MCG Capital Corporation Reports First Quarter 2009 Results

ARLINGTON, Va., May 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- MCG Capital Corporation (Nasdaq: MCGC) ("MCG" or the "Company") announced today its financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2009. MCG will host an investment community conference call on Friday, May 8, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. (Eastern Time). Slides and financial information to be reviewed during the investor conference call will be available on MCG's website at prior to the call.


  • Distributable net operating income, or DNOI, for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 was $13.5 million, or $0.18 per share. DNOI refers to net operating income adjusted for amortization of employee restricted stock awards and impairment of goodwill.
  • Net operating income for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 was $11.9 million, or $0.16 per share.
  • Net loss for the quarter ended March 31, 2009 was $50.9 million, or $0.68 per share.
  • Since MCG began its deleveraging initiatives in July 2008, it cumulatively has completed a total of $169.2 million in investment monetizations, including 17 monetizations for $157.5 million, which were completed at 99.4% of their most recently reported fair value, and one distressed sale for $11.7 million, which was completed at 42.7% of its most recently reported fair value.
  • During the quarter ended March 31, 2009, MCG repurchased $7.5 million of borrowings, which resulted in a $5.4 million realized gain on extinguishment. In total, since December 2008, MCG has repurchased a total of $22.6 million of its borrowings at 27% of par.
  • On May 4, 2009, MCG repaid the remaining balance on its unsecured revolving line of credit out of cash on hand. This facility is scheduled to mature on May 29, 2009. MCG expects to have sufficient liquidity from its operations, monetizations and remaining unrestricted cash balance to meet its 2009 operating requirements.
  • As of March 31, 2009, MCG's ratio of total assets to total borrowings and other senior securities was 199%. Subsequently, this ratio increased to 208% as of May 4, 2009. The decline had no impact on MCG's operations, liquidity, or borrowing facilities.
  • Through the date of this release, MCG has met all required financial covenants in its borrowing agreements.


Today, MCG reported a first quarter 2009 net loss of $50.9 million, or $0.68 per share, compared to net income of $2.5 million, or $0.04 per share, during the comparable period in 2008. This decrease in earnings reported was attributable to the recognition of $68.3 million of losses on MCG's investment portfolio, composed of $14.3 million of realized gains on its investments offset by $82.6 million of unrealized depreciation on the fair value of its portfolio. MCG's revenue for the first quarter of 2009 was $27.8 million, which represents a 35% decrease from the comparable period in 2008. MCG's reported DNOI of $13.5 million, or $0.18 per share, was down from $23.0 million, or $0.33 per share, from the comparable period in 2008. Net operating income during the first quarter of 2009 decreased 44% to $11.9 million from the comparable period in 2008. MCG's revenues, net operating income and DNOI decreased primarily because MCG stopped accreting dividends on one of its more significant portfolio investments during the second quarter of 2008. In addition, a 202 basis point decrease in average LIBOR, as well as decreases in MCG's loan originations and loan fees, also contributed to the decrease in MCG's revenue.

"While current economic conditions remain challenging, our successful monetization activities have allowed us to make significant strides toward improving our liquidity, preserving our capital and reducing our debt obligations," said Steven F. Tunney, CEO and President. "We are pleased that during the first quarter we were able to monetize $64.2 million of portfolio investments and repay our outstanding revolver in full after quarter end. Moving forward in 2009, we will remain focused on asset monetizations, balance sheet and portfolio management and enhancing shareholder value."

During the quarter ended March 31, 2009, MCG successfully monetized $64.2 million of portfolio investments at 105.1% of fair value as of the most recent reported period. Subsequent to quarter-end, the Company monetized three additional investments for $13.0 million. Since MCG began its deleveraging initiatives in July 2008, it cumulatively has completed a total of $169.2 million in investment monetizations, including 17 monetizations for $157.5 million which were completed at 99.4% of their most recently reported fair value, and one distressed sale for $11.7 million, which was completed at 42.7% of its most recently reported fair value. In March 2009, three major customers of TNR Holdings Corp., or TNR, elected not to renew their contracts. As a result, the revenues forecasted for TNR decreased by nearly 80%, which resulted in a significant decline in the fair value of MCG's investment in TNR. On April 20, 2009, TNR repaid its debt in full, together with all accrued interest and MCG concurrently sold its equity investments in TNR in a related transaction for combined proceeds of $11.7 million in cash. This sale represented a $15.8 million additional loss compared to MCG's reported fair value as of December 31, 2008. MCG continues to focus on preserving its net asset value through opportunistic monetizations. Therefore, while MCG will strive to continue monetizing assets opportunistically over the course of the next several quarters, the timing of such monetizations depends largely upon future market conditions. However, the Company is under no contractual or other obligation to monetize assets at specified times, levels or prices.

