Preferred Bank Reports Second Quarter Results

LOS ANGELES, July 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Preferred Bank (Nasdaq: PFBC), an independent commercial bank focusing on the Chinese-American and diversified Southern California mainstream market, today reported results for the quarter ended June 30, 2009. Preferred Bank reported a net loss of $5.8 million or $0.59 per diluted share for the quarter compared to net income of $18,000 or $0.00 per diluted share for the second quarter of 2008 and compared to a net loss of $1.3 million or $0.13 per diluted share for the first quarter of 2009.

  • The quarterly loss was due to:
    • Provision for credit losses of $15.5 million
    • Special FDIC assessment of $617,000
    • OREO valuation charge of $1.2 million
    • Other-than-temporary-impairment charge (credit-related) of $351,000
  • Tangible common equity ratio improved to 9.60% at June 30, 2009 compared to 9.21% at March 31, 2009
  • Total non-performing assets remained relatively flat from March 31, 2009
  • Continued decrease of exposure in housing, construction and land development loans as most construction loans are now near completion.
  • Net interest margin increased to 3.33% in the second quarter of 2009 compared to 2.88% in the first quarter of 2009

Li Yu, Chairman, President and CEO commented, "In light of the continued soft economy we decided to significantly increase our allowance for loan losses this quarter which resulted in the larger than expected quarterly loss.

"In spite of the loss, our capital ratio actually improved from the previous quarter because of our efforts to decrease total assets and due to a recovery in the fair value of our investment securities which led to an increase in tangible common equity. The reduction in total assets was in line with our goal to continue to reduce the bank's exposure in housing related construction and land development loans. As of June 30, 2009, most of the ongoing housing projects are near finishing stage with limited amount ($19.6 million) of undisbursed commitments.

"Most of the in-fill metropolitan Los Angeles areas saw housing prices firm up during this quarter. In fact, many areas reported price and sales volume increases for properties $500,000 and below. We are closely watching the trend and hoping this will not be seriously affected by the widely speculated next round of foreclosures. However, as exposure in this area continues to decline and as we have been proactive in re-appraising and continually evaluating collateral value, our level of concern for this group of assets is gradually reducing.

"Early weakness of commercial real estate (i.e. retail, office and industrial properties) in the greater Los Angeles area seems a little more evident now. As the health of these assets are more closely related to employment trends, it will be difficult to predict the time of stabilization of commercial real estate. Our exposure to these loans amounted to less than $300 million. The average loan-to-value ratio at origination in this portfolio was right at 58%. We hope our loss exposure for this group of assets will be relatively moderate.

"We have also further increased our efforts to monitor our loan portfolio. For example, after the news of CIT's precarious financial position, we immediately performed a review of our commercial & industrial (C & I) portfolio. We concluded that we have two customers who have borrowing relationships with CIT. These credits total $1.8 million and are adequately protected by real estate collateral.

"We have performed many capital stress tests including the most well known method used by our government for the largest 19 U.S. Banks. All of them indicated we will be capital compliant under various stress conditions including the most adverse scenario. Nevertheless our Board initiated a rights offering for up to $10 million in common stock to provide additional cushion and comfort against future potential credit losses. We are confident the offering will be reasonably successful even under the current environment."

Operating Results for the Quarter

Net Interest Income and Net Interest Margin. Net interest income before provision for loan and lease losses decreased to $10.6 million, compared to $13.3 million for the second quarter of 2008. The 20.8% decrease was due primarily to the lower interest rate environment and lower loan totals as well as a significant increase in nonaccrual loans in 2009. The Company's taxable equivalent net interest margin was 3.33% for the second quarter of 2009, down from the 3.64% achieved in the second quarter of 2008 but up sharply from the 2.88% for the first quarter of 2009.

Noninterest Income. For the second quarter of 2009 noninterest income was $925,000 compared with $995,000 for the same quarter last year and $1,278,000 for the first quarter of 2009. The decrease in noninterest income this quarter compared to the second quarter of 2008 was due mainly to a decrease in trade finance income of $110,000 and a decrease in other income of $43,000 partially offset by an increase in service charges of $94,000. The decrease in noninterest income in the second quarter of 2009 compared to the first quarter of 2009 was due to a gain on sale of investment securities of $460,000 recorded in the first quarter of 2009.

