Cellcom Israel Announces Third Quarter 2009 Results With Record Revenues, Operating Income and EBITDA[1]
    NETANYA, Israel, November 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --

    Third Quarter 2009 Highlights (compared to the third quarter 2008[2]):

    - Total Revenues increased 1.5% reaching NIS 1,675 million
      ($446 million)

    - Total Revenues from services increased 0.9% to NIS 1,493
      million ($397 million)

    - Revenues from content and value added services (including
      SMS) increased 32.4%, representing 15.3% of services revenues

    - EBITDA[3] increased 2.6% to NIS 670 million ($178 million);
      EBITDA margin 40%3, up from 39.6%

    - Operating income increased 5.4% to NIS 468 million ($125

    - Net income[4] increased 19.4% to NIS 289 million ($77

    - Free cash flow1 totaled NIS 454 million ($121 million)

    - Subscriber base increased by approx. 31,000 net subscribers
      during the quarter, mostly post-paid subscribers; reaching approx.
      3.259 million at the end of September 2009

    - 3G subscribers reached approx. 941,000 at the end of
      September 2009, net addition of approx. 64,000 in the third quarter

    - The Company declared a third quarter dividend of NIS 2.90
      per share

Cellcom Israel Ltd. (NYSE: CEL TASE: CEL) ("Cellcom Israel", the "Company"), announced today its financial results for the third quarter of 2009. Revenues for the third quarter 2009 totaled NIS 1,675 million ($446 million); EBITDA for the third quarter 2009 totaled NIS 670 million3 ($178 million), or 40%3 of revenues; and net income for the third quarter 2009 reached NIS 289 million4 ($77 million). Basic earnings per share for the third quarter 2009 reached NIS 2.94 ($0.78).

Commenting on the results, Amos Shapira, Chief Executive Officer said, "This has been another quarter of strong financial performance as we achieved record revenues, operating income and EBITDA, all of which the highest in the Company's history. We continued to strengthen our leading market position, further increasing our customer base, with an approximate 39% year over year increase in our 3G subscribers, characterized by higher ARPU. This strong financial performance and growing market position is especially noteworthy in light of the ongoing airtime price erosion, the competitive and regulatory environment, as well as the challenging macro-economic environment.

After substantial amount of quarters of rapid growth of content and SMS revenues, this quarter we have also became the cellular operator with the highest revenues in this area. Furthermore, this quarter our landline service revenues to the business segment continued to grow, as we continue to leverage our fiber optic and microwave infrastructure.

We at Cellcom Israel, remain focused on the Company's core competencies, cellular communications, while continuing to develop new businesses in areas, which are synergetic to our core business and can produce reasonable return on both the organizational and management investment. Our strategy to focus in the core business is the main factor for our being market leaders in terms of revenues, profit and profit margins and now also in content and SMS revenues. Along with our effort to generate revenues and profitability growth, we continue tirelessly our efficiency measures in any area or business of the Company. All these efforts to increase revenues, develop additional businesses and continue with efficiency measures, go hand in hand with our improved customer service, as reflected in the "Public Trust" organization report, which stated that Cellcom Israel provides the best quality of customer care in the Israeli Cellular market and that we received the lowest number of customer complaints although we have the highest number of subscribers in the Israeli cellular market.

We believe that our steadfast focus on our core competencies and proven business strategy, paired with our strong cash flow, will enable us to continue to successfully navigate our business. Furthermore, we believe that the dynamic changes in the local communications market may create many opportunities. We will identify and track these opportunities once they arise, and analyze them with a goal to continuing to generate long term growth", concluded Mr. Shapira.

Yaacov Heen, Chief Financial Officer, commented: "Our record revenues, operating income and EBITDA were primarily achieved due to a 32.4% increase in revenues from content and value added services as well as growing landline revenues. These two revenue growth drivers totally offset the decline in roaming revenues this quarter, primarily attributed to the macro-economic environment. Moreover, our continued prudent expense management further contributed to profitability with EBITDA increasing 2.6%3 from last year, reaching NIS 670 million3. In terms of cash generation, we continued to generate a healthy Free cash flow, totaling to NIS 454 million, enabling us to once again distribute approximately NIS 286 million, representing approximately 99% of net income, as a dividend to our shareholders."

