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Edison Energy’s new Tokyo office supports Japanese companies’ growing demand for decarbonization solutions

Japanese corporations are at the forefront of the global demand for carbon reduction and energy management solutions.”
— Oded J. Rhone, Edison Energy CEO

TOKYO, JAPAN, June 24, 2021 / -- Edison Energy announced today the opening of a new Tokyo office to support the growing demand from Japanese corporations for carbon reduction and sustainable energy choices. “Japanese corporations are at the forefront of the global demand for carbon reduction and energy management solutions,” said Oded J. Rhone, Edison Energy CEO. “We are currently supporting sustainability efforts in North America with our Japanese clients, and look forward to expanding our relationships and decarbonization solutions with other Japanese companies operating across the globe.”

Global demand for net-zero emissions continues to rise, as countries increase their carbon-neutral mandates. In response, corporations are revising their energy strategies and decarbonizing their energy portfolios and supply chains. Edison Energy is the market leader in advising these global companies as they navigate the complex choices related to carbon reductions across the global energy market.

Tomio Okachi has been appointed as Edison Energy’s Japan Country Manager. “The more I learned about what Edison Energy does for its clients to not only reduce their carbon footprint but do so in a financially prudent manner, the more impressed I became.,” Okachi said. “In these confusing times with many complex choices for corporations to consider, having an experienced advisor like Edison Energy that will work through all the aspects of planning and implementation is critical for success.”

Edison Energy provides corporate customers in Japan and worldwide with
· Carbon and net-zero strategic planning and management services
· Renewable and commodity procurement
· Distributed energy solutions
· EV fleet solutions
· Energy engineering and efficiency services
· Innovative financing solutions

About Edison Energy
A wholly owned subsidiary of Edison International (NYSE: EIX), Edison Energy provides independent, global solutions and expert advice to help large corporate, industrial, and institutional clients better understand and navigate the choices and risks of managing energy. Edison Energy enables decision-makers in organizations to deliver on their strategic, financial and sustainability goals by addressing the three biggest challenges in energy today: cost, carbon, and complex choices. Delivering and implementing specialized solutions across analytics, renewables, sustainability, supply, and demand, Edison Energy aligns their client’s energy investments with strategic goals. For more information, visit


Lauren Glickman
RenewComm LLC
+1 646-820-0079

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