Noninterest Expense. Total noninterest expense was $8.2 million for the second quarter of 2009, compared to $6.6 million for the same period in 2008 and $6.6 million for the first quarter of 2009. Salaries and benefits decreased by $180,000 from the second quarter of 2008 due to staff reductions and to an increase in deferred costs on loans renewed. Occupancy expense increased by $94,000 over the second quarter of 2008 due to the two new branches opened in the fourth quarter of 2008 located in Anaheim and Pico Rivera, California and to normal lease expense increases. Professional services expense increased by $452,000 due primarily to an increase in legal costs associated with non-performing loans and OREO. Credit-related other-than-temporary-impairment charges were $351,000 for the second quarter of 2009 and were related to two trust preferred collateralized debt obligations ("CDO's"). This compares to $1.9 million in the same period of 2008 and $425,000 in the first quarter of 2009. OREO related expenses totaled $1,841,000 for the second quarter of 2009 compared to $154,000 in the same period last year and $613,000 in the first quarter of 2009. OREO expense in the second quarter of 2009 consisted of $1,232,000 in OREO valuation charges and other OREO related charges of $609,000. Other expenses were $2,009,000 in the second quarter of 2009, an increase of $1,166,000 over the same period in 2008 and an increase of $671,000 over the first quarter of 2009. The increase this quarter over both comparable periods is due to increased loan collection costs as well as the one-time FDIC assessment which came to $617,000.

Balance Sheet Summary

Total gross loans and leases at June 30, 2009 were $1.15 billion, down from the $1.23 billion as of December 31, 2008. Mini-perm real estate loans were up from $592.7 million as of December 31, 2008 to $597.8 million at June 30, 2009 while construction loans decreased from $290.8 million at December 31, 2008 to $254.3 million and commercial & industrial and international loans decreased from $347.7 million at December 31, 2008 to $293.9 million at June 30, 2009.

Total deposits as of June 30, 2009 were $1.14 billion, a decrease of $117.5 million from the $1.26 billion at December 31, 2008. As of June 30, 2009 compared to December 31, 2008; noninterest-bearing demand deposits decreased by $1.3 million or 0.6%, interest-bearing demand and savings deposits decreased by $27.5 million or 14.5% and time deposits decreased by $88.7 million or 10.2%. Total assets were $1.37 billion, a $117.2 million or 7.9% decrease from the total of $1.48 billion as of December 31, 2008. Total borrowings increased from $58 million as of December 31, 2008 to $84 million as of June 30, 2009 as the Bank issued $26.0 million in senior unsecured debt utilizing the U.S. Treasury's Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program during the first quarter of 2009. The proceeds of this debt issuance have been used to reduce the Bank's more expensive deposits. The net loan-to-deposit ratio as of June 30, 2009 was 97.9% compared to 95.8% as of December 31, 2008.

Asset Quality

As of June 30, 2009 total nonaccrual loans were $80.9 million compared to $66.6 million as of December 31, 2008 and $85.8 million as of March 31, 2009. Total net charge-offs for the second quarter of 2009 were $18.3 million compared to $2.6 million for the first quarter of 2009. Based on a detailed analysis of all impaired and classified loans, as well as an analysis of other qualitative factors, the Bank recorded a provision for loan losses of $15.5 million as compared to $7.2 million in the second quarter of 2008 and $6.5 million for the first quarter of 2009. The allowance for loan loss at June 30, 2009 was $30.6 million or 2.67% of total loans compared to $26.9 million or 2.19% of total loans at December 31, 2008 and compared to $20.0 million and 1.65%, respectively at June 30, 2008.

The table below summarizes loans and leases, average loans and leases, non-performing loans and leases and changes in the allowance for credit losses arising from loan and lease charge-offs and recoveries, and additions to the allowance from provisions charged to operating expense:

                      Allowance for Credit Losses & Loss Histories

                                            Six Months     Year    Six Months
                                               Ended       Ended      Ended
                                              June 30,  December 31,  June 30,
                                               2009        2008        2008
                                                  (Dollars in thousands)

    Allowance for credit losses:
      Balance at beginning of period         $26,935     $14,896     $14,896
      Actual charge-offs:
        Commercial                             1,031       4,686       3,092
        Construction                           5,324       8,636           -
        Real estate (mini-perm)               12,005       5,206       4,124
        Trade finance                              -           -           -
        Other                                      -           -           -
        Total charge-offs                     18,360      18,528       7,216

      Less recoveries:
        Commercial                                37           -           -
        Real estate (mini-perm)                    -           7           -
        Trade finance                              -           -           -
        Other                                      -           -           -
        Total recoveries                          37           7           -
    Net loans charged-off                     18,324      18,521       7,216
    Provision for credit losses               22,000      30,560      12,280
    Balance at end of period                 $30,611     $26,935     $19,960

    Total gross loans and leases at end
     of period                            $1,146,095  $1,231,232  $1,208,430
    Average total loans and leases        $1,210,689  $1,220,348  $1,227,150
    Non-performing loans and leases          $80,875     $66,785     $77,981

During the second quarter of 2009, the Bank made further enhancements to its methodology for determining the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses specifically the allowance as required by FAS 5. These enhancements required us to provide higher levels of reserves on loans on classified, non-impaired loans.

