operating Revenue:
       (excluding fees
       and taxes
       of $397, $402,
       $1,121 and
       $1,186)          $2,947   $3,760   (21.6)%   $8,331   $10,633   (21.6)%
      Cargo                 92      129   (28.7)%      259       383   (32.4)%
      Other                278      267     4.1 %      814       755     7.8 %
                           ---      ---                ---       ---
                         3,317    4,156   (20.2)%    9,404    11,771   (20.1)%
                         -----    -----              -----    ------

    Operating Expenses:
      Aircraft fuel and
       related taxes
       (A)                 881    1,807   (51.2)%    2,507     4,722   (46.9)%
      Wages, salaries
       and related
       costs               794      765     3.8 %    2,358     2,197     7.3 %
      Aircraft rentals     233      244    (4.5)%      705       736    (4.2)%
      Landing fees and
       other rentals       222      225    (1.3)%      647       643     0.6 %
      Regional capacity
       purchase, net
       (A)                 211      247   (14.6)%      641       838   (23.5)%
       costs               160      182   (12.1)%      467       558   (16.3)%
       materials and
       repairs             159      152     4.6 %      473       478    (1.0)%
      Depreciation and
       amortization        124      112    10.7 %      353       327     8.0%
      Passenger services    99      113   (12.4)%      282       315   (10.5)%
      Special charges (B)   20       91      NM         68       141      NM
      Other                353      370    (4.6)%    1,050     1,105    (5.0)%
                           ---      ---              -----     -----
                         3,256    4,308   (24.4)%    9,551    12,060   (20.8)%
                         -----    -----              -----    ------

    Operating Income
     (Loss)                 61     (152)     NM       (147)     (289)  (49.1)%
                           ---     -----              -----     -----

    Nonoperating Income
      Interest expense
       (C)                 (91)     (95)   (4.2)%     (274)     (279)   (1.8)%
      Interest capitalized   8        8       -         25        25       -
      Interest income        2       16   (87.5)%       10        56   (82.1)%
      Gain on sale of
       investments           -        -       -          -        78  (100.0)%
       losses on
       investments           -        -       -          -       (29) (100.0)%
      Other, net             2      (27)     NM         19        11    72.7%
                           ---      ----               ---       ---
                           (79)     (98)  (19.4)%     (220)     (138)   59.4%
                           ----     ----              -----     -----

    Loss before
     Income Taxes          (18)    (250)  (92.8)%     (367)     (427)  (14.1)%
    Income Tax
     Benefit (C)             -       20  (100.0)%        -       110  (100.0)%
                           ---      ---                ---       ---

    Net Loss              $(18)   $(230)  (92.2)%    $(367)    $(317)   15.8%
                          =====   ======             ======    ======

    Basic and Diluted
     Loss per Share     $(0.14)  $(2.09)  (93.3)%   $(2.91)   $(3.08)   (5.5)%
                        ======== =======            =======   ========

    Shares Used for
     Basic and Diluted
     Computation           132      110    20.0%       126       103     22.3%

    (A)  Expense related to fuel and related taxes on flights operated for us
         by other operators under capacity purchase agreements is now included
         in aircraft fuel and related taxes, whereas it was previously
         reported in regional capacity purchase, net.  Reclassifications have
         been made in these financial statements to conform to the company's
         current presentation.  These reclassifications do not affect
         operating loss or net loss for any period.

    (B)  Operating Expenses: Special Charges.  Special charges includes the

                                            Three Months         Year Ended
                                         Ended September 30,    September 30,
                                           2009      2008       2009     2008
                                           ----      ----       ----     ----

         Aircraft-related charges, net
          of gains on sales of aircraft     $6         $12       $53     $45
         Severance                           5          33         5      33
         Route impairment and other          9          38        10      55
         Pension settlement charges          -           8         -       8
                                           ---         ---       ---     ---
           Total special charges           $20         $91       $68    $141
                                           ===         ===       ===    ====

         2009.  During the third quarter, the company subleased five grounded
         EMB-135 aircraft for a term of at least two years.  The
         aircraft-related charges of $6 million represent the difference
         between the sublease rental income and the contracted rental payments
         on those aircraft during the initial term of the agreement.  The
         company also recorded a charge of $5 million for severance and other
         costs in connection with previously announced reductions in force,
         furloughs and leaves of absence.  Route impairment and other in the
         third quarter of 2009 represents a $9 million adjustment to increase
         a previously established reserve due to reductions in expected
         sublease income for unused leased facilities consisting primarily of
         a maintenance hangar in Denver.  Aircraft-related charges in 2009
         prior to the third quarter include $31 million of non-cash
         impairments on owned Boeing 737-300 and 737-500 aircraft and related
         assets, and $16 million of other charges ($12 million of which was
         non-cash) related to the grounding and disposition of Boeing 737-300
         aircraft and the write-off of certain obsolete spare parts.