During the quarter ended March 31, 2009, MCG repurchased $7.5 million of collateralized loan obligations for $2.1 million that previously had been issued by MCG Commercial Loan Trust 2006-1. Since December 2008, MCG has repurchased a total of $22.6 million of borrowings at 27% of par.

As previously announced, the Company renegotiated three of its debt facilities during the first quarter of 2009. Most significantly, these amendments reduced key covenant requirements under the borrowing facilities. In addition, cross-default provisions related to MCG's unsecured privately placed notes were modified so that defaults under other non-recourse credit facilities would not be considered an event of default under the unsecured notes. In February 2009, MCG obtained a liquidity renewal and covenant relief from SunTrust for its committed secured warehouse facility, which resulted in a final maturity for this facility of August 2011. MCG agreed to increase the interest rates paid under each of these facilities. Compared with the interest rates in effect as of December 31, 2008, these interest rate increases would increase annual interest expense by approximately $4.2 million, based on principal outstanding as of December 31, 2008, reduced by repayments required under the facilities. This increase is being offset by approximately $0.7 million of annual interest expense MCG will save on the 2006-1 notes that it repurchased. These amendments provide MCG with continuing debt financing with repayment terms that are generally tied to future monetizations.

If the Company is able to meet its goals with respect to leverage levels, unrestricted cash balances and credit agreement limitations, MCG will evaluate on a quarterly basis the potential repurchase of equity and additional debt securities at a discount and the resumption of shareholder distributions.


As of March 31, 2009, MCG's cash and cash equivalents totaled $50.3 million and it had $631.2 million of borrowings (the majority of which was composed of $505.4 million of collateralized non-recourse borrowings), including $32.6 million of borrowings that mature within one year. As a BDC, MCG is required to meet an asset coverage ratio of total net assets to total borrowings and other senior securities of at least 200% in order to borrow under new or existing borrowing facilities or to distribute dividends to its shareholders. MCG's asset coverage ratio decreased to 199% as of March 31, 2009, but by May 4, 2009 had increased to 208%. During 2009 MCG intends to deleverage its balance sheet and pay only the minimum statutory dividend, which may be as low as zero. Furthermore, none of MCG's borrowing facilities contains a financial covenant that requires the Company to maintain a 200% asset coverage ratio; MCG's renegotiated borrowing facilities contain a financial covenant that requires the Company to maintain a minimum asset coverage ratio of 180%, down from 200%. In addition, MCG has $28.3 million of funded borrowing capacity available in its SBIC subsidiary that is exempt from the asset coverage ratio requirements.

In accordance with three of MCG's borrowing facilities amended in February 2009, MCG repaid $3.8 million on its unsecured revolving line of credit, $1.5 million on its SunTrust warehouse facility and $8.0 million on its unsecured notes during the quarter ended March 31, 2009. These repayments represent a portion of the monetization proceeds that MCG received during the quarter. Subsequently, on May 4, 2009, MCG repaid its remaining balance on its unsecured revolving line of credit out of cash on hand. After this repayment, the Company had over $23.3 million of unrestricted cash, $35.9 million of cash held in securitization accounts and $20.2 million of restricted cash as of May 4, 2009. MCG believes its current liquidity, combined with its future cash flows from operations and expected monetizations, should provide sufficient liquidity to meet the Company's operating expenses during the upcoming year.


The fair value of MCG's investment portfolio totaled $1.115 billion at March 31, 2009, as compared to $1.203 billion at December 31, 2008. During the first quarter of 2009, MCG originated $38.0 million of investments in four existing portfolio companies, including $20.6 million in connection with the equity sale and debt financing of LMS Intellibound Investors, Inc., and made advances of $14.8 million, including $6.9 million of paid-in-kind, or PIK, advances and $7.9 million of advances to portfolio companies under revolving and line of credit facilities. The originations of $38.0 million included $32.9 million of senior debt, $0.1 million of secured subordinated debt and $5.0 million of preferred equity. Gross payments, reductions and sales of securities during the first quarter of 2009 of $72.7 million were composed of $7.8 million of senior debt, $22.2 million of secured subordinated debt, $42.3 million of preferred equity and $0.4 million of common equity.

