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Rooter-Man and MyCryptoCheckout Partner to Enable Customers to Spend Digital Currencies

By: PRLog

BILLERICA, Mass. - Aug. 25, 2021 - PRLog -- Rooter-Man, a plumbing, septic, and drain cleaning franchise with 776+ service locations throughout North America has partnered with MyCryptoCheckout to develop a pilot program that enables customers to spend digital currencies.

Rooter-Man is known for providing fast and friendly plumbing services around-the-clock and has served millions of customers throughout its 50+ years in business. The company has been named the #1 Plumbing Franchise by Entrepreneur Magazine for the last 19 years (2003-2021).

MyCryptoCheckout is a non-custodial cryptocurrency payment gateway and API, dedicated to increasing digital currency commerce around the globe. Some of the gateway features include: peer-to-peer payments, 0% transaction fees, and fiat autosettlement. To date MyCryptoCheckout is actively used by 3000+ shops and has processed over 310,000 payments worth $91MM+.

The two companies are teaming up to develop a point of sale pilot program tailored for franchise locations to accept digital currencies as frictionless as they accept other payment methods. The program will include cryptocurrency to fiat autosettlement, which enables merchants to instantly convert any received digital currencies. Merchants can then bypass one of the biggest hurdles to accepting cryptocurrencies: volatility.

"With all the innovation going on around digital currencies, their footprint in the payment market continues to grow each year. We look forward to enabling them as an optional payment method for customers. Being able to accept digital currencies, paired with autosettlement opens up alot of possibilities. For many merchants like us, autosettlement plays a big part in mitigating the risk of accepting a currency that could change in value in relatively short time." – Donald MacDonald, CEO, Rooter-Man

"We are excited to be working with Rooter-Man to help bring alternative payment methods to their customers. Volatility has been one of the friction points we hear merchants talk about most often. We developed our autosettlement feature to be highly flexible, it's a great tool for businesses who want to accept digital currencies but prefer to avoid volatility." – Jesse Sneider, Co-Founder, MyCryptoCheckout

About Rooter-Man:

Rooter-Man provides an array of drain cleaning, plumbing, and septic services to homeowners, realtors, municipalities and commercial/industrial complexes. The franchise was founded over 50 years ago by Donald MacDonald and is based in North Billerica, Massachusetts. Rooter-Man currently has 776+ service locations throughout North America. Each Rooter-Man location is locally owned/operated and has been carefully awarded the right to provide service under the Rooter-Man brand name. To contact Rooter-Man visit the official website or call 1-800-700-8062.

About MyCryptoCheckout:

MyCryptoCheckout is a cryptocurrency payment gateway and API. Its features include: 0% transaction fees, peer-to-peer payments, fiat auto settlement, and more. To date MyCryptoCheckout is actively used by 3000+ shops and has processed over 310,000 payments worth $91MM+. The company recently launched a sister project called Rewards RWD, which aims to reinvent how customer rewards are distributed, exchanged, stored, and managed. To learn more about MyCryptoCheckout, visit


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Rooter-Man and MyCryptoCheckout

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