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NeuroPace to Present at the 4th Annual Wolfe Research Healthcare Conference

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Nov. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NeuroPace, Inc. (Nasdaq: NPCE), a commercial-stage medical device company focused on transforming the lives of people living with epilepsy, today announced it will be participating in the upcoming 4th Annual Wolfe Research Healthcare Conference. Management is scheduled to present on Wednesday, November 16th at 2:40 p.m. Eastern Time. A live webcast of this event, as well as an archived recording, will be available on the “Investors” section of the company’s website at: The webcasts will be archived and available for replay for at least 90 days after the event.

About NeuroPace, Inc.
Based in Mountain View, Calif., NeuroPace is a commercial-stage medical device company focused on transforming the lives of people living with epilepsy by reducing or eliminating the occurrence of debilitating seizures. Its novel and differentiated RNS System is the first and only commercially available, brain-responsive platform that delivers personalized, real-time treatment at the seizure source. This platform can drive a better standard of care for patients living with drug-resistant epilepsy and has the potential to offer a more personalized solution and improved outcomes to the large population of patients suffering from other brain disorders.

Investor Contact:
Philip Taylor
Gilmartin Group 


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