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JESSE WATTERS: This is the Obama strategy - heavy on hope, light on action

Fox News host Jesse Watters highlights how Democrats have said littel to explain themselves from a policy standpoint on “Jesse Watters Primetime."

Fox News host Jesse Watters highlights how Democrats have said littel to explain themselves from a policy standpoint on "Jesse Watters Primetime."


JESSE WATTERS: Democrats are dusting off Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi for night three of the DNC, followed by Tim Waltz accepting the VP nomination, and he'll be delivering his speech in Mandarin. We'll also have a performance by Stevie Wonder and John Legend. Forget the popcorn; Carville is whipping out the Doritos.

This is the Obama strategy: Heavy on hope, light on action. A party focused on one man can't be focused on you. 

Kamala isn't in the building tonight, and she wasn't here last night to hear the Obamas. Biden, still very upset with Barack for staging the coup. So Kamala thought it'd make Biden even angrier if she snuggled up to Michelle on live TV

The Obamas delivered a powerful and persuasive argument last night, but anybody who bought it is oblivious to political reality. Their message last night was claim you're so virtuous you don't have to discuss your record or policies. The Democrats apparently have a monopoly on morality, and if you vote Republican, you're just a selfish and greedy ghoul. 

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