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Edison Shares Its Sustainability Progress

By: 3BL Media

by Jeff Monford

SOURCE: Edison International


Edison International recently released its 2020 Sustainability Report, detailing its progress in meeting long-term sustainability goals, delivering on its clean energy strategy, and advancing diversity, equity and inclusion.


Imagine a world where homes and businesses as well as cars, trucks and mass transit are powered by carbon-free electricity, delivered by a modernized electric grid.

This is the vision of Edison International highlighted in its recently released 2020 Sustainability Report.

Edison International’s sustainability goals reflect long-term commitments related to environmental, social and governance topics, including:

  • Clean energy transition
  • Electrification
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Public safety
  • Workforce safety and health

Southern California Edison, the company’s largest subsidiary, continues its efforts as outlined in its Pathway 2045 white paper, including decarbonizing electricity and electrifying transportation and buildings — the most affordable way to achieve emissions reductions.

In 2020, SCE procured 1,360 megawatts of energy storage and installed 1,442 new electric vehicle charging ports through the Charge Ready program. The utility also maintained the lowest system average rate among California’s investor-owned utilities, and its rates have grown less than Los Angeles-area inflation for the past 30 years.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions involves everyone, including utilities and energy users, such as large companies, according to Edison International. The company is proud of the progress of Edison Energy, its nonregulated energy advisory business, in providing customers, including 15 of the Fortune 50, with energy solutions to meet their global sustainability goals.

“Edison is committed to the global fight against climate change even as we continue to adapt our business to the changing climate and its impacts,” said Pedro J. Pizarro, Edison International president and CEO. “We remain focused on our long-term strategy to enable the transformation to a clean energy economy that is affordable, reliable and equitable for all our customers.”

Edison’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion reflects the rich diversity of the areas the company serves. Overall, Edison International has nearly 70% workforce diversity (female and/or racially or ethnically diverse).

For more information about Edison’s Sustainability Report:

Tweet me: .@EdisonIntl recently released its 2020 #Sustainability Report, detailing its progress in meeting long-term sustainability goals, delivering on its clean energy strategy, and advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. @SCE

KEYWORDS: NYSE:EIX, Edison International, edison, Southern California Edison, sustainability progress, Pathway 2045 white paper, 2020 Sustainability Report


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