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Elton John, 77, shares that his two sons are concerned about his 'mortality'

Elton John, 77, shared in his new documentary that his two sons, Zachary, 13, and Elijah, 11, are concerned about his mortality, and want him around forever.

Elton John's new documentary sheds some light on his relationships with his two sons.

In the documentary "Elton John: Never Too Late," which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on Sept. 6, the singer discusses the concerns his two sons, Zachary, 13, and Elijah, 11, have about his "mortality."

"They think about my mortality. They worry about my mortality," he expressed in the documentary. "Not so much David, but me," he added, referencing David Furnish, his husband and the boys' other father.

The 77-year-old singer said he shares a close bond with his two sons and that they "love their daddy" and want nothing more than for him "to be around forever."


John's children are not the only ones who worry about him being around for the monumental moments of their lives, saying he "would love to be around forever," but knows that won't be the case.

"I want to see them have children and get married. I don't think I'm going to be around for that. Who knows? You never know. So that's why I want to use the best time – the best of my time – while I'm around," he adds. "Time together is so wonderful and so precious."

His mortality is perhaps at the forefront of his mind now more than ever, as the "I'm Still Standing" singer recently suffered an eye infection that left him with "limited vision" in one of his eyes.

He shared his struggle with the infection with his Instagram followers earlier this month, taking the time to thank the medical team who took care of him, and his family who supported him during the difficult time.


"Over the summer, I've been dealing with a severe eye infection that has unfortunately left me with only limited vision in one eye. I am healing, but it's an extremely slow process and it will take some time before sight returns to the impacted eye," he shared. "I have been quietly spending the summer recuperating at home, and am feeling positive about the progress I have made in my healing and recovery thus far."

The documentary follows John as he prepares for his final concert in North America during his Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour in November 2022, as he reflects on his decades-spanning career and all the highs and lows he experienced along the way.

Following the premiere of the documentary, John and Furnish participated in a Q&A, in which John explained the point of the movie for him is that "the truth should always be told." He went into detail about how hard it was for him to hide who he was and how much better his life got when he spoke his truth.

"It made me so unhappy and it was so stupid the amount of years that I lost by not telling the truth and by fooling myself," he said during the Q&A. "When I stopped fooling myself, obviously my life turned around."


"Elton John: Never Too Late" is set to release on Disney+ on Dec. 13.

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