Otter Tail Corporation Reports Record Revenues and Net Income From Continuing Operations for 2007; Earnings Per Share of $1.78; Board Approves Dividend Increase

FERGUS FALLS, Minn., Feb. 5 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Otter Tail Corporation (NASDAQ:OTTR) today announced financial results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2007.

    2007 Highlights:

    -- Consolidated revenues grew 12.1% to a record $1.2 billion in 2007.
    -- Consolidated net income from continuing operations was a record
       $54.0 million in 2007 compared to $50.7 million in 2006.
    -- Total diluted earnings per share were $1.78 for 2007 compared with
       $1.70 for 2006.

    2008 Announcements:

    -- On February 5, 2008 the Board of Directors declared a quarterly common
       stock dividend, increasing the dividend to $0.2975 per share from
       $0.2925 per share. This dividend is payable March 10, 2008 to
       shareholders of record on February 15, 2008. This increase puts the
       corporation's current dividend yield at 3.7% based on today's closing
       stock price of $32.54.
    -- The Board also declared quarterly dividends on the corporation's four
       series of preferred stock, payable March 1, 2008 to shareholders of
       record as of February 15.
    -- The corporation anticipates its 2008 diluted earnings per share from
       continuing operations to be in the range of $1.85 to $2.10.

"We are pleased with our 2007 results. Revenues and net income from continuing operations were at record levels," said John Erickson, president and chief executive officer. "Our electric business provided a solid foundation and our nonelectric businesses continued to perform well, led by growth in our manufacturing platform including strong results at DMI Industries, our wind energy tower manufacturer. We are also pleased to report a significant turnaround at our food ingredient processing business. The 2007 results again illustrate the value of our diversification strategy."

Erickson said dividend payments will again increase in 2008. "Our Board of Directors has increased our dividend payment for the 33rd consecutive year. The increase brings the annual indicated dividend rate to $1.19 per share, a $0.02 increase over the 2007 rate."

Segment Performance Summary


Electric segment revenue and net income were $323.5 million and $24.5 million, respectively, in 2007 compared with $306.0 million and $24.2 million in 2006. The increase in electric revenue was due to a $16.0 million increase in retail revenues and a $1.8 million increase in other electric revenues, offset by a $0.3 million decrease in wholesale and net energy trading revenues.

The increase in retail revenues includes $8.4 million in increased fuel-clause adjustment (FCA) revenues mainly related to an increase in purchased power costs in the fourth quarter of 2007 to replace generation lost during a scheduled major maintenance shutdown of Big Stone Plant. The increase in retail revenues also includes $7.6 million related to a 3.3% increase in retail kwh sales. Residential kwh sales increased 4.0% due, in part, to a 9.6% increase in heating degree days. Increased oil and ethanol production in our electric service territory and surrounding regions contributed to a 3.3% increase in commercial and industrial kwh sales. The $1.8 million increase in other electric revenues is related to an increase in revenues from integrated transmission agreements, reimbursement of system operations costs from the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator and electric system construction work performed for other companies.

Electric operating expenses increased $21.8 million, which includes increases of $18.2 million in fuel and purchased power expenses and $3.3 million in other operating and maintenance expenses. Fuel costs increased $1.8 million despite a 5.3% decrease in kwhs generated mainly as a result of an 86% increase in generation at the electric utility's higher-cost combustion turbine peaking plants. Purchased power costs to serve retail customers increased $16.4 million, reflecting a 22.1% increase in kwhs purchased for system use combined with a 4.9% increase in the cost per kwh purchased, mainly related to power purchased in the fourth quarter of 2007 to replace generation lost during a scheduled major maintenance shutdown of Big Stone Plant. The increase in electric operation and maintenance expenses in 2007 reflects an increase in expenses related to external contract work, higher labor and benefit costs, rate case related expenditures and increased tree-trimming expenses. The electric utility recorded a non-cash charge in other income and deductions of $3.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2006 related to a reduction in capitalized interest allowed in rate base. The resulting increase in other income and deductions in 2007 was partially offset by a $0.8 million decrease in allowance for equity funds used during construction.


Plastics segment revenues and net income were $149.0 million and $8.3 million, respectively, in 2007 compared with $163.1 million and $14.3 million in 2006. The decrease in revenue and net income is due to an 18.8% reduction in plastic pipe sales prices partially offset by a 12.5% increase in pounds of plastic pipe sold and a 12.5% decrease in the cost per pound of pipe sold. The decrease in sales prices reflected a softening of the plastic pipe market, which was expected.


