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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin released from hospital after 2 weeks, will work remotely 'for a period of time'

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Monday, on the advice of doctors, the Pentagon said.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been released from the hospital following complications from a prostate cancer surgery.

According to the Pentagon, Austin continues to recover well and, on the advice of doctors, was released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Monday.

"The Secretary will recuperate and perform his duties remotely for a period of time before returning full-time to the Pentagon. He has full access to required secure communications capabilities," the statement read.

Dr. John Maddox, Trauma Medical Director, and Dr. Gregory Chesnut, Director of the Center for Prostate Disease Research at the Murtha Cancer Center, of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, released a statement providing an update on his medical condition and treatment.


"Secretary Austin progressed well throughout his stay and his strength is rebounding," the doctors said. "He underwent a series of medical tests and evaluations and received non-surgical care during his stay to address his medical needs, to include resolving some lingering leg pains."

According to Maddox and Chesnut, Austin is expected to make a full recovery. He was discharged to his home but has planned physical therapy and had scheduled a follow-up appointment, the statement said.

"Secretary Austin’s prostate cancer was treated early and effectively, and his prognosis is excellent. He has no planned further treatment for his cancer other than regular post-prostatectomy surveillance," the doctors continued.

They added: "Prostate cancer is the most common cause of cancer among American men, and it impacts 1 in every 8 men — and 1 in every 6 African American men — during their lifetime. Early detection and treatment can result in an expected near-100% survival rate when treated with appropriate individualized care plans."

And, "Early screening is important for detection and treatment of prostate cancer and people should talk to their doctors to see what screening is appropriate for them."

Fox News' Liz Friden contributed to this report.

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