During the three months ended March 31, 2009, MCG reported net investment losses before income tax benefit of $68.3 million, which are detailed below:

                                  Three months ended March 31, 2009
    (dollars in thousands)
                                                             Reversal of
                                                 Unrealized  Unrealized
                                                  (Depre-    (Appre-
                                         Realized ciation)/  ciation)/  Net
      Portfolio                          (Loss)/   Appre-    Depre-   (Loss)/
       Company    Industry       Type     Gain    ciation    ciation   Gain

    TNR Holdings
     Corp.        Entertainment  Control   $ -   $(15,802)     $-     (15,802)
    Total Sleep
     Inc.         Healthcare     Control     -    (13,540)      -     (13,540)
    GMC Television
     LLC          Broadcasting   Control     -     (6,218)      -      (6,218)
    Jenzabar,                    Non-
     Inc.         Technology     affiliate   -     (5,733)      -      (5,733)
     Investors,   Sporting
     LLC          Goods          Control     -     (4,955)      -      (4,955)
     Inc.         Communications Control     -     (3,822)      -      (3,822)
    Jet Plastica
     Investors,   Plastic
     LLC          Products       Control     -     (3,522)      -      (3,522)
     Acquisition  Home           Non-
     Corp.        Furnishings    affiliate   -     (3,511)      -      (3,511)
    Active Brands
     national,    Consumer       Non-
     Inc.         Products       affiliate   -     (2,679)      -      (2,679)
     LLC          Cable          Control     -     (2,085)      -      (2,085)
     Holdings,    Business       Non-
     Inc.         Services       affiliate   -     (1,996)      -      (1,996)
     Holdings,                   Non-
     LLC          Broadcasting   affiliate   -     (1,256)      -      (1,256)
    XFone, Inc.   Communications Affiliate (1,969)   -         1,969     -
     LLC          Logistics      Control   16,257   (1,014)  (15,065)    178
    (< $1 million
    net (loss)
    gain)                                     (35)  (3,355)     -      (3,390)

        Total                             $14,253 $(69,488) $(13,096) (68,331)

During the three months ended March 31, 2009, MCG recorded $82.6 million of unrealized depreciation, which includes the reversal of previously recorded unrealized appreciation on LMS Intellibound Investors, LLC, which was realized on the sale of its investment in LMS Intellibound Investors, LLC, in February 2009. The remaining unrealized depreciation shown in the above table predominantly resulted from a change in the performance of certain of the portfolio companies, as well as the multiples that MCG used to estimate the fair value of the investments.

    Conference Call:       Friday, May 8, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time
    Dial-in Number:        (877) 397-0250 domestic; (719) 325-4861 for
                           international callers (no access code required)
    Live Webcast /Replay:
    Call Replay:           (888) 203-1112 or (719) 457-0820 for international
                           callers - replay pass code #4542633, through May
                           22, 2009.
                          MCG Capital Corporation
                        Consolidated Balance Sheets
    (in thousands, except per share amounts)         March 31,  December 31,
                                                         2009        2008
      Cash and cash equivalents                         $50,330     $46,149
      Cash, securitization accounts                      41,801      37,493
      Cash, restricted                                   20,101         979
      Investments at fair value
         Non-affiliate investments (cost of
          $632,909 and $605,906, respectively)          591,747     584,336
         Affiliate investments (cost of $41,890
          and $45,141, respectively)                     54,492      56,126
         Control investments (cost of $789,399 and
          $819,076, respectively)                       468,753     562,686
            Total investments (cost of $1,464,198 and
             $1,470,123, respectively)                1,114,992   1,203,148
      Interest receivable                                 9,810       8,472
      Other assets                                       18,306      16,193
            Total assets                             $1,255,340  $1,312,434

      Borrowings (maturing within one year of
       $32,552 and $44,500, respectively)              $631,245    $636,649
      Interest payable                                    3,731       5,367
      Other liabilities                                  10,833      11,507
            Total liabilities                           645,809     653,523

    Stockholders' equity
      Preferred stock, par value $0.01,
       authorized 1 share, none issued and
       outstanding                                            -           -
      Common stock, par value $0.01, authorized
       200,000 shares on March 31, 2009 and
       December 31, 2008, 76,027 issued and
       outstanding on March 31, 2009 and
       76,075 issued and outstanding on December
       31, 2008                                             760         761
      Paid-in capital                                   998,894     997,318
      Undistributed (distributions in excess
       of) earnings
         Paid-in capital                               (162,783)   (162,783)
         Other                                          121,936      90,651
      Net unrealized depreciation on investments       (349,206)   (266,975)
      Stockholder loans                                     (70)        (61)
            Total stockholders' equity                  609,531     658,911
            Total liabilities and stockholders'
             equity                                  $1,255,340  $1,312,434

