Penn West Announces its Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter and Year Ended December 31, 2013 and 2013 Reserve Results

CALGARY, Alberta, March 7, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --

PENN WEST PETROLEUM LTD. (TSX - PWT) (NYSE - PWE)("PENN WEST" or the "COMPANY") is pleased to announce its results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2013. All figures are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.


                              Three months ended December 31        Year ended December 31
                                                           %                             %
                                   2013          2012 change        2013       2012 change
    (millions, except
    per share amounts)
    Gross revenues
    [(1],[2)]                 $     613     $     799   (23)   $   2,835  $   3,283   (14)
    Funds flow [(2)]                216           295   (27)       1,054      1,248   (16)
           Basic per
           share [(2)]             0.44          0.62   (29)        2.17       2.62   (17)
           Diluted per
           share [(2)]             0.44          0.62   (29)        2.17       2.62   (17)
    Net income (loss)             (728)          (78)  (100)       (838)        149  (100)
           Basic per
           share                 (1.49)        (0.16)  (100)      (1.72)       0.31  (100)
           Diluted per
           share                 (1.49)        (0.16)  (100)      (1.72)       0.31  (100)
    Development capital
    expenditures [(3)]              208           348   (40)         816      1,752   (53)
    Long-term debt at
    period-end                $   2,458     $   2,690    (9)   $   2,458  $   2,690    (9)

    Dividends paid [(4)]      $      68     $     129   (47)   $     458  $     512   (11)
    DRIP                           (14)          (31)   (55)        (95)      (117)   (19)
    Dividends paid in
    cash                      $      54     $      98   (45)   $     363  $     395    (8)

    Daily production
           Light oil and
           NGL (bbls/d)          64,056        82,224   (22)      69,587     86,783   (20)
           Heavy oil
           (bbls/d)              14,601        16,847   (13)      15,511     17,361   (11)
           Natural gas
           (mmcf/d)                 272           329   (17)         300        342   (12)
    Total production
    (boe/d) [(5)]               123,995       153,931   (19)     135,093    161,195   (16)
    Average sales price
           Light oil and
           NGL (per bbl)      $   77.43     $   75.91      2   $   83.25  $   77.16      8
           Heavy oil (per
           bbl)                   58.66         59.85    (2)       65.12      63.67      2
           Natural gas
           (per mcf)          $    3.53     $    3.28      8   $    3.31  $    2.45     35
    Netback per boe
           Sales price        $   54.65     $   54.10      1   $   57.71  $   53.60      8
           gain                    0.62          0.51     22        0.16       0.81   (80)
           Net sales
           price                  55.27         54.61      1       57.87      54.41      6
           Royalties            (10.13)       (10.10)      -     (10.29)    (10.07)      2
           expenses             (17.86)       (17.16)      4     (17.30)    (17.26)      -
           Transportation        (0.62)        (0.51)     22      (0.59)     (0.50)     18
           Netback [(2)]      $   26.66     $   26.84    (1)   $   29.69  $   26.58     12

    (1) Gross revenues include realized gains and losses on commodity
        The terms "gross revenues", "funds flow", "funds flow per
        share-basic", "funds flow per share-diluted" and "netback" are
        non-GAAP measures. Please refer to the "Calculation of Funds Flow" and
    (2) "Non-GAAP Measures Advisory" sections below.
    (3) Includes the effect of capital carried by partners.
        Includes dividends paid prior to amounts reinvested in shares under
    (4) the dividend reinvestment plan.
        Please refer to the "Oil and Gas Information Advisory" section below
    (5) for information regarding the term "boe".


Four months ago, we began discussing a new vision for Penn West. We promised focus on the Company's industry leading light-oil positions in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin; application of best-in-class operating practices; relentless cost control; and to de-lever the balance sheet to deliver shareholder value. We are pleased to say we are on plan.

We have instilled a value-first culture at Penn West in which we challenge the cost/benefit of every activity we engage in and question the profitability of every barrel we produce. We are ahead of our asset disposition plans to date, achieving better than planned realizations from a net operating income multiple perspective, and our organization is 35 percent smaller than the beginning of 2013. Our capital efficiency improvements continue as we realize game changing capital cost reductions across our key plays.

Our 2013 development capital totaled $816 million compared to a $900 million budget with more activity completed than planned. We are already at or within reach of our per well capital cost targets outlined in our long-term plan and will continue to drive efficiencies to further enhance returns and extend the economic longevity of our plays. These improvements were also a component of our strong finding and development ("F&D") cost performance in 2013. Inclusive of the change in future development costs, our proved plus probable F&D costs were $9.47 per boe [(1)] in 2013 with 76 percent of additions comprising oil and natural gas liquids. This compares to $25.50 per boe in 2012, a 63 percent improvement to an important capital investment indicator. Excluding the change in future development costs, the proved plus probable F&D cost was $17.17 per boe and is in line with our operated development capital cost target of $15 - $20 per boe in our long-term plan.

