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Dwayne Johnson suffers injury on set of new film: ‘Got banged up pretty good today’

Dwayne Johnson was injured on the set of his new film, "The Smashing Machine," and shared the results on his social media.

Dwayne Johnson sustained an injury on the set of his new film and is dealing with it through his trademark humor.

In a video shared on Instagram, Johnson showcased a swollen elbow he earned while filming a scene for his next project, "The Smashing Machine."

"Anytime your film is called ‘The Smashing Machine,’ well, you’re kind of going to get smashed up," he joked.

Johnson continued, "Look at that sucker right there. Looks like I have a cantaloupe at the bottom of my elbow. I got banged up pretty good today in our scenes."


The "Jumanji" star noted he thought there "might be some soft tissue damage," but he needed to wait for the fluid and swelling to go down before he got an MRI.

"But all good. It is what is is until it isn’t," he said.

Johnson also recalled advice from his late father, Rocky Johnson, a former wrestler and bodybuilder, who passed away in 2020.

"I remember my old man used to say, God rest his soul…‘A day without pain is like a day without sunshine, boy.’"



The 52-year-old then put out a call for advice from anyone familiar with the kind of injury he had, after listing off a litany of past injuries.

"I’ve torn my quad off my pelvis, tore my abductor off my pelvis. Tore my entire abdomen wall, all pro-wrestling matches. [I’ve] had four knee surgeries, torn Achilles [tendon], ruptures in my back, completely reconstructed shoulder. So I’ve been here before," Johnson said.

After mentioning needing an anti-inflammatory, he then pulled out a bottle of his tequila brand, Teremana, joking "I’ve tried them all [but] this might be my favorite anti-inflammatory, it’s called La Teremana" before taking a swig and adding, "I gotta tell you, even with all the advanced medicine out there, it feels better already."

His caption also made a cheeky reference to his tequila company, writing, "Functional medicine, holistic medicine, modern medicine - I’m an advocate for it all when we get banged up. But don’t sleep on the power of the ‘healing Teremana hooch.’"


In "The Smashing Machine," Johnson stars as MMA and UFC legend Mark Kerr.

Last month, a first look at Johnson in character as Kerr, with dark hair and facial prosthetics, was released on social media.

The film also stars his "Jungle Cruise" co-star Emily Blunt as Kerr’s wife, and it is written and directed by Benny Safdie. Johnson and Dany Garcia’s production company Seven Bucks is producing, alongside Safdie’s Out for the Count banner, Eli Bush and David Koplan, with studio A24 releasing the film in theaters at a yet to be determined date.

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