    Main Financial and Performance Indicators[5]:

                               Q3/2009 Q3/2008   % Change    Q3/2009  Q3/2008
                                        million NIS            million US$
    Total Services revenues      1,493        1,480     0.9%    397.3   393.8
    Revenues from content and
    value added services           229          173    32.4%     60.9    46.0
    Handset and accessories
    revenues                       182          170     7.1%     48.4    45.2
    Total revenues               1,675        1,650     1.5%    445.7   439.1
    Operating income               468          444     5.4%    124.5   118.1
    Net Income                     289          242    19.4%     76.9    64.4
    EBITDA, after elimination
    of a one-time provision[3]
    in Q3/2009                     670          653     2.6%    178.3   173.8
    EBITDA, as percent of
    Revenues, after
    elimination of a one-time
    provision[3] in Q3/2009      40.0%        39.6%     1.0%
    Subscribers end of period
    (in thousands)               3,259        3,157     3.2%
    Monthly ARPU                 150.4        154.3   (2.5%)     40.0    41.1
    Average Monthly MOU *        338.1        336.3     0.5%

* Following the regulatory requirement to change the basic airtime charging unit from twelve-seconds to one-second units commencing January 1, 2009, MOU for the third quarter of 2008 has been adjusted to the same per-one second unit basis to enable a comparison. MOU for the third quarter of 2008 based on the former charging units was 357.4 minutes.

Financial Review

Revenues for the third quarter of 2009 increased 1.5% totaling NIS 1,675 million ($446 million), compared to NIS 1,650 million ($439 million) in the third quarter last year. The increase in revenues is attributed to a 0.9% increase in revenues from services, which reached NIS 1,493 million ($397 million) in the third quarter 2009 as compared to NIS 1,480 million ($394 million) in the third quarter last year. The increase also resulted from a 7.1% increase in handset and accessories' revenues, which rose from NIS 170 million ($45 million) in the third quarter last year, to NIS 182 million ($48 million) in the third quarter 2009.

The higher service revenues resulted mainly from a 32.4% increase in content and value added services (including SMS) revenues in the third quarter 2009, compared to the third quarter last year. Revenues from content and value added services reached NIS 229 million ($61 million), or 15.3% of service revenues. Furthermore, the increase in landline services revenues during the quarter also contributed to the higher service revenues. These increases were partially offset by the ongoing airtime price erosion as well as a substantial decrease in revenues from roaming services following the significant reduction in incoming and outgoing tourism resulting from the global economic slowdown.

Cost of revenues for the third quarter of 2009 totaled NIS 856 million ($228 million) compared to NIS 852 million ($227 million) in the third quarter last year. Cost of revenues reflects the deferral of handsets subsidies, which amounted to NIS 21 million ($6 million) in the third quarter of 2009 compared to NIS 23 million ($6 million) in the third quarter last year. The amortization of such deferred handsets subsidies totaled NIS 18 million ($5 million) in the third quarter 2009 compared to NIS 19 million ($5 million) in the third quarter 2008. The increase in cost of revenues resulted mainly from a one-time provision in the amount of NIS 15 million ($4 million), since the Company intends to negotiate a settlement of a dispute with the Ministry of Communications regarding frequencies fees, pending in the Israeli Supreme Court. The increase in cost of revenues also resulted from an increase in cost of content and value-added services, due to increased usage, as well as an increase in rent expenses. These increases were partially offset by a decrease in royalties to the Ministry of Communications due to the lower royalties' rate in 2009, a decrease in handset costs resulting from a decline in the number of handsets sold during the third quarter of 2009, as compared to the third quarter of last year, as well as lower depreciation expenses.

Gross profit for the third quarter of 2009 increased 2.6%, reaching NIS 819 million ($218 million), compared to NIS 798 million ($212 million) in the third quarter of 2008. Gross profit margin for the third quarter 2009 increased from 48.4% in the third quarter last year to 48.9%.

Selling, Marketing, General and Administrative Expenses ("SG&A Expenses") for the third quarter of 2009 decreased 0.3% to NIS 351 million ($93 million), compared to NIS 352 million ($94 million) in the third quarter of 2008. The decrease in SG&A Expenses in the quarter is mainly due to a decrease in advertising expenses. This decrease was partially offset by an increase in amortization of deferred sales commissions from NIS 10 million ($3 million) in third quarter last year to NIS 15 million ($4 million) in the third quarter this year, while deferred sales commissions increased from approximately NIS 14 million ($4 million) in third quarter last year to approximately NIS 16 million ($4 million) in the third quarter this year. The decrease in SG&A Expenses was also offset in part by an increase in bad debts and doubtful accounts expenses, following, among others, the number portability, which allows subscribers to switch between cellular operators prior to settling their outstanding debt. The increase in bad debts and doubtful accounts also has been influenced by the global economic slowdown.

Operating income for the third quarter 2009 increased 5.4%, reaching a record of NIS 468 million ($125 million), compared to NIS 444 million ($118 million) in the third quarter last year.