Non accrual loans as of June 30, 2009 and March 31, 2009 were comprised of the following:

    Loan Type                        June 30, 2009         March 31, 2009
                             #             $         #              $

    Commercial & Industrial  8         $6,695,000    6         $7,233,000
    Mini-Perm Real Estate    6         10,972,000    5         10,916,000
    Construction-Commercial  1          3,961,000    1          3,961,000
     Housing                 6         32,418,000    6         37,337,000
    Land-residential         3         16,505,000    3         17,229,000
    Land-commercial          3         10,324,000    3          9,156,000
                             -         ----------    -          ---------
    Total                   27        $80,875,000   24        $85,832,000
                            --        -----------   --        -----------

Loans Past Due 30-89 Days

Loans 30-89 days past due at June 30,2009 were $87.2 million which was up from the total of $51.4 million as of December 31, 2008. We can typically expect that approximately 35% - 55% of that total will migrate to nonaccrual status.

For-Sale Housing Loan Exposure

Below is a summary of the change in our for-sale construction and residential land loans during the quarter:

    (In thousands)     6-30-09    3-31-09   $Change    % Change
                       -------    -------   -------    --------
    Attached          $103,410   $138,241 $(34,831)     (25.2%)
    Detached            37,786     38,257     (471)      (1.2%)
                        ------     ------     ----       -----
    Total              141,196    176,498  (35,302)     (20.0%)

    Land Zoned For
    Residential Use     65,658     69,102   (3,444)      (5.0%)
                        ------     ------   ------       -----

    Total             $206,854   $245,600 $(38,746)     (15.8%)
                      ========   ======== ========      ======

Real Estate Owned

Total OREO increased to $50.6 million as of June 30, 2009 compared to $35.1 million as of December 31, 2008. The following is a summary of our OREO properties:

    Property Location                   Net Book Value      Sale Status

    Housing land in Beaumont, CA            $7,497
    Housing land in Oakland, CA              7,172
    Housing land in Twenty-nine Palms, CA      306
    Housing land in Carson City, NV          1,730
    Commercial land in Beaumont, CA          5,735
    Commercial land in Los Angeles, CA       3,840
    Condo construction in Westchester, CA   12,173    Under contract to sell
    Condo project in San Diego, CA           3,760    Offer accepted, buyer
                                                       conducting due
    Condo project in Las Vegas, NV           1,110
    7 land parcels in CA and AZ              5,020    $800k of this asset is
                                                       under contract to sell
    Car wash in Corona, CA                   2,304


Preferred Bank continues to be "well capitalized" under all regulatory requirements, with a tier 1 leverage ratio of 9.46%, a tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 10.86%, a total risk-based capital ratio of 12.13% and a tangible common equity ("TCE") ratio of 9.60% at June 30, 2009.

Conference Call and Webcast

A conference call with simultaneous webcast to discuss Preferred Bank's second quarter 2009 financial results will be held today, July 30, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern / 2:00 p.m. Pacific. Interested participants and investors may access the conference call by dialing (877) 941-9205 (domestic) or (480) 629-9835 (international). There will also be a live webcast of the call available at the Investor Relations section of Preferred Bank's web site at Web participants are encouraged to go to the web site at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the call to register, download and install any necessary audio software.

Preferred Bank's Chairman, President and CEO Li Yu, Chief Credit Officer Robert Kosof and Chief Financial Officer Edward Czajka will be present to discuss Preferred Bank's financial results, business highlights and outlook. After the live webcast, a replay will remain available in the Investor Relations section of Preferred Bank's web site. A replay of the call will be available at (800) 406-7325 (domestic) or (303) 590-3000 (international) through August 6, 2009; the pass code is 4121538.