         2008.  Special charges in the third quarter of 2008 related to
         capacity reductions included $33 million for severance and continuing
         medical coverage for employees accepting early retirement packages or
         company-offered leaves of absence, $12 million of charges for future
         lease costs on permanently grounded Boeing 737-300 aircraft and an
         $11 million charge related to future rents for leased space at
         locations that were no longer expected to be used or subleased.
         Special charges in the third quarter of 2008 also include an $18
         million non-cash charge to write off an intangible London Gatwick
         Airport route asset, a $9 million charge pertaining to the
         reimbursement of certain costs incurred by ExpressJet for temporarily
         grounded aircraft and airport slots being returned to the company and
         a non-cash settlement charge of $8 million related to lump sum
         distributions from the pilot-only defined benefit pension plan to
         retired pilots.  Aircraft-related charges in 2008 prior to the third
         quarter include $37 million of non-cash impairments on owned Boeing
         737-300 and 737-500 aircraft and related assets, a non-cash charge of
         $14 million to write down spare parts and supplies for the Boeing
         737-300 and 737-500 fleets to the lower of cost or net realizable
         value and $18 million of gains on the sales of five aircraft.  Route
         impairment and other special charges in 2008 prior to the third
         quarter also include $17 million of charges related to contract
         settlements with regional carriers and unused facilities.

    (C)  On January 1, 2009, Continental adopted the Cash Conversion
         Subsections of the Financial Accounting Standards Board's Accounting
         Standards Codification Subtopic 470-20, "Debt with Conversion and
         Other Options - Cash Conversion," which clarify the accounting for
         convertible debt instruments that may be settled in cash (including
         partial cash settlement) upon conversion.  The financial statements
         for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2008 have been
         adjusted to reflect the company's adoption of this standard.



                      Three Months                  Nine Months
                         Ended           %            Ended           %
                      September 30,   Increase/    September 30,  Increase/
                      2009    2008   (Decrease)    2009    2008  (Decrease)
                      ----    ----   ----------    ----    ----  ----------

     (thousands)      12,181  12,518     (2.7)%  34,619   37,714     (8.2)%
     (millions)       22,127  22,318     (0.9)%  60,589   64,258     (5.7)%
     seat miles
     (millions)       25,803  26,914     (4.1)%  74,119   79,124     (6.3)%
    Cargo ton
     (millions)          245     245        -       664      769    (13.7)%

     load factor:
      Mainline         85.8%   82.9%   2.9 pts.   81.7%    81.2%    0.5 pts.

      Domestic         87.9%   83.9%   4.0 pts.   84.9%    83.5%    1.4 pts.
      International    83.7%   82.0%   1.7 pts.   78.8%    78.9%  (0.1) pts.

     revenue per
     seat mile
     (cents)            9.46   11.69    (19.1)%    9.36    11.13    (15.9)%
     revenue per
     seat mile
     (cents)           10.84   13.07    (17.1)%   10.75    12.51    (14.1)%
     yield per
     mile (cents)      11.04   14.10    (21.7)%   11.45    13.71    (16.5)%
    Average fare
     per revenue
     passenger       $202.87 $254.28    (20.2)% $202.62  $236.09    (14.2)%

    Cost per
     seat mile
     (cents) (A)       10.41   13.19    (21.1)%   10.60    12.49    (15.1)%
     charges per
     seat mile
     (cents)            0.05    0.30        NM     0.08     0.15       NM
    CASM, holding
     fuel rate
     and excluding
     special charges
                       13.02   12.89      1.0%    12.55    12.34      1.7%

     price per
     gallon of
     fuel taxes        $1.99   $3.86    (48.4)%   $1.97    $3.38    (41.7)%
    Fuel gallons
     (millions)          369     389     (5.1)%   1,061    1,159     (8.5)%