EBITDA for the third quarter 2009, excluding the above mentioned one-time provision, increased 2.6% to a record of NIS 670 million ($178 million). Including the above mentioned one-time provision, EBITDA increased 0.3%, also reaching a record of NIS 655 million ($174 million), compared to NIS 653 million ($174 million) in the third quarter of 2008. EBITDA, as a percent of revenues, totaled 40.0%, or 39.1% without elimination of the above mentioned one-time provision, compared to 39.6% in the third quarter last year.

Financing Expenses, net for the third quarter 2009 totaled NIS 122 million ($32 million), compared to NIS 109 million ($29 million) in the third quarter last year. The increase resulted mainly from the increase in interest and Israeli Consumer Price Index (CPI) linkage expenses, associated with the Company's debentures, resulting from the increased debt level and higher inflation in the third quarter this year, as compared to the third quarter last year. The increase was partially offset by an income resulting from foreign currency differences, mainly with the appreciation of the NIS against the US dollar in the third quarter of 2009, impacting the trade payables balances in the third quarter of 2009, as compared to an expense in the third quarter last year, resulted from the depreciation of the NIS against the US dollar in the third quarter of 2008.

Income tax for the third quarter 2009 decreased 38.7%, totaling NIS 57 million ($15 million), compared to NIS 93 million ($25 million) in the third quarter last year. The decrease was mainly due to the Israeli parliament enactment of the law of "Economic efficiency improvement" (legislation amendments for the implementation of the Economic program for the years 2009 and 2010), which provides, among others, for a gradual reduction of the Corporate tax rate from 25% in 2010 up to 18% in the year 2016 onward. The aforementioned change in the tax rates resulted in the reduction of deferred tax liabilities and the recognition of a one-time tax income of approximately NIS 41 million ($11 million) in the third quarter of 2009.

Net Income for the third quarter 2009, including the effects of the above mentioned one-time provision and one-time tax income, increased 19.4% to NIS 289 million ($77 million), compared to NIS 242 million ($64 million) in the third quarter last year. Excluding the above mentioned one-time effects, net income increased 7.0% to NIS 259 million ($69 million). Basic earnings per share for the third quarter 2009 (including the above mentioned one-time effects) totaled NIS 2.94 ($0.78), compared to NIS 2.48 ($0.66) in the third quarter 2008.

Operating Review

New Subscribers - at the end of September 2009 the Company had approximately 3.259 million subscribers. During the third quarter of 2009 the Company added approximately 31,000 net new subscribers, mostly post-paid.

In the third quarter of 2009, the Company added approximately 64,000 net new 3G subscribers to its 3G subscriber base, reaching approximately 941,000 3G subscribers at the end of September 2009. The Company's 3G subscribers represented 28.9% of the Company's total subscriber base at the end of the third quarter 2009, an increase from the 21.5% 3G subscribers represented of total subscribers at the end of September 2008.

The Churn Rate in the third quarter 2009 totaled to 4.9%, compared to 4.4% in the third quarter last year. The quarterly churn remains primarily impacted by the churn of lower contribution pre-paid subscribers and subscribers with collection problems.

Average monthly subscriber Minutes of Use ("MOU") in the third quarter 2009 totaled 338.1 minutes, compared to 336.3 minutes in the third quarter 2008, an increase of 0.5%. Following the regulatory requirement to change the basic airtime charging units from twelve-seconds to one-second units commencing January 1, 2009, MOU for the third quarter 2008 has been adjusted to the same per-one second unit basis to enable a comparison. MOU for the third quarter of 2008 based on the former charging units was 357.4 minutes.

The monthly Average Revenue per User (ARPU) for the third quarter 2009 and totaled NIS 150.4 ($40.0), a 2.5% decrease compared to NIS 154.3 ($41.1) in the third quarter last year. This decrease resulted, among others, from the lower roaming revenues recorded during the third quarter 2009 following the decline in tourism.

Financing and Investment Review

Cash Flow

Free cash flow for the third quarter of 2009 totaled NIS 454 million ($121 million), compared to NIS 480 million ($128 million) generated in the third quarter of 2008. Free cash flow for the third quarter this year includes NIS 124 million ($33 million) invested in the Company's current debentures portfolio according to its investment policy. Free cash flow for the first nine months of 2009 totaled NIS 1,247 million, an approximate 47% increase compared to the first nine months of 2008.

Shareholders' Equity

Shareholders' Equity as of September 30, 2009 amounted to NIS 389 million ($103 million), primarily consisting of accumulated undistributed retained earnings.