About Preferred Bank

Preferred Bank is one of the largest independent commercial banks in California focusing on the Chinese-American market. The bank is chartered by the State of California, and its deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Company conducts its banking business from its main office in Los Angeles, California, and through eleven full-service branch banking offices in Alhambra, Century City, Chino Hills, City of Industry, Torrance, Arcadia, Irvine, Diamond Bar, Santa Monica, Anaheim and Pico Rivera, California. Preferred Bank offers a broad range of deposit and loan products and services to both commercial and consumer customers. The bank provides personalized deposit services as well as real estate finance, commercial loans and trade finance to small and mid-sized businesses, entrepreneurs, real estate developers, professionals and high net worth individuals. Preferred Bank continues to benefit from the significant migration to Southern California of ethnic Chinese from China and other areas of East Asia. While its business is not solely dependent on the Chinese-American market, it represents an important element of the bank's operating strategy, especially for its branch network and deposit products and services. Preferred Bank believes it is well positioned to compete effectively with the smaller Chinese-American community banks, the larger commercial banks and other major banks operating in Southern California by offering a high degree of personal service and responsiveness, experienced multi-lingual staff and substantial lending limits.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements about the Bank's future financial and operating results, the Bank's plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and other statements that are not historical facts. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of the Bank's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements: changes in economic conditions; changes in the California real estate market; the loss of senior management and other employees; natural disasters or recurring energy shortage; changes in interest rates; competition from other financial services companies; ineffective underwriting practices; inadequate allowance for loan and lease losses to cover actual losses; risks inherent in construction lending; adverse economic conditions in Asia; downturn in international trade; inability to attract deposits; inability to raise additional capital when needed or on favorable terms; inability to manage growth; inadequate communications, information, operating and financial control systems, technology from fourth party service providers; the U.S. government's monetary policies; government regulation; environmental liability with respect to properties to which the bank takes title; and the threat of terrorism. Additional factors that could cause the Bank's results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements can be found in the Bank's 2008 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which can be found on Preferred Bank's website. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date of the press release, and the Bank assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. For additional information about Preferred Bank, please visit the Bank's website at

    For Further Information:

    Edward J. Czajka              Lasse Glassen
    Executive Vice President      General Information
    Chief Financial Officer       (213) 486-6546
    (213) 891-1188      

Financial Tables to Follow

                         PREFERRED BANK
        Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
      (in thousands, except for net (loss) income per share
                           and shares)

                              For the Three Months Ended
                             June 30,   June 30,  March 31,
                               2009       2008       2009
                               ----       ----       ----
     Interest income:
       Loans, including
        fees                 $15,003    $18,924    $15,161
        securities             1,418      3,169      1,733
       Fed funds sold              2          4         32
                                   -          -         --
         Total interest
          income              16,423     22,097     16,926
                              ------     ------     ------

     Interest expense:
        demand                  $208        383        227
       Savings                   206        349        217
       Time certificates
        of $100,000 or
        more                   2,903      5,489      3,379
       Other time
        certificates           1,778      1,524      2,720
       Fed funds
        purchased                  -        790          -
       FHLB borrowings           584        231        578
       Senior debt               188          -        101
                                 ---          -        ---
         Total interest
          expense             $5,867      8,766      7,222
                              ------      -----      -----
         Net interest
          income              10,556     13,331      9,704
     Provision for loan
      losses                  15,450      7,200      6,550
                              ------      -----      -----
         Net interest income
          (loss) after
          provision for
          loan losses         (4,894)     6,131      3,154

     Noninterest income:
       Fees & service
        charges on deposit
        accounts                 564        470        549
       Trade finance
        income                   109        219        125
       BOLI  income               80         91         78
       Net gain on sale of
        securities                 -          -        460
       Other income              172        215         66
                                 ---        ---         --
         Total noninterest
          income                 925        995      1,278

     Noninterest expense:
       Salary and employee
        benefits               1,817      1,997      2,128
       Net occupancy
        expense                  772        678        839
        development and
        promotion expense         47         77         46
        services               1,107        655        877
       Office supplies and
        equipment expense        282        313        317
       Total other-than-
        impairment losses        351      1,928      4,774
       Portion of loss
        recognized in other
        income                     -          -     (4,349)
       Other real estate
        owned related
        expense                1,841        154        613
       Other                   2,009        843      1,338
                               -----        ---      -----
         Total noninterest
          expense              8,226      6,645      6,583
         Income (loss)
          before provision
          for income
          taxes              (12,195)       481     (2,151)
     Income tax (benefit)
      expense                 (6,397)      $463       (829)
         Net (loss)
          income             $(5,798)        18     (1,322)
                             -------         --     ------