Another cornerstone of our business plan is to operate in a continuous and deliberate manner to drive cost efficiencies and predictable production performance. Our teams are already operating under these principles with the expectation that our production profile will shift as the effects of the front-end loaded programs of the past dissipate. In the Cardium, we have been running ahead of cost, time and performance expectations - including best-in-play drilling performance - and anticipate being able to advance drilling activities above our stated business plan in 2014 and future years within the planned capital allocations. With the testing of drilling and completion techniques to significantly reduce costs in the Slave Point and industry leading cost and well performance in the Viking, our organizational energy is being fueled by success. Waterflood programs across these assets, pivotal to sustainable performance, are proceeding as planned.

To date in 2014, we have benefited from stronger than planned commodity prices and a favorable currency climate; however, we remain conservative in our commodity outlook for the remainder of the year. Operating excellence and investment discipline will continue to be key organic levers while we progress through phase two of our asset divestiture strategy and deliver a laser focused portfolio and improve our balance sheet.


  • Non-core asset dispositions totalling approximately $486 million with associated production of 10,800 boe per day were closed in the fourth quarter of 2013. Asset dispositions in 2013 resulted in an approximate $90 million reduction to our decommissioning liability.
  • As a result of our focus on cost reductions, our recycle ratio [(2)], on a proved plus probable basis and including the change in future development costs ("FDC"), improved to 3.1 in 2013 compared to 1.0 in 2012.
  • Development capital was $208 million for the fourth quarter of 2013 and $816 million for 2013. For 2013, our development capital came in below our budget of $900 million primarily due to the cost reductions we realized across our plays.
  • Further operational improvements were experienced during the fourth quarter with continued reduction in drilling and completion costs and cycle times, notably in the Lodgepole and Crimson Lake areas of the Cardium and the Dodsland area of the Viking.
    (1) For detailed calculations and disclaimers, see "Finding and
        Development costs" below.
    (2) Recycle ratio is a non-GAAP measure. Please refer to our "Non-GAAP
        Measures Advisory" section below.


  • Proved plus probable finding and development cost ("F&D") including the change in FDC for 2013 was $9.47 per boe (2012 - $25.50 per boe). The improvement includes the effects of reductions in FDC due to significant declines in our drilling and completion costs and removal of certain capital costs associated with properties no longer carrying reserves, and technical revisions to our current reserve base.
  • Excluding the impact of dispositions, our reserve replacement ratio [(1)] was 97 percent in 2013.
  • Total working interest (gross) proved plus probable reserves were 625 mmboe at December 31, 2013 (2012 - 676 mmboe), weighted approximately 70 percent to liquids (2012 - 71 percent), and including the effect of 50 mmboe of oil weighted asset dispositions completed in 2013.
  • Proved plus probable net present value discounted at 10 percent (before income taxes) remained relatively consistent year-over-year with December 31, 2013 at $8.9 billion (2012 - $9.1 billion) which included a reduction of approximately $450 million related to asset dispositions completed in 2013.
  • Reserve additions for 2013 were weighted 76 percent to oil, excluding technical revisions.
  • During 2013, we completed or updated contingent resource studies covering our interests in the Cardium, Viking, Slave Point and Swan Hills areas substantiating our appraisal activities and confirming significant recoverable oil resources in these areas.


  • Funds flow for the fourth quarter of 2013 was $216 million ($0.44 per share - basic), a decrease from $293 million ($0.60 per share - basic) in the third quarter of 2013, mainly due to lower crude oil prices and lower production volumes as a result of asset dispositions in the fourth quarter of 2013.
  • For the fourth quarter of 2013, we recorded a net loss of $728 million ($1.49 per share - basic). The net loss was primarily due to non-cash PP&E impairment charges and unrealized foreign exchange losses on the translation of our US denominated senior, unsecured notes.
  • Disposition proceeds received during 2013 were applied to our credit facilities with a net reduction in long-term debt of $356 million during the year, prior to foreign currency translations.


  • During the fourth quarter of 2013, we recorded non-cash impairment charges of $742 million related to PP&E. These impairment charges were the result of limited planned development capital in certain non-core natural gas assets and lower estimated reserve recoveries at our Manitoba properties. Our five-year plan is focused on the integrated development of our large light-oil areas in the Cardium, Slave Point and Viking.


On March 6, 2014, our Board of Directors declared a first quarter 2014 dividend of $0.14 per share to be paid on April 15, 2014 to shareholders of record at the close of business on March 31, 2014. Shareholders are advised that this dividend is designated as an "eligible dividend" for Canadian income tax purposes.

    (1)  Reserve replacement ratio is calculated by dividing reserve additions
         by production on a proved plus probable basis.



During 2013, significant cost reductions and cycle time improvements were realized with a continued focus on further reductions as we move through 2014. Compared to 2012, drilling and completion ("D&C") costs decreased by approximately 35 - 40 percent, notably in the Lodgepole and Crimson Lake areas. In the fourth quarter of 2013, development activities were concentrated in these two areas and we maintained momentum as we moved into the first quarter of 2014 with a four-rig program. Also in the fourth quarter, horizontal waterflood development began in the Willesden Green area with the initiation of one pilot project and the construction of another which began water injection in early 2014.