Investment in Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets

During the third quarter 2009, the Company invested NIS 156 million ($42 million) in fixed assets and intangible assets (including, among others, deferred sales commissions and handsets subsidies and investments in information systems and software), compared to NIS 166 million ($44 million) in the third quarter 2008.


On November 15, 2009, the Company's board of directors declared a cash dividend in the amount of NIS 2.90 per share, and in the aggregate amount of approximately NIS 286 million (the equivalent of approximately $0.77 per share and approximately $76 million in the aggregate, based on the representative rate of exchange on November 12, 2009; The actual US$ amount for dividend paid in US$ will be converted from NIS based upon the representative rate of exchange published by the Bank of Israel on December 10, 2009), subject to withholding tax described below. The total dividend amount may increase to up to approximately NIS 287 million if new shares are issued prior to the dividend record date, as a result of the exercise of options under the Company's "2006 Share Incentive Plan" (for additional details please see the Company's most recent annual report for the year ended December 31, 2008 on Form 20-F under "Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects - A. Operating Results - 2006 Share Incentive Plan" and "Item 6. Directors, Senior Management and Employees - D. Employees - 2006 Share Incentive Plan"). The dividend will be payable to all of the Company's shareholders of record at the end of the trading day in the NYSE on December 2, 2009. The payment date will be December 14, 2009. According to the Israeli tax law, the Company will deduct at source 20% of the dividend amount payable to each shareholder, as aforesaid, subject to applicable exemptions. The dividend per share that the Company will pay for the third quarter of 2009 does not reflect the level of dividends that will be paid for future quarterly periods, which can change at any time in accordance with the Company's dividend policy. A dividend declaration is not guaranteed and is subject to the Company's board of directors' sole discretion, as detailed in the Company's annual report for the year ended December 31, 2008 on Form 20-F, under "Item 8 - Financial Information - Dividend Policy".

Other developments during the third quarter of 2009 and subsequent to balance sheet date

Site Licensing

Following the previously reported recommendations of an Israeli inter-ministry committee regarding the appropriateness of future application of the exemption from obtaining building permits for radio access devices, relied upon by cellular operators, including the Company, the Attorney General of Israel concluded that current application of the exemption does not balance properly the different interests involved and therefore cannot continue. The Attorney General further concluded that in accordance with its authority under applicable law, the Ministry of Interior (in consultation with the Ministry of Communications) should prepare regulations setting conditions for the application of the exemption, such as limiting the exemption to extraordinary circumstances, and bring such regulations for approval by the Economy Committee of the Israeli Parliament by the end of October 2009. Conditions substantially limiting the Company's ability to use the exemption could adversely affect the Company's existing network and network build-out. To the best of the Company's knowledge, to date, no such regulations were brought before the Economy Committee.

As previously disclosed, additional hardship on the construction and operation of cell sites is expected if the proposed changes to the National Zoning Plan 36, which includes guidelines for constructing cell sites, are approved by the National Committee and thereafter by the government of Israel. The National Committee is expected to deliberate on the subject in the coming weeks.

For additional details see the Company's most recent annual report for the year ended December 31, 2008 on Form 20-F under "Item 3. Key Information - D. Risk Factors - Risks related to our business - We may not be able to obtain permits to construct cell sites" as well as under "Item 4. Information on the Company - B. Business Overview - Government Regulations - Permits for Cell site Construction - National Zoning Plan 36, Site Licensing" and "Construction and operating permits from the commissioner of environmental radiation" as well as our report on Form 6-K dated August 17, 2009 under "Site Licensing".


The Ministry of Communications has commenced examination of the interconnect fees and pricing of a cellular network elements, following the previously reported 2008 resolutions of the Israeli government to (1) examine interconnect fees and further revise them and (2) to accelerate the procedures necessary to allow the entry of MVNOs and additional infrastructure based operators to the cellular market, which was followed by an amendment to the Communication Law in July 2009, instructing the Ministry Of Communications, among others, to set the price of the service, should the operator and MVNO fail to reach an agreement within 6 months, due to unreasonable conditions imposed by the cellular operator.

In addition, the Ministry of Communications has published general principles for an additional UMTS spectrum tender, expected to be published by the beginning of 2010. According to the principles published, which the MOC noted that may still change, the tender will include additional UMTS spectrum for two additional UMTS operators; participation will be allowed for new operators and MIRS communication Ltd. - the only cellular operator without a UMTS network; and the winners shall be awarded various benefits and leniencies such as discounts in spectrum fees and a five year exemption from royalties payment, rebates on spectrum allocation fees and license fees; additional means to facilitate their entry are under consideration.

