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Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson praises Trump's defiance at assassination attempt: 'We wanted to see that'

Actor Dwayne Johnson was asked about his feelings regarding the assassination attempt against former President Trump at The Value Conference in Florida.

Actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson called the image of former President Trump standing up in the face of his assassination attempt a moment the country "wanted to see."

Johnson was a keynote speaker at The Value Conference last week in Florida where he was asked about his opinion regarding the assassination attempt, particularly since he had met Trump during his wrestling days.

"Whether you love Donald, don’t love Donald, it doesn’t matter. They tried to assassinate him. There’s no room for that. Despite it being who we were in that moment, I still believe in my core that is not who we are as a country. So him standing up at that moment, we wanted to see that," Johnson said.

He also mentioned how Trump was previously a fan of his who used to watch his fights in New York City.


"He used to come watch me wrestle all the time at Madison Square Garden. It was great. First time I saw him, he said ‘let me see the eyebrows,’" Johnson joked, referencing a popular meme regarding his eyebrow.

Johnson’s publicist declined to give any additional comment to Fox News Digital.

Though he had previously endorsed President Biden in 2020, Johnson told "Fox & Friends" host Will Cain in April that he regretted the division it caused and would not be endorsing a candidate this year.

"The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was what I thought was the best decision for me at that time," he said.

"Am I going to do that again this year? That answer's no. I'm not going to do that," he told Cain. "Because what I realized that what that caused back then was something that tears me up in my guts back then and now, which is division. And that got me."


"The takeaway after that months and months and months, I started to realize like, ‘Oh man, that caused an incredible amount of, division in our country.’ So I realize now going into this election, I'm not going to do that. I wouldn't do that because my goal is to bring our country together. I believe in that, in my DNA. So in the spirit of that, there's going to be no endorsement," he said.

"Not that I'm afraid of it at all, but it's just I realize that this level of influence —I'm gonna keep my politics to myself, and I think it's between me and the ballot box," he continued.


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