    Net asset value per common share at end of year       $8.02       $8.66

                           MCG Capital Corporation
                  Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                         Three months ended
                                                              March 31,
    (in thousands, except per share amounts)             2009          2008
       Interest and dividend income
         Non-affiliate investments (less than 5% owned) $15,667     $19,874
         Affiliate investments (5% to 25% owned)          1,141       1,873
         Control investments (more than 25% owned)        9,789      20,652
              Total interest and dividend income         26,597      42,399
       Advisory fees and other income
         Non-affiliate investments (less than 5% owned)     725         353
         Control investments (more than 25% owned)          484         244
              Total advisory fees and other income        1,209         597
              Total revenue                              27,806      42,996
     Operating expenses
       Interest expense                                   6,558      10,300
       Employee compensation
         Salaries and benefits                            3,798       6,206
         Amortization of employee restricted
          stock awards                                    1,537       1,742
              Total employee compensation                 5,335       7,948
         General and administrative expense               3,975       3,482
              Total operating expenses                   15,868      21,730
     Net operating income before net investment losses,
      gain on extinguishment of debt and income tax
      (benefit) provision                                11,938      21,266

     Net realized (losses) gains on investments
         Non-affiliate investments (less than 5% owned)     (65)          -
         Affiliate investments (5% to 25% owned)         (1,947)          -
         Control investments (more than 25% owned)       16,265         200
              Total net realized gains on investments    14,253         200
     Net unrealized (depreciation) appreciation on
         Non-affiliate investments (less than 5% owned) (18,932)     (9,567)
         Affiliate investments (5% to 25% owned)          1,618         472
         Control investments (more than 25% owned)      (65,270)     (9,703)
              Total net unrealized depreciation on
               investments                              (82,584)    (18,798)
      Net investment losses before income tax
       (benefit) provision                              (68,331)    (18,598)
      Gain on extinguishment of debt                      5,275           -
      Income tax (benefit) provision                       (172)        170
      Net (loss) income                                $(50,946)     $2,498
      (Loss) earnings per basic and diluted
       common share                                      $(0.68)      $0.04(a)
      Cash distributions declared per common share           $-       $0.44
      Weighted-average common shares outstanding
           Basic                                         74,498      68,847(a)
           Diluted                                       74,498      68,847(a)

    (a) In accordance with FSP EITF 03-06-1-Determining Whether Instruments
        Granted in Share-based Payment Transactions are Participating
        Securities, we adjusted the weighted-average basic and diluted common
        shares outstanding for the three months ended March 31, 2008 to
        include participating restricted shares of common stock that received
        non-forfeitable dividends.  The implementation of this standard did
        not change our previously reported earnings per share.

                           MCG Capital Corporation
                     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

                                                 Three months ended
                                                      March 31,
    (in thousands)                               2009          2008
    Cash flows from operating activities
      Net (loss) income                        $(50,946)       $2,498
      Adjustments to reconcile net (loss)
       income to net cash provided by
       operating activities
         Investments in portfolio companies     (45,648)      (19,454)
         Principal collections related to
          investment repayments or sales         67,102        46,972
         Increase in interest receivable,
          accrued payment-in-kind interest
          and dividends                          (2,644)      (11,793)
         Amortization of restricted stock awards
            Employee                              1,537         1,742
            Non-employee director                    60            76
         (Increase) decrease in cash in
          restricted and securitization accounts
            Restricted cash                     (19,122)        1,220
            Securitization accounts from
             interest collections                 3,776          (176)
         Depreciation and amortization            1,441           765
         Unrealized appreciation on
          stockholder loans                         (31)            -
         Decrease (increase) in other assets        628        (1,031)
         Decrease in other liabilities           (2,663)       (7,235)
         Net realized gains on investments      (14,253)         (200)
         Net change in unrealized
          depreciation on investments            82,584        18,798
         Gain on extinguishment of debt          (5,275)            -
           Net cash provided by operating
            activities                           16,546        32,182

    Cash flows from financing activities
      Net payments on borrowings                   (129)      (30,699)
      (Increase) decrease in cash --
       securitization accounts for
       repayment of principal on debt            (8,084)       16,685
      Payment of financing costs                 (4,152)         (579)
      Distributions paid                              -       (28,858)
           Net cash used in by financing
            activities                          (12,365)      (43,451)
           Increase (decrease) in cash and
            cash equivalents                      4,181       (11,269)

    Cash and cash equivalents
      Beginning balance                          46,149        23,297
      Ending balance                            $50,330       $12,028

    Supplemental disclosure of cash flow
      Interest paid                              $7,094        $9,928
      Income taxes paid                              99           331
      Payment-in-kind interest collected            365         2,643
      Dividend income collected                   5,196           345

                          SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
                  QUARTERLY OPERATING INFORMATION (unaudited)

    (in thousands, except       2008      2008      2008      2008     2009
     per share amounts)          Q1        Q2        Q3        Q4       Q1