For 2014, we have allocated $270 million of development capital to the Cardium with further expansion of our planned EOR pilot work along with a focused development drilling program (67 net wells) as we continue to methodically increase our activity in the area, consistent with our five-year plan.


During 2013, we became an industry leader in the area due to significant D&C cost reductions and superior well performance. These cost savings were experienced in a short time frame with average D&C costs per well during the first half of the year of $1.2 million compared to approximately $850,000 per well in the second half; close to a 30 percent reduction. The results from our development programs, primarily in the Dodsland area, consistently exceeded both our own and competitors' type curves. We plan to continue to build on these successes in 2014, with $150 million budgeted for the area (104 net wells) as we leverage our existing infrastructure and complete a down-spaced development program. In 2014, we have plans to initiate the first and second phases of a waterflood pilot in the Avon Hills area with the third phase beginning in 2015.

Slave Point

In the Slave Point, our fourth quarter activities were focused on a selective drilling program in the Red Earth area and the initiation of a waterflood pilot in the Otter area. For 2014 we allocated $145 million to the Slave Point with a focus on completing a low-risk development drilling program in Sawn, Otter and Red Earth (21 net wells), continued expansion of the Otter waterflood pilot and the initiation of a waterflood pilot in Sawn.


On January 21, 2014 we announced a non-core asset disposition for expected proceeds of $175 million, expected to close in mid-March 2014. The assets to be disposed are primarily located in the central and southwestern parts of Alberta with associated production of approximately 6,700 boe per day weighted 58 percent to natural gas and 1,800 currently producing or suspended wellbores.


                                 Three months ended            Year ended
                                        December 31           December 31
                                    2013       2012       2013       2012
                               Gross Net Gross  Net  Gross Net Gross  Net
    Oil                           67  53    55   31    274 201   349  263
    Natural gas                    3   2     -    -      6   4    23   19
    Dry                            1   1     -    -      1   1     -    -
                                  71  56    55   31    281 206   372  282
    Stratigraphic and service      5   1     9    1     41  18    72   32
    Total                         76  57    64   32    322 224   444  314
    Success rate [(1)]               98%       100%        99%       100%

    (1) Success rate is calculated excluding stratigraphic and service wells.


                                        Three months ended           Year ended
    (millions)                                 December 31          December 31
                                           2013       2012      2013       2012
    Land acquisition and retention      $     -  $       1   $     4  $      37
    Drilling and completions                118        160       543      1,148
    Facilities and well equipping           102        205       332        675
    Geological and geophysical                1          3        10         13
    Corporate                                 3          3        10         16
    Capital carried by partners            (16)       (24)      (83)      (137)
    Development capital
    expenditures [(1)]                      208        348       816      1,752
    Property acquisitions
    (dispositions), net                   (473)    (1,264)     (525)    (1,615)
    Total expenditures                  $ (265)  $   (916)   $   291  $     137

          Development capital includes costs related to Property, Plant and
    (1)         Equipment and Exploration and Evaluation activities.

In the fourth quarter of 2013, we increased our development activity levels in the Cardium and Viking areas by reallocating capital to these plays. Cost reductions realized during 2013 on drilling and completion activities enabled us to expand our program.


                                                             As at December 31
                              Producing                 Non-producing
                                              %                              %
                        2013     2012    change        2013     2012    change
    Gross acres
    (000s)             4,836    5,733      (16)       2,842    2,680         6
    Net acres (000s)   3,308    3,841      (14)       1,957    1,896         3
    Average working
    interest             68%      67%         1         69%      71%       (2)


                               Three months ended                   Year ended
                                      December 31                  December 31
    (millions of                                %                            %
    shares)               2013     2012    change      2013     2012    change
    Weighted average
           Basic         489.5    478.9         2     485.8    475.6         2
           Diluted       489.5    478.9         2     485.8    475.8         2
           as at
           December 31                                489.1    479.3         2


Our reserves continue to reflect a high percentage of oil and liquids at 70 percent (2012 - 71 percent) and proved reserves continue to reflect a high percentage of developed reserves. Of total proved reserves, 75 percent were developed at December 31, 2013 (2012 - 78 percent). At December 31, 2013, total proved reserves as a percentage of proved plus probable reserves were 67 percent (2012 - 66 percent). In 2013, all of our reserves were evaluated or audited by Sproule Associates Limited ("SAL"), an independent, qualified engineering firm. Approximately 25 percent of total proved plus probable reserves were internally evaluated and then audited by SAL.