Manufacturing segment revenues and net income were $381.6 million and $15.6 million, respectively, in 2007 compared with $311.8 million and $13.2 million in 2006. DMI Industries, Inc. recorded a $48.0 million increase in revenue and a $1.4 million increase in net income as a result of increased production levels and productivity gains. DMI's 2007 operating expenses include $2.0 million in pre-production start-up costs for its new plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The new plant is on line and started producing towers in January 2008. At ShoreMaster, Inc., revenues increased $15.9 million and net income increased $1.4 million as a result of strong commercial and residential sales. The Aviva Sports product line, acquired by ShoreMaster in February 2007, contributed $3.7 million to the increase in revenues. At BTD Manufacturing, Inc., revenues increased $3.5 million, mainly related to the acquisition of Pro Engineering in May 2007, while net income was unchanged. At T.O. Plastics, Inc., revenues increased $2.4 million while net income decreased $0.4 million mainly due to increases in labor, benefit and depreciation expenses.

Health Services

Health services segment revenues and net income were $130.7 million and $1.4 million, respectively, in 2007 compared with $135.1 million and $2.2 million in 2006. Scanning and other related service revenues decreased $3.2 million while revenues from equipment sales and service decreased $1.2 million. Cost of goods sold decreased $4.5 million. The decreases in equipment sales revenues and cost of goods sold reflect a shift from traditional dealership distribution of products in 2006 to more commission-based compensation for sales to customers in 2007. A $1.2 million increase in operating expenses contributed to the decrease in health services net income.

Food Ingredient Processing

The food ingredient processing segment recorded revenues of $70.4 million and net income of $4.4 million in 2007 compared with revenues of $45.1 million and a net loss of $4.1 million in 2006. The increase in revenue was the result of an increase in pounds of product sold combined with an increase in the price per pound of product sold. The increase in revenue combined with a decrease in the cost per pound of product sold were the main factors contributing to the increase in net income.

Other Business Operations

Other business operations recorded revenues of $185.7 million and net income of $4.0 million in 2007 compared with revenues of $145.6 million and net income of $5.3 million in 2006. Revenues increased $40.2 million at the construction companies due to an increase in construction activity. Construction company net income decreased $1.4 million as a result of lower than expected margins on certain construction projects at Midwest Construction Services. Revenues from flatbed trucking operations remained essentially unchanged while net income increased $0.2 million.

Fourth Quarter Results

Diluted earnings per share for the fourth quarter of 2007 were $0.46 compared with $0.37 for the fourth quarter of 2006. Revenues for the fourth quarter of 2007 were $329.7 million compared with $286.7 million for the same period a year ago. Operating income for the fourth quarter of 2007 was $24.2 million compared with $24.1 million for the fourth quarter of 2006. Net income was $14.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 compared with $11.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, with increases in net income in the electric, food ingredient processing and plastics segments more than offsetting decreases in net income in the health services and other business operations segments.

2008 Expectations

Otter Tail Corporation anticipates 2008 diluted earnings per share to be in a range from $1.85 to $2.10. Contributing to the earnings guidance for 2008 are the following items:

    -- The corporation expects increased levels of net income from the
       electric segment in 2008. This increase is based on having lower cost
       generation available for the year, as there are no plant shutdowns
       planned for Big Stone Plant or Coyote Station in 2008, and on
       additional rate base investment from the Langdon wind project. The
       increase also assumes the interim rate increase of $7.1 million, or
       5.41%, which is part of the rate case filed with the Minnesota Public
       Utilities Commission (MPUC). These interim rates remain in effect for
       all Minnesota customers until the MPUC makes a final determination on
       the electric utility's request, which is expected to occur by August 1,
       2008. If final rates are lower than interim rates, the electric utility
       will refund customers the difference with interest. If final rates are
       higher than interim rates, the higher rates will become effective as of
       the date of the MPUC Order approving those rates.
    -- The corporation expects the plastics segment's 2008 performance to be
       at or below normal levels. Announced capacity expansions are not
       expected to come on line until the fourth quarter of 2008.
    -- Increased capacity and productivity related to recent expansions and
       acquisitions, and the start-up of DMI's wind tower manufacturing plant
       in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2008, are expected to result in increased levels
       of net income in the manufacturing segment in 2008. Backlog in place in
       the manufacturing segment to support 2008 revenues is approximately
       $295 million compared with $241 million one year ago. The wind energy
       tower manufacturing business accounts for a substantial portion of the
       2008 backlog.
    -- The health services segment expects improvement in net income in 2008
       as it focuses on improving its mix of imaging assets and asset
       utilization rates.
    -- The corporation expects its food ingredient processing business to have
       increased net income due to higher operating margins in 2008. This
       business has backlog in place for 2008 of 51.5 million pounds compared
       with 52.8 million pounds one year ago.
    -- The other business operations segment is expected to have higher
       earnings in 2008 compared with 2007. Backlog in place for the
       construction businesses is $77 million for 2008 compared with
       $74 million for the same period one year ago.
    -- Corporate general and administrative costs are expected to increase in