For additional details see the Company's most recent annual report for the year ended December 31, 2008 on Form 20-F under "Item 3. Key Information - D. Risk Factors - Risks related to our business - We operate in a heavily regulated industry, which can harm our results of operations" and "We face intense competition in all aspects of our business" as well as under "Item 4. Information on the Company - B. Business Overview - Competition" and "Government Regulations - Tariff Supervision" and "Mobile Virtual Network Operators".


In September 2009, the commissioner of capital markets, insurance and savings in the in the Ministry of Finance, has published a draft circular as to the adoption of recommendations included in an interim report of a committee nominated in order to set parameters of conduct of institutional investors providing credit through acquisition of non-governmental debentures. The committee's interim report, which was published for comments of the public, includes recommendations for regulatory intervention in establishing internal procedures, verification that the debentures include certain contractual terms and obtaining of necessary information for examination of investment in the debentures, to be required of institutional investors before investing in non governmental debentures at their issuance stage. There is no certainty as to what will be the committee's final recommendations and which recommendations will be adopted. If the committee's interim report recommendations are adopted, they may adversely affect the Company's possibilities of raising debt from institutional investors.

For additional details on the Company's debt see the Company's most recent annual report for the year ended December 31, 2008 on Form 20-F under "Item 3. Key Information - D. Risk Factors - Our substantial debt increases our exposure to market risks, may limit our ability to incur additional debt that may be necessary to fund our operations and could adversely affect our financial stability" and under "Item 5. Operating and Financial Review and Prospects - B. Liquidity and Capital Resources", as well as our report on Form 6-K dated May 26, 2009 under "Shelf prospectus and issuance of debentures".

Conference Call Details

The Company will be hosting a conference call on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 09:00 am ET, 04:00 pm Israel time, and 02:00 pm UK time. On the call, management will review and discuss the results, and will be available to answer questions. To participate, please either access the live webcast on the Company's website, or call one of the following teleconferencing numbers below. Please begin placing your calls at least 10 minutes before the conference call commences. If you are unable to connect using the toll-free numbers, please try the international dial-in number.

US Dial-in Number: 1-888-407-2553 UK Dial-in Number: 0800-917-9141

Israel Dial-in Number: 03-918-0650 International Dial-in Number: +972-3-918-0650

at: 09:00 am Eastern Time; 06:00 am Pacific Time; 02:00 pm UK Time; 04:00 pm Israel Time

To access the live webcast of the conference call, please access the investor relations section of Cellcom Israel's website: http://www.cellcom.co.il. After the call, a replay of the call will be available under the same investor relations section.

About Cellcom Israel

Cellcom Israel Ltd., established in 1994, is the leading Israeli cellular provider; Cellcom Israel provides its approximately 3.259 million subscribers (as at September 30, 2009) with a broad range of value added services including cellular and landline telephony, roaming services for tourists in Israel and for its subscribers abroad and additional services in the areas of music, video, mobile office etc., based on Cellcom Israel's technologically advanced infrastructure. The Company operates an HSPA 3.5 Generation network enabling advanced high speed broadband multimedia services, in addition to GSM/GPRS/EDGE and TDMA networks. Cellcom Israel offers Israel's broadest and largest customer service infrastructure including telephone customer service centers, retail stores, and service and sale centers, distributed nationwide. Through its broad customer service network Cellcom Israel offers its customers technical support, account information, direct to the door parcel services, internet and fax services, dedicated centers for the hearing impaired, etc. As of 2006, Cellcom Israel, through its wholly owned subsidiary Cellcom Fixed Line Communications L.P., provides landline telephone communication services in Israel, in addition to data communication services. Cellcom Israel's shares are traded both on the New York Stock Exchange (CEL) and the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (CEL). For additional information please visit the Company's website http://www.cellcom.co.il

Forward-Looking Statements

The following information contains, or may be deemed to contain forward-looking statements (as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and the Israeli Securities Law, 1968). In some cases, you can identify these statements by forward-looking words such as "may," "might," "will," "should," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential" or "continue," the negative of these terms and other comparable terminology. These forward-looking statements, which are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions about us, may include projections of our future financial results, our anticipated growth strategies and anticipated trends in our business. These statements are only predictions based on our current expectations and projections about future events. There are important factors that could cause our actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results, level of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences include, but are not limited to: changes to the terms of our license, new legislation or decisions by the regulator affecting our operations, the outcome of legal proceedings to which we are a party, particularly class action lawsuits, our ability to maintain or obtain permits to construct and operate cell sites, and other risks and uncertainties detailed from time to time in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including under the caption "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2008.