The reserves estimates have been calculated in compliance with National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101"). Under NI 51-101, proved reserves estimates are defined as having a high degree of certainty to be recoverable with a targeted 90 percent probability in aggregate that actual reserves recovered over time will equal or exceed proved reserve estimates. For proved plus probable reserves under NI 51-101, the targeted probability is an equal (50 percent) likelihood that the actual reserves to be recovered will be equal to or greater than the proved plus probable reserves estimate. The reserves estimates set forth below are estimates only and there is no guarantee that the estimated reserves will be recovered. Actual reserves may be greater than or less than the estimates provided herein.

a) Working Interest (Gross) Reserves using forecast prices and costs

     Penn West as
     December 31,
                                                                    Barrels of
                      Light &                          Natural Gas         Oil
    Reserve        Medium Oil  Heavy Oil  Natural Gas      Liquids  Equivalent
    [(1)(2)]          (mmbbl)    (mmbbl)        (bcf)      (mmbbl)     (mmboe)

    producing             141         38          585           22         299
    non-producing           5          -           30            1          11
    Undeveloped            72          4          142            7         106
    Total Proved          218         42          757           30         415
    Probable               96         40          366           13         209
    Total Proved
    plus Probable         314         82        1,123           42         625

          Working interest (gross) reserves are before royalty burdens and
    (1)                      exclude royalty interests.
    (2)                 Columns may not add due to rounding.

b) Net after Royalty Interest Reserves using forecast prices and costs

     Penn West as
     December 31,
                                                                    Barrels of
                      Light &                          Natural Gas         Oil
    Reserve        Medium Oil  Heavy Oil  Natural Gas      Liquids  Equivalent
       [(1)(2)]       (mmbbl)    (mmbbl)        (bcf)      (mmbbl)     (mmboe)

    producing             122         34          517           16         259
    non-producing           4          -           25            1           9
    Undeveloped            61          3          123            5          90
    Total Proved          187         38          664           22         358
    Probable               80         35          316            9         176
    Total Proved
    plus Probable         267         73          980           31         534

         Net after royalty reserves are working interest reserves including
    (1)           royalty interests and deducting royalty burdens.
    (2)                 Columns may not add due to rounding.

Additional reserve disclosures, as required under NI 51-101, will be contained in our Annual Information Form that will be filed on SEDAR at

c) Reconciliation of Working Interest (Gross) Reserves using forecast prices and costs

    Reconciliation         Light and Medium Oil              Heavy Oil
    Items [(1)]                   (mmbbl)                     (mmbbl)
                                             Proved                     Proved
                                               plus                       plus
                         Proved  Probable  probable   Proved Probable probable
    December 31, 2012       243       108       351       46       44       90
    Extensions                -         1         1        1        -        1
    Infill Drilling          14         7        21        2        -        2
    Improved Recovery         -         5         6        -        -        1
    Technical Revisions     (9)      (17)      (26)        4      (2)        2
    Acquisitions              -         -         -        -        -        -
    Dispositions           (11)       (8)      (19)      (7)      (3)      (9)
    Economic Factors          1         -         2        -        -        1
    Production             (22)         -      (22)      (6)        -      (6)
    December 31, 2013       218        96       314       41       40       82

    Reconciliation          Natural Gas Liquids             Natural Gas
    Items [(1)]                   (mmbbl)                      (bcf)
                                             Proved                     Proved
                                               plus                       plus
                         Proved  Probable  probable   Proved Probable probable
    December 31, 2012        27        11        38      773      413    1,186
    Extensions                -         -         -       13       28       41
    Infill Drilling           1         -         1       12        6       18
    Improved Recovery         -         -         -        -        2        2
    Technical Revisions       6         2         8      121      (8)      113
    Acquisitions              -         -         -        1        -        1
    Dispositions            (1)       (1)       (1)     (46)     (76)    (121)
    Economic Factors          -         -         -      (8)        1      (7)
    Production              (4)         -       (4)    (109)        -    (109)
    December 31, 2013        30        13        42      757      366    1,123

    Reconciliation       Barrels of Oil Equivalent
    Items [(1)]                   (mmboe)
                         Proved  Probable  probable
    December 31, 2012       445       231       676
    Extensions                3         5         9
    Infill Drilling          18         9        27
    Improved Recovery         1         6         7
    Technical Revisions      22      (19)         4
    Acquisitions              -         -         -
    Dispositions           (26)      (24)      (50)
    Economic Factors          -         -         1
    Production             (49)         -      (49)
    December 31, 2013       415       209       625

    (1) Columns may not add due to rounding.

Our focused drilling program during the year highlighted by the realization of significant drilling and completions cost reductions and the potential of our waterflood programs partially offset oil weighted dispositions that occurred primarily in the fourth quarter of 2013. The dispositions noted in our reserve numbers are primarily attributable to the dispositions we closed during the fourth quarter of 2013.

d) Net present value of future net revenue using forecast prices and costs (millions) at December 31,2013

                                            Net present value of future net revenue
                                                       before income taxes
                                                          (discounted @)
    Reserve Category [(1)]                 0%         5%        10%        15%        20%

            Developed producing      $  9,826   $  6,927   $  5,412   $  4,487    $  3,864
            Developed non-producing       279        202        156        127         107
            Undeveloped                 3,465      1,923      1,157        714         432
            Total proved             $ 13,570   $  9,052   $  6,726   $  5,329    $  4,403
    Probable                            7,991      3,785      2,153      1,353         899
    Total proved plus probable       $ 21,561   $ 12,836   $  8,879   $  6,682    $  5,302


    (1) Columns may not add due to rounding.

