The 10X Law Practice Growth Guide: 6 Proven Steps That Power the Most Profitable Top 1% Law Firms

The 10X Law Practice Growth Guide: 6 Proven Steps That Power the Most Profitable Top 1% Law Firms

Does your law practice find itself struggling to get a consistent flow of new customers despite boasting the best industry reputation, staff, and past results? Do you generate high LTV (Lifetime Value) with your cases?  Do the words "lawyer marketing" induce nausea? [if so, what? you are asking questions without follow up]

A marketing firm DigitalSaleMarketing is successfully helping lawyers grow exponentially; not only are they assisting lawyers in growing 10x faster, but they are also beating out the competition. "However, not all law firms qualify to join our program." says the founder, Mohammad Siddiqui. "To ensure a successful relationship, there are certain qualities we look for in law firms before taking them on as clients." One example of inclusion criteria we use is having a google rating greater than 4 stars; if the rating is less than 4-stars, they will not have a good grounding for growth, as the Google algorithm will throttle them back. DigitalSaleMarketing advises firms with lower scores to work hard to increase their scores before we can establish a relationship with them. Typically, all our clients start generating 90-120 calls and 30-60 new cases in a relatively short period. The work we do to ensure client success is quite labor-intensive; therefore, it is essential that we chose law firms that are serious, dedicated, and responsive to our collaboration.  With our extensive experience working with law firms, we know how to drive high ROI (return on investment) efficiently and effectively in a short time, in some cases, more than 4,000%.

In our experience, we have noted that consistently law firm marketing is one of the most challenging obstacles that lawyers face to accomplish predictable growth. A lousy marketing partner and poorly executed strategy could mean wasted money, a Google penalty, and worse, your case prospects going to another law firm and never to return.  Based on our experience, nine out of ten law firms fail to retain customers and increase their Lifetime Value.  These laws firms always fight an arduous battle to obtaining and staying profitable while attracting new customers. Not to mention the energy, time, and effort wasted on trying other shiny new channels.

To attract more cases, optimize marketing costs, obtain a very high ROI, and become the law firm authority in your market, there is only one solution, The DigitalSaleMarketing More Cases Tested Framework, Houston's"Results-Driven" law practice growth "Digital Marketing" experts. DigitalSaleMarketing practices were graded across 30+ results based parameters, to be awarded and recognized as the #1 "Data-Driven" digital marketing companies in Houston by kevsbest. Getting recognized by third party authorities in dense agency spaces reinforced the quality and hard work, and more importantly, the results we deliver for our clients day in and day out. Today we are recognized market leaders for law firm practice growth.

Case clients have changed the game in law firm selection, they are tech-savvy,  and the law firms are adapting fast. Clients looking for lawyers are firmly in the driver's seat, and the methods they use to find and interact with lawyer practices have moved almost entirely online. We see 20-40% of cases that do not even call before they come in; they book an appointment and just walk in, as they have done their homework online, even before they set the first appointment.

About 77% of prospective cases, clients start by searching for a law firm online. 80% of their buying decisions will occur even before they ever talk to any lawyer or their staff (Calling or filling out a form is the last step). They judge law firms' reputation by their online reviews and their social presence. If the law firm does not meet their expectations, they will find another law firm that does. This whole process of research happens in a matter of seconds (as the modern consumer is busy, wants the information fast, and is a quick decision-maker. We anticipate and use all these characteristics to put our law firm clients as the preferred choice). These case clients can be nurtured in their moment of need with appropriate online law firm digital marketing to drive them into the law firm on their terms. By using our proven Framework, case clients are willing to work with the law firm for their case but also refer friends and family, as our process helps establish the trust, safety and sets our law practices as a subject matter expert in the local area. Law firm digital marketing has become an art and science, requiring thoughtful data-driven frameworks design and creative execution. 

Just like any other industry, there are always newly sophisticated and evolving better frameworks to attract, retain, and ultimately market to high-value case clients. Our frameworks help bucket these prospective cases and prioritize on autopilot as they come in.

Due to the quick rise of consumerism, the law industry is changing—especially in the way case clients find and interact with law practices online has evolved and will continue to become more sophisticated. The following case study is aimed at guiding prospective clients to understand the full benefits of collaborating with DigitalSaleMarketing.

Case Study Lessons Learnt From 30+ Campaigns: Ideal Executed Law Marketing Services and Tactics

Within digital marketing, there are several strategies law firms can implement to increase revenue and cases.  DigitalSaleMarketing recommends implementing and combining multiple lawyer marketing techniques, the latest strategies, and methodologies to achieve the biggest reward for their investments.