     Net (loss) income per
      share - basic           $(0.59)        $-     $(0.14)
     Net (loss) income per
      share - diluted         $(0.59)        $-     $(0.13)

      common shares
         Basic             9,854,207  9,755,207  9,791,507
         Diluted           9,854,207  9,756,471  9,794,271

                       PREFERRED BANK
       Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
       (in thousands, except for net (loss) income per
                      share and shares)

                           For the Six Months
                            June 30,   June 30,   Change
                              2009       2008       %
                              ----       ----       -
     Interest income:
       Loans, including
        fees                $30,164    $40,896    -26.2%
        securities            3,150      6,473    -51.3%
       Fed funds sold            34         16    110.5%
                                 --         --    -----
         Total interest
          income             33,348     47,385    -29.6%
                             ------     ------    -----

     Interest expense:
        demand                  436        821    -47.0%
       Savings                  423        903    -53.2%
       Time certificates
        of $100,000 or
        more                  6,417     12,273    -47.7%
       Other time
        certificates          4,363      3,154     38.3%
       Fed funds
        purchased                 0      1,583   -100.0%
       FHLB borrowings        1,161        479    142.4%
       Senior debt              289          -    100.0%
                                ---          -    -----
         Total interest
          expense            13,089     19,213    -31.9%
                             ------     ------    -----
         Net interest
          income             20,259     28,172    -28.1%
     Provision for credit
      losses                 22,000     12,280     79.2%
                             ------     ------     ----
         Net interest income
          after provision
          for loan losses    (1,741)    15,892   -111.0%

     Noninterest income:
       Fees & service
        charges on deposit
        accounts              1,113        927     20.1%
       Trade finance
        income                  234        360    -35.0%
       BOLI  income             157        179    -12.1%
       Net gain on sale
        of investment
        securities              460          -    100.0%
       Other income             239        311    -23.2%
                                ---        ---    -----
          income              2,203      1,777     24.0%
                              -----      -----     ----

       Salary and
        benefits              3,945      4,635    -14.9%
       Net occupancy
        expense               1,611      1,270     26.9%
        development and
        expense                  93        173    -46.2%
        services              1,984      1,287     54.1%
       Office supplies
        and equipment
        expense                 599        607     -1.3%
       Total other-than-
        losses                4,983      1,928    158.5%
       Portion of loss
        recognized in
        income               (4,207)         -    100.0%
       Other real estate
        owned related
        expense               2,454        198   1137.8%
       Other                  3,347      1,552    115.7%
                              -----      -----    -----
          expense            14,809     11,650     27.1%
                             ------     ------     ----
         Income before
          provision for
          income taxes      (14,347)     6,019   -338.4%
     Income tax (benefit)
      expense                (7,227)     2,623   -375.5%
                             ------      -----   ------
         Net (loss)
          income            $(7,120)    $3,396   -309.7%
                            -------     ------   ------

     Net (loss) income
      per share - basic      $(0.72)     $0.35   -307.1%
     Net (loss) income
      per share -
      diluted                $(0.72)     $0.35   -307.1%

      common shares
         Basic            9,823,030  9,800,251      0.2%
         Diluted          9,823,030  9,824,871      0.0%

                     PREFERRED BANK
     Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial
                     (in thousands)

                           June 30,    December 31,
                             2009            2008
                             ----            ----

     Cash and due from
      banks                $38,115         $19,386
     Fed funds sold              -          50,200
                               ---          ------
       Cash and cash
        equivalents         38,115          69,586
                                 -               -
      sale, at fair
      value                 98,826         104,406
     Loans and leases    1,146,095       1,231,232
     Less allowance for
      loan and lease
      losses               (30,611)        (26,935)
     Less net deferred
      loan fees                330            (167)
                               ---            ----
       Net loans and
        leases           1,115,814       1,204,130
                         ---------       ---------

     Other real estate
      owned                 50,647          35,127
      liability on
      acceptances                -             786
     Bank furniture and
      fixtures, net          6,846           7,157
     Bank-owned life
      insurance              7,180           8,454
     Accrued interest
      receivable             7,038           7,807
     Federal Home Loan
      Bank stock             4,996           4,996
     Deferred tax
      assets                25,081          25,903
     Other asset            11,518          14,879
                            ------          ------
       Total assets     $1,366,061      $1,483,231
                        ----------      ----------

     Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity


SOURCE Preferred Bank

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