Net present values take into account wellbore abandonment liabilities and are based on the price assumptions that are contained in the following table. It should not be assumed that the estimated future net revenues represent fair market value of the reserves. There is no assurance that the forecast price and cost assumptions will be attained and variances could be material.

e) Summary of pricing and inflation rate assumptions using forecast prices and costs as of December 31, 2013


                          Edmonton    Canada     Cromer Natural                    Exchange
                    WTI        Par    Select        LSB     gas                        rate
               Cushing,         40      20.5         35    AECO Edmonton Inflation
                           degrees   degrees    degrees     gas               rate
               Oklahoma        API       API        API   price                       (US$
                                                         ($CAD/   ($CAD/            equals
    Year      ($US/bbl) ($CAD/bbl)($CAD/bbl) ($CAD/bbl)  MMbtu)     bbl)       (%)  $1 CAD)

    2009          61.60     66.32     58.66      63.86     4.20    38.30       0.3    0.88
    2010          79.42     78.02     67.21      76.57     4.17    44.36       1.8    0.97
    2011          94.83     95.15     77.09      89.68     3.68    50.17       3.0    1.01
    2012          94.15     86.70     73.08      84.42     2.44    47.20       1.5    1.00
    2013          97.98     93.24     74.20      91.59     3.13    38.62       0.8    0.97
    2014          94.65     92.64     77.81      90.64     4.00    45.78       1.5    0.94
    2015          88.37     89.31     75.02      87.31     3.99    44.14       1.5    0.94
    2016          84.25     89.63     75.29      87.63     4.00    44.30       1.5    0.94
    2017          95.52    101.62     85.36      99.62     4.93    50.22       1.5    0.94
    2018          96.96    103.14     86.64     101.14     5.01    50.98       1.5    0.94
    2019          98.41    104.69     87.94     102.69     5.09    51.74       1.5    0.94
    2020          99.89    106.26     89.26     104.26     5.18    52.52       1.5    0.94
    2021         101.38    107.86     90.60     105.86     5.26    53.30       1.5    0.94
    2022         102.91    109.47     91.96     107.47     5.35    54.10       1.5    0.94
    2023         104.45    111.12     93.34     109.12     5.43    54.92       1.5    0.94
    at             1.5%      1.5%      1.5%       1.5%     1.5%     1.5%         -       -

f) Finding and development costs ("F&D costs")

                                                               Year ended December 31
                                           2013        2012        2011       average

    F&D costs including FDC [(1)]
                    F&D costs per
                    boe - proved
                    plus probable       $  9.47     $ 25.50     $ 26.79       $ 22.49
                    F&D costs per
                    boe - proved        $ 16.51     $ 30.96     $ 37.05       $ 31.02

    F&D costs excluding FDC [(2)]
                    F&D costs per
                    boe - proved
                    plus probable       $ 17.17     $ 17.48     $ 15.07       $ 16.33
                    F&D costs per
                    boe - proved        $ 18.00     $ 26.69     $ 23.55       $ 23.31

    (1)  The calculation of F&D includes the change in FDC and excludes the
         effects of acquisitions and dispositions.
    (2)  The calculation of F&D excludes the change in FDC and excludes the
         effects of acquisitions and dispositions.

Capital expenditures for 2013 have been reduced by $83 million related to joint venture carried capital (2012 - $137 million). F&D costs are calculated in accordance with NI 51-101, which include the change in FDC, on a proved and proved plus probable basis. For comparative purposes we also disclose F&D costs excluding FDC.

The aggregate of the exploration and development costs incurred in the most recent financial year and the change during that year in estimated future development costs generally will not reflect total finding and development costs related to reserves additions for that year.

g) Future development costs using forecast prices and costs (millions)

                                                                 At December 31, 2013
                                      Proved Future              Proved plus Probable
    Year                          Development Costs          Future Development Costs
    2014                                $       704                    $          840
    2015                                        973                             1,533
    2016                                        419                               726
    2017                                         58                               149
    2018                                         35                                92
    2019 and subsequent                          60                               166
    Undiscounted total                  $     2,249                    $        3,506
    Discounted @ 10%/yr                 $     1,941                    $        2,958

                                                                 At December 31, 2012
    Undiscounted total                  $     2,563                    $        4,118
    Discounted @10%/yr                  $     2,175                    $        3,411


This outlook section is included to provide shareholders with information about our expectations as at March 6, 2014 for production and capital expenditures in 2014 and readers are cautioned that the information may not be appropriate for any other purpose. This information constitutes forward-looking information. Readers should note the assumptions, risks and discussion under "Forward-Looking Statements" and are cautioned that numerous factors could potentially impact our capital expenditure levels and production performance for 2014, including our non-core asset disposition program.

For 2014, our development capital expenditures budget is $900 million. Our forecast 2014 average production is 101,000 boe per day to 106,000 boe per day.

For the first quarter of 2014, our development capital budget is approximately $230 million.