       Interest and dividend
          Interest income     $29,829   $26,219   $26,825   $25,982   $24,054
          Dividend income      11,721     2,957     2,750     2,545     1,824
          Loan fee income         849       964       808       806       719
             Total interest and
              dividend income  42,399    30,140    30,383    29,333    26,597
       Advisory fees and other
        income                    597       960       913       640     1,209
             Total revenue     42,996    31,100    31,296    29,973    27,806
    Operating expense
       Interest expense        10,300     8,415     7,991     8,725     6,558
       Salaries and benefits    6,206     3,386     4,081     2,817     3,798
       Amortization of
        employee restricted
        stock awards(a)         1,742     1,862     1,890     1,467     1,537
       General and
        administrative(a)       3,482     4,487     4,320     4,253     3,975
       Goodwill impairment          -         -         -     3,851         -
             Total operating
              expense          21,730    18,150    18,282    21,113    15,868
    Net operating income
      before net investment
      losses, gain on
      extinguishment of debt
      and income tax
      provision (benefit)      21,266    12,950    13,014     8,860    11,938 Net investment losses
     before gain on
     extinguishment of debt
     and income tax
     provision (benefit)      (18,598)  (82,288)  (79,724)  (76,991)  (68,331)
      Gain on extinguishment
       of debt                      -         -         -    11,055     5,275
      Income tax provision
       (benefit)                  170       162       236       221      (172)
          Net income (loss)    $2,498  $(69,500) $(66,946) $(57,297) $(50,946)
    Reconciliation of DNOI
     to net operating income
        Net operating income
         before net investment
         losses, gain on
         extinguishment of debt
         and income tax
         provision (benefit)  $21,266   $12,950   $13,014    $8,860   $11,938
        Amortization of
         employee restricted
         stock awards(a)        1,742     1,862     1,890     1,467     1,537
        Goodwill impairment         -         -         -     3,851         -
          DNOI(b)             $23,008   $14,812   $14,904   $14,178   $13,475
          DNOI per
           average common
           shares(b)(c)         $0.33(d)  $0.20     $0.20     $0.19     $0.18

    Per common share
        common shares
        outstanding(c)         68,847(d) 72,310    74,296    74,424    74,498
       Net operating
        income before net
        investment losses,
        gain on extinguishment
        of debt and income tax
        provision (benefit)
        per common share -
        basic and diluted(c)    $0.31(d)  $0.18     $0.18     $0.12     $0.16
       Earnings (loss)
        per common share -
        basic and diluted(c)    $0.04    $(0.96)   $(0.90)   $(0.77)   $(0.68)
       Net asset value per
        common share - period
        end                    $12.36    $10.31     $9.39     $8.66     $8.02
       Dividends declared per
        common share            $0.44     $0.27        $-        $-        $-

    (a) Q3 2008, Q4 2008 and Q1 2009 include $865,  $332 and $3, respectively,
        of costs associated with MCG's restructuring expense, including, $88,
        $18 and $0, respectively, of costs associated with the amortization of
        restricted stock awards associated with MCG's restructuring expense.
    (b) DNOI represents net operating income before investment gains and
        losses and income tax provision (benefit), as determined in accordance
        with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, adjusted
        for amortization of employee restricted stock awards and impairment
        of goodwill.  MCG views DNOI and the related per share measures as
        useful and appropriate supplements to net operating income, net
        income, earnings per share and cash flows from operating activities.
        These measures serve as an additional measure of MCG's operating
        performance exclusive of employee restricted stock amortization and
        goodwill impairment charges, which represents expenses of the Company
        but do not require settlement in cash.  DNOI does include paid-in-
        kind, or PIK, interest and dividend income which are generally not
        payable in cash on a regular basis but rather at investment maturity
        or when declared.  DNOI should not be considered as an alternative to
        net operating income, net income, earnings per share and cash flows
        from operating activities (each computed in accordance with GAAP).
        Instead, DNOI should be reviewed in connection with net operating
        income, net income, earnings per share and cash flows from operating
        activities in MCG's consolidated financial statements, to help analyze
        how MCG's business is performing.
    (c) In accordance with SFAS 128, for the purposes of computing the basic
        and diluted number of shares, MCG adjusted the number of common shares
        outstanding prior to April 29, 2008 by a factor of 1.052 to reflect
        the impact of a bonus element associated with MCG's rights offering to
        acquire shares of common stock issued to shareholders on April 29,
        2008 (the date that that the common stock was issued in conjunction
        with the stockholders' rights offering).
    (d) In accordance with FSP EITF 03-06-1-Determining Whether Instruments
        Granted in Share-based Payment Transactions are Participating
        Securities, we adjusted the weighted-average basic and diluted common
        shares outstanding for the three months ended March 31, 2008 to
        include participating restricted shares of common stock that received
        non-forfeitable dividends.  The implementation of this standard did
        not change our previously reported earnings per share; however, DNOI
        decreased by $0.01 per share for the quarter ended March 31, 2008.

