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SEAN HANNITY: The 'freedom and joy' party wants to take away your money

Fox News host Sean Hannity says Vice President Kamala Harris is in the midst of an identity crisis ahead of the 2024 presidential election on "Hannity."

Fox News host Sean Hannity calls out Vice President Kamala Harris' "wild flipping, flopping" and "flailing" on "Hannity." 

SEAN HANNITY: The "freedom and joy" party wants to take away your money to pay for college, health care, housing for illegals. They want to take away your money and your ability and choice to have your own health care plan.  


They want to pay for a $93 trillion New Green Deal that she co-sponsored in the Senate. You know, and now she's saying she completely changed her mind: "Alright, just for the sake of the campaign, I'll let you keep your private health insurance."

We hear the same message about the New Green Deal. She introduced both these bills in the Senate that she co-sponsored with Bernie Sanders, and her plan to ban fracking and offshore drilling: "Never mind. It's a campaign year, I can't run on what I really believe," and her promise to reimagine public safety, with fewer police, and defund and dismantle, no-bail laws.  

The list of wild flipping, flopping, flailing goes on and on, but we don't really know where Kamala stands. Kamala won't say what she believes. 

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