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Wytec Wins Multi-State Government Contract for AI Gunshot Detection

Wytec has amassed a team of industry experts with Defense industry experience. The advanced solutions are supported by global patents and patent pending solutions related to smart sensors, wireless connectivity and cloud management. Under real-life environments, Wytec’s embedded AI/ML algorithms have undergone more than 750,000 lab tests resulting in a 94% true positive & 95% true negative accuracy representing one of the most accurate gunshot detection systems in the world. Wytec has initiated discussions with chipset manufacturers, seeking to integrate Wytec’s technology into smart modules providing robust features and connectivity to the world’s commercial telecom operators.

Wytec has contracted two partners to assist in completing its smart sensor solutions: Trabus Technologies (TRABUS) and Lemko Corporation. Trabus Technologies, a minority-owned, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), headquartered in San Diego, California, specializes in the development of complex solutions involving wireless technologies that include AI/ML & Data sciences, Cybersecurity, Maritime Transportation, and Environmental Informatics. The company has developed an embedded AI/ML software solution for threat detection capabilities within Wytec’s smart sensor ecosystem. Wytec’s second partner, Lemko Corporation, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, deploys commercial networks worldwide using 4G and 5G wireless technologies. Lemko has launched Private LTE systems in support of US government spectrum known as the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS). Lemko has been issued more than 50 US and international patents with 28 patents in Mobile Edge Computing. and 2 patents in autonomous driving. Wytec utilizes Lemko’s reliable mobile edge network as the secure wireless backbone to its gunshot detection and drug sensing smart systems.

Wytec is offering a “no cost” Proof of Concept (POC) demonstration of its AI smart sensor gunshot detection technology to a limited number of TXShare members soon to be displayed on the TXShare website. Wytec is a publicly traded Company currently quoted on OTCQB under the symbol WYTC with plans to “uplist” to the Nasdaq Capital Markets.

To learn more about Wytec and its current and future AI Technology development, call 888-284-4531 and request to be included in our future communiques and webinars.

About Wytec

Wytec International, Inc. is a San Antonio, Texas based telecommunications company that owns two patents related to the deployment of 5G “secured” private networks and has recently filed two patents supporting multiple sensor technologies including gunshot detection and drug sensor technology in support of its recent RFP applications with TXShare. Wytec designs and deploys wireless networks and public safety solutions with emphasis on municipalities and school districts and was named a Best Tech Startup in San Antonio four times due to its revenue potential, Leadership team, brand/product traction, and competitive landscape. To learn more about Wytec, visit or follow us on LinkedIn at

About Trabus Technologies

Trabus Technologies was named Innovator of the Year by Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce for the development of a ground-breaking wireless innovation called Spectrally Efficient Peer-to-Peer “SEPP” technology allows for simultaneous wireless conversations on the same frequency without the need for cell towers or infrastructure. TRABUS is currently contracted with the DoD, implementing its wireless capability with branches of the armed services.  TRABUS also brings expertise in AI/ML, providing predictive solutions to multiple use cases including maritime transportation, environmental analysis, as well as maintenance and repair of US Navy platforms. 

About Lemko

Lemko Corporation’s Distributed Mobile Architecture (DMA) provides the world’s leading fully edge capable mobile network platform. Lemko’s mission is to provide simple and resilient 4G/5G wireless networks for use in Industrial AI/IoT applications, private 4G/5G networks, rural and remote broadband systems, and mission critical tactical applications. Using Lemko’s DMA architecture, Lemko’s systems are more reliable, resilient and portable than conventional 4G/5G systems available in the industry. Lemko is based in Schaumburg, Illinois.

Angela Guzman or Erica Perez
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