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Paulina Porizkova avoids Botox, plastic surgery: 'I have never felt so desirable or beautiful'

Paulina Porizkova is not a fan of filters or Botox and took to Instagram to show how her face can look different given what makeup she is wearing and what lighting she is standing in.

A proponent for natural aging, Paulina Porizkova practices what she preaches.

In a video shared to Instagram, the supermodel, 58, showcased her "face without fillers, Botox or surgery." She juxtaposed footage of herself in "good light with professional gorgeous makeup" against footage wearing no makeup in the same lighting, and revealed that she has "never felt so desirable or beautiful."

"I have chosen not to put anything ‘into’ my face - but even with the fanciest creams and lasers that promise to restore some collagen- I am aging. Some days, I like it. I feel like my face has gained character even as it’s lost its youthful prettiness. And it seems a fair trade off. Other days, (and this is mostly only if I do a photoshoot), I have to gulp some self acceptance. I have changed," Porizkova captioned her post.


"Fortunately, this change also means being wiser. And bolder. So I keep gulping self acceptance," she admitted.

As the model has aged, she has been incredibly transparent about the changes to her body, hair and face, frequently posting unfiltered photos without makeup and highlighting her graying hair. 


Admittedly, Porizkova, who is in a relationship with producer and writer Jeff Greenstein, attributes some of her confidence to him. In May, Porizkova announced the couple had been dating for three months. 

"I won’t skip over the obvious- that there is a love in my life who finds me beautiful, and tells me so with words and actions every day- and this is really the only one I NEED to hear - But! I was on the same path before meeting him," she wrote. 


"I wanted to be able to accept myself as I am. And needed to know that those who love me - love me for the truth of who I am rather than who I pretend to be or who I’m expected to be," she added.

Porizokva is aware of society's perception of her - which has evolved as she has aged.

"Outside, I have changed. I’m told by society - for the worse. Inside, I have also changed. I’m told by those who matter- for the better. When I close my eyes, I have never felt so desirable or beautiful," she shared.

"When I open them, the world has never been as beautiful as it is now. So another gulp of self acceptance. Maybe, one day I can just look and see myself as I see others," she concluded.

Born in formerly known Czechoslovakia, Porizkova has been modeling since she was 15.

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