                           SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
                      KEY QUARTERLY STATISTICS (unaudited)

    (dollars in
     thousands)     2008        2008         2008       2008        2009
                     Q1          Q2           Q3         Q4          Q1

     - fair
     value       $1,016,845    $999,942    $925,862    $858,237    $815,620
     - fair
     value        1,530,940   1,514,918   1,412,899   1,290,524    1,197,840
     assets       1,590,101   1,593,656   1,469,584   1,356,785    1,308,567
     equity         823,485     836,044     778,026     715,497      660,665
    Return on
     12 months)
      Net operating
       income before
       net investment
       losses, gain
       on extinguishment
       of debt and
       income tax
       (benefit)       6.62%       5.50%       4.87%       3.73%      3.26%
      Net income
       (loss)          3.77%      (3.07%)    ( 8.85%)    (12.73%)   (17.08%)
    Return on
     12 months)
      Net operating
       income before
       net investment
       losses, gain on
       of debt and
       income tax
       (benefit)      12.60%      10.53%       9.29%       7.12%      6.25%
      Net income
       (loss)          7.17%      (5.88%)    (16.89%)    (24.27%)   (32.72%)
    Yield on
     average loan
     portfolio at fair
      Average LIBOR
       (90-Day)        3.27%       2.75%       2.91%       2.74%      1.24%
      Spread to average
       LIBOR on average
       yielding loan
       portfolio at
       fair value(a)   9.73%       9.46%       9.75%      10.44%     11.94%
                      13.00%      12.21%      12.66%      13.18%     13.18%
      Impact of fee
       accelerations of
       unearned fees on
       loans           0.03%       0.09%       0.04%       0.06%      0.06%
      Impact of
       income          0.00%       0.00%       0.00%       0.00%      0.00%
      Impact of
       loans          (0.90%)     (1.37%)     (0.83%)     (0.82%)    (0.92%)
      Total yield on
       average loan
       portfolio at
       fair value     12.13%      10.93%      11.87%      12.42%     12.32% Cost of funds
      Average LIBOR    3.27%       2.75%       2.91%       2.74%      1.24%
      Spread to average
       LIBOR excluding
       amortization of
       deferred debt
       costs(a)        2.07%       1.54%       1.36%       2.30%      2.19%
      Impact of
       amortization of
       deferred debt
       issuance costs  0.27%       0.30%       0.39%       0.40%      0.70%
      Total cost of
       funds           5.61%       4.59%       4.66%       5.44%      4.13%
    Net portfolio
     yield margin      8.29%       5.67%       6.20%       6.25%      6.69%

    Selected period
     end balance
     sheet statistics
       at fair
       value     $1,512,416  $1,431,084  $1,296,469  $1,203,148 $1,114,992
       assets     1,574,686   1,506,595   1,386,054   1,312,434  1,255,340(c)
      Borrowings    720,336     692,975     652,968     636,649    631,245(c)
       equity       810,203     779,530     714,679     658,911    609,531(c)
       accounts      20,494      29,098      41,083      37,493     41,801(c)
      Debt to
       equity         88.91%      88.90%      91.37%      96.62%    103.56%(c)
      Debt, net
       of cash,
       to equity      86.38%      85.16%      85.62%      90.93%     96.70%(c)

    Other statistics
     (at period end)
      BDC asset
       ratio            209%        210%        207%        201%       199%(c)
      Number of
       companies         79          77          73          70          71
      Number of
       employees         98          99          74          73          70
      Loans on
       non-accrual as
       a percentage
       of total debt
       value)(b)       7.06%       6.21%       4.24%       4.86%      4.82%
      Loans on
       as a percentage
       of total
       (cost)          7.52%      11.73%      10.93%      13.00%     14.53%

