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Newt Gingrich expecting GOP midterm election 'tsunami', says it could be biggest Republican win since 1920

Newt Gingrich joined "Fox & Friends" to discuss why he is predicting the "biggest Republican win since 1920" in the midterm elections.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich joined "Fox & Friends" Monday to discuss why he believes the "radical" agenda of the Democratic Party will result in big Republican wins in the midterm elections.


NEWT GINGRICH: I think a tsunami is coming. I think it's going to be huge. And when people learn that every single Democrat in the House voted for the Transgender Supremacy Act and that all the Democratic senators who are up for reelection, everyone of them co-sponsored the Transgender Supremacy Act in the Senate. And they look at the details of that bill, and they realize it would guarantee any boy who decided to declare he was a girl could go into the girls' locker room. 

… It would place transgender rights above religious liberty. The Catholic bishops had a devastating critique of the bill. These are the kind of radical things. If you look at the Latino community, it's the combination of the economy – you can't afford the gas, you can't afford the food, you can't afford the rent, can't afford the electricity — and radical values and the two together are repelling people from the Democratic Party on a scale… this may be the biggest Republican election since 1920.

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