Although we believe the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements contained herein are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, level of activity, performance or achievements. Moreover, neither we nor any other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of any of these forward-looking statements. We assume no duty to update any of these forward-looking statements after the date hereof to conform our prior statements to actual results or revised expectations, except as otherwise required by law.

The Company prepares its financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Unless noted specifically otherwise, the dollar denominated figures were converted to US$ using a convenience translation based on the US$\New Israeli Shekel (NIS) conversion rate of NIS 3.758 = US$ 1 as published by the Bank of Israel on September 30, 2009.

Use of non-GAAP financial measures

EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure and is defined as income before financing income (expenses), net; other income (expenses), net; income tax; depreciation and amortization. This is an accepted measure in the communications industry. The Company presents this measure as an additional performance measure as the Company believes that it enables us to compare operating performance between periods and companies, net of any potential differences which may result from differences in capital structure, taxes, age of fixed assets and related depreciation expenses. EBITDA should not be considered in isolation, or as a substitute for operating income, any other performance measures, or cash flow data, which were prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as measures of profitability or liquidity. EBITDA does not take into account debt service requirements, or other commitments, including capital expenditures, and therefore, does not necessarily indicate the amounts that may be available for the Company's use. In addition, EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies, due to differences in the way these measures are calculated. See the reconciliation between the net income and the EBITDA presented at the end of this Press Release.

Free cash flow is a non-GAAP measure and is defined as the net cash provided by operating activities minus the net cash used in investing activities plus short-term investment in marketable debentures. See the reconciliation note at the end of this Press Release.

                             Financial Tables Follow

                               Cellcom Israel Ltd.

                            (An Israeli Corporation)

    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                               into US
                               September 30,  September   September  December
                                                 30,         30,        31,
                                   2009         2009        *2008      *2008
                               NIS millions      US$         NIS        NIS
                                              millions    millions   millions
                                (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)

    Cash and cash equivalents               976       260       195       275
    Current investments, including
    derivatives                             213        57      **72      **68
    Trade receivables                     1,584       421     1,503     1,478
    Other receivables                        73        19      **59      **44
    Inventory                               123        33       137       119

    Total current assets                  2,969       790     1,966     1,984

    Trade and other receivables             622       165       610       602
    Property, plant and equipment, net    2,066       550     2,186     2,159
    Intangible assets, net                  707       188       739       743

    Total non- current assets             3,395       903     3,535     3,504

    Total assets                          6,364     1,693     5,501     5,488

    Debentures current maturities           341        91       331       329
    Trade payables and accrued
    expenses                                788       210       708       677
    Current tax liabilities                 127        34        84        85
    Provisions                               78        20        77        47
    Other current liabilities,
    including derivatives                   345        92       319       385

    Total current liabilities             1,679       447     1,519     1,523

    Debentures                            4,179     1,112     3,417     3,401
    Provisions                               17         5        15        17
    Other long-term liabilities               1         -         1         1
    Deferred taxes                           99        26       141       156

    Total non- current liabilities        4,296     1,143     3,574     3,575

    Total liabilities                     5,975     1,590     5,093     5,098

    Shareholders' equity
    Share capital                             1         -         1         1
    Cash flow hedge reserve                (24)       (6)      (44)      (11)
    Retained earnings                       412       109       451       400

    Total shareholders' equity              389       103       408       390

    Total liabilities and
    shareholders' equity                  6,364     1,693     5,501     5,488

    (*) Retrospective application due to accounting policy change regarding
        "Subscriber Acquisition and Retention Costs"

    (**) Reclassified

                               Cellcom Israel Ltd.

                            (An Israeli Corporation)

    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income

                        Nine- month period ended      Three-month
                                                      period ended

                              September 30,           September 30,

                               Convenience             Convenience
                               translation             translation
                                 into US                 into US
                                 dollar                   dollar
                      2009        2009        *2008       2009
                       NIS         US$         NIS         NIS
                    millions    millions    millions    millions
                   (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)

    Revenues             4,844       1,289       4,845       1,675
    Cost of
    revenues             2,486         662       2,549         856

    Gross profit         2,358         627       2,296         819

    Selling and
    expenses               520         138         521         185
    General and
    expenses               485         129         491         166
    Other (income)
    expenses, net            4           1        (16)           -

    income               1,349         359       1,300         468

    income                 141          37          94          29
    expenses             (302)        (80)       (357)       (151)
    expenses, net        (161)        (43)       (263)       (122)

    Income before        1,188         316       1,037         346
    income tax
    Income tax             277          74         291          57

    Net income             911         242         746         289

    Earnings per
    Basic earnings
    per share in
    NIS                   9.26        2.46        7.64        2.94

    earnings per
    share in NIS          9.17        2.44        7.52        2.91

    (table continued)