There have been no changes to our guidance from our 2014 forecast average production outlined in our January 21, 2014 press release "Penn West Provides Fourth Quarter 2013 Operational Update and Announces Additional Non-Core Asset Dispositions for Expected Proceeds of Approximately $175 Million" and our 2014 development capital expenditures budget outlined in our November 6, 2013 press release "Penn West Announces its Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended September 30, 2013" released and filed on SEDAR at and on EDGAR at

Non-GAAP Measures Advisory

This news release includes non-GAAP measures not defined under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") including funds flow, funds flow per share-basic, funds flow per share-diluted, netback, gross revenues and recycle ratio. Non-GAAP measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Funds flow is cash flow from operating activities before changes in non-cash working capital and decommissioning expenditures. Funds flow is used to assess our ability to fund dividends and planned capital programs. See "Calculation of Funds Flow" below. Netback is a per-unit-of-production measure of operating margin used in capital allocation decisions, to economically rank projects and is the per unit of production amount of revenue less royalties, operating costs, transportation and realized risk management gains and losses. Gross revenue is total revenues including realized risk management gains and losses and is used to assess the cash realizations on commodity sales. Recycle ratio is a comparison of our netback to our finding and development costs and is used to assess the cost of finding reserves compared to the cash received.

Calculation of Funds Flow

                                               Three months ended               Year ended
    (millions, except per share amounts)              December 31              December 31
                                               2013          2012       2013          2012
    Cash flow from operating activities     $   329       $   441    $ 1,039       $ 1,193
    Change in non-cash working capital        (129)         (178)       (51)          (37)
    Decommissioning expenditures                 16            32         66            92
    Funds flow                              $   216       $   295    $ 1,054       $ 1,248

    Basic per share                         $  0.44       $  0.62    $  2.17       $  2.62
    Diluted per share                       $  0.44       $  0.62    $  2.17       $  2.62

Oil and Gas Information Advisory

Barrels of oil equivalent ("boe") may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A boe conversion ratio of six thousand cubic feet of natural gas to one barrel of crude oil is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. Given that the value ratio based on the current price of crude oil as compared to natural gas is significantly different from the energy equivalency conversion ratio of 6:1, utilizing a conversion on a 6:1 basis is misleading as an indication of value.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this document constitute forward-looking statements or information (collectively "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of the "safe harbour" provisions of applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "expect", "forecast", "budget", "may", "will", "project", "could", "plan", "intend", "should", "believe", "outlook", "objective", "aim", "potential", "target" and similar words suggesting future events or future performance. In addition, statements relating to "reserves" or "resources" are deemed to be forward-looking statements as they involve the implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions, that the reserves and resources described exist in the quantities predicted or estimated and can be profitably produced in the future. In particular, this document contains forward-looking statements pertaining to, without limitation, the following: under "President's Message" - our intention to focus on our industry leading light-oil positions in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, the application of best-in-class operating practices, relentless cost control and to de-lever the balance sheet to deliver shareholder value; our belief that our capital efficiency improvements will continue as we realize game changing capital cost reductions across our key plays; our intention to continue to drive efficiencies to further enhance returns and extend the economic longevity of our plays; our operated development capital cost targets in our long-term plan; our intention to operate in a continuous and deliberate manner to drive cost efficiencies and predictable production performance; our expectation that our production profile will shift as the effects of the front-end loaded programs of the past dissipate; our expectation that we will be able to advance drilling activities in the Cardium above our stated business plan in 2014 and future years within the planned capital allocations; our intention that operating excellence and investment discipline will continue to be key organic levers while we progress through phase two of our asset divestiture strategy and deliver a laser focused portfolio and improve our balance sheet; under "Dividends" - the details of our first quarter 2014 dividend payment; under "Play Updates" - the details of our exploration and development programs in 2014 and beyond on our Cardium, Viking and Slave Point plays, including the amount of capital budgeted for each play in 2014, the number of net wells we plan to drill on each play in 2014, the EOR and waterflood projects we intend to undertake, our continued focus on further cost reductions and cycle time improvements, and our plans for down-spacing; under "Disposition Update" - the details of our pending non-core asset disposition; under "Reserves Data" - the estimated future development costs of our reserves; and under "Outlook" - our forecast 2014 annual and first quarter development capital expenditures budget and forecast 2014 average daily production.

With respect to forward-looking statements contained in this document, we have made assumptions regarding, among other things: the terms and timing of asset sales completed under our ongoing program to sell between $1.5 billion and $2.0 billion of non-core assets, including the asset sale anticipated to close in the first quarter of 2014; our ability to execute or long-term plan as described herein and the impact that the successful execution of such plan will have on our Company and our shareholders; the economic returns anticipated from expenditures on our assets; future crude oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas prices and differentials between light, medium and heavy oil prices and Canadian, WTI and world oil and natural gas prices; future capital expenditure levels; future crude oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas production levels; drilling results; future exchange rates and interest rates; the amount of future cash dividends that we intend to pay and the level of participation in our dividend reinvestment plan; our ability to execute our capital programs as planned without significant adverse impacts from various factors beyond our control, including weather, infrastructure access and delays in obtaining regulatory approvals and third party consents; our ability to obtain equipment in a timely manner to carry out development activities and the costs thereof; our ability to market our oil and natural gas successfully to current and new customers; our ability to obtain financing on acceptable terms, including our ability to renew or replace our credit facility and our ability to finance the repayment of our senior unsecured notes on maturity; and our ability to add production and reserves through our development and exploitation activities. In addition, many of the forward-looking statements contained in this document are located proximate to assumptions that are specific to those forward-looking statements, and such assumptions should be taken into account when reading such forward-looking statements: see in particular the assumptions identified under the heading "Outlook".

Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements contained in this document, and the assumptions on which such forward-looking statements are made, are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements included in this document, as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which the forward-looking statements are based will occur. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions, known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other forward-looking statements will not occur, which may cause our actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any estimates or projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things: the possibility that we are unable to execute some or all of our ongoing non-core asset disposition program on favourable terms or at all, including the disposition discussed herein that is scheduled to close in the first quarter of 2014, whether due to the failure to receive requisite regulatory approvals or satisfy applicable closing conditions or for other reasons that we cannot anticipate; the possibility that we will not be able to successfully execute our long-term plan in part or in full, and the possibility that some or all of the benefits that we anticipate will accrue to our Company and our securityholders as a result of the successful execution of such plan do not materialize; the impact of weather conditions on seasonal demand; the impact of weather conditions on our ability to execute capital programs; the risk that we will be unable to execute our capital programs as planned without significant adverse impacts from various factors beyond our control, including weather, infrastructure access and delays in obtaining regulatory approvals and third party consents; risks inherent in oil and natural gas operations; uncertainties associated with estimating reserves and resources; competition for, among other things, capital, acquisitions of reserves, resources, undeveloped lands and skilled personnel; incorrect assessments of the value of acquisitions; geological, technical, drilling and processing problems; general economic and political conditions in Canada, the U.S. and globally; industry conditions, including fluctuations in the price of oil and natural gas, price differentials for crude oil and natural gas produced in Canada as compared to other markets, and transportation restrictions, including pipeline and railway capacity constraints; royalties payable in respect of our oil and natural gas production and changes to government royalty frameworks; changes in government regulation of the oil and natural gas industry, including environmental regulation; fluctuations in foreign exchange or interest rates; unanticipated operating events or environmental events that can reduce production or cause production to be shut-in or delayed, including extreme cold during winter months, wild fires and flooding; failure to obtain regulatory, industry partner and other third-party consents and approvals when required, including for acquisitions, dispositions and mergers; failure to realize the anticipated benefits of dispositions, acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships, including those discussed herein; changes in tax and other laws that affect us and our securityholders; the potential failure of counterparties to honour their contractual obligations; stock market volatility and market valuations; OPEC's ability to control production and balance global supply and demand of crude oil at desired price levels; political uncertainty, including the risks of hostilities, in the petroleum producing regions of the world; and the other factors described in our public filings (including our Annual Information Form) available in Canada at and in the United States at Readers are cautioned that this list of risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive.

                             Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                             As at December 31
    (CAD millions, unaudited)                                2013         2012

                      Accounts receivable               $     263     $    364
                      Other                                    57           79
                      Deferred funding assets                 139          187
                      Risk management                           2           76
                                                              461          706
                      Deferred funding assets                 184          238
                      Exploration and evaluation
                      assets                                  645          609
                      Property, plant and equipment         9,392       10,892
                      Goodwill                              1,912        1,966
                      Risk management                          50           26
                                                           12,183       13,731
    Total assets                                        $  12,644     $ 14,437

    Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
                      Accounts payable and accrued
                      liabilities                       $     654     $    764
                      Dividends payable                        68          129
                      Current portion of long-term
                      debt                                     64            5
                      Risk management                          24            9
                                                              810          907
                      Long-term debt                        2,394        2,685
                      Decommissioning liability               603          635
                      Risk management                          16           35
                      Deferred tax liability                1,102        1,350
                      Other non-current liabilities             9            5
                                                            4,934        5,617
    Shareholders' equity
                      Shareholders' capital                 9,124        8,985
                      Other reserves                           80           97
                      Deficit                             (1,494)        (262)
                                                            7,710        8,820
    Total liabilities and shareholders' equity          $  12,644     $ 14,437

                                                Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
                                        Consolidated Statements of Income (Loss)

                                             Three months ended                 Year ended
                                                    December 31                December 31
    (CAD millions, except
    per share amounts, unaudited)             2013         2012         2013          2012

               Oil and natural gas sales   $   606      $   791     $  2,827       $ 3,235
               Royalties                     (115)        (144)        (507)         (595)
                                               491          647        2,320         2,640

               Risk management gain (loss)
               Realized                          7            8            8            48
               Unrealized                     (13)           10         (94)           156
                                               485          665        2,234         2,844