Risk Factors and Forward-Looking Statements that Could Affect Future Results

The information in this release includes certain forward-looking information, including 2008 expectations, made under the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although the corporation believes its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, actual results may differ materially from those expectations. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results for the corporation to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements:

    -- The corporation is subject to federal and state legislation,
       regulations and actions that may have a negative impact on its business
       and results of operations.

    -- Actions by the regulators of the electric segment could result in rate
       reductions, lower revenues and earnings or delays in recovering capital

    -- Future operating results of the electric segment will be impacted by
       the outcome of a rate case filed in Minnesota on October 1, 2007,
       requesting an overall increase in Minnesota rates of 6.66%. The filing
       includes a request for an interim rate increase of 5.41%, which went
       into effect on November 30, 2007. Interim rates will remain in effect
       for all Minnesota customers until the MPUC makes a final determination
       on the electric utility's request, which is expected by August 1, 2008.
       If final rates are lower than interim rates, the electric utility will
       refund Minnesota customers the difference with interest.

    -- Certain costs currently included in the Fuel Clause Adjustment (FCA) in
       retail rates may be excluded from recovery through the FCA but may be
       subject to recovery through rates established in a general rate case.
       Further, all, or portions of, gross margins on asset-based wholesale
       electric sales may become subject to refund through the FCA as a result
       of a general rate case.

    -- Weather conditions or changes in weather patterns can adversely affect
       the corporation's operations and revenues.

    -- Electric wholesale margins could be further reduced as the Midwest
       Independent Transmission System Operator market becomes more efficient.

    -- Electric wholesale trading margins could be reduced or eliminated by
       losses due to trading activities.

    -- The corporation's electric generating facilities are subject to
       operational risks that could result in unscheduled plant outages,
       unanticipated operation and maintenance expenses and increased power
       purchase costs.

    -- Wholesale sales of electricity from excess generation could be affected
       by reductions in coal shipments to the Big Stone and Hoot Lake plants
       due to supply constraints or rail transportation problems beyond the
       corporation's control.

    -- The corporation's electric segment has capitalized $8.2 million in
       costs related to the planned construction of a second electric
       generating unit at its Big Stone Plant site as of December 31, 2007.
       Should approvals of permits not be received on a timely basis, the
       project could be at risk. If the project is abandoned for permitting or
       other reasons, these capitalized costs and others incurred in future
       periods may be subject to expense and may not be recoverable.

    -- The corporation's manufacturer of wind towers operates in a market that
       has been influenced by the existence of a Federal Production Tax
       Credit. This tax credit is scheduled to expire on December 31, 2008.
       Should this tax credit not be renewed, the revenues and earnings of
       this business could be reduced.

    -- Federal and state environmental regulation could cause the corporation
       to incur substantial capital expenditures which could result in
       increased operating costs.

    -- Existing or new laws or regulations addressing climate change or
       reductions of greenhouse gas emissions by federal or state authorities,
       such as mandated levels of renewable generation or mandatory reductions
       in carbon dioxide (CO2) emission levels or taxes on CO2 emissions, that
       result in increases in electric service costs could negatively impact
       the corporation's net income, financial position and operating cash
       flows if such costs cannot be recovered through rates granted by
       ratemaking authorities in the states where the electric utility
       provides service or through increased market prices for electricity.

    -- The corporation's plans to grow and diversify through acquisitions and
       capital projects may not be successful and could result in poor
       financial performance.

    -- The corporation's ability to own and expand its nonelectric businesses
       could be limited by state law.

    -- Competition is a factor in all of the corporation's businesses.

    -- Economic uncertainty could have a negative impact on the corporation's
       future revenues and earnings.

    -- Volatile financial markets and changes in the corporation's debt rating
       could restrict the corporation's ability to access capital and could
       increase borrowing costs and pension plan expenses.

    -- The price and availability of raw materials could affect the revenue
       and earnings of the corporation's manufacturing segment.

