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Parents of fallen soldier remember daughter killed in drone strike, awaiting call from Biden

The parents of one of the fallen soldiers killed in a Jordan drone strike remembered their daughter during "Fox & Friends" and discussed President Biden's possible response to Iran.

The parents of one of the U.S. soldiers killed in a drone strike in Jordan spoke out Tuesday morning about the loss of their daughter, as they await a phone call from President Biden. 

Spc. Kennedy Ladon Sanders of Waycross, Ga., was killed alongside 23-year-old Spc. Breonna Alexsondria Moffett and 46-year-old Sgt. William Jerome Rivers during the drone attack near the Syrian border over the weekend. 

Kennedy's parents, Oneida and Shawn Sanders joined "Fox & Friends" to discuss the unexpected loss and how they want America to respond to the deadly attack that took their daughter's life. 


"As a grieving parent, I would not want to see any other parent go through what we're going through right now, but given the circumstances, our child and the others who lost their lives are considered heroes in this situation," Oneida said. "However, the President of the United States decides to respond, it won't change our situation at all."

She added, "Whatever is decided, I trust that it'll be a good decision that keeps everyone in the safest position."

Oneida mentioned that the family expects a call from President Biden, and they have already been in contact with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and various lawmakers. She said they have to complete paperwork before they can speak to the president. 

"I have heard from some other government officials," Oneida said. "Also, the governor of Georgia, Governor Brian Kemp, has put in a call to us. Some of our congressmen who represent our area have called us. We are having an appointment this afternoon with the casualty assistance officer, who told us that we had to complete certain paperwork in order for the president to be released to call us."

"So we are expecting a call from President Biden," she continued.

Since the attack, Biden has faced mounting pressure to respond in retaliation to Iran. 

"Last night, three U.S. service members were killed, and many wounded, during an unmanned aerial drone attack on our forces stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syria border. Jill and I join the families and friends of our fallen in grieving the loss of these warriors in this despicable and wholly unjust attack. Have no doubt: We will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing," the president said in a statement Sunday. 


The Pentagon says more than 40 people were injured in the weekend attacks on a small desert installation known as Tower 22 in Jordan. At least eight were medically evacuated and the most seriously hurt service member is in critical but stable condition. 

The Sanders said they were given very little information surrounding their daughter's death since there is an ongoing investigation into the attack. 

"They didn't give us any, details to that effect. The only thing that officers who visited our home told us that Kennedy Sanders was deceased and that she was in Tower 22 killed by an unmanned aircraft or drone," Oneida said. "I can't remember the word he used, but that's the only details he gave us."

A U.S. official confirmed to Fox News that the drone got past the air defenses for Tower 22 because it was mistaken for a U.S. drone expected to return to the base at the same time. A U.S. official told Fox News that the American drone and the attacking one were "in the vicinity" of one another. 

The soldiers' deaths marked a major escalation of violence in the ongoing attacks on U.S. forces in the region. The Biden administration has blamed these attacks on Iran-backed militia groups in Syria and Iraq who have struck American targets in retaliation for the U.S.'s support of Israel in its ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza that began on Oct. 7. 

Per the Department of Defense (DOD), there have been 165 attacks in Iraq, Syria and now Jordan since Oct. 17. Of these, 66 were in Iraq, 98 were in Syria and one was in Jordan. 

Kennedy's parents said she came from a long line of service, with her dad, brother and grandfather all having served in the military. 

"I'm always kind of focused on her commitment to the army and understanding the ultimate sacrifice. I came home, her big brother came home. My dad came home. A lot of us don't have the opportunity to come home," Shawn said. "And for those who don't, we should honor them."

"She was the life of the party. It was a. She enjoyed life. She was very competitive. She was goal-oriented, and she loved the service. She loved serving our country," he said. "I just miss her right now. This morning has been tough on me."

Fox News' Bradford Betz and the Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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