                 Three- month period ended   Year
                       September 30,       December
                    into US
                     2009        *2008      *2008
                      US$         NIS        NIS
                    millions    millions   millions
                   (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)

    Revenues               446       1,650     6,417
    Cost of
    revenues               228         852     3,396

    Gross profit           218         798     3,021

    Selling and
    expenses                49         188       701
    General and
    expenses                44         164       659
    Other (income)
    expenses, net            -           2      (29)

    income                 125         444     1,690

    income                   7          14        83
    expenses              (40)       (123)     (393)
    expenses, net         (33)       (109)     (310)

    Income before           92         335     1,380
    income tax
    Income tax              15          93       391

    Net income              77         242       989

    Earnings per
    Basic earnings
    per share in
    NIS                   0.78        2.48     10.12

    earnings per
    share in NIS          0.77        2.44      9.96

    (*) Retrospective application due to accounting policy change regarding
        "Subscriber Acquisition and Retention Costs"

                               Cellcom Israel Ltd.

                            (An Israeli Corporation)

    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                         Nine-month period ended     Three-month period ended
                              September 30,               September 30,

                               Convenience                 Convenience
                               translation                 translation
                                 into US                     into US
                                 dollar                      dollar
                    2009          2009          *2008         2009
                NIS millions  US$ millions  NIS millions  NIS millions

                 (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)
    Cash flows
    Net income
    for the
    period                  911           242           746           289
    to reconcile
    net income
    to funds
    Depreciation            353            94           428           115
    Amortization            213            57           182            72
    Capital gain
    on sale of
    land                      -             -           (9)             -
    Loss (gain)
    on sale of
    assets                    5             1           (6)             1
    Income tax
    expense                 277            74           291            57
    costs, net              161            43           263           122
    Share based
    payments                  1             -            20             1
    Changes in
    assets and
    Changes in
    inventories            (57)          (15)            40          (29)
    Changes in
    amounts)               (85)          (23)         (163)          (34)
    Changes in
    amounts)               (45)          (12)          (44)            43
    Changes in
    payables and
    expenses                182            49         (175)            58
    Changes in
    amounts)                (4)           (1)            77             5
    net                      22             6          (34)             5
    net                      19             5           (8)          (15)
    Income tax
    paid                  (290)          (77)         (355)         (101)
    Net cash
    provided by
    activities            1,663           443         1,253           589

    (table continued)

                      Three-month period ended  Year ended
                             September 30,       December
                         into US
                          2009          *2008      *2008
                      US$ millions  NIS millions    NIS
                      (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)  (Audited)
    Cash flows
    Net income
    for the
    period                   77          242       989
    to reconcile
    net income
    to funds
    Depreciation             31          142       570
    Amortization             19           65       251
    Capital gain
    on sale of
    land                      -            -       (9)
    Loss (gain)
    on sale of
    assets                    -            2       (9)
    Income tax
    expense                  15           93       391
    costs, net               33          109       310
    Share based
    payments                  -            3        28
    Changes in
    assets and
    Changes in
    inventories             (8)         (11)        36
    Changes in
    amounts)                (9)         (50)     (117)
    Changes in
    amounts)                 12          (2)      (34)
    Changes in
    payables and
    expenses                 16           93     (271)
    Changes in
    amounts)                  1           43        99
    net                       1         (14)      (38)
    net                     (4)          (4)        18
    Income tax
    paid                   (27)         (95)     (451)
    Net cash
    provided by
    activities              157          616     1,763

    (*) Retrospective application due to accounting policy
        change regarding "Subscriber Acquisition and Retention Costs"

                               Cellcom Israel Ltd.

                            (An Israeli Corporation)

    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (cont'd)

                       Nine-month period ended      period ended
                            September 30,           September 30,
                             Convenience             Convenience
                             translation             translation
                               into US                 into US
                               dollar                   dollar
                    2009        2009        *2008       2009
                     NIS         US$         NIS         NIS
                  millions    millions    millions    millions
                 (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited)
    Cash flows
    of property,
    plant, and
    equipment          (285)        (76)       (323)        (89)
    assets             (137)        (37)       (129)        (48)
    Change in
    net                (124)        (33)           -       (124)
    Payments for
    net                    -           -        (17)           -
    from sales
    of property,
    plant, and
    equipment              2           1          13           2
    received               4           1          15           -
    from sale of
    long term
    assets                 -           -          39           -

    Net cash
    used in

    activities         (540)       (144)       (402)       (259)