    (a) The impact due to the timing of the LIBOR resets is included in the
        spread to average LIBOR.  The impact to the yield on average loan
        portfolio at fair value due to the timing of LIBOR resets for Q1 2008,
        Q2 2008, Q3 2008, Q4 2008 and Q1 2009 was approximately 0.88%, 0.15%,
        0.04%, 0.55% and 0.80%, respectively. The impact to the cost of funds
        due to the timing of LIBOR resets for, Q1 2008, Q2 2008, Q3 2008, Q4
        2008 and Q1 2009 was approximately 0.70%, (0.03%), (0.23%), 0.64%, and
        0.11%, respectively.
    (b) At March 31, 2008, June 30, 2008, September 30, 2008, December 31,
        2008 and March 31, 2009 the impact of Cleartel on loans on non-accrual
        as a percentage of total debt investment at fair value is  2.94%,
        0.0%, 0.0%, 0.0% and 0.0%, respectively.  The decrease in the impact
        of Cleartel on the non-accrual percentage from Q1 2008 to Q2 2008 is
        a result of the unrealized depreciation recorded during 2007 and in
        Q2 2008.  At March 31, 2008, June 30, 2008, September 30, 2008,
        December 31, 2008 and March 31, 2009, the impact of TNR on loans on
        non-accrual as a percentage of total debt investment at fair value is
        2.75%, 3.0%, 0.20%, 0.21% and 0.22%, respectively.  The decrease in
        the impact of TNR on the non-accrual percentage from Q2 2008 to Q3
        2008 reflects a restructuring of TNR debt into equity during Q3 2008.
    (c) As of May 4, 2009, MCG has repaid $45.5 million in outstanding
        borrowings, which resulted in the following changes to its period end
        statistics:  Total assets $1,208,141; Borrowings $584,444; Total
        equity $612,201; Cash, securitization accounts $35,860; Debt to equity
        95.47%; Debt, net of cash, securitization accounts to equity 89.61%;
        and the BDC asset coverage ratio 208%.

                           SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

    (dollars in thousands)  2008      2008      2008       2008      2009
                             Q1        Q2        Q3         Q4        Q1
    Investment rating(a)
       IR 1 total
        investments at
        fair value(b)  $1,043,040  $989,536   $848,115   $719,765   $669,004
       IR 2 total
        investments at
        fair value        192,358   195,576    172,376    206,829    179,499
       IR 3 total
        investments at
        fair value        220,894   219,230    263,988    233,172    232,714
       IR 4 total
        investments at
        fair value         21,703    11,713          -     32,648     19,257
       IR 5 total
        investments at
        fair value         34,421    15,029     11,990     10,734     14,518

       IR 1 percentage
        of total
        portfolio            69.0%     69.1%      65.4%      59.8%      60.0%
       IR 2 percentage
        of total
        portfolio            12.7%     13.7%      13.3%      17.2%      16.1%
       IR 3 percentage
        of total
        portfolio            14.6%     15.3%      20.4%      19.4%      20.9%
       IR 4 percentage
        of total
        portfolio             1.4%      0.8%         -        2.7%       1.7%
       IR 5 percentage
        of total
        portfolio             2.3%      1.1%       0.9%       0.9%       1.3%

    New investments by
     security type:
       Secured senior
        debt               $9,782   $16,263    $10,696    $12,610    $41,778
       Subordinated debt -
        Secured             8,888    20,572     10,211      7,125      4,076
       Subordinated debt -
        Unsecured             804       691        723       (395)       127
        equity             17,710     2,954      3,766      2,543      6,825
        equivalents equity      9        19          9          1          -
           Total          $37,193   $40,499    $25,405    $21,884    $52,806

    Exits and repayments
     by security type:
       Secured senior
        debt              $33,532   $20,705    $46,756    $23,333     $7,777
       Subordinated debt -
        Secured            13,696    18,908      9,579     16,295     22,171
       Subordinated debt -
        Unsecured               -         -          -          -          -
       Preferred equity     3,592       281     13,839        291     42,289
        equivalents equity    751       205     10,831          7        426
           Total          $51,571   $40,099    $81,005    $39,926    $72,663

    Exits and repayments
     by transaction type:
       Scheduled principal
        amortization       $9,773   $15,524    $13,762    $13,047     $8,083
       Senior loan
        sales              10,733         -      8,000          -          -
        prepayments        27,332    22,362     34,061     25,234     21,500
       Payment of
        interest and
        dividends           2,990     2,049      3,363      1,645      5,562
       Sale of equity
        investments           743       164     21,819          -     37,518
           Total          $51,571   $40,099    $81,005    $39,926    $72,663

    (a) MCG uses an investment rating system to characterize and monitor its
        expected level of returns on each investment in MCG's portfolio.  MCG
        uses the following 1 to 5 investment rating scale:
             1     Capital gain expected or realized
             2     Full return of principal and interest or dividend expected
                     with customer performing in accordance with plan
             3     Full return of principal and interest or dividend expected
                    but customer requires closer monitoring
             4     Some loss of interest or dividend expected but still
                    expecting an overall positive internal rate of return on
                    the investment
             5     Loss of interest or dividend and some loss of principal
                    investment expected which would result in an overall
                    negative internal rate of return on the investment

    (b) At March 31, 2008, June 30, 2008, September 30, 2008, December 31,
        2008 and March 31, 2009, approximately, $593,388, $543,405, $469,066,
        $362,917 and $316,867, respectively, of MCG's investments with an
        investment rating of "1" were loans to companies in which MCG also
        holds equity securities or for which it has already realized a gain
        on its equity investment.

