Aegon Maintains Solid Capital Ratio Despite Volatile Markets in Q2 2016

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands, August 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

Underlying earnings impacted by adverse claims experience; net loss driven by UK annuity book divestment 

  • Underlying earnings amount to EUR 435 million; higher earnings from Europe more than offset by the Americas mainly due to adverse claims experience, low interest rates and lower variable annuity earnings
  • Fair value items loss of EUR 378 million, mostly driven by the impact of low interest rates on hedging programs
  • Net loss of EUR 385 million due to book loss on divestment of UK annuity book and fair value items
  • Return on equity of 6.8%

Continued strong sales from deposit businesses; decline in life sales reflects continued focus on profitability 

  • Gross deposits at high level of EUR 23 billion driven by US retirement plans, asset management and savings deposits in the Netherlands; net deposits, excluding run-off businesses, of EUR 1.2 billion
  • New life sales decline 11% to EUR 244 million as a result of focus on profitability
  • Accident & health and general insurance sales down 9% to EUR 226 million, mainly from lower production in US
  • Market consistent value of new business decreases to EUR 100 million due to lower life sales and interest rates

Capital position remains solid as a result of management actions; interim dividend increased by 8% 

  • Solvency II ratio increased to an estimated 158%, as capital generation and management actions, including UK annuity book divestment, offset adverse market impacts
  • Capital generation of EUR 0.9 billion; EUR 0.3 billion excluding market impacts and one-time items
  • Holding excess capital up to EUR 1.1 billion as net dividends received from the units more than offset capital return to shareholders and holding expenses
  • Gross leverage ratio increases to 29.6% driven by capital return to shareholders and net loss
  • Interim dividend increases 8% to EUR 0.13 per share; intention to neutralize dilutive effect of stock dividend

Statement of Alex Wynaendts, CEO 

"While I am pleased with the development of our capital position, our second quarter results did not meet our expectations. Earnings were affected by exceptionally low interest rates, adverse claims experience in our life and health businesses in the US, and the book loss from the divestment of our UK annuity portfolio. We are implementing further measures to improve earnings going forward - including accelerating our ambitious expense savings program currently under way across our company. 

"Management actions during the second quarter resulted in an improvement to Aegon's capital position. These led to a substantial benefit in the Netherlands and included divesting our annuity portfolio in the UK, which was clearly in the best strategic and financial interests of our company. 

"We are pleased by the strong gross deposits, an indication that we are successfully repositioning our businesses and providing attractive solutions to an expanding customer base. Moreover, the acquisition of BlackRock's Defined Contribution platform and today's announcement of the acquisition of Cofunds positions our UK business as the leader in the fast growing digital platform market. 

"Reflecting the continued strength of our balance sheet and our commitment to provide attractive returns to our shareholders, we are announcing an increase in our interim dividend to 13 cents per share."

    Key performance indicators
    EUR millions                                                        YTD     YTD
    [11b],[ 11c]           Notes Q2 2016 Q1 2016     % Q2 2015     %   2016    2015    %

    Underlying earnings
    before tax                 1     435     462   (6)     505  (14)    897     937  (4)

    Net income / (loss)             (385)    143    -      319    -    (242)    608    -

    Sales                      2   2,765   3,560  (22)   2,335   18   6,324   4,960   27

    Market consistent
    value of new business      3     100     133  (25)     183  (46)    232     323  (28)

    Return on equity           4    6.8%    7.3%   (7)    7.6%  (10)   7.1%    6.9%    2

Strategic highlights

  • Aegon divests remaining part of own UK annuity portfolio to Legal & General 
  • Aegon finalizes sale of certain assets of Transamerica Financial Advisors 
  • Aegon first to receive license to launch General Pension Fund in the Netherlands 
  • Kames achieves highest rating in UN Principles for Responsible Investment Survey 
  • Transamerica earns award for being a top business technology innovator 

Aegon's ambition
Aegon's ambition is to be a trusted partner for financial solutions at every stage of life, and to be recognized by its customers, business partners and society as a company that puts the interests of its customers first in everything it does. In addition, Aegon wants to be regarded by its employees as an employer of choice, engaging and enabling them to succeed. This ambition is supported by four strategic objectives embedded in all Aegon businesses: Optimized portfolio, Operational excellence, Customer loyalty, and Empowered employees.

