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Construction Progresses on New Amesbury Elementary School

By: PRLog

Sgt. Jordan Shay Memorial Lower Elementary School Construction Update

AMESBURY, Mass. - Nov. 1, 2021 - PRLog -- Construction is well underway on the new Sgt. Jordan Shay Memorial Lower Elementary School. Recently crews from CTA Construction Managers completed Phase 2 of the project at the adjacent Cashman Elementary, which will share the entire site with the new school. This included replacing a retaining wall which housed the existing generator and creates an egress from the north side of the building. Sidewalks and temporary stairs were constructed to provide a safe exit from the school until the final grades in this area are achieved in the future. Utility work was installed during the summer break while students were not present on site.

"Foundations at the new Shay Memorial are nearing completion, as well as the removal of 25,000 cubic yards of fill to create the final topography for the new site," said Jeff Hazelwood, Principal at CTA Construction. "We also recently completed the key high wall foundation work," he continued.

Jonathan D. Buhl, P.E., of Foley Buhl Roberts & Associates, Inc., the structural engineering firm on the project, added, "We are thrilled to be working on this important project for the City of Amesbury and the Amesbury Public Schools. We have been closely collaborating with DiNisco Design on this project since 2018 and we are excited to see the progress that CTA has made in the construction of this new elementary school campus."

"CTA has made significant progress on Shay Memorial over the summer which has continued even as students began school this fall on the adjacent property at Cashman Elementary," said Mayor Kassandra Gove. "We have weekly on-site meetings where the Superintendent and I receive updates on the construction timeline, and our site monitors continue to praise their site management. I look forward to seeing them continue their work over the winter, and getting our students involved as we reach the milestone of 'topping out' – adding the final steel beam to the structure," she continued.

Ed Pereira, CTA's Project Manager, said, "Over the next few weeks, we expect to perform ongoing earthmoving operations, continue with site utility structures and piping as well as commence installation of the building's structural steel frame."

About CTA Construction Managers, LLC.
CTA Construction Managers, is an award-winning construction management and general contracting firm with a history of excellence in building academic, multi-family residential, commercial, civic, and senior care facilities. Based in Waltham, MA, CTA Construction's portfolio includes projects totaling over $1.5 billion. CTA has also awarded over $100,000,000 in contracts to certified small, disadvantaged, minority, and women owned partners. Since its inception in 2000, CTA has become a leader in green building, helping numerous clients build sustainably and meet LEED and MA-CHPS standards. For more information, please visit:

Cori DiDonato

Photos: (Click photo to enlarge)

Shay Memorial

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