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Black Chicago voters signal shift towards Republicans ahead of DNC: ‘Much better for us as a nation'

Black voters in Chicago revealed their top concerns and who they might vote for in interviews with "Fox & Friends" co-host Lawrence Jones ahead of the DNC.

Black voters in Chicago revealed that crime and the economy are their most important issues heading into the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

"Fox & Friends" co-host Lawrence Jones spoke with church parishioners ahead of the 4-day Democratic National Convention in The Windy City and asked who they might cast their vote for this election cycle.

Corey Brooks, a senior pastor at the Beginnings Church of Chicago, told Jones that the commencement of the DNC in his city was a "bittersweet moment."

"I’m glad for the city of Chicago that we get to host a major convention. The bitter part of it is that I don’t agree with any of the principles and policies that they use don’t benefit our community," he said.


Brooks also urged voters to avoid "identity politics" and suggested that simply voting for a candidate based on their race and gender is "totally opposite of what we need to be doing."

Several Black voters told "Fox & Friends" that violence in Chicago, especially gun violence, is a top priority heading into the voting booth. Others mentioned the impact of inflation as a significant concern.

"The economy is a big question mark," one female Black voter said. "You go to the grocery store, you know, eggs, bread, just small items are large in price now."

Brooks noted that there has been a shift in his congregation in the larger community away from many of the policies touted by the Democratic Party.

"I believe that conservative principles are much better for us as a nation and for us as a people," one voter said.


He also claimed that the Republican Party is pro-education, pro-family and pro-business.

"I mean, come on. It’s time to do something a little bit different," the man said.

While some voters expressed their support for Vice President Kamala Harris, others said they were undecided and voiced discontent with both parties.

"I want to hear more about what [Harris] is going to do because being Black is one thing, but we have Black people to disappoint us. Being a woman is one thing, but we’ve had women disappoint us. So, I think the main thing is what is your platform," a female voter said.


The DNC is expected to draw an estimated 50,000 people to Chicago this week, including delegates, activists and journalists.

Harris is anticipated to formally accept her presidential nomination from the Democrats during the convention. 

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