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nVent Announces 2020 Carrier of the Year Awards for North America

nVent Electric plc (NYSE:NVT) (“nVent”), a global leader in electrical connection and protection solutions, today announced its 2020 Carrier of the Year Award recipients for North America. The Carrier of the Year Awards recognize outstanding freight carriers that consistently exceed expectations to deliver nVent’s products to its customers.

The 2020 recipients are:

“Last year, as we adjusted to uncertainty due to COVID-19, we prioritized the health and safety of our employees, customers and partners, taking numerous actions to keep people and our facilities safe,” says Hillary Drake, nVent transportation manager. “Because we serve essential business and infrastructure customers, we worked to continue operations. Our Carriers of the Year carefully navigated many unprecedented challenges—such as rapidly-changing, local and state government directives—to make sure our customers received their orders safely, on time and in good condition. We are grateful for their dedication and partnership.”

nVent selected the recipients from its network of over 100 freight carriers. The recipients received their awards during individual virtual ceremonies.

About nVent

nVent is a leading global provider of electrical connection and protection solutions. We believe our inventive electrical solutions enable safer systems and ensure a more secure world. We design, manufacture, market, install and service high performance products and solutions that connect and protect some of the world's most sensitive equipment, buildings and critical processes. We offer a comprehensive range of enclosures, electrical connections and fastening and thermal management solutions across industry-leading brands that are recognized globally for quality, reliability and innovation. Our principal office is in London and our management office in the United States is in Minneapolis. Our robust portfolio of leading electrical product brands dates back more than 100 years and includes nVent CADDY, ERICO, HOFFMAN, RAYCHEM, SCHROFF and TRACER.

nVent, CADDY, ERICO, HOFFMAN, RAYCHEM, SCHROFF and TRACER are trademarks owned or licensed by nVent Services GmbH or its affiliates.


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