    Aircraft in
     fleet at
     end of
     period (B)          338     351     (3.7)%     338      351     (3.7)%
     length of
     flight (miles)    1,593   1,533      3.9%    1,549    1,496      3.5%
    Average daily
     of each
     (hours)           11:06   11:21     (2.2)%   10:45    11:22     (5.5)%

     (thousands)       4,614   4,590      0.5%   12,932   13,795     (6.3)%
     (millions)        2,490   2,518     (1.1)%   6,984    7,604     (8.2)%
     seat miles
     (millions)        3,130   3,390     (7.7)%   9,145    9,938     (8.0)%
     load factor       79.6%   74.3%   5.3 pts.   76.4%    76.5% (0.1) pts.
     revenue per
     seat mile
     (cents)           16.14   18.12    (10.9)%   15.22    18.35    (17.1)%
     yield per
     mile (cents)      20.29   24.39    (16.8)%   19.93    23.98    (16.9)%
    Aircraft in
     fleet at
     end of
     period (C)          266     279     (4.7)%     266      279     (4.7)%

     and Regional):
     (thousands)      16,795  17,108     (1.8)%  47,551   51,509     (7.7)%
     (millions)       24,617  24,836     (0.9)%  67,573   71,862     (6.0)%
     seat miles
     (millions)       28,933  30,304     (4.5)%  83,264   89,062     (6.5)%
     load factor       85.1%   82.0%   3.1 pts.   81.2%    80.7%   0.5 pts.
     revenue per
     seat mile
     (cents)           10.19   12.41    (17.9)%   10.01    11.94    (16.2)%
     yield per
     mile (cents)      11.97   15.14    (20.9)%   12.33    14.80    (16.7)%
     price per
     gallon of
     fuel taxes        $1.99   $3.85    (48.3)%   $1.97    $3.38    (41.7)%
    Fuel gallons
     (millions)          443     470     (5.7)%   1,276    1,398     (8.7)%

    (A)  Includes impact of special charges.
    (B)  Excludes 12 grounded Boeing 737-300 aircraft, nine grounded Boeing
         737-500 aircraft and one Boeing 737-900ER aircraft delivered but not
         yet placed into service at September 30, 2009.
    (C)  Consists of aircraft operated under capacity purchase agreements with
         Continental's regional carriers ExpressJet, Colgan, Chautauqua and
         CommutAir.  Excludes 25 EMB-135 aircraft temporarily grounded and 30
         ERJ-145 aircraft and five EMB-135 aircraft subleased to other
         operators but are not operated on the company's behalf at September
         30, 2009.



    Net Loss (in millions)                                 Three Months
                                                     Ended September 30, 2009

    Net loss                                                    $(18)

    Adjust for special charges (net of tax of $0)                 20

    Net income, excluding special items (A)                       $2

                                                          Three Months
                                                    Ended September 30, 2009
    Loss per Share                                  ------------------------

    Diluted loss per share                                    $(0.14)

    Adjust for special charges                                  0.16

    Diluted earnings per share, excluding special items (A)    $0.02

                         Three Months               Nine Months
                            Ended          %          Ended           %
                        September 30,   Increase/   September 30, Increase/
                        2009    2008   (Decrease)   2009   2008   (Decrease)
                        ----    ----    --------    ----   ----    --------

    Cost per available
     seat mile (CASM)  $10.41   $13.19   (21.1)%   $10.60   $12.49   (15.1)%

      Less: Special
       charges per
       available seat
       mile             (0.05)   (0.30)     NM      (0.08)   (0.15)     NM
                        ------   ------             ------   ------

    CASM, excluding
     special charges    10.36    12.89   (19.6)%    10.52    12.34   (14.7)%

      Less:  Current
       year fuel cost
       per available
       seat mile (B)    (2.85)       -      NM      (2.82)       -      NM
      Add:  Current
       year fuel cost
       at prior year
       fuel price per
       available seat
       mile (B)          5.51        -      NM       4.85        -      NM
                         ----     ----               ----     ----

    CASM, holding
     fuel rate
     constant and
     excluding special
     charges (A)       $13.02   $12.89     1.0%    $12.55   $12.34     1.7%
                       ======   ======             ======   ======

    (A)  These financial measures provide management and investors the ability
         to measure and monitor Continental's performance on a consistent
    (B)  Both the cost and availability of fuel are subject to many economic
         and political factors and are therefore beyond the company's control.

SOURCE Continental Airlines

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