Nkrumah Film is an upcoming feature length documentary film about the story of Ghana’s leader Kwame Nkrumah. The documentary film project is created by a renowned Hollywood and independent filmmaker Sarah Charlene Poindexter, and it covers the life of Africa’s first post-colonial President, who led his country to independence from Britain in 1957. Sarah is an accomplished filmmaker with public television documentary experience and to make this documentary project a success, she has recently launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter.
“Kwame Nkrumah is a giant on the global stage yet relatively still unknown in the West, which is why this documentary will play a major role in bringing his legacy to the light for the new generations.” Said Sarah Charlene Poindexter, while introducing this project to the Kickstarter community. “Even after 50 years since his death, his vision of a United Africa still inspires many people around the world and his legacy continues to thrive in the 21st century.” She added.
The Kickstarter Campaign is located on the web at:
www.kickstarter.com/projects/nkrumahfilm/nkrumah-film and backers from around the world can become a part of this project by making generous pledges and donations. Moreover, the goal of this Kickstarter campaign is to raise a sum of US$ 88,000 and the filmmaker is offering a wide range of rewards for the backers. Furthermore, more details are available on the Kickstarter campaign page of the project.
About This Project
Nkrumah Film is a feature length documentary film by Sarah Charlene Poindexter, and it covers the story of Ghana’s leader Kwame Nkrumah. Sarah is an accomplished filmmaker and her international travel series called Culture Trek was a popular production. The long-time independent filmmaker is crowdfunding this documentary film project on Kickstarter, and she is welcoming generous community support and backing.
Media Contact
Company Name: Info Works Media
Contact Person: Sarah Poindexter
Email: Send Email
Phone: 3104978957
City: Woodland Hills
State: California
Country: United States
Website: www.nkrumahfilm.com