    -- The corporation's food ingredient processing segment operates in a
       highly competitive market and is dependent on adequate sources of raw
       materials for processing. Should the supply of these raw materials be
       affected by poor growing conditions, this could negatively impact the
       results of operations for this segment.

    -- The corporation's food ingredient processing and wind tower
       manufacturing businesses could be adversely affected by changes in
       foreign currency exchange rates.

    -- The corporation's plastics segment is highly dependent on a limited
       number of vendors for PVC resin, many of which are located in the Gulf
       Coast regions, and a limited supply of resin. The loss of a key vendor
       or an interruption or delay in the supply of PVC resin could result in
       reduced sales or increased costs for this business. Reductions in PVC
       resin prices could negatively impact PVC pipe prices, profit margins on
       PVC pipe sales and the value of PVC pipe held in inventory.

    -- Changes in the rates or method of third-party reimbursements for
       diagnostic imaging services could result in reduced demand for those
       services or create downward pricing pressure, which would decrease
       revenues and earnings for the corporation's health services segment.

    -- The corporation's health services businesses may not be able to retain
       or comply with the dealership arrangement and other agreements with
       Philips Medical.

    -- A significant failure or an inability to properly bid or perform on
       projects by the corporation's construction businesses could lead to
       adverse financial results.

For a further discussion of other risk factors and cautionary statements, refer to reports the corporation files with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

About The Corporation: Otter Tail Corporation has interests in diversified operations that include an electric utility, manufacturing, health services, food ingredient processing and infrastructure businesses which include plastics, construction and transportation. Otter Tail Corporation stock trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol OTTR. The latest investor and corporate information is available at Corporate offices are located in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and Fargo, North Dakota.

See Otter Tail Corporation's results of operations for the three months and years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 in the attached financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Income, Consolidated Balance Sheets -- Assets, Consolidated Balance Sheets -- Liabilities and Equity

                            Otter Tail Corporation
                      Consolidated Statements of Income
       For the Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2007 and 2006
               In thousands, except share and per share amounts

                                     Quarter Ended            Year-to-Date
                                      December 31,             December 31,
                                    2007        2006        2007        2006
    Operating Revenues by
        Electric                  $90,816     $78,706    $323,478    $306,014
        Plastics                   34,693      26,404     149,012     163,135
        Manufacturing              95,258      85,256     381,599     311,811
        Health Services            33,895      34,710     130,670     135,051
        Food Ingredient
         Processing                16,828      14,449      70,440      45,084
        Other Business
         Operations                58,766      47,450     185,730     145,603
        Corporate Revenue and
         Eliminations                (569)       (274)     (2,042)     (1,744)
              Total Operating
               Revenues           329,687     286,701   1,238,887   1,104,954
    Operating Expenses:
        Fuel and Purchased Power   44,145      29,912     135,172     117,010
        Nonelectric Cost of
         Goods Sold (excludes
         included below)          191,047     161,832     712,547     611,737
        Electric Operating and
         Maintenance Expense       28,125      27,819     116,454     113,137
        Nonelectric Operating
         and Maintenance
         Expense                   28,764      30,193     121,110     115,290
        Depreciation and
         Amortization              13,424      12,828      52,830      49,983
              Total Operating
               Expenses           305,505     262,584   1,138,113   1,007,157
    Operating Income (Loss) by
        Electric                   11,950      14,453      45,755      50,111
        Plastics                      979        (339)     14,362      23,707
        Manufacturing               7,953       7,785      33,051      27,578
        Health Services              (201)      1,845       3,430       4,538
        Food Ingredient Processing  1,698      (1,036)      6,762      (5,828)
        Other Business Operations   2,818       4,187       7,817       9,600
        Corporate                  (1,015)     (2,778)    (10,403)    (11,909)
              Total Operating
               Income - Continuing
               Operations          24,182      24,117     100,774      97,797
    Interest Charges                6,036       4,879      20,857      19,501
    Other Income and Deductions       780      (2,587)      2,012        (440)
    Income Taxes - Continuing
     Operations                     4,808       5,369      27,968      27,106
    Net Income (Loss) by
     Segment - Continuing
        Electric                    7,007       4,696      24,498      24,181
        Plastics                      704         149       8,314      14,326
        Manufacturing               4,281       4,310      15,632      13,171
        Health Services              (282)      1,089       1,427       2,230
        Food Ingredient
         Processing                 1,401        (611)      4,386      (4,115)
        Other Business Operations   1,454       2,442       4,049       5,257
        Corporate                    (447)       (793)     (4,345)     (4,300)
            Total Net Income -
             Operations            14,118      11,282      53,961      50,750
    Discontinued Operations
       Income from
        Operations Net of
        Taxes of $28                    -           -           -          26
       Gain on Disposition of
        Operations Net of
        Taxes of $224                   -           -           -         336
    Net Income from Discontinued
     Operations                         -           -           -         362
    Total Net Income               14,118      11,282      53,961      51,112
    Preferred Stock Dividend          184         185         736         736
    Balance for Common:           $13,934     $11,097     $53,225     $50,376
    Average Number of Common
     Shares Outstanding--Basic 29,790,350  29,444,655  29,681,237  29,394,033
    Average Number of Common
     Shares Outstanding--
     Diluted                   30,089,899  29,730,680  29,969,523  29,664,375
    Basic Earnings per Common
        Continuing Operations
         (net of preferred
         requirements)              $0.47       $0.38       $1.79       $1.70
        Discontinued Operations        $-          $-          $-       $0.01
                                    $0.47       $0.38       $1.79       $1.71
    Diluted Earnings per
     Common Share:
        Continuing Operations
         (net of preferred
         requirements)              $0.46       $0.37       $1.78       $1.69
        Discontinued Operations        $-          $-          $-       $0.01
                                    $0.46       $0.37       $1.78       $1.70