               Operating                       204          243          853         1,019
               Transportation                    7            7           29            29
               General and administrative       34           46          160           172
               Restructuring                     -           13           38            13
               Share-based compensation          2         (12)           32          (10)
               Depletion, depreciation and
               impairment                      980          598        1,792         1,525
               Impairment of goodwill           48            -           48             -
               Loss (gain) on dispositions      19        (254)           14         (359)
               Exploration and evaluation       44           15           44            17
               Unrealized risk management
               loss (gain)                    (21)            6         (48)             5
               Unrealized foreign exchange
               loss (gain)                      63           22          126          (32)
               Financing                        45           52          184           199
               Accretion                        10           22           43            54
                                             1,435          758        3,315         2,632
    Income (loss) before taxes               (950)         (93)      (1,081)           212

               Deferred tax expense
               (recovery)                    (222)         (15)        (243)            63

    Net and comprehensive income (loss)    $ (728)      $  (78)     $  (838)       $   149

    Net income (loss) per share
                      Basic                $(1.49)      $(0.16)      $(1.72)       $  0.31
                      Diluted              $(1.49)      $(0.16)      $(1.72)       $  0.31
    Weighted average shares outstanding
                      Basic                  489.5        478.9        485.8         475.6
                      Diluted                489.5        478.9        485.8         475.8

                                        Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
                                 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                      Three months ended                  Year ended
                                             December 31                 December 31
    (CAD millions,
    unaudited)                    2013              2012        2013            2012

    Operating activities
          Net income
          (loss)               $ (728)         $    (78)     $ (838)       $     149
          and impairment           980               598       1,792           1,525
          Impairment of
          goodwill                  48                 -          48               -
          Loss (gain) on
          dispositions              19             (254)          14           (359)
          Exploration and
          evaluation                44                15          44              17
          Accretion                 10                22          43              54
          Deferred tax
          (recovery)             (215)              (15)       (236)              63
          compensation               3              (11)          15            (18)
          Unrealized risk
          management loss
          (gain)                   (8)               (4)          46           (151)
          exchange loss
          (gain)                    63                22         126            (32)
          expenditures            (16)              (32)        (66)            (92)
          Change in
          working capital          129               178          51              37
                                   329               441       1,039           1,193
    Investing activities
          expenditures           (208)             (348)       (816)         (1,752)
          net                      473             1,264         525           1,615
          Change in
          working capital           61                 8        (44)           (168)
                                   326               924       (335)           (305)
    Financing activities
          Decrease in
          long-term debt         (608)           (1,267)       (356)           (496)
          Issue of equity            4                 -          12               3
          Dividends paid          (51)              (98)       (360)           (395)
                                 (655)           (1,365)       (704)           (888)

    Change in cash                   -                 -           -               -
    Cash, beginning of
    period                           -                 -           -               -
    Cash, end of period        $     -         $       -     $     -       $       -

                                Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
                    Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

    (CAD millions,
                         Shareholders'       Other
                               Capital    Reserves         Deficit       Total

    Balance at
    January 1, 2013          $   8,985      $   97       $   (262)     $ 8,820
    Net and
    loss                             -           -           (838)       (838)
    compensation                     -          15               -          15
    Issued on
    exercise of
    options and
    share rights                    44        (32)               -          12
    Issued to
    plan                            95           -               -          95
    declared                         -           -           (394)       (394)
    Balance at
    December 31,
    2013                     $   9,124      $   80       $ (1,494)     $ 7,710

    (CAD millions,
                         Shareholders'       Other        Earnings
                               Capital    Reserves       (Deficit)       Total

    Balance at
    January 1, 2012          $   8,840      $   95       $     103     $ 9,038
    Net and
    income                           -           -             149         149
    compensation                     -          27               -          27
    Issued on
    exercise of
    options and
    share rights                    28        (25)               -           3
    Issued to
    plan                           117           -               -         117
    declared                         -           -           (514)       (514)
    Balance at
    December 31,
    2012                     $   8,985      $   97       $   (262)     $ 8,820

Investor Information

Penn West shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol PWT and on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol PWE.

A conference call and webcast presentation will be held to discuss the matters noted above at 9:00am Mountain Time (11:00am Eastern Time) on Friday, March 7, 2014. The duration of the conference call is expected to be approximately 30 minutes.

To listen to the conference call, please call 647-427-7450 or 1-888-231-8191 (toll-free). This call will be broadcast live on the Internet and may be accessed directly at the following URL:

A digital recording will be available for replay two hours after the call's completion, and will remain available until March 21, 2014 21:59 Mountain Time (23:59 Eastern Time). To listen to the replay, please dial 416-849-0833 or 1-855-859-2056 (toll-free) and enter Conference ID 2959082, followed by the pound (#) key.

We expect to file our annual Management's Discussion and Analysis and audited annual consolidated financial statements on SEDAR and EDGAR shortly.

SOURCE: Penn West

For further information:

Penn West Plaza
Suite 200, 207 - 9th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 1K3

Phone: +1-403-777-2500
Fax: +1-403-777-2699
Toll Free: 1-866-693-2707

Investor Relations:
Toll Free: 1-888-770-2633

Clayton Paradis, Manager, Investor Relations
Phone: +1-403-539-6343


SOURCE Penn West

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