Five part plan announced to improve returns in the Americas 

Recent financial performance and deterioration in the macro environment, with interest rates falling to new lows have intensified headwinds. Therefore, despite the significant changes already underway, more must be done to cut costs and improve results. Aegon is committed to increasing return on equity and announces a five part plan for improved returns in the Americas.

1. Remediation of deterioration of profitability in life & health businesses 

Aegon has taken decisive action to address the poor financial performance of the Life & Health businesses, and management will continue to identify further measures to improve returns:

  • Implementing increases on monthly deduction rates on three sizable blocks of Universal Life (UL) insurance.  
  • Diligently working with regulators to secure rate increases on its Long Term Care business.

These actions are expected to improve results starting 2016. In addition to steps already underway to improve the results of our UL and LTC blocks, Aegon is accelerating the assessment of additional blocks in order to identify further opportunities to improve returns.  

2. Focused and disciplined expense management implementation 

Aegon is committed to reducing operating expenses in the Americas by USD 150 million by 2018, and has a number of initiatives already underway and planned for 2017 and beyond. Overall, total headcount for Transamerica has declined by 650 since the end of the first quarter. Other examples include the One Recordkeeping system for retirement plans and the integration of the acquired Mercer business, and a move to digitized transactions and rationalization of printing. However, some projects may take longer to implement. To offset any delay in realized savings, further measures are being identified.

3. Rationalized location strategy in light of One Transamerica restructure 

To better capture the intended benefits of the One Transamerica strategy, further promote operational excellence and fulfill the commitment to cost savings and simplification, the company's geographic footprint in the US is under evaluation. It is also the goal to utilize innovative technology solutions to ensure collaboration in a cost-effective manner.

4. Strategic overhaul of business lines and product offerings 

The product management group is conducting a rigorous review of the product portfolio in the United States to test for financial performance and risk characteristics, as well as fit within the customer centric strategic vision. The objective is to pivot from making many products available across multiple channels to a more focused and simpler to administer approach that will support cost efficiency and operational excellence while still meeting the needs of the customer with a competitive platform. This will span a multi-year period, but will result in a product set that transforms Transamerica into a higher-returning company that is more innovative, competitive, and responsive to market and customer needs.

5. Disposition of non-core assets 

Aegon has taken numerous actions in order to optimize the business portfolio in the US. This is demonstrated by the divestitures of Transamerica Canada, Clark Consulting, Inc. and certain assets of Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. in the last 18 months. Multiple other closed blocks are being assessed to determine if a transaction would transfer risk and release capital. Aegon is also exploring the sale of non-core legal entities that would bring greater simplification and enhance returns.

Aegon has implemented an aggressive plan in the US to enhance earnings, increase returns, and manage costs. This diligent plan will further "right-size" the organization given the market realities of its core businesses. The One Transamerica restructure was the first - and critical - step to transform the company into a more nimble competitor. By aligning meaningful expense management and surgical product and business portfolio management with a streamlined operating model, the tactical plan to deliver on the strategic vision is well under way. An in-depth update of the five part plan will be provided at Aegon's Analysts & Investor Conference on December 8, 2016 in New York.

Optimized portfolio 

On May 23, Aegon announced the divestment of the remainder of its own UK annuity portfolio to Legal & General. Aegon initially reinsured GBP 3 billion of liabilities to Legal & General, which will be followed by a Part VII transfer. This transaction follows the previously announced divestment of GBP 6 billion of its UK annuity portfolio to Rothesay Life. Aegon now has approximately GBP 1 billion annuity liabilities remaining through an inward reinsurance transaction. By selling its own UK annuity portfolio, Aegon will be able to fully focus on its fast-growing platform and protection business.

In the United States, Transamerica completed the sale of certain assets of Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. to John Hancock Financial Network, Inc, on May 13. Transamerica Financial Advisors is a full-service, independent broker-dealer and registered investment advisor with around 1,100 advisors and 90 employees.

