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SEAN HANNITY: Democrats are having trouble stomaching Biden

Fox News host Sean Hannity sounds off on President Biden's reelection campaign, saying he is trying to win by "handing out your money" and "smearing Donald Trump."

Fox News host Sean Hannity called out President Biden Monday for his next student loan bailout plan, despite the Supreme Court's previous ruling. He questions its fairness, saying it would be a "massive wealth transfer" from working-class people to the college educated. 


SEAN HANNITY: Defy the Supreme Court of the land. Pick and choose what laws to enforce, not enforce. Lie to the American people that the border is closed and secure when it's not. Lie to the American people about never talking to your son, your brother, or anybody for that matter, about their foreign business deals. Interesting, life of Joe Biden

Now, if successful, this will be a massive transfer of wealth from Americans that did not go to college to 30 million people that have college degrees, including those that attended graduate school. They're the ones that put their signature to pay back the loan on it. Not the rest of you. And in case you're wondering, there is no income cap on this round of student loan forgiveness. In other words, a welder. Maybe you make 60-70 grand a year, or soon be paying the student loan of a tenured, sociology professor, for example, making 250 grand. That sound fair to you? Is that the definition of fairness? Now, meanwhile, the colleges, the universities win. Either way, Joe will never hold them accountable for jacking up prices year after year after year. Because, as it turns out, the whole middle class Joe act, that was all a big lie, too. Now, even some Democrats are having a hard time stomaching Joe Biden. 

Privately, most Democrats have been frustrated with Biden for years. Remember, Obama himself famously looked down on Joe, warning, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to eff up." In 2016, Biden was passed over to be Obama's successor despite all of her [Hillary Clinton's] glaring problems. Even Hillary Clinton at the time was considered a better choice than Joe. In reality, very few people actually like Joe Biden. It's clear his family is not telling him the truth about it probably being a good idea to retire. He's been a horrible president for this country. He's in way over his head, always has been. And he's trying to get by, win re-election, by handing out your money and smearing Donald Trump and lying about abortion and calling Republicans racist and sexist and all the other names they call, conservatives and Republicans.

But Democrats will be lying a lot in the next 210 days because they cannot run on their failed record.

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