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GREG GUTFELD: Democrats lied and 'cried Trump' before, now 'it's hard to care'

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld criticizes the media for its bias against former President Donald Trump by accusing them of damaging their credibility by broadcasting untruths.

Now we all know the story of the boy who cried wolf. I'm assuming you're old enough to have read that story before it got canceled for animal cruelty and transphobia. 

Now we're in the middle of a similar fable: the media who cried Trump. Ever since that guy came down his escalator and beat Hillary Clinton like the rented mule she is, the media has treated him like Hitler times 9/11, which is weird because unlike Hillary, he didn't kill anyone. 

You know the hoaxes: Russian collusion, the pee tape, Nazis are fine people, let's drink bleach, the moon landing and according to the media, "The walls were always closing in." "We got him this time," tweeted Hollywood nitwits like Rob Reiner almost every week when the only things closing in were Meathead's arteries. 

They stick their reputations on bringing him down, and if America had to fall to bring down the Donald, they were cool with it, too. But now Trump gets arraigned, and the media can't turn up the volume anymore. They already went to 11. They already blew out their speakers. To use a common biblical phrase, they already shot their wad. That is biblical… Leviticus. 


Now they're finally getting what they want, but it's hard to care. And they failed to see that they gave Trump the weapons to fight back by accusing him of so many things that turned out to be false. So now, do supporters care? Do they listen? 

The Dems finally think they landed the great Orange Whale, and it turns out they're the real Moby Dicks. I mean, who believes them? They lied to and insulted almost everybody — and those that keep at it, they seem weird, like a stalker.

HILLARY CLINTON ON MONDAY: The response that we've seen in polling from Republicans suggests that they're going to stick with him, that it's more of a cult than a political party at this point, and they're going to stick with their leader.

Hillary, you want to know the prime symptom of a cult? When the cult leader exploits his power to have sex with nubile followers. Yep, he was the original Crooked, so I've heard. Look what Trump persecution fatigue has done to CNN. They once had a decent reputation, but now they're like Will Smith at a comedy club. They have the smoking gun, but they're amazed that the bullets they're firing only bounce off.

JAKE TAPPER: We watch Donald Trump attempt to turn his arrest and indictment into some sort of campaign commercial. We need to remember that the reason we are watching this is because Donald Trump is accused of breaking some very serious national security laws... The folks in the control room — I don't need to see any more of that. He's trying to turn this into a spectacle, into a campaign ad. That's enough of that.


And CNN did enough of that. I have total respect for Jake Tapper, but why does his face always have that look like he's walking behind Jerrold Nadler? Sorry, Jake. But you want the worst? How about those who do not intend to carry these remarks live?

RACHEL MADDOW: We do not intend to carry these remarks live. As we have said before in these circumstances, there is a cost to us as a news organization to knowingly broadcast untrue things.

Costs? I seem to remember when Untrue Things was her nickname.

MADDOW 2017: The presidency is effectively a Russian op...

MADDOW 2017: We're about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what Russia wants.

MADDOW 2017: This guy Kilimnik keeps turning up again and again... Konstantin Kilimnik... Konstantin Kilimnik... Konstantin Kilimnik... Konstantin Kilimnik... He's still Russian military intelligence.

If you subtracted all the untrue things from that, this is what you'd have. And yet, she's a respected gatekeeper of information. So what's Trump have to say? Well, last night, on the eve of his 77th birthday at his golf club at Bedminster, Jersey, he slammed Biden and called the indictment a heinous abuse of power before eventually discussing the boxes. I wonder, did the boxes have all types of personal belongings, many, many things, shirts and shoes and everything?


FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: These boxes were containing all types of personal belongings, many, many things, shirts and shoes and everything.

Fair enough, but I wonder if he hadn't a chance to go through all the boxes because it's a long, tedious job.

TRUMP: I hadn't had a chance to go through all the boxes. It's a long, tedious job. Takes a long time, which I was prepared to do, but I have a very busy life. I've had a very busy life. They make it more busy because you are always fighting.

True. We all have busy lives. Maybe Biden can use that excuse to explain why he forgot he had classified docs and a granddaughter. And you know it wouldn't be a proper Trump event if he didn't come up with a new nickname for someone. I wonder, is the prosecutor in this case a thug?

TRUMP: The prosecutor in the case, I will call it our case, is a thug. I've named him Deranged Jack Smith. I wonder what his name used to be — Jack Smith. It sounds so innocent, doesn't it? Jack Smith. What's his name? "Jack Smith, he's a very nice man."

That does sound nice, doesn't it? But is he a behind-the-scenes guy, and is his record absolutely atrocious?

TRUMP: He's a behind-the-scenes guy, but his record is absolutely atrocious.


Later, Trump actually handled DJ duties, playing tunes from his iPad. Hits included "Blue Suede Shoes" and "Hound Dog" by Elvis. Maybe future set lists could include "It Ain't Me, Babe" by Bob Dylan or M.C. Hammer's "Too Legit to Quit," or maybe "Jailbreak" — that might be fun.

But the sheer fact that he's having fun reflects the way the world is to him: a video game where he meets the challenges as though it's a game. It might be incorrect, but it works. I wish I had that frame of mind, and the next time I'm in court, I demand the same sketch artist Trump has. I mean, look at that. I'm sorry, that guy has to be on Donald's payroll. He makes Trump look like Tarzan went to Brooks Brothers — look at that jawline. 

So now what? Will Trump be the first ex-president to go to jail? And will Kari Lake bake him a cake with a file in it? Will Joe Biden be in a cell next to him? That's if he's even still standing upright by Election Day, or will President Kamala laugh like she's doing whippets every time she's in public?

VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS: And to my Divine 9 family.

I don't know what she's laughing at — her record, I guess. It's all pretty weird, the charges sound real, but it's clear their importance is being inflated. And why? Because they can't say what they're really doing, that the Democrats are arresting a political rival, that's what it is. They're taking them off the table after targeting him for years. It's funny, Joe Biden suggested he'd make sure Trump wouldn't be running again.

PRESIDENT BIDEN, NOVEMBER 2022: We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power, by, if we, if he does run. Making sure he, under legitimate efforts of our Constitution, does not become the next president again.

Remember that? Yeah. He didn't say, "beat him in an election." He said, "make sure he doesn't run." I guess this is what he meant. 

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