Aegon was the first company to receive approval from the Dutch Central Bank to launch 'Stap', a General Pension Fund (APF) in the Netherlands. Stap is a pension pooling vehicle that enables separate financial administration for multiple pension plans from multiple employers. This vehicle enables smaller pension schemes to benefit from economies of scale and to comply with complex pension regulations, meaning that a greater percentage of the employees' pension premium is invested and that employers and participants can count on excellent service. The fund is administered by TKP, an Aegon subsidiary responsible for administering the pensions of over 3 million customers in the Netherlands. Stap also allows individual schemes to benefit from the investment expertise normally only available to larger pension funds. The fiduciary investments for Stap will be carried out by TKP Investments, a subsidiary of Aegon Asset Management, which has around 23 billion euro of existing assets under management and advice. Stap starts with the acquisition of corporate clients and existing company pension funds in liquidation. Later this year, Stap will also be available for the SME market.

As part of Aegon's strategy to enhance its risk-return profile and to improve capital efficiency, Aegon completed a fourth longevity transaction in the Netherlands in June. The transaction builds on previous longevity deals and underlines Aegon's leadership in the Dutch pension market. The hedge, covering close to EUR 3 billion of underlying reserves, provides protection for a period of 50 years against longevity improvements.

Aegon Life, Aegon's Indian joint venture, is accelerating the execution of its strategy. As a result, it will restructure its activities and focus on the digital direct-to-consumer market, in which it has a leading position. As such, it will close its traditional commission-based agency channel and reduce its agency headcount by over 3,000.

Operational excellence 

Kames Capital, Aegon's asset management business in the UK, received the highest possible rating in the United Nation's most recent Principles for Responsible Investment Survey. The survey covers categories such as the quality and disclosure of policies, setting objectives and strategies, governance and resources, collaborative activities, and commitment to promoting responsible investment among its clients and peers. Kames Capital has been a signatory of the Responsible Investment Survey since 2008 and this is the second consecutive year in which it has received the A+ rating, which is awarded to only 15% of signatories.

Transamerica, Aegon's US subsidiary, was named as a 2016 Elite 100 Company by InformationWeek. Transamerica was ranked number 33 in InformationWeek's 28th annual list of top business technology innovators for its Enterprise Marketing and Analytics Platform. The platform brings together data from numerous product lines and points of customer contact to provide a 360 degree view of customers, from first outreach to customer retention, covering the end-to-end customer journey. The project allows Transamerica to better predict customers' future needs, which in turn can lead to further innovations.

Customer loyalty 

Knab, Aegon the Netherlands' online bank, surpassed over 100,000 customers for the very first time during the quarter, only four years since its launch. Knab provides customers with an innovative and comprehensive overview of their investments, debts and income, not just with Knab but also held at other banks. The growing customer base is driven by the excellent quality of products and services that Knab offers. This was confirmed once again in recent customer surveys, which indicate that over 90% of business customers and private customers are very satisfied with the service they receive. Indeed, more than a third of individual customers and over 40% of business customers would recommend Knab to family, friends and colleagues, the highest score for any bank in the Netherlands.

Empowered employees 

Transamerica and Aegon Asset Management jointly launched 'Bravo!', a digital employee recognition program. This provides a quick and easy means to recognize and reward employees who work together, bring clarity and exceed expectations. Bravo! awards points to employees who live Aegon's core values, and these points can be redeemed for gift cards, merchandise items or charitable contributions to the charity of the employee's choosing. Aegon is committed to recognizing and rewarding those employees who make a real difference in the business and the lives of its customers.