                            Otter Tail Corporation
                         Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                 In thousands

                                                 December 31,     December 31,
                                                    2007              2006
    Current Assets
    Cash and Cash Equivalents                      $39,824            $6,791
    Accounts Receivable:
      Trade--Net                                   151,446           135,011
      Other                                         14,934            10,265
    Inventories                                     97,214           103,002
    Deferred Income Taxes                            7,200             8,069
    Accrued Utility and Cost-of-Energy Revenues     32,501            23,931
    Costs and Estimated Earnings in
     Excess of Billings                             42,234            38,384
    Other                                           15,299             9,611
    Assets of Discontinued Operations                    -               289
      Total Current Assets                         400,652           335,353

    Investments and Other Assets                    34,557            29,946
    Goodwill--Net                                   99,242            98,110
    Other Intangibles--Net                          20,456            20,080

    Deferred Debits:
    Unamortized Debt Expense and
     Reacquisition Premiums                          6,986             6,133
    Regulatory Assets and Other Deferred Debits     38,837            50,419
      Total Deferred Debits                         45,823            56,552

    Electric Plant in Service                    1,028,917           930,689
    Nonelectric Operations                         257,590           239,269
      Total                                      1,286,507         1,169,958
    Less Accumulated Depreciation and
     Amortization                                  506,744           479,557
    Plant-Net of Accumulated Depreciation
     and Amortization                              779,763           690,401
    Construction Work in Progress                   74,261            28,208
      Net Plant                                    854,024           718,609

        Total                                   $1,454,754        $1,258,650

                            Otter Tail Corporation
                         Consolidated Balance Sheets
                            Liabilities and Equity
                                 In thousands

                                                December 31,      December 31,
                                                    2007              2006
    Current Liabilities
    Short-Term Debt                                $95,000           $38,900
    Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt             3,004             3,125
    Accounts Payable                               141,390           120,195
    Accrued Salaries and Wages                      29,283            28,653
    Accrued Federal and State Income Taxes               -             2,383
    Other Accrued Taxes                             11,409            11,509
    Other Accrued Liabilities                       13,873            10,495
    Liabilities from Discontinued Operations             -               197
      Total Current Liabilities                    293,959           215,457

    Pensions Benefit Liability                      39,429            44,035
    Other Postretirement Benefits Liability         30,488            32,254
    Other Noncurrent Liabilities                    23,228            18,866

    Deferred Credits
    Deferred Income Taxes                          105,813           112,740
    Deferred Tax Credits                            16,761             8,181
    Regulatory Liabilities                          62,705            63,875
    Other                                              275               281
      Total Deferred Credits                       185,554           185,077

    Long-Term Debt, Net of Current Maturities      342,694           255,436
    Class B Stock Options of Subsidiary              1,255             1,255

    Cumulative Preferred Shares                     15,500            15,500

    Cumulative Preference Shares -
     Authorized 1,000,000 Shares Without
     Par Value; Outstanding - None                       -                 -

    Common Shares, Par Value $5 Per Share          149,249           147,609
    Premium on Common Shares                       108,885            99,223
    Retained Earnings                              263,332           245,005
    Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)    1,181            (1,067)
      Total Common Equity                          522,647           490,770

        Total Capitalization                       882,096           762,961

          Total                                 $1,454,754        $1,258,650

Source: Otter Tail Corporation

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