    Cash flows
    net                    9           2          17           5
    Repayment of
    loans from
    banks                  -           -       (648)           -
    Repayment of
    Debentures         (332)        (88)       (125)       (168)
    issuance of
    net of
    costs                989         263         589           -
    paid               (898)       (239)     (1,225)       (302)
    paid               (190)        (50)       (175)       (112)

    Net cash
    provided by
    (used in)
    activities         (422)       (112)     (1,567)       (577)

    Changes in
    cash and
    equivalents          701         187       (716)       (247)
    Balance of
    cash and
    at beginning
    of the
    period               275          73         911       1,223
    Balance of
    cash and
    at end of
    the period           976         260         195         976

    (table continued)

                      Three-month period ended         Year ended
                            September 30,              December 31,
                               into US
                                2009       *2008         *2008
                                 US$    NIS millions  NIS millions
                            (Unaudited) (Unaudited)    (Audited)
    Cash flows
    of property,
    plant, and
    equipment                     (24)         (98)   (429)
    assets                        (13)         (35)   (175)
    Change in
    net                           (33)            -       -
    Payments for
    net                              -          (7)    (17)
    from sales
    of property,
    plant, and
    equipment                        1            -      19
    received                         -            2      17
    from sale of
    long term
    assets                           -            2      39

    Net cash
    used in

    activities                    (69)        (136)   (546)

    Cash flows
    net                              1            2      31
    Repayment of
    loans from
    banks                            -            -   (648)
    Repayment of
    Debentures                    (44)        (125)   (125)
    issuance of
    net of
    costs                            -            -     589
    paid                          (80)        (270) (1,525)
    paid                          (30)         (87)   (175)

    Net cash
    provided by
    (used in)
    activities                   (153)        (480) (1,853)

    Changes in
    cash and
    equivalents                   (65)            -   (636)
    Balance of
    cash and
    at beginning
    of the
    period                         325          195     911
    Balance of
    cash and
    at end of
    the period                     260          195     275

    (*) Retrospective application due to accounting policy change regarding
        "Subscriber Acquisition and Retention Costs"

                               Cellcom Israel Ltd.

                            (An Israeli Corporation)

    Reconciliation for Non-GAAP Measures


    The following is a reconciliation of net income to EBITDA:

                                   Three-month period ended
                                           September 30,               31,


                                            into US
                                 2009                     2008        2008
                                  NIS                      NIS         NIS
                               millions  US$ millions   millions    millions

    Net income.................... 289            77         242         989
    Income taxes................... 57            15          93         391
    Financing income............. (29)           (8)        (14)        (83)
    Financing expenses............ 151            40         123         393
    Other expenses (income)........  -             -           2        (29)
    Depreciation and amortization  187            50         207         821
    EBITDA........................ 655           174         653       2,482

    Free cash flow

    The following table shows the calculation of free cash flow:

                                  Three-month period ended
                                          September 30,                31,


                                            into US
                                  2009                     2008        2008
                                   NIS                      NIS         NIS
                                millions  US$ millions   millions    millions

    Cash flows from operating
    activities.................... 589           157         616       1,763
    Cash flows from investing
    activities.................. (259)          (69)       (136)       (546)
    short-term Investment in
    marketable debentures......... 124            33           -           -
    Free cash flow................ 454           121         480       1,217

[1] Please see "Use of Non-GAAP financial measures" section at the end of this press release.

[2] Following the change in accounting policy in the second quarter of 2009 regarding recognition of certain subscriber acquisition and retention costs for capitalization, comparison data for third quarter 2008 was changed to reflect the retrospective application of that change.

[3] After elimination of a one-time provision in the amount of NIS 15 million. Without elimination of this one-time provision, EBITDA increased 0.3% and totaled NIS 655 million and EBITDA margin totaled 39.1%. See "Cost of revenues" section in this press release.

[4] Net income includes a one-time provision in the amount of NIS 11 million (after tax) and a one-time tax income in the amount of NIS 41 million. After elimination of these one-time effects, net income increased 7%. See "Cost of revenues" and "Income tax" sections in this press release.

[5] Following the change in accounting policy in the second quarter of 2009 regarding recognition of certain subscriber acquisition and retention costs for capitalization, comparison data for third quarter 2008 was changed to reflect the retrospective application of that change.

    Company Contact
    Yaacov Heen
    Chief Financial Officer
    Tel: +972-52-998-9755

    Investor Relations Contact
    Ehud Helft / Ed Job
    CCGK Investor Relations
    ehud@gkir.com / ed.job@ccgir.com
    Tel: (US) +1-866-704-6710 / +1-646-213-1914

SOURCE Cellcom Israel Ltd.

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