                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA
                     PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION BY TYPE (unaudited)

                           2008       2008        2008        2008        2009
    (dollars in thousands)  Q1         Q2          Q3          Q4          Q1

    Composition of
     investments at
     period end,
     fair value
       Secured senior
        debt           $452,445   $441,500    $383,493    $428,817    $456,377
       Subordinated debt
         Secured       513,467     478,107     453,336     351,425     303,490
         Unsecured      32,722      30,613      29,967      28,081      27,823
          Total debt   998,634     950,220     866,796     808,323     787,690
        equity         449,978     411,700     369,513     339,576     277,893
        equity          63,804      69,164      60,160      55,249      49,409
           equity      513,782     480,864     429,673     394,825     327,302
          Total     $1,512,416  $1,431,084  $1,296,469  $1,203,148  $1,114,992

    Percentage of
     investments at
     period end,
     fair value
       Secured senior
        debt             29.9%       30.9%       29.6%       35.7%       40.9%
         Secured         34.0%       33.4%       35.0%       29.2%       27.2%
         Unsecured        2.1%        2.1%        2.3%        2.3%        2.5%
          Total debt     66.0%       66.4%       66.9%       67.2%       70.6%
       Preferred equity  29.8%       28.8%       28.5%       28.2%       24.9%
        equity            4.2%        4.8%        4.6%        4.6%        4.5%
          Total equity   34.0%       33.6%       33.1%       32.8%       29.4%
          Total         100.0%      100.0%      100.0%      100.0%      100.0%


References by MCG Capital Corporation to distributable net operating income, or DNOI, refer to net operating income before investment gains and losses and income tax provision (benefit), as determined in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, adjusted for amortization of employee restricted stock awards and impairment of goodwill.

The Company's management uses DNOI and the related per share measures as useful and appropriate supplements to net operating income, net income, earnings per share and cash flows from operating activities. These measures serve as an additional measure of MCG's operating performance exclusive of employee restricted stock amortization and impairment of goodwill, which represents expenses of the Company but do not require settlement in cash. DNOI does include paid-in-kind, or PIK, interest and dividend income which are generally not payable in cash on a regular basis but rather at investment maturity or when declared.

The Company believes that providing non-GAAP DNOI and DNOI per share affords investors a view of results that may be more easily compared to peer companies and enables investors to consider the Company's results on both a GAAP and non-GAAP basis in periods when the Company is undertaking non-recurring activities. DNOI should not be considered as an alternative to, as an indicator of our operating performance, or as a substitute for net operating income, net income, earnings per share and cash flows from operating activities (each computed in accordance with GAAP). Instead, DNOI should be reviewed in connection with net operating income, net income, earnings per share and cash flows from operating activities in MCG's consolidated financial statements, to help analyze how MCG's business is performing because the items excluded from the non-GAAP measures often have a material impact on the Company's results of operations. Therefore, management uses, and investors should use, non-GAAP measures only in conjunction with our reported GAAP results.


MCG Capital Corporation is a solutions-focused commercial finance company providing capital and advisory services to middle market companies throughout the United States. MCG's investment objective is to achieve current income and capital gains. Portfolio companies generally use capital provided by MCG to finance acquisitions, recapitalizations, buyouts, organic growth and working capital.

Forward-looking Statements:

Statements in this press release regarding management's future expectations, beliefs, intentions, goals, strategies, plans or prospects, including statements relating to MCG's results of operations, including revenues, net operating income, distributable net operating income and general and administrative expenses and the factors that may affect such results, the sufficiency of liquidity from operations, monetizations and unrestricted cash to meet its 2009 operating requirements, the cause of unrealized losses, the performance of MCG's current and former portfolio companies, the Company's current strategic direction, including deleveraging its balance sheet, building its cash position and preserving net asset value through opportunistically monetizing assets, the amount, timing and price (relative to fair value) of asset monetizations, the ability to repurchase equity, additional debt securities at a discount and make stockholder distributions, the ability to increase its BDC asset coverage ratio, the impact of monetization activities on liquidity, capital preservation and debt reduction, the Company's ability to exclude debt from its asset coverage ratio, the Company's ability to enhance shareholder value, and general economic factors may constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor protection under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "anticipate," "believe," "could," "could increase the likelihood," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "is planned," "may," "should," "will," "will enable," "would be expected," "look forward," "may provide," "would" or similar terms, variations of such terms or the negative of those terms. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors including those risks, uncertainties and factors referred to in MCG's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the section "Risk Factors," as well as other documents that may be filed by MCG from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As a result of such risks, uncertainties and factors, actual results may differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements discussed in or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. MCG is providing the information in this press release as of this date and assumes no obligations to update the information included in this press release or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

SOURCE MCG Capital Corporation

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