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SEAN HANNITY: NY v. Trump is a conviction without a crime

Fox News host Sean Hannity takes aim at the verdict in New York v. Trump, calling out the "weaponized" criminal justice system on "Hannity."

Fox News host Sean Hannity takes aim at the verdict in New York v. Trump on "Hannity." 

SEAN HANNITY: I have a travel advisory for New York City. If you're conservative or a Republican or a Trump supporter, beware of the weaponized Biden criminal justice system. Well, political differences are now considered especially heinous and if New York's powerful Democrats hate your politics, a prison cell might well be in your future or some kind of conviction for something, well, that they make up without a second thought.  


Donald J. Trump was convicted on all 34 felony counts and will be sentenced just a few days before the Republican Convention. How convenient! But most Americans, including people in that very courtroom, can't even identify the alleged felonies. That's because this is a conviction without a crime against Joe Biden's chief political rival in the middle of a presidential campaign. 

The only so-called evidence was uncorroborated testimony, let's see, from a serial liar who admits he has an ulterior motive, who was even likely caught lying on the stand during his testimony (We'll see over time.) and is now also an admitted thief on top of everything, but of course, the left ... will celebrate. They will sing. They will dance. They will high-five gleefully (and) call Trump a "convicted felon." Now, they're cheering the end of what would be … equal justice under the law (and) equal application of our laws. ... This is a sad day for our country.

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