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'Jurassic World: Dominion' director says that 'there probably should have only been one 'Jurassic Park'

The director of the newest addition to the "Jurassic Park" franchise, "Jurassic World: Dominion" shared that he believes the franchise should have ended after "Jurassic Park."

There have been six "Jurassic Park" movies released to date, including a trilogy of Steven Spielberg directed movies and the trilogy of "Jurassic World" movies, two of which are directed by Colin Trevorrow and one directed by J.A Bayona. 

During a recent interview, Trevorrow revealed some of his thoughts behind the ever-growing "Jurassic Park" franchise, and shared that he believed none of the sequels ever should have been made.

The original three movies in the franchise, "Jurassic Park" (1993), "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" (1997) and "Jurassic Park III" (2001) star Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern and Sam Neill in the leading roles, 

The newer movies, "Jurassic World" (2015) and "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" (2018) star a new cast lead by Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. The newest addition to the franchise, "Jurassic World Dominion" (2022) brings the two casts together. 


During a recent interview with Empire, Trevorrow talked about how there "probably should have been only one 'Jurassic Park." 

"I specifically did something different than the other films in order to change the DNA of the franchise," Trevorrow told the outlet. "The previous five films are plots about dinosaurs. This one is a story about characters in a world in which they coexist with dinosaurs. For the franchise to be able to move forward-because it's inherently unfranchisable, there probably should have only been one ‘Jurassic Park,’ but if we're gonna do it, how can I allow them to tell stories in a world in which dinosaurs exist, as opposed to, here's another reason why we're going to an island?"

Even though the franchise is a multi-billion dollar one, the movies have not received the best reviews from critics. Trevorrow also shared that he didn't know that "Jurassic World Dominion" would be marketed as last movie in the franchise. 

"I never knew that this was the ending of the franchise until I saw the marketing," he said. "Those guys are brilliant at what they do, but for me I think it might have been clearer if they'd said, ‘The end of an era,' as opposed to all of it. Because regardless of the cynical approach-of course they're going to want to make more money, which is what ‘Jurassic World’ was about-a new dinosaur fan is born every day. Kids deserve these movies, and young filmmakers grow up on these stories-much like ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ and worlds we've returned to constantly." 

Trevorrow did point out that there were lots of new faces in the newest movie, which leads to lots of opportunities for the future of the franchise and shared that "there's more to come." 

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