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A Decade: Postal Advocate Celebrates 10 Years in Business

By: PRLog

WAYLAND, Mass. - Sept. 13, 2021 - PRLog -- The only mail audit and recovery firm in the United States and Canada, Postal Advocate Inc., celebrates 10 years of business this year. They oversee the largest equipment and postage portfolio in the world with a team that has over 220 years of industry experience.

Postal Advocate was founded by Adam Lewenberg in 2011. They have grown from a small startup to an internationally recognized managed service provider in the mailing and shipping industry. Adam created Postal Advocate with the goal of helping large organizations properly manage their mail spends. Reflecting on the past decade Lewenberg said, "When we started Postal Advocate, we were focused on helping reduce mail equipment spends based on the team's vast experience working for the mailing vendors.  What we found was our clients had a much greater need for visibility, oversight, and support around all mail related spends.  We built the systems and support models to provide Enterprise Postage and Shipping Management.  This includes the postage used through meters and permits as well as the mail related services used on site and through outsourced providers.  Finally, with the move to a more remote workforce, our clients needed ways to mail and ship from small offices, work from home and while travelling.  We now implement and administer multi carrier cloud-based solutions that allow our clients to mail, ship and control expenses from wherever they work and at the lowest costs."

Some of our major achievements over the past decade includes:

  • Over $67,000,000 in Total Client Savings and Growing!
  • Managing a portfolio of over 174,000 pieces of mailing and shipping equipment for the largest US companies.
  • Built the only multi-vendor web-based dashboard to see all mailing spends across the enterprise.
  • Represent the largest companies in the world across all industries.  Most of our clients are in the Fortune 5000 with two in the Fortune 10.
  • Support two of the largest Managed Print and Mail Service Providers to oversee their mail portfolios.
  • Average 59% on equipment savings and recovered over $20,000,000 in vendor overcharges, fees, and lost postage.

To celebrate our 10-year anniversary in a memorable way we will be doing 10 days of giveaways on our LinkedIn page to give back to our clients and network of supporters. Contact us to learn how we can find savings for you!

"Mail is often the least thought about category, with limited internal expertise, that can have the largest opportunities for savings.  With the hard work of our team and the support of our amazing clients, we have built an infrastructure that can help companies manage this spend with the best practices of the largest combined mailing fleet in the world."

-Adam Lewenberg (President & CEO, Postal Advocate Inc.)

Postal Advocate Inc.
888 977-MAIL (6245)

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Postal Advocate Inc Logo Postal Advocate Celebrates 10 Years

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