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Pennsylvania Window Replacement: Assistance Program Qualification Guide Released

Elevated Remodeling (800 672 8519) announces a new guide outlining how Pennsylvania homeowners can qualify for window replacement support through the state’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP).

-- Elevated Remodeling’s recently released guide aims to help Pennsylvania residents make informed, cost-effective decisions about improving their home's energy efficiency and reducing their energy costs through an accessible incentive program.

Those interested can find more details at:

The guide details how the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) can also help residents enhance their home's comfort and safety by resolving issues like air leaks and inadequate insulation, as well as increasing a property's overall value by addressing structural and energy-related concerns.

According to the guide, WAP is available to households with an annual income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, such as a single person earning no more than $30,120, or a family of four earning no more than $62,400. Priority is given to elderly individuals, those with disabilities, and families with children. Applicants must be Pennsylvania residents, and homes previously weatherized since September 30, 1993, are not eligible.

Elevated Remodeling recommends that those interested in applying for WAP first locate the agency serving their county on the Department of Community and Economic Development website. After contacting the agency, applicants will receive the necessary forms and instructions. Eligible applicants will be placed on a waitlist, and renters must secure landlord approval before any home improvements can begin.

To fully inform readers, Elevated Remodeling’s guide offers tips for submitting a successful application and outlines the steps following selection for weatherization services. For those unable to apply or whose applications are not approved, the guide also highlights other assistance programs, including the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Act 129 Energy Efficiency Programs.

In addition to its guide, Elevated Remodeling offers Pennsylvania residents a range of energy-efficient home improvement services, including replacement windows in a variety of styles. These include double-hung, slider, custom, and other types to suit different architectural tastes and needs.

“We pride ourselves on providing professional installation services,” a company representative says. “Our experienced team ensures that your windows are installed correctly, which is crucial for maximizing performance and minimizing issues such as air leaks.”

Further information about Elevated Remodeling’s services and resources is available at

Contact Info:
Name: Edward Robbins
Email: Send Email
Organization: Elevated Remodeling
Address: 1500 Casho Mill Rd Newark, Newark, DE 19711, United States

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 89154026

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