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LAURA INGRAHAM: Democrat leadership misreads why the public is down on Biden

FOX News host Laura Ingraham explains why Americans despise President Biden's economic policies on "The Ingraham Angle."

FOX News host Laura Ingraham reacts to President Biden’s declining poll numbers and popularity — or lack thereof — on "The Ingraham Angle." 

LAURA INGRAHAM: As usual, Democrat leadership misreads why the public and even their own constituents at this point are down on Biden. 



I have this crazy idea that Americans don't want to go into debt to buy stuff like gas, groceries or make car payments, and Newsweek writer Lee Habeeb noted that "the combination of runaway costs and high interest rates has been catastrophic for ordinary Americans, as the average car payment surged to nearly $730 a month, with the length of those loans extended to a record-setting 68 months." As for gasoline, well, Biden's insane squeeze on pipelines and exploration is killing the family budget.  


"In July 2020, gas was a mere $2.27 a gallon. In July of 2023, the average was $3.71, a whopping 63% increase," and it's even gone up since then. So, all Americans feel the pain of Biden's radical green agenda because everything that travels by car, by plane or truck is now more expensive — and it's all on the Democrats. The economy, as I've been saying for two years, remains the top priority for voters across the country and Biden's numbers remain really grim: 58% in that new CNN poll are saying his policies are making the economy worse.  

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