DigitalSaleMarketing integrates the following services into their digital marketing packages, creating cohesive campaigns that span across all devices and digital technologies that can be used by case clients to find prospective law firms:

1. Content Marketing

Start by the creation and distribution of valuable and relevant content that helps the potential case clients.  Effective content includes videos, blog posts, landing pages, white papers, email newsletters, eBooks, etc.  DigitalSaleMarketing professional and local writers will assist in establishing an online presence and market you as THE Law Firm Authority for the specific keywords identified by the law firm.  There are thousands of keywords to choose from.  It is advised to use keywords that are high intent with case motive to rank and be visible to the appropriate case traffic successfully.  

2. Digital Competitive Analysis

The next step is conducting a thorough competitive analysis with the assistance of DigitalSaleMarketing.  DigitalSaleMarkerting will identify the law firm's and close competitors' strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities from a digital marketing perspective—including actionable insights that can be used to close any gaps and get ahead of the competition.  DigitalSaleMarketing will provide custom-tailored recommendations that can be used to enhance an online presence and performance. This comprehensive process takes two weeks.

3. Conversion Rate Optimization

Traffic is not the only metric that should be tracked. It is essential to understand how effective a website is converting the traffic to calls and cases booked. Conversion rate experts that work with DigitalSaleMarketing implement tests to improve visit-to-lead conversion rates.  This technique has assisted small to mid-size law firms, from a variety of practice areas, double, triple, and even quadruple their website channel case booking rates. Every little change gives us a conversion push. One technique used is modifying landing pages to incite emotion. Consumers buy not only based on logic but, most importantly, feeling.  It is essential to market to both of these components to supercharge calls and cases booked

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engines are nothing but modern phone directories on steroids. All law firms that intend to get more earned traffic, bookings, and new case clients need to start where 97% of online experiences start— modern search engines. They need to grow their long-term authority and get more qualified website traffic, leads, and sales with search engine optimization (SEO). This is important as the firms that are doing this are churning out cases like clockwork. The concept of clockwork is vital as this makes profits; staffing needs predictable and repeatable. (Some keywords like "Offshore Injury Lawyer" might take 6-10 months to optimize. Once optimized, this is known to be very lucrative and can increase profit exponentially, based on DigitalSaleMarketing's 30+ firms optimization experience. They have seen that one good case can pay for ten years of the law firm's marketing budget.

5. Local Lawyer SEO

For all local law firms, it is critical to have local SEO.  Why?  According to multiple sources, 97% of consumers go online to find local legal services, and 82% of smartphone users use a search engine when looking for a law firm. What is the best way to connect with these consumers?  DigitalSaleMarketing connects local law firms with local search engine optimization (SEO), as it is one of the best local lawyer SEO companies in the county.

6. Google/Yahoo/Bing Ads

Every law firm should leverage ads, as the LTV for lawyers is so high, that depending on the ads, they can achieve a 60 - 4,000 % Rate of Return. Ad channels account for thousands of dollars in revenue for our top growth law firms. With Digital Sale Marketing's Proven Ads services methodology, lawyers can add at least 20-30% of new case clients to their existing incoming lead pool and therefore take full advantage of their marketing spend. Plus, the recurring referrals stacked up can turn a practice around to triple-digit growth.  DigitalSaleMarketing has experience with this for multiple keywords rank placement and high-value case attraction.

What makes up a Winning Lawyer Marketing Plan for More Booked Cases

After running hundreds of campaigns, DigitalSaleMarketing has identified the following as the top proven components that help create the best lawyer marketing plans, starting with a website:

Website & Bots Designed for Lawyers

A website is a central hub of activity for all marketing efforts, and it needs to live up to modern expectations of the case clients. Online booking is fast becoming a necessity, and according to a report by Accenture, by 2021, 68% of online website systems will provide self-scheduling, and 68% of all case clients will also make use of self-scheduling and bots for convenience.

The best lawyer websites are virtual sales reps that don't only receive high quality qualified case leads but also successfully convert them to calls and appointments. Websites should also be mobile-friendly, secure, fast, and, most importantly, coded in a way that makes it easy for the search engines' software to find, crawl, and index.  DigitalSaleMarketing believes in tracking everything.  They report seeing a 70-90% of new traffic come through on mobile devices, which is a significant shift in the past five years. More people are choosing the convenience of their phones and moving away from their desktop.  Therefore, it is essential to optimize the mobile experience.  At DigitalSaleMarketing, their webmasters specialize in developing landing pages and lawyer websites.  These websites are not only visually appealing but also highly optimized with search engines that incite client emotions, appeal to logic, and enhance detection and action.  This allows law firms to obtain more leads, traffic, and booked case appointments from internet searches. Simply turn, all of the phone clicks into searches and eventually converts traffic to calls and booked cases.

Lawyer SEO & Content Marketing: Core Components of Any Lawyer Marketing Strategy

IMPROVE Organic SEARCH RANKINGS with SEO for Lawyers

Consumer needs are sometimes immediate or long term, as some are just looking to schedule an immediate appointment, while some are looking for answers to all their case-related questions, which means your law firm website needs to show up in the top of the organic search results for queries like "Should I get a lawyer?" and "How much compensation should I expect." To rank well organically, law firms must promote and establish themselves as the lawyer authority in their market; Google prefers these to award traffic, and they are easier to rank for.

Ranking well on Bing, Yahoo, and Google requirements

There are three requirements for obtaining a preferred rank on search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, and Google.  First off, the website needs to be fast, secure, and mobile-friendly. More than 40% of online users will hit the "back" button if a site takes longer than five seconds while loading. Google will track this abandonment and start pulling traffic; this is where conversion rate optimization comes in. Not only that, but search engines also favor websites that are secure (HTTPS vs. HTTP), mobile-friendly, and fast.

Second, it is necessary to have a data-driven content strategy with relevant, high-quality, and unique content that customers crave. Google usually ranks web pages individually, not websites. DigitalSaleMarketing's law firm SEO & Ads content marketing team never runs out of creative marketing ideas. Having ranked 2,800 keywords on the first page of Google and having a group of 12 writers with vast experience writing specialist law firm online content (including webpages, articles, persuasion letters, email newsletters, lawyer blogs, landing pages, ebooks, press releases, and more) specifically for digitally growth tech-minded small to mid-size law firms.  DigitalSaleMarketing focuses on handling everything digital to deliver cases, so the lawyers can press the easy button for growth while running their practice and servicing the leads and acquiring referrals that we send them like clockwork.

Third, lawyers need to promote their site to other authoritative and relevant websites and get the websites to link to, reference, and cite them as an authority. This requires outreach to other sites, and article framing, scope planning, writing, execution, and placement; this can be very time consuming for practice, so they outsource this whole process entirely to our Houston team. 30-40% of our top 1% lawyer practices are outside of Texas that have come from word of mouth referrals. When law firms see results, they tell their lawyer friends in other states, which helps us grow fast organically and digitally, as law firm SEO & ads can be done from anywhere.

Final Thoughts

DigitalSaleMarketing has years of experience with various platforms.  From Facebook to Instagram, Google to Yahoo and Bing, they have tried everything.  Over the years, they have weaned off the low impact channels based on data; since they are known to track everything, they are privy to a robust data and attribution tracking tools that are used to establish effective and ineffective strategies comprehensively. Statistically, significant low performing assets and tactics are documented and removed.  After ranking and delivering 170 million in cases value, our goal is to power-law firms seeking predictable, consistent, and repeatable case growth, with proven channels that work now.

Why Select Digital Sale Marketing Over Other Lawyer Marketing Companies?

Anyone looking for lawyer marketing should reach out to DigitalSaleMarketing and collaborate with them to enhance their marketing presence. They have four specialized teams, and one of them just focuses on lawyer marketing; this team has quadrupled over the last four years, as demand from our law firms increases, and marketing pays for itself with high law firm growth returns. DigitalSaleMarketing partners with law firms for strategic growth marketing from all parts of the United States. They also keep up-to-date with the latest lawyer advertising campaigns and marketing strategies from Google. They are staffed with consultant behavioral phycologists, persuasion conversion professionals, data scientists, and artists to help drive more cases for their law firm clients, as the competition in the law firm space continues to become fiercer. DigitalSaleMarketing takes advantage of every strategic advantage and talent help so that firms can stay ahead of the competition as the consumers advance, and their preferences, channels, and terms of engagement evolve. Pairing up with DigitalSaleMarketing is the most efficient way law firms win the digital war.

DigitalSaleMarketing lets their client results speak for them. A glimpse at their Google reviews from former and current clients, live results dashboard shows why they scored almost perfect number on an active 60 point evaluation matrix and recognized as the top "Data-Driven" digital marketing company in Houston, Tx (Link: kevsbest). Everything DigitalSaleMarketing does come from the perspective of a business owner, and they treat their client's law firm as their own.  After speaking to 5 of their current clients that are law firms, it was clear that they are the best partner in digital marketing.  Their clients had great things to say about the consistent results they deliver month after month.

Choose Lawyer Marketing Services from Digital Sale Marketing Today

DigtalSaleMarketing offers law firms a free audit based on their experience delivering 2,800 keyword rankings on the 1st page of Google, driving 100 percent of qualified ideal case traffic, $170 MM of revenue, and the latest data insights and tech tools, to nurture new case clients to law firms. They passionately believe in marketing that does not feel like marketing at all.

  • Schedule a 15 Min Discovery Call with DigitalSaleMarketing today.
  • They are transparent and will share with you case studies where they are driving consistent 30-50+ cases for the top practices and will show you their live dashboard (that is beautiful, by the way).
  • Tell them about your situation, and they will provide you with honest recommendations for online marketing growth tactics that are proven to work and start delivering today.
  • Digital Sale Marketing can be reached on (630) 930-1189

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