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Edison International Awards $1.2 Million to 30 High School Seniors Pursuing STEM

By: 3BL Media

SOURCE: Edison International


ROSEMEAD, Calif., May 17, 2021 /3BL Media/ — Thirty high school seniors in Southern California Edison’s service area have been named 2021 Edison Scholars and will be awarded $1.2 million in scholarships by Edison International to pursue science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) studies.

“The Edison Scholars class of 2021 is outstanding,” said Pedro Pizarro, president and CEO of Edison International. “They are navigating school, leading organizations and securing internships, often while balancing jobs. That’s difficult in any environment, let alone a pandemic. We are so proud to help these students pursue their STEM dreams.”

Each Edison Scholar will receive a $40,000 scholarship — paid over four years — to further their academic pursuit of STEM fields at a four-year accredited U.S. college or university.

The 2021 Edison Scholars are:                                                                 

Student Name

High School

Vanessa Amezcua

South El Monte High School

Omar Bahena

Desert Hot Springs High School

Kamea Boucher

Carpinteria High School

Celine Boudaie

Beverly Hills High School

Isaiah Brookes

San Jacinto High School

Junior Burks

Cajon High School

Pedro Calderon

Channel Islands High School

Jacqueline Canchola-Martinez

Redwood High School

Stanley Chan

Ruben S. Ayala High School

Aidan Chavez

Don Bosco Technical Institute

Brayant De Leon Duarte

South East High School

Markina Evdokimoff

Yucca Valley High School

Jared Frazier

Woodbridge High School

Nicole Iftekhar

Rancho Cucamonga High School

Joshua Kang

Highland High School

Chaeeun (Clara) Kim

Gretchen Whitney High School

Jazmine Leiva

Northview High School

Noemi Lu

Gabrielino High School

Nestor Mandujano

Nogales High School

Sophya Mirza

California Academy of Mathematics and Science

Malia Mitchell

Palisades Charter High School

Somaya Mohamednur

Santa Monica High School

Vanessa Peralta Sanchez

Hanford West High School

Ariana Robles

Harmony Magnet Academy

Jonah Sampson

Avalon High School

Naman Satish

Cerritos High School

Gideon Telahun

El Segundo High School

Raul Torres Jr.

Huntington Park High School

Reo Tseng

Los Altos High School

Gustavo Valenzuela

McFarland High School





















































Since 2006, more than $12 million in scholarships have been awarded to 700 high school seniors through the Edison Scholars Program.

Edison International, the parent company of Southern California Edison, is one of the largest corporate philanthropic contributors in Southern California. The Edison Scholars Program is funded entirely by Edison International shareholders. SCE customers’ utility bill payments do not fund company donations.

All thirty Edison scholars will be celebrated in a virtual reception on May 21, 2021.To learn more about the 2021 Edison Scholars, visit ENERGIZED.EDISON.COM.

About Edison International
Edison International (NYSE: EIX) is one of the nation’s largest electric utility holding companies, providing clean and reliable energy and energy services through its independent companies. Headquartered in Rosemead, California, Edison International is the parent company of Southern California Edison Company, a utility that delivers electricity to 15 million people across Southern, Central and Coastal California. Edison International is also the parent company of Edison Energy, a global energy advisory company delivering comprehensive, data-driven energy solutions to commercial and industrial users to meet their cost, sustainability and risk goals.

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KEYWORDS: NYSE:EIX, Edison International, Southern California Edison, scholarships

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