    EUR millions                  Q2       Q1                            YTD      YTD
                         Notes    2016    2016     %   Q2 2015     %     2016     2015   %

    Underlying earnings
    before tax
    Americas                     270      283    (5)      358   (24)     554     648  (15)
    Europe                       160      169    (5)      139    15      330     281   17
    Asia                           1        0   111         2   (49)       1      (1)   -
    Asset Management              37       45   (18)       47   (22)      82      92  (11)
    Holding and other            (33)     (36)    9       (41)   20      (69)    (83)  17
    Underlying earnings
    before tax                   435      462    (6)      505   (14)     897     937   (4)

    Fair value items            (378)    (358)   (6)     (293)  (29)    (736)   (451) (63)
    Realized gains / (losses)
     on investments               229       54     -       134    72      283     252   12
    Net impairments              (23)     (36)   36         7     -      (59)     (4)   -
    Other income / (charges)    (636)      (6)    -       (11)    -     (642)    (11)   -
    Run-off businesses            18       28   (36)       17     7       47      33   42
    Income before tax           (355)     145     -       359     -     (210)    755    -
    Income tax                   (30)      (1)    -       (40)   24      (32)   (147)  78
    Net income / (loss)         (385)     143     -       319     -     (242)    608    -

    Net income / (loss)
    attributable to:
    Equity holders
    of Aegon N.V.               (385)     143     -       319     -     (242)     608    -

    Net underlying earnings      312      352   (11)      398   (22)     663      713   (7)

    Commissions and expenses   1,589    1,744    (9)    1,791   (11)   3,333    3,532   (6)
    of which
    operating expenses      9    926      960    (4)      923     -    1,886    1,825    3

    New life sales
    Life single premiums         489      610   (20)      616   (21)   1,099    1,576  (30)
    Life recurring
    premiums annualized          195      205    (5)      212    (8)     400      415   (4)
    Total recurring
    plus 1/10 single             244      266    (8)      274   (11)     510      573  (11)

    New life sales         10
    Americas                     138      144    (4)      158   (12)     282      298   (6)
    Europe                        75       85   (12)       76    (2)     160      170   (6)
    Asia                          31       37   (17)       40   (22)      68      105  (35)
    Total recurring
    plus 1/10 single             244      266    (8)      274   (11)     510      573  (11)

    New premium production
    accident and
    health insurance             199      262   (24)      228   (13)     460      535  (14)
    New premium production
     general insurance             27       24    11        20    36       51       42   22

    Gross deposits (on
    and off balance)       10
    Americas                   9,265    13,472  (31)    9,069     2   22,737   20,619    10
    Europe                     3,088     3,441  (10)    2,723    13    6,529    5,786    13
    Asia                          94        73   30        91     4      167      293   (43)
    Asset Management          10,506    13,092  (20)    6,256    68   23,598   11,403   107
    Total gross deposits      22,953    30,078  (24)   18,139    27   53,031   38,101    39

    Net deposits
    (on and off balance)   10
    Americas                     (56)    4,825     -    1,913     -    4,769    6,317   (25)
    Europe                       159       731  (78)      (85)    -      890      718    24
    Asia                          80        59   36        73    11      139      263   (47)
    Asset Management           1,046     2,240  (53)      988     6    3,286    3,069     7
    Total net deposits
    excluding run-off
    businesses                 1,229     7,855  (84)    2,888   (57)   9,084   10,367   (12)
    Run-off businesses         (103)     (240)   57     (111)     7    (343)     (324)   (6)
    Total net deposits
    / (outflows)               1,125     7,615  (85)    2,777   (59)   8,740   10,043   (13)

    Revenue-generating investments

                                               Jun. 30,  Mar. 31,        Dec. 31,
                                                  2016      2016     %      2015     %
    Revenue-generating investments (total)     716,746   704,554     2   710,458     1
    Investments general account                159,933   162,784    (2)  160,792    (1)
    Investments for account of policyholders   194,512   191,286     2   200,226    (3)
    Off balance sheet
    investments third parties                  362,301   350,483     3   349,440     4

Operational highlights

Underlying earnings before tax
Aegon's underlying earnings before tax in the second quarter of 2016 declined by 14% compared with the second quarter of 2015 to EUR 435 million. This was the result of lower variable annuity margins, lower asset management performance fees, adverse claims and the recurring earnings impact of the actuarial assumption changes and model updates implemented in the third quarter of 2015. In total, adverse claims experience and one-time items amounted to EUR 45 million in the second quarter of 2016.

Aegon started reaping the benefits of its EUR 200 million expense savings program in the second quarter of 2016, with expenses declining by 4% compared with the previous quarter. As such, Aegon is ahead on reaching the planned savings for 2016.

Underlying earnings from the Americas declined to EUR 270 million. This was caused by adverse claims experience, lower earnings from Variable Annuities and the recurring USD 25 million impact of the actuarial assumption changes and model updates implemented in the third quarter of 2015. Earnings from Variable Annuities declined as a result of the reduction of closed block variable annuity balances and declining margins due to lower interest rates.

In Europe, underlying earnings increased by 15% to EUR 160 million. This increase was driven by lower amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs (DPAC) in the United Kingdom following the write down of deferred policy acquisition costs related to upgrading customers to the retirement platform in the fourth quarter of 2015, and the normalization of surrenders in Poland.

The result from Aegon's operations in Asia was down slightly to EUR 1 million, as Aegon increased the stake in its strategic partnership in India from 26% to 49% in the fourth quarter of 2015. On a comparable basis, the result was up by EUR 1 million.

Underlying earnings from Aegon Asset Management declined to EUR 37 million, mainly as a result of lower performance fees and unfavorable currency movements.

The loss from the holding improved to EUR 33 million, primarily due to lower funding costs after the redemption of a senior bond in December 2015 and a reinsurance benefit of EUR 3 million.

Net income 

The net loss amounted to EUR 385 million. This was primarily caused by the book loss on the annuity divestment in the United Kingdom and a higher loss from fair value items.

Fair value items 

The loss from fair value items was EUR 378 million. This was mainly driven by underperformance of alternative investments, equity and interest rate volatility in the United States, and interest rate hedges in the Netherlands.

Realized gains on investments 

Realized gains on investments increased to EUR 229 million and were primarily the result of a rebalancing of the remaining investment portfolio in the United Kingdom and gains resulting from asset-liability management adjustments in the Netherlands.

Impairment charges
Impairments were EUR 23 million for the quarter, mainly related to energy investments in the United States.

Other charges
Other charges amounted to EUR 636 million, the main driver for which was the book loss on the annuity divestment in the United Kingdom of EUR 628 million. This was only partly offset by the book gain of EUR 52 million on the divestment of certain assets of Transamerica Financial Advisors.

Run-off businesses
Earnings from run-off businesses improved to EUR 18 million.

Income tax
Income tax amounted to EUR 30 million in the second quarter, mainly the result of the loss on the divestment of the annuity book in the United Kingdom being taxed at a lower rate than the profit contribution from the other business units. The effective tax rate on underlying earnings was 28%.

Return on equity 

Return on equity declined to 6.8% in the second quarter of 2016, as lower net underlying earnings more than offset lower shareholders' equity.

Operating expenses 

In the second quarter, operating expenses were stable at EUR 926 million compared with the second quarter of 2015, but down 4% compared with the previous quarter. The former was the result of expense savings programs in the United States and a lower US dollar, which offset higher expenses in the Netherlands and the impact of the inclusion of the acquisitions of Mercer's defined contribution business and a stake in La Banque Postale Asset Management. Excluding the impact of these acquisitions, operating expenses declined by 2%, mainly caused by the expense savings in the United States.


Aegon's total sales increased by 18% to EUR 2.8 billion in the second quarter of 2016. This increase was the result of higher gross deposits, which were up 27% to EUR 23.0 billion. Retirement Plans deposits increased mainly due to the Mercer acquisition, while Asset Management benefited from higher recognized gross deposits in Aegon's Chinese asset management joint venture AIFMC and the inclusion of deposits from the minority stake in La Banque Postale Asset Management. Net deposits, excluding run-off businesses, were down to EUR 1.2 billion, due to higher contract discontinuances from the Mercer block and lower inflows in variable annuities.

New life sales declined by 11% to EUR 244 million, mainly driven by Aegon's adherence to its strict pricing policy in the current low interest rate environment. New premium production for accident & health and general insurance was down to EUR 226 million, as a lower contribution from portfolio acquisitions and the impact of product exits in the United States more than offset higher general insurance sales in Spain and Hungary.

Market consistent value of new business 

The market consistent value of new business declined to EUR 100 million. This was mainly due to the negative impact of lower interest rates on both sales and margins in Asia and the United States, and the exclusion of the value of new business generated by Aegon Bank in the Netherlands as of 2016.

Revenue-generating investments 

Revenue-generating investments were up 2% during the second quarter of 2016 to EUR 717 billion due to favorable market movements.

Capital management
Shareholders' equity declined by EUR 0.9 billion compared with the end of the previous quarter to EUR 22.0 billion on June 30, 2016. Revaluation reserves increased slightly by EUR 0.1 billion to EUR 7.9 billion, as the impact of lower interest rates was nearly offset by the annuity divestment in the United Kingdom. Aegon's shareholders' equity, excluding revaluation reserves and defined benefit plan remeasurements, declined to EUR 16.4 billion - or EUR 7.91 per common share - at the end of the second quarter. This was caused by the loss incurred in the quarter, the payment of the final dividend of 2015 and the second tranche of the share buyback.

The gross leverage ratio increased to 29.6% in the second quarter, primarily due to the book loss on the annuity divestment, the EUR 0.2 billion cost of the second tranche of the share buyback completed in the second quarter and the payment of the final 2015 dividend.

Holding excess capital increased by EUR 0.1 billion to EUR 1.1 billion as dividends received from the Americas, Asset Management, Spain and Central & Eastern Europe more than offset the impact of the second tranche of the share buyback, the final 2015 cash dividend, interest payments and holding operating expenses.

Aegon's Solvency II ratio increased to an estimated 158% in the second quarter. This was mainly the effect of management actions in the Netherlands and the annuity reinsurance transaction with Legal & General in the United Kingdom, which more than offset the negative impact of lower interest rates. The RBC ratio in the United States declined to ~450%, driven by dividends paid to the holding and the negative impact of lower interest rates, which more than offset earnings generated in the quarter. In the Netherlands, the Solvency II ratio increased to 154%, as the positive impact of a more thorough application of the volatility adjuster and tightening of sovereign spreads far exceeded the adverse impact of lower interest rates. In the United Kingdom, the Solvency II ratio increased to 145%, as the benefits of the reinsurance transaction with Legal & General and additional interest rate hedging more than offset lower interest rates.

Going forward, Aegon will report business unit Solvency II ratios on a semi-annual basis. The consolidated estimated group Solvency II ratio will continue to be reported on a quarterly basis.

Capital generation 

Capital generation of the operating units, amounted to EUR 0.9 billion in the second quarter of 2016. Market impacts in the quarter amounted to EUR (0.2) billion, mainly due to lower interest rates in the United States and the Netherlands. One-time items amounted to EUR 0.8 billion, which were the result of management actions in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In the Netherlands, these primarily consisted of a more thorough application of the volatility adjuster, while the United Kingdom benefited from additional interest rate hedges. Excluding market impacts and one-time items, capital generation amounted to EUR 0.3 billion for the quarter. Capital generation in the second quarter of 2016 did not include the benefit of the annuity reinsurance transaction in the United Kingdom, which was accounted for directly in the Solvency II ratio.

Interim dividend 

Aegon aims to pay out a sustainable, growing dividend, in line with the growth of its cash flows. This policy is reflected in the 8% increase of the 2016 interim dividend to EUR 0.13 per common share. The interim dividend will be paid in cash or stock at the election of the shareholder. The value of the stock dividend will be approximately equal to the cash dividend. Aegon intends to neutralize the dilutive effect of the stock dividend on earnings per share.

Aegon's Euronext-listed shares will be quoted ex-dividend on August 19, 2016, and its NYSE-listed shares will be quoted ex-dividend on August 18, 2016. The record date is August 22, 2016. The election period for shareholders will run from August 24 up to and including September 9, 2016. The stock fraction will be based on the average share price on Euronext Amsterdam from September 5 through September 9, 2016. The stock dividend ratio will be announced on September 14, 2016 and the dividend will be payable as of September 16, 2016.

    Financial overview, Q2 2016 geographically
                                                                  Asset activities &
    EUR millions                   Americas  Europe     Asia Management eliminations  Total

    Underlying earnings before
    tax by line of business
    Life                                 53      85       6          -            -    143
    Individual savings
    and retirement products             135       -      (4)         -            -    131
    Pensions                             82      62       -          -            -    145
    Non-life                              -       5       -          -            -      5
    Asset Management                      -       -       -         37            -     37
    Other                                 -       9      (1)         -          (33)   (25)
    Underlying earnings before tax      270     160       1         37          (33)   435

    Fair value items                   (107)   (210)     (7)         -          (54)  (378)
    Realized gains /
    (losses) on investments               4     223       1          1            -    229
    Net impairments                     (15)     (4)     (0)         -           (3)   (23)
    Other income / (charges)             41    (681)     (0)         0            4   (636)
    Run-off businesses                   18       -       -          -            -     18
    Income before tax                   211    (512)     (5)        38          (86)  (355)
    Income tax                          (40)      6      (5)       (14)          22    (30)
    Net income / (loss)                 171    (506)    (10)        24          (64)  (385)

    Net underlying earnings             197     117      (4)        24          (23)   312

    Employee numbers

                                                     Jun. 30,     31, Dec. 31,
                                                        2016    2016     2015
    Employees                                         29,425  29,922   31,530
    of which agents                                    6,691   6,514    8,433
    of which Aegon's share of employees
    in joint ventures and associates                   1,931   1,962    1,983

Additional information

The Hague - August 11, 2016 

Full version press release 

Use this link for the full version of the press release.


The conference call presentation is available on as of 7.30 a.m. CET.


Aegon's Q2 2016 Financial Supplement and Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
are available on

Conference call including Q&A 

9:00 a.m. CET

Audio webcast on

Dial-in numbers 

United States: +1 212 444 0896
United Kingdom: +44(0)20 3427 0503
The Netherlands: +31(0)20 716 8257

Passcode: 537240

Two hours after the conference call, a replay will be available on


Cautionary note regarding non-IFRS measures 

This document includes the following non-IFRS financial measures: underlying earnings before tax, income tax, income before tax and market consistent value of new business. These non-IFRS measures are calculated by consolidating on a proportionate basis Aegon's joint ventures and associated companies. The reconciliation of these measures, except for market consistent value of new business, to the most comparable IFRS measure is provided in note 3 'Segment information' of Aegon's Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements. Market consistent value of new business is not based on IFRS, which are used to report Aegon's primary financial statements and should not be viewed as a substitute for IFRS financial measures. Aegon may define and calculate market consistent value of new business differently than other companies. Aegon believes that these non-IFRS measures, together with the IFRS information, provide meaningful information about the underlying operating results of Aegon's business including insight into the financial measures that senior management uses in managing the business. In addition, return on equity is a ratio using a non-IFRS measure and is calculated by dividing the net underlying earnings after cost of leverage by the average shareholders' equity excluding the preferred shares, the revaluation reserve and the reserves related to defined benefit plans.

Local currencies and constant currency exchange rates 

This document contains certain information about Aegon's results, financial condition and revenue generating investments presented in USD for the Americas and Asia, and in GBP for the United Kingdom, because those businesses operate and are managed primarily in those currencies. Certain comparative information presented on a constant currency basis eliminates the effects of changes in currency exchange rates. None of this information is a substitute for or superior to financial information about Aegon presented in EUR, which is the currency of Aegon's primary financial statements.

Forward-looking statements 

The statements contained in this document that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as defined in the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The following are words that identify such forward-looking statements: aim, believe, estimate, target, intend, may, expect, anticipate, predict, project, counting on, plan, continue, want, forecast, goal, should, would, is confident, will, and similar expressions as they relate to Aegon. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Aegon undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which merely reflect company expectations at the time of writing. Actual results may differ materially from expectations conveyed in forward-looking statements due to changes caused by various risks and uncertainties. Such risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to the following:

  • Changes in general economic conditions, particularly in the United States, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom;
  • Changes in the performance of financial markets, including emerging markets, such as with regard to:
  • The frequency and severity of defaults by issuers in Aegon's fixed income investment portfolios;
  • The effects of corporate bankruptcies and/or accounting restatements on the financial markets and the resulting decline in the value of equity and debt securities Aegon holds; and
  • The effects of declining creditworthiness of certain private sector securities and the resulting decline in the value of sovereign exposure that Aegon holds;
  • Changes in the performance of Aegon's investment portfolio and decline in ratings of Aegon's counterparties;
  • Consequences of a potential (partial) break-up of the euro;
  • Consequences of the anticipated exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union;
  • The frequency and severity of insured loss events;
  • Changes affecting longevity, mortality, morbidity, persistence and other factors that may impact the profitability of Aegon's insurance products;
  • Reinsurers to whom Aegon has ceded significant underwriting risks may fail to meet their obligations;
  • Changes affecting interest rate levels and continuing low or rapidly changing interest rate levels;
  • Changes affecting currency exchange rates, in particular the EUR/USD and EUR/GBP exchange rates;
  • Changes in the availability of, and costs associated with, liquidity sources such as bank and capital markets funding, as well as conditions in the credit markets in general such as changes in borrower and counterparty creditworthiness;
  • Increasing levels of competition in the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and emerging markets;
  • Changes in laws and regulations, particularly those affecting Aegon's operations' ability to hire and retain key personnel, taxation of Aegon companies, the products Aegon sells, and the attractiveness of certain products to its consumers;
  • Regulatory changes relating to the pensions, investment, and insurance industries in the jurisdictions in which Aegon operates;
  • Standard setting initiatives of supranational standard setting bodies such as the Financial Stability Board and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors or changes to such standards that may have an impact on regional (such as EU), national or US federal or state level financial regulation or the application thereof to Aegon, including the designation of Aegon by the Financial Stability Board as a Global Systemically Important Insurer (G-SII);
  • Changes in customer behavior and public opinion in general related to, among other things, the type of products also Aegon sells, including legal, regulatory or commercial necessity to meet changing customer expectations;
  • Acts of God, acts of terrorism, acts of war and pandemics;
  • Changes in the policies of central banks and/or governments;
  • Lowering of one or more of Aegon's debt ratings issued by recognized rating organizations and the adverse impact such action may have on Aegon's ability to raise capital and on its liquidity and financial condition;
  • Lowering of one or more of insurer financial strength ratings of Aegon's insurance subsidiaries and the adverse impact such action may have on the premium writings, policy retention, profitability and liquidity of its insurance subsidiaries;
  • The effect of the European Union's Solvency II requirements and other regulations in other jurisdictions affecting the capital Aegon is required to maintain;
  • Litigation or regulatory action that could require Aegon to pay significant damages or change the way Aegon does business;
  • As Aegon's operations support complex transactions and are highly dependent on the proper functioning of information technology, a computer system failure or security breach may disrupt Aegon's business, damage its reputation and adversely affect its results of operations, financial condition and cash flows;
  • Customer responsiveness to both new products and distribution channels;
  • Competitive, legal, regulatory, or tax changes that affect profitability, the distribution cost of or demand for Aegon's products;
  • Changes in accounting regulations and policies or a change by Aegon in applying such regulations and policies, voluntarily or otherwise, which may affect Aegon's reported results and shareholders' equity;
  • Aegon's projected results are highly sensitive to complex mathematical models of financial markets, mortality, longevity, and other dynamic systems subject to shocks and unpredictable volatility. Should assumptions to these models later prove incorrect, or should errors in those models escape the controls in place to detect them, future performance will vary from projected results. The impact of acquisitions and divestitures, restructurings, product withdrawals and other unusual items, including Aegon's ability to integrate acquisitions and to obtain the anticipated results and synergies from acquisitions;
  • Catastrophic events, either manmade or by nature, could result in material losses and significantly interrupt Aegon's business; and
  • Aegon's failure to achieve anticipated levels of earnings or operational efficiencies as well as other expense saving and excess capital and leverage ratio management initiatives.

Further details of potential risks and uncertainties affecting Aegon are described in its filings with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets and the US Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Annual Report. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this document. Except as required by any applicable law or regulation, Aegon expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in Aegon's expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.

All comparisons in this release are against the second quarter of 2015, unless stated otherwise. 

Media relations
Debora de Laaf

